+ />
- diego.mello
10:00 AM
- diego.mello
10:00 AM
- diego.mello
- 10:00 AM
- Temp message
- diego.mello
- 10:00 AM
- Message being edited
- Message removed
- Has joined the channel
Room name changed
- Room name changed to: New name by diego.mello
Message pinned
- Message pinned
Has left the channel
- Has left the channel
User removed
- User rocket.cat removed by diego.mello
User added
- User rocket.cat added by diego.mello
User muted
- User rocket.cat muted by diego.mello
User unmuted
- User rocket.cat unmuted by diego.mello
Role added
- rocket.cat was set admin by diego.mello
Role removed
- rocket.cat is no longer admin by diego.mello
Changed description
- Room description changed to: new description by diego.mello
Changed announcement
- Room announcement changed to: new announcement by diego.mello
Changed topic
- Room topic changed to: new topic by diego.mello
Changed type
- Room type changed to: public by diego.mello
Custom style
- diego.mello
- 10:00 AM
- Message
Markdown emphasis
- diego.mello
- 10:00 AM
- Italic with single
- underscore
- or double
- underscores
- . Bold with single
- asterisk
- or double
- asterisks
- . Strikethrough with single
- Strikethrough
- or double
- Strikethrough
Markdown headers
- diego.mello
- 10:00 AM
- H1
- H2
- H3
- H4
- H5
- H6
Markdown links
- diego.mello
- 10:00 AM
- Support
- Google
- I\`m an inline-style link
- https://google.com
Markdown image
- diego.mello
- 10:00 AM
Markdown code
- diego.mello
- 10:00 AM
- Inline
- code
- has
- back-ticks around
- it.
- Code block
Markdown quote
- diego.mello
- 10:00 AM
- Quote
Markdown table
- diego.mello
- 10:00 AM
- First Header
- Second Header
- Content from cell 1
- Content from cell 2
- Content in the first column
- Content in the second column
- Click to see full table
diff --git a/android/app/build.gradle b/android/app/build.gradle
index 44b16c639..cacb3f5db 100644
--- a/android/app/build.gradle
+++ b/android/app/build.gradle
@@ -19,7 +19,9 @@ import com.android.build.OutputFile
* // the name of the generated asset file containing your JS bundle
* bundleAssetName: "index.android.bundle",
- * // the entry file for bundle generation
+ * // the entry file for bundle generation. If none specified and
+ * // "index.android.js" exists, it will be used. Otherwise "index.js" is
+ * // default. Can be overridden with ENTRY_FILE environment variable.
* entryFile: "index.android.js",
* // https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/performance#enable-the-ram-format
@@ -80,7 +82,6 @@ import com.android.build.OutputFile
project.ext.react = [
- entryFile: "index.js",
bundleAssetName: "app.bundle",
iconFontNames: [ 'custom.ttf' ],
enableHermes: true, // clean and rebuild if changing
@@ -141,6 +142,7 @@ android {
versionName "4.7.0"
vectorDrawables.useSupportLibrary = true
manifestPlaceholders = [BugsnagAPIKey: BugsnagAPIKey as String]
+ missingDimensionStrategy "RNNotifications.reactNativeVersion", "reactNative60" // See note below!
signingConfigs {
@@ -168,6 +170,14 @@ android {
signingConfig signingConfigs.release
+ packagingOptions {
+ pickFirst '**/armeabi-v7a/libc++_shared.so'
+ pickFirst '**/x86/libc++_shared.so'
+ pickFirst '**/arm64-v8a/libc++_shared.so'
+ pickFirst '**/x86_64/libc++_shared.so'
+ }
// applicationVariants are e.g. debug, release
applicationVariants.all { variant ->
variant.outputs.each { output ->
@@ -202,6 +212,7 @@ dependencies {
implementation project(":reactnativekeyboardinput")
implementation project(':@react-native-community_viewpager')
implementation fileTree(dir: "libs", include: ["*.jar"])
+ //noinspection GradleDynamicVersion
implementation "com.facebook.react:react-native:+" // From node_modules
implementation "com.google.firebase:firebase-messaging:18.0.0"
implementation "com.google.firebase:firebase-core:16.0.9"
@@ -209,6 +220,16 @@ dependencies {
implementation('com.crashlytics.sdk.android:crashlytics:2.9.9@aar') {
transitive = true
+ implementation "androidx.swiperefreshlayout:swiperefreshlayout:1.0.0"
+ debugImplementation("com.facebook.flipper:flipper:${FLIPPER_VERSION}") {
+ exclude group:'com.facebook.fbjni'
+ }
+ debugImplementation("com.facebook.flipper:flipper-network-plugin:${FLIPPER_VERSION}") {
+ exclude group:'com.facebook.flipper'
+ }
+ debugImplementation("com.facebook.flipper:flipper-fresco-plugin:${FLIPPER_VERSION}") {
+ exclude group:'com.facebook.flipper'
+ }
if (enableHermes) {
def hermesPath = "../../node_modules/hermes-engine/android/";
diff --git a/android/app/src/debug/java/chat/rocket/reactnative/ReactNativeFlipper.java b/android/app/src/debug/java/chat/rocket/reactnative/ReactNativeFlipper.java
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..07e08afd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/android/app/src/debug/java/chat/rocket/reactnative/ReactNativeFlipper.java
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+ * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the LICENSE file in the root
+ * directory of this source tree.
+ */
+package com.rndiffapp;
+import android.content.Context;
+import com.facebook.flipper.android.AndroidFlipperClient;
+import com.facebook.flipper.android.utils.FlipperUtils;
+import com.facebook.flipper.core.FlipperClient;
+import com.facebook.flipper.plugins.crashreporter.CrashReporterPlugin;
+import com.facebook.flipper.plugins.databases.DatabasesFlipperPlugin;
+import com.facebook.flipper.plugins.fresco.FrescoFlipperPlugin;
+import com.facebook.flipper.plugins.inspector.DescriptorMapping;
+import com.facebook.flipper.plugins.inspector.InspectorFlipperPlugin;
+import com.facebook.flipper.plugins.network.FlipperOkhttpInterceptor;
+import com.facebook.flipper.plugins.network.NetworkFlipperPlugin;
+import com.facebook.flipper.plugins.react.ReactFlipperPlugin;
+import com.facebook.flipper.plugins.sharedpreferences.SharedPreferencesFlipperPlugin;
+import com.facebook.react.ReactInstanceManager;
+import com.facebook.react.bridge.ReactContext;
+import com.facebook.react.modules.network.NetworkingModule;
+import okhttp3.OkHttpClient;
+public class ReactNativeFlipper {
+ public static void initializeFlipper(Context context, ReactInstanceManager reactInstanceManager) {
+ if (FlipperUtils.shouldEnableFlipper(context)) {
+ final FlipperClient client = AndroidFlipperClient.getInstance(context);
+ client.addPlugin(new InspectorFlipperPlugin(context, DescriptorMapping.withDefaults()));
+ client.addPlugin(new ReactFlipperPlugin());
+ client.addPlugin(new DatabasesFlipperPlugin(context));
+ client.addPlugin(new SharedPreferencesFlipperPlugin(context));
+ client.addPlugin(CrashReporterPlugin.getInstance());
+ NetworkFlipperPlugin networkFlipperPlugin = new NetworkFlipperPlugin();
+ NetworkingModule.setCustomClientBuilder(
+ new NetworkingModule.CustomClientBuilder() {
+ @Override
+ public void apply(OkHttpClient.Builder builder) {
+ builder.addNetworkInterceptor(new FlipperOkhttpInterceptor(networkFlipperPlugin));
+ }
+ });
+ client.addPlugin(networkFlipperPlugin);
+ client.start();
+ // Fresco Plugin needs to ensure that ImagePipelineFactory is initialized
+ // Hence we run if after all native modules have been initialized
+ ReactContext reactContext = reactInstanceManager.getCurrentReactContext();
+ if (reactContext == null) {
+ reactInstanceManager.addReactInstanceEventListener(
+ new ReactInstanceManager.ReactInstanceEventListener() {
+ @Override
+ public void onReactContextInitialized(ReactContext reactContext) {
+ reactInstanceManager.removeReactInstanceEventListener(this);
+ reactContext.runOnNativeModulesQueueThread(
+ new Runnable() {
+ @Override
+ public void run() {
+ client.addPlugin(new FrescoFlipperPlugin());
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ client.addPlugin(new FrescoFlipperPlugin());
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml b/android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
index 25f62f1b0..8130afc86 100644
--- a/android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
+++ b/android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
@@ -3,13 +3,13 @@
diff --git a/android/app/src/main/java/chat/rocket/reactnative/MainApplication.java b/android/app/src/main/java/chat/rocket/reactnative/MainApplication.java
index 2d1d5d22f..530a2a857 100644
--- a/android/app/src/main/java/chat/rocket/reactnative/MainApplication.java
+++ b/android/app/src/main/java/chat/rocket/reactnative/MainApplication.java
@@ -9,9 +9,11 @@ import com.facebook.react.PackageList;
import com.facebook.hermes.reactexecutor.HermesExecutorFactory;
import com.facebook.react.bridge.JavaScriptExecutorFactory;
import com.facebook.react.ReactApplication;
+import com.facebook.react.ReactInstanceManager;
import com.facebook.react.ReactNativeHost;
import com.facebook.react.ReactPackage;
import com.facebook.soloader.SoLoader;
+import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import chat.rocket.reactnative.generated.BasePackageList;
@@ -39,7 +41,7 @@ import java.util.List;
public class MainApplication extends Application implements ReactApplication, INotificationsApplication {
- private final ReactModuleRegistryProvider mModuleRegistryProvider = new ReactModuleRegistryProvider(new BasePackageList().getPackageList(), Arrays.asList());
+ private final ReactModuleRegistryProvider mModuleRegistryProvider = new ReactModuleRegistryProvider(new BasePackageList().getPackageList(), null);
private final ReactNativeHost mReactNativeHost = new ReactNativeHost(this) {
@@ -58,7 +60,11 @@ public class MainApplication extends Application implements ReactApplication, IN
packages.add(new RNNotificationsPackage(MainApplication.this));
packages.add(new WatermelonDBPackage());
packages.add(new RNCViewPagerPackage());
- packages.add(new ModuleRegistryAdapter(mModuleRegistryProvider));
+ // packages.add(new ModuleRegistryAdapter(mModuleRegistryProvider));
+ List unimodules = Arrays.asList(
+ new ModuleRegistryAdapter(mModuleRegistryProvider)
+ );
+ packages.addAll(unimodules);
return packages;
@@ -82,6 +88,38 @@ public class MainApplication extends Application implements ReactApplication, IN
public void onCreate() {
SoLoader.init(this, /* native exopackage */ false);
+ initializeFlipper(this, getReactNativeHost().getReactInstanceManager());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Loads Flipper in React Native templates. Call this in the onCreate method with something like
+ * initializeFlipper(this, getReactNativeHost().getReactInstanceManager());
+ *
+ * @param context
+ * @param reactInstanceManager
+ */
+ private static void initializeFlipper(
+ Context context, ReactInstanceManager reactInstanceManager) {
+ if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) {
+ try {
+ /*
+ We use reflection here to pick up the class that initializes Flipper,
+ since Flipper library is not available in release mode
+ */
+ Class> aClass = Class.forName("chat.rocket.reactnative");
+ aClass
+ .getMethod("initializeFlipper", Context.class, ReactInstanceManager.class)
+ .invoke(null, context, reactInstanceManager);
+ } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/android/app/src/main/java/chat/rocket/reactnative/generated/BasePackageList.java b/android/app/src/main/java/chat/rocket/reactnative/generated/BasePackageList.java
index 79b4ad22e..c242cc02f 100644
--- a/android/app/src/main/java/chat/rocket/reactnative/generated/BasePackageList.java
+++ b/android/app/src/main/java/chat/rocket/reactnative/generated/BasePackageList.java
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ public class BasePackageList {
new expo.modules.constants.ConstantsPackage(),
new expo.modules.filesystem.FileSystemPackage(),
new expo.modules.haptics.HapticsPackage(),
+ new expo.modules.imageloader.ImageLoaderPackage(),
new expo.modules.keepawake.KeepAwakePackage(),
new expo.modules.permissions.PermissionsPackage(),
new expo.modules.webbrowser.WebBrowserPackage()
diff --git a/android/build.gradle b/android/build.gradle
index aaef31e10..f1e95820c 100644
--- a/android/build.gradle
+++ b/android/build.gradle
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ buildscript {
dependencies {
- classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:3.4.2'
+ classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:3.5.2'
classpath 'com.google.gms:google-services:4.2.0'
classpath 'io.fabric.tools:gradle:1.28.1'
classpath 'com.google.firebase:perf-plugin:1.2.1'
@@ -42,16 +42,14 @@ allprojects {
maven {
- // We should change it when Jitsi-SDK release v2.4
- url("$rootDir/../node_modules/react-native-jitsi-meet/jitsi-sdk")
- // url "https://github.com/jitsi/jitsi-maven-repository/raw/master/releases"
+ url "https://github.com/jitsi/jitsi-maven-repository/raw/master/releases"
maven { url 'https://maven.google.com' }
- maven { url "https://jitpack.io" }
+ maven { url 'https://www.jitpack.io' }
@@ -64,6 +62,12 @@ subprojects { subproject ->
defaultConfig {
targetSdkVersion 28
+ variantFilter { variant ->
+ def names = variant.flavors*.name
+ if (names.contains("reactNative59")) {
+ setIgnore(true)
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/android/gradle.properties b/android/gradle.properties
index 2357aa650..a7df71591 100644
--- a/android/gradle.properties
+++ b/android/gradle.properties
@@ -19,7 +19,16 @@
# android.enableAapt2=false # commenting this makes notifications to stop working
# android.useDeprecatedNdk=true
org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx2048M -XX\:MaxHeapSize\=32g
+# AndroidX package structure to make it clearer which packages are bundled with the
+# Android operating system, and which are packaged with your app's APK
+# https://developer.android.com/topic/libraries/support-library/androidx-rn
+# Automatically convert third-party libraries to use AndroidX
+# Version of flipper SDK to use with React Native
+# App properties
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/android/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties b/android/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties
index 29e566ccd..e8758b6d5 100644
--- a/android/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties
+++ b/android/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/android/gradlew b/android/gradlew
index 5e37288d6..77564ddb2 100755
--- a/android/gradlew
+++ b/android/gradlew
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ APP_NAME="Gradle"
APP_BASE_NAME=`basename "$0"`
# Add default JVM options here. You can also use JAVA_OPTS and GRADLE_OPTS to pass JVM options to this script.
+DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS='"-Xmx64m" "-Xms64m"'
# Use the maximum available, or set MAX_FD != -1 to use that value.
@@ -125,8 +125,8 @@ if $darwin; then
GRADLE_OPTS="$GRADLE_OPTS \"-Xdock:name=$APP_NAME\" \"-Xdock:icon=$APP_HOME/media/gradle.icns\""
-# For Cygwin, switch paths to Windows format before running java
-if $cygwin ; then
+# For Cygwin or MSYS, switch paths to Windows format before running java
+if [ "$cygwin" = "true" -o "$msys" = "true" ] ; then
APP_HOME=`cygpath --path --mixed "$APP_HOME"`
CLASSPATH=`cygpath --path --mixed "$CLASSPATH"`
JAVACMD=`cygpath --unix "$JAVACMD"`
diff --git a/app/containers/MessageBox/index.js b/app/containers/MessageBox/index.js
index 19141af37..39e29dbc7 100644
--- a/app/containers/MessageBox/index.js
+++ b/app/containers/MessageBox/index.js
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ class MessageBox extends Component {
- componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
+ UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
const { isFocused, editing, replying } = this.props;
if (!isFocused()) {
@@ -306,9 +306,9 @@ class MessageBox extends Component {
if (!isTextEmpty) {
try {
- const { start, end } = this.component._lastNativeSelection;
+ const { start, end } = this.component?.lastNativeSelection;
const cursor = Math.max(start, end);
- const lastNativeText = this.component._lastNativeText || '';
+ const lastNativeText = this.component?.lastNativeText || '';
// matches if text either starts with '/' or have (@,#,:) then it groups whatever comes next of mention type
const regexp = /(#|@|:|^\/)([a-z0-9._-]+)$/im;
const result = lastNativeText.substr(0, cursor).match(regexp);
@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ class MessageBox extends Component {
const { trackingType } = this.state;
const msg = this.text;
- const { start, end } = this.component._lastNativeSelection;
+ const { start, end } = this.component?.lastNativeSelection;
const cursor = Math.max(start, end);
const regexp = /([a-z0-9._-]+)$/im;
const result = msg.substr(0, cursor).replace(regexp, '');
@@ -383,8 +383,8 @@ class MessageBox extends Component {
let newText = '';
// if messagebox has an active cursor
- if (this.component && this.component._lastNativeSelection) {
- const { start, end } = this.component._lastNativeSelection;
+ if (this.component?.lastNativeSelection) {
+ const { start, end } = this.component.lastNativeSelection;
const cursor = Math.max(start, end);
newText = `${ text.substr(0, cursor) }${ emoji }${ text.substr(cursor) }`;
} else {
diff --git a/app/lib/rocketchat.js b/app/lib/rocketchat.js
index 80fd29727..4ab0539df 100644
--- a/app/lib/rocketchat.js
+++ b/app/lib/rocketchat.js
@@ -378,44 +378,32 @@ const RocketChat = {
- try {
- return this.loginTOTP(params);
- } catch (error) {
- throw error;
- }
+ return this.loginTOTP(params);
async loginOAuthOrSso(params) {
- try {
- const result = await this.login(params);
- reduxStore.dispatch(loginRequest({ resume: result.token }));
- } catch (error) {
- throw error;
- }
+ const result = await this.login(params);
+ reduxStore.dispatch(loginRequest({ resume: result.token }));
async login(params) {
- try {
- const sdk = this.shareSDK || this.sdk;
- // RC 0.64.0
- await sdk.login(params);
- const { result } = sdk.currentLogin;
- const user = {
- id: result.userId,
- token: result.authToken,
- username: result.me.username,
- name: result.me.name,
- language: result.me.language,
- status: result.me.status,
- statusText: result.me.statusText,
- customFields: result.me.customFields,
- emails: result.me.emails,
- roles: result.me.roles
- };
- return user;
- } catch (e) {
- throw e;
- }
+ const sdk = this.shareSDK || this.sdk;
+ // RC 0.64.0
+ await sdk.login(params);
+ const { result } = sdk.currentLogin;
+ const user = {
+ id: result.userId,
+ token: result.authToken,
+ username: result.me.username,
+ name: result.me.name,
+ language: result.me.language,
+ status: result.me.status,
+ statusText: result.me.statusText,
+ customFields: result.me.customFields,
+ emails: result.me.emails,
+ roles: result.me.roles
+ };
+ return user;
diff --git a/app/notifications/inApp/index.js b/app/notifications/inApp/index.js
index 4062c1fc4..3862846a0 100644
--- a/app/notifications/inApp/index.js
+++ b/app/notifications/inApp/index.js
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import equal from 'deep-equal';
import { responsive } from 'react-native-responsive-ui';
import Touchable from 'react-native-platform-touchable';
-import { isNotch, isIOS, isTablet } from '../../utils/deviceInfo';
+import { hasNotch, isIOS, isTablet } from '../../utils/deviceInfo';
import { CustomIcon } from '../../lib/Icons';
import { themes } from '../../constants/colors';
import Avatar from '../../containers/Avatar';
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ class NotificationBadge extends React.Component {
if (isIOS) {
const portrait = window.height > window.width;
if (portrait) {
- top = isNotch ? 45 : 20;
+ top = hasNotch ? 45 : 20;
} else {
top = isTablet ? 20 : 0;
diff --git a/app/presentation/RoomItem/Touchable.js b/app/presentation/RoomItem/Touchable.js
index 5107a21da..d4a88c34f 100644
--- a/app/presentation/RoomItem/Touchable.js
+++ b/app/presentation/RoomItem/Touchable.js
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ class Touchable extends React.Component {
_handleRelease = (nativeEvent) => {
const { translationX } = nativeEvent;
const { rowState } = this.state;
- this._value = this._value + translationX;
+ this._value += translationX;
let toValue = 0;
if (rowState === 0) { // if no option is opened
diff --git a/app/share.js b/app/share.js
index 5ab50599a..8be11d629 100644
--- a/app/share.js
+++ b/app/share.js
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ import {
import Navigation from './lib/ShareNavigation';
import store from './lib/createStore';
import sharedStyles from './views/Styles';
-import { isNotch, supportSystemTheme } from './utils/deviceInfo';
+import { hasNotch, supportSystemTheme } from './utils/deviceInfo';
import { defaultHeader, onNavigationStateChange, cardStyle } from './utils/navigation';
import RocketChat, { THEME_PREFERENCES_KEY } from './lib/rocketchat';
import { ThemeContext } from './theme';
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ class Root extends React.Component {
return (
diff --git a/app/utils/deviceInfo.js b/app/utils/deviceInfo.js
index cc9236ab1..a7ba16794 100644
--- a/app/utils/deviceInfo.js
+++ b/app/utils/deviceInfo.js
@@ -3,9 +3,7 @@ import DeviceInfo from 'react-native-device-info';
import { MIN_WIDTH_SPLIT_LAYOUT } from '../constants/tablet';
-const NOTCH_DEVICES = ['iPhone X', 'iPhone XS', 'iPhone XS Max', 'iPhone XR'];
-export const isNotch = NOTCH_DEVICES.includes(DeviceInfo.getModel());
+export const hasNotch = DeviceInfo.hasNotch();
export const isIOS = Platform.OS === 'ios';
export const isAndroid = !isIOS;
export const getReadableVersion = DeviceInfo.getReadableVersion();
diff --git a/app/views/DefaultBrowserView.js b/app/views/DefaultBrowserView.js
index 8825ddce6..528d3d59a 100644
--- a/app/views/DefaultBrowserView.js
+++ b/app/views/DefaultBrowserView.js
@@ -69,13 +69,12 @@ class DefaultBrowserView extends React.Component {
theme: PropTypes.string
- state = {
- browser: null,
- supported: []
- }
constructor(props) {
+ this.state = {
+ browser: null,
+ supported: []
+ };
if (isIOS) {
diff --git a/app/views/LoginView.js b/app/views/LoginView.js
index 3d81b0f58..e209e058c 100644
--- a/app/views/LoginView.js
+++ b/app/views/LoginView.js
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ class LoginView extends React.Component {
- componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
+ UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
const { error } = this.props;
if (nextProps.failure && !equal(error, nextProps.error)) {
Alert.alert(I18n.t('Oops'), I18n.t('Login_error'));
diff --git a/app/views/ProfileView/index.js b/app/views/ProfileView/index.js
index b33f15bb2..4ca1ea4a7 100644
--- a/app/views/ProfileView/index.js
+++ b/app/views/ProfileView/index.js
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ class ProfileView extends React.Component {
- componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
+ UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
const { user } = this.props;
if (!equal(user, nextProps.user)) {
diff --git a/app/views/RoomView/List.js b/app/views/RoomView/List.js
index 8860b8de7..51240c7a0 100644
--- a/app/views/RoomView/List.js
+++ b/app/views/RoomView/List.js
@@ -27,11 +27,22 @@ class List extends React.Component {
t: PropTypes.string,
tmid: PropTypes.string,
theme: PropTypes.string,
+ loading: PropTypes.bool,
listRef: PropTypes.func,
hideSystemMessages: PropTypes.array,
navigation: PropTypes.object
+ // this.state.loading works for this.onEndReached and RoomView.init
+ static getDerivedStateFromProps(props, state) {
+ if (props.loading !== state.loading) {
+ return {
+ loading: props.loading
+ };
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
constructor(props) {
console.time(`${ this.constructor.name } init`);
@@ -116,16 +127,6 @@ class List extends React.Component {
- // this.state.loading works for this.onEndReached and RoomView.init
- static getDerivedStateFromProps(props, state) {
- if (props.loading !== state.loading) {
- return {
- loading: props.loading
- };
- }
- return null;
- }
shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {
const { loading, end, refreshing } = this.state;
const { hideSystemMessages, theme } = this.props;
diff --git a/app/views/RoomsListView/index.js b/app/views/RoomsListView/index.js
index bb95377ef..42ff5b3aa 100644
--- a/app/views/RoomsListView/index.js
+++ b/app/views/RoomsListView/index.js
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ class RoomsListView extends React.Component {
console.timeEnd(`${ this.constructor.name } mount`);
- componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
+ UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
const { loadingServer, searchText, server } = this.props;
if (nextProps.server && loadingServer !== nextProps.loadingServer) {
diff --git a/app/views/ShareListView/index.js b/app/views/ShareListView/index.js
index 55d00d71d..3deb9685f 100644
--- a/app/views/ShareListView/index.js
+++ b/app/views/ShareListView/index.js
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ class ShareListView extends React.Component {
}, 500);
- componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
+ UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
const { server } = this.props;
if (nextProps.server !== server) {
diff --git a/app/views/SidebarView/index.js b/app/views/SidebarView/index.js
index cad318486..25e81c4b5 100644
--- a/app/views/SidebarView/index.js
+++ b/app/views/SidebarView/index.js
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ class Sidebar extends Component {
- componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
+ UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
const { loadingServer } = this.props;
if (loadingServer && nextProps.loadingServer !== loadingServer) {
diff --git a/ios/Gemfile.lock b/ios/Gemfile.lock
index bf26b8f45..058d663b4 100644
--- a/ios/Gemfile.lock
+++ b/ios/Gemfile.lock
@@ -1,10 +1,26 @@
remote: https://rubygems.org/
- CFPropertyList (3.0.1)
+ CFPropertyList (3.0.2)
addressable (2.7.0)
public_suffix (>= 2.0.2, < 5.0)
atomos (0.1.3)
+ aws-eventstream (1.1.0)
+ aws-partitions (1.310.0)
+ aws-sdk-core (3.94.1)
+ aws-eventstream (~> 1, >= 1.0.2)
+ aws-partitions (~> 1, >= 1.239.0)
+ aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
+ jmespath (~> 1.0)
+ aws-sdk-kms (1.30.0)
+ aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.71.0)
+ aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
+ aws-sdk-s3 (1.63.1)
+ aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.83.0)
+ aws-sdk-kms (~> 1)
+ aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
+ aws-sigv4 (1.1.3)
+ aws-eventstream (~> 1.0, >= 1.0.2)
babosa (1.0.3)
claide (1.0.3)
colored (1.2)
@@ -13,13 +29,13 @@ GEM
highline (~> 1.7.2)
declarative (0.0.10)
declarative-option (0.1.0)
- digest-crc (0.4.1)
+ digest-crc (0.5.1)
domain_name (0.5.20190701)
unf (>= 0.0.5, < 1.0.0)
dotenv (2.7.5)
emoji_regex (1.0.1)
- excon (0.68.0)
- faraday (0.17.0)
+ excon (0.73.0)
+ faraday (0.17.3)
multipart-post (>= 1.2, < 3)
faraday-cookie_jar (0.0.6)
faraday (>= 0.7.4)
@@ -27,22 +43,23 @@ GEM
faraday_middleware (0.13.1)
faraday (>= 0.7.4, < 1.0)
fastimage (2.1.7)
- fastlane (2.134.0)
+ fastlane (2.146.1)
CFPropertyList (>= 2.3, < 4.0.0)
addressable (>= 2.3, < 3.0.0)
+ aws-sdk-s3 (~> 1.0)
babosa (>= 1.0.2, < 2.0.0)
bundler (>= 1.12.0, < 3.0.0)
commander-fastlane (>= 4.4.6, < 5.0.0)
dotenv (>= 2.1.1, < 3.0.0)
emoji_regex (>= 0.1, < 2.0)
- excon (>= 0.45.0, < 1.0.0)
+ excon (>= 0.71.0, < 1.0.0)
faraday (~> 0.17)
faraday-cookie_jar (~> 0.0.6)
faraday_middleware (~> 0.13.1)
fastimage (>= 2.1.0, < 3.0.0)
gh_inspector (>= 1.1.2, < 2.0.0)
- google-api-client (>= 0.21.2, < 0.24.0)
+ google-api-client (>= 0.29.2, < 0.37.0)
google-cloud-storage (>= 1.15.0, < 2.0.0)
highline (>= 1.7.2, < 2.0.0)
json (< 3.0.0)
@@ -61,51 +78,54 @@ GEM
tty-screen (>= 0.6.3, < 1.0.0)
tty-spinner (>= 0.8.0, < 1.0.0)
word_wrap (~> 1.0.0)
- xcodeproj (>= 1.8.1, < 2.0.0)
+ xcodeproj (>= 1.13.0, < 2.0.0)
xcpretty (~> 0.3.0)
xcpretty-travis-formatter (>= 0.0.3)
gh_inspector (1.1.3)
- google-api-client (0.23.9)
+ google-api-client (0.36.4)
addressable (~> 2.5, >= 2.5.1)
- googleauth (>= 0.5, < 0.7.0)
+ googleauth (~> 0.9)
httpclient (>= 2.8.1, < 3.0)
- mime-types (~> 3.0)
+ mini_mime (~> 1.0)
representable (~> 3.0)
retriable (>= 2.0, < 4.0)
- signet (~> 0.9)
- google-cloud-core (1.4.1)
+ signet (~> 0.12)
+ google-cloud-core (1.5.0)
google-cloud-env (~> 1.0)
- google-cloud-env (1.3.0)
- faraday (~> 0.11)
- google-cloud-storage (1.16.0)
+ google-cloud-errors (~> 1.0)
+ google-cloud-env (1.3.1)
+ faraday (>= 0.17.3, < 2.0)
+ google-cloud-errors (1.0.0)
+ google-cloud-storage (1.26.1)
+ addressable (~> 2.5)
digest-crc (~> 0.4)
- google-api-client (~> 0.23)
+ google-api-client (~> 0.33)
google-cloud-core (~> 1.2)
- googleauth (>= 0.6.2, < 0.10.0)
- googleauth (0.6.7)
- faraday (~> 0.12)
+ googleauth (~> 0.9)
+ mini_mime (~> 1.0)
+ googleauth (0.12.0)
+ faraday (>= 0.17.3, < 2.0)
jwt (>= 1.4, < 3.0)
memoist (~> 0.16)
multi_json (~> 1.11)
os (>= 0.9, < 2.0)
- signet (~> 0.7)
+ signet (~> 0.14)
highline (1.7.10)
http-cookie (1.0.3)
domain_name (~> 0.5)
httpclient (2.8.3)
- json (2.2.0)
+ jmespath (1.4.0)
+ json (2.3.0)
jwt (2.1.0)
- memoist (0.16.0)
- mime-types (3.3)
- mime-types-data (~> 3.2015)
- mime-types-data (3.2019.1009)
- mini_magick (4.9.5)
+ memoist (0.16.2)
+ mini_magick (4.10.1)
+ mini_mime (1.0.2)
multi_json (1.14.1)
multi_xml (0.6.0)
multipart-post (2.0.0)
nanaimo (0.2.6)
naturally (2.2.0)
- os (1.0.1)
+ os (1.1.0)
plist (3.5.0)
public_suffix (2.0.5)
representable (3.0.4)
@@ -116,29 +136,29 @@ GEM
rouge (2.0.7)
rubyzip (1.3.0)
security (0.1.3)
- signet (0.12.0)
+ signet (0.14.0)
addressable (~> 2.3)
- faraday (~> 0.9)
+ faraday (>= 0.17.3, < 2.0)
jwt (>= 1.5, < 3.0)
multi_json (~> 1.10)
- simctl (1.6.6)
+ simctl (1.6.8)
slack-notifier (2.3.2)
terminal-notifier (2.0.0)
terminal-table (1.8.0)
unicode-display_width (~> 1.1, >= 1.1.1)
- tty-cursor (0.7.0)
- tty-screen (0.7.0)
- tty-spinner (0.9.1)
+ tty-cursor (0.7.1)
+ tty-screen (0.7.1)
+ tty-spinner (0.9.3)
tty-cursor (~> 0.7)
uber (0.1.0)
unf (0.1.4)
- unf_ext (
- unicode-display_width (1.6.0)
+ unf_ext (
+ unicode-display_width (1.7.0)
word_wrap (1.0.0)
- xcodeproj (1.13.0)
+ xcodeproj (1.16.0)
CFPropertyList (>= 2.3.3, < 4.0)
atomos (~> 0.1.3)
claide (>= 1.0.2, < 2.0)
diff --git a/ios/Podfile b/ios/Podfile
index cb86d4ae6..e4572063e 100644
--- a/ios/Podfile
+++ b/ios/Podfile
@@ -1,7 +1,64 @@
-platform :ios, '10.0'
+platform :ios, '11.0'
require_relative '../node_modules/@react-native-community/cli-platform-ios/native_modules'
require_relative '../node_modules/react-native-unimodules/cocoapods.rb'
+def add_flipper_pods!(versions = {})
+ versions['Flipper'] ||= '~> 0.33.1'
+ versions['DoubleConversion'] ||= '1.1.7'
+ versions['Flipper-Folly'] ||= '~> 2.1'
+ versions['Flipper-Glog'] ||= '0.3.6'
+ versions['Flipper-PeerTalk'] ||= '~> 0.0.4'
+ versions['Flipper-RSocket'] ||= '~> 1.0'
+ pod 'FlipperKit', versions['Flipper'], :configuration => 'Debug'
+ pod 'FlipperKit/FlipperKitLayoutPlugin', versions['Flipper'], :configuration => 'Debug'
+ pod 'FlipperKit/SKIOSNetworkPlugin', versions['Flipper'], :configuration => 'Debug'
+ pod 'FlipperKit/FlipperKitUserDefaultsPlugin', versions['Flipper'], :configuration => 'Debug'
+ pod 'FlipperKit/FlipperKitReactPlugin', versions['Flipper'], :configuration => 'Debug'
+ # List all transitive dependencies for FlipperKit pods
+ # to avoid them being linked in Release builds
+ pod 'Flipper', versions['Flipper'], :configuration => 'Debug'
+ pod 'Flipper-DoubleConversion', versions['DoubleConversion'], :configuration => 'Debug'
+ pod 'Flipper-Folly', versions['Flipper-Folly'], :configuration => 'Debug'
+ pod 'Flipper-Glog', versions['Flipper-Glog'], :configuration => 'Debug'
+ pod 'Flipper-PeerTalk', versions['Flipper-PeerTalk'], :configuration => 'Debug'
+ pod 'Flipper-RSocket', versions['Flipper-RSocket'], :configuration => 'Debug'
+ pod 'FlipperKit/Core', versions['Flipper'], :configuration => 'Debug'
+ pod 'FlipperKit/CppBridge', versions['Flipper'], :configuration => 'Debug'
+ pod 'FlipperKit/FBCxxFollyDynamicConvert', versions['Flipper'], :configuration => 'Debug'
+ pod 'FlipperKit/FBDefines', versions['Flipper'], :configuration => 'Debug'
+ pod 'FlipperKit/FKPortForwarding', versions['Flipper'], :configuration => 'Debug'
+ pod 'FlipperKit/FlipperKitHighlightOverlay', versions['Flipper'], :configuration => 'Debug'
+ pod 'FlipperKit/FlipperKitLayoutTextSearchable', versions['Flipper'], :configuration => 'Debug'
+ pod 'FlipperKit/FlipperKitNetworkPlugin', versions['Flipper'], :configuration => 'Debug'
+# Post Install processing for Flipper
+def flipper_post_install(installer)
+ installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
+ if target.name == 'YogaKit'
+ target.build_configurations.each do |config|
+ config.build_settings['SWIFT_VERSION'] = '4.1'
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ file_name = Dir.glob("*.xcodeproj")[0]
+ app_project = Xcodeproj::Project.open(file_name)
+ app_project.native_targets.each do |target|
+ target.build_configurations.each do |config|
+ cflags = config.build_settings['OTHER_CFLAGS'] || '$(inherited) '
+ unless cflags.include? '-DFB_SONARKIT_ENABLED=1'
+ cflags << '-DFB_SONARKIT_ENABLED=1'
+ end
+ config.build_settings['OTHER_CFLAGS'] = cflags
+ end
+ app_project.save
+ end
+ installer.pods_project.save
target 'RocketChatRN' do
pod 'FBLazyVector', :path => "../node_modules/react-native/Libraries/FBLazyVector"
pod 'FBReactNativeSpec', :path => "../node_modules/react-native/Libraries/FBReactNativeSpec"
@@ -26,9 +83,9 @@ target 'RocketChatRN' do
pod 'React-jsi', :path => '../node_modules/react-native/ReactCommon/jsi'
pod 'React-jsiexecutor', :path => '../node_modules/react-native/ReactCommon/jsiexecutor'
pod 'React-jsinspector', :path => '../node_modules/react-native/ReactCommon/jsinspector'
- pod 'ReactCommon/jscallinvoker', :path => "../node_modules/react-native/ReactCommon"
+ pod 'ReactCommon/callinvoker', :path => "../node_modules/react-native/ReactCommon"
pod 'ReactCommon/turbomodule/core', :path => "../node_modules/react-native/ReactCommon"
- pod 'Yoga', :path => '../node_modules/react-native/ReactCommon/yoga'
+ pod 'Yoga', :path => '../node_modules/react-native/ReactCommon/yoga', :modular_headers => true
pod 'DoubleConversion', :podspec => '../node_modules/react-native/third-party-podspecs/DoubleConversion.podspec'
pod 'glog', :podspec => '../node_modules/react-native/third-party-podspecs/glog.podspec'
@@ -36,7 +93,6 @@ target 'RocketChatRN' do
target 'ShareRocketChatRN' do
@@ -63,9 +119,9 @@ target 'ShareRocketChatRN' do
pod 'React-jsi', :path => '../node_modules/react-native/ReactCommon/jsi'
pod 'React-jsiexecutor', :path => '../node_modules/react-native/ReactCommon/jsiexecutor'
pod 'React-jsinspector', :path => '../node_modules/react-native/ReactCommon/jsinspector'
- pod 'ReactCommon/jscallinvoker', :path => "../node_modules/react-native/ReactCommon"
+ pod 'ReactCommon/callinvoker', :path => "../node_modules/react-native/ReactCommon"
pod 'ReactCommon/turbomodule/core', :path => "../node_modules/react-native/ReactCommon"
- pod 'Yoga', :path => '../node_modules/react-native/ReactCommon/yoga'
+ pod 'Yoga', :path => '../node_modules/react-native/ReactCommon/yoga', :modular_headers => true
pod 'JitsiMeetSDK', :git => 'https://github.com/RocketChat/jitsi-meet-ios-sdk-releases.git'
@@ -76,10 +132,16 @@ target 'ShareRocketChatRN' do
+# Enables Flipper.
+# Note that if you have use_frameworks! enabled, Flipper will not work and
+# you should disable these next few lines.
post_install do |installer|
installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
target.build_configurations.each do |config|
config.build_settings['APPLICATION_EXTENSION_API_ONLY'] = 'NO'
+ flipper_post_install(installer)
diff --git a/ios/Podfile.lock b/ios/Podfile.lock
index 6b5c50ef3..91820319b 100644
--- a/ios/Podfile.lock
+++ b/ios/Podfile.lock
@@ -1,76 +1,124 @@
- boost-for-react-native (1.63.0)
- - BugsnagReactNative (2.23.2):
- - BugsnagReactNative/Core (= 2.23.2)
+ - BugsnagReactNative (2.23.7):
+ - BugsnagReactNative/Core (= 2.23.7)
- React
- - BugsnagReactNative/Core (2.23.2):
+ - BugsnagReactNative/Core (2.23.7):
- React
+ - CocoaAsyncSocket (7.6.4)
+ - CocoaLibEvent (1.0.0)
- Crashlytics (3.14.0):
- Fabric (~> 1.10.2)
- DoubleConversion (1.1.6)
- - EXAppLoaderProvider (6.0.0)
- - EXAV (6.0.0):
- - UMCore
- - UMPermissionsInterface
- - EXConstants (6.0.0):
- - UMConstantsInterface
- - UMCore
- - EXFileSystem (6.0.2):
+ - EXAV (8.1.0):
- UMCore
- UMFileSystemInterface
- - EXHaptics (6.0.0):
+ - UMPermissionsInterface
+ - EXConstants (9.0.0):
+ - UMConstantsInterface
- UMCore
+ - EXFileSystem (8.1.0):
+ - UMCore
+ - UMFileSystemInterface
+ - EXHaptics (8.1.0):
+ - UMCore
+ - EXImageLoader (1.0.1):
+ - React-Core
+ - UMCore
+ - UMImageLoaderInterface
- EXKeepAwake (8.1.0):
- UMCore
- - EXPermissions (6.0.0):
+ - EXPermissions (8.1.0):
- UMCore
- UMPermissionsInterface
- - EXWebBrowser (6.0.0):
+ - EXWebBrowser (8.2.1):
- UMCore
- Fabric (1.10.2)
- - FBLazyVector (0.61.5)
- - FBReactNativeSpec (0.61.5):
+ - FBLazyVector (0.62.2)
+ - FBReactNativeSpec (0.62.2):
- Folly (= 2018.10.22.00)
- - RCTRequired (= 0.61.5)
- - RCTTypeSafety (= 0.61.5)
- - React-Core (= 0.61.5)
- - React-jsi (= 0.61.5)
- - ReactCommon/turbomodule/core (= 0.61.5)
- - Firebase/Core (6.16.0):
+ - RCTRequired (= 0.62.2)
+ - RCTTypeSafety (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-Core (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-jsi (= 0.62.2)
+ - ReactCommon/turbomodule/core (= 0.62.2)
+ - Firebase/Core (6.24.0):
- Firebase/CoreOnly
- - FirebaseAnalytics (= 6.2.2)
- - Firebase/CoreOnly (6.16.0):
- - FirebaseCore (= 6.6.1)
- - FirebaseAnalytics (6.2.2):
- - FirebaseCore (~> 6.6)
- - FirebaseInstanceID (~> 4.3)
- - GoogleAppMeasurement (= 6.2.2)
+ - FirebaseAnalytics (= 6.5.0)
+ - Firebase/CoreOnly (6.24.0):
+ - FirebaseCore (= 6.7.0)
+ - FirebaseAnalytics (6.5.0):
+ - FirebaseCore (~> 6.7)
+ - FirebaseInstallations (~> 1.2)
+ - GoogleAppMeasurement (= 6.5.0)
- GoogleUtilities/AppDelegateSwizzler (~> 6.0)
- GoogleUtilities/MethodSwizzler (~> 6.0)
- GoogleUtilities/Network (~> 6.0)
- "GoogleUtilities/NSData+zlib (~> 6.0)"
- - nanopb (= 0.3.9011)
- - FirebaseCore (6.6.1):
- - FirebaseCoreDiagnostics (~> 1.2)
+ - nanopb (~> 1.30905.0)
+ - FirebaseCore (6.7.0):
+ - FirebaseCoreDiagnostics (~> 1.3)
- FirebaseCoreDiagnosticsInterop (~> 1.2)
- GoogleUtilities/Environment (~> 6.5)
- GoogleUtilities/Logger (~> 6.5)
- - FirebaseCoreDiagnostics (1.2.0):
+ - FirebaseCoreDiagnostics (1.3.0):
- FirebaseCoreDiagnosticsInterop (~> 1.2)
- - GoogleDataTransportCCTSupport (~> 1.3)
+ - GoogleDataTransportCCTSupport (~> 3.1)
- GoogleUtilities/Environment (~> 6.5)
- GoogleUtilities/Logger (~> 6.5)
- - nanopb (~> 0.3.901)
+ - nanopb (~> 1.30905.0)
- FirebaseCoreDiagnosticsInterop (1.2.0)
- - FirebaseInstallations (1.1.0):
+ - FirebaseInstallations (1.2.0):
- FirebaseCore (~> 6.6)
- - GoogleUtilities/UserDefaults (~> 6.5)
+ - GoogleUtilities/Environment (~> 6.6)
+ - GoogleUtilities/UserDefaults (~> 6.6)
- PromisesObjC (~> 1.2)
- - FirebaseInstanceID (4.3.0):
- - FirebaseCore (~> 6.6)
- - FirebaseInstallations (~> 1.0)
- - GoogleUtilities/Environment (~> 6.5)
- - GoogleUtilities/UserDefaults (~> 6.5)
+ - Flipper (0.33.1):
+ - Flipper-Folly (~> 2.1)
+ - Flipper-RSocket (~> 1.0)
+ - Flipper-DoubleConversion (1.1.7)
+ - Flipper-Folly (2.2.0):
+ - boost-for-react-native
+ - CocoaLibEvent (~> 1.0)
+ - Flipper-DoubleConversion
+ - Flipper-Glog
+ - OpenSSL-Universal (=
+ - Flipper-Glog (0.3.6)
+ - Flipper-PeerTalk (0.0.4)
+ - Flipper-RSocket (1.1.0):
+ - Flipper-Folly (~> 2.2)
+ - FlipperKit (0.33.1):
+ - FlipperKit/Core (= 0.33.1)
+ - FlipperKit/Core (0.33.1):
+ - Flipper (~> 0.33.1)
+ - FlipperKit/CppBridge
+ - FlipperKit/FBCxxFollyDynamicConvert
+ - FlipperKit/FBDefines
+ - FlipperKit/FKPortForwarding
+ - FlipperKit/CppBridge (0.33.1):
+ - Flipper (~> 0.33.1)
+ - FlipperKit/FBCxxFollyDynamicConvert (0.33.1):
+ - Flipper-Folly (~> 2.1)
+ - FlipperKit/FBDefines (0.33.1)
+ - FlipperKit/FKPortForwarding (0.33.1):
+ - CocoaAsyncSocket (~> 7.6)
+ - Flipper-PeerTalk (~> 0.0.4)
+ - FlipperKit/FlipperKitHighlightOverlay (0.33.1)
+ - FlipperKit/FlipperKitLayoutPlugin (0.33.1):
+ - FlipperKit/Core
+ - FlipperKit/FlipperKitHighlightOverlay
+ - FlipperKit/FlipperKitLayoutTextSearchable
+ - YogaKit (~> 1.18)
+ - FlipperKit/FlipperKitLayoutTextSearchable (0.33.1)
+ - FlipperKit/FlipperKitNetworkPlugin (0.33.1):
+ - FlipperKit/Core
+ - FlipperKit/FlipperKitReactPlugin (0.33.1):
+ - FlipperKit/Core
+ - FlipperKit/FlipperKitUserDefaultsPlugin (0.33.1):
+ - FlipperKit/Core
+ - FlipperKit/SKIOSNetworkPlugin (0.33.1):
+ - FlipperKit/Core
+ - FlipperKit/FlipperKitNetworkPlugin
- Folly (2018.10.22.00):
- boost-for-react-native
- DoubleConversion
@@ -81,35 +129,36 @@ PODS:
- DoubleConversion
- glog
- glog (0.3.5)
- - GoogleAppMeasurement (6.2.2):
+ - GoogleAppMeasurement (6.5.0):
- GoogleUtilities/AppDelegateSwizzler (~> 6.0)
- GoogleUtilities/MethodSwizzler (~> 6.0)
- GoogleUtilities/Network (~> 6.0)
- "GoogleUtilities/NSData+zlib (~> 6.0)"
- - nanopb (= 0.3.9011)
- - GoogleDataTransport (3.3.1)
- - GoogleDataTransportCCTSupport (1.3.1):
- - GoogleDataTransport (~> 3.3)
- - nanopb (~> 0.3.901)
- - GoogleUtilities/AppDelegateSwizzler (6.5.1):
+ - nanopb (~> 1.30905.0)
+ - GoogleDataTransport (6.1.0)
+ - GoogleDataTransportCCTSupport (3.1.0):
+ - GoogleDataTransport (~> 6.1)
+ - nanopb (~> 1.30905.0)
+ - GoogleUtilities/AppDelegateSwizzler (6.6.0):
- GoogleUtilities/Environment
- GoogleUtilities/Logger
- GoogleUtilities/Network
- - GoogleUtilities/Environment (6.5.1)
- - GoogleUtilities/Logger (6.5.1):
+ - GoogleUtilities/Environment (6.6.0):
+ - PromisesObjC (~> 1.2)
+ - GoogleUtilities/Logger (6.6.0):
- GoogleUtilities/Environment
- - GoogleUtilities/MethodSwizzler (6.5.1):
+ - GoogleUtilities/MethodSwizzler (6.6.0):
- GoogleUtilities/Logger
- - GoogleUtilities/Network (6.5.1):
+ - GoogleUtilities/Network (6.6.0):
- GoogleUtilities/Logger
- "GoogleUtilities/NSData+zlib"
- GoogleUtilities/Reachability
- - "GoogleUtilities/NSData+zlib (6.5.1)"
- - GoogleUtilities/Reachability (6.5.1):
+ - "GoogleUtilities/NSData+zlib (6.6.0)"
+ - GoogleUtilities/Reachability (6.6.0):
- GoogleUtilities/Logger
- - GoogleUtilities/UserDefaults (6.5.1):
+ - GoogleUtilities/UserDefaults (6.6.0):
- GoogleUtilities/Logger
- - JitsiMeetSDK (2.4.0)
+ - JitsiMeetSDK (2.8.1)
- KeyCommands (2.0.3):
- React
- libwebp (1.1.0):
@@ -121,320 +170,370 @@ PODS:
- libwebp/mux (1.1.0):
- libwebp/demux
- libwebp/webp (1.1.0)
- - nanopb (0.3.9011):
- - nanopb/decode (= 0.3.9011)
- - nanopb/encode (= 0.3.9011)
- - nanopb/decode (0.3.9011)
- - nanopb/encode (0.3.9011)
+ - nanopb (1.30905.0):
+ - nanopb/decode (= 1.30905.0)
+ - nanopb/encode (= 1.30905.0)
+ - nanopb/decode (1.30905.0)
+ - nanopb/encode (1.30905.0)
+ - OpenSSL-Universal (
+ - OpenSSL-Universal/Static (=
+ - OpenSSL-Universal/Static (
- PromisesObjC (1.2.8)
- - RCTRequired (0.61.5)
- - RCTTypeSafety (0.61.5):
- - FBLazyVector (= 0.61.5)
+ - RCTRequired (0.62.2)
+ - RCTTypeSafety (0.62.2):
+ - FBLazyVector (= 0.62.2)
- Folly (= 2018.10.22.00)
- - RCTRequired (= 0.61.5)
- - React-Core (= 0.61.5)
- - React (0.61.5):
- - React-Core (= 0.61.5)
- - React-Core/DevSupport (= 0.61.5)
- - React-Core/RCTWebSocket (= 0.61.5)
- - React-RCTActionSheet (= 0.61.5)
- - React-RCTAnimation (= 0.61.5)
- - React-RCTBlob (= 0.61.5)
- - React-RCTImage (= 0.61.5)
- - React-RCTLinking (= 0.61.5)
- - React-RCTNetwork (= 0.61.5)
- - React-RCTSettings (= 0.61.5)
- - React-RCTText (= 0.61.5)
- - React-RCTVibration (= 0.61.5)
- - React-Core (0.61.5):
+ - RCTRequired (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-Core (= 0.62.2)
+ - React (0.62.2):
+ - React-Core (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-Core/DevSupport (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-Core/RCTWebSocket (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-RCTActionSheet (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-RCTAnimation (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-RCTBlob (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-RCTImage (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-RCTLinking (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-RCTNetwork (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-RCTSettings (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-RCTText (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-RCTVibration (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-Core (0.62.2):
- Folly (= 2018.10.22.00)
- glog
- - React-Core/Default (= 0.61.5)
- - React-cxxreact (= 0.61.5)
- - React-jsi (= 0.61.5)
- - React-jsiexecutor (= 0.61.5)
+ - React-Core/Default (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-cxxreact (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-jsi (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-jsiexecutor (= 0.62.2)
- Yoga
- - React-Core/CoreModulesHeaders (0.61.5):
+ - React-Core/CoreModulesHeaders (0.62.2):
- Folly (= 2018.10.22.00)
- glog
- React-Core/Default
- - React-cxxreact (= 0.61.5)
- - React-jsi (= 0.61.5)
- - React-jsiexecutor (= 0.61.5)
+ - React-cxxreact (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-jsi (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-jsiexecutor (= 0.62.2)
- Yoga
- - React-Core/Default (0.61.5):
+ - React-Core/Default (0.62.2):
- Folly (= 2018.10.22.00)
- glog
- - React-cxxreact (= 0.61.5)
- - React-jsi (= 0.61.5)
- - React-jsiexecutor (= 0.61.5)
+ - React-cxxreact (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-jsi (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-jsiexecutor (= 0.62.2)
- Yoga
- - React-Core/DevSupport (0.61.5):
+ - React-Core/DevSupport (0.62.2):
- Folly (= 2018.10.22.00)
- glog
- - React-Core/Default (= 0.61.5)
- - React-Core/RCTWebSocket (= 0.61.5)
- - React-cxxreact (= 0.61.5)
- - React-jsi (= 0.61.5)
- - React-jsiexecutor (= 0.61.5)
- - React-jsinspector (= 0.61.5)
+ - React-Core/Default (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-Core/RCTWebSocket (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-cxxreact (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-jsi (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-jsiexecutor (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-jsinspector (= 0.62.2)
- Yoga
- - React-Core/RCTActionSheetHeaders (0.61.5):
+ - React-Core/RCTActionSheetHeaders (0.62.2):
- Folly (= 2018.10.22.00)
- glog
- React-Core/Default
- - React-cxxreact (= 0.61.5)
- - React-jsi (= 0.61.5)
- - React-jsiexecutor (= 0.61.5)
+ - React-cxxreact (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-jsi (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-jsiexecutor (= 0.62.2)
- Yoga
- - React-Core/RCTAnimationHeaders (0.61.5):
+ - React-Core/RCTAnimationHeaders (0.62.2):
- Folly (= 2018.10.22.00)
- glog
- React-Core/Default
- - React-cxxreact (= 0.61.5)
- - React-jsi (= 0.61.5)
- - React-jsiexecutor (= 0.61.5)
+ - React-cxxreact (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-jsi (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-jsiexecutor (= 0.62.2)
- Yoga
- - React-Core/RCTBlobHeaders (0.61.5):
+ - React-Core/RCTBlobHeaders (0.62.2):
- Folly (= 2018.10.22.00)
- glog
- React-Core/Default
- - React-cxxreact (= 0.61.5)
- - React-jsi (= 0.61.5)
- - React-jsiexecutor (= 0.61.5)
+ - React-cxxreact (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-jsi (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-jsiexecutor (= 0.62.2)
- Yoga
- - React-Core/RCTImageHeaders (0.61.5):
+ - React-Core/RCTImageHeaders (0.62.2):
- Folly (= 2018.10.22.00)
- glog
- React-Core/Default
- - React-cxxreact (= 0.61.5)
- - React-jsi (= 0.61.5)
- - React-jsiexecutor (= 0.61.5)
+ - React-cxxreact (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-jsi (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-jsiexecutor (= 0.62.2)
- Yoga
- - React-Core/RCTLinkingHeaders (0.61.5):
+ - React-Core/RCTLinkingHeaders (0.62.2):
- Folly (= 2018.10.22.00)
- glog
- React-Core/Default
- - React-cxxreact (= 0.61.5)
- - React-jsi (= 0.61.5)
- - React-jsiexecutor (= 0.61.5)
+ - React-cxxreact (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-jsi (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-jsiexecutor (= 0.62.2)
- Yoga
- - React-Core/RCTNetworkHeaders (0.61.5):
+ - React-Core/RCTNetworkHeaders (0.62.2):
- Folly (= 2018.10.22.00)
- glog
- React-Core/Default
- - React-cxxreact (= 0.61.5)
- - React-jsi (= 0.61.5)
- - React-jsiexecutor (= 0.61.5)
+ - React-cxxreact (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-jsi (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-jsiexecutor (= 0.62.2)
- Yoga
- - React-Core/RCTSettingsHeaders (0.61.5):
+ - React-Core/RCTSettingsHeaders (0.62.2):
- Folly (= 2018.10.22.00)
- glog
- React-Core/Default
- - React-cxxreact (= 0.61.5)
- - React-jsi (= 0.61.5)
- - React-jsiexecutor (= 0.61.5)
+ - React-cxxreact (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-jsi (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-jsiexecutor (= 0.62.2)
- Yoga
- - React-Core/RCTTextHeaders (0.61.5):
+ - React-Core/RCTTextHeaders (0.62.2):
- Folly (= 2018.10.22.00)
- glog
- React-Core/Default
- - React-cxxreact (= 0.61.5)
- - React-jsi (= 0.61.5)
- - React-jsiexecutor (= 0.61.5)
+ - React-cxxreact (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-jsi (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-jsiexecutor (= 0.62.2)
- Yoga
- - React-Core/RCTVibrationHeaders (0.61.5):
+ - React-Core/RCTVibrationHeaders (0.62.2):
- Folly (= 2018.10.22.00)
- glog
- React-Core/Default
- - React-cxxreact (= 0.61.5)
- - React-jsi (= 0.61.5)
- - React-jsiexecutor (= 0.61.5)
+ - React-cxxreact (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-jsi (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-jsiexecutor (= 0.62.2)
- Yoga
- - React-Core/RCTWebSocket (0.61.5):
+ - React-Core/RCTWebSocket (0.62.2):
- Folly (= 2018.10.22.00)
- glog
- - React-Core/Default (= 0.61.5)
- - React-cxxreact (= 0.61.5)
- - React-jsi (= 0.61.5)
- - React-jsiexecutor (= 0.61.5)
+ - React-Core/Default (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-cxxreact (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-jsi (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-jsiexecutor (= 0.62.2)
- Yoga
- - React-CoreModules (0.61.5):
- - FBReactNativeSpec (= 0.61.5)
+ - React-CoreModules (0.62.2):
+ - FBReactNativeSpec (= 0.62.2)
- Folly (= 2018.10.22.00)
- - RCTTypeSafety (= 0.61.5)
- - React-Core/CoreModulesHeaders (= 0.61.5)
- - React-RCTImage (= 0.61.5)
- - ReactCommon/turbomodule/core (= 0.61.5)
- - React-cxxreact (0.61.5):
+ - RCTTypeSafety (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-Core/CoreModulesHeaders (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-RCTImage (= 0.62.2)
+ - ReactCommon/turbomodule/core (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-cxxreact (0.62.2):
- boost-for-react-native (= 1.63.0)
- DoubleConversion
- Folly (= 2018.10.22.00)
- glog
- - React-jsinspector (= 0.61.5)
- - React-jsi (0.61.5):
+ - React-jsinspector (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-jsi (0.62.2):
- boost-for-react-native (= 1.63.0)
- DoubleConversion
- Folly (= 2018.10.22.00)
- glog
- - React-jsi/Default (= 0.61.5)
- - React-jsi/Default (0.61.5):
+ - React-jsi/Default (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-jsi/Default (0.62.2):
- boost-for-react-native (= 1.63.0)
- DoubleConversion
- Folly (= 2018.10.22.00)
- glog
- - React-jsiexecutor (0.61.5):
+ - React-jsiexecutor (0.62.2):
- DoubleConversion
- Folly (= 2018.10.22.00)
- glog
- - React-cxxreact (= 0.61.5)
- - React-jsi (= 0.61.5)
- - React-jsinspector (0.61.5)
- - react-native-appearance (0.3.1):
+ - React-cxxreact (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-jsi (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-jsinspector (0.62.2)
+ - react-native-appearance (0.3.4):
- React
- - react-native-background-timer (2.1.1):
+ - react-native-background-timer (2.2.0):
- React
- - react-native-cameraroll (1.3.0):
+ - react-native-cameraroll (1.6.0):
- React
- - react-native-document-picker (3.2.4):
+ - react-native-document-picker (3.3.3):
- React
- - react-native-jitsi-meet (2.1.0):
- - JitsiMeetSDK
+ - react-native-jitsi-meet (2.1.1):
+ - JitsiMeetSDK (= 2.8.1)
- React
- - react-native-keyboard-input (5.4.1):
+ - react-native-notifications (2.1.7):
- React
- - react-native-keyboard-tracking-view (5.6.1):
+ - react-native-orientation-locker (1.1.8):
- React
- - react-native-notifications (2.0.6):
+ - react-native-slider (2.0.9):
- React
- - react-native-orientation-locker (1.1.6):
+ - react-native-webview (9.4.0):
- React
- - react-native-slider (2.0.5):
- - React
- - react-native-webview (7.5.1):
- - React
- - React-RCTActionSheet (0.61.5):
- - React-Core/RCTActionSheetHeaders (= 0.61.5)
- - React-RCTAnimation (0.61.5):
- - React-Core/RCTAnimationHeaders (= 0.61.5)
- - React-RCTBlob (0.61.5):
- - React-Core/RCTBlobHeaders (= 0.61.5)
- - React-Core/RCTWebSocket (= 0.61.5)
- - React-jsi (= 0.61.5)
- - React-RCTNetwork (= 0.61.5)
- - React-RCTImage (0.61.5):
- - React-Core/RCTImageHeaders (= 0.61.5)
- - React-RCTNetwork (= 0.61.5)
- - React-RCTLinking (0.61.5):
- - React-Core/RCTLinkingHeaders (= 0.61.5)
- - React-RCTNetwork (0.61.5):
- - React-Core/RCTNetworkHeaders (= 0.61.5)
- - React-RCTSettings (0.61.5):
- - React-Core/RCTSettingsHeaders (= 0.61.5)
- - React-RCTText (0.61.5):
- - React-Core/RCTTextHeaders (= 0.61.5)
- - React-RCTVibration (0.61.5):
- - React-Core/RCTVibrationHeaders (= 0.61.5)
- - ReactCommon/jscallinvoker (0.61.5):
+ - React-RCTActionSheet (0.62.2):
+ - React-Core/RCTActionSheetHeaders (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-RCTAnimation (0.62.2):
+ - FBReactNativeSpec (= 0.62.2)
+ - Folly (= 2018.10.22.00)
+ - RCTTypeSafety (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-Core/RCTAnimationHeaders (= 0.62.2)
+ - ReactCommon/turbomodule/core (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-RCTBlob (0.62.2):
+ - FBReactNativeSpec (= 0.62.2)
+ - Folly (= 2018.10.22.00)
+ - React-Core/RCTBlobHeaders (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-Core/RCTWebSocket (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-jsi (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-RCTNetwork (= 0.62.2)
+ - ReactCommon/turbomodule/core (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-RCTImage (0.62.2):
+ - FBReactNativeSpec (= 0.62.2)
+ - Folly (= 2018.10.22.00)
+ - RCTTypeSafety (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-Core/RCTImageHeaders (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-RCTNetwork (= 0.62.2)
+ - ReactCommon/turbomodule/core (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-RCTLinking (0.62.2):
+ - FBReactNativeSpec (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-Core/RCTLinkingHeaders (= 0.62.2)
+ - ReactCommon/turbomodule/core (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-RCTNetwork (0.62.2):
+ - FBReactNativeSpec (= 0.62.2)
+ - Folly (= 2018.10.22.00)
+ - RCTTypeSafety (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-Core/RCTNetworkHeaders (= 0.62.2)
+ - ReactCommon/turbomodule/core (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-RCTSettings (0.62.2):
+ - FBReactNativeSpec (= 0.62.2)
+ - Folly (= 2018.10.22.00)
+ - RCTTypeSafety (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-Core/RCTSettingsHeaders (= 0.62.2)
+ - ReactCommon/turbomodule/core (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-RCTText (0.62.2):
+ - React-Core/RCTTextHeaders (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-RCTVibration (0.62.2):
+ - FBReactNativeSpec (= 0.62.2)
+ - Folly (= 2018.10.22.00)
+ - React-Core/RCTVibrationHeaders (= 0.62.2)
+ - ReactCommon/turbomodule/core (= 0.62.2)
+ - ReactCommon/callinvoker (0.62.2):
- DoubleConversion
- Folly (= 2018.10.22.00)
- glog
- - React-cxxreact (= 0.61.5)
- - ReactCommon/turbomodule/core (0.61.5):
+ - React-cxxreact (= 0.62.2)
+ - ReactCommon/turbomodule/core (0.62.2):
- DoubleConversion
- Folly (= 2018.10.22.00)
- glog
- - React-Core (= 0.61.5)
- - React-cxxreact (= 0.61.5)
- - React-jsi (= 0.61.5)
- - ReactCommon/jscallinvoker (= 0.61.5)
- - ReactNativeART (1.0.4):
+ - React-Core (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-cxxreact (= 0.62.2)
+ - React-jsi (= 0.62.2)
+ - ReactCommon/callinvoker (= 0.62.2)
+ - ReactNativeART (1.2.0):
+ - React
+ - ReactNativeKeyboardInput (6.0.0):
+ - React
+ - ReactNativeKeyboardTrackingView (5.7.0):
- React
- rn-extensions-share (2.3.10):
- React
- - rn-fetch-blob (0.11.2):
+ - rn-fetch-blob (0.12.0):
- React-Core
- RNAudio (4.3.0):
- React
- - RNBootSplash (2.1.0):
+ - RNBootSplash (2.2.4):
- React
- - RNDateTimePicker (2.1.0):
+ - RNDateTimePicker (2.3.2):
- React
- - RNDeviceInfo (2.3.2):
+ - RNDeviceInfo (5.5.7):
- React
- - RNFastImage (7.0.2):
+ - RNFastImage (8.1.5):
- React
- SDWebImage (~> 5.0)
- - SDWebImageWebPCoder (~> 0.2.3)
- - RNFirebase (5.5.6):
+ - SDWebImageWebPCoder (~> 0.4.1)
+ - RNFirebase (5.6.0):
- Firebase/Core
- React
- - RNFirebase/Crashlytics (= 5.5.6)
- - RNFirebase/Crashlytics (5.5.6):
+ - RNFirebase/Crashlytics (= 5.6.0)
+ - RNFirebase/Crashlytics (5.6.0):
- Crashlytics
- Fabric
- Firebase/Core
- React
- - RNGestureHandler (1.5.0):
+ - RNGestureHandler (1.6.1):
- React
- - RNImageCropPicker (0.28.0):
+ - RNImageCropPicker (0.30.0):
- React-Core
- React-RCTImage
- - RNImageCropPicker/QBImagePickerController (= 0.28.0)
+ - RNImageCropPicker/QBImagePickerController (= 0.30.0)
- RSKImageCropper
- - RNImageCropPicker/QBImagePickerController (0.28.0):
+ - RNImageCropPicker/QBImagePickerController (0.30.0):
- React-Core
- React-RCTImage
- RSKImageCropper
- - RNLocalize (1.3.1):
+ - RNLocalize (1.4.0):
- React
- - RNReanimated (1.4.0):
+ - RNReanimated (1.8.0):
- React
- RNRootView (1.0.3):
- React
- - RNScreens (2.0.0-alpha.3):
+ - RNScreens (2.7.0):
- React
- RNUserDefaults (1.8.1):
- React
- RNVectorIcons (6.6.0):
- React
- RSKImageCropper (2.2.3)
- - SDWebImage (5.5.2):
- - SDWebImage/Core (= 5.5.2)
- - SDWebImage/Core (5.5.2)
- - SDWebImageWebPCoder (0.2.5):
+ - SDWebImage (5.7.4):
+ - SDWebImage/Core (= 5.7.4)
+ - SDWebImage/Core (5.7.4)
+ - SDWebImageWebPCoder (0.4.1):
- libwebp (~> 1.0)
- - SDWebImage/Core (~> 5.0)
- - UMBarCodeScannerInterface (3.0.0)
- - UMCameraInterface (3.0.0)
- - UMConstantsInterface (3.0.0)
- - UMCore (3.0.2)
- - UMFaceDetectorInterface (3.0.0)
- - UMFileSystemInterface (3.0.0)
- - UMFontInterface (3.0.0)
- - UMImageLoaderInterface (3.0.0)
- - UMPermissionsInterface (3.0.0)
- - UMReactNativeAdapter (3.0.0):
- - React
+ - SDWebImage/Core (~> 5.5)
+ - UMAppLoader (1.0.2)
+ - UMBarCodeScannerInterface (5.1.0)
+ - UMCameraInterface (5.1.0)
+ - UMConstantsInterface (5.1.0)
+ - UMCore (5.1.2)
+ - UMFaceDetectorInterface (5.1.0)
+ - UMFileSystemInterface (5.1.0)
+ - UMFontInterface (5.1.0)
+ - UMImageLoaderInterface (5.1.0)
+ - UMPermissionsInterface (5.1.0):
+ - UMCore
+ - UMReactNativeAdapter (5.2.0):
+ - React-Core
- UMCore
- UMFontInterface
- - UMSensorsInterface (3.0.0)
- - UMTaskManagerInterface (3.0.0)
+ - UMSensorsInterface (5.1.0)
+ - UMTaskManagerInterface (5.1.0)
- Yoga (1.14.0)
+ - YogaKit (1.18.1):
+ - Yoga (~> 1.14)
- BugsnagReactNative (from `../node_modules/bugsnag-react-native`)
- DoubleConversion (from `../node_modules/react-native/third-party-podspecs/DoubleConversion.podspec`)
- - EXAppLoaderProvider (from `../node_modules/expo-app-loader-provider/ios`)
- EXAV (from `../node_modules/expo-av/ios`)
- EXConstants (from `../node_modules/expo-constants/ios`)
- EXFileSystem (from `../node_modules/expo-file-system/ios`)
- EXHaptics (from `../node_modules/expo-haptics/ios`)
+ - EXImageLoader (from `../node_modules/expo-image-loader/ios`)
- EXKeepAwake (from `../node_modules/expo-keep-awake/ios`)
- EXPermissions (from `../node_modules/expo-permissions/ios`)
- EXWebBrowser (from `../node_modules/expo-web-browser/ios`)
- FBLazyVector (from `../node_modules/react-native/Libraries/FBLazyVector`)
- FBReactNativeSpec (from `../node_modules/react-native/Libraries/FBReactNativeSpec`)
+ - Flipper (~> 0.33.1)
+ - Flipper-DoubleConversion (= 1.1.7)
+ - Flipper-Folly (~> 2.1)
+ - Flipper-Glog (= 0.3.6)
+ - Flipper-PeerTalk (~> 0.0.4)
+ - Flipper-RSocket (~> 1.0)
+ - FlipperKit (~> 0.33.1)
+ - FlipperKit/Core (~> 0.33.1)
+ - FlipperKit/CppBridge (~> 0.33.1)
+ - FlipperKit/FBCxxFollyDynamicConvert (~> 0.33.1)
+ - FlipperKit/FBDefines (~> 0.33.1)
+ - FlipperKit/FKPortForwarding (~> 0.33.1)
+ - FlipperKit/FlipperKitHighlightOverlay (~> 0.33.1)
+ - FlipperKit/FlipperKitLayoutPlugin (~> 0.33.1)
+ - FlipperKit/FlipperKitLayoutTextSearchable (~> 0.33.1)
+ - FlipperKit/FlipperKitNetworkPlugin (~> 0.33.1)
+ - FlipperKit/FlipperKitReactPlugin (~> 0.33.1)
+ - FlipperKit/FlipperKitUserDefaultsPlugin (~> 0.33.1)
+ - FlipperKit/SKIOSNetworkPlugin (~> 0.33.1)
- Folly (from `../node_modules/react-native/third-party-podspecs/Folly.podspec`)
- glog (from `../node_modules/react-native/third-party-podspecs/glog.podspec`)
- JitsiMeetSDK (from `https://github.com/RocketChat/jitsi-meet-ios-sdk-releases.git`)
@@ -455,8 +554,6 @@ DEPENDENCIES:
- "react-native-cameraroll (from `../node_modules/@react-native-community/cameraroll`)"
- react-native-document-picker (from `../node_modules/react-native-document-picker`)
- react-native-jitsi-meet (from `../node_modules/react-native-jitsi-meet`)
- - react-native-keyboard-input (from `../node_modules/react-native-keyboard-input`)
- - react-native-keyboard-tracking-view (from `../node_modules/react-native-keyboard-tracking-view`)
- react-native-notifications (from `../node_modules/react-native-notifications`)
- react-native-orientation-locker (from `../node_modules/react-native-orientation-locker`)
- "react-native-slider (from `../node_modules/@react-native-community/slider`)"
@@ -470,9 +567,11 @@ DEPENDENCIES:
- React-RCTSettings (from `../node_modules/react-native/Libraries/Settings`)
- React-RCTText (from `../node_modules/react-native/Libraries/Text`)
- React-RCTVibration (from `../node_modules/react-native/Libraries/Vibration`)
- - ReactCommon/jscallinvoker (from `../node_modules/react-native/ReactCommon`)
+ - ReactCommon/callinvoker (from `../node_modules/react-native/ReactCommon`)
- ReactCommon/turbomodule/core (from `../node_modules/react-native/ReactCommon`)
- "ReactNativeART (from `../node_modules/@react-native-community/art`)"
+ - ReactNativeKeyboardInput (from `../node_modules/react-native-keyboard-input`)
+ - ReactNativeKeyboardTrackingView (from `../node_modules/react-native-keyboard-tracking-view`)
- rn-extensions-share (from `../node_modules/rn-extensions-share`)
- rn-fetch-blob (from `../node_modules/rn-fetch-blob`)
- RNAudio (from `../node_modules/react-native-audio`)
@@ -489,6 +588,7 @@ DEPENDENCIES:
- RNScreens (from `../node_modules/react-native-screens`)
- RNUserDefaults (from `../node_modules/rn-user-defaults`)
- RNVectorIcons (from `../node_modules/react-native-vector-icons`)
+ - UMAppLoader (from `../node_modules/unimodules-app-loader/ios`)
- UMBarCodeScannerInterface (from `../node_modules/unimodules-barcode-scanner-interface/ios`)
- UMCameraInterface (from `../node_modules/unimodules-camera-interface/ios`)
- UMConstantsInterface (from `../node_modules/unimodules-constants-interface/ios`)
@@ -506,6 +606,8 @@ DEPENDENCIES:
- boost-for-react-native
+ - CocoaAsyncSocket
+ - CocoaLibEvent
- Crashlytics
- Fabric
- Firebase
@@ -514,47 +616,47 @@ SPEC REPOS:
- FirebaseCoreDiagnostics
- FirebaseCoreDiagnosticsInterop
- FirebaseInstallations
- - FirebaseInstanceID
+ - Flipper
+ - Flipper-DoubleConversion
+ - Flipper-Folly
+ - Flipper-Glog
+ - Flipper-PeerTalk
+ - Flipper-RSocket
+ - FlipperKit
- GoogleAppMeasurement
- GoogleDataTransport
- GoogleDataTransportCCTSupport
- GoogleUtilities
- libwebp
- nanopb
+ - OpenSSL-Universal
- PromisesObjC
- RSKImageCropper
- SDWebImage
- SDWebImageWebPCoder
+ - YogaKit
:path: "../node_modules/bugsnag-react-native"
:podspec: "../node_modules/react-native/third-party-podspecs/DoubleConversion.podspec"
- EXAppLoaderProvider:
- :path: !ruby/object:Pathname
- path: "../node_modules/expo-app-loader-provider/ios"
- :path: !ruby/object:Pathname
- path: "../node_modules/expo-av/ios"
+ :path: "../node_modules/expo-av/ios"
- :path: !ruby/object:Pathname
- path: "../node_modules/expo-constants/ios"
+ :path: "../node_modules/expo-constants/ios"
- :path: !ruby/object:Pathname
- path: "../node_modules/expo-file-system/ios"
+ :path: "../node_modules/expo-file-system/ios"
- :path: !ruby/object:Pathname
- path: "../node_modules/expo-haptics/ios"
+ :path: "../node_modules/expo-haptics/ios"
+ EXImageLoader:
+ :path: "../node_modules/expo-image-loader/ios"
- :path: !ruby/object:Pathname
- path: "../node_modules/expo-keep-awake/ios"
+ :path: "../node_modules/expo-keep-awake/ios"
- :path: !ruby/object:Pathname
- path: "../node_modules/expo-permissions/ios"
+ :path: "../node_modules/expo-permissions/ios"
- :path: !ruby/object:Pathname
- path: "../node_modules/expo-web-browser/ios"
+ :path: "../node_modules/expo-web-browser/ios"
:path: "../node_modules/react-native/Libraries/FBLazyVector"
@@ -595,10 +697,6 @@ EXTERNAL SOURCES:
:path: "../node_modules/react-native-document-picker"
:path: "../node_modules/react-native-jitsi-meet"
- react-native-keyboard-input:
- :path: "../node_modules/react-native-keyboard-input"
- react-native-keyboard-tracking-view:
- :path: "../node_modules/react-native-keyboard-tracking-view"
:path: "../node_modules/react-native-notifications"
@@ -629,6 +727,10 @@ EXTERNAL SOURCES:
:path: "../node_modules/react-native/ReactCommon"
:path: "../node_modules/@react-native-community/art"
+ ReactNativeKeyboardInput:
+ :path: "../node_modules/react-native-keyboard-input"
+ ReactNativeKeyboardTrackingView:
+ :path: "../node_modules/react-native-keyboard-tracking-view"
:path: "../node_modules/rn-extensions-share"
@@ -661,148 +763,149 @@ EXTERNAL SOURCES:
:path: "../node_modules/rn-user-defaults"
:path: "../node_modules/react-native-vector-icons"
+ UMAppLoader:
+ :path: "../node_modules/unimodules-app-loader/ios"
- :path: !ruby/object:Pathname
- path: "../node_modules/unimodules-barcode-scanner-interface/ios"
+ :path: "../node_modules/unimodules-barcode-scanner-interface/ios"
- :path: !ruby/object:Pathname
- path: "../node_modules/unimodules-camera-interface/ios"
+ :path: "../node_modules/unimodules-camera-interface/ios"
- :path: !ruby/object:Pathname
- path: "../node_modules/unimodules-constants-interface/ios"
+ :path: "../node_modules/unimodules-constants-interface/ios"
- :path: !ruby/object:Pathname
- path: "../node_modules/@unimodules/core/ios"
+ :path: "../node_modules/@unimodules/core/ios"
- :path: !ruby/object:Pathname
- path: "../node_modules/unimodules-face-detector-interface/ios"
+ :path: "../node_modules/unimodules-face-detector-interface/ios"
- :path: !ruby/object:Pathname
- path: "../node_modules/unimodules-file-system-interface/ios"
+ :path: "../node_modules/unimodules-file-system-interface/ios"
- :path: !ruby/object:Pathname
- path: "../node_modules/unimodules-font-interface/ios"
+ :path: "../node_modules/unimodules-font-interface/ios"
- :path: !ruby/object:Pathname
- path: "../node_modules/unimodules-image-loader-interface/ios"
+ :path: "../node_modules/unimodules-image-loader-interface/ios"
- :path: !ruby/object:Pathname
- path: "../node_modules/unimodules-permissions-interface/ios"
+ :path: "../node_modules/unimodules-permissions-interface/ios"
- :path: !ruby/object:Pathname
- path: "../node_modules/@unimodules/react-native-adapter/ios"
+ :path: "../node_modules/@unimodules/react-native-adapter/ios"
- :path: !ruby/object:Pathname
- path: "../node_modules/unimodules-sensors-interface/ios"
+ :path: "../node_modules/unimodules-sensors-interface/ios"
- :path: !ruby/object:Pathname
- path: "../node_modules/unimodules-task-manager-interface/ios"
+ :path: "../node_modules/unimodules-task-manager-interface/ios"
:path: "../node_modules/react-native/ReactCommon/yoga"
- :commit: 0d7b379179ef81965e505677cd10d07956c3a2dc
+ :commit: 9177aaa3afb379e17cc687887485e91e5cd24a49
:git: https://github.com/RocketChat/jitsi-meet-ios-sdk-releases.git
boost-for-react-native: 39c7adb57c4e60d6c5479dd8623128eb5b3f0f2c
- BugsnagReactNative: 0a24a1dd2cac88862d67b938f809bec8274130a9
+ BugsnagReactNative: 14c1b59cfbf34fd5591b734bfec65a277b677ef8
+ CocoaAsyncSocket: 694058e7c0ed05a9e217d1b3c7ded962f4180845
+ CocoaLibEvent: 2fab71b8bd46dd33ddb959f7928ec5909f838e3f
Crashlytics: 540b7e5f5da5a042647227a5e3ac51d85eed06df
DoubleConversion: 5805e889d232975c086db112ece9ed034df7a0b2
- EXAppLoaderProvider: 7a8185228d8ba9e689a0e2d6d957fe9bdd49c8a0
- EXAV: 7228890721d1d74779bc3154fb678a44249b1c71
- EXConstants: 5d81e84ca71b9a552529889cc798b4a04e9e22b3
- EXFileSystem: 091907902fcec9f9182b656fdead41a82f30986a
- EXHaptics: f84c93d605e0905c47654e4a6e5dfbff78ed6906
+ EXAV: 2edd9cd30fe98d04b55325303c7ff01db02d1d0f
+ EXConstants: 5304709b1bea70a4828f48ba4c7fc3ec3b2d9b17
+ EXFileSystem: cf4232ba7c62dc49b78c2d36005f97b6fddf0b01
+ EXHaptics: 013b5065946d4dd7b46ea547b58072d45a206dbd
+ EXImageLoader: 5ad6896fa1ef2ee814b551873cbf7a7baccc694a
EXKeepAwake: d045bc2cf1ad5a04f0323cc7c894b95b414042e0
- EXPermissions: 99e52dc3e5f8e55153f1958004f6df2a30a1f2f5
- EXWebBrowser: def838b95aa9d396f9ce71ace4e614ee16e7ee30
+ EXPermissions: 24b97f734ce9172d245a5be38ad9ccfcb6135964
+ EXWebBrowser: 5902f99ac5ac551e5c82ff46f13a337b323aa9ea
Fabric: 706c8b8098fff96c33c0db69cbf81f9c551d0d74
- FBLazyVector: aaeaf388755e4f29cd74acbc9e3b8da6d807c37f
- FBReactNativeSpec: 118d0d177724c2d67f08a59136eb29ef5943ec75
- Firebase: 497158b816d0a86fc31babbd05546fcd7e6083ff
- FirebaseAnalytics: cf95d3aab897612783020fbd98401d5366f135ee
- FirebaseCore: 85064903ed6c28e47fec9c7bd149d94ba1b6b6e7
- FirebaseCoreDiagnostics: 5e78803ab276bc5b50340e3c539c06c3de35c649
+ FBLazyVector: 4aab18c93cd9546e4bfed752b4084585eca8b245
+ FBReactNativeSpec: 5465d51ccfeecb7faa12f9ae0024f2044ce4044e
+ Firebase: b28e55c60efd98963cd9011fe2fac5a10c2ba124
+ FirebaseAnalytics: 7386fc2176e3f93ad8ef34b5b1f2b33a891e4962
+ FirebaseCore: e610482f64097b0e9f056cd97bc6b33dfabcbb6a
+ FirebaseCoreDiagnostics: 4a773a47bd83bbd5a9b1ccf1ce7caa8b2d535e67
FirebaseCoreDiagnosticsInterop: 296e2c5f5314500a850ad0b83e9e7c10b011a850
- FirebaseInstallations: 575cd32f2aec0feeb0e44f5d0110a09e5e60b47b
- FirebaseInstanceID: 6668efc1655a4052c083f287a7141f1ead12f9c2
+ FirebaseInstallations: 2119fb3e46b0a88bfdbf12562f855ee3252462fa
+ Flipper: 6c1f484f9a88d30ab3e272800d53688439e50f69
+ Flipper-DoubleConversion: 38631e41ef4f9b12861c67d17cb5518d06badc41
+ Flipper-Folly: c12092ea368353b58e992843a990a3225d4533c3
+ Flipper-Glog: 1dfd6abf1e922806c52ceb8701a3599a79a200a6
+ Flipper-PeerTalk: 116d8f857dc6ef55c7a5a75ea3ceaafe878aadc9
+ Flipper-RSocket: 64e7431a55835eb953b0bf984ef3b90ae9fdddd7
+ FlipperKit: 6dc9b8f4ef60d9e5ded7f0264db299c91f18832e
Folly: 30e7936e1c45c08d884aa59369ed951a8e68cf51
glog: 1f3da668190260b06b429bb211bfbee5cd790c28
- GoogleAppMeasurement: d0560d915abf15e692e8538ba1d58442217b6aff
- GoogleDataTransport: 0048df6388dab1c254799f2a30365b1dffe20422
- GoogleDataTransportCCTSupport: f880d70972efa2ed1be4e9173a0f4c5f3dc2d176
- GoogleUtilities: 06eb53bb579efe7099152735900dd04bf09e7275
- JitsiMeetSDK: d4a3aeed1a75fd57e6a78e5d202b6051dfcb9320
+ GoogleAppMeasurement: 4c644d86835d827bab30ab6aabb9ecaf1f500735
+ GoogleDataTransport: f6f8eba931df03ebd2232ff4645aa85f8f47b5ab
+ GoogleDataTransportCCTSupport: d70a561f7d236af529fee598835caad5e25f6d3d
+ GoogleUtilities: 39530bc0ad980530298e9c4af8549e991fd033b1
+ JitsiMeetSDK: 2984eac1343690bf1c0c72bde75b48b0148d0f79
KeyCommands: f66c535f698ed14b3d3a4e58859d79a827ea907e
libwebp: 946cb3063cea9236285f7e9a8505d806d30e07f3
- nanopb: 18003b5e52dab79db540fe93fe9579f399bd1ccd
+ nanopb: c43f40fadfe79e8b8db116583945847910cbabc9
+ OpenSSL-Universal: 8b48cc0d10c1b2923617dfe5c178aa9ed2689355
PromisesObjC: c119f3cd559f50b7ae681fa59dc1acd19173b7e6
- RCTRequired: b153add4da6e7dbc44aebf93f3cf4fcae392ddf1
- RCTTypeSafety: 9aa1b91d7f9310fc6eadc3cf95126ffe818af320
- React: b6a59ef847b2b40bb6e0180a97d0ca716969ac78
- React-Core: 688b451f7d616cc1134ac95295b593d1b5158a04
- React-CoreModules: d04f8494c1a328b69ec11db9d1137d667f916dcb
- React-cxxreact: d0f7bcafa196ae410e5300736b424455e7fb7ba7
- React-jsi: cb2cd74d7ccf4cffb071a46833613edc79cdf8f7
- React-jsiexecutor: d5525f9ed5f782fdbacb64b9b01a43a9323d2386
- React-jsinspector: fa0ecc501688c3c4c34f28834a76302233e29dc0
- react-native-appearance: 368f9d1160e3f1d7ecb5945e704affe018deef46
- react-native-background-timer: 1b6e6b4e10f1b74c367a1fdc3c72b67c619b222b
- react-native-cameraroll: 463aff54e37cff27ea76eb792e6f1fa43b876320
- react-native-document-picker: c36bf5f067a581657ecaf7124dcd921a8be19061
- react-native-jitsi-meet: 04ccc47303c62ba2b7e7407a113f5f46241ebd75
- react-native-keyboard-input: 775c2f00554869563b1d59c6bebd8f8a2aa54295
- react-native-keyboard-tracking-view: 4bb67b89ccd327c7d9eab87f722880d2103a25a8
- react-native-notifications: 163ddedac6fcc8d850ea15b06abdadcacdff00f1
- react-native-orientation-locker: 23918c400376a7043e752c639c122fcf6bce8f1c
- react-native-slider: 39208600e44f885e2d2c0510b5c6435a0f62d087
- react-native-webview: 2aadbfef6b9eaa9e89b306ae3e31e6e870a6306d
- React-RCTActionSheet: 600b4d10e3aea0913b5a92256d2719c0cdd26d76
- React-RCTAnimation: 791a87558389c80908ed06cc5dfc5e7920dfa360
- React-RCTBlob: d89293cc0236d9cb0933d85e430b0bbe81ad1d72
- React-RCTImage: 6b8e8df449eb7c814c99a92d6b52de6fe39dea4e
- React-RCTLinking: 121bb231c7503cf9094f4d8461b96a130fabf4a5
- React-RCTNetwork: fb353640aafcee84ca8b78957297bd395f065c9a
- React-RCTSettings: 8db258ea2a5efee381fcf7a6d5044e2f8b68b640
- React-RCTText: 9ccc88273e9a3aacff5094d2175a605efa854dbe
- React-RCTVibration: a49a1f42bf8f5acf1c3e297097517c6b3af377ad
- ReactCommon: 198c7c8d3591f975e5431bec1b0b3b581aa1c5dd
- ReactNativeART: 95d7eeb535cbdcb79f190042834ab3446e15d876
+ RCTRequired: cec6a34b3ac8a9915c37e7e4ad3aa74726ce4035
+ RCTTypeSafety: 93006131180074cffa227a1075802c89a49dd4ce
+ React: 29a8b1a02bd764fb7644ef04019270849b9a7ac3
+ React-Core: b12bffb3f567fdf99510acb716ef1abd426e0e05
+ React-CoreModules: 4a9b87bbe669d6c3173c0132c3328e3b000783d0
+ React-cxxreact: e65f9c2ba0ac5be946f53548c1aaaee5873a8103
+ React-jsi: b6dc94a6a12ff98e8877287a0b7620d365201161
+ React-jsiexecutor: 1540d1c01bb493ae3124ed83351b1b6a155db7da
+ React-jsinspector: 512e560d0e985d0e8c479a54a4e5c147a9c83493
+ react-native-appearance: 0f0e5fc2fcef70e03d48c8fe6b00b9158c2ba8aa
+ react-native-background-timer: 1f7d560647b40e6a60b01c452ba29c54bf581fc4
+ react-native-cameraroll: 02e60e9af9273a3cc3b641632bf651189830aaf8
+ react-native-document-picker: dd96ce05bf1453b110d7a3912097bf6d298d2cb6
+ react-native-jitsi-meet: f89bcb2cfbd5b15403b9c40738036c4f1af45d05
+ react-native-notifications: ee8fd739853e72694f3af8b374c8ccb106b7b227
+ react-native-orientation-locker: f0ca1a8e5031dab6b74bfb4ab33a17ed2c2fcb0d
+ react-native-slider: e51492f1264d882a8815b71c5870f8978e52887d
+ react-native-webview: cf5527893252b3b036eea024a1da6996f7344c74
+ React-RCTActionSheet: f41ea8a811aac770e0cc6e0ad6b270c644ea8b7c
+ React-RCTAnimation: 49ab98b1c1ff4445148b72a3d61554138565bad0
+ React-RCTBlob: a332773f0ebc413a0ce85942a55b064471587a71
+ React-RCTImage: e70be9b9c74fe4e42d0005f42cace7981c994ac3
+ React-RCTLinking: c1b9739a88d56ecbec23b7f63650e44672ab2ad2
+ React-RCTNetwork: 73138b6f45e5a2768ad93f3d57873c2a18d14b44
+ React-RCTSettings: 6e3738a87e21b39a8cb08d627e68c44acf1e325a
+ React-RCTText: fae545b10cfdb3d247c36c56f61a94cfd6dba41d
+ React-RCTVibration: 4356114dbcba4ce66991096e51a66e61eda51256
+ ReactCommon: ed4e11d27609d571e7eee8b65548efc191116eb3
+ ReactNativeART: 78edc68dd4a1e675338cd0cd113319cf3a65f2ab
+ ReactNativeKeyboardInput: c37e26821519869993b3b61844350feb9177ff37
+ ReactNativeKeyboardTrackingView: 02137fac3b2ebd330d74fa54ead48b14750a2306
rn-extensions-share: 4bfee75806ad54aadeff1dfa535697a6345a50b8
- rn-fetch-blob: f525a73a78df9ed5d35e67ea65e79d53c15255bc
+ rn-fetch-blob: f065bb7ab7fb48dd002629f8bdcb0336602d3cba
RNAudio: cae2991f2dccb75163f260b60da8051717b959fa
- RNBootSplash: fbf76a4bf1c03e9acd1dd08ce064847f26d6d8bf
- RNDateTimePicker: 9db00606d689f5653f08aa601c81b9d3266a0a19
- RNDeviceInfo: 17e34f6dd902f08d88cbe2c0b7a01be948d43641
- RNFastImage: 9b0c22643872bb7494c8d87bbbb66cc4c0d9e7a2
- RNFirebase: ac0de8b24c6f91ae9459575491ed6a77327619c6
- RNGestureHandler: a4ddde1ffc6e590c8127b8b7eabfdade45475c74
- RNImageCropPicker: cf129d17e042ce3e96fb9ada967c28f21f977c82
- RNLocalize: 07eb7a91d10021cdf59d80061ebf3adb8a5b5688
- RNReanimated: b2ab0b693dddd2339bd2f300e770f6302d2e960c
+ RNBootSplash: 7cb9b4fe7e94177edc0d11010f7631d79db2f5e9
+ RNDateTimePicker: 4bd49e09f91ca73d69119a9e1173b0d43b82f5e5
+ RNDeviceInfo: e2102056bde3ad5d137fd029d8d431510a00486a
+ RNFastImage: 35ae972d6727c84ee3f5c6897e07f84d0a3445e9
+ RNFirebase: 37daa9a346d070f9f6ee1f3b4aaf4c8e3b1d5d1c
+ RNGestureHandler: 8f09cd560f8d533eb36da5a6c5a843af9f056b38
+ RNImageCropPicker: a606d65f71c6c05caa3c850c16fb1ba2a4718608
+ RNLocalize: b6df30cc25ae736d37874f9bce13351db2f56796
+ RNReanimated: 955cf4068714003d2f1a6e2bae3fb1118f359aff
RNRootView: 895a4813dedeaca82db2fa868ca1c333d790e494
- RNScreens: 402a99b0a27c0c32f079cec12d3ccbd35e20cd7f
+ RNScreens: cf198f915f8a2bf163de94ca9f5bfc8d326c3706
RNUserDefaults: c421fd97ad06b35c16608c5d0fe675db353f632d
RNVectorIcons: 0bb4def82230be1333ddaeee9fcba45f0b288ed4
RSKImageCropper: a446db0e8444a036b34f3c43db01b2373baa4b2a
- SDWebImage: 4d5c027c935438f341ed33dbac53ff9f479922ca
- SDWebImageWebPCoder: 947093edd1349d820c40afbd9f42acb6cdecd987
- UMBarCodeScannerInterface: 84ea2d6b58ff0dc27ef9b68bab71286be18ee020
- UMCameraInterface: 26b26005d1756a0d5f4f04f1e168e39ea9154535
- UMConstantsInterface: 038bacb19de12b6fd328c589122c8dc977cccf61
- UMCore: 733094f43f7244c60ce1f0592d00013ed68fa52c
- UMFaceDetectorInterface: c9c3ae4cb045421283667a1698c2f31331f55e3f
- UMFileSystemInterface: e9adc71027017de38eaf7d05fa58b2848ecb3797
- UMFontInterface: f0c5846977ee8a93d7cfa8ae7e666772c727d195
- UMImageLoaderInterface: 36e54e570acc4d720856f03ceebc441f73ea472c
- UMPermissionsInterface: 938d010c74c43fcefc9bb990633a7c5a1631267e
- UMReactNativeAdapter: 131ea2b944ade8035f0b54c6570c405f6000548d
- UMSensorsInterface: 0ed023ce9b96f2ca6fada7bda05b7760da60b293
- UMTaskManagerInterface: 8664abd37a00715727e60df9ecd65e42ba47b548
- Yoga: f2a7cd4280bfe2cca5a7aed98ba0eb3d1310f18b
+ SDWebImage: 48b88379b798fd1e4298f95bb25d2cdabbf4deb3
+ SDWebImageWebPCoder: 36f8f47bd9879a8aea6044765c1351120fd8e3a8
+ UMAppLoader: ee77a072f9e15128f777ccd6d2d00f52ab4387e6
+ UMBarCodeScannerInterface: 9dc692b87e5f20fe277fa57aa47f45d418c3cc6c
+ UMCameraInterface: 625878bbf2ba188a8548675e1d1d2e438a653e6d
+ UMConstantsInterface: 64060cf86587bcd90b1dbd804cceb6d377a308c1
+ UMCore: eb200e882eadafcd31ead290770835fd648c0945
+ UMFaceDetectorInterface: d6677d6ddc9ab95a0ca857aa7f8ba76656cc770f
+ UMFileSystemInterface: c70ea7147198b9807080f3597f26236be49b0165
+ UMFontInterface: d9d3b27af698c5389ae9e20b99ef56a083f491fb
+ UMImageLoaderInterface: 14dd2c46c67167491effc9e91250e9510f12709e
+ UMPermissionsInterface: 5e83a9167c177e4a0f0a3539345983cc749efb3e
+ UMReactNativeAdapter: 126da3486c1a1f11945b649d557d6c2ebb9407b2
+ UMSensorsInterface: 48941f70175e2975af1a9386c6d6cb16d8126805
+ UMTaskManagerInterface: cb890c79c63885504ddc0efd7a7d01481760aca2
+ Yoga: 3ebccbdd559724312790e7742142d062476b698e
+ YogaKit: f782866e155069a2cca2517aafea43200b01fd5a
-PODFILE CHECKSUM: 18d0b080112c72e9cc76a381c1baba1172c6ca4d
+PODFILE CHECKSUM: 929bf93b227155c1405c8133dd38934cb852bb55
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+This library is in the public domain.
+However, not all organizations are allowed to use such a license.
+For example, Germany doesn't recognize the Public Domain and one is not allowed to use libraries under such license (or similar).
+Thus, the library is now dual licensed,
+and one is allowed to choose which license they would like to use.
+License Option #1 :
+Public Domain
+License Option #2 :
+Software License Agreement (BSD License)
+Copyright (c) 2017, Deusty, LLC
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms,
+with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+* Redistributions of source code must retain the above
+ copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
+ following disclaimer.
+* Neither the name of Deusty LLC nor the names of its
+ contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
+ derived from this software without specific prior
+ written permission of Deusty LLC.
\ No newline at end of file
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+# CocoaAsyncSocket
+[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/robbiehanson/CocoaAsyncSocket.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/robbiehanson/CocoaAsyncSocket) [![Version Status](https://img.shields.io/cocoapods/v/CocoaAsyncSocket.svg?style=flat)](http://cocoadocs.org/docsets/CocoaAsyncSocket) [![Carthage compatible](https://img.shields.io/badge/Carthage-compatible-4BC51D.svg?style=flat)](https://github.com/Carthage/Carthage) [![Platform](http://img.shields.io/cocoapods/p/CocoaAsyncSocket.svg?style=flat)](http://cocoapods.org/?q=CocoaAsyncSocket) [![license Public Domain](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-Public%20Domain-orange.svg?style=flat)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_domain)
+CocoaAsyncSocket provides easy-to-use and powerful asynchronous socket libraries for macOS, iOS, and tvOS. The classes are described below.
+## Installation
+#### CocoaPods
+Install using [CocoaPods](https://cocoapods.org) by adding this line to your Podfile:
+use_frameworks! # Add this if you are targeting iOS 8+ or using Swift
+pod 'CocoaAsyncSocket'
+#### Carthage
+CocoaAsyncSocket is [Carthage](https://github.com/Carthage/Carthage) compatible. To include it add the following line to your `Cartfile`
+github "robbiehanson/CocoaAsyncSocket" "master"
+The project is currently configured to build for **iOS**, **tvOS** and **Mac**. After building with carthage the resultant frameworks will be stored in:
+* `Carthage/Build/iOS/CocoaAsyncSocket.framework`
+* `Carthage/Build/tvOS/CocoaAsyncSocket.framework`
+* `Carthage/Build/Mac/CocoaAsyncSocket.framework`
+Select the correct framework(s) and drag it into your project.
+#### Swift Package Manager
+Simply add the package dependency to your Package.swift and depend on "CocoaAsyncSocket" in the necessary targets:
+dependencies: [
+ .package(url: "https://github.com/robbiehanson/CocoaAsyncSocket", from: "7.6.4")
+#### Manual
+You can also include it into your project by adding the source files directly, but you should probably be using a dependency manager to keep up to date.
+### Importing
+Using Objective-C:
+// When using Clang Modules:
+@import CocoaAsyncSocket;
+// or when not:
+#import "GCDAsyncSocket.h" // for TCP
+#import "GCDAsyncUdpSocket.h" // for UDP
+Using Swift:
+import CocoaAsyncSocket
+## TCP
+**GCDAsyncSocket** is a TCP/IP socket networking library built atop Grand Central Dispatch. Here are the key features available:
+- Native Objective-C, fully self-contained in one class.
+ _No need to muck around with sockets or streams. This class handles everything for you._
+- Full delegate support
+ _Errors, connections, read completions, write completions, progress, and disconnections all result in a call to your delegate method._
+- Queued non-blocking reads and writes, with optional timeouts.
+ _You tell it what to read or write, and it handles everything for you. Queueing, buffering, and searching for termination sequences within the stream - all handled for you automatically._
+- Automatic socket acceptance.
+ _Spin up a server socket, tell it to accept connections, and it will call you with new instances of itself for each connection._
+- Support for TCP streams over IPv4 and IPv6.
+ _Automatically connect to IPv4 or IPv6 hosts. Automatically accept incoming connections over both IPv4 and IPv6 with a single instance of this class. No more worrying about multiple sockets._
+- Support for TLS / SSL
+ _Secure your socket with ease using just a single method call. Available for both client and server sockets._
+- Fully GCD based and Thread-Safe
+ _It runs entirely within its own GCD dispatch_queue, and is completely thread-safe. Further, the delegate methods are all invoked asynchronously onto a dispatch_queue of your choosing. This means parallel operation of your socket code, and your delegate/processing code._
+## UDP
+**GCDAsyncUdpSocket** is a UDP/IP socket networking library built atop Grand Central Dispatch. Here are the key features available:
+- Native Objective-C, fully self-contained in one class.
+ _No need to muck around with low-level sockets. This class handles everything for you._
+- Full delegate support.
+ _Errors, send completions, receive completions, and disconnections all result in a call to your delegate method._
+- Queued non-blocking send and receive operations, with optional timeouts.
+ _You tell it what to send or receive, and it handles everything for you. Queueing, buffering, waiting and checking errno - all handled for you automatically._
+- Support for IPv4 and IPv6.
+ _Automatically send/recv using IPv4 and/or IPv6. No more worrying about multiple sockets._
+- Fully GCD based and Thread-Safe
+ _It runs entirely within its own GCD dispatch_queue, and is completely thread-safe. Further, the delegate methods are all invoked asynchronously onto a dispatch_queue of your choosing. This means parallel operation of your socket code, and your delegate/processing code._
+For those new(ish) to networking, it's recommended you **[read the wiki](https://github.com/robbiehanson/CocoaAsyncSocket/wiki)**.
_Sockets might not work exactly like you think they do..._
+**Still got questions?** Try the **[CocoaAsyncSocket Mailing List](https://groups.google.com/group/cocoaasyncsocket)**.
+Love the project? Wanna buy me a ☕️ ? (or a 🍺 😀 ):
diff --git a/ios/Pods/CocoaAsyncSocket/Source/GCD/GCDAsyncSocket.h b/ios/Pods/CocoaAsyncSocket/Source/GCD/GCDAsyncSocket.h
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index 000000000..f32a37b81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ios/Pods/CocoaAsyncSocket/Source/GCD/GCDAsyncSocket.h
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+// GCDAsyncSocket.h
+// This class is in the public domain.
+// Originally created by Robbie Hanson in Q3 2010.
+// Updated and maintained by Deusty LLC and the Apple development community.
+// https://github.com/robbiehanson/CocoaAsyncSocket
+#include // AF_INET, AF_INET6
+@class GCDAsyncReadPacket;
+@class GCDAsyncWritePacket;
+@class GCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer;
+@protocol GCDAsyncSocketDelegate;
+extern NSString *const GCDAsyncSocketException;
+extern NSString *const GCDAsyncSocketErrorDomain;
+extern NSString *const GCDAsyncSocketQueueName;
+extern NSString *const GCDAsyncSocketThreadName;
+extern NSString *const GCDAsyncSocketManuallyEvaluateTrust;
+extern NSString *const GCDAsyncSocketUseCFStreamForTLS;
+#define GCDAsyncSocketSSLPeerName (NSString *)kCFStreamSSLPeerName
+#define GCDAsyncSocketSSLCertificates (NSString *)kCFStreamSSLCertificates
+#define GCDAsyncSocketSSLIsServer (NSString *)kCFStreamSSLIsServer
+extern NSString *const GCDAsyncSocketSSLPeerID;
+extern NSString *const GCDAsyncSocketSSLProtocolVersionMin;
+extern NSString *const GCDAsyncSocketSSLProtocolVersionMax;
+extern NSString *const GCDAsyncSocketSSLSessionOptionFalseStart;
+extern NSString *const GCDAsyncSocketSSLSessionOptionSendOneByteRecord;
+extern NSString *const GCDAsyncSocketSSLCipherSuites;
+extern NSString *const GCDAsyncSocketSSLDiffieHellmanParameters;
+#define GCDAsyncSocketLoggingContext 65535
+typedef NS_ERROR_ENUM(GCDAsyncSocketErrorDomain, GCDAsyncSocketError) {
+ GCDAsyncSocketNoError = 0, // Never used
+ GCDAsyncSocketBadConfigError, // Invalid configuration
+ GCDAsyncSocketBadParamError, // Invalid parameter was passed
+ GCDAsyncSocketConnectTimeoutError, // A connect operation timed out
+ GCDAsyncSocketReadTimeoutError, // A read operation timed out
+ GCDAsyncSocketWriteTimeoutError, // A write operation timed out
+ GCDAsyncSocketReadMaxedOutError, // Reached set maxLength without completing
+ GCDAsyncSocketClosedError, // The remote peer closed the connection
+ GCDAsyncSocketOtherError, // Description provided in userInfo
+#pragma mark -
+@interface GCDAsyncSocket : NSObject
+ * GCDAsyncSocket uses the standard delegate paradigm,
+ * but executes all delegate callbacks on a given delegate dispatch queue.
+ * This allows for maximum concurrency, while at the same time providing easy thread safety.
+ *
+ * You MUST set a delegate AND delegate dispatch queue before attempting to
+ * use the socket, or you will get an error.
+ *
+ * The socket queue is optional.
+ * If you pass NULL, GCDAsyncSocket will automatically create it's own socket queue.
+ * If you choose to provide a socket queue, the socket queue must not be a concurrent queue.
+ * If you choose to provide a socket queue, and the socket queue has a configured target queue,
+ * then please see the discussion for the method markSocketQueueTargetQueue.
+ *
+ * The delegate queue and socket queue can optionally be the same.
+- (instancetype)init;
+- (instancetype)initWithSocketQueue:(nullable dispatch_queue_t)sq;
+- (instancetype)initWithDelegate:(nullable id)aDelegate delegateQueue:(nullable dispatch_queue_t)dq;
+- (instancetype)initWithDelegate:(nullable id)aDelegate delegateQueue:(nullable dispatch_queue_t)dq socketQueue:(nullable dispatch_queue_t)sq NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;
+ * Create GCDAsyncSocket from already connect BSD socket file descriptor
++ (nullable instancetype)socketFromConnectedSocketFD:(int)socketFD socketQueue:(nullable dispatch_queue_t)sq error:(NSError**)error;
++ (nullable instancetype)socketFromConnectedSocketFD:(int)socketFD delegate:(nullable id)aDelegate delegateQueue:(nullable dispatch_queue_t)dq error:(NSError**)error;
++ (nullable instancetype)socketFromConnectedSocketFD:(int)socketFD delegate:(nullable id)aDelegate delegateQueue:(nullable dispatch_queue_t)dq socketQueue:(nullable dispatch_queue_t)sq error:(NSError **)error;
+#pragma mark Configuration
+@property (atomic, weak, readwrite, nullable) id delegate;
+@property (atomic, strong, readwrite, nullable) dispatch_queue_t delegateQueue;
+@property (atomic, assign, readwrite, nullable) dispatch_queue_t delegateQueue;
+- (void)getDelegate:(id __nullable * __nullable)delegatePtr delegateQueue:(dispatch_queue_t __nullable * __nullable)delegateQueuePtr;
+- (void)setDelegate:(nullable id)delegate delegateQueue:(nullable dispatch_queue_t)delegateQueue;
+ * If you are setting the delegate to nil within the delegate's dealloc method,
+ * you may need to use the synchronous versions below.
+- (void)synchronouslySetDelegate:(nullable id)delegate;
+- (void)synchronouslySetDelegateQueue:(nullable dispatch_queue_t)delegateQueue;
+- (void)synchronouslySetDelegate:(nullable id)delegate delegateQueue:(nullable dispatch_queue_t)delegateQueue;
+ * By default, both IPv4 and IPv6 are enabled.
+ *
+ * For accepting incoming connections, this means GCDAsyncSocket automatically supports both protocols,
+ * and can simulataneously accept incoming connections on either protocol.
+ *
+ * For outgoing connections, this means GCDAsyncSocket can connect to remote hosts running either protocol.
+ * If a DNS lookup returns only IPv4 results, GCDAsyncSocket will automatically use IPv4.
+ * If a DNS lookup returns only IPv6 results, GCDAsyncSocket will automatically use IPv6.
+ * If a DNS lookup returns both IPv4 and IPv6 results, the preferred protocol will be chosen.
+ * By default, the preferred protocol is IPv4, but may be configured as desired.
+@property (atomic, assign, readwrite, getter=isIPv4Enabled) BOOL IPv4Enabled;
+@property (atomic, assign, readwrite, getter=isIPv6Enabled) BOOL IPv6Enabled;
+@property (atomic, assign, readwrite, getter=isIPv4PreferredOverIPv6) BOOL IPv4PreferredOverIPv6;
+ * When connecting to both IPv4 and IPv6 using Happy Eyeballs (RFC 6555) https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6555
+ * this is the delay between connecting to the preferred protocol and the fallback protocol.
+ *
+ * Defaults to 300ms.
+@property (atomic, assign, readwrite) NSTimeInterval alternateAddressDelay;
+ * User data allows you to associate arbitrary information with the socket.
+ * This data is not used internally by socket in any way.
+@property (atomic, strong, readwrite, nullable) id userData;
+#pragma mark Accepting
+ * Tells the socket to begin listening and accepting connections on the given port.
+ * When a connection is accepted, a new instance of GCDAsyncSocket will be spawned to handle it,
+ * and the socket:didAcceptNewSocket: delegate method will be invoked.
+ *
+ * The socket will listen on all available interfaces (e.g. wifi, ethernet, etc)
+- (BOOL)acceptOnPort:(uint16_t)port error:(NSError **)errPtr;
+ * This method is the same as acceptOnPort:error: with the
+ * additional option of specifying which interface to listen on.
+ *
+ * For example, you could specify that the socket should only accept connections over ethernet,
+ * and not other interfaces such as wifi.
+ *
+ * The interface may be specified by name (e.g. "en1" or "lo0") or by IP address (e.g. "").
+ * You may also use the special strings "localhost" or "loopback" to specify that
+ * the socket only accept connections from the local machine.
+ *
+ * You can see the list of interfaces via the command line utility "ifconfig",
+ * or programmatically via the getifaddrs() function.
+ *
+ * To accept connections on any interface pass nil, or simply use the acceptOnPort:error: method.
+- (BOOL)acceptOnInterface:(nullable NSString *)interface port:(uint16_t)port error:(NSError **)errPtr;
+ * Tells the socket to begin listening and accepting connections on the unix domain at the given url.
+ * When a connection is accepted, a new instance of GCDAsyncSocket will be spawned to handle it,
+ * and the socket:didAcceptNewSocket: delegate method will be invoked.
+ *
+ * The socket will listen on all available interfaces (e.g. wifi, ethernet, etc)
+ **/
+- (BOOL)acceptOnUrl:(NSURL *)url error:(NSError **)errPtr;
+#pragma mark Connecting
+ * Connects to the given host and port.
+ *
+ * This method invokes connectToHost:onPort:viaInterface:withTimeout:error:
+ * and uses the default interface, and no timeout.
+- (BOOL)connectToHost:(NSString *)host onPort:(uint16_t)port error:(NSError **)errPtr;
+ * Connects to the given host and port with an optional timeout.
+ *
+ * This method invokes connectToHost:onPort:viaInterface:withTimeout:error: and uses the default interface.
+- (BOOL)connectToHost:(NSString *)host
+ onPort:(uint16_t)port
+ withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout
+ error:(NSError **)errPtr;
+ * Connects to the given host & port, via the optional interface, with an optional timeout.
+ *
+ * The host may be a domain name (e.g. "deusty.com") or an IP address string (e.g. "").
+ * The host may also be the special strings "localhost" or "loopback" to specify connecting
+ * to a service on the local machine.
+ *
+ * The interface may be a name (e.g. "en1" or "lo0") or the corresponding IP address (e.g. "").
+ * The interface may also be used to specify the local port (see below).
+ *
+ * To not time out use a negative time interval.
+ *
+ * This method will return NO if an error is detected, and set the error pointer (if one was given).
+ * Possible errors would be a nil host, invalid interface, or socket is already connected.
+ *
+ * If no errors are detected, this method will start a background connect operation and immediately return YES.
+ * The delegate callbacks are used to notify you when the socket connects, or if the host was unreachable.
+ *
+ * Since this class supports queued reads and writes, you can immediately start reading and/or writing.
+ * All read/write operations will be queued, and upon socket connection,
+ * the operations will be dequeued and processed in order.
+ *
+ * The interface may optionally contain a port number at the end of the string, separated by a colon.
+ * This allows you to specify the local port that should be used for the outgoing connection. (read paragraph to end)
+ * To specify both interface and local port: "en1:8082" or "".
+ * To specify only local port: ":8082".
+ * Please note this is an advanced feature, and is somewhat hidden on purpose.
+ * You should understand that 99.999% of the time you should NOT specify the local port for an outgoing connection.
+ * If you think you need to, there is a very good chance you have a fundamental misunderstanding somewhere.
+ * Local ports do NOT need to match remote ports. In fact, they almost never do.
+ * This feature is here for networking professionals using very advanced techniques.
+- (BOOL)connectToHost:(NSString *)host
+ onPort:(uint16_t)port
+ viaInterface:(nullable NSString *)interface
+ withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout
+ error:(NSError **)errPtr;
+ * Connects to the given address, specified as a sockaddr structure wrapped in a NSData object.
+ * For example, a NSData object returned from NSNetService's addresses method.
+ *
+ * If you have an existing struct sockaddr you can convert it to a NSData object like so:
+ * struct sockaddr sa -> NSData *dsa = [NSData dataWithBytes:&remoteAddr length:remoteAddr.sa_len];
+ * struct sockaddr *sa -> NSData *dsa = [NSData dataWithBytes:remoteAddr length:remoteAddr->sa_len];
+ *
+ * This method invokes connectToAddress:remoteAddr viaInterface:nil withTimeout:-1 error:errPtr.
+- (BOOL)connectToAddress:(NSData *)remoteAddr error:(NSError **)errPtr;
+ * This method is the same as connectToAddress:error: with an additional timeout option.
+ * To not time out use a negative time interval, or simply use the connectToAddress:error: method.
+- (BOOL)connectToAddress:(NSData *)remoteAddr withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout error:(NSError **)errPtr;
+ * Connects to the given address, using the specified interface and timeout.
+ *
+ * The address is specified as a sockaddr structure wrapped in a NSData object.
+ * For example, a NSData object returned from NSNetService's addresses method.
+ *
+ * If you have an existing struct sockaddr you can convert it to a NSData object like so:
+ * struct sockaddr sa -> NSData *dsa = [NSData dataWithBytes:&remoteAddr length:remoteAddr.sa_len];
+ * struct sockaddr *sa -> NSData *dsa = [NSData dataWithBytes:remoteAddr length:remoteAddr->sa_len];
+ *
+ * The interface may be a name (e.g. "en1" or "lo0") or the corresponding IP address (e.g. "").
+ * The interface may also be used to specify the local port (see below).
+ *
+ * The timeout is optional. To not time out use a negative time interval.
+ *
+ * This method will return NO if an error is detected, and set the error pointer (if one was given).
+ * Possible errors would be a nil host, invalid interface, or socket is already connected.
+ *
+ * If no errors are detected, this method will start a background connect operation and immediately return YES.
+ * The delegate callbacks are used to notify you when the socket connects, or if the host was unreachable.
+ *
+ * Since this class supports queued reads and writes, you can immediately start reading and/or writing.
+ * All read/write operations will be queued, and upon socket connection,
+ * the operations will be dequeued and processed in order.
+ *
+ * The interface may optionally contain a port number at the end of the string, separated by a colon.
+ * This allows you to specify the local port that should be used for the outgoing connection. (read paragraph to end)
+ * To specify both interface and local port: "en1:8082" or "".
+ * To specify only local port: ":8082".
+ * Please note this is an advanced feature, and is somewhat hidden on purpose.
+ * You should understand that 99.999% of the time you should NOT specify the local port for an outgoing connection.
+ * If you think you need to, there is a very good chance you have a fundamental misunderstanding somewhere.
+ * Local ports do NOT need to match remote ports. In fact, they almost never do.
+ * This feature is here for networking professionals using very advanced techniques.
+- (BOOL)connectToAddress:(NSData *)remoteAddr
+ viaInterface:(nullable NSString *)interface
+ withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout
+ error:(NSError **)errPtr;
+ * Connects to the unix domain socket at the given url, using the specified timeout.
+ */
+- (BOOL)connectToUrl:(NSURL *)url withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout error:(NSError **)errPtr;
+ * Iterates over the given NetService's addresses in order, and invokes connectToAddress:error:. Stops at the
+ * first invocation that succeeds and returns YES; otherwise returns NO.
+ */
+- (BOOL)connectToNetService:(NSNetService *)netService error:(NSError **)errPtr;
+#pragma mark Disconnecting
+ * Disconnects immediately (synchronously). Any pending reads or writes are dropped.
+ *
+ * If the socket is not already disconnected, an invocation to the socketDidDisconnect:withError: delegate method
+ * will be queued onto the delegateQueue asynchronously (behind any previously queued delegate methods).
+ * In other words, the disconnected delegate method will be invoked sometime shortly after this method returns.
+ *
+ * Please note the recommended way of releasing a GCDAsyncSocket instance (e.g. in a dealloc method)
+ * [asyncSocket setDelegate:nil];
+ * [asyncSocket disconnect];
+ * [asyncSocket release];
+ *
+ * If you plan on disconnecting the socket, and then immediately asking it to connect again,
+ * you'll likely want to do so like this:
+ * [asyncSocket setDelegate:nil];
+ * [asyncSocket disconnect];
+ * [asyncSocket setDelegate:self];
+ * [asyncSocket connect...];
+- (void)disconnect;
+ * Disconnects after all pending reads have completed.
+ * After calling this, the read and write methods will do nothing.
+ * The socket will disconnect even if there are still pending writes.
+- (void)disconnectAfterReading;
+ * Disconnects after all pending writes have completed.
+ * After calling this, the read and write methods will do nothing.
+ * The socket will disconnect even if there are still pending reads.
+- (void)disconnectAfterWriting;
+ * Disconnects after all pending reads and writes have completed.
+ * After calling this, the read and write methods will do nothing.
+- (void)disconnectAfterReadingAndWriting;
+#pragma mark Diagnostics
+ * Returns whether the socket is disconnected or connected.
+ *
+ * A disconnected socket may be recycled.
+ * That is, it can be used again for connecting or listening.
+ *
+ * If a socket is in the process of connecting, it may be neither disconnected nor connected.
+@property (atomic, readonly) BOOL isDisconnected;
+@property (atomic, readonly) BOOL isConnected;
+ * Returns the local or remote host and port to which this socket is connected, or nil and 0 if not connected.
+ * The host will be an IP address.
+@property (atomic, readonly, nullable) NSString *connectedHost;
+@property (atomic, readonly) uint16_t connectedPort;
+@property (atomic, readonly, nullable) NSURL *connectedUrl;
+@property (atomic, readonly, nullable) NSString *localHost;
+@property (atomic, readonly) uint16_t localPort;
+ * Returns the local or remote address to which this socket is connected,
+ * specified as a sockaddr structure wrapped in a NSData object.
+ *
+ * @seealso connectedHost
+ * @seealso connectedPort
+ * @seealso localHost
+ * @seealso localPort
+@property (atomic, readonly, nullable) NSData *connectedAddress;
+@property (atomic, readonly, nullable) NSData *localAddress;
+ * Returns whether the socket is IPv4 or IPv6.
+ * An accepting socket may be both.
+@property (atomic, readonly) BOOL isIPv4;
+@property (atomic, readonly) BOOL isIPv6;
+ * Returns whether or not the socket has been secured via SSL/TLS.
+ *
+ * See also the startTLS method.
+@property (atomic, readonly) BOOL isSecure;
+#pragma mark Reading
+// The readData and writeData methods won't block (they are asynchronous).
+// When a read is complete the socket:didReadData:withTag: delegate method is dispatched on the delegateQueue.
+// When a write is complete the socket:didWriteDataWithTag: delegate method is dispatched on the delegateQueue.
+// You may optionally set a timeout for any read/write operation. (To not timeout, use a negative time interval.)
+// If a read/write opertion times out, the corresponding "socket:shouldTimeout..." delegate method
+// is called to optionally allow you to extend the timeout.
+// Upon a timeout, the "socket:didDisconnectWithError:" method is called
+// The tag is for your convenience.
+// You can use it as an array index, step number, state id, pointer, etc.
+ * Reads the first available bytes that become available on the socket.
+ *
+ * If the timeout value is negative, the read operation will not use a timeout.
+- (void)readDataWithTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout tag:(long)tag;
+ * Reads the first available bytes that become available on the socket.
+ * The bytes will be appended to the given byte buffer starting at the given offset.
+ * The given buffer will automatically be increased in size if needed.
+ *
+ * If the timeout value is negative, the read operation will not use a timeout.
+ * If the buffer is nil, the socket will create a buffer for you.
+ *
+ * If the bufferOffset is greater than the length of the given buffer,
+ * the method will do nothing, and the delegate will not be called.
+ *
+ * If you pass a buffer, you must not alter it in any way while the socket is using it.
+ * After completion, the data returned in socket:didReadData:withTag: will be a subset of the given buffer.
+ * That is, it will reference the bytes that were appended to the given buffer via
+ * the method [NSData dataWithBytesNoCopy:length:freeWhenDone:NO].
+- (void)readDataWithTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout
+ buffer:(nullable NSMutableData *)buffer
+ bufferOffset:(NSUInteger)offset
+ tag:(long)tag;
+ * Reads the first available bytes that become available on the socket.
+ * The bytes will be appended to the given byte buffer starting at the given offset.
+ * The given buffer will automatically be increased in size if needed.
+ * A maximum of length bytes will be read.
+ *
+ * If the timeout value is negative, the read operation will not use a timeout.
+ * If the buffer is nil, a buffer will automatically be created for you.
+ * If maxLength is zero, no length restriction is enforced.
+ *
+ * If the bufferOffset is greater than the length of the given buffer,
+ * the method will do nothing, and the delegate will not be called.
+ *
+ * If you pass a buffer, you must not alter it in any way while the socket is using it.
+ * After completion, the data returned in socket:didReadData:withTag: will be a subset of the given buffer.
+ * That is, it will reference the bytes that were appended to the given buffer via
+ * the method [NSData dataWithBytesNoCopy:length:freeWhenDone:NO].
+- (void)readDataWithTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout
+ buffer:(nullable NSMutableData *)buffer
+ bufferOffset:(NSUInteger)offset
+ maxLength:(NSUInteger)length
+ tag:(long)tag;
+ * Reads the given number of bytes.
+ *
+ * If the timeout value is negative, the read operation will not use a timeout.
+ *
+ * If the length is 0, this method does nothing and the delegate is not called.
+- (void)readDataToLength:(NSUInteger)length withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout tag:(long)tag;
+ * Reads the given number of bytes.
+ * The bytes will be appended to the given byte buffer starting at the given offset.
+ * The given buffer will automatically be increased in size if needed.
+ *
+ * If the timeout value is negative, the read operation will not use a timeout.
+ * If the buffer is nil, a buffer will automatically be created for you.
+ *
+ * If the length is 0, this method does nothing and the delegate is not called.
+ * If the bufferOffset is greater than the length of the given buffer,
+ * the method will do nothing, and the delegate will not be called.
+ *
+ * If you pass a buffer, you must not alter it in any way while AsyncSocket is using it.
+ * After completion, the data returned in socket:didReadData:withTag: will be a subset of the given buffer.
+ * That is, it will reference the bytes that were appended to the given buffer via
+ * the method [NSData dataWithBytesNoCopy:length:freeWhenDone:NO].
+- (void)readDataToLength:(NSUInteger)length
+ withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout
+ buffer:(nullable NSMutableData *)buffer
+ bufferOffset:(NSUInteger)offset
+ tag:(long)tag;
+ * Reads bytes until (and including) the passed "data" parameter, which acts as a separator.
+ *
+ * If the timeout value is negative, the read operation will not use a timeout.
+ *
+ * If you pass nil or zero-length data as the "data" parameter,
+ * the method will do nothing (except maybe print a warning), and the delegate will not be called.
+ *
+ * To read a line from the socket, use the line separator (e.g. CRLF for HTTP, see below) as the "data" parameter.
+ * If you're developing your own custom protocol, be sure your separator can not occur naturally as
+ * part of the data between separators.
+ * For example, imagine you want to send several small documents over a socket.
+ * Using CRLF as a separator is likely unwise, as a CRLF could easily exist within the documents.
+ * In this particular example, it would be better to use a protocol similar to HTTP with
+ * a header that includes the length of the document.
+ * Also be careful that your separator cannot occur naturally as part of the encoding for a character.
+ *
+ * The given data (separator) parameter should be immutable.
+ * For performance reasons, the socket will retain it, not copy it.
+ * So if it is immutable, don't modify it while the socket is using it.
+- (void)readDataToData:(nullable NSData *)data withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout tag:(long)tag;
+ * Reads bytes until (and including) the passed "data" parameter, which acts as a separator.
+ * The bytes will be appended to the given byte buffer starting at the given offset.
+ * The given buffer will automatically be increased in size if needed.
+ *
+ * If the timeout value is negative, the read operation will not use a timeout.
+ * If the buffer is nil, a buffer will automatically be created for you.
+ *
+ * If the bufferOffset is greater than the length of the given buffer,
+ * the method will do nothing (except maybe print a warning), and the delegate will not be called.
+ *
+ * If you pass a buffer, you must not alter it in any way while the socket is using it.
+ * After completion, the data returned in socket:didReadData:withTag: will be a subset of the given buffer.
+ * That is, it will reference the bytes that were appended to the given buffer via
+ * the method [NSData dataWithBytesNoCopy:length:freeWhenDone:NO].
+ *
+ * To read a line from the socket, use the line separator (e.g. CRLF for HTTP, see below) as the "data" parameter.
+ * If you're developing your own custom protocol, be sure your separator can not occur naturally as
+ * part of the data between separators.
+ * For example, imagine you want to send several small documents over a socket.
+ * Using CRLF as a separator is likely unwise, as a CRLF could easily exist within the documents.
+ * In this particular example, it would be better to use a protocol similar to HTTP with
+ * a header that includes the length of the document.
+ * Also be careful that your separator cannot occur naturally as part of the encoding for a character.
+ *
+ * The given data (separator) parameter should be immutable.
+ * For performance reasons, the socket will retain it, not copy it.
+ * So if it is immutable, don't modify it while the socket is using it.
+- (void)readDataToData:(NSData *)data
+ withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout
+ buffer:(nullable NSMutableData *)buffer
+ bufferOffset:(NSUInteger)offset
+ tag:(long)tag;
+ * Reads bytes until (and including) the passed "data" parameter, which acts as a separator.
+ *
+ * If the timeout value is negative, the read operation will not use a timeout.
+ *
+ * If maxLength is zero, no length restriction is enforced.
+ * Otherwise if maxLength bytes are read without completing the read,
+ * it is treated similarly to a timeout - the socket is closed with a GCDAsyncSocketReadMaxedOutError.
+ * The read will complete successfully if exactly maxLength bytes are read and the given data is found at the end.
+ *
+ * If you pass nil or zero-length data as the "data" parameter,
+ * the method will do nothing (except maybe print a warning), and the delegate will not be called.
+ * If you pass a maxLength parameter that is less than the length of the data parameter,
+ * the method will do nothing (except maybe print a warning), and the delegate will not be called.
+ *
+ * To read a line from the socket, use the line separator (e.g. CRLF for HTTP, see below) as the "data" parameter.
+ * If you're developing your own custom protocol, be sure your separator can not occur naturally as
+ * part of the data between separators.
+ * For example, imagine you want to send several small documents over a socket.
+ * Using CRLF as a separator is likely unwise, as a CRLF could easily exist within the documents.
+ * In this particular example, it would be better to use a protocol similar to HTTP with
+ * a header that includes the length of the document.
+ * Also be careful that your separator cannot occur naturally as part of the encoding for a character.
+ *
+ * The given data (separator) parameter should be immutable.
+ * For performance reasons, the socket will retain it, not copy it.
+ * So if it is immutable, don't modify it while the socket is using it.
+- (void)readDataToData:(NSData *)data withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout maxLength:(NSUInteger)length tag:(long)tag;
+ * Reads bytes until (and including) the passed "data" parameter, which acts as a separator.
+ * The bytes will be appended to the given byte buffer starting at the given offset.
+ * The given buffer will automatically be increased in size if needed.
+ *
+ * If the timeout value is negative, the read operation will not use a timeout.
+ * If the buffer is nil, a buffer will automatically be created for you.
+ *
+ * If maxLength is zero, no length restriction is enforced.
+ * Otherwise if maxLength bytes are read without completing the read,
+ * it is treated similarly to a timeout - the socket is closed with a GCDAsyncSocketReadMaxedOutError.
+ * The read will complete successfully if exactly maxLength bytes are read and the given data is found at the end.
+ *
+ * If you pass a maxLength parameter that is less than the length of the data (separator) parameter,
+ * the method will do nothing (except maybe print a warning), and the delegate will not be called.
+ * If the bufferOffset is greater than the length of the given buffer,
+ * the method will do nothing (except maybe print a warning), and the delegate will not be called.
+ *
+ * If you pass a buffer, you must not alter it in any way while the socket is using it.
+ * After completion, the data returned in socket:didReadData:withTag: will be a subset of the given buffer.
+ * That is, it will reference the bytes that were appended to the given buffer via
+ * the method [NSData dataWithBytesNoCopy:length:freeWhenDone:NO].
+ *
+ * To read a line from the socket, use the line separator (e.g. CRLF for HTTP, see below) as the "data" parameter.
+ * If you're developing your own custom protocol, be sure your separator can not occur naturally as
+ * part of the data between separators.
+ * For example, imagine you want to send several small documents over a socket.
+ * Using CRLF as a separator is likely unwise, as a CRLF could easily exist within the documents.
+ * In this particular example, it would be better to use a protocol similar to HTTP with
+ * a header that includes the length of the document.
+ * Also be careful that your separator cannot occur naturally as part of the encoding for a character.
+ *
+ * The given data (separator) parameter should be immutable.
+ * For performance reasons, the socket will retain it, not copy it.
+ * So if it is immutable, don't modify it while the socket is using it.
+- (void)readDataToData:(NSData *)data
+ withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout
+ buffer:(nullable NSMutableData *)buffer
+ bufferOffset:(NSUInteger)offset
+ maxLength:(NSUInteger)length
+ tag:(long)tag;
+ * Returns progress of the current read, from 0.0 to 1.0, or NaN if no current read (use isnan() to check).
+ * The parameters "tag", "done" and "total" will be filled in if they aren't NULL.
+- (float)progressOfReadReturningTag:(nullable long *)tagPtr bytesDone:(nullable NSUInteger *)donePtr total:(nullable NSUInteger *)totalPtr;
+#pragma mark Writing
+ * Writes data to the socket, and calls the delegate when finished.
+ *
+ * If you pass in nil or zero-length data, this method does nothing and the delegate will not be called.
+ * If the timeout value is negative, the write operation will not use a timeout.
+ *
+ * Thread-Safety Note:
+ * If the given data parameter is mutable (NSMutableData) then you MUST NOT alter the data while
+ * the socket is writing it. In other words, it's not safe to alter the data until after the delegate method
+ * socket:didWriteDataWithTag: is invoked signifying that this particular write operation has completed.
+ * This is due to the fact that GCDAsyncSocket does NOT copy the data. It simply retains it.
+ * This is for performance reasons. Often times, if NSMutableData is passed, it is because
+ * a request/response was built up in memory. Copying this data adds an unwanted/unneeded overhead.
+ * If you need to write data from an immutable buffer, and you need to alter the buffer before the socket
+ * completes writing the bytes (which is NOT immediately after this method returns, but rather at a later time
+ * when the delegate method notifies you), then you should first copy the bytes, and pass the copy to this method.
+- (void)writeData:(nullable NSData *)data withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout tag:(long)tag;
+ * Returns progress of the current write, from 0.0 to 1.0, or NaN if no current write (use isnan() to check).
+ * The parameters "tag", "done" and "total" will be filled in if they aren't NULL.
+- (float)progressOfWriteReturningTag:(nullable long *)tagPtr bytesDone:(nullable NSUInteger *)donePtr total:(nullable NSUInteger *)totalPtr;
+#pragma mark Security
+ * Secures the connection using SSL/TLS.
+ *
+ * This method may be called at any time, and the TLS handshake will occur after all pending reads and writes
+ * are finished. This allows one the option of sending a protocol dependent StartTLS message, and queuing
+ * the upgrade to TLS at the same time, without having to wait for the write to finish.
+ * Any reads or writes scheduled after this method is called will occur over the secured connection.
+ *
+ * ==== The available TOP-LEVEL KEYS are:
+ *
+ * - GCDAsyncSocketManuallyEvaluateTrust
+ * The value must be of type NSNumber, encapsulating a BOOL value.
+ * If you set this to YES, then the underlying SecureTransport system will not evaluate the SecTrustRef of the peer.
+ * Instead it will pause at the moment evaulation would typically occur,
+ * and allow us to handle the security evaluation however we see fit.
+ * So GCDAsyncSocket will invoke the delegate method socket:shouldTrustPeer: passing the SecTrustRef.
+ *
+ * Note that if you set this option, then all other configuration keys are ignored.
+ * Evaluation will be completely up to you during the socket:didReceiveTrust:completionHandler: delegate method.
+ *
+ * For more information on trust evaluation see:
+ * Apple's Technical Note TN2232 - HTTPS Server Trust Evaluation
+ * https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/technotes/tn2232/_index.html
+ *
+ * If unspecified, the default value is NO.
+ *
+ * - GCDAsyncSocketUseCFStreamForTLS (iOS only)
+ * The value must be of type NSNumber, encapsulating a BOOL value.
+ * By default GCDAsyncSocket will use the SecureTransport layer to perform encryption.
+ * This gives us more control over the security protocol (many more configuration options),
+ * plus it allows us to optimize things like sys calls and buffer allocation.
+ *
+ * However, if you absolutely must, you can instruct GCDAsyncSocket to use the old-fashioned encryption
+ * technique by going through the CFStream instead. So instead of using SecureTransport, GCDAsyncSocket
+ * will instead setup a CFRead/CFWriteStream. And then set the kCFStreamPropertySSLSettings property
+ * (via CFReadStreamSetProperty / CFWriteStreamSetProperty) and will pass the given options to this method.
+ *
+ * Thus all the other keys in the given dictionary will be ignored by GCDAsyncSocket,
+ * and will passed directly CFReadStreamSetProperty / CFWriteStreamSetProperty.
+ * For more infomation on these keys, please see the documentation for kCFStreamPropertySSLSettings.
+ *
+ * If unspecified, the default value is NO.
+ *
+ * ==== The available CONFIGURATION KEYS are:
+ *
+ * - kCFStreamSSLPeerName
+ * The value must be of type NSString.
+ * It should match the name in the X.509 certificate given by the remote party.
+ * See Apple's documentation for SSLSetPeerDomainName.
+ *
+ * - kCFStreamSSLCertificates
+ * The value must be of type NSArray.
+ * See Apple's documentation for SSLSetCertificate.
+ *
+ * - kCFStreamSSLIsServer
+ * The value must be of type NSNumber, encapsulationg a BOOL value.
+ * See Apple's documentation for SSLCreateContext for iOS.
+ * This is optional for iOS. If not supplied, a NO value is the default.
+ * This is not needed for Mac OS X, and the value is ignored.
+ *
+ * - GCDAsyncSocketSSLPeerID
+ * The value must be of type NSData.
+ * You must set this value if you want to use TLS session resumption.
+ * See Apple's documentation for SSLSetPeerID.
+ *
+ * - GCDAsyncSocketSSLProtocolVersionMin
+ * - GCDAsyncSocketSSLProtocolVersionMax
+ * The value(s) must be of type NSNumber, encapsulting a SSLProtocol value.
+ * See Apple's documentation for SSLSetProtocolVersionMin & SSLSetProtocolVersionMax.
+ * See also the SSLProtocol typedef.
+ *
+ * - GCDAsyncSocketSSLSessionOptionFalseStart
+ * The value must be of type NSNumber, encapsulating a BOOL value.
+ * See Apple's documentation for kSSLSessionOptionFalseStart.
+ *
+ * - GCDAsyncSocketSSLSessionOptionSendOneByteRecord
+ * The value must be of type NSNumber, encapsulating a BOOL value.
+ * See Apple's documentation for kSSLSessionOptionSendOneByteRecord.
+ *
+ * - GCDAsyncSocketSSLCipherSuites
+ * The values must be of type NSArray.
+ * Each item within the array must be a NSNumber, encapsulating an SSLCipherSuite.
+ * See Apple's documentation for SSLSetEnabledCiphers.
+ * See also the SSLCipherSuite typedef.
+ *
+ * - GCDAsyncSocketSSLDiffieHellmanParameters (Mac OS X only)
+ * The value must be of type NSData.
+ * See Apple's documentation for SSLSetDiffieHellmanParams.
+ *
+ * ==== The following UNAVAILABLE KEYS are: (with throw an exception)
+ *
+ * - kCFStreamSSLAllowsAnyRoot (UNAVAILABLE)
+ * You MUST use manual trust evaluation instead (see GCDAsyncSocketManuallyEvaluateTrust).
+ * Corresponding deprecated method: SSLSetAllowsAnyRoot
+ *
+ * - kCFStreamSSLAllowsExpiredRoots (UNAVAILABLE)
+ * You MUST use manual trust evaluation instead (see GCDAsyncSocketManuallyEvaluateTrust).
+ * Corresponding deprecated method: SSLSetAllowsExpiredRoots
+ *
+ * - kCFStreamSSLAllowsExpiredCertificates (UNAVAILABLE)
+ * You MUST use manual trust evaluation instead (see GCDAsyncSocketManuallyEvaluateTrust).
+ * Corresponding deprecated method: SSLSetAllowsExpiredCerts
+ *
+ * - kCFStreamSSLValidatesCertificateChain (UNAVAILABLE)
+ * You MUST use manual trust evaluation instead (see GCDAsyncSocketManuallyEvaluateTrust).
+ * Corresponding deprecated method: SSLSetEnableCertVerify
+ *
+ * - kCFStreamSSLLevel (UNAVAILABLE)
+ * You MUST use GCDAsyncSocketSSLProtocolVersionMin & GCDAsyncSocketSSLProtocolVersionMin instead.
+ * Corresponding deprecated method: SSLSetProtocolVersionEnabled
+ *
+ *
+ * Please refer to Apple's documentation for corresponding SSLFunctions.
+ *
+ * If you pass in nil or an empty dictionary, the default settings will be used.
+ *
+ * The default settings will check to make sure the remote party's certificate is signed by a
+ * trusted 3rd party certificate agency (e.g. verisign) and that the certificate is not expired.
+ * However it will not verify the name on the certificate unless you
+ * give it a name to verify against via the kCFStreamSSLPeerName key.
+ * The security implications of this are important to understand.
+ * Imagine you are attempting to create a secure connection to MySecureServer.com,
+ * but your socket gets directed to MaliciousServer.com because of a hacked DNS server.
+ * If you simply use the default settings, and MaliciousServer.com has a valid certificate,
+ * the default settings will not detect any problems since the certificate is valid.
+ * To properly secure your connection in this particular scenario you
+ * should set the kCFStreamSSLPeerName property to "MySecureServer.com".
+ *
+ * You can also perform additional validation in socketDidSecure.
+- (void)startTLS:(nullable NSDictionary *)tlsSettings;
+#pragma mark Advanced
+ * Traditionally sockets are not closed until the conversation is over.
+ * However, it is technically possible for the remote enpoint to close its write stream.
+ * Our socket would then be notified that there is no more data to be read,
+ * but our socket would still be writeable and the remote endpoint could continue to receive our data.
+ *
+ * The argument for this confusing functionality stems from the idea that a client could shut down its
+ * write stream after sending a request to the server, thus notifying the server there are to be no further requests.
+ * In practice, however, this technique did little to help server developers.
+ *
+ * To make matters worse, from a TCP perspective there is no way to tell the difference from a read stream close
+ * and a full socket close. They both result in the TCP stack receiving a FIN packet. The only way to tell
+ * is by continuing to write to the socket. If it was only a read stream close, then writes will continue to work.
+ * Otherwise an error will be occur shortly (when the remote end sends us a RST packet).
+ *
+ * In addition to the technical challenges and confusion, many high level socket/stream API's provide
+ * no support for dealing with the problem. If the read stream is closed, the API immediately declares the
+ * socket to be closed, and shuts down the write stream as well. In fact, this is what Apple's CFStream API does.
+ * It might sound like poor design at first, but in fact it simplifies development.
+ *
+ * The vast majority of the time if the read stream is closed it's because the remote endpoint closed its socket.
+ * Thus it actually makes sense to close the socket at this point.
+ * And in fact this is what most networking developers want and expect to happen.
+ * However, if you are writing a server that interacts with a plethora of clients,
+ * you might encounter a client that uses the discouraged technique of shutting down its write stream.
+ * If this is the case, you can set this property to NO,
+ * and make use of the socketDidCloseReadStream delegate method.
+ *
+ * The default value is YES.
+@property (atomic, assign, readwrite) BOOL autoDisconnectOnClosedReadStream;
+ * GCDAsyncSocket maintains thread safety by using an internal serial dispatch_queue.
+ * In most cases, the instance creates this queue itself.
+ * However, to allow for maximum flexibility, the internal queue may be passed in the init method.
+ * This allows for some advanced options such as controlling socket priority via target queues.
+ * However, when one begins to use target queues like this, they open the door to some specific deadlock issues.
+ *
+ * For example, imagine there are 2 queues:
+ * dispatch_queue_t socketQueue;
+ * dispatch_queue_t socketTargetQueue;
+ *
+ * If you do this (pseudo-code):
+ * socketQueue.targetQueue = socketTargetQueue;
+ *
+ * Then all socketQueue operations will actually get run on the given socketTargetQueue.
+ * This is fine and works great in most situations.
+ * But if you run code directly from within the socketTargetQueue that accesses the socket,
+ * you could potentially get deadlock. Imagine the following code:
+ *
+ * - (BOOL)socketHasSomething
+ * {
+ * __block BOOL result = NO;
+ * dispatch_block_t block = ^{
+ * result = [self someInternalMethodToBeRunOnlyOnSocketQueue];
+ * }
+ * if (is_executing_on_queue(socketQueue))
+ * block();
+ * else
+ * dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
+ *
+ * return result;
+ * }
+ *
+ * What happens if you call this method from the socketTargetQueue? The result is deadlock.
+ * This is because the GCD API offers no mechanism to discover a queue's targetQueue.
+ * Thus we have no idea if our socketQueue is configured with a targetQueue.
+ * If we had this information, we could easily avoid deadlock.
+ * But, since these API's are missing or unfeasible, you'll have to explicitly set it.
+ *
+ * IF you pass a socketQueue via the init method,
+ * AND you've configured the passed socketQueue with a targetQueue,
+ * THEN you should pass the end queue in the target hierarchy.
+ *
+ * For example, consider the following queue hierarchy:
+ * socketQueue -> ipQueue -> moduleQueue
+ *
+ * This example demonstrates priority shaping within some server.
+ * All incoming client connections from the same IP address are executed on the same target queue.
+ * And all connections for a particular module are executed on the same target queue.
+ * Thus, the priority of all networking for the entire module can be changed on the fly.
+ * Additionally, networking traffic from a single IP cannot monopolize the module.
+ *
+ * Here's how you would accomplish something like that:
+ * - (dispatch_queue_t)newSocketQueueForConnectionFromAddress:(NSData *)address onSocket:(GCDAsyncSocket *)sock
+ * {
+ * dispatch_queue_t socketQueue = dispatch_queue_create("", NULL);
+ * dispatch_queue_t ipQueue = [self ipQueueForAddress:address];
+ *
+ * dispatch_set_target_queue(socketQueue, ipQueue);
+ * dispatch_set_target_queue(iqQueue, moduleQueue);
+ *
+ * return socketQueue;
+ * }
+ * - (void)socket:(GCDAsyncSocket *)sock didAcceptNewSocket:(GCDAsyncSocket *)newSocket
+ * {
+ * [clientConnections addObject:newSocket];
+ * [newSocket markSocketQueueTargetQueue:moduleQueue];
+ * }
+ *
+ * Note: This workaround is ONLY needed if you intend to execute code directly on the ipQueue or moduleQueue.
+ * This is often NOT the case, as such queues are used solely for execution shaping.
+- (void)markSocketQueueTargetQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)socketQueuesPreConfiguredTargetQueue;
+- (void)unmarkSocketQueueTargetQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)socketQueuesPreviouslyConfiguredTargetQueue;
+ * It's not thread-safe to access certain variables from outside the socket's internal queue.
+ *
+ * For example, the socket file descriptor.
+ * File descriptors are simply integers which reference an index in the per-process file table.
+ * However, when one requests a new file descriptor (by opening a file or socket),
+ * the file descriptor returned is guaranteed to be the lowest numbered unused descriptor.
+ * So if we're not careful, the following could be possible:
+ *
+ * - Thread A invokes a method which returns the socket's file descriptor.
+ * - The socket is closed via the socket's internal queue on thread B.
+ * - Thread C opens a file, and subsequently receives the file descriptor that was previously the socket's FD.
+ * - Thread A is now accessing/altering the file instead of the socket.
+ *
+ * In addition to this, other variables are not actually objects,
+ * and thus cannot be retained/released or even autoreleased.
+ * An example is the sslContext, of type SSLContextRef, which is actually a malloc'd struct.
+ *
+ * Although there are internal variables that make it difficult to maintain thread-safety,
+ * it is important to provide access to these variables
+ * to ensure this class can be used in a wide array of environments.
+ * This method helps to accomplish this by invoking the current block on the socket's internal queue.
+ * The methods below can be invoked from within the block to access
+ * those generally thread-unsafe internal variables in a thread-safe manner.
+ * The given block will be invoked synchronously on the socket's internal queue.
+ *
+ * If you save references to any protected variables and use them outside the block, you do so at your own peril.
+- (void)performBlock:(dispatch_block_t)block;
+ * These methods are only available from within the context of a performBlock: invocation.
+ * See the documentation for the performBlock: method above.
+ *
+ * Provides access to the socket's file descriptor(s).
+ * If the socket is a server socket (is accepting incoming connections),
+ * it might actually have multiple internal socket file descriptors - one for IPv4 and one for IPv6.
+- (int)socketFD;
+- (int)socket4FD;
+- (int)socket6FD;
+ * These methods are only available from within the context of a performBlock: invocation.
+ * See the documentation for the performBlock: method above.
+ *
+ * Provides access to the socket's internal CFReadStream/CFWriteStream.
+ *
+ * These streams are only used as workarounds for specific iOS shortcomings:
+ *
+ * - Apple has decided to keep the SecureTransport framework private is iOS.
+ * This means the only supplied way to do SSL/TLS is via CFStream or some other API layered on top of it.
+ * Thus, in order to provide SSL/TLS support on iOS we are forced to rely on CFStream,
+ * instead of the preferred and faster and more powerful SecureTransport.
+ *
+ * - If a socket doesn't have backgrounding enabled, and that socket is closed while the app is backgrounded,
+ * Apple only bothers to notify us via the CFStream API.
+ * The faster and more powerful GCD API isn't notified properly in this case.
+ *
+ * See also: (BOOL)enableBackgroundingOnSocket
+- (nullable CFReadStreamRef)readStream;
+- (nullable CFWriteStreamRef)writeStream;
+ * This method is only available from within the context of a performBlock: invocation.
+ * See the documentation for the performBlock: method above.
+ *
+ * Configures the socket to allow it to operate when the iOS application has been backgrounded.
+ * In other words, this method creates a read & write stream, and invokes:
+ *
+ * CFReadStreamSetProperty(readStream, kCFStreamNetworkServiceType, kCFStreamNetworkServiceTypeVoIP);
+ * CFWriteStreamSetProperty(writeStream, kCFStreamNetworkServiceType, kCFStreamNetworkServiceTypeVoIP);
+ *
+ * Returns YES if successful, NO otherwise.
+ *
+ * Note: Apple does not officially support backgrounding server sockets.
+ * That is, if your socket is accepting incoming connections, Apple does not officially support
+ * allowing iOS applications to accept incoming connections while an app is backgrounded.
+ *
+ * Example usage:
+ *
+ * - (void)socket:(GCDAsyncSocket *)sock didConnectToHost:(NSString *)host port:(uint16_t)port
+ * {
+ * [asyncSocket performBlock:^{
+ * [asyncSocket enableBackgroundingOnSocket];
+ * }];
+ * }
+- (BOOL)enableBackgroundingOnSocket;
+ * This method is only available from within the context of a performBlock: invocation.
+ * See the documentation for the performBlock: method above.
+ *
+ * Provides access to the socket's SSLContext, if SSL/TLS has been started on the socket.
+- (nullable SSLContextRef)sslContext;
+#pragma mark Utilities
+ * The address lookup utility used by the class.
+ * This method is synchronous, so it's recommended you use it on a background thread/queue.
+ *
+ * The special strings "localhost" and "loopback" return the loopback address for IPv4 and IPv6.
+ *
+ * @returns
+ * A mutable array with all IPv4 and IPv6 addresses returned by getaddrinfo.
+ * The addresses are specifically for TCP connections.
+ * You can filter the addresses, if needed, using the other utility methods provided by the class.
++ (nullable NSMutableArray *)lookupHost:(NSString *)host port:(uint16_t)port error:(NSError **)errPtr;
+ * Extracting host and port information from raw address data.
++ (nullable NSString *)hostFromAddress:(NSData *)address;
++ (uint16_t)portFromAddress:(NSData *)address;
++ (BOOL)isIPv4Address:(NSData *)address;
++ (BOOL)isIPv6Address:(NSData *)address;
++ (BOOL)getHost:( NSString * __nullable * __nullable)hostPtr port:(nullable uint16_t *)portPtr fromAddress:(NSData *)address;
++ (BOOL)getHost:(NSString * __nullable * __nullable)hostPtr port:(nullable uint16_t *)portPtr family:(nullable sa_family_t *)afPtr fromAddress:(NSData *)address;
+ * A few common line separators, for use with the readDataToData:... methods.
++ (NSData *)CRLFData; // 0x0D0A
++ (NSData *)CRData; // 0x0D
++ (NSData *)LFData; // 0x0A
++ (NSData *)ZeroData; // 0x00
+#pragma mark -
+@protocol GCDAsyncSocketDelegate
+ * This method is called immediately prior to socket:didAcceptNewSocket:.
+ * It optionally allows a listening socket to specify the socketQueue for a new accepted socket.
+ * If this method is not implemented, or returns NULL, the new accepted socket will create its own default queue.
+ *
+ * Since you cannot autorelease a dispatch_queue,
+ * this method uses the "new" prefix in its name to specify that the returned queue has been retained.
+ *
+ * Thus you could do something like this in the implementation:
+ * return dispatch_queue_create("MyQueue", NULL);
+ *
+ * If you are placing multiple sockets on the same queue,
+ * then care should be taken to increment the retain count each time this method is invoked.
+ *
+ * For example, your implementation might look something like this:
+ * dispatch_retain(myExistingQueue);
+ * return myExistingQueue;
+- (nullable dispatch_queue_t)newSocketQueueForConnectionFromAddress:(NSData *)address onSocket:(GCDAsyncSocket *)sock;
+ * Called when a socket accepts a connection.
+ * Another socket is automatically spawned to handle it.
+ *
+ * You must retain the newSocket if you wish to handle the connection.
+ * Otherwise the newSocket instance will be released and the spawned connection will be closed.
+ *
+ * By default the new socket will have the same delegate and delegateQueue.
+ * You may, of course, change this at any time.
+- (void)socket:(GCDAsyncSocket *)sock didAcceptNewSocket:(GCDAsyncSocket *)newSocket;
+ * Called when a socket connects and is ready for reading and writing.
+ * The host parameter will be an IP address, not a DNS name.
+- (void)socket:(GCDAsyncSocket *)sock didConnectToHost:(NSString *)host port:(uint16_t)port;
+ * Called when a socket connects and is ready for reading and writing.
+ * The host parameter will be an IP address, not a DNS name.
+ **/
+- (void)socket:(GCDAsyncSocket *)sock didConnectToUrl:(NSURL *)url;
+ * Called when a socket has completed reading the requested data into memory.
+ * Not called if there is an error.
+- (void)socket:(GCDAsyncSocket *)sock didReadData:(NSData *)data withTag:(long)tag;
+ * Called when a socket has read in data, but has not yet completed the read.
+ * This would occur if using readToData: or readToLength: methods.
+ * It may be used for things such as updating progress bars.
+- (void)socket:(GCDAsyncSocket *)sock didReadPartialDataOfLength:(NSUInteger)partialLength tag:(long)tag;
+ * Called when a socket has completed writing the requested data. Not called if there is an error.
+- (void)socket:(GCDAsyncSocket *)sock didWriteDataWithTag:(long)tag;
+ * Called when a socket has written some data, but has not yet completed the entire write.
+ * It may be used for things such as updating progress bars.
+- (void)socket:(GCDAsyncSocket *)sock didWritePartialDataOfLength:(NSUInteger)partialLength tag:(long)tag;
+ * Called if a read operation has reached its timeout without completing.
+ * This method allows you to optionally extend the timeout.
+ * If you return a positive time interval (> 0) the read's timeout will be extended by the given amount.
+ * If you don't implement this method, or return a non-positive time interval (<= 0) the read will timeout as usual.
+ *
+ * The elapsed parameter is the sum of the original timeout, plus any additions previously added via this method.
+ * The length parameter is the number of bytes that have been read so far for the read operation.
+ *
+ * Note that this method may be called multiple times for a single read if you return positive numbers.
+- (NSTimeInterval)socket:(GCDAsyncSocket *)sock shouldTimeoutReadWithTag:(long)tag
+ elapsed:(NSTimeInterval)elapsed
+ bytesDone:(NSUInteger)length;
+ * Called if a write operation has reached its timeout without completing.
+ * This method allows you to optionally extend the timeout.
+ * If you return a positive time interval (> 0) the write's timeout will be extended by the given amount.
+ * If you don't implement this method, or return a non-positive time interval (<= 0) the write will timeout as usual.
+ *
+ * The elapsed parameter is the sum of the original timeout, plus any additions previously added via this method.
+ * The length parameter is the number of bytes that have been written so far for the write operation.
+ *
+ * Note that this method may be called multiple times for a single write if you return positive numbers.
+- (NSTimeInterval)socket:(GCDAsyncSocket *)sock shouldTimeoutWriteWithTag:(long)tag
+ elapsed:(NSTimeInterval)elapsed
+ bytesDone:(NSUInteger)length;
+ * Conditionally called if the read stream closes, but the write stream may still be writeable.
+ *
+ * This delegate method is only called if autoDisconnectOnClosedReadStream has been set to NO.
+ * See the discussion on the autoDisconnectOnClosedReadStream method for more information.
+- (void)socketDidCloseReadStream:(GCDAsyncSocket *)sock;
+ * Called when a socket disconnects with or without error.
+ *
+ * If you call the disconnect method, and the socket wasn't already disconnected,
+ * then an invocation of this delegate method will be enqueued on the delegateQueue
+ * before the disconnect method returns.
+ *
+ * Note: If the GCDAsyncSocket instance is deallocated while it is still connected,
+ * and the delegate is not also deallocated, then this method will be invoked,
+ * but the sock parameter will be nil. (It must necessarily be nil since it is no longer available.)
+ * This is a generally rare, but is possible if one writes code like this:
+ *
+ * asyncSocket = nil; // I'm implicitly disconnecting the socket
+ *
+ * In this case it may preferrable to nil the delegate beforehand, like this:
+ *
+ * asyncSocket.delegate = nil; // Don't invoke my delegate method
+ * asyncSocket = nil; // I'm implicitly disconnecting the socket
+ *
+ * Of course, this depends on how your state machine is configured.
+- (void)socketDidDisconnect:(GCDAsyncSocket *)sock withError:(nullable NSError *)err;
+ * Called after the socket has successfully completed SSL/TLS negotiation.
+ * This method is not called unless you use the provided startTLS method.
+ *
+ * If a SSL/TLS negotiation fails (invalid certificate, etc) then the socket will immediately close,
+ * and the socketDidDisconnect:withError: delegate method will be called with the specific SSL error code.
+- (void)socketDidSecure:(GCDAsyncSocket *)sock;
+ * Allows a socket delegate to hook into the TLS handshake and manually validate the peer it's connecting to.
+ *
+ * This is only called if startTLS is invoked with options that include:
+ * - GCDAsyncSocketManuallyEvaluateTrust == YES
+ *
+ * Typically the delegate will use SecTrustEvaluate (and related functions) to properly validate the peer.
+ *
+ * Note from Apple's documentation:
+ * Because [SecTrustEvaluate] might look on the network for certificates in the certificate chain,
+ * [it] might block while attempting network access. You should never call it from your main thread;
+ * call it only from within a function running on a dispatch queue or on a separate thread.
+ *
+ * Thus this method uses a completionHandler block rather than a normal return value.
+ * The completionHandler block is thread-safe, and may be invoked from a background queue/thread.
+ * It is safe to invoke the completionHandler block even if the socket has been closed.
+- (void)socket:(GCDAsyncSocket *)sock didReceiveTrust:(SecTrustRef)trust
+ completionHandler:(void (^)(BOOL shouldTrustPeer))completionHandler;
diff --git a/ios/Pods/CocoaAsyncSocket/Source/GCD/GCDAsyncSocket.m b/ios/Pods/CocoaAsyncSocket/Source/GCD/GCDAsyncSocket.m
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..1bbbaf4fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ios/Pods/CocoaAsyncSocket/Source/GCD/GCDAsyncSocket.m
@@ -0,0 +1,8495 @@
+// GCDAsyncSocket.m
+// This class is in the public domain.
+// Originally created by Robbie Hanson in Q4 2010.
+// Updated and maintained by Deusty LLC and the Apple development community.
+// https://github.com/robbiehanson/CocoaAsyncSocket
+#import "GCDAsyncSocket.h"
+#if ! __has_feature(objc_arc)
+#warning This file must be compiled with ARC. Use -fobjc-arc flag (or convert project to ARC).
+// For more information see: https://github.com/robbiehanson/CocoaAsyncSocket/wiki/ARC
+#ifndef GCDAsyncSocketLoggingEnabled
+#define GCDAsyncSocketLoggingEnabled 0
+#if GCDAsyncSocketLoggingEnabled
+// Logging Enabled - See log level below
+// Logging uses the CocoaLumberjack framework (which is also GCD based).
+// https://github.com/robbiehanson/CocoaLumberjack
+// It allows us to do a lot of logging without significantly slowing down the code.
+#import "DDLog.h"
+#define LogAsync YES
+#define LogContext GCDAsyncSocketLoggingContext
+#define LogObjc(flg, frmt, ...) LOG_OBJC_MAYBE(LogAsync, logLevel, flg, LogContext, frmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
+#define LogC(flg, frmt, ...) LOG_C_MAYBE(LogAsync, logLevel, flg, LogContext, frmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
+#define LogError(frmt, ...) LogObjc(LOG_FLAG_ERROR, (@"%@: " frmt), THIS_FILE, ##__VA_ARGS__)
+#define LogWarn(frmt, ...) LogObjc(LOG_FLAG_WARN, (@"%@: " frmt), THIS_FILE, ##__VA_ARGS__)
+#define LogInfo(frmt, ...) LogObjc(LOG_FLAG_INFO, (@"%@: " frmt), THIS_FILE, ##__VA_ARGS__)
+#define LogVerbose(frmt, ...) LogObjc(LOG_FLAG_VERBOSE, (@"%@: " frmt), THIS_FILE, ##__VA_ARGS__)
+#define LogCError(frmt, ...) LogC(LOG_FLAG_ERROR, (@"%@: " frmt), THIS_FILE, ##__VA_ARGS__)
+#define LogCWarn(frmt, ...) LogC(LOG_FLAG_WARN, (@"%@: " frmt), THIS_FILE, ##__VA_ARGS__)
+#define LogCInfo(frmt, ...) LogC(LOG_FLAG_INFO, (@"%@: " frmt), THIS_FILE, ##__VA_ARGS__)
+#define LogCVerbose(frmt, ...) LogC(LOG_FLAG_VERBOSE, (@"%@: " frmt), THIS_FILE, ##__VA_ARGS__)
+#define LogTrace() LogObjc(LOG_FLAG_VERBOSE, @"%@: %@", THIS_FILE, THIS_METHOD)
+#define LogCTrace() LogC(LOG_FLAG_VERBOSE, @"%@: %s", THIS_FILE, __FUNCTION__)
+#ifndef GCDAsyncSocketLogLevel
+#define GCDAsyncSocketLogLevel LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE
+// Log levels : off, error, warn, info, verbose
+static const int logLevel = GCDAsyncSocketLogLevel;
+// Logging Disabled
+#define LogError(frmt, ...) {}
+#define LogWarn(frmt, ...) {}
+#define LogInfo(frmt, ...) {}
+#define LogVerbose(frmt, ...) {}
+#define LogCError(frmt, ...) {}
+#define LogCWarn(frmt, ...) {}
+#define LogCInfo(frmt, ...) {}
+#define LogCVerbose(frmt, ...) {}
+#define LogTrace() {}
+#define LogCTrace(frmt, ...) {}
+ * Seeing a return statements within an inner block
+ * can sometimes be mistaken for a return point of the enclosing method.
+ * This makes inline blocks a bit easier to read.
+#define return_from_block return
+ * A socket file descriptor is really just an integer.
+ * It represents the index of the socket within the kernel.
+ * This makes invalid file descriptor comparisons easier to read.
+#define SOCKET_NULL -1
+NSString *const GCDAsyncSocketException = @"GCDAsyncSocketException";
+NSString *const GCDAsyncSocketErrorDomain = @"GCDAsyncSocketErrorDomain";
+NSString *const GCDAsyncSocketQueueName = @"GCDAsyncSocket";
+NSString *const GCDAsyncSocketThreadName = @"GCDAsyncSocket-CFStream";
+NSString *const GCDAsyncSocketManuallyEvaluateTrust = @"GCDAsyncSocketManuallyEvaluateTrust";
+NSString *const GCDAsyncSocketUseCFStreamForTLS = @"GCDAsyncSocketUseCFStreamForTLS";
+NSString *const GCDAsyncSocketSSLPeerID = @"GCDAsyncSocketSSLPeerID";
+NSString *const GCDAsyncSocketSSLProtocolVersionMin = @"GCDAsyncSocketSSLProtocolVersionMin";
+NSString *const GCDAsyncSocketSSLProtocolVersionMax = @"GCDAsyncSocketSSLProtocolVersionMax";
+NSString *const GCDAsyncSocketSSLSessionOptionFalseStart = @"GCDAsyncSocketSSLSessionOptionFalseStart";
+NSString *const GCDAsyncSocketSSLSessionOptionSendOneByteRecord = @"GCDAsyncSocketSSLSessionOptionSendOneByteRecord";
+NSString *const GCDAsyncSocketSSLCipherSuites = @"GCDAsyncSocketSSLCipherSuites";
+NSString *const GCDAsyncSocketSSLDiffieHellmanParameters = @"GCDAsyncSocketSSLDiffieHellmanParameters";
+enum GCDAsyncSocketFlags
+ kSocketStarted = 1 << 0, // If set, socket has been started (accepting/connecting)
+ kConnected = 1 << 1, // If set, the socket is connected
+ kForbidReadsWrites = 1 << 2, // If set, no new reads or writes are allowed
+ kReadsPaused = 1 << 3, // If set, reads are paused due to possible timeout
+ kWritesPaused = 1 << 4, // If set, writes are paused due to possible timeout
+ kDisconnectAfterReads = 1 << 5, // If set, disconnect after no more reads are queued
+ kDisconnectAfterWrites = 1 << 6, // If set, disconnect after no more writes are queued
+ kSocketCanAcceptBytes = 1 << 7, // If set, we know socket can accept bytes. If unset, it's unknown.
+ kReadSourceSuspended = 1 << 8, // If set, the read source is suspended
+ kWriteSourceSuspended = 1 << 9, // If set, the write source is suspended
+ kQueuedTLS = 1 << 10, // If set, we've queued an upgrade to TLS
+ kStartingReadTLS = 1 << 11, // If set, we're waiting for TLS negotiation to complete
+ kStartingWriteTLS = 1 << 12, // If set, we're waiting for TLS negotiation to complete
+ kSocketSecure = 1 << 13, // If set, socket is using secure communication via SSL/TLS
+ kSocketHasReadEOF = 1 << 14, // If set, we have read EOF from socket
+ kReadStreamClosed = 1 << 15, // If set, we've read EOF plus prebuffer has been drained
+ kDealloc = 1 << 16, // If set, the socket is being deallocated
+ kAddedStreamsToRunLoop = 1 << 17, // If set, CFStreams have been added to listener thread
+ kUsingCFStreamForTLS = 1 << 18, // If set, we're forced to use CFStream instead of SecureTransport
+ kSecureSocketHasBytesAvailable = 1 << 19, // If set, CFReadStream has notified us of bytes available
+enum GCDAsyncSocketConfig
+ kIPv4Disabled = 1 << 0, // If set, IPv4 is disabled
+ kIPv6Disabled = 1 << 1, // If set, IPv6 is disabled
+ kPreferIPv6 = 1 << 2, // If set, IPv6 is preferred over IPv4
+ kAllowHalfDuplexConnection = 1 << 3, // If set, the socket will stay open even if the read stream closes
+ static NSThread *cfstreamThread; // Used for CFStreams
+ static uint64_t cfstreamThreadRetainCount; // setup & teardown
+ static dispatch_queue_t cfstreamThreadSetupQueue; // setup & teardown
+#pragma mark -
+ * A PreBuffer is used when there is more data available on the socket
+ * than is being requested by current read request.
+ * In this case we slurp up all data from the socket (to minimize sys calls),
+ * and store additional yet unread data in a "prebuffer".
+ *
+ * The prebuffer is entirely drained before we read from the socket again.
+ * In other words, a large chunk of data is written is written to the prebuffer.
+ * The prebuffer is then drained via a series of one or more reads (for subsequent read request(s)).
+ *
+ * A ring buffer was once used for this purpose.
+ * But a ring buffer takes up twice as much memory as needed (double the size for mirroring).
+ * In fact, it generally takes up more than twice the needed size as everything has to be rounded up to vm_page_size.
+ * And since the prebuffer is always completely drained after being written to, a full ring buffer isn't needed.
+ *
+ * The current design is very simple and straight-forward, while also keeping memory requirements lower.
+@interface GCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer : NSObject
+ uint8_t *preBuffer;
+ size_t preBufferSize;
+ uint8_t *readPointer;
+ uint8_t *writePointer;
+- (instancetype)initWithCapacity:(size_t)numBytes NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;
+- (void)ensureCapacityForWrite:(size_t)numBytes;
+- (size_t)availableBytes;
+- (uint8_t *)readBuffer;
+- (void)getReadBuffer:(uint8_t **)bufferPtr availableBytes:(size_t *)availableBytesPtr;
+- (size_t)availableSpace;
+- (uint8_t *)writeBuffer;
+- (void)getWriteBuffer:(uint8_t **)bufferPtr availableSpace:(size_t *)availableSpacePtr;
+- (void)didRead:(size_t)bytesRead;
+- (void)didWrite:(size_t)bytesWritten;
+- (void)reset;
+@implementation GCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer
+// Cover the superclass' designated initializer
+- (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE
+ NSAssert(0, @"Use the designated initializer");
+ return nil;
+- (instancetype)initWithCapacity:(size_t)numBytes
+ if ((self = [super init]))
+ {
+ preBufferSize = numBytes;
+ preBuffer = malloc(preBufferSize);
+ readPointer = preBuffer;
+ writePointer = preBuffer;
+ }
+ return self;
+- (void)dealloc
+ if (preBuffer)
+ free(preBuffer);
+- (void)ensureCapacityForWrite:(size_t)numBytes
+ size_t availableSpace = [self availableSpace];
+ if (numBytes > availableSpace)
+ {
+ size_t additionalBytes = numBytes - availableSpace;
+ size_t newPreBufferSize = preBufferSize + additionalBytes;
+ uint8_t *newPreBuffer = realloc(preBuffer, newPreBufferSize);
+ size_t readPointerOffset = readPointer - preBuffer;
+ size_t writePointerOffset = writePointer - preBuffer;
+ preBuffer = newPreBuffer;
+ preBufferSize = newPreBufferSize;
+ readPointer = preBuffer + readPointerOffset;
+ writePointer = preBuffer + writePointerOffset;
+ }
+- (size_t)availableBytes
+ return writePointer - readPointer;
+- (uint8_t *)readBuffer
+ return readPointer;
+- (void)getReadBuffer:(uint8_t **)bufferPtr availableBytes:(size_t *)availableBytesPtr
+ if (bufferPtr) *bufferPtr = readPointer;
+ if (availableBytesPtr) *availableBytesPtr = [self availableBytes];
+- (void)didRead:(size_t)bytesRead
+ readPointer += bytesRead;
+ if (readPointer == writePointer)
+ {
+ // The prebuffer has been drained. Reset pointers.
+ readPointer = preBuffer;
+ writePointer = preBuffer;
+ }
+- (size_t)availableSpace
+ return preBufferSize - (writePointer - preBuffer);
+- (uint8_t *)writeBuffer
+ return writePointer;
+- (void)getWriteBuffer:(uint8_t **)bufferPtr availableSpace:(size_t *)availableSpacePtr
+ if (bufferPtr) *bufferPtr = writePointer;
+ if (availableSpacePtr) *availableSpacePtr = [self availableSpace];
+- (void)didWrite:(size_t)bytesWritten
+ writePointer += bytesWritten;
+- (void)reset
+ readPointer = preBuffer;
+ writePointer = preBuffer;
+#pragma mark -
+ * The GCDAsyncReadPacket encompasses the instructions for any given read.
+ * The content of a read packet allows the code to determine if we're:
+ * - reading to a certain length
+ * - reading to a certain separator
+ * - or simply reading the first chunk of available data
+@interface GCDAsyncReadPacket : NSObject
+ @public
+ NSMutableData *buffer;
+ NSUInteger startOffset;
+ NSUInteger bytesDone;
+ NSUInteger maxLength;
+ NSTimeInterval timeout;
+ NSUInteger readLength;
+ NSData *term;
+ BOOL bufferOwner;
+ NSUInteger originalBufferLength;
+ long tag;
+- (instancetype)initWithData:(NSMutableData *)d
+ startOffset:(NSUInteger)s
+ maxLength:(NSUInteger)m
+ timeout:(NSTimeInterval)t
+ readLength:(NSUInteger)l
+ terminator:(NSData *)e
+- (void)ensureCapacityForAdditionalDataOfLength:(NSUInteger)bytesToRead;
+- (NSUInteger)optimalReadLengthWithDefault:(NSUInteger)defaultValue shouldPreBuffer:(BOOL *)shouldPreBufferPtr;
+- (NSUInteger)readLengthForNonTermWithHint:(NSUInteger)bytesAvailable;
+- (NSUInteger)readLengthForTermWithHint:(NSUInteger)bytesAvailable shouldPreBuffer:(BOOL *)shouldPreBufferPtr;
+- (NSUInteger)readLengthForTermWithPreBuffer:(GCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer *)preBuffer found:(BOOL *)foundPtr;
+- (NSInteger)searchForTermAfterPreBuffering:(ssize_t)numBytes;
+@implementation GCDAsyncReadPacket
+// Cover the superclass' designated initializer
+- (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE
+ NSAssert(0, @"Use the designated initializer");
+ return nil;
+- (instancetype)initWithData:(NSMutableData *)d
+ startOffset:(NSUInteger)s
+ maxLength:(NSUInteger)m
+ timeout:(NSTimeInterval)t
+ readLength:(NSUInteger)l
+ terminator:(NSData *)e
+ tag:(long)i
+ if((self = [super init]))
+ {
+ bytesDone = 0;
+ maxLength = m;
+ timeout = t;
+ readLength = l;
+ term = [e copy];
+ tag = i;
+ if (d)
+ {
+ buffer = d;
+ startOffset = s;
+ bufferOwner = NO;
+ originalBufferLength = [d length];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (readLength > 0)
+ buffer = [[NSMutableData alloc] initWithLength:readLength];
+ else
+ buffer = [[NSMutableData alloc] initWithLength:0];
+ startOffset = 0;
+ bufferOwner = YES;
+ originalBufferLength = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return self;
+ * Increases the length of the buffer (if needed) to ensure a read of the given size will fit.
+- (void)ensureCapacityForAdditionalDataOfLength:(NSUInteger)bytesToRead
+ NSUInteger buffSize = [buffer length];
+ NSUInteger buffUsed = startOffset + bytesDone;
+ NSUInteger buffSpace = buffSize - buffUsed;
+ if (bytesToRead > buffSpace)
+ {
+ NSUInteger buffInc = bytesToRead - buffSpace;
+ [buffer increaseLengthBy:buffInc];
+ }
+ * This method is used when we do NOT know how much data is available to be read from the socket.
+ * This method returns the default value unless it exceeds the specified readLength or maxLength.
+ *
+ * Furthermore, the shouldPreBuffer decision is based upon the packet type,
+ * and whether the returned value would fit in the current buffer without requiring a resize of the buffer.
+- (NSUInteger)optimalReadLengthWithDefault:(NSUInteger)defaultValue shouldPreBuffer:(BOOL *)shouldPreBufferPtr
+ NSUInteger result;
+ if (readLength > 0)
+ {
+ // Read a specific length of data
+ result = readLength - bytesDone;
+ // There is no need to prebuffer since we know exactly how much data we need to read.
+ // Even if the buffer isn't currently big enough to fit this amount of data,
+ // it would have to be resized eventually anyway.
+ if (shouldPreBufferPtr)
+ *shouldPreBufferPtr = NO;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Either reading until we find a specified terminator,
+ // or we're simply reading all available data.
+ //
+ // In other words, one of:
+ //
+ // - readDataToData packet
+ // - readDataWithTimeout packet
+ if (maxLength > 0)
+ result = MIN(defaultValue, (maxLength - bytesDone));
+ else
+ result = defaultValue;
+ // Since we don't know the size of the read in advance,
+ // the shouldPreBuffer decision is based upon whether the returned value would fit
+ // in the current buffer without requiring a resize of the buffer.
+ //
+ // This is because, in all likelyhood, the amount read from the socket will be less than the default value.
+ // Thus we should avoid over-allocating the read buffer when we can simply use the pre-buffer instead.
+ if (shouldPreBufferPtr)
+ {
+ NSUInteger buffSize = [buffer length];
+ NSUInteger buffUsed = startOffset + bytesDone;
+ NSUInteger buffSpace = buffSize - buffUsed;
+ if (buffSpace >= result)
+ *shouldPreBufferPtr = NO;
+ else
+ *shouldPreBufferPtr = YES;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ * For read packets without a set terminator, returns the amount of data
+ * that can be read without exceeding the readLength or maxLength.
+ *
+ * The given parameter indicates the number of bytes estimated to be available on the socket,
+ * which is taken into consideration during the calculation.
+ *
+ * The given hint MUST be greater than zero.
+- (NSUInteger)readLengthForNonTermWithHint:(NSUInteger)bytesAvailable
+ NSAssert(term == nil, @"This method does not apply to term reads");
+ NSAssert(bytesAvailable > 0, @"Invalid parameter: bytesAvailable");
+ if (readLength > 0)
+ {
+ // Read a specific length of data
+ return MIN(bytesAvailable, (readLength - bytesDone));
+ // No need to avoid resizing the buffer.
+ // If the user provided their own buffer,
+ // and told us to read a certain length of data that exceeds the size of the buffer,
+ // then it is clear that our code will resize the buffer during the read operation.
+ //
+ // This method does not actually do any resizing.
+ // The resizing will happen elsewhere if needed.
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Read all available data
+ NSUInteger result = bytesAvailable;
+ if (maxLength > 0)
+ {
+ result = MIN(result, (maxLength - bytesDone));
+ }
+ // No need to avoid resizing the buffer.
+ // If the user provided their own buffer,
+ // and told us to read all available data without giving us a maxLength,
+ // then it is clear that our code might resize the buffer during the read operation.
+ //
+ // This method does not actually do any resizing.
+ // The resizing will happen elsewhere if needed.
+ return result;
+ }
+ * For read packets with a set terminator, returns the amount of data
+ * that can be read without exceeding the maxLength.
+ *
+ * The given parameter indicates the number of bytes estimated to be available on the socket,
+ * which is taken into consideration during the calculation.
+ *
+ * To optimize memory allocations, mem copies, and mem moves
+ * the shouldPreBuffer boolean value will indicate if the data should be read into a prebuffer first,
+ * or if the data can be read directly into the read packet's buffer.
+- (NSUInteger)readLengthForTermWithHint:(NSUInteger)bytesAvailable shouldPreBuffer:(BOOL *)shouldPreBufferPtr
+ NSAssert(term != nil, @"This method does not apply to non-term reads");
+ NSAssert(bytesAvailable > 0, @"Invalid parameter: bytesAvailable");
+ NSUInteger result = bytesAvailable;
+ if (maxLength > 0)
+ {
+ result = MIN(result, (maxLength - bytesDone));
+ }
+ // Should the data be read into the read packet's buffer, or into a pre-buffer first?
+ //
+ // One would imagine the preferred option is the faster one.
+ // So which one is faster?
+ //
+ // Reading directly into the packet's buffer requires:
+ // 1. Possibly resizing packet buffer (malloc/realloc)
+ // 2. Filling buffer (read)
+ // 3. Searching for term (memcmp)
+ // 4. Possibly copying overflow into prebuffer (malloc/realloc, memcpy)
+ //
+ // Reading into prebuffer first:
+ // 1. Possibly resizing prebuffer (malloc/realloc)
+ // 2. Filling buffer (read)
+ // 3. Searching for term (memcmp)
+ // 4. Copying underflow into packet buffer (malloc/realloc, memcpy)
+ // 5. Removing underflow from prebuffer (memmove)
+ //
+ // Comparing the performance of the two we can see that reading
+ // data into the prebuffer first is slower due to the extra memove.
+ //
+ // However:
+ // The implementation of NSMutableData is open source via core foundation's CFMutableData.
+ // Decreasing the length of a mutable data object doesn't cause a realloc.
+ // In other words, the capacity of a mutable data object can grow, but doesn't shrink.
+ //
+ // This means the prebuffer will rarely need a realloc.
+ // The packet buffer, on the other hand, may often need a realloc.
+ // This is especially true if we are the buffer owner.
+ // Furthermore, if we are constantly realloc'ing the packet buffer,
+ // and then moving the overflow into the prebuffer,
+ // then we're consistently over-allocating memory for each term read.
+ // And now we get into a bit of a tradeoff between speed and memory utilization.
+ //
+ // The end result is that the two perform very similarly.
+ // And we can answer the original question very simply by another means.
+ //
+ // If we can read all the data directly into the packet's buffer without resizing it first,
+ // then we do so. Otherwise we use the prebuffer.
+ if (shouldPreBufferPtr)
+ {
+ NSUInteger buffSize = [buffer length];
+ NSUInteger buffUsed = startOffset + bytesDone;
+ if ((buffSize - buffUsed) >= result)
+ *shouldPreBufferPtr = NO;
+ else
+ *shouldPreBufferPtr = YES;
+ }
+ return result;
+ * For read packets with a set terminator,
+ * returns the amount of data that can be read from the given preBuffer,
+ * without going over a terminator or the maxLength.
+ *
+ * It is assumed the terminator has not already been read.
+- (NSUInteger)readLengthForTermWithPreBuffer:(GCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer *)preBuffer found:(BOOL *)foundPtr
+ NSAssert(term != nil, @"This method does not apply to non-term reads");
+ NSAssert([preBuffer availableBytes] > 0, @"Invoked with empty pre buffer!");
+ // We know that the terminator, as a whole, doesn't exist in our own buffer.
+ // But it is possible that a _portion_ of it exists in our buffer.
+ // So we're going to look for the terminator starting with a portion of our own buffer.
+ //
+ // Example:
+ //
+ // term length = 3 bytes
+ // bytesDone = 5 bytes
+ // preBuffer length = 5 bytes
+ //
+ // If we append the preBuffer to our buffer,
+ // it would look like this:
+ //
+ // ---------------------
+ // |B|B|B|B|B|P|P|P|P|P|
+ // ---------------------
+ //
+ // So we start our search here:
+ //
+ // ---------------------
+ // |B|B|B|B|B|P|P|P|P|P|
+ // -------^-^-^---------
+ //
+ // And move forwards...
+ //
+ // ---------------------
+ // |B|B|B|B|B|P|P|P|P|P|
+ // ---------^-^-^-------
+ //
+ // Until we find the terminator or reach the end.
+ //
+ // ---------------------
+ // |B|B|B|B|B|P|P|P|P|P|
+ // ---------------^-^-^-
+ BOOL found = NO;
+ NSUInteger termLength = [term length];
+ NSUInteger preBufferLength = [preBuffer availableBytes];
+ if ((bytesDone + preBufferLength) < termLength)
+ {
+ // Not enough data for a full term sequence yet
+ return preBufferLength;
+ }
+ NSUInteger maxPreBufferLength;
+ if (maxLength > 0) {
+ maxPreBufferLength = MIN(preBufferLength, (maxLength - bytesDone));
+ // Note: maxLength >= termLength
+ }
+ else {
+ maxPreBufferLength = preBufferLength;
+ }
+ uint8_t seq[termLength];
+ const void *termBuf = [term bytes];
+ NSUInteger bufLen = MIN(bytesDone, (termLength - 1));
+ uint8_t *buf = (uint8_t *)[buffer mutableBytes] + startOffset + bytesDone - bufLen;
+ NSUInteger preLen = termLength - bufLen;
+ const uint8_t *pre = [preBuffer readBuffer];
+ NSUInteger loopCount = bufLen + maxPreBufferLength - termLength + 1; // Plus one. See example above.
+ NSUInteger result = maxPreBufferLength;
+ NSUInteger i;
+ for (i = 0; i < loopCount; i++)
+ {
+ if (bufLen > 0)
+ {
+ // Combining bytes from buffer and preBuffer
+ memcpy(seq, buf, bufLen);
+ memcpy(seq + bufLen, pre, preLen);
+ if (memcmp(seq, termBuf, termLength) == 0)
+ {
+ result = preLen;
+ found = YES;
+ break;
+ }
+ buf++;
+ bufLen--;
+ preLen++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Comparing directly from preBuffer
+ if (memcmp(pre, termBuf, termLength) == 0)
+ {
+ NSUInteger preOffset = pre - [preBuffer readBuffer]; // pointer arithmetic
+ result = preOffset + termLength;
+ found = YES;
+ break;
+ }
+ pre++;
+ }
+ }
+ // There is no need to avoid resizing the buffer in this particular situation.
+ if (foundPtr) *foundPtr = found;
+ return result;
+ * For read packets with a set terminator, scans the packet buffer for the term.
+ * It is assumed the terminator had not been fully read prior to the new bytes.
+ *
+ * If the term is found, the number of excess bytes after the term are returned.
+ * If the term is not found, this method will return -1.
+ *
+ * Note: A return value of zero means the term was found at the very end.
+ *
+ * Prerequisites:
+ * The given number of bytes have been added to the end of our buffer.
+ * Our bytesDone variable has NOT been changed due to the prebuffered bytes.
+- (NSInteger)searchForTermAfterPreBuffering:(ssize_t)numBytes
+ NSAssert(term != nil, @"This method does not apply to non-term reads");
+ // The implementation of this method is very similar to the above method.
+ // See the above method for a discussion of the algorithm used here.
+ uint8_t *buff = [buffer mutableBytes];
+ NSUInteger buffLength = bytesDone + numBytes;
+ const void *termBuff = [term bytes];
+ NSUInteger termLength = [term length];
+ // Note: We are dealing with unsigned integers,
+ // so make sure the math doesn't go below zero.
+ NSUInteger i = ((buffLength - numBytes) >= termLength) ? (buffLength - numBytes - termLength + 1) : 0;
+ while (i + termLength <= buffLength)
+ {
+ uint8_t *subBuffer = buff + startOffset + i;
+ if (memcmp(subBuffer, termBuff, termLength) == 0)
+ {
+ return buffLength - (i + termLength);
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ return -1;
+#pragma mark -
+ * The GCDAsyncWritePacket encompasses the instructions for any given write.
+@interface GCDAsyncWritePacket : NSObject
+ @public
+ NSData *buffer;
+ NSUInteger bytesDone;
+ long tag;
+ NSTimeInterval timeout;
+- (instancetype)initWithData:(NSData *)d timeout:(NSTimeInterval)t tag:(long)i NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;
+@implementation GCDAsyncWritePacket
+// Cover the superclass' designated initializer
+- (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE
+ NSAssert(0, @"Use the designated initializer");
+ return nil;
+- (instancetype)initWithData:(NSData *)d timeout:(NSTimeInterval)t tag:(long)i
+ if((self = [super init]))
+ {
+ buffer = d; // Retain not copy. For performance as documented in header file.
+ bytesDone = 0;
+ timeout = t;
+ tag = i;
+ }
+ return self;
+#pragma mark -
+ * The GCDAsyncSpecialPacket encompasses special instructions for interruptions in the read/write queues.
+ * This class my be altered to support more than just TLS in the future.
+@interface GCDAsyncSpecialPacket : NSObject
+ @public
+ NSDictionary *tlsSettings;
+- (instancetype)initWithTLSSettings:(NSDictionary *)settings NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;
+@implementation GCDAsyncSpecialPacket
+// Cover the superclass' designated initializer
+- (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE
+ NSAssert(0, @"Use the designated initializer");
+ return nil;
+- (instancetype)initWithTLSSettings:(NSDictionary *)settings
+ if((self = [super init]))
+ {
+ tlsSettings = [settings copy];
+ }
+ return self;
+#pragma mark -
+@implementation GCDAsyncSocket
+ uint32_t flags;
+ uint16_t config;
+ __weak id delegate;
+ dispatch_queue_t delegateQueue;
+ int socket4FD;
+ int socket6FD;
+ int socketUN;
+ NSURL *socketUrl;
+ int stateIndex;
+ NSData * connectInterface4;
+ NSData * connectInterface6;
+ NSData * connectInterfaceUN;
+ dispatch_queue_t socketQueue;
+ dispatch_source_t accept4Source;
+ dispatch_source_t accept6Source;
+ dispatch_source_t acceptUNSource;
+ dispatch_source_t connectTimer;
+ dispatch_source_t readSource;
+ dispatch_source_t writeSource;
+ dispatch_source_t readTimer;
+ dispatch_source_t writeTimer;
+ NSMutableArray *readQueue;
+ NSMutableArray *writeQueue;
+ GCDAsyncReadPacket *currentRead;
+ GCDAsyncWritePacket *currentWrite;
+ unsigned long socketFDBytesAvailable;
+ GCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer *preBuffer;
+ CFStreamClientContext streamContext;
+ CFReadStreamRef readStream;
+ CFWriteStreamRef writeStream;
+ SSLContextRef sslContext;
+ GCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer *sslPreBuffer;
+ size_t sslWriteCachedLength;
+ OSStatus sslErrCode;
+ OSStatus lastSSLHandshakeError;
+ void *IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey;
+ id userData;
+ NSTimeInterval alternateAddressDelay;
+- (instancetype)init
+ return [self initWithDelegate:nil delegateQueue:NULL socketQueue:NULL];
+- (instancetype)initWithSocketQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)sq
+ return [self initWithDelegate:nil delegateQueue:NULL socketQueue:sq];
+- (instancetype)initWithDelegate:(id)aDelegate delegateQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)dq
+ return [self initWithDelegate:aDelegate delegateQueue:dq socketQueue:NULL];
+- (instancetype)initWithDelegate:(id)aDelegate delegateQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)dq socketQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)sq
+ if((self = [super init]))
+ {
+ delegate = aDelegate;
+ delegateQueue = dq;
+ if (dq) dispatch_retain(dq);
+ #endif
+ socket4FD = SOCKET_NULL;
+ socket6FD = SOCKET_NULL;
+ socketUN = SOCKET_NULL;
+ socketUrl = nil;
+ stateIndex = 0;
+ if (sq)
+ {
+ NSAssert(sq != dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_LOW, 0),
+ @"The given socketQueue parameter must not be a concurrent queue.");
+ NSAssert(sq != dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_HIGH, 0),
+ @"The given socketQueue parameter must not be a concurrent queue.");
+ NSAssert(sq != dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0),
+ @"The given socketQueue parameter must not be a concurrent queue.");
+ socketQueue = sq;
+ dispatch_retain(sq);
+ #endif
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ socketQueue = dispatch_queue_create([GCDAsyncSocketQueueName UTF8String], NULL);
+ }
+ // The dispatch_queue_set_specific() and dispatch_get_specific() functions take a "void *key" parameter.
+ // From the documentation:
+ //
+ // > Keys are only compared as pointers and are never dereferenced.
+ // > Thus, you can use a pointer to a static variable for a specific subsystem or
+ // > any other value that allows you to identify the value uniquely.
+ //
+ // We're just going to use the memory address of an ivar.
+ // Specifically an ivar that is explicitly named for our purpose to make the code more readable.
+ //
+ // However, it feels tedious (and less readable) to include the "&" all the time:
+ // dispatch_get_specific(&IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey)
+ //
+ // So we're going to make it so it doesn't matter if we use the '&' or not,
+ // by assigning the value of the ivar to the address of the ivar.
+ // Thus: IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey == &IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey;
+ IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey = &IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey;
+ void *nonNullUnusedPointer = (__bridge void *)self;
+ dispatch_queue_set_specific(socketQueue, IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey, nonNullUnusedPointer, NULL);
+ readQueue = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:5];
+ currentRead = nil;
+ writeQueue = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:5];
+ currentWrite = nil;
+ preBuffer = [[GCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer alloc] initWithCapacity:(1024 * 4)];
+ alternateAddressDelay = 0.3;
+ }
+ return self;
+- (void)dealloc
+ LogInfo(@"%@ - %@ (start)", THIS_METHOD, self);
+ // Set dealloc flag.
+ // This is used by closeWithError to ensure we don't accidentally retain ourself.
+ flags |= kDealloc;
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ {
+ [self closeWithError:nil];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, ^{
+ [self closeWithError:nil];
+ });
+ }
+ delegate = nil;
+ if (delegateQueue) dispatch_release(delegateQueue);
+ #endif
+ delegateQueue = NULL;
+ if (socketQueue) dispatch_release(socketQueue);
+ #endif
+ socketQueue = NULL;
+ LogInfo(@"%@ - %@ (finish)", THIS_METHOD, self);
+#pragma mark -
++ (nullable instancetype)socketFromConnectedSocketFD:(int)socketFD socketQueue:(nullable dispatch_queue_t)sq error:(NSError**)error {
+ return [self socketFromConnectedSocketFD:socketFD delegate:nil delegateQueue:NULL socketQueue:sq error:error];
++ (nullable instancetype)socketFromConnectedSocketFD:(int)socketFD delegate:(nullable id)aDelegate delegateQueue:(nullable dispatch_queue_t)dq error:(NSError**)error {
+ return [self socketFromConnectedSocketFD:socketFD delegate:aDelegate delegateQueue:dq socketQueue:NULL error:error];
++ (nullable instancetype)socketFromConnectedSocketFD:(int)socketFD delegate:(nullable id)aDelegate delegateQueue:(nullable dispatch_queue_t)dq socketQueue:(nullable dispatch_queue_t)sq error:(NSError* __autoreleasing *)error
+ __block BOOL errorOccured = NO;
+ GCDAsyncSocket *socket = [[[self class] alloc] initWithDelegate:aDelegate delegateQueue:dq socketQueue:sq];
+ dispatch_sync(socket->socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ struct sockaddr addr;
+ socklen_t addr_size = sizeof(struct sockaddr);
+ int retVal = getpeername(socketFD, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, &addr_size);
+ if (retVal)
+ {
+ NSString *errMsg = NSLocalizedStringWithDefaultValue(@"GCDAsyncSocketOtherError",
+ @"GCDAsyncSocket", [NSBundle mainBundle],
+ @"Attempt to create socket from socket FD failed. getpeername() failed", nil);
+ NSDictionary *userInfo = @{NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : errMsg};
+ errorOccured = YES;
+ if (error)
+ *error = [NSError errorWithDomain:GCDAsyncSocketErrorDomain code:GCDAsyncSocketOtherError userInfo:userInfo];
+ return;
+ }
+ if (addr.sa_family == AF_INET)
+ {
+ socket->socket4FD = socketFD;
+ }
+ else if (addr.sa_family == AF_INET6)
+ {
+ socket->socket6FD = socketFD;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ NSString *errMsg = NSLocalizedStringWithDefaultValue(@"GCDAsyncSocketOtherError",
+ @"GCDAsyncSocket", [NSBundle mainBundle],
+ @"Attempt to create socket from socket FD failed. socket FD is neither IPv4 nor IPv6", nil);
+ NSDictionary *userInfo = @{NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : errMsg};
+ errorOccured = YES;
+ if (error)
+ *error = [NSError errorWithDomain:GCDAsyncSocketErrorDomain code:GCDAsyncSocketOtherError userInfo:userInfo];
+ return;
+ }
+ socket->flags = kSocketStarted;
+ [socket didConnect:socket->stateIndex];
+ }});
+ return errorOccured? nil: socket;
+#pragma mark Configuration
+- (id)delegate
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ {
+ return delegate;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ __block id result;
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, ^{
+ result = self->delegate;
+ });
+ return result;
+ }
+- (void)setDelegate:(id)newDelegate synchronously:(BOOL)synchronously
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{
+ self->delegate = newDelegate;
+ };
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey)) {
+ block();
+ }
+ else {
+ if (synchronously)
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
+ else
+ dispatch_async(socketQueue, block);
+ }
+- (void)setDelegate:(id)newDelegate
+ [self setDelegate:newDelegate synchronously:NO];
+- (void)synchronouslySetDelegate:(id)newDelegate
+ [self setDelegate:newDelegate synchronously:YES];
+- (dispatch_queue_t)delegateQueue
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ {
+ return delegateQueue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ __block dispatch_queue_t result;
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, ^{
+ result = self->delegateQueue;
+ });
+ return result;
+ }
+- (void)setDelegateQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)newDelegateQueue synchronously:(BOOL)synchronously
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{
+ if (self->delegateQueue) dispatch_release(self->delegateQueue);
+ if (newDelegateQueue) dispatch_retain(newDelegateQueue);
+ #endif
+ self->delegateQueue = newDelegateQueue;
+ };
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey)) {
+ block();
+ }
+ else {
+ if (synchronously)
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
+ else
+ dispatch_async(socketQueue, block);
+ }
+- (void)setDelegateQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)newDelegateQueue
+ [self setDelegateQueue:newDelegateQueue synchronously:NO];
+- (void)synchronouslySetDelegateQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)newDelegateQueue
+ [self setDelegateQueue:newDelegateQueue synchronously:YES];
+- (void)getDelegate:(id *)delegatePtr delegateQueue:(dispatch_queue_t *)delegateQueuePtr
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ {
+ if (delegatePtr) *delegatePtr = delegate;
+ if (delegateQueuePtr) *delegateQueuePtr = delegateQueue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ __block id dPtr = NULL;
+ __block dispatch_queue_t dqPtr = NULL;
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, ^{
+ dPtr = self->delegate;
+ dqPtr = self->delegateQueue;
+ });
+ if (delegatePtr) *delegatePtr = dPtr;
+ if (delegateQueuePtr) *delegateQueuePtr = dqPtr;
+ }
+- (void)setDelegate:(id)newDelegate delegateQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)newDelegateQueue synchronously:(BOOL)synchronously
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{
+ self->delegate = newDelegate;
+ if (self->delegateQueue) dispatch_release(self->delegateQueue);
+ if (newDelegateQueue) dispatch_retain(newDelegateQueue);
+ #endif
+ self->delegateQueue = newDelegateQueue;
+ };
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey)) {
+ block();
+ }
+ else {
+ if (synchronously)
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
+ else
+ dispatch_async(socketQueue, block);
+ }
+- (void)setDelegate:(id)newDelegate delegateQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)newDelegateQueue
+ [self setDelegate:newDelegate delegateQueue:newDelegateQueue synchronously:NO];
+- (void)synchronouslySetDelegate:(id)newDelegate delegateQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)newDelegateQueue
+ [self setDelegate:newDelegate delegateQueue:newDelegateQueue synchronously:YES];
+- (BOOL)isIPv4Enabled
+ // Note: YES means kIPv4Disabled is OFF
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ {
+ return ((config & kIPv4Disabled) == 0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ __block BOOL result;
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, ^{
+ result = ((self->config & kIPv4Disabled) == 0);
+ });
+ return result;
+ }
+- (void)setIPv4Enabled:(BOOL)flag
+ // Note: YES means kIPv4Disabled is OFF
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{
+ if (flag)
+ self->config &= ~kIPv4Disabled;
+ else
+ self->config |= kIPv4Disabled;
+ };
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_async(socketQueue, block);
+- (BOOL)isIPv6Enabled
+ // Note: YES means kIPv6Disabled is OFF
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ {
+ return ((config & kIPv6Disabled) == 0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ __block BOOL result;
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, ^{
+ result = ((self->config & kIPv6Disabled) == 0);
+ });
+ return result;
+ }
+- (void)setIPv6Enabled:(BOOL)flag
+ // Note: YES means kIPv6Disabled is OFF
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{
+ if (flag)
+ self->config &= ~kIPv6Disabled;
+ else
+ self->config |= kIPv6Disabled;
+ };
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_async(socketQueue, block);
+- (BOOL)isIPv4PreferredOverIPv6
+ // Note: YES means kPreferIPv6 is OFF
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ {
+ return ((config & kPreferIPv6) == 0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ __block BOOL result;
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, ^{
+ result = ((self->config & kPreferIPv6) == 0);
+ });
+ return result;
+ }
+- (void)setIPv4PreferredOverIPv6:(BOOL)flag
+ // Note: YES means kPreferIPv6 is OFF
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{
+ if (flag)
+ self->config &= ~kPreferIPv6;
+ else
+ self->config |= kPreferIPv6;
+ };
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_async(socketQueue, block);
+- (NSTimeInterval) alternateAddressDelay {
+ __block NSTimeInterval delay;
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{
+ delay = self->alternateAddressDelay;
+ };
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
+ return delay;
+- (void) setAlternateAddressDelay:(NSTimeInterval)delay {
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{
+ self->alternateAddressDelay = delay;
+ };
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_async(socketQueue, block);
+- (id)userData
+ __block id result = nil;
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{
+ result = self->userData;
+ };
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
+ return result;
+- (void)setUserData:(id)arbitraryUserData
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{
+ if (self->userData != arbitraryUserData)
+ {
+ self->userData = arbitraryUserData;
+ }
+ };
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_async(socketQueue, block);
+#pragma mark Accepting
+- (BOOL)acceptOnPort:(uint16_t)port error:(NSError **)errPtr
+ return [self acceptOnInterface:nil port:port error:errPtr];
+- (BOOL)acceptOnInterface:(NSString *)inInterface port:(uint16_t)port error:(NSError **)errPtr
+ LogTrace();
+ // Just in-case interface parameter is immutable.
+ NSString *interface = [inInterface copy];
+ __block BOOL result = NO;
+ __block NSError *err = nil;
+ // CreateSocket Block
+ // This block will be invoked within the dispatch block below.
+ int(^createSocket)(int, NSData*) = ^int (int domain, NSData *interfaceAddr) {
+ int socketFD = socket(domain, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
+ if (socketFD == SOCKET_NULL)
+ {
+ NSString *reason = @"Error in socket() function";
+ err = [self errorWithErrno:errno reason:reason];
+ return SOCKET_NULL;
+ }
+ int status;
+ // Set socket options
+ status = fcntl(socketFD, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);
+ if (status == -1)
+ {
+ NSString *reason = @"Error enabling non-blocking IO on socket (fcntl)";
+ err = [self errorWithErrno:errno reason:reason];
+ LogVerbose(@"close(socketFD)");
+ close(socketFD);
+ return SOCKET_NULL;
+ }
+ int reuseOn = 1;
+ status = setsockopt(socketFD, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &reuseOn, sizeof(reuseOn));
+ if (status == -1)
+ {
+ NSString *reason = @"Error enabling address reuse (setsockopt)";
+ err = [self errorWithErrno:errno reason:reason];
+ LogVerbose(@"close(socketFD)");
+ close(socketFD);
+ return SOCKET_NULL;
+ }
+ // Bind socket
+ status = bind(socketFD, (const struct sockaddr *)[interfaceAddr bytes], (socklen_t)[interfaceAddr length]);
+ if (status == -1)
+ {
+ NSString *reason = @"Error in bind() function";
+ err = [self errorWithErrno:errno reason:reason];
+ LogVerbose(@"close(socketFD)");
+ close(socketFD);
+ return SOCKET_NULL;
+ }
+ // Listen
+ status = listen(socketFD, 1024);
+ if (status == -1)
+ {
+ NSString *reason = @"Error in listen() function";
+ err = [self errorWithErrno:errno reason:reason];
+ LogVerbose(@"close(socketFD)");
+ close(socketFD);
+ return SOCKET_NULL;
+ }
+ return socketFD;
+ };
+ // Create dispatch block and run on socketQueue
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ if (self->delegate == nil) // Must have delegate set
+ {
+ NSString *msg = @"Attempting to accept without a delegate. Set a delegate first.";
+ err = [self badConfigError:msg];
+ return_from_block;
+ }
+ if (self->delegateQueue == NULL) // Must have delegate queue set
+ {
+ NSString *msg = @"Attempting to accept without a delegate queue. Set a delegate queue first.";
+ err = [self badConfigError:msg];
+ return_from_block;
+ }
+ BOOL isIPv4Disabled = (self->config & kIPv4Disabled) ? YES : NO;
+ BOOL isIPv6Disabled = (self->config & kIPv6Disabled) ? YES : NO;
+ if (isIPv4Disabled && isIPv6Disabled) // Must have IPv4 or IPv6 enabled
+ {
+ NSString *msg = @"Both IPv4 and IPv6 have been disabled. Must enable at least one protocol first.";
+ err = [self badConfigError:msg];
+ return_from_block;
+ }
+ if (![self isDisconnected]) // Must be disconnected
+ {
+ NSString *msg = @"Attempting to accept while connected or accepting connections. Disconnect first.";
+ err = [self badConfigError:msg];
+ return_from_block;
+ }
+ // Clear queues (spurious read/write requests post disconnect)
+ [self->readQueue removeAllObjects];
+ [self->writeQueue removeAllObjects];
+ // Resolve interface from description
+ NSMutableData *interface4 = nil;
+ NSMutableData *interface6 = nil;
+ [self getInterfaceAddress4:&interface4 address6:&interface6 fromDescription:interface port:port];
+ if ((interface4 == nil) && (interface6 == nil))
+ {
+ NSString *msg = @"Unknown interface. Specify valid interface by name (e.g. \"en1\") or IP address.";
+ err = [self badParamError:msg];
+ return_from_block;
+ }
+ if (isIPv4Disabled && (interface6 == nil))
+ {
+ NSString *msg = @"IPv4 has been disabled and specified interface doesn't support IPv6.";
+ err = [self badParamError:msg];
+ return_from_block;
+ }
+ if (isIPv6Disabled && (interface4 == nil))
+ {
+ NSString *msg = @"IPv6 has been disabled and specified interface doesn't support IPv4.";
+ err = [self badParamError:msg];
+ return_from_block;
+ }
+ BOOL enableIPv4 = !isIPv4Disabled && (interface4 != nil);
+ BOOL enableIPv6 = !isIPv6Disabled && (interface6 != nil);
+ // Create sockets, configure, bind, and listen
+ if (enableIPv4)
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"Creating IPv4 socket");
+ self->socket4FD = createSocket(AF_INET, interface4);
+ if (self->socket4FD == SOCKET_NULL)
+ {
+ return_from_block;
+ }
+ }
+ if (enableIPv6)
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"Creating IPv6 socket");
+ if (enableIPv4 && (port == 0))
+ {
+ // No specific port was specified, so we allowed the OS to pick an available port for us.
+ // Now we need to make sure the IPv6 socket listens on the same port as the IPv4 socket.
+ struct sockaddr_in6 *addr6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)[interface6 mutableBytes];
+ addr6->sin6_port = htons([self localPort4]);
+ }
+ self->socket6FD = createSocket(AF_INET6, interface6);
+ if (self->socket6FD == SOCKET_NULL)
+ {
+ if (self->socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL)
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"close(socket4FD)");
+ close(self->socket4FD);
+ self->socket4FD = SOCKET_NULL;
+ }
+ return_from_block;
+ }
+ }
+ // Create accept sources
+ if (enableIPv4)
+ {
+ self->accept4Source = dispatch_source_create(DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_READ, self->socket4FD, 0, self->socketQueue);
+ int socketFD = self->socket4FD;
+ dispatch_source_t acceptSource = self->accept4Source;
+ __weak GCDAsyncSocket *weakSelf = self;
+ dispatch_source_set_event_handler(self->accept4Source, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ #pragma clang diagnostic push
+ #pragma clang diagnostic warning "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
+ __strong GCDAsyncSocket *strongSelf = weakSelf;
+ if (strongSelf == nil) return_from_block;
+ LogVerbose(@"event4Block");
+ unsigned long i = 0;
+ unsigned long numPendingConnections = dispatch_source_get_data(acceptSource);
+ LogVerbose(@"numPendingConnections: %lu", numPendingConnections);
+ while ([strongSelf doAccept:socketFD] && (++i < numPendingConnections));
+ #pragma clang diagnostic pop
+ }});
+ dispatch_source_set_cancel_handler(self->accept4Source, ^{
+ #pragma clang diagnostic push
+ #pragma clang diagnostic warning "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
+ LogVerbose(@"dispatch_release(accept4Source)");
+ dispatch_release(acceptSource);
+ #endif
+ LogVerbose(@"close(socket4FD)");
+ close(socketFD);
+ #pragma clang diagnostic pop
+ });
+ LogVerbose(@"dispatch_resume(accept4Source)");
+ dispatch_resume(self->accept4Source);
+ }
+ if (enableIPv6)
+ {
+ self->accept6Source = dispatch_source_create(DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_READ, self->socket6FD, 0, self->socketQueue);
+ int socketFD = self->socket6FD;
+ dispatch_source_t acceptSource = self->accept6Source;
+ __weak GCDAsyncSocket *weakSelf = self;
+ dispatch_source_set_event_handler(self->accept6Source, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ #pragma clang diagnostic push
+ #pragma clang diagnostic warning "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
+ __strong GCDAsyncSocket *strongSelf = weakSelf;
+ if (strongSelf == nil) return_from_block;
+ LogVerbose(@"event6Block");
+ unsigned long i = 0;
+ unsigned long numPendingConnections = dispatch_source_get_data(acceptSource);
+ LogVerbose(@"numPendingConnections: %lu", numPendingConnections);
+ while ([strongSelf doAccept:socketFD] && (++i < numPendingConnections));
+ #pragma clang diagnostic pop
+ }});
+ dispatch_source_set_cancel_handler(self->accept6Source, ^{
+ #pragma clang diagnostic push
+ #pragma clang diagnostic warning "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
+ LogVerbose(@"dispatch_release(accept6Source)");
+ dispatch_release(acceptSource);
+ #endif
+ LogVerbose(@"close(socket6FD)");
+ close(socketFD);
+ #pragma clang diagnostic pop
+ });
+ LogVerbose(@"dispatch_resume(accept6Source)");
+ dispatch_resume(self->accept6Source);
+ }
+ self->flags |= kSocketStarted;
+ result = YES;
+ }};
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
+ if (result == NO)
+ {
+ LogInfo(@"Error in accept: %@", err);
+ if (errPtr)
+ *errPtr = err;
+ }
+ return result;
+- (BOOL)acceptOnUrl:(NSURL *)url error:(NSError **)errPtr
+ LogTrace();
+ __block BOOL result = NO;
+ __block NSError *err = nil;
+ // CreateSocket Block
+ // This block will be invoked within the dispatch block below.
+ int(^createSocket)(int, NSData*) = ^int (int domain, NSData *interfaceAddr) {
+ int socketFD = socket(domain, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
+ if (socketFD == SOCKET_NULL)
+ {
+ NSString *reason = @"Error in socket() function";
+ err = [self errorWithErrno:errno reason:reason];
+ return SOCKET_NULL;
+ }
+ int status;
+ // Set socket options
+ status = fcntl(socketFD, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);
+ if (status == -1)
+ {
+ NSString *reason = @"Error enabling non-blocking IO on socket (fcntl)";
+ err = [self errorWithErrno:errno reason:reason];
+ LogVerbose(@"close(socketFD)");
+ close(socketFD);
+ return SOCKET_NULL;
+ }
+ int reuseOn = 1;
+ status = setsockopt(socketFD, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &reuseOn, sizeof(reuseOn));
+ if (status == -1)
+ {
+ NSString *reason = @"Error enabling address reuse (setsockopt)";
+ err = [self errorWithErrno:errno reason:reason];
+ LogVerbose(@"close(socketFD)");
+ close(socketFD);
+ return SOCKET_NULL;
+ }
+ // Bind socket
+ status = bind(socketFD, (const struct sockaddr *)[interfaceAddr bytes], (socklen_t)[interfaceAddr length]);
+ if (status == -1)
+ {
+ NSString *reason = @"Error in bind() function";
+ err = [self errorWithErrno:errno reason:reason];
+ LogVerbose(@"close(socketFD)");
+ close(socketFD);
+ return SOCKET_NULL;
+ }
+ // Listen
+ status = listen(socketFD, 1024);
+ if (status == -1)
+ {
+ NSString *reason = @"Error in listen() function";
+ err = [self errorWithErrno:errno reason:reason];
+ LogVerbose(@"close(socketFD)");
+ close(socketFD);
+ return SOCKET_NULL;
+ }
+ return socketFD;
+ };
+ // Create dispatch block and run on socketQueue
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ if (self->delegate == nil) // Must have delegate set
+ {
+ NSString *msg = @"Attempting to accept without a delegate. Set a delegate first.";
+ err = [self badConfigError:msg];
+ return_from_block;
+ }
+ if (self->delegateQueue == NULL) // Must have delegate queue set
+ {
+ NSString *msg = @"Attempting to accept without a delegate queue. Set a delegate queue first.";
+ err = [self badConfigError:msg];
+ return_from_block;
+ }
+ if (![self isDisconnected]) // Must be disconnected
+ {
+ NSString *msg = @"Attempting to accept while connected or accepting connections. Disconnect first.";
+ err = [self badConfigError:msg];
+ return_from_block;
+ }
+ // Clear queues (spurious read/write requests post disconnect)
+ [self->readQueue removeAllObjects];
+ [self->writeQueue removeAllObjects];
+ // Remove a previous socket
+ NSError *error = nil;
+ NSFileManager *fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
+ NSString *urlPath = url.path;
+ if (urlPath && [fileManager fileExistsAtPath:urlPath]) {
+ if (![fileManager removeItemAtURL:url error:&error]) {
+ NSString *msg = @"Could not remove previous unix domain socket at given url.";
+ err = [self otherError:msg];
+ return_from_block;
+ }
+ }
+ // Resolve interface from description
+ NSData *interface = [self getInterfaceAddressFromUrl:url];
+ if (interface == nil)
+ {
+ NSString *msg = @"Invalid unix domain url. Specify a valid file url that does not exist (e.g. \"file:///tmp/socket\")";
+ err = [self badParamError:msg];
+ return_from_block;
+ }
+ // Create sockets, configure, bind, and listen
+ LogVerbose(@"Creating unix domain socket");
+ self->socketUN = createSocket(AF_UNIX, interface);
+ if (self->socketUN == SOCKET_NULL)
+ {
+ return_from_block;
+ }
+ self->socketUrl = url;
+ // Create accept sources
+ self->acceptUNSource = dispatch_source_create(DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_READ, self->socketUN, 0, self->socketQueue);
+ int socketFD = self->socketUN;
+ dispatch_source_t acceptSource = self->acceptUNSource;
+ __weak GCDAsyncSocket *weakSelf = self;
+ dispatch_source_set_event_handler(self->acceptUNSource, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ __strong GCDAsyncSocket *strongSelf = weakSelf;
+ LogVerbose(@"eventUNBlock");
+ unsigned long i = 0;
+ unsigned long numPendingConnections = dispatch_source_get_data(acceptSource);
+ LogVerbose(@"numPendingConnections: %lu", numPendingConnections);
+ while ([strongSelf doAccept:socketFD] && (++i < numPendingConnections));
+ }});
+ dispatch_source_set_cancel_handler(self->acceptUNSource, ^{
+ LogVerbose(@"dispatch_release(acceptUNSource)");
+ dispatch_release(acceptSource);
+ LogVerbose(@"close(socketUN)");
+ close(socketFD);
+ });
+ LogVerbose(@"dispatch_resume(acceptUNSource)");
+ dispatch_resume(self->acceptUNSource);
+ self->flags |= kSocketStarted;
+ result = YES;
+ }};
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
+ if (result == NO)
+ {
+ LogInfo(@"Error in accept: %@", err);
+ if (errPtr)
+ *errPtr = err;
+ }
+ return result;
+- (BOOL)doAccept:(int)parentSocketFD
+ LogTrace();
+ int socketType;
+ int childSocketFD;
+ NSData *childSocketAddress;
+ if (parentSocketFD == socket4FD)
+ {
+ socketType = 0;
+ struct sockaddr_in addr;
+ socklen_t addrLen = sizeof(addr);
+ childSocketFD = accept(parentSocketFD, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, &addrLen);
+ if (childSocketFD == -1)
+ {
+ LogWarn(@"Accept failed with error: %@", [self errnoError]);
+ return NO;
+ }
+ childSocketAddress = [NSData dataWithBytes:&addr length:addrLen];
+ }
+ else if (parentSocketFD == socket6FD)
+ {
+ socketType = 1;
+ struct sockaddr_in6 addr;
+ socklen_t addrLen = sizeof(addr);
+ childSocketFD = accept(parentSocketFD, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, &addrLen);
+ if (childSocketFD == -1)
+ {
+ LogWarn(@"Accept failed with error: %@", [self errnoError]);
+ return NO;
+ }
+ childSocketAddress = [NSData dataWithBytes:&addr length:addrLen];
+ }
+ else // if (parentSocketFD == socketUN)
+ {
+ socketType = 2;
+ struct sockaddr_un addr;
+ socklen_t addrLen = sizeof(addr);
+ childSocketFD = accept(parentSocketFD, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, &addrLen);
+ if (childSocketFD == -1)
+ {
+ LogWarn(@"Accept failed with error: %@", [self errnoError]);
+ return NO;
+ }
+ childSocketAddress = [NSData dataWithBytes:&addr length:addrLen];
+ }
+ // Enable non-blocking IO on the socket
+ int result = fcntl(childSocketFD, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);
+ if (result == -1)
+ {
+ LogWarn(@"Error enabling non-blocking IO on accepted socket (fcntl)");
+ LogVerbose(@"close(childSocketFD)");
+ close(childSocketFD);
+ return NO;
+ }
+ // Prevent SIGPIPE signals
+ int nosigpipe = 1;
+ setsockopt(childSocketFD, SOL_SOCKET, SO_NOSIGPIPE, &nosigpipe, sizeof(nosigpipe));
+ // Notify delegate
+ if (delegateQueue)
+ {
+ __strong id theDelegate = delegate;
+ dispatch_async(delegateQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ // Query delegate for custom socket queue
+ dispatch_queue_t childSocketQueue = NULL;
+ if ([theDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(newSocketQueueForConnectionFromAddress:onSocket:)])
+ {
+ childSocketQueue = [theDelegate newSocketQueueForConnectionFromAddress:childSocketAddress
+ onSocket:self];
+ }
+ // Create GCDAsyncSocket instance for accepted socket
+ GCDAsyncSocket *acceptedSocket = [[[self class] alloc] initWithDelegate:theDelegate
+ delegateQueue:self->delegateQueue
+ socketQueue:childSocketQueue];
+ if (socketType == 0)
+ acceptedSocket->socket4FD = childSocketFD;
+ else if (socketType == 1)
+ acceptedSocket->socket6FD = childSocketFD;
+ else
+ acceptedSocket->socketUN = childSocketFD;
+ acceptedSocket->flags = (kSocketStarted | kConnected);
+ // Setup read and write sources for accepted socket
+ dispatch_async(acceptedSocket->socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ [acceptedSocket setupReadAndWriteSourcesForNewlyConnectedSocket:childSocketFD];
+ }});
+ // Notify delegate
+ if ([theDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(socket:didAcceptNewSocket:)])
+ {
+ [theDelegate socket:self didAcceptNewSocket:acceptedSocket];
+ }
+ // Release the socket queue returned from the delegate (it was retained by acceptedSocket)
+ if (childSocketQueue) dispatch_release(childSocketQueue);
+ #endif
+ // The accepted socket should have been retained by the delegate.
+ // Otherwise it gets properly released when exiting the block.
+ }});
+ }
+ return YES;
+#pragma mark Connecting
+ * This method runs through the various checks required prior to a connection attempt.
+ * It is shared between the connectToHost and connectToAddress methods.
+ *
+- (BOOL)preConnectWithInterface:(NSString *)interface error:(NSError **)errPtr
+ NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
+ if (delegate == nil) // Must have delegate set
+ {
+ if (errPtr)
+ {
+ NSString *msg = @"Attempting to connect without a delegate. Set a delegate first.";
+ *errPtr = [self badConfigError:msg];
+ }
+ return NO;
+ }
+ if (delegateQueue == NULL) // Must have delegate queue set
+ {
+ if (errPtr)
+ {
+ NSString *msg = @"Attempting to connect without a delegate queue. Set a delegate queue first.";
+ *errPtr = [self badConfigError:msg];
+ }
+ return NO;
+ }
+ if (![self isDisconnected]) // Must be disconnected
+ {
+ if (errPtr)
+ {
+ NSString *msg = @"Attempting to connect while connected or accepting connections. Disconnect first.";
+ *errPtr = [self badConfigError:msg];
+ }
+ return NO;
+ }
+ BOOL isIPv4Disabled = (config & kIPv4Disabled) ? YES : NO;
+ BOOL isIPv6Disabled = (config & kIPv6Disabled) ? YES : NO;
+ if (isIPv4Disabled && isIPv6Disabled) // Must have IPv4 or IPv6 enabled
+ {
+ if (errPtr)
+ {
+ NSString *msg = @"Both IPv4 and IPv6 have been disabled. Must enable at least one protocol first.";
+ *errPtr = [self badConfigError:msg];
+ }
+ return NO;
+ }
+ if (interface)
+ {
+ NSMutableData *interface4 = nil;
+ NSMutableData *interface6 = nil;
+ [self getInterfaceAddress4:&interface4 address6:&interface6 fromDescription:interface port:0];
+ if ((interface4 == nil) && (interface6 == nil))
+ {
+ if (errPtr)
+ {
+ NSString *msg = @"Unknown interface. Specify valid interface by name (e.g. \"en1\") or IP address.";
+ *errPtr = [self badParamError:msg];
+ }
+ return NO;
+ }
+ if (isIPv4Disabled && (interface6 == nil))
+ {
+ if (errPtr)
+ {
+ NSString *msg = @"IPv4 has been disabled and specified interface doesn't support IPv6.";
+ *errPtr = [self badParamError:msg];
+ }
+ return NO;
+ }
+ if (isIPv6Disabled && (interface4 == nil))
+ {
+ if (errPtr)
+ {
+ NSString *msg = @"IPv6 has been disabled and specified interface doesn't support IPv4.";
+ *errPtr = [self badParamError:msg];
+ }
+ return NO;
+ }
+ connectInterface4 = interface4;
+ connectInterface6 = interface6;
+ }
+ // Clear queues (spurious read/write requests post disconnect)
+ [readQueue removeAllObjects];
+ [writeQueue removeAllObjects];
+ return YES;
+- (BOOL)preConnectWithUrl:(NSURL *)url error:(NSError **)errPtr
+ NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
+ if (delegate == nil) // Must have delegate set
+ {
+ if (errPtr)
+ {
+ NSString *msg = @"Attempting to connect without a delegate. Set a delegate first.";
+ *errPtr = [self badConfigError:msg];
+ }
+ return NO;
+ }
+ if (delegateQueue == NULL) // Must have delegate queue set
+ {
+ if (errPtr)
+ {
+ NSString *msg = @"Attempting to connect without a delegate queue. Set a delegate queue first.";
+ *errPtr = [self badConfigError:msg];
+ }
+ return NO;
+ }
+ if (![self isDisconnected]) // Must be disconnected
+ {
+ if (errPtr)
+ {
+ NSString *msg = @"Attempting to connect while connected or accepting connections. Disconnect first.";
+ *errPtr = [self badConfigError:msg];
+ }
+ return NO;
+ }
+ NSData *interface = [self getInterfaceAddressFromUrl:url];
+ if (interface == nil)
+ {
+ if (errPtr)
+ {
+ NSString *msg = @"Unknown interface. Specify valid interface by name (e.g. \"en1\") or IP address.";
+ *errPtr = [self badParamError:msg];
+ }
+ return NO;
+ }
+ connectInterfaceUN = interface;
+ // Clear queues (spurious read/write requests post disconnect)
+ [readQueue removeAllObjects];
+ [writeQueue removeAllObjects];
+ return YES;
+- (BOOL)connectToHost:(NSString*)host onPort:(uint16_t)port error:(NSError **)errPtr
+ return [self connectToHost:host onPort:port withTimeout:-1 error:errPtr];
+- (BOOL)connectToHost:(NSString *)host
+ onPort:(uint16_t)port
+ withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout
+ error:(NSError **)errPtr
+ return [self connectToHost:host onPort:port viaInterface:nil withTimeout:timeout error:errPtr];
+- (BOOL)connectToHost:(NSString *)inHost
+ onPort:(uint16_t)port
+ viaInterface:(NSString *)inInterface
+ withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout
+ error:(NSError **)errPtr
+ LogTrace();
+ // Just in case immutable objects were passed
+ NSString *host = [inHost copy];
+ NSString *interface = [inInterface copy];
+ __block BOOL result = NO;
+ __block NSError *preConnectErr = nil;
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ // Check for problems with host parameter
+ if ([host length] == 0)
+ {
+ NSString *msg = @"Invalid host parameter (nil or \"\"). Should be a domain name or IP address string.";
+ preConnectErr = [self badParamError:msg];
+ return_from_block;
+ }
+ // Run through standard pre-connect checks
+ if (![self preConnectWithInterface:interface error:&preConnectErr])
+ {
+ return_from_block;
+ }
+ // We've made it past all the checks.
+ // It's time to start the connection process.
+ self->flags |= kSocketStarted;
+ LogVerbose(@"Dispatching DNS lookup...");
+ // It's possible that the given host parameter is actually a NSMutableString.
+ // So we want to copy it now, within this block that will be executed synchronously.
+ // This way the asynchronous lookup block below doesn't have to worry about it changing.
+ NSString *hostCpy = [host copy];
+ int aStateIndex = self->stateIndex;
+ __weak GCDAsyncSocket *weakSelf = self;
+ dispatch_queue_t globalConcurrentQueue = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0);
+ dispatch_async(globalConcurrentQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ #pragma clang diagnostic push
+ #pragma clang diagnostic warning "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
+ NSError *lookupErr = nil;
+ NSMutableArray *addresses = [[self class] lookupHost:hostCpy port:port error:&lookupErr];
+ __strong GCDAsyncSocket *strongSelf = weakSelf;
+ if (strongSelf == nil) return_from_block;
+ if (lookupErr)
+ {
+ dispatch_async(strongSelf->socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ [strongSelf lookup:aStateIndex didFail:lookupErr];
+ }});
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ NSData *address4 = nil;
+ NSData *address6 = nil;
+ for (NSData *address in addresses)
+ {
+ if (!address4 && [[self class] isIPv4Address:address])
+ {
+ address4 = address;
+ }
+ else if (!address6 && [[self class] isIPv6Address:address])
+ {
+ address6 = address;
+ }
+ }
+ dispatch_async(strongSelf->socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ [strongSelf lookup:aStateIndex didSucceedWithAddress4:address4 address6:address6];
+ }});
+ }
+ #pragma clang diagnostic pop
+ }});
+ [self startConnectTimeout:timeout];
+ result = YES;
+ }};
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
+ if (errPtr) *errPtr = preConnectErr;
+ return result;
+- (BOOL)connectToAddress:(NSData *)remoteAddr error:(NSError **)errPtr
+ return [self connectToAddress:remoteAddr viaInterface:nil withTimeout:-1 error:errPtr];
+- (BOOL)connectToAddress:(NSData *)remoteAddr withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout error:(NSError **)errPtr
+ return [self connectToAddress:remoteAddr viaInterface:nil withTimeout:timeout error:errPtr];
+- (BOOL)connectToAddress:(NSData *)inRemoteAddr
+ viaInterface:(NSString *)inInterface
+ withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout
+ error:(NSError **)errPtr
+ LogTrace();
+ // Just in case immutable objects were passed
+ NSData *remoteAddr = [inRemoteAddr copy];
+ NSString *interface = [inInterface copy];
+ __block BOOL result = NO;
+ __block NSError *err = nil;
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ // Check for problems with remoteAddr parameter
+ NSData *address4 = nil;
+ NSData *address6 = nil;
+ if ([remoteAddr length] >= sizeof(struct sockaddr))
+ {
+ const struct sockaddr *sockaddr = (const struct sockaddr *)[remoteAddr bytes];
+ if (sockaddr->sa_family == AF_INET)
+ {
+ if ([remoteAddr length] == sizeof(struct sockaddr_in))
+ {
+ address4 = remoteAddr;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (sockaddr->sa_family == AF_INET6)
+ {
+ if ([remoteAddr length] == sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6))
+ {
+ address6 = remoteAddr;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ((address4 == nil) && (address6 == nil))
+ {
+ NSString *msg = @"A valid IPv4 or IPv6 address was not given";
+ err = [self badParamError:msg];
+ return_from_block;
+ }
+ BOOL isIPv4Disabled = (self->config & kIPv4Disabled) ? YES : NO;
+ BOOL isIPv6Disabled = (self->config & kIPv6Disabled) ? YES : NO;
+ if (isIPv4Disabled && (address4 != nil))
+ {
+ NSString *msg = @"IPv4 has been disabled and an IPv4 address was passed.";
+ err = [self badParamError:msg];
+ return_from_block;
+ }
+ if (isIPv6Disabled && (address6 != nil))
+ {
+ NSString *msg = @"IPv6 has been disabled and an IPv6 address was passed.";
+ err = [self badParamError:msg];
+ return_from_block;
+ }
+ // Run through standard pre-connect checks
+ if (![self preConnectWithInterface:interface error:&err])
+ {
+ return_from_block;
+ }
+ // We've made it past all the checks.
+ // It's time to start the connection process.
+ if (![self connectWithAddress4:address4 address6:address6 error:&err])
+ {
+ return_from_block;
+ }
+ self->flags |= kSocketStarted;
+ [self startConnectTimeout:timeout];
+ result = YES;
+ }};
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
+ if (result == NO)
+ {
+ if (errPtr)
+ *errPtr = err;
+ }
+ return result;
+- (BOOL)connectToUrl:(NSURL *)url withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout error:(NSError **)errPtr
+ LogTrace();
+ __block BOOL result = NO;
+ __block NSError *err = nil;
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ // Check for problems with host parameter
+ if ([url.path length] == 0)
+ {
+ NSString *msg = @"Invalid unix domain socket url.";
+ err = [self badParamError:msg];
+ return_from_block;
+ }
+ // Run through standard pre-connect checks
+ if (![self preConnectWithUrl:url error:&err])
+ {
+ return_from_block;
+ }
+ // We've made it past all the checks.
+ // It's time to start the connection process.
+ self->flags |= kSocketStarted;
+ // Start the normal connection process
+ NSError *connectError = nil;
+ if (![self connectWithAddressUN:self->connectInterfaceUN error:&connectError])
+ {
+ [self closeWithError:connectError];
+ return_from_block;
+ }
+ [self startConnectTimeout:timeout];
+ result = YES;
+ }};
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
+ if (result == NO)
+ {
+ if (errPtr)
+ *errPtr = err;
+ }
+ return result;
+- (BOOL)connectToNetService:(NSNetService *)netService error:(NSError **)errPtr
+ NSArray* addresses = [netService addresses];
+ for (NSData* address in addresses)
+ {
+ BOOL result = [self connectToAddress:address error:errPtr];
+ if (result)
+ {
+ return YES;
+ }
+ }
+ return NO;
+- (void)lookup:(int)aStateIndex didSucceedWithAddress4:(NSData *)address4 address6:(NSData *)address6
+ LogTrace();
+ NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
+ NSAssert(address4 || address6, @"Expected at least one valid address");
+ if (aStateIndex != stateIndex)
+ {
+ LogInfo(@"Ignoring lookupDidSucceed, already disconnected");
+ // The connect operation has been cancelled.
+ // That is, socket was disconnected, or connection has already timed out.
+ return;
+ }
+ // Check for problems
+ BOOL isIPv4Disabled = (config & kIPv4Disabled) ? YES : NO;
+ BOOL isIPv6Disabled = (config & kIPv6Disabled) ? YES : NO;
+ if (isIPv4Disabled && (address6 == nil))
+ {
+ NSString *msg = @"IPv4 has been disabled and DNS lookup found no IPv6 address.";
+ [self closeWithError:[self otherError:msg]];
+ return;
+ }
+ if (isIPv6Disabled && (address4 == nil))
+ {
+ NSString *msg = @"IPv6 has been disabled and DNS lookup found no IPv4 address.";
+ [self closeWithError:[self otherError:msg]];
+ return;
+ }
+ // Start the normal connection process
+ NSError *err = nil;
+ if (![self connectWithAddress4:address4 address6:address6 error:&err])
+ {
+ [self closeWithError:err];
+ }
+ * This method is called if the DNS lookup fails.
+ * This method is executed on the socketQueue.
+ *
+ * Since the DNS lookup executed synchronously on a global concurrent queue,
+ * the original connection request may have already been cancelled or timed-out by the time this method is invoked.
+ * The lookupIndex tells us whether the lookup is still valid or not.
+- (void)lookup:(int)aStateIndex didFail:(NSError *)error
+ LogTrace();
+ NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
+ if (aStateIndex != stateIndex)
+ {
+ LogInfo(@"Ignoring lookup:didFail: - already disconnected");
+ // The connect operation has been cancelled.
+ // That is, socket was disconnected, or connection has already timed out.
+ return;
+ }
+ [self endConnectTimeout];
+ [self closeWithError:error];
+- (BOOL)bindSocket:(int)socketFD toInterface:(NSData *)connectInterface error:(NSError **)errPtr
+ // Bind the socket to the desired interface (if needed)
+ if (connectInterface)
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"Binding socket...");
+ if ([[self class] portFromAddress:connectInterface] > 0)
+ {
+ // Since we're going to be binding to a specific port,
+ // we should turn on reuseaddr to allow us to override sockets in time_wait.
+ int reuseOn = 1;
+ setsockopt(socketFD, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &reuseOn, sizeof(reuseOn));
+ }
+ const struct sockaddr *interfaceAddr = (const struct sockaddr *)[connectInterface bytes];
+ int result = bind(socketFD, interfaceAddr, (socklen_t)[connectInterface length]);
+ if (result != 0)
+ {
+ if (errPtr)
+ *errPtr = [self errorWithErrno:errno reason:@"Error in bind() function"];
+ return NO;
+ }
+ }
+ return YES;
+- (int)createSocket:(int)family connectInterface:(NSData *)connectInterface errPtr:(NSError **)errPtr
+ int socketFD = socket(family, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
+ if (socketFD == SOCKET_NULL)
+ {
+ if (errPtr)
+ *errPtr = [self errorWithErrno:errno reason:@"Error in socket() function"];
+ return socketFD;
+ }
+ if (![self bindSocket:socketFD toInterface:connectInterface error:errPtr])
+ {
+ [self closeSocket:socketFD];
+ return SOCKET_NULL;
+ }
+ // Prevent SIGPIPE signals
+ int nosigpipe = 1;
+ setsockopt(socketFD, SOL_SOCKET, SO_NOSIGPIPE, &nosigpipe, sizeof(nosigpipe));
+ return socketFD;
+- (void)connectSocket:(int)socketFD address:(NSData *)address stateIndex:(int)aStateIndex
+ // If there already is a socket connected, we close socketFD and return
+ if (self.isConnected)
+ {
+ [self closeSocket:socketFD];
+ return;
+ }
+ // Start the connection process in a background queue
+ __weak GCDAsyncSocket *weakSelf = self;
+ dispatch_queue_t globalConcurrentQueue = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0);
+ dispatch_async(globalConcurrentQueue, ^{
+#pragma clang diagnostic push
+#pragma clang diagnostic warning "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
+ int result = connect(socketFD, (const struct sockaddr *)[address bytes], (socklen_t)[address length]);
+ int err = errno;
+ __strong GCDAsyncSocket *strongSelf = weakSelf;
+ if (strongSelf == nil) return_from_block;
+ dispatch_async(strongSelf->socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ if (strongSelf.isConnected)
+ {
+ [strongSelf closeSocket:socketFD];
+ return_from_block;
+ }
+ if (result == 0)
+ {
+ [self closeUnusedSocket:socketFD];
+ [strongSelf didConnect:aStateIndex];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ [strongSelf closeSocket:socketFD];
+ // If there are no more sockets trying to connect, we inform the error to the delegate
+ if (strongSelf.socket4FD == SOCKET_NULL && strongSelf.socket6FD == SOCKET_NULL)
+ {
+ NSError *error = [strongSelf errorWithErrno:err reason:@"Error in connect() function"];
+ [strongSelf didNotConnect:aStateIndex error:error];
+ }
+ }
+ }});
+#pragma clang diagnostic pop
+ });
+ LogVerbose(@"Connecting...");
+- (void)closeSocket:(int)socketFD
+ if (socketFD != SOCKET_NULL &&
+ (socketFD == socket6FD || socketFD == socket4FD))
+ {
+ close(socketFD);
+ if (socketFD == socket4FD)
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"close(socket4FD)");
+ socket4FD = SOCKET_NULL;
+ }
+ else if (socketFD == socket6FD)
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"close(socket6FD)");
+ socket6FD = SOCKET_NULL;
+ }
+ }
+- (void)closeUnusedSocket:(int)usedSocketFD
+ if (usedSocketFD != socket4FD)
+ {
+ [self closeSocket:socket4FD];
+ }
+ else if (usedSocketFD != socket6FD)
+ {
+ [self closeSocket:socket6FD];
+ }
+- (BOOL)connectWithAddress4:(NSData *)address4 address6:(NSData *)address6 error:(NSError **)errPtr
+ LogTrace();
+ NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
+ LogVerbose(@"IPv4: %@:%hu", [[self class] hostFromAddress:address4], [[self class] portFromAddress:address4]);
+ LogVerbose(@"IPv6: %@:%hu", [[self class] hostFromAddress:address6], [[self class] portFromAddress:address6]);
+ // Determine socket type
+ BOOL preferIPv6 = (config & kPreferIPv6) ? YES : NO;
+ // Create and bind the sockets
+ if (address4)
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"Creating IPv4 socket");
+ socket4FD = [self createSocket:AF_INET connectInterface:connectInterface4 errPtr:errPtr];
+ }
+ if (address6)
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"Creating IPv6 socket");
+ socket6FD = [self createSocket:AF_INET6 connectInterface:connectInterface6 errPtr:errPtr];
+ }
+ if (socket4FD == SOCKET_NULL && socket6FD == SOCKET_NULL)
+ {
+ return NO;
+ }
+ int socketFD, alternateSocketFD;
+ NSData *address, *alternateAddress;
+ if ((preferIPv6 && socket6FD != SOCKET_NULL) || socket4FD == SOCKET_NULL)
+ {
+ socketFD = socket6FD;
+ alternateSocketFD = socket4FD;
+ address = address6;
+ alternateAddress = address4;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ socketFD = socket4FD;
+ alternateSocketFD = socket6FD;
+ address = address4;
+ alternateAddress = address6;
+ }
+ int aStateIndex = stateIndex;
+ [self connectSocket:socketFD address:address stateIndex:aStateIndex];
+ if (alternateAddress)
+ {
+ dispatch_after(dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, (int64_t)(alternateAddressDelay * NSEC_PER_SEC)), socketQueue, ^{
+ [self connectSocket:alternateSocketFD address:alternateAddress stateIndex:aStateIndex];
+ });
+ }
+ return YES;
+- (BOOL)connectWithAddressUN:(NSData *)address error:(NSError **)errPtr
+ LogTrace();
+ NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
+ // Create the socket
+ int socketFD;
+ LogVerbose(@"Creating unix domain socket");
+ socketUN = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
+ socketFD = socketUN;
+ if (socketFD == SOCKET_NULL)
+ {
+ if (errPtr)
+ *errPtr = [self errorWithErrno:errno reason:@"Error in socket() function"];
+ return NO;
+ }
+ // Bind the socket to the desired interface (if needed)
+ LogVerbose(@"Binding socket...");
+ int reuseOn = 1;
+ setsockopt(socketFD, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &reuseOn, sizeof(reuseOn));
+// const struct sockaddr *interfaceAddr = (const struct sockaddr *)[address bytes];
+// int result = bind(socketFD, interfaceAddr, (socklen_t)[address length]);
+// if (result != 0)
+// {
+// if (errPtr)
+// *errPtr = [self errnoErrorWithReason:@"Error in bind() function"];
+// return NO;
+// }
+ // Prevent SIGPIPE signals
+ int nosigpipe = 1;
+ setsockopt(socketFD, SOL_SOCKET, SO_NOSIGPIPE, &nosigpipe, sizeof(nosigpipe));
+ // Start the connection process in a background queue
+ int aStateIndex = stateIndex;
+ dispatch_queue_t globalConcurrentQueue = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0);
+ dispatch_async(globalConcurrentQueue, ^{
+ const struct sockaddr *addr = (const struct sockaddr *)[address bytes];
+ int result = connect(socketFD, addr, addr->sa_len);
+ if (result == 0)
+ {
+ dispatch_async(self->socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ [self didConnect:aStateIndex];
+ }});
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // TODO: Bad file descriptor
+ perror("connect");
+ NSError *error = [self errorWithErrno:errno reason:@"Error in connect() function"];
+ dispatch_async(self->socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ [self didNotConnect:aStateIndex error:error];
+ }});
+ }
+ });
+ LogVerbose(@"Connecting...");
+ return YES;
+- (void)didConnect:(int)aStateIndex
+ LogTrace();
+ NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
+ if (aStateIndex != stateIndex)
+ {
+ LogInfo(@"Ignoring didConnect, already disconnected");
+ // The connect operation has been cancelled.
+ // That is, socket was disconnected, or connection has already timed out.
+ return;
+ }
+ flags |= kConnected;
+ [self endConnectTimeout];
+ // The endConnectTimeout method executed above incremented the stateIndex.
+ aStateIndex = stateIndex;
+ #endif
+ // Setup read/write streams (as workaround for specific shortcomings in the iOS platform)
+ //
+ // Note:
+ // There may be configuration options that must be set by the delegate before opening the streams.
+ // The primary example is the kCFStreamNetworkServiceTypeVoIP flag, which only works on an unopened stream.
+ //
+ // Thus we wait until after the socket:didConnectToHost:port: delegate method has completed.
+ // This gives the delegate time to properly configure the streams if needed.
+ dispatch_block_t SetupStreamsPart1 = ^{
+ if (![self createReadAndWriteStream])
+ {
+ [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Error creating CFStreams"]];
+ return;
+ }
+ if (![self registerForStreamCallbacksIncludingReadWrite:NO])
+ {
+ [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Error in CFStreamSetClient"]];
+ return;
+ }
+ #endif
+ };
+ dispatch_block_t SetupStreamsPart2 = ^{
+ if (aStateIndex != self->stateIndex)
+ {
+ // The socket has been disconnected.
+ return;
+ }
+ if (![self addStreamsToRunLoop])
+ {
+ [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Error in CFStreamScheduleWithRunLoop"]];
+ return;
+ }
+ if (![self openStreams])
+ {
+ [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Error creating CFStreams"]];
+ return;
+ }
+ #endif
+ };
+ // Notify delegate
+ NSString *host = [self connectedHost];
+ uint16_t port = [self connectedPort];
+ NSURL *url = [self connectedUrl];
+ __strong id theDelegate = delegate;
+ if (delegateQueue && host != nil && [theDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(socket:didConnectToHost:port:)])
+ {
+ SetupStreamsPart1();
+ dispatch_async(delegateQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ [theDelegate socket:self didConnectToHost:host port:port];
+ dispatch_async(self->socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ SetupStreamsPart2();
+ }});
+ }});
+ }
+ else if (delegateQueue && url != nil && [theDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(socket:didConnectToUrl:)])
+ {
+ SetupStreamsPart1();
+ dispatch_async(delegateQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ [theDelegate socket:self didConnectToUrl:url];
+ dispatch_async(self->socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ SetupStreamsPart2();
+ }});
+ }});
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SetupStreamsPart1();
+ SetupStreamsPart2();
+ }
+ // Get the connected socket
+ int socketFD = (socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL) ? socket4FD : (socket6FD != SOCKET_NULL) ? socket6FD : socketUN;
+ // Enable non-blocking IO on the socket
+ int result = fcntl(socketFD, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);
+ if (result == -1)
+ {
+ NSString *errMsg = @"Error enabling non-blocking IO on socket (fcntl)";
+ [self closeWithError:[self otherError:errMsg]];
+ return;
+ }
+ // Setup our read/write sources
+ [self setupReadAndWriteSourcesForNewlyConnectedSocket:socketFD];
+ // Dequeue any pending read/write requests
+ [self maybeDequeueRead];
+ [self maybeDequeueWrite];
+- (void)didNotConnect:(int)aStateIndex error:(NSError *)error
+ LogTrace();
+ NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
+ if (aStateIndex != stateIndex)
+ {
+ LogInfo(@"Ignoring didNotConnect, already disconnected");
+ // The connect operation has been cancelled.
+ // That is, socket was disconnected, or connection has already timed out.
+ return;
+ }
+ [self closeWithError:error];
+- (void)startConnectTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout
+ if (timeout >= 0.0)
+ {
+ connectTimer = dispatch_source_create(DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_TIMER, 0, 0, socketQueue);
+ __weak GCDAsyncSocket *weakSelf = self;
+ dispatch_source_set_event_handler(connectTimer, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ #pragma clang diagnostic push
+ #pragma clang diagnostic warning "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
+ __strong GCDAsyncSocket *strongSelf = weakSelf;
+ if (strongSelf == nil) return_from_block;
+ [strongSelf doConnectTimeout];
+ #pragma clang diagnostic pop
+ }});
+ dispatch_source_t theConnectTimer = connectTimer;
+ dispatch_source_set_cancel_handler(connectTimer, ^{
+ #pragma clang diagnostic push
+ #pragma clang diagnostic warning "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
+ LogVerbose(@"dispatch_release(connectTimer)");
+ dispatch_release(theConnectTimer);
+ #pragma clang diagnostic pop
+ });
+ #endif
+ dispatch_time_t tt = dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, (int64_t)(timeout * NSEC_PER_SEC));
+ dispatch_source_set_timer(connectTimer, tt, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER, 0);
+ dispatch_resume(connectTimer);
+ }
+- (void)endConnectTimeout
+ LogTrace();
+ if (connectTimer)
+ {
+ dispatch_source_cancel(connectTimer);
+ connectTimer = NULL;
+ }
+ // Increment stateIndex.
+ // This will prevent us from processing results from any related background asynchronous operations.
+ //
+ // Note: This should be called from close method even if connectTimer is NULL.
+ // This is because one might disconnect a socket prior to a successful connection which had no timeout.
+ stateIndex++;
+ if (connectInterface4)
+ {
+ connectInterface4 = nil;
+ }
+ if (connectInterface6)
+ {
+ connectInterface6 = nil;
+ }
+- (void)doConnectTimeout
+ LogTrace();
+ [self endConnectTimeout];
+ [self closeWithError:[self connectTimeoutError]];
+#pragma mark Disconnecting
+- (void)closeWithError:(NSError *)error
+ LogTrace();
+ NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
+ [self endConnectTimeout];
+ if (currentRead != nil) [self endCurrentRead];
+ if (currentWrite != nil) [self endCurrentWrite];
+ [readQueue removeAllObjects];
+ [writeQueue removeAllObjects];
+ [preBuffer reset];
+ {
+ if (readStream || writeStream)
+ {
+ [self removeStreamsFromRunLoop];
+ if (readStream)
+ {
+ CFReadStreamSetClient(readStream, kCFStreamEventNone, NULL, NULL);
+ CFReadStreamClose(readStream);
+ CFRelease(readStream);
+ readStream = NULL;
+ }
+ if (writeStream)
+ {
+ CFWriteStreamSetClient(writeStream, kCFStreamEventNone, NULL, NULL);
+ CFWriteStreamClose(writeStream);
+ CFRelease(writeStream);
+ writeStream = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #endif
+ [sslPreBuffer reset];
+ sslErrCode = lastSSLHandshakeError = noErr;
+ if (sslContext)
+ {
+ // Getting a linker error here about the SSLx() functions?
+ // You need to add the Security Framework to your application.
+ SSLClose(sslContext);
+ CFRelease(sslContext);
+ #else
+ SSLDisposeContext(sslContext);
+ #endif
+ sslContext = NULL;
+ }
+ // For some crazy reason (in my opinion), cancelling a dispatch source doesn't
+ // invoke the cancel handler if the dispatch source is paused.
+ // So we have to unpause the source if needed.
+ // This allows the cancel handler to be run, which in turn releases the source and closes the socket.
+ if (!accept4Source && !accept6Source && !acceptUNSource && !readSource && !writeSource)
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"manually closing close");
+ if (socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL)
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"close(socket4FD)");
+ close(socket4FD);
+ socket4FD = SOCKET_NULL;
+ }
+ if (socket6FD != SOCKET_NULL)
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"close(socket6FD)");
+ close(socket6FD);
+ socket6FD = SOCKET_NULL;
+ }
+ if (socketUN != SOCKET_NULL)
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"close(socketUN)");
+ close(socketUN);
+ socketUN = SOCKET_NULL;
+ unlink(socketUrl.path.fileSystemRepresentation);
+ socketUrl = nil;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (accept4Source)
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"dispatch_source_cancel(accept4Source)");
+ dispatch_source_cancel(accept4Source);
+ // We never suspend accept4Source
+ accept4Source = NULL;
+ }
+ if (accept6Source)
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"dispatch_source_cancel(accept6Source)");
+ dispatch_source_cancel(accept6Source);
+ // We never suspend accept6Source
+ accept6Source = NULL;
+ }
+ if (acceptUNSource)
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"dispatch_source_cancel(acceptUNSource)");
+ dispatch_source_cancel(acceptUNSource);
+ // We never suspend acceptUNSource
+ acceptUNSource = NULL;
+ }
+ if (readSource)
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"dispatch_source_cancel(readSource)");
+ dispatch_source_cancel(readSource);
+ [self resumeReadSource];
+ readSource = NULL;
+ }
+ if (writeSource)
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"dispatch_source_cancel(writeSource)");
+ dispatch_source_cancel(writeSource);
+ [self resumeWriteSource];
+ writeSource = NULL;
+ }
+ // The sockets will be closed by the cancel handlers of the corresponding source
+ socket4FD = SOCKET_NULL;
+ socket6FD = SOCKET_NULL;
+ socketUN = SOCKET_NULL;
+ }
+ // If the client has passed the connect/accept method, then the connection has at least begun.
+ // Notify delegate that it is now ending.
+ BOOL shouldCallDelegate = (flags & kSocketStarted) ? YES : NO;
+ BOOL isDeallocating = (flags & kDealloc) ? YES : NO;
+ // Clear stored socket info and all flags (config remains as is)
+ socketFDBytesAvailable = 0;
+ flags = 0;
+ sslWriteCachedLength = 0;
+ if (shouldCallDelegate)
+ {
+ __strong id theDelegate = delegate;
+ __strong id theSelf = isDeallocating ? nil : self;
+ if (delegateQueue && [theDelegate respondsToSelector: @selector(socketDidDisconnect:withError:)])
+ {
+ dispatch_async(delegateQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ [theDelegate socketDidDisconnect:theSelf withError:error];
+ }});
+ }
+ }
+- (void)disconnect
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ if (self->flags & kSocketStarted)
+ {
+ [self closeWithError:nil];
+ }
+ }};
+ // Synchronous disconnection, as documented in the header file
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
+- (void)disconnectAfterReading
+ dispatch_async(socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ if (self->flags & kSocketStarted)
+ {
+ self->flags |= (kForbidReadsWrites | kDisconnectAfterReads);
+ [self maybeClose];
+ }
+ }});
+- (void)disconnectAfterWriting
+ dispatch_async(socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ if (self->flags & kSocketStarted)
+ {
+ self->flags |= (kForbidReadsWrites | kDisconnectAfterWrites);
+ [self maybeClose];
+ }
+ }});
+- (void)disconnectAfterReadingAndWriting
+ dispatch_async(socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ if (self->flags & kSocketStarted)
+ {
+ self->flags |= (kForbidReadsWrites | kDisconnectAfterReads | kDisconnectAfterWrites);
+ [self maybeClose];
+ }
+ }});
+ * Closes the socket if possible.
+ * That is, if all writes have completed, and we're set to disconnect after writing,
+ * or if all reads have completed, and we're set to disconnect after reading.
+- (void)maybeClose
+ NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
+ BOOL shouldClose = NO;
+ if (flags & kDisconnectAfterReads)
+ {
+ if (([readQueue count] == 0) && (currentRead == nil))
+ {
+ if (flags & kDisconnectAfterWrites)
+ {
+ if (([writeQueue count] == 0) && (currentWrite == nil))
+ {
+ shouldClose = YES;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ shouldClose = YES;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (flags & kDisconnectAfterWrites)
+ {
+ if (([writeQueue count] == 0) && (currentWrite == nil))
+ {
+ shouldClose = YES;
+ }
+ }
+ if (shouldClose)
+ {
+ [self closeWithError:nil];
+ }
+#pragma mark Errors
+- (NSError *)badConfigError:(NSString *)errMsg
+ NSDictionary *userInfo = @{NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : errMsg};
+ return [NSError errorWithDomain:GCDAsyncSocketErrorDomain code:GCDAsyncSocketBadConfigError userInfo:userInfo];
+- (NSError *)badParamError:(NSString *)errMsg
+ NSDictionary *userInfo = @{NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : errMsg};
+ return [NSError errorWithDomain:GCDAsyncSocketErrorDomain code:GCDAsyncSocketBadParamError userInfo:userInfo];
++ (NSError *)gaiError:(int)gai_error
+ NSString *errMsg = [NSString stringWithCString:gai_strerror(gai_error) encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
+ NSDictionary *userInfo = @{NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : errMsg};
+ return [NSError errorWithDomain:@"kCFStreamErrorDomainNetDB" code:gai_error userInfo:userInfo];
+- (NSError *)errorWithErrno:(int)err reason:(NSString *)reason
+ NSString *errMsg = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:strerror(err)];
+ NSDictionary *userInfo = @{NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : errMsg,
+ NSLocalizedFailureReasonErrorKey : reason};
+ return [NSError errorWithDomain:NSPOSIXErrorDomain code:err userInfo:userInfo];
+- (NSError *)errnoError
+ NSString *errMsg = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:strerror(errno)];
+ NSDictionary *userInfo = @{NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : errMsg};
+ return [NSError errorWithDomain:NSPOSIXErrorDomain code:errno userInfo:userInfo];
+- (NSError *)sslError:(OSStatus)ssl_error
+ NSString *msg = @"Error code definition can be found in Apple's SecureTransport.h";
+ NSDictionary *userInfo = @{NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestionErrorKey : msg};
+ return [NSError errorWithDomain:@"kCFStreamErrorDomainSSL" code:ssl_error userInfo:userInfo];
+- (NSError *)connectTimeoutError
+ NSString *errMsg = NSLocalizedStringWithDefaultValue(@"GCDAsyncSocketConnectTimeoutError",
+ @"GCDAsyncSocket", [NSBundle mainBundle],
+ @"Attempt to connect to host timed out", nil);
+ NSDictionary *userInfo = @{NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : errMsg};
+ return [NSError errorWithDomain:GCDAsyncSocketErrorDomain code:GCDAsyncSocketConnectTimeoutError userInfo:userInfo];
+ * Returns a standard AsyncSocket maxed out error.
+- (NSError *)readMaxedOutError
+ NSString *errMsg = NSLocalizedStringWithDefaultValue(@"GCDAsyncSocketReadMaxedOutError",
+ @"GCDAsyncSocket", [NSBundle mainBundle],
+ @"Read operation reached set maximum length", nil);
+ NSDictionary *info = @{NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : errMsg};
+ return [NSError errorWithDomain:GCDAsyncSocketErrorDomain code:GCDAsyncSocketReadMaxedOutError userInfo:info];
+ * Returns a standard AsyncSocket write timeout error.
+- (NSError *)readTimeoutError
+ NSString *errMsg = NSLocalizedStringWithDefaultValue(@"GCDAsyncSocketReadTimeoutError",
+ @"GCDAsyncSocket", [NSBundle mainBundle],
+ @"Read operation timed out", nil);
+ NSDictionary *userInfo = @{NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : errMsg};
+ return [NSError errorWithDomain:GCDAsyncSocketErrorDomain code:GCDAsyncSocketReadTimeoutError userInfo:userInfo];
+ * Returns a standard AsyncSocket write timeout error.
+- (NSError *)writeTimeoutError
+ NSString *errMsg = NSLocalizedStringWithDefaultValue(@"GCDAsyncSocketWriteTimeoutError",
+ @"GCDAsyncSocket", [NSBundle mainBundle],
+ @"Write operation timed out", nil);
+ NSDictionary *userInfo = @{NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : errMsg};
+ return [NSError errorWithDomain:GCDAsyncSocketErrorDomain code:GCDAsyncSocketWriteTimeoutError userInfo:userInfo];
+- (NSError *)connectionClosedError
+ NSString *errMsg = NSLocalizedStringWithDefaultValue(@"GCDAsyncSocketClosedError",
+ @"GCDAsyncSocket", [NSBundle mainBundle],
+ @"Socket closed by remote peer", nil);
+ NSDictionary *userInfo = @{NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : errMsg};
+ return [NSError errorWithDomain:GCDAsyncSocketErrorDomain code:GCDAsyncSocketClosedError userInfo:userInfo];
+- (NSError *)otherError:(NSString *)errMsg
+ NSDictionary *userInfo = @{NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : errMsg};
+ return [NSError errorWithDomain:GCDAsyncSocketErrorDomain code:GCDAsyncSocketOtherError userInfo:userInfo];
+#pragma mark Diagnostics
+- (BOOL)isDisconnected
+ __block BOOL result = NO;
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{
+ result = (self->flags & kSocketStarted) ? NO : YES;
+ };
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
+ return result;
+- (BOOL)isConnected
+ __block BOOL result = NO;
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{
+ result = (self->flags & kConnected) ? YES : NO;
+ };
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
+ return result;
+- (NSString *)connectedHost
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ {
+ if (socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL)
+ return [self connectedHostFromSocket4:socket4FD];
+ if (socket6FD != SOCKET_NULL)
+ return [self connectedHostFromSocket6:socket6FD];
+ return nil;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ __block NSString *result = nil;
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ if (self->socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL)
+ result = [self connectedHostFromSocket4:self->socket4FD];
+ else if (self->socket6FD != SOCKET_NULL)
+ result = [self connectedHostFromSocket6:self->socket6FD];
+ }});
+ return result;
+ }
+- (uint16_t)connectedPort
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ {
+ if (socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL)
+ return [self connectedPortFromSocket4:socket4FD];
+ if (socket6FD != SOCKET_NULL)
+ return [self connectedPortFromSocket6:socket6FD];
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ __block uint16_t result = 0;
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, ^{
+ // No need for autorelease pool
+ if (self->socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL)
+ result = [self connectedPortFromSocket4:self->socket4FD];
+ else if (self->socket6FD != SOCKET_NULL)
+ result = [self connectedPortFromSocket6:self->socket6FD];
+ });
+ return result;
+ }
+- (NSURL *)connectedUrl
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ {
+ if (socketUN != SOCKET_NULL)
+ return [self connectedUrlFromSocketUN:socketUN];
+ return nil;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ __block NSURL *result = nil;
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ if (self->socketUN != SOCKET_NULL)
+ result = [self connectedUrlFromSocketUN:self->socketUN];
+ }});
+ return result;
+ }
+- (NSString *)localHost
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ {
+ if (socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL)
+ return [self localHostFromSocket4:socket4FD];
+ if (socket6FD != SOCKET_NULL)
+ return [self localHostFromSocket6:socket6FD];
+ return nil;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ __block NSString *result = nil;
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ if (self->socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL)
+ result = [self localHostFromSocket4:self->socket4FD];
+ else if (self->socket6FD != SOCKET_NULL)
+ result = [self localHostFromSocket6:self->socket6FD];
+ }});
+ return result;
+ }
+- (uint16_t)localPort
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ {
+ if (socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL)
+ return [self localPortFromSocket4:socket4FD];
+ if (socket6FD != SOCKET_NULL)
+ return [self localPortFromSocket6:socket6FD];
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ __block uint16_t result = 0;
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, ^{
+ // No need for autorelease pool
+ if (self->socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL)
+ result = [self localPortFromSocket4:self->socket4FD];
+ else if (self->socket6FD != SOCKET_NULL)
+ result = [self localPortFromSocket6:self->socket6FD];
+ });
+ return result;
+ }
+- (NSString *)connectedHost4
+ if (socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL)
+ return [self connectedHostFromSocket4:socket4FD];
+ return nil;
+- (NSString *)connectedHost6
+ if (socket6FD != SOCKET_NULL)
+ return [self connectedHostFromSocket6:socket6FD];
+ return nil;
+- (uint16_t)connectedPort4
+ if (socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL)
+ return [self connectedPortFromSocket4:socket4FD];
+ return 0;
+- (uint16_t)connectedPort6
+ if (socket6FD != SOCKET_NULL)
+ return [self connectedPortFromSocket6:socket6FD];
+ return 0;
+- (NSString *)localHost4
+ if (socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL)
+ return [self localHostFromSocket4:socket4FD];
+ return nil;
+- (NSString *)localHost6
+ if (socket6FD != SOCKET_NULL)
+ return [self localHostFromSocket6:socket6FD];
+ return nil;
+- (uint16_t)localPort4
+ if (socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL)
+ return [self localPortFromSocket4:socket4FD];
+ return 0;
+- (uint16_t)localPort6
+ if (socket6FD != SOCKET_NULL)
+ return [self localPortFromSocket6:socket6FD];
+ return 0;
+- (NSString *)connectedHostFromSocket4:(int)socketFD
+ struct sockaddr_in sockaddr4;
+ socklen_t sockaddr4len = sizeof(sockaddr4);
+ if (getpeername(socketFD, (struct sockaddr *)&sockaddr4, &sockaddr4len) < 0)
+ {
+ return nil;
+ }
+ return [[self class] hostFromSockaddr4:&sockaddr4];
+- (NSString *)connectedHostFromSocket6:(int)socketFD
+ struct sockaddr_in6 sockaddr6;
+ socklen_t sockaddr6len = sizeof(sockaddr6);
+ if (getpeername(socketFD, (struct sockaddr *)&sockaddr6, &sockaddr6len) < 0)
+ {
+ return nil;
+ }
+ return [[self class] hostFromSockaddr6:&sockaddr6];
+- (uint16_t)connectedPortFromSocket4:(int)socketFD
+ struct sockaddr_in sockaddr4;
+ socklen_t sockaddr4len = sizeof(sockaddr4);
+ if (getpeername(socketFD, (struct sockaddr *)&sockaddr4, &sockaddr4len) < 0)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return [[self class] portFromSockaddr4:&sockaddr4];
+- (uint16_t)connectedPortFromSocket6:(int)socketFD
+ struct sockaddr_in6 sockaddr6;
+ socklen_t sockaddr6len = sizeof(sockaddr6);
+ if (getpeername(socketFD, (struct sockaddr *)&sockaddr6, &sockaddr6len) < 0)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return [[self class] portFromSockaddr6:&sockaddr6];
+- (NSURL *)connectedUrlFromSocketUN:(int)socketFD
+ struct sockaddr_un sockaddr;
+ socklen_t sockaddrlen = sizeof(sockaddr);
+ if (getpeername(socketFD, (struct sockaddr *)&sockaddr, &sockaddrlen) < 0)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return [[self class] urlFromSockaddrUN:&sockaddr];
+- (NSString *)localHostFromSocket4:(int)socketFD
+ struct sockaddr_in sockaddr4;
+ socklen_t sockaddr4len = sizeof(sockaddr4);
+ if (getsockname(socketFD, (struct sockaddr *)&sockaddr4, &sockaddr4len) < 0)
+ {
+ return nil;
+ }
+ return [[self class] hostFromSockaddr4:&sockaddr4];
+- (NSString *)localHostFromSocket6:(int)socketFD
+ struct sockaddr_in6 sockaddr6;
+ socklen_t sockaddr6len = sizeof(sockaddr6);
+ if (getsockname(socketFD, (struct sockaddr *)&sockaddr6, &sockaddr6len) < 0)
+ {
+ return nil;
+ }
+ return [[self class] hostFromSockaddr6:&sockaddr6];
+- (uint16_t)localPortFromSocket4:(int)socketFD
+ struct sockaddr_in sockaddr4;
+ socklen_t sockaddr4len = sizeof(sockaddr4);
+ if (getsockname(socketFD, (struct sockaddr *)&sockaddr4, &sockaddr4len) < 0)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return [[self class] portFromSockaddr4:&sockaddr4];
+- (uint16_t)localPortFromSocket6:(int)socketFD
+ struct sockaddr_in6 sockaddr6;
+ socklen_t sockaddr6len = sizeof(sockaddr6);
+ if (getsockname(socketFD, (struct sockaddr *)&sockaddr6, &sockaddr6len) < 0)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return [[self class] portFromSockaddr6:&sockaddr6];
+- (NSData *)connectedAddress
+ __block NSData *result = nil;
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{
+ if (self->socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL)
+ {
+ struct sockaddr_in sockaddr4;
+ socklen_t sockaddr4len = sizeof(sockaddr4);
+ if (getpeername(self->socket4FD, (struct sockaddr *)&sockaddr4, &sockaddr4len) == 0)
+ {
+ result = [[NSData alloc] initWithBytes:&sockaddr4 length:sockaddr4len];
+ }
+ }
+ if (self->socket6FD != SOCKET_NULL)
+ {
+ struct sockaddr_in6 sockaddr6;
+ socklen_t sockaddr6len = sizeof(sockaddr6);
+ if (getpeername(self->socket6FD, (struct sockaddr *)&sockaddr6, &sockaddr6len) == 0)
+ {
+ result = [[NSData alloc] initWithBytes:&sockaddr6 length:sockaddr6len];
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
+ return result;
+- (NSData *)localAddress
+ __block NSData *result = nil;
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{
+ if (self->socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL)
+ {
+ struct sockaddr_in sockaddr4;
+ socklen_t sockaddr4len = sizeof(sockaddr4);
+ if (getsockname(self->socket4FD, (struct sockaddr *)&sockaddr4, &sockaddr4len) == 0)
+ {
+ result = [[NSData alloc] initWithBytes:&sockaddr4 length:sockaddr4len];
+ }
+ }
+ if (self->socket6FD != SOCKET_NULL)
+ {
+ struct sockaddr_in6 sockaddr6;
+ socklen_t sockaddr6len = sizeof(sockaddr6);
+ if (getsockname(self->socket6FD, (struct sockaddr *)&sockaddr6, &sockaddr6len) == 0)
+ {
+ result = [[NSData alloc] initWithBytes:&sockaddr6 length:sockaddr6len];
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
+ return result;
+- (BOOL)isIPv4
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ {
+ return (socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ __block BOOL result = NO;
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, ^{
+ result = (self->socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL);
+ });
+ return result;
+ }
+- (BOOL)isIPv6
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ {
+ return (socket6FD != SOCKET_NULL);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ __block BOOL result = NO;
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, ^{
+ result = (self->socket6FD != SOCKET_NULL);
+ });
+ return result;
+ }
+- (BOOL)isSecure
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ {
+ return (flags & kSocketSecure) ? YES : NO;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ __block BOOL result;
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, ^{
+ result = (self->flags & kSocketSecure) ? YES : NO;
+ });
+ return result;
+ }
+#pragma mark Utilities
+ * Finds the address of an interface description.
+ * An inteface description may be an interface name (en0, en1, lo0) or corresponding IP (
+ *
+ * The interface description may optionally contain a port number at the end, separated by a colon.
+ * If a non-zero port parameter is provided, any port number in the interface description is ignored.
+ *
+ * The returned value is a 'struct sockaddr' wrapped in an NSMutableData object.
+- (void)getInterfaceAddress4:(NSMutableData **)interfaceAddr4Ptr
+ address6:(NSMutableData **)interfaceAddr6Ptr
+ fromDescription:(NSString *)interfaceDescription
+ port:(uint16_t)port
+ NSMutableData *addr4 = nil;
+ NSMutableData *addr6 = nil;
+ NSString *interface = nil;
+ NSArray *components = [interfaceDescription componentsSeparatedByString:@":"];
+ if ([components count] > 0)
+ {
+ NSString *temp = [components objectAtIndex:0];
+ if ([temp length] > 0)
+ {
+ interface = temp;
+ }
+ }
+ if ([components count] > 1 && port == 0)
+ {
+ NSString *temp = [components objectAtIndex:1];
+ long portL = strtol([temp UTF8String], NULL, 10);
+ if (portL > 0 && portL <= UINT16_MAX)
+ {
+ port = (uint16_t)portL;
+ }
+ }
+ if (interface == nil)
+ {
+ // ANY address
+ struct sockaddr_in sockaddr4;
+ memset(&sockaddr4, 0, sizeof(sockaddr4));
+ sockaddr4.sin_len = sizeof(sockaddr4);
+ sockaddr4.sin_family = AF_INET;
+ sockaddr4.sin_port = htons(port);
+ sockaddr4.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
+ struct sockaddr_in6 sockaddr6;
+ memset(&sockaddr6, 0, sizeof(sockaddr6));
+ sockaddr6.sin6_len = sizeof(sockaddr6);
+ sockaddr6.sin6_family = AF_INET6;
+ sockaddr6.sin6_port = htons(port);
+ sockaddr6.sin6_addr = in6addr_any;
+ addr4 = [NSMutableData dataWithBytes:&sockaddr4 length:sizeof(sockaddr4)];
+ addr6 = [NSMutableData dataWithBytes:&sockaddr6 length:sizeof(sockaddr6)];
+ }
+ else if ([interface isEqualToString:@"localhost"] || [interface isEqualToString:@"loopback"])
+ {
+ // LOOPBACK address
+ struct sockaddr_in sockaddr4;
+ memset(&sockaddr4, 0, sizeof(sockaddr4));
+ sockaddr4.sin_len = sizeof(sockaddr4);
+ sockaddr4.sin_family = AF_INET;
+ sockaddr4.sin_port = htons(port);
+ sockaddr4.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK);
+ struct sockaddr_in6 sockaddr6;
+ memset(&sockaddr6, 0, sizeof(sockaddr6));
+ sockaddr6.sin6_len = sizeof(sockaddr6);
+ sockaddr6.sin6_family = AF_INET6;
+ sockaddr6.sin6_port = htons(port);
+ sockaddr6.sin6_addr = in6addr_loopback;
+ addr4 = [NSMutableData dataWithBytes:&sockaddr4 length:sizeof(sockaddr4)];
+ addr6 = [NSMutableData dataWithBytes:&sockaddr6 length:sizeof(sockaddr6)];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const char *iface = [interface UTF8String];
+ struct ifaddrs *addrs;
+ const struct ifaddrs *cursor;
+ if ((getifaddrs(&addrs) == 0))
+ {
+ cursor = addrs;
+ while (cursor != NULL)
+ {
+ if ((addr4 == nil) && (cursor->ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_INET))
+ {
+ // IPv4
+ struct sockaddr_in nativeAddr4;
+ memcpy(&nativeAddr4, cursor->ifa_addr, sizeof(nativeAddr4));
+ if (strcmp(cursor->ifa_name, iface) == 0)
+ {
+ // Name match
+ nativeAddr4.sin_port = htons(port);
+ addr4 = [NSMutableData dataWithBytes:&nativeAddr4 length:sizeof(nativeAddr4)];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const char *conversion = inet_ntop(AF_INET, &nativeAddr4.sin_addr, ip, sizeof(ip));
+ if ((conversion != NULL) && (strcmp(ip, iface) == 0))
+ {
+ // IP match
+ nativeAddr4.sin_port = htons(port);
+ addr4 = [NSMutableData dataWithBytes:&nativeAddr4 length:sizeof(nativeAddr4)];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if ((addr6 == nil) && (cursor->ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_INET6))
+ {
+ // IPv6
+ struct sockaddr_in6 nativeAddr6;
+ memcpy(&nativeAddr6, cursor->ifa_addr, sizeof(nativeAddr6));
+ if (strcmp(cursor->ifa_name, iface) == 0)
+ {
+ // Name match
+ nativeAddr6.sin6_port = htons(port);
+ addr6 = [NSMutableData dataWithBytes:&nativeAddr6 length:sizeof(nativeAddr6)];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ char ip[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
+ const char *conversion = inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &nativeAddr6.sin6_addr, ip, sizeof(ip));
+ if ((conversion != NULL) && (strcmp(ip, iface) == 0))
+ {
+ // IP match
+ nativeAddr6.sin6_port = htons(port);
+ addr6 = [NSMutableData dataWithBytes:&nativeAddr6 length:sizeof(nativeAddr6)];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ cursor = cursor->ifa_next;
+ }
+ freeifaddrs(addrs);
+ }
+ }
+ if (interfaceAddr4Ptr) *interfaceAddr4Ptr = addr4;
+ if (interfaceAddr6Ptr) *interfaceAddr6Ptr = addr6;
+- (NSData *)getInterfaceAddressFromUrl:(NSURL *)url
+ NSString *path = url.path;
+ if (path.length == 0) {
+ return nil;
+ }
+ struct sockaddr_un nativeAddr;
+ nativeAddr.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
+ strlcpy(nativeAddr.sun_path, path.fileSystemRepresentation, sizeof(nativeAddr.sun_path));
+ nativeAddr.sun_len = (unsigned char)SUN_LEN(&nativeAddr);
+ NSData *interface = [NSData dataWithBytes:&nativeAddr length:sizeof(struct sockaddr_un)];
+ return interface;
+- (void)setupReadAndWriteSourcesForNewlyConnectedSocket:(int)socketFD
+ readSource = dispatch_source_create(DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_READ, socketFD, 0, socketQueue);
+ writeSource = dispatch_source_create(DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_WRITE, socketFD, 0, socketQueue);
+ // Setup event handlers
+ __weak GCDAsyncSocket *weakSelf = self;
+ dispatch_source_set_event_handler(readSource, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ #pragma clang diagnostic push
+ #pragma clang diagnostic warning "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
+ __strong GCDAsyncSocket *strongSelf = weakSelf;
+ if (strongSelf == nil) return_from_block;
+ LogVerbose(@"readEventBlock");
+ strongSelf->socketFDBytesAvailable = dispatch_source_get_data(strongSelf->readSource);
+ LogVerbose(@"socketFDBytesAvailable: %lu", strongSelf->socketFDBytesAvailable);
+ if (strongSelf->socketFDBytesAvailable > 0)
+ [strongSelf doReadData];
+ else
+ [strongSelf doReadEOF];
+ #pragma clang diagnostic pop
+ }});
+ dispatch_source_set_event_handler(writeSource, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ #pragma clang diagnostic push
+ #pragma clang diagnostic warning "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
+ __strong GCDAsyncSocket *strongSelf = weakSelf;
+ if (strongSelf == nil) return_from_block;
+ LogVerbose(@"writeEventBlock");
+ strongSelf->flags |= kSocketCanAcceptBytes;
+ [strongSelf doWriteData];
+ #pragma clang diagnostic pop
+ }});
+ // Setup cancel handlers
+ __block int socketFDRefCount = 2;
+ dispatch_source_t theReadSource = readSource;
+ dispatch_source_t theWriteSource = writeSource;
+ #endif
+ dispatch_source_set_cancel_handler(readSource, ^{
+ #pragma clang diagnostic push
+ #pragma clang diagnostic warning "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
+ LogVerbose(@"readCancelBlock");
+ LogVerbose(@"dispatch_release(readSource)");
+ dispatch_release(theReadSource);
+ #endif
+ if (--socketFDRefCount == 0)
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"close(socketFD)");
+ close(socketFD);
+ }
+ #pragma clang diagnostic pop
+ });
+ dispatch_source_set_cancel_handler(writeSource, ^{
+ #pragma clang diagnostic push
+ #pragma clang diagnostic warning "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
+ LogVerbose(@"writeCancelBlock");
+ LogVerbose(@"dispatch_release(writeSource)");
+ dispatch_release(theWriteSource);
+ #endif
+ if (--socketFDRefCount == 0)
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"close(socketFD)");
+ close(socketFD);
+ }
+ #pragma clang diagnostic pop
+ });
+ // We will not be able to read until data arrives.
+ // But we should be able to write immediately.
+ socketFDBytesAvailable = 0;
+ flags &= ~kReadSourceSuspended;
+ LogVerbose(@"dispatch_resume(readSource)");
+ dispatch_resume(readSource);
+ flags |= kSocketCanAcceptBytes;
+ flags |= kWriteSourceSuspended;
+- (BOOL)usingCFStreamForTLS
+ if ((flags & kSocketSecure) && (flags & kUsingCFStreamForTLS))
+ {
+ // The startTLS method was given the GCDAsyncSocketUseCFStreamForTLS flag.
+ return YES;
+ }
+ #endif
+ return NO;
+- (BOOL)usingSecureTransportForTLS
+ // Invoking this method is equivalent to ![self usingCFStreamForTLS] (just more readable)
+ if ((flags & kSocketSecure) && (flags & kUsingCFStreamForTLS))
+ {
+ // The startTLS method was given the GCDAsyncSocketUseCFStreamForTLS flag.
+ return NO;
+ }
+ #endif
+ return YES;
+- (void)suspendReadSource
+ if (!(flags & kReadSourceSuspended))
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"dispatch_suspend(readSource)");
+ dispatch_suspend(readSource);
+ flags |= kReadSourceSuspended;
+ }
+- (void)resumeReadSource
+ if (flags & kReadSourceSuspended)
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"dispatch_resume(readSource)");
+ dispatch_resume(readSource);
+ flags &= ~kReadSourceSuspended;
+ }
+- (void)suspendWriteSource
+ if (!(flags & kWriteSourceSuspended))
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"dispatch_suspend(writeSource)");
+ dispatch_suspend(writeSource);
+ flags |= kWriteSourceSuspended;
+ }
+- (void)resumeWriteSource
+ if (flags & kWriteSourceSuspended)
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"dispatch_resume(writeSource)");
+ dispatch_resume(writeSource);
+ flags &= ~kWriteSourceSuspended;
+ }
+#pragma mark Reading
+- (void)readDataWithTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout tag:(long)tag
+ [self readDataWithTimeout:timeout buffer:nil bufferOffset:0 maxLength:0 tag:tag];
+- (void)readDataWithTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout
+ buffer:(NSMutableData *)buffer
+ bufferOffset:(NSUInteger)offset
+ tag:(long)tag
+ [self readDataWithTimeout:timeout buffer:buffer bufferOffset:offset maxLength:0 tag:tag];
+- (void)readDataWithTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout
+ buffer:(NSMutableData *)buffer
+ bufferOffset:(NSUInteger)offset
+ maxLength:(NSUInteger)length
+ tag:(long)tag
+ if (offset > [buffer length]) {
+ LogWarn(@"Cannot read: offset > [buffer length]");
+ return;
+ }
+ GCDAsyncReadPacket *packet = [[GCDAsyncReadPacket alloc] initWithData:buffer
+ startOffset:offset
+ maxLength:length
+ timeout:timeout
+ readLength:0
+ terminator:nil
+ tag:tag];
+ dispatch_async(socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ LogTrace();
+ if ((self->flags & kSocketStarted) && !(self->flags & kForbidReadsWrites))
+ {
+ [self->readQueue addObject:packet];
+ [self maybeDequeueRead];
+ }
+ }});
+ // Do not rely on the block being run in order to release the packet,
+ // as the queue might get released without the block completing.
+- (void)readDataToLength:(NSUInteger)length withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout tag:(long)tag
+ [self readDataToLength:length withTimeout:timeout buffer:nil bufferOffset:0 tag:tag];
+- (void)readDataToLength:(NSUInteger)length
+ withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout
+ buffer:(NSMutableData *)buffer
+ bufferOffset:(NSUInteger)offset
+ tag:(long)tag
+ if (length == 0) {
+ LogWarn(@"Cannot read: length == 0");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (offset > [buffer length]) {
+ LogWarn(@"Cannot read: offset > [buffer length]");
+ return;
+ }
+ GCDAsyncReadPacket *packet = [[GCDAsyncReadPacket alloc] initWithData:buffer
+ startOffset:offset
+ maxLength:0
+ timeout:timeout
+ readLength:length
+ terminator:nil
+ tag:tag];
+ dispatch_async(socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ LogTrace();
+ if ((self->flags & kSocketStarted) && !(self->flags & kForbidReadsWrites))
+ {
+ [self->readQueue addObject:packet];
+ [self maybeDequeueRead];
+ }
+ }});
+ // Do not rely on the block being run in order to release the packet,
+ // as the queue might get released without the block completing.
+- (void)readDataToData:(NSData *)data withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout tag:(long)tag
+ [self readDataToData:data withTimeout:timeout buffer:nil bufferOffset:0 maxLength:0 tag:tag];
+- (void)readDataToData:(NSData *)data
+ withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout
+ buffer:(NSMutableData *)buffer
+ bufferOffset:(NSUInteger)offset
+ tag:(long)tag
+ [self readDataToData:data withTimeout:timeout buffer:buffer bufferOffset:offset maxLength:0 tag:tag];
+- (void)readDataToData:(NSData *)data withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout maxLength:(NSUInteger)length tag:(long)tag
+ [self readDataToData:data withTimeout:timeout buffer:nil bufferOffset:0 maxLength:length tag:tag];
+- (void)readDataToData:(NSData *)data
+ withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout
+ buffer:(NSMutableData *)buffer
+ bufferOffset:(NSUInteger)offset
+ maxLength:(NSUInteger)maxLength
+ tag:(long)tag
+ if ([data length] == 0) {
+ LogWarn(@"Cannot read: [data length] == 0");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (offset > [buffer length]) {
+ LogWarn(@"Cannot read: offset > [buffer length]");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (maxLength > 0 && maxLength < [data length]) {
+ LogWarn(@"Cannot read: maxLength > 0 && maxLength < [data length]");
+ return;
+ }
+ GCDAsyncReadPacket *packet = [[GCDAsyncReadPacket alloc] initWithData:buffer
+ startOffset:offset
+ maxLength:maxLength
+ timeout:timeout
+ readLength:0
+ terminator:data
+ tag:tag];
+ dispatch_async(socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ LogTrace();
+ if ((self->flags & kSocketStarted) && !(self->flags & kForbidReadsWrites))
+ {
+ [self->readQueue addObject:packet];
+ [self maybeDequeueRead];
+ }
+ }});
+ // Do not rely on the block being run in order to release the packet,
+ // as the queue might get released without the block completing.
+- (float)progressOfReadReturningTag:(long *)tagPtr bytesDone:(NSUInteger *)donePtr total:(NSUInteger *)totalPtr
+ __block float result = 0.0F;
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{
+ if (!self->currentRead || ![self->currentRead isKindOfClass:[GCDAsyncReadPacket class]])
+ {
+ // We're not reading anything right now.
+ if (tagPtr != NULL) *tagPtr = 0;
+ if (donePtr != NULL) *donePtr = 0;
+ if (totalPtr != NULL) *totalPtr = 0;
+ result = NAN;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // It's only possible to know the progress of our read if we're reading to a certain length.
+ // If we're reading to data, we of course have no idea when the data will arrive.
+ // If we're reading to timeout, then we have no idea when the next chunk of data will arrive.
+ NSUInteger done = self->currentRead->bytesDone;
+ NSUInteger total = self->currentRead->readLength;
+ if (tagPtr != NULL) *tagPtr = self->currentRead->tag;
+ if (donePtr != NULL) *donePtr = done;
+ if (totalPtr != NULL) *totalPtr = total;
+ if (total > 0)
+ result = (float)done / (float)total;
+ else
+ result = 1.0F;
+ }
+ };
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
+ return result;
+ * This method starts a new read, if needed.
+ *
+ * It is called when:
+ * - a user requests a read
+ * - after a read request has finished (to handle the next request)
+ * - immediately after the socket opens to handle any pending requests
+ *
+ * This method also handles auto-disconnect post read/write completion.
+- (void)maybeDequeueRead
+ LogTrace();
+ NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
+ // If we're not currently processing a read AND we have an available read stream
+ if ((currentRead == nil) && (flags & kConnected))
+ {
+ if ([readQueue count] > 0)
+ {
+ // Dequeue the next object in the write queue
+ currentRead = [readQueue objectAtIndex:0];
+ [readQueue removeObjectAtIndex:0];
+ if ([currentRead isKindOfClass:[GCDAsyncSpecialPacket class]])
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"Dequeued GCDAsyncSpecialPacket");
+ // Attempt to start TLS
+ flags |= kStartingReadTLS;
+ // This method won't do anything unless both kStartingReadTLS and kStartingWriteTLS are set
+ [self maybeStartTLS];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"Dequeued GCDAsyncReadPacket");
+ // Setup read timer (if needed)
+ [self setupReadTimerWithTimeout:currentRead->timeout];
+ // Immediately read, if possible
+ [self doReadData];
+ }
+ }
+ else if (flags & kDisconnectAfterReads)
+ {
+ if (flags & kDisconnectAfterWrites)
+ {
+ if (([writeQueue count] == 0) && (currentWrite == nil))
+ {
+ [self closeWithError:nil];
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ [self closeWithError:nil];
+ }
+ }
+ else if (flags & kSocketSecure)
+ {
+ [self flushSSLBuffers];
+ // Edge case:
+ //
+ // We just drained all data from the ssl buffers,
+ // and all known data from the socket (socketFDBytesAvailable).
+ //
+ // If we didn't get any data from this process,
+ // then we may have reached the end of the TCP stream.
+ //
+ // Be sure callbacks are enabled so we're notified about a disconnection.
+ if ([preBuffer availableBytes] == 0)
+ {
+ if ([self usingCFStreamForTLS]) {
+ // Callbacks never disabled
+ }
+ else {
+ [self resumeReadSource];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+- (void)flushSSLBuffers
+ LogTrace();
+ NSAssert((flags & kSocketSecure), @"Cannot flush ssl buffers on non-secure socket");
+ if ([preBuffer availableBytes] > 0)
+ {
+ // Only flush the ssl buffers if the prebuffer is empty.
+ // This is to avoid growing the prebuffer inifinitely large.
+ return;
+ }
+ if ([self usingCFStreamForTLS])
+ {
+ if ((flags & kSecureSocketHasBytesAvailable) && CFReadStreamHasBytesAvailable(readStream))
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"%@ - Flushing ssl buffers into prebuffer...", THIS_METHOD);
+ CFIndex defaultBytesToRead = (1024 * 4);
+ [preBuffer ensureCapacityForWrite:defaultBytesToRead];
+ uint8_t *buffer = [preBuffer writeBuffer];
+ CFIndex result = CFReadStreamRead(readStream, buffer, defaultBytesToRead);
+ LogVerbose(@"%@ - CFReadStreamRead(): result = %i", THIS_METHOD, (int)result);
+ if (result > 0)
+ {
+ [preBuffer didWrite:result];
+ }
+ flags &= ~kSecureSocketHasBytesAvailable;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ #endif
+ __block NSUInteger estimatedBytesAvailable = 0;
+ dispatch_block_t updateEstimatedBytesAvailable = ^{
+ // Figure out if there is any data available to be read
+ //
+ // socketFDBytesAvailable <- Number of encrypted bytes we haven't read from the bsd socket
+ // [sslPreBuffer availableBytes] <- Number of encrypted bytes we've buffered from bsd socket
+ // sslInternalBufSize <- Number of decrypted bytes SecureTransport has buffered
+ //
+ // We call the variable "estimated" because we don't know how many decrypted bytes we'll get
+ // from the encrypted bytes in the sslPreBuffer.
+ // However, we do know this is an upper bound on the estimation.
+ estimatedBytesAvailable = self->socketFDBytesAvailable + [self->sslPreBuffer availableBytes];
+ size_t sslInternalBufSize = 0;
+ SSLGetBufferedReadSize(self->sslContext, &sslInternalBufSize);
+ estimatedBytesAvailable += sslInternalBufSize;
+ };
+ updateEstimatedBytesAvailable();
+ if (estimatedBytesAvailable > 0)
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"%@ - Flushing ssl buffers into prebuffer...", THIS_METHOD);
+ BOOL done = NO;
+ do
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"%@ - estimatedBytesAvailable = %lu", THIS_METHOD, (unsigned long)estimatedBytesAvailable);
+ // Make sure there's enough room in the prebuffer
+ [preBuffer ensureCapacityForWrite:estimatedBytesAvailable];
+ // Read data into prebuffer
+ uint8_t *buffer = [preBuffer writeBuffer];
+ size_t bytesRead = 0;
+ OSStatus result = SSLRead(sslContext, buffer, (size_t)estimatedBytesAvailable, &bytesRead);
+ LogVerbose(@"%@ - read from secure socket = %u", THIS_METHOD, (unsigned)bytesRead);
+ if (bytesRead > 0)
+ {
+ [preBuffer didWrite:bytesRead];
+ }
+ LogVerbose(@"%@ - prebuffer.length = %zu", THIS_METHOD, [preBuffer availableBytes]);
+ if (result != noErr)
+ {
+ done = YES;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ updateEstimatedBytesAvailable();
+ }
+ } while (!done && estimatedBytesAvailable > 0);
+ }
+- (void)doReadData
+ LogTrace();
+ // This method is called on the socketQueue.
+ // It might be called directly, or via the readSource when data is available to be read.
+ if ((currentRead == nil) || (flags & kReadsPaused))
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"No currentRead or kReadsPaused");
+ // Unable to read at this time
+ if (flags & kSocketSecure)
+ {
+ // Here's the situation:
+ //
+ // We have an established secure connection.
+ // There may not be a currentRead, but there might be encrypted data sitting around for us.
+ // When the user does get around to issuing a read, that encrypted data will need to be decrypted.
+ //
+ // So why make the user wait?
+ // We might as well get a head start on decrypting some data now.
+ //
+ // The other reason we do this has to do with detecting a socket disconnection.
+ // The SSL/TLS protocol has it's own disconnection handshake.
+ // So when a secure socket is closed, a "goodbye" packet comes across the wire.
+ // We want to make sure we read the "goodbye" packet so we can properly detect the TCP disconnection.
+ [self flushSSLBuffers];
+ }
+ if ([self usingCFStreamForTLS])
+ {
+ // CFReadStream only fires once when there is available data.
+ // It won't fire again until we've invoked CFReadStreamRead.
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // If the readSource is firing, we need to pause it
+ // or else it will continue to fire over and over again.
+ //
+ // If the readSource is not firing,
+ // we want it to continue monitoring the socket.
+ if (socketFDBytesAvailable > 0)
+ {
+ [self suspendReadSource];
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ BOOL hasBytesAvailable = NO;
+ unsigned long estimatedBytesAvailable = 0;
+ if ([self usingCFStreamForTLS])
+ {
+ // Requested CFStream, rather than SecureTransport, for TLS (via GCDAsyncSocketUseCFStreamForTLS)
+ estimatedBytesAvailable = 0;
+ if ((flags & kSecureSocketHasBytesAvailable) && CFReadStreamHasBytesAvailable(readStream))
+ hasBytesAvailable = YES;
+ else
+ hasBytesAvailable = NO;
+ #endif
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ estimatedBytesAvailable = socketFDBytesAvailable;
+ if (flags & kSocketSecure)
+ {
+ // There are 2 buffers to be aware of here.
+ //
+ // We are using SecureTransport, a TLS/SSL security layer which sits atop TCP.
+ // We issue a read to the SecureTranport API, which in turn issues a read to our SSLReadFunction.
+ // Our SSLReadFunction then reads from the BSD socket and returns the encrypted data to SecureTransport.
+ // SecureTransport then decrypts the data, and finally returns the decrypted data back to us.
+ //
+ // The first buffer is one we create.
+ // SecureTransport often requests small amounts of data.
+ // This has to do with the encypted packets that are coming across the TCP stream.
+ // But it's non-optimal to do a bunch of small reads from the BSD socket.
+ // So our SSLReadFunction reads all available data from the socket (optimizing the sys call)
+ // and may store excess in the sslPreBuffer.
+ estimatedBytesAvailable += [sslPreBuffer availableBytes];
+ // The second buffer is within SecureTransport.
+ // As mentioned earlier, there are encrypted packets coming across the TCP stream.
+ // SecureTransport needs the entire packet to decrypt it.
+ // But if the entire packet produces X bytes of decrypted data,
+ // and we only asked SecureTransport for X/2 bytes of data,
+ // it must store the extra X/2 bytes of decrypted data for the next read.
+ //
+ // The SSLGetBufferedReadSize function will tell us the size of this internal buffer.
+ // From the documentation:
+ //
+ // "This function does not block or cause any low-level read operations to occur."
+ size_t sslInternalBufSize = 0;
+ SSLGetBufferedReadSize(sslContext, &sslInternalBufSize);
+ estimatedBytesAvailable += sslInternalBufSize;
+ }
+ hasBytesAvailable = (estimatedBytesAvailable > 0);
+ }
+ if ((hasBytesAvailable == NO) && ([preBuffer availableBytes] == 0))
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"No data available to read...");
+ // No data available to read.
+ if (![self usingCFStreamForTLS])
+ {
+ // Need to wait for readSource to fire and notify us of
+ // available data in the socket's internal read buffer.
+ [self resumeReadSource];
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (flags & kStartingReadTLS)
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"Waiting for SSL/TLS handshake to complete");
+ // The readQueue is waiting for SSL/TLS handshake to complete.
+ if (flags & kStartingWriteTLS)
+ {
+ if ([self usingSecureTransportForTLS] && lastSSLHandshakeError == errSSLWouldBlock)
+ {
+ // We are in the process of a SSL Handshake.
+ // We were waiting for incoming data which has just arrived.
+ [self ssl_continueSSLHandshake];
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // We are still waiting for the writeQueue to drain and start the SSL/TLS process.
+ // We now know data is available to read.
+ if (![self usingCFStreamForTLS])
+ {
+ // Suspend the read source or else it will continue to fire nonstop.
+ [self suspendReadSource];
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ BOOL done = NO; // Completed read operation
+ NSError *error = nil; // Error occurred
+ NSUInteger totalBytesReadForCurrentRead = 0;
+ //
+ //
+ if ([preBuffer availableBytes] > 0)
+ {
+ // There are 3 types of read packets:
+ //
+ // 1) Read all available data.
+ // 2) Read a specific length of data.
+ // 3) Read up to a particular terminator.
+ NSUInteger bytesToCopy;
+ if (currentRead->term != nil)
+ {
+ // Read type #3 - read up to a terminator
+ bytesToCopy = [currentRead readLengthForTermWithPreBuffer:preBuffer found:&done];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Read type #1 or #2
+ bytesToCopy = [currentRead readLengthForNonTermWithHint:[preBuffer availableBytes]];
+ }
+ // Make sure we have enough room in the buffer for our read.
+ [currentRead ensureCapacityForAdditionalDataOfLength:bytesToCopy];
+ // Copy bytes from prebuffer into packet buffer
+ uint8_t *buffer = (uint8_t *)[currentRead->buffer mutableBytes] + currentRead->startOffset +
+ currentRead->bytesDone;
+ memcpy(buffer, [preBuffer readBuffer], bytesToCopy);
+ // Remove the copied bytes from the preBuffer
+ [preBuffer didRead:bytesToCopy];
+ LogVerbose(@"copied(%lu) preBufferLength(%zu)", (unsigned long)bytesToCopy, [preBuffer availableBytes]);
+ // Update totals
+ currentRead->bytesDone += bytesToCopy;
+ totalBytesReadForCurrentRead += bytesToCopy;
+ // Check to see if the read operation is done
+ if (currentRead->readLength > 0)
+ {
+ // Read type #2 - read a specific length of data
+ done = (currentRead->bytesDone == currentRead->readLength);
+ }
+ else if (currentRead->term != nil)
+ {
+ // Read type #3 - read up to a terminator
+ // Our 'done' variable was updated via the readLengthForTermWithPreBuffer:found: method
+ if (!done && currentRead->maxLength > 0)
+ {
+ // We're not done and there's a set maxLength.
+ // Have we reached that maxLength yet?
+ if (currentRead->bytesDone >= currentRead->maxLength)
+ {
+ error = [self readMaxedOutError];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Read type #1 - read all available data
+ //
+ // We're done as soon as
+ // - we've read all available data (in prebuffer and socket)
+ // - we've read the maxLength of read packet.
+ done = ((currentRead->maxLength > 0) && (currentRead->bytesDone == currentRead->maxLength));
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ //
+ BOOL socketEOF = (flags & kSocketHasReadEOF) ? YES : NO; // Nothing more to read via socket (end of file)
+ BOOL waiting = !done && !error && !socketEOF && !hasBytesAvailable; // Ran out of data, waiting for more
+ if (!done && !error && !socketEOF && hasBytesAvailable)
+ {
+ NSAssert(([preBuffer availableBytes] == 0), @"Invalid logic");
+ BOOL readIntoPreBuffer = NO;
+ uint8_t *buffer = NULL;
+ size_t bytesRead = 0;
+ if (flags & kSocketSecure)
+ {
+ if ([self usingCFStreamForTLS])
+ {
+ // Using CFStream, rather than SecureTransport, for TLS
+ NSUInteger defaultReadLength = (1024 * 32);
+ NSUInteger bytesToRead = [currentRead optimalReadLengthWithDefault:defaultReadLength
+ shouldPreBuffer:&readIntoPreBuffer];
+ // Make sure we have enough room in the buffer for our read.
+ //
+ // We are either reading directly into the currentRead->buffer,
+ // or we're reading into the temporary preBuffer.
+ if (readIntoPreBuffer)
+ {
+ [preBuffer ensureCapacityForWrite:bytesToRead];
+ buffer = [preBuffer writeBuffer];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ [currentRead ensureCapacityForAdditionalDataOfLength:bytesToRead];
+ buffer = (uint8_t *)[currentRead->buffer mutableBytes]
+ + currentRead->startOffset
+ + currentRead->bytesDone;
+ }
+ // Read data into buffer
+ CFIndex result = CFReadStreamRead(readStream, buffer, (CFIndex)bytesToRead);
+ LogVerbose(@"CFReadStreamRead(): result = %i", (int)result);
+ if (result < 0)
+ {
+ error = (__bridge_transfer NSError *)CFReadStreamCopyError(readStream);
+ }
+ else if (result == 0)
+ {
+ socketEOF = YES;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ waiting = YES;
+ bytesRead = (size_t)result;
+ }
+ // We only know how many decrypted bytes were read.
+ // The actual number of bytes read was likely more due to the overhead of the encryption.
+ // So we reset our flag, and rely on the next callback to alert us of more data.
+ flags &= ~kSecureSocketHasBytesAvailable;
+ #endif
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Using SecureTransport for TLS
+ //
+ // We know:
+ // - how many bytes are available on the socket
+ // - how many encrypted bytes are sitting in the sslPreBuffer
+ // - how many decypted bytes are sitting in the sslContext
+ //
+ // But we do NOT know:
+ // - how many encypted bytes are sitting in the sslContext
+ //
+ // So we play the regular game of using an upper bound instead.
+ NSUInteger defaultReadLength = (1024 * 32);
+ if (defaultReadLength < estimatedBytesAvailable) {
+ defaultReadLength = estimatedBytesAvailable + (1024 * 16);
+ }
+ NSUInteger bytesToRead = [currentRead optimalReadLengthWithDefault:defaultReadLength
+ shouldPreBuffer:&readIntoPreBuffer];
+ if (bytesToRead > SIZE_MAX) { // NSUInteger may be bigger than size_t
+ bytesToRead = SIZE_MAX;
+ }
+ // Make sure we have enough room in the buffer for our read.
+ //
+ // We are either reading directly into the currentRead->buffer,
+ // or we're reading into the temporary preBuffer.
+ if (readIntoPreBuffer)
+ {
+ [preBuffer ensureCapacityForWrite:bytesToRead];
+ buffer = [preBuffer writeBuffer];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ [currentRead ensureCapacityForAdditionalDataOfLength:bytesToRead];
+ buffer = (uint8_t *)[currentRead->buffer mutableBytes]
+ + currentRead->startOffset
+ + currentRead->bytesDone;
+ }
+ // The documentation from Apple states:
+ //
+ // "a read operation might return errSSLWouldBlock,
+ // indicating that less data than requested was actually transferred"
+ //
+ // However, starting around 10.7, the function will sometimes return noErr,
+ // even if it didn't read as much data as requested. So we need to watch out for that.
+ OSStatus result;
+ do
+ {
+ void *loop_buffer = buffer + bytesRead;
+ size_t loop_bytesToRead = (size_t)bytesToRead - bytesRead;
+ size_t loop_bytesRead = 0;
+ result = SSLRead(sslContext, loop_buffer, loop_bytesToRead, &loop_bytesRead);
+ LogVerbose(@"read from secure socket = %u", (unsigned)loop_bytesRead);
+ bytesRead += loop_bytesRead;
+ } while ((result == noErr) && (bytesRead < bytesToRead));
+ if (result != noErr)
+ {
+ if (result == errSSLWouldBlock)
+ waiting = YES;
+ else
+ {
+ if (result == errSSLClosedGraceful || result == errSSLClosedAbort)
+ {
+ // We've reached the end of the stream.
+ // Handle this the same way we would an EOF from the socket.
+ socketEOF = YES;
+ sslErrCode = result;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ error = [self sslError:result];
+ }
+ }
+ // It's possible that bytesRead > 0, even if the result was errSSLWouldBlock.
+ // This happens when the SSLRead function is able to read some data,
+ // but not the entire amount we requested.
+ if (bytesRead <= 0)
+ {
+ bytesRead = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ // Do not modify socketFDBytesAvailable.
+ // It will be updated via the SSLReadFunction().
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Normal socket operation
+ NSUInteger bytesToRead;
+ // There are 3 types of read packets:
+ //
+ // 1) Read all available data.
+ // 2) Read a specific length of data.
+ // 3) Read up to a particular terminator.
+ if (currentRead->term != nil)
+ {
+ // Read type #3 - read up to a terminator
+ bytesToRead = [currentRead readLengthForTermWithHint:estimatedBytesAvailable
+ shouldPreBuffer:&readIntoPreBuffer];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Read type #1 or #2
+ bytesToRead = [currentRead readLengthForNonTermWithHint:estimatedBytesAvailable];
+ }
+ if (bytesToRead > SIZE_MAX) { // NSUInteger may be bigger than size_t (read param 3)
+ bytesToRead = SIZE_MAX;
+ }
+ // Make sure we have enough room in the buffer for our read.
+ //
+ // We are either reading directly into the currentRead->buffer,
+ // or we're reading into the temporary preBuffer.
+ if (readIntoPreBuffer)
+ {
+ [preBuffer ensureCapacityForWrite:bytesToRead];
+ buffer = [preBuffer writeBuffer];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ [currentRead ensureCapacityForAdditionalDataOfLength:bytesToRead];
+ buffer = (uint8_t *)[currentRead->buffer mutableBytes]
+ + currentRead->startOffset
+ + currentRead->bytesDone;
+ }
+ // Read data into buffer
+ int socketFD = (socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL) ? socket4FD : (socket6FD != SOCKET_NULL) ? socket6FD : socketUN;
+ ssize_t result = read(socketFD, buffer, (size_t)bytesToRead);
+ LogVerbose(@"read from socket = %i", (int)result);
+ if (result < 0)
+ {
+ if (errno == EWOULDBLOCK)
+ waiting = YES;
+ else
+ error = [self errorWithErrno:errno reason:@"Error in read() function"];
+ socketFDBytesAvailable = 0;
+ }
+ else if (result == 0)
+ {
+ socketEOF = YES;
+ socketFDBytesAvailable = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bytesRead = result;
+ if (bytesRead < bytesToRead)
+ {
+ // The read returned less data than requested.
+ // This means socketFDBytesAvailable was a bit off due to timing,
+ // because we read from the socket right when the readSource event was firing.
+ socketFDBytesAvailable = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (socketFDBytesAvailable <= bytesRead)
+ socketFDBytesAvailable = 0;
+ else
+ socketFDBytesAvailable -= bytesRead;
+ }
+ if (socketFDBytesAvailable == 0)
+ {
+ waiting = YES;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (bytesRead > 0)
+ {
+ // Check to see if the read operation is done
+ if (currentRead->readLength > 0)
+ {
+ // Read type #2 - read a specific length of data
+ //
+ // Note: We should never be using a prebuffer when we're reading a specific length of data.
+ NSAssert(readIntoPreBuffer == NO, @"Invalid logic");
+ currentRead->bytesDone += bytesRead;
+ totalBytesReadForCurrentRead += bytesRead;
+ done = (currentRead->bytesDone == currentRead->readLength);
+ }
+ else if (currentRead->term != nil)
+ {
+ // Read type #3 - read up to a terminator
+ if (readIntoPreBuffer)
+ {
+ // We just read a big chunk of data into the preBuffer
+ [preBuffer didWrite:bytesRead];
+ LogVerbose(@"read data into preBuffer - preBuffer.length = %zu", [preBuffer availableBytes]);
+ // Search for the terminating sequence
+ NSUInteger bytesToCopy = [currentRead readLengthForTermWithPreBuffer:preBuffer found:&done];
+ LogVerbose(@"copying %lu bytes from preBuffer", (unsigned long)bytesToCopy);
+ // Ensure there's room on the read packet's buffer
+ [currentRead ensureCapacityForAdditionalDataOfLength:bytesToCopy];
+ // Copy bytes from prebuffer into read buffer
+ uint8_t *readBuf = (uint8_t *)[currentRead->buffer mutableBytes] + currentRead->startOffset
+ + currentRead->bytesDone;
+ memcpy(readBuf, [preBuffer readBuffer], bytesToCopy);
+ // Remove the copied bytes from the prebuffer
+ [preBuffer didRead:bytesToCopy];
+ LogVerbose(@"preBuffer.length = %zu", [preBuffer availableBytes]);
+ // Update totals
+ currentRead->bytesDone += bytesToCopy;
+ totalBytesReadForCurrentRead += bytesToCopy;
+ // Our 'done' variable was updated via the readLengthForTermWithPreBuffer:found: method above
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // We just read a big chunk of data directly into the packet's buffer.
+ // We need to move any overflow into the prebuffer.
+ NSInteger overflow = [currentRead searchForTermAfterPreBuffering:bytesRead];
+ if (overflow == 0)
+ {
+ // Perfect match!
+ // Every byte we read stays in the read buffer,
+ // and the last byte we read was the last byte of the term.
+ currentRead->bytesDone += bytesRead;
+ totalBytesReadForCurrentRead += bytesRead;
+ done = YES;
+ }
+ else if (overflow > 0)
+ {
+ // The term was found within the data that we read,
+ // and there are extra bytes that extend past the end of the term.
+ // We need to move these excess bytes out of the read packet and into the prebuffer.
+ NSInteger underflow = bytesRead - overflow;
+ // Copy excess data into preBuffer
+ LogVerbose(@"copying %ld overflow bytes into preBuffer", (long)overflow);
+ [preBuffer ensureCapacityForWrite:overflow];
+ uint8_t *overflowBuffer = buffer + underflow;
+ memcpy([preBuffer writeBuffer], overflowBuffer, overflow);
+ [preBuffer didWrite:overflow];
+ LogVerbose(@"preBuffer.length = %zu", [preBuffer availableBytes]);
+ // Note: The completeCurrentRead method will trim the buffer for us.
+ currentRead->bytesDone += underflow;
+ totalBytesReadForCurrentRead += underflow;
+ done = YES;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // The term was not found within the data that we read.
+ currentRead->bytesDone += bytesRead;
+ totalBytesReadForCurrentRead += bytesRead;
+ done = NO;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!done && currentRead->maxLength > 0)
+ {
+ // We're not done and there's a set maxLength.
+ // Have we reached that maxLength yet?
+ if (currentRead->bytesDone >= currentRead->maxLength)
+ {
+ error = [self readMaxedOutError];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Read type #1 - read all available data
+ if (readIntoPreBuffer)
+ {
+ // We just read a chunk of data into the preBuffer
+ [preBuffer didWrite:bytesRead];
+ // Now copy the data into the read packet.
+ //
+ // Recall that we didn't read directly into the packet's buffer to avoid
+ // over-allocating memory since we had no clue how much data was available to be read.
+ //
+ // Ensure there's room on the read packet's buffer
+ [currentRead ensureCapacityForAdditionalDataOfLength:bytesRead];
+ // Copy bytes from prebuffer into read buffer
+ uint8_t *readBuf = (uint8_t *)[currentRead->buffer mutableBytes] + currentRead->startOffset
+ + currentRead->bytesDone;
+ memcpy(readBuf, [preBuffer readBuffer], bytesRead);
+ // Remove the copied bytes from the prebuffer
+ [preBuffer didRead:bytesRead];
+ // Update totals
+ currentRead->bytesDone += bytesRead;
+ totalBytesReadForCurrentRead += bytesRead;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ currentRead->bytesDone += bytesRead;
+ totalBytesReadForCurrentRead += bytesRead;
+ }
+ done = YES;
+ }
+ } // if (bytesRead > 0)
+ } // if (!done && !error && !socketEOF && hasBytesAvailable)
+ if (!done && currentRead->readLength == 0 && currentRead->term == nil)
+ {
+ // Read type #1 - read all available data
+ //
+ // We might arrive here if we read data from the prebuffer but not from the socket.
+ done = (totalBytesReadForCurrentRead > 0);
+ }
+ // Check to see if we're done, or if we've made progress
+ if (done)
+ {
+ [self completeCurrentRead];
+ if (!error && (!socketEOF || [preBuffer availableBytes] > 0))
+ {
+ [self maybeDequeueRead];
+ }
+ }
+ else if (totalBytesReadForCurrentRead > 0)
+ {
+ // We're not done read type #2 or #3 yet, but we have read in some bytes
+ //
+ // We ensure that `waiting` is set in order to resume the readSource (if it is suspended). It is
+ // possible to reach this point and `waiting` not be set, if the current read's length is
+ // sufficiently large. In that case, we may have read to some upperbound successfully, but
+ // that upperbound could be smaller than the desired length.
+ waiting = YES;
+ __strong id theDelegate = delegate;
+ if (delegateQueue && [theDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(socket:didReadPartialDataOfLength:tag:)])
+ {
+ long theReadTag = currentRead->tag;
+ dispatch_async(delegateQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ [theDelegate socket:self didReadPartialDataOfLength:totalBytesReadForCurrentRead tag:theReadTag];
+ }});
+ }
+ }
+ // Check for errors
+ if (error)
+ {
+ [self closeWithError:error];
+ }
+ else if (socketEOF)
+ {
+ [self doReadEOF];
+ }
+ else if (waiting)
+ {
+ if (![self usingCFStreamForTLS])
+ {
+ // Monitor the socket for readability (if we're not already doing so)
+ [self resumeReadSource];
+ }
+ }
+ // Do not add any code here without first adding return statements in the error cases above.
+- (void)doReadEOF
+ LogTrace();
+ // This method may be called more than once.
+ // If the EOF is read while there is still data in the preBuffer,
+ // then this method may be called continually after invocations of doReadData to see if it's time to disconnect.
+ flags |= kSocketHasReadEOF;
+ if (flags & kSocketSecure)
+ {
+ // If the SSL layer has any buffered data, flush it into the preBuffer now.
+ [self flushSSLBuffers];
+ }
+ BOOL shouldDisconnect = NO;
+ NSError *error = nil;
+ if ((flags & kStartingReadTLS) || (flags & kStartingWriteTLS))
+ {
+ // We received an EOF during or prior to startTLS.
+ // The SSL/TLS handshake is now impossible, so this is an unrecoverable situation.
+ shouldDisconnect = YES;
+ if ([self usingSecureTransportForTLS])
+ {
+ error = [self sslError:errSSLClosedAbort];
+ }
+ }
+ else if (flags & kReadStreamClosed)
+ {
+ // The preBuffer has already been drained.
+ // The config allows half-duplex connections.
+ // We've previously checked the socket, and it appeared writeable.
+ // So we marked the read stream as closed and notified the delegate.
+ //
+ // As per the half-duplex contract, the socket will be closed when a write fails,
+ // or when the socket is manually closed.
+ shouldDisconnect = NO;
+ }
+ else if ([preBuffer availableBytes] > 0)
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"Socket reached EOF, but there is still data available in prebuffer");
+ // Although we won't be able to read any more data from the socket,
+ // there is existing data that has been prebuffered that we can read.
+ shouldDisconnect = NO;
+ }
+ else if (config & kAllowHalfDuplexConnection)
+ {
+ // We just received an EOF (end of file) from the socket's read stream.
+ // This means the remote end of the socket (the peer we're connected to)
+ // has explicitly stated that it will not be sending us any more data.
+ //
+ // Query the socket to see if it is still writeable. (Perhaps the peer will continue reading data from us)
+ int socketFD = (socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL) ? socket4FD : (socket6FD != SOCKET_NULL) ? socket6FD : socketUN;
+ struct pollfd pfd[1];
+ pfd[0].fd = socketFD;
+ pfd[0].events = POLLOUT;
+ pfd[0].revents = 0;
+ poll(pfd, 1, 0);
+ if (pfd[0].revents & POLLOUT)
+ {
+ // Socket appears to still be writeable
+ shouldDisconnect = NO;
+ flags |= kReadStreamClosed;
+ // Notify the delegate that we're going half-duplex
+ __strong id theDelegate = delegate;
+ if (delegateQueue && [theDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(socketDidCloseReadStream:)])
+ {
+ dispatch_async(delegateQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ [theDelegate socketDidCloseReadStream:self];
+ }});
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ shouldDisconnect = YES;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ shouldDisconnect = YES;
+ }
+ if (shouldDisconnect)
+ {
+ if (error == nil)
+ {
+ if ([self usingSecureTransportForTLS])
+ {
+ if (sslErrCode != noErr && sslErrCode != errSSLClosedGraceful)
+ {
+ error = [self sslError:sslErrCode];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ error = [self connectionClosedError];
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ error = [self connectionClosedError];
+ }
+ }
+ [self closeWithError:error];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (![self usingCFStreamForTLS])
+ {
+ // Suspend the read source (if needed)
+ [self suspendReadSource];
+ }
+ }
+- (void)completeCurrentRead
+ LogTrace();
+ NSAssert(currentRead, @"Trying to complete current read when there is no current read.");
+ NSData *result = nil;
+ if (currentRead->bufferOwner)
+ {
+ // We created the buffer on behalf of the user.
+ // Trim our buffer to be the proper size.
+ [currentRead->buffer setLength:currentRead->bytesDone];
+ result = currentRead->buffer;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // We did NOT create the buffer.
+ // The buffer is owned by the caller.
+ // Only trim the buffer if we had to increase its size.
+ if ([currentRead->buffer length] > currentRead->originalBufferLength)
+ {
+ NSUInteger readSize = currentRead->startOffset + currentRead->bytesDone;
+ NSUInteger origSize = currentRead->originalBufferLength;
+ NSUInteger buffSize = MAX(readSize, origSize);
+ [currentRead->buffer setLength:buffSize];
+ }
+ uint8_t *buffer = (uint8_t *)[currentRead->buffer mutableBytes] + currentRead->startOffset;
+ result = [NSData dataWithBytesNoCopy:buffer length:currentRead->bytesDone freeWhenDone:NO];
+ }
+ __strong id theDelegate = delegate;
+ if (delegateQueue && [theDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(socket:didReadData:withTag:)])
+ {
+ GCDAsyncReadPacket *theRead = currentRead; // Ensure currentRead retained since result may not own buffer
+ dispatch_async(delegateQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ [theDelegate socket:self didReadData:result withTag:theRead->tag];
+ }});
+ }
+ [self endCurrentRead];
+- (void)endCurrentRead
+ if (readTimer)
+ {
+ dispatch_source_cancel(readTimer);
+ readTimer = NULL;
+ }
+ currentRead = nil;
+- (void)setupReadTimerWithTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout
+ if (timeout >= 0.0)
+ {
+ readTimer = dispatch_source_create(DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_TIMER, 0, 0, socketQueue);
+ __weak GCDAsyncSocket *weakSelf = self;
+ dispatch_source_set_event_handler(readTimer, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ #pragma clang diagnostic push
+ #pragma clang diagnostic warning "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
+ __strong GCDAsyncSocket *strongSelf = weakSelf;
+ if (strongSelf == nil) return_from_block;
+ [strongSelf doReadTimeout];
+ #pragma clang diagnostic pop
+ }});
+ dispatch_source_t theReadTimer = readTimer;
+ dispatch_source_set_cancel_handler(readTimer, ^{
+ #pragma clang diagnostic push
+ #pragma clang diagnostic warning "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
+ LogVerbose(@"dispatch_release(readTimer)");
+ dispatch_release(theReadTimer);
+ #pragma clang diagnostic pop
+ });
+ #endif
+ dispatch_time_t tt = dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, (int64_t)(timeout * NSEC_PER_SEC));
+ dispatch_source_set_timer(readTimer, tt, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER, 0);
+ dispatch_resume(readTimer);
+ }
+- (void)doReadTimeout
+ // This is a little bit tricky.
+ // Ideally we'd like to synchronously query the delegate about a timeout extension.
+ // But if we do so synchronously we risk a possible deadlock.
+ // So instead we have to do so asynchronously, and callback to ourselves from within the delegate block.
+ flags |= kReadsPaused;
+ __strong id theDelegate = delegate;
+ if (delegateQueue && [theDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(socket:shouldTimeoutReadWithTag:elapsed:bytesDone:)])
+ {
+ GCDAsyncReadPacket *theRead = currentRead;
+ dispatch_async(delegateQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ NSTimeInterval timeoutExtension = 0.0;
+ timeoutExtension = [theDelegate socket:self shouldTimeoutReadWithTag:theRead->tag
+ elapsed:theRead->timeout
+ bytesDone:theRead->bytesDone];
+ dispatch_async(self->socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ [self doReadTimeoutWithExtension:timeoutExtension];
+ }});
+ }});
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ [self doReadTimeoutWithExtension:0.0];
+ }
+- (void)doReadTimeoutWithExtension:(NSTimeInterval)timeoutExtension
+ if (currentRead)
+ {
+ if (timeoutExtension > 0.0)
+ {
+ currentRead->timeout += timeoutExtension;
+ // Reschedule the timer
+ dispatch_time_t tt = dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, (int64_t)(timeoutExtension * NSEC_PER_SEC));
+ dispatch_source_set_timer(readTimer, tt, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER, 0);
+ // Unpause reads, and continue
+ flags &= ~kReadsPaused;
+ [self doReadData];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"ReadTimeout");
+ [self closeWithError:[self readTimeoutError]];
+ }
+ }
+#pragma mark Writing
+- (void)writeData:(NSData *)data withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout tag:(long)tag
+ if ([data length] == 0) return;
+ GCDAsyncWritePacket *packet = [[GCDAsyncWritePacket alloc] initWithData:data timeout:timeout tag:tag];
+ dispatch_async(socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ LogTrace();
+ if ((self->flags & kSocketStarted) && !(self->flags & kForbidReadsWrites))
+ {
+ [self->writeQueue addObject:packet];
+ [self maybeDequeueWrite];
+ }
+ }});
+ // Do not rely on the block being run in order to release the packet,
+ // as the queue might get released without the block completing.
+- (float)progressOfWriteReturningTag:(long *)tagPtr bytesDone:(NSUInteger *)donePtr total:(NSUInteger *)totalPtr
+ __block float result = 0.0F;
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{
+ if (!self->currentWrite || ![self->currentWrite isKindOfClass:[GCDAsyncWritePacket class]])
+ {
+ // We're not writing anything right now.
+ if (tagPtr != NULL) *tagPtr = 0;
+ if (donePtr != NULL) *donePtr = 0;
+ if (totalPtr != NULL) *totalPtr = 0;
+ result = NAN;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ NSUInteger done = self->currentWrite->bytesDone;
+ NSUInteger total = [self->currentWrite->buffer length];
+ if (tagPtr != NULL) *tagPtr = self->currentWrite->tag;
+ if (donePtr != NULL) *donePtr = done;
+ if (totalPtr != NULL) *totalPtr = total;
+ result = (float)done / (float)total;
+ }
+ };
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
+ return result;
+ * Conditionally starts a new write.
+ *
+ * It is called when:
+ * - a user requests a write
+ * - after a write request has finished (to handle the next request)
+ * - immediately after the socket opens to handle any pending requests
+ *
+ * This method also handles auto-disconnect post read/write completion.
+- (void)maybeDequeueWrite
+ LogTrace();
+ NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
+ // If we're not currently processing a write AND we have an available write stream
+ if ((currentWrite == nil) && (flags & kConnected))
+ {
+ if ([writeQueue count] > 0)
+ {
+ // Dequeue the next object in the write queue
+ currentWrite = [writeQueue objectAtIndex:0];
+ [writeQueue removeObjectAtIndex:0];
+ if ([currentWrite isKindOfClass:[GCDAsyncSpecialPacket class]])
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"Dequeued GCDAsyncSpecialPacket");
+ // Attempt to start TLS
+ flags |= kStartingWriteTLS;
+ // This method won't do anything unless both kStartingReadTLS and kStartingWriteTLS are set
+ [self maybeStartTLS];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"Dequeued GCDAsyncWritePacket");
+ // Setup write timer (if needed)
+ [self setupWriteTimerWithTimeout:currentWrite->timeout];
+ // Immediately write, if possible
+ [self doWriteData];
+ }
+ }
+ else if (flags & kDisconnectAfterWrites)
+ {
+ if (flags & kDisconnectAfterReads)
+ {
+ if (([readQueue count] == 0) && (currentRead == nil))
+ {
+ [self closeWithError:nil];
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ [self closeWithError:nil];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+- (void)doWriteData
+ LogTrace();
+ // This method is called by the writeSource via the socketQueue
+ if ((currentWrite == nil) || (flags & kWritesPaused))
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"No currentWrite or kWritesPaused");
+ // Unable to write at this time
+ if ([self usingCFStreamForTLS])
+ {
+ // CFWriteStream only fires once when there is available data.
+ // It won't fire again until we've invoked CFWriteStreamWrite.
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // If the writeSource is firing, we need to pause it
+ // or else it will continue to fire over and over again.
+ if (flags & kSocketCanAcceptBytes)
+ {
+ [self suspendWriteSource];
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!(flags & kSocketCanAcceptBytes))
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"No space available to write...");
+ // No space available to write.
+ if (![self usingCFStreamForTLS])
+ {
+ // Need to wait for writeSource to fire and notify us of
+ // available space in the socket's internal write buffer.
+ [self resumeWriteSource];
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (flags & kStartingWriteTLS)
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"Waiting for SSL/TLS handshake to complete");
+ // The writeQueue is waiting for SSL/TLS handshake to complete.
+ if (flags & kStartingReadTLS)
+ {
+ if ([self usingSecureTransportForTLS] && lastSSLHandshakeError == errSSLWouldBlock)
+ {
+ // We are in the process of a SSL Handshake.
+ // We were waiting for available space in the socket's internal OS buffer to continue writing.
+ [self ssl_continueSSLHandshake];
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // We are still waiting for the readQueue to drain and start the SSL/TLS process.
+ // We now know we can write to the socket.
+ if (![self usingCFStreamForTLS])
+ {
+ // Suspend the write source or else it will continue to fire nonstop.
+ [self suspendWriteSource];
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // Note: This method is not called if currentWrite is a GCDAsyncSpecialPacket (startTLS packet)
+ BOOL waiting = NO;
+ NSError *error = nil;
+ size_t bytesWritten = 0;
+ if (flags & kSocketSecure)
+ {
+ if ([self usingCFStreamForTLS])
+ {
+ //
+ // Writing data using CFStream (over internal TLS)
+ //
+ const uint8_t *buffer = (const uint8_t *)[currentWrite->buffer bytes] + currentWrite->bytesDone;
+ NSUInteger bytesToWrite = [currentWrite->buffer length] - currentWrite->bytesDone;
+ if (bytesToWrite > SIZE_MAX) // NSUInteger may be bigger than size_t (write param 3)
+ {
+ bytesToWrite = SIZE_MAX;
+ }
+ CFIndex result = CFWriteStreamWrite(writeStream, buffer, (CFIndex)bytesToWrite);
+ LogVerbose(@"CFWriteStreamWrite(%lu) = %li", (unsigned long)bytesToWrite, result);
+ if (result < 0)
+ {
+ error = (__bridge_transfer NSError *)CFWriteStreamCopyError(writeStream);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bytesWritten = (size_t)result;
+ // We always set waiting to true in this scenario.
+ // CFStream may have altered our underlying socket to non-blocking.
+ // Thus if we attempt to write without a callback, we may end up blocking our queue.
+ waiting = YES;
+ }
+ #endif
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // We're going to use the SSLWrite function.
+ //
+ // OSStatus SSLWrite(SSLContextRef context, const void *data, size_t dataLength, size_t *processed)
+ //
+ // Parameters:
+ // context - An SSL session context reference.
+ // data - A pointer to the buffer of data to write.
+ // dataLength - The amount, in bytes, of data to write.
+ // processed - On return, the length, in bytes, of the data actually written.
+ //
+ // It sounds pretty straight-forward,
+ // but there are a few caveats you should be aware of.
+ //
+ // The SSLWrite method operates in a non-obvious (and rather annoying) manner.
+ // According to the documentation:
+ //
+ // Because you may configure the underlying connection to operate in a non-blocking manner,
+ // a write operation might return errSSLWouldBlock, indicating that less data than requested
+ // was actually transferred. In this case, you should repeat the call to SSLWrite until some
+ // other result is returned.
+ //
+ // This sounds perfect, but when our SSLWriteFunction returns errSSLWouldBlock,
+ // then the SSLWrite method returns (with the proper errSSLWouldBlock return value),
+ // but it sets processed to dataLength !!
+ //
+ // In other words, if the SSLWrite function doesn't completely write all the data we tell it to,
+ // then it doesn't tell us how many bytes were actually written. So, for example, if we tell it to
+ // write 256 bytes then it might actually write 128 bytes, but then report 0 bytes written.
+ //
+ // You might be wondering:
+ // If the SSLWrite function doesn't tell us how many bytes were written,
+ // then how in the world are we supposed to update our parameters (buffer & bytesToWrite)
+ // for the next time we invoke SSLWrite?
+ //
+ // The answer is that SSLWrite cached all the data we told it to write,
+ // and it will push out that data next time we call SSLWrite.
+ // If we call SSLWrite with new data, it will push out the cached data first, and then the new data.
+ // If we call SSLWrite with empty data, then it will simply push out the cached data.
+ //
+ // For this purpose we're going to break large writes into a series of smaller writes.
+ // This allows us to report progress back to the delegate.
+ OSStatus result;
+ BOOL hasCachedDataToWrite = (sslWriteCachedLength > 0);
+ BOOL hasNewDataToWrite = YES;
+ if (hasCachedDataToWrite)
+ {
+ size_t processed = 0;
+ result = SSLWrite(sslContext, NULL, 0, &processed);
+ if (result == noErr)
+ {
+ bytesWritten = sslWriteCachedLength;
+ sslWriteCachedLength = 0;
+ if ([currentWrite->buffer length] == (currentWrite->bytesDone + bytesWritten))
+ {
+ // We've written all data for the current write.
+ hasNewDataToWrite = NO;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (result == errSSLWouldBlock)
+ {
+ waiting = YES;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ error = [self sslError:result];
+ }
+ // Can't write any new data since we were unable to write the cached data.
+ hasNewDataToWrite = NO;
+ }
+ }
+ if (hasNewDataToWrite)
+ {
+ const uint8_t *buffer = (const uint8_t *)[currentWrite->buffer bytes]
+ + currentWrite->bytesDone
+ + bytesWritten;
+ NSUInteger bytesToWrite = [currentWrite->buffer length] - currentWrite->bytesDone - bytesWritten;
+ if (bytesToWrite > SIZE_MAX) // NSUInteger may be bigger than size_t (write param 3)
+ {
+ bytesToWrite = SIZE_MAX;
+ }
+ size_t bytesRemaining = bytesToWrite;
+ BOOL keepLooping = YES;
+ while (keepLooping)
+ {
+ const size_t sslMaxBytesToWrite = 32768;
+ size_t sslBytesToWrite = MIN(bytesRemaining, sslMaxBytesToWrite);
+ size_t sslBytesWritten = 0;
+ result = SSLWrite(sslContext, buffer, sslBytesToWrite, &sslBytesWritten);
+ if (result == noErr)
+ {
+ buffer += sslBytesWritten;
+ bytesWritten += sslBytesWritten;
+ bytesRemaining -= sslBytesWritten;
+ keepLooping = (bytesRemaining > 0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (result == errSSLWouldBlock)
+ {
+ waiting = YES;
+ sslWriteCachedLength = sslBytesToWrite;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ error = [self sslError:result];
+ }
+ keepLooping = NO;
+ }
+ } // while (keepLooping)
+ } // if (hasNewDataToWrite)
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //
+ // Writing data directly over raw socket
+ //
+ int socketFD = (socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL) ? socket4FD : (socket6FD != SOCKET_NULL) ? socket6FD : socketUN;
+ const uint8_t *buffer = (const uint8_t *)[currentWrite->buffer bytes] + currentWrite->bytesDone;
+ NSUInteger bytesToWrite = [currentWrite->buffer length] - currentWrite->bytesDone;
+ if (bytesToWrite > SIZE_MAX) // NSUInteger may be bigger than size_t (write param 3)
+ {
+ bytesToWrite = SIZE_MAX;
+ }
+ ssize_t result = write(socketFD, buffer, (size_t)bytesToWrite);
+ LogVerbose(@"wrote to socket = %zd", result);
+ // Check results
+ if (result < 0)
+ {
+ if (errno == EWOULDBLOCK)
+ {
+ waiting = YES;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ error = [self errorWithErrno:errno reason:@"Error in write() function"];
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bytesWritten = result;
+ }
+ }
+ // We're done with our writing.
+ // If we explictly ran into a situation where the socket told us there was no room in the buffer,
+ // then we immediately resume listening for notifications.
+ //
+ // We must do this before we dequeue another write,
+ // as that may in turn invoke this method again.
+ //
+ // Note that if CFStream is involved, it may have maliciously put our socket in blocking mode.
+ if (waiting)
+ {
+ flags &= ~kSocketCanAcceptBytes;
+ if (![self usingCFStreamForTLS])
+ {
+ [self resumeWriteSource];
+ }
+ }
+ // Check our results
+ BOOL done = NO;
+ if (bytesWritten > 0)
+ {
+ // Update total amount read for the current write
+ currentWrite->bytesDone += bytesWritten;
+ LogVerbose(@"currentWrite->bytesDone = %lu", (unsigned long)currentWrite->bytesDone);
+ // Is packet done?
+ done = (currentWrite->bytesDone == [currentWrite->buffer length]);
+ }
+ if (done)
+ {
+ [self completeCurrentWrite];
+ if (!error)
+ {
+ dispatch_async(socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool{
+ [self maybeDequeueWrite];
+ }});
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // We were unable to finish writing the data,
+ // so we're waiting for another callback to notify us of available space in the lower-level output buffer.
+ if (!waiting && !error)
+ {
+ // This would be the case if our write was able to accept some data, but not all of it.
+ flags &= ~kSocketCanAcceptBytes;
+ if (![self usingCFStreamForTLS])
+ {
+ [self resumeWriteSource];
+ }
+ }
+ if (bytesWritten > 0)
+ {
+ // We're not done with the entire write, but we have written some bytes
+ __strong id theDelegate = delegate;
+ if (delegateQueue && [theDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(socket:didWritePartialDataOfLength:tag:)])
+ {
+ long theWriteTag = currentWrite->tag;
+ dispatch_async(delegateQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ [theDelegate socket:self didWritePartialDataOfLength:bytesWritten tag:theWriteTag];
+ }});
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Check for errors
+ if (error)
+ {
+ [self closeWithError:[self errorWithErrno:errno reason:@"Error in write() function"]];
+ }
+ // Do not add any code here without first adding a return statement in the error case above.
+- (void)completeCurrentWrite
+ LogTrace();
+ NSAssert(currentWrite, @"Trying to complete current write when there is no current write.");
+ __strong id theDelegate = delegate;
+ if (delegateQueue && [theDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(socket:didWriteDataWithTag:)])
+ {
+ long theWriteTag = currentWrite->tag;
+ dispatch_async(delegateQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ [theDelegate socket:self didWriteDataWithTag:theWriteTag];
+ }});
+ }
+ [self endCurrentWrite];
+- (void)endCurrentWrite
+ if (writeTimer)
+ {
+ dispatch_source_cancel(writeTimer);
+ writeTimer = NULL;
+ }
+ currentWrite = nil;
+- (void)setupWriteTimerWithTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout
+ if (timeout >= 0.0)
+ {
+ writeTimer = dispatch_source_create(DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_TIMER, 0, 0, socketQueue);
+ __weak GCDAsyncSocket *weakSelf = self;
+ dispatch_source_set_event_handler(writeTimer, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ #pragma clang diagnostic push
+ #pragma clang diagnostic warning "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
+ __strong GCDAsyncSocket *strongSelf = weakSelf;
+ if (strongSelf == nil) return_from_block;
+ [strongSelf doWriteTimeout];
+ #pragma clang diagnostic pop
+ }});
+ dispatch_source_t theWriteTimer = writeTimer;
+ dispatch_source_set_cancel_handler(writeTimer, ^{
+ #pragma clang diagnostic push
+ #pragma clang diagnostic warning "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
+ LogVerbose(@"dispatch_release(writeTimer)");
+ dispatch_release(theWriteTimer);
+ #pragma clang diagnostic pop
+ });
+ #endif
+ dispatch_time_t tt = dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, (int64_t)(timeout * NSEC_PER_SEC));
+ dispatch_source_set_timer(writeTimer, tt, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER, 0);
+ dispatch_resume(writeTimer);
+ }
+- (void)doWriteTimeout
+ // This is a little bit tricky.
+ // Ideally we'd like to synchronously query the delegate about a timeout extension.
+ // But if we do so synchronously we risk a possible deadlock.
+ // So instead we have to do so asynchronously, and callback to ourselves from within the delegate block.
+ flags |= kWritesPaused;
+ __strong id theDelegate = delegate;
+ if (delegateQueue && [theDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(socket:shouldTimeoutWriteWithTag:elapsed:bytesDone:)])
+ {
+ GCDAsyncWritePacket *theWrite = currentWrite;
+ dispatch_async(delegateQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ NSTimeInterval timeoutExtension = 0.0;
+ timeoutExtension = [theDelegate socket:self shouldTimeoutWriteWithTag:theWrite->tag
+ elapsed:theWrite->timeout
+ bytesDone:theWrite->bytesDone];
+ dispatch_async(self->socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ [self doWriteTimeoutWithExtension:timeoutExtension];
+ }});
+ }});
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ [self doWriteTimeoutWithExtension:0.0];
+ }
+- (void)doWriteTimeoutWithExtension:(NSTimeInterval)timeoutExtension
+ if (currentWrite)
+ {
+ if (timeoutExtension > 0.0)
+ {
+ currentWrite->timeout += timeoutExtension;
+ // Reschedule the timer
+ dispatch_time_t tt = dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, (int64_t)(timeoutExtension * NSEC_PER_SEC));
+ dispatch_source_set_timer(writeTimer, tt, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER, 0);
+ // Unpause writes, and continue
+ flags &= ~kWritesPaused;
+ [self doWriteData];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"WriteTimeout");
+ [self closeWithError:[self writeTimeoutError]];
+ }
+ }
+#pragma mark Security
+- (void)startTLS:(NSDictionary *)tlsSettings
+ LogTrace();
+ if (tlsSettings == nil)
+ {
+ // Passing nil/NULL to CFReadStreamSetProperty will appear to work the same as passing an empty dictionary,
+ // but causes problems if we later try to fetch the remote host's certificate.
+ //
+ // To be exact, it causes the following to return NULL instead of the normal result:
+ // CFReadStreamCopyProperty(readStream, kCFStreamPropertySSLPeerCertificates)
+ //
+ // So we use an empty dictionary instead, which works perfectly.
+ tlsSettings = [NSDictionary dictionary];
+ }
+ GCDAsyncSpecialPacket *packet = [[GCDAsyncSpecialPacket alloc] initWithTLSSettings:tlsSettings];
+ dispatch_async(socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ if ((self->flags & kSocketStarted) && !(self->flags & kQueuedTLS) && !(self->flags & kForbidReadsWrites))
+ {
+ [self->readQueue addObject:packet];
+ [self->writeQueue addObject:packet];
+ self->flags |= kQueuedTLS;
+ [self maybeDequeueRead];
+ [self maybeDequeueWrite];
+ }
+ }});
+- (void)maybeStartTLS
+ // We can't start TLS until:
+ // - All queued reads prior to the user calling startTLS are complete
+ // - All queued writes prior to the user calling startTLS are complete
+ //
+ // We'll know these conditions are met when both kStartingReadTLS and kStartingWriteTLS are set
+ if ((flags & kStartingReadTLS) && (flags & kStartingWriteTLS))
+ {
+ BOOL useSecureTransport = YES;
+ {
+ GCDAsyncSpecialPacket *tlsPacket = (GCDAsyncSpecialPacket *)currentRead;
+ NSDictionary *tlsSettings = @{};
+ if (tlsPacket) {
+ tlsSettings = tlsPacket->tlsSettings;
+ }
+ NSNumber *value = [tlsSettings objectForKey:GCDAsyncSocketUseCFStreamForTLS];
+ if (value && [value boolValue])
+ useSecureTransport = NO;
+ }
+ #endif
+ if (useSecureTransport)
+ {
+ [self ssl_startTLS];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ [self cf_startTLS];
+ #endif
+ }
+ }
+#pragma mark Security via SecureTransport
+- (OSStatus)sslReadWithBuffer:(void *)buffer length:(size_t *)bufferLength
+ LogVerbose(@"sslReadWithBuffer:%p length:%lu", buffer, (unsigned long)*bufferLength);
+ if ((socketFDBytesAvailable == 0) && ([sslPreBuffer availableBytes] == 0))
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"%@ - No data available to read...", THIS_METHOD);
+ // No data available to read.
+ //
+ // Need to wait for readSource to fire and notify us of
+ // available data in the socket's internal read buffer.
+ [self resumeReadSource];
+ *bufferLength = 0;
+ return errSSLWouldBlock;
+ }
+ size_t totalBytesRead = 0;
+ size_t totalBytesLeftToBeRead = *bufferLength;
+ BOOL done = NO;
+ BOOL socketError = NO;
+ //
+ //
+ size_t sslPreBufferLength = [sslPreBuffer availableBytes];
+ if (sslPreBufferLength > 0)
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"%@: Reading from SSL pre buffer...", THIS_METHOD);
+ size_t bytesToCopy;
+ if (sslPreBufferLength > totalBytesLeftToBeRead)
+ bytesToCopy = totalBytesLeftToBeRead;
+ else
+ bytesToCopy = sslPreBufferLength;
+ LogVerbose(@"%@: Copying %zu bytes from sslPreBuffer", THIS_METHOD, bytesToCopy);
+ memcpy(buffer, [sslPreBuffer readBuffer], bytesToCopy);
+ [sslPreBuffer didRead:bytesToCopy];
+ LogVerbose(@"%@: sslPreBuffer.length = %zu", THIS_METHOD, [sslPreBuffer availableBytes]);
+ totalBytesRead += bytesToCopy;
+ totalBytesLeftToBeRead -= bytesToCopy;
+ done = (totalBytesLeftToBeRead == 0);
+ if (done) LogVerbose(@"%@: Complete", THIS_METHOD);
+ }
+ //
+ //
+ if (!done && (socketFDBytesAvailable > 0))
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"%@: Reading from socket...", THIS_METHOD);
+ int socketFD = (socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL) ? socket4FD : (socket6FD != SOCKET_NULL) ? socket6FD : socketUN;
+ BOOL readIntoPreBuffer;
+ size_t bytesToRead;
+ uint8_t *buf;
+ if (socketFDBytesAvailable > totalBytesLeftToBeRead)
+ {
+ // Read all available data from socket into sslPreBuffer.
+ // Then copy requested amount into dataBuffer.
+ LogVerbose(@"%@: Reading into sslPreBuffer...", THIS_METHOD);
+ [sslPreBuffer ensureCapacityForWrite:socketFDBytesAvailable];
+ readIntoPreBuffer = YES;
+ bytesToRead = (size_t)socketFDBytesAvailable;
+ buf = [sslPreBuffer writeBuffer];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Read available data from socket directly into dataBuffer.
+ LogVerbose(@"%@: Reading directly into dataBuffer...", THIS_METHOD);
+ readIntoPreBuffer = NO;
+ bytesToRead = totalBytesLeftToBeRead;
+ buf = (uint8_t *)buffer + totalBytesRead;
+ }
+ ssize_t result = read(socketFD, buf, bytesToRead);
+ LogVerbose(@"%@: read from socket = %zd", THIS_METHOD, result);
+ if (result < 0)
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"%@: read errno = %i", THIS_METHOD, errno);
+ if (errno != EWOULDBLOCK)
+ {
+ socketError = YES;
+ }
+ socketFDBytesAvailable = 0;
+ }
+ else if (result == 0)
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"%@: read EOF", THIS_METHOD);
+ socketError = YES;
+ socketFDBytesAvailable = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ size_t bytesReadFromSocket = result;
+ if (socketFDBytesAvailable > bytesReadFromSocket)
+ socketFDBytesAvailable -= bytesReadFromSocket;
+ else
+ socketFDBytesAvailable = 0;
+ if (readIntoPreBuffer)
+ {
+ [sslPreBuffer didWrite:bytesReadFromSocket];
+ size_t bytesToCopy = MIN(totalBytesLeftToBeRead, bytesReadFromSocket);
+ LogVerbose(@"%@: Copying %zu bytes out of sslPreBuffer", THIS_METHOD, bytesToCopy);
+ memcpy((uint8_t *)buffer + totalBytesRead, [sslPreBuffer readBuffer], bytesToCopy);
+ [sslPreBuffer didRead:bytesToCopy];
+ totalBytesRead += bytesToCopy;
+ totalBytesLeftToBeRead -= bytesToCopy;
+ LogVerbose(@"%@: sslPreBuffer.length = %zu", THIS_METHOD, [sslPreBuffer availableBytes]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ totalBytesRead += bytesReadFromSocket;
+ totalBytesLeftToBeRead -= bytesReadFromSocket;
+ }
+ done = (totalBytesLeftToBeRead == 0);
+ if (done) LogVerbose(@"%@: Complete", THIS_METHOD);
+ }
+ }
+ *bufferLength = totalBytesRead;
+ if (done)
+ return noErr;
+ if (socketError)
+ return errSSLClosedAbort;
+ return errSSLWouldBlock;
+- (OSStatus)sslWriteWithBuffer:(const void *)buffer length:(size_t *)bufferLength
+ if (!(flags & kSocketCanAcceptBytes))
+ {
+ // Unable to write.
+ //
+ // Need to wait for writeSource to fire and notify us of
+ // available space in the socket's internal write buffer.
+ [self resumeWriteSource];
+ *bufferLength = 0;
+ return errSSLWouldBlock;
+ }
+ size_t bytesToWrite = *bufferLength;
+ size_t bytesWritten = 0;
+ BOOL done = NO;
+ BOOL socketError = NO;
+ int socketFD = (socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL) ? socket4FD : (socket6FD != SOCKET_NULL) ? socket6FD : socketUN;
+ ssize_t result = write(socketFD, buffer, bytesToWrite);
+ if (result < 0)
+ {
+ if (errno != EWOULDBLOCK)
+ {
+ socketError = YES;
+ }
+ flags &= ~kSocketCanAcceptBytes;
+ }
+ else if (result == 0)
+ {
+ flags &= ~kSocketCanAcceptBytes;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bytesWritten = result;
+ done = (bytesWritten == bytesToWrite);
+ }
+ *bufferLength = bytesWritten;
+ if (done)
+ return noErr;
+ if (socketError)
+ return errSSLClosedAbort;
+ return errSSLWouldBlock;
+static OSStatus SSLReadFunction(SSLConnectionRef connection, void *data, size_t *dataLength)
+ GCDAsyncSocket *asyncSocket = (__bridge GCDAsyncSocket *)connection;
+ NSCAssert(dispatch_get_specific(asyncSocket->IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"What the deuce?");
+ return [asyncSocket sslReadWithBuffer:data length:dataLength];
+static OSStatus SSLWriteFunction(SSLConnectionRef connection, const void *data, size_t *dataLength)
+ GCDAsyncSocket *asyncSocket = (__bridge GCDAsyncSocket *)connection;
+ NSCAssert(dispatch_get_specific(asyncSocket->IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"What the deuce?");
+ return [asyncSocket sslWriteWithBuffer:data length:dataLength];
+- (void)ssl_startTLS
+ LogTrace();
+ LogVerbose(@"Starting TLS (via SecureTransport)...");
+ OSStatus status;
+ GCDAsyncSpecialPacket *tlsPacket = (GCDAsyncSpecialPacket *)currentRead;
+ if (tlsPacket == nil) // Code to quiet the analyzer
+ {
+ NSAssert(NO, @"Logic error");
+ [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Logic error"]];
+ return;
+ }
+ NSDictionary *tlsSettings = tlsPacket->tlsSettings;
+ // Create SSLContext, and setup IO callbacks and connection ref
+ NSNumber *isServerNumber = [tlsSettings objectForKey:(__bridge NSString *)kCFStreamSSLIsServer];
+ BOOL isServer = [isServerNumber boolValue];
+ {
+ if (isServer)
+ sslContext = SSLCreateContext(kCFAllocatorDefault, kSSLServerSide, kSSLStreamType);
+ else
+ sslContext = SSLCreateContext(kCFAllocatorDefault, kSSLClientSide, kSSLStreamType);
+ if (sslContext == NULL)
+ {
+ [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Error in SSLCreateContext"]];
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ #else // (__MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED < 1080)
+ {
+ status = SSLNewContext(isServer, &sslContext);
+ if (status != noErr)
+ {
+ [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Error in SSLNewContext"]];
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ #endif
+ status = SSLSetIOFuncs(sslContext, &SSLReadFunction, &SSLWriteFunction);
+ if (status != noErr)
+ {
+ [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Error in SSLSetIOFuncs"]];
+ return;
+ }
+ status = SSLSetConnection(sslContext, (__bridge SSLConnectionRef)self);
+ if (status != noErr)
+ {
+ [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Error in SSLSetConnection"]];
+ return;
+ }
+ NSNumber *shouldManuallyEvaluateTrust = [tlsSettings objectForKey:GCDAsyncSocketManuallyEvaluateTrust];
+ if ([shouldManuallyEvaluateTrust boolValue])
+ {
+ if (isServer)
+ {
+ [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Manual trust validation is not supported for server sockets"]];
+ return;
+ }
+ status = SSLSetSessionOption(sslContext, kSSLSessionOptionBreakOnServerAuth, true);
+ if (status != noErr)
+ {
+ [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Error in SSLSetSessionOption"]];
+ return;
+ }
+ // Note from Apple's documentation:
+ //
+ // It is only necessary to call SSLSetEnableCertVerify on the Mac prior to OS X 10.8.
+ // On OS X 10.8 and later setting kSSLSessionOptionBreakOnServerAuth always disables the
+ // built-in trust evaluation. All versions of iOS behave like OS X 10.8 and thus
+ // SSLSetEnableCertVerify is not available on that platform at all.
+ status = SSLSetEnableCertVerify(sslContext, NO);
+ if (status != noErr)
+ {
+ [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Error in SSLSetEnableCertVerify"]];
+ return;
+ }
+ #endif
+ }
+ // Configure SSLContext from given settings
+ //
+ // Checklist:
+ // 1. kCFStreamSSLPeerName
+ // 2. kCFStreamSSLCertificates
+ // 3. GCDAsyncSocketSSLPeerID
+ // 4. GCDAsyncSocketSSLProtocolVersionMin
+ // 5. GCDAsyncSocketSSLProtocolVersionMax
+ // 6. GCDAsyncSocketSSLSessionOptionFalseStart
+ // 7. GCDAsyncSocketSSLSessionOptionSendOneByteRecord
+ // 8. GCDAsyncSocketSSLCipherSuites
+ // 9. GCDAsyncSocketSSLDiffieHellmanParameters (Mac)
+ //
+ // Deprecated (throw error):
+ // 10. kCFStreamSSLAllowsAnyRoot
+ // 11. kCFStreamSSLAllowsExpiredRoots
+ // 12. kCFStreamSSLAllowsExpiredCertificates
+ // 13. kCFStreamSSLValidatesCertificateChain
+ // 14. kCFStreamSSLLevel
+ NSObject *value;
+ // 1. kCFStreamSSLPeerName
+ value = [tlsSettings objectForKey:(__bridge NSString *)kCFStreamSSLPeerName];
+ if ([value isKindOfClass:[NSString class]])
+ {
+ NSString *peerName = (NSString *)value;
+ const char *peer = [peerName UTF8String];
+ size_t peerLen = strlen(peer);
+ status = SSLSetPeerDomainName(sslContext, peer, peerLen);
+ if (status != noErr)
+ {
+ [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Error in SSLSetPeerDomainName"]];
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (value)
+ {
+ NSAssert(NO, @"Invalid value for kCFStreamSSLPeerName. Value must be of type NSString.");
+ [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Invalid value for kCFStreamSSLPeerName."]];
+ return;
+ }
+ // 2. kCFStreamSSLCertificates
+ value = [tlsSettings objectForKey:(__bridge NSString *)kCFStreamSSLCertificates];
+ if ([value isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]])
+ {
+ NSArray *certs = (NSArray *)value;
+ status = SSLSetCertificate(sslContext, (__bridge CFArrayRef)certs);
+ if (status != noErr)
+ {
+ [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Error in SSLSetCertificate"]];
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (value)
+ {
+ NSAssert(NO, @"Invalid value for kCFStreamSSLCertificates. Value must be of type NSArray.");
+ [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Invalid value for kCFStreamSSLCertificates."]];
+ return;
+ }
+ // 3. GCDAsyncSocketSSLPeerID
+ value = [tlsSettings objectForKey:GCDAsyncSocketSSLPeerID];
+ if ([value isKindOfClass:[NSData class]])
+ {
+ NSData *peerIdData = (NSData *)value;
+ status = SSLSetPeerID(sslContext, [peerIdData bytes], [peerIdData length]);
+ if (status != noErr)
+ {
+ [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Error in SSLSetPeerID"]];
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (value)
+ {
+ NSAssert(NO, @"Invalid value for GCDAsyncSocketSSLPeerID. Value must be of type NSData."
+ @" (You can convert strings to data using a method like"
+ @" [string dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding])");
+ [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Invalid value for GCDAsyncSocketSSLPeerID."]];
+ return;
+ }
+ // 4. GCDAsyncSocketSSLProtocolVersionMin
+ value = [tlsSettings objectForKey:GCDAsyncSocketSSLProtocolVersionMin];
+ if ([value isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]])
+ {
+ SSLProtocol minProtocol = (SSLProtocol)[(NSNumber *)value intValue];
+ if (minProtocol != kSSLProtocolUnknown)
+ {
+ status = SSLSetProtocolVersionMin(sslContext, minProtocol);
+ if (status != noErr)
+ {
+ [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Error in SSLSetProtocolVersionMin"]];
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (value)
+ {
+ NSAssert(NO, @"Invalid value for GCDAsyncSocketSSLProtocolVersionMin. Value must be of type NSNumber.");
+ [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Invalid value for GCDAsyncSocketSSLProtocolVersionMin."]];
+ return;
+ }
+ // 5. GCDAsyncSocketSSLProtocolVersionMax
+ value = [tlsSettings objectForKey:GCDAsyncSocketSSLProtocolVersionMax];
+ if ([value isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]])
+ {
+ SSLProtocol maxProtocol = (SSLProtocol)[(NSNumber *)value intValue];
+ if (maxProtocol != kSSLProtocolUnknown)
+ {
+ status = SSLSetProtocolVersionMax(sslContext, maxProtocol);
+ if (status != noErr)
+ {
+ [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Error in SSLSetProtocolVersionMax"]];
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (value)
+ {
+ NSAssert(NO, @"Invalid value for GCDAsyncSocketSSLProtocolVersionMax. Value must be of type NSNumber.");
+ [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Invalid value for GCDAsyncSocketSSLProtocolVersionMax."]];
+ return;
+ }
+ // 6. GCDAsyncSocketSSLSessionOptionFalseStart
+ value = [tlsSettings objectForKey:GCDAsyncSocketSSLSessionOptionFalseStart];
+ if ([value isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]])
+ {
+ NSNumber *falseStart = (NSNumber *)value;
+ status = SSLSetSessionOption(sslContext, kSSLSessionOptionFalseStart, [falseStart boolValue]);
+ if (status != noErr)
+ {
+ [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Error in SSLSetSessionOption (kSSLSessionOptionFalseStart)"]];
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (value)
+ {
+ NSAssert(NO, @"Invalid value for GCDAsyncSocketSSLSessionOptionFalseStart. Value must be of type NSNumber.");
+ [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Invalid value for GCDAsyncSocketSSLSessionOptionFalseStart."]];
+ return;
+ }
+ // 7. GCDAsyncSocketSSLSessionOptionSendOneByteRecord
+ value = [tlsSettings objectForKey:GCDAsyncSocketSSLSessionOptionSendOneByteRecord];
+ if ([value isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]])
+ {
+ NSNumber *oneByteRecord = (NSNumber *)value;
+ status = SSLSetSessionOption(sslContext, kSSLSessionOptionSendOneByteRecord, [oneByteRecord boolValue]);
+ if (status != noErr)
+ {
+ [self closeWithError:
+ [self otherError:@"Error in SSLSetSessionOption (kSSLSessionOptionSendOneByteRecord)"]];
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (value)
+ {
+ NSAssert(NO, @"Invalid value for GCDAsyncSocketSSLSessionOptionSendOneByteRecord."
+ @" Value must be of type NSNumber.");
+ [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Invalid value for GCDAsyncSocketSSLSessionOptionSendOneByteRecord."]];
+ return;
+ }
+ // 8. GCDAsyncSocketSSLCipherSuites
+ value = [tlsSettings objectForKey:GCDAsyncSocketSSLCipherSuites];
+ if ([value isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]])
+ {
+ NSArray *cipherSuites = (NSArray *)value;
+ NSUInteger numberCiphers = [cipherSuites count];
+ SSLCipherSuite ciphers[numberCiphers];
+ NSUInteger cipherIndex;
+ for (cipherIndex = 0; cipherIndex < numberCiphers; cipherIndex++)
+ {
+ NSNumber *cipherObject = [cipherSuites objectAtIndex:cipherIndex];
+ ciphers[cipherIndex] = (SSLCipherSuite)[cipherObject unsignedIntValue];
+ }
+ status = SSLSetEnabledCiphers(sslContext, ciphers, numberCiphers);
+ if (status != noErr)
+ {
+ [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Error in SSLSetEnabledCiphers"]];
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (value)
+ {
+ NSAssert(NO, @"Invalid value for GCDAsyncSocketSSLCipherSuites. Value must be of type NSArray.");
+ [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Invalid value for GCDAsyncSocketSSLCipherSuites."]];
+ return;
+ }
+ // 9. GCDAsyncSocketSSLDiffieHellmanParameters
+ value = [tlsSettings objectForKey:GCDAsyncSocketSSLDiffieHellmanParameters];
+ if ([value isKindOfClass:[NSData class]])
+ {
+ NSData *diffieHellmanData = (NSData *)value;
+ status = SSLSetDiffieHellmanParams(sslContext, [diffieHellmanData bytes], [diffieHellmanData length]);
+ if (status != noErr)
+ {
+ [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Error in SSLSetDiffieHellmanParams"]];
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (value)
+ {
+ NSAssert(NO, @"Invalid value for GCDAsyncSocketSSLDiffieHellmanParameters. Value must be of type NSData.");
+ [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Invalid value for GCDAsyncSocketSSLDiffieHellmanParameters."]];
+ return;
+ }
+ #endif
+ // DEPRECATED checks
+ // 10. kCFStreamSSLAllowsAnyRoot
+ #pragma clang diagnostic push
+ #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
+ value = [tlsSettings objectForKey:(__bridge NSString *)kCFStreamSSLAllowsAnyRoot];
+ #pragma clang diagnostic pop
+ if (value)
+ {
+ NSAssert(NO, @"Security option unavailable - kCFStreamSSLAllowsAnyRoot"
+ @" - You must use manual trust evaluation");
+ [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Security option unavailable - kCFStreamSSLAllowsAnyRoot"]];
+ return;
+ }
+ // 11. kCFStreamSSLAllowsExpiredRoots
+ #pragma clang diagnostic push
+ #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
+ value = [tlsSettings objectForKey:(__bridge NSString *)kCFStreamSSLAllowsExpiredRoots];
+ #pragma clang diagnostic pop
+ if (value)
+ {
+ NSAssert(NO, @"Security option unavailable - kCFStreamSSLAllowsExpiredRoots"
+ @" - You must use manual trust evaluation");
+ [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Security option unavailable - kCFStreamSSLAllowsExpiredRoots"]];
+ return;
+ }
+ // 12. kCFStreamSSLValidatesCertificateChain
+ #pragma clang diagnostic push
+ #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
+ value = [tlsSettings objectForKey:(__bridge NSString *)kCFStreamSSLValidatesCertificateChain];
+ #pragma clang diagnostic pop
+ if (value)
+ {
+ NSAssert(NO, @"Security option unavailable - kCFStreamSSLValidatesCertificateChain"
+ @" - You must use manual trust evaluation");
+ [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Security option unavailable - kCFStreamSSLValidatesCertificateChain"]];
+ return;
+ }
+ // 13. kCFStreamSSLAllowsExpiredCertificates
+ #pragma clang diagnostic push
+ #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
+ value = [tlsSettings objectForKey:(__bridge NSString *)kCFStreamSSLAllowsExpiredCertificates];
+ #pragma clang diagnostic pop
+ if (value)
+ {
+ NSAssert(NO, @"Security option unavailable - kCFStreamSSLAllowsExpiredCertificates"
+ @" - You must use manual trust evaluation");
+ [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Security option unavailable - kCFStreamSSLAllowsExpiredCertificates"]];
+ return;
+ }
+ // 14. kCFStreamSSLLevel
+ #pragma clang diagnostic push
+ #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
+ value = [tlsSettings objectForKey:(__bridge NSString *)kCFStreamSSLLevel];
+ #pragma clang diagnostic pop
+ if (value)
+ {
+ NSAssert(NO, @"Security option unavailable - kCFStreamSSLLevel"
+ @" - You must use GCDAsyncSocketSSLProtocolVersionMin & GCDAsyncSocketSSLProtocolVersionMax");
+ [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Security option unavailable - kCFStreamSSLLevel"]];
+ return;
+ }
+ // Setup the sslPreBuffer
+ //
+ // Any data in the preBuffer needs to be moved into the sslPreBuffer,
+ // as this data is now part of the secure read stream.
+ sslPreBuffer = [[GCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer alloc] initWithCapacity:(1024 * 4)];
+ size_t preBufferLength = [preBuffer availableBytes];
+ if (preBufferLength > 0)
+ {
+ [sslPreBuffer ensureCapacityForWrite:preBufferLength];
+ memcpy([sslPreBuffer writeBuffer], [preBuffer readBuffer], preBufferLength);
+ [preBuffer didRead:preBufferLength];
+ [sslPreBuffer didWrite:preBufferLength];
+ }
+ sslErrCode = lastSSLHandshakeError = noErr;
+ // Start the SSL Handshake process
+ [self ssl_continueSSLHandshake];
+- (void)ssl_continueSSLHandshake
+ LogTrace();
+ // If the return value is noErr, the session is ready for normal secure communication.
+ // If the return value is errSSLWouldBlock, the SSLHandshake function must be called again.
+ // If the return value is errSSLServerAuthCompleted, we ask delegate if we should trust the
+ // server and then call SSLHandshake again to resume the handshake or close the connection
+ // errSSLPeerBadCert SSL error.
+ // Otherwise, the return value indicates an error code.
+ OSStatus status = SSLHandshake(sslContext);
+ lastSSLHandshakeError = status;
+ if (status == noErr)
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"SSLHandshake complete");
+ flags &= ~kStartingReadTLS;
+ flags &= ~kStartingWriteTLS;
+ flags |= kSocketSecure;
+ __strong id theDelegate = delegate;
+ if (delegateQueue && [theDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(socketDidSecure:)])
+ {
+ dispatch_async(delegateQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ [theDelegate socketDidSecure:self];
+ }});
+ }
+ [self endCurrentRead];
+ [self endCurrentWrite];
+ [self maybeDequeueRead];
+ [self maybeDequeueWrite];
+ }
+ else if (status == errSSLPeerAuthCompleted)
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"SSLHandshake peerAuthCompleted - awaiting delegate approval");
+ __block SecTrustRef trust = NULL;
+ status = SSLCopyPeerTrust(sslContext, &trust);
+ if (status != noErr)
+ {
+ [self closeWithError:[self sslError:status]];
+ return;
+ }
+ int aStateIndex = stateIndex;
+ dispatch_queue_t theSocketQueue = socketQueue;
+ __weak GCDAsyncSocket *weakSelf = self;
+ void (^comletionHandler)(BOOL) = ^(BOOL shouldTrust){ @autoreleasepool {
+ #pragma clang diagnostic push
+ #pragma clang diagnostic warning "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
+ dispatch_async(theSocketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ if (trust) {
+ CFRelease(trust);
+ trust = NULL;
+ }
+ __strong GCDAsyncSocket *strongSelf = weakSelf;
+ if (strongSelf)
+ {
+ [strongSelf ssl_shouldTrustPeer:shouldTrust stateIndex:aStateIndex];
+ }
+ }});
+ #pragma clang diagnostic pop
+ }};
+ __strong id theDelegate = delegate;
+ if (delegateQueue && [theDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(socket:didReceiveTrust:completionHandler:)])
+ {
+ dispatch_async(delegateQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ [theDelegate socket:self didReceiveTrust:trust completionHandler:comletionHandler];
+ }});
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (trust) {
+ CFRelease(trust);
+ trust = NULL;
+ }
+ NSString *msg = @"GCDAsyncSocketManuallyEvaluateTrust specified in tlsSettings,"
+ @" but delegate doesn't implement socket:shouldTrustPeer:";
+ [self closeWithError:[self otherError:msg]];
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (status == errSSLWouldBlock)
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"SSLHandshake continues...");
+ // Handshake continues...
+ //
+ // This method will be called again from doReadData or doWriteData.
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ [self closeWithError:[self sslError:status]];
+ }
+- (void)ssl_shouldTrustPeer:(BOOL)shouldTrust stateIndex:(int)aStateIndex
+ LogTrace();
+ if (aStateIndex != stateIndex)
+ {
+ LogInfo(@"Ignoring ssl_shouldTrustPeer - invalid state (maybe disconnected)");
+ // One of the following is true
+ // - the socket was disconnected
+ // - the startTLS operation timed out
+ // - the completionHandler was already invoked once
+ return;
+ }
+ // Increment stateIndex to ensure completionHandler can only be called once.
+ stateIndex++;
+ if (shouldTrust)
+ {
+ NSAssert(lastSSLHandshakeError == errSSLPeerAuthCompleted, @"ssl_shouldTrustPeer called when last error is %d and not errSSLPeerAuthCompleted", (int)lastSSLHandshakeError);
+ [self ssl_continueSSLHandshake];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ [self closeWithError:[self sslError:errSSLPeerBadCert]];
+ }
+#pragma mark Security via CFStream
+- (void)cf_finishSSLHandshake
+ LogTrace();
+ if ((flags & kStartingReadTLS) && (flags & kStartingWriteTLS))
+ {
+ flags &= ~kStartingReadTLS;
+ flags &= ~kStartingWriteTLS;
+ flags |= kSocketSecure;
+ __strong id theDelegate = delegate;
+ if (delegateQueue && [theDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(socketDidSecure:)])
+ {
+ dispatch_async(delegateQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ [theDelegate socketDidSecure:self];
+ }});
+ }
+ [self endCurrentRead];
+ [self endCurrentWrite];
+ [self maybeDequeueRead];
+ [self maybeDequeueWrite];
+ }
+- (void)cf_abortSSLHandshake:(NSError *)error
+ LogTrace();
+ if ((flags & kStartingReadTLS) && (flags & kStartingWriteTLS))
+ {
+ flags &= ~kStartingReadTLS;
+ flags &= ~kStartingWriteTLS;
+ [self closeWithError:error];
+ }
+- (void)cf_startTLS
+ LogTrace();
+ LogVerbose(@"Starting TLS (via CFStream)...");
+ if ([preBuffer availableBytes] > 0)
+ {
+ NSString *msg = @"Invalid TLS transition. Handshake has already been read from socket.";
+ [self closeWithError:[self otherError:msg]];
+ return;
+ }
+ [self suspendReadSource];
+ [self suspendWriteSource];
+ socketFDBytesAvailable = 0;
+ flags &= ~kSocketCanAcceptBytes;
+ flags &= ~kSecureSocketHasBytesAvailable;
+ flags |= kUsingCFStreamForTLS;
+ if (![self createReadAndWriteStream])
+ {
+ [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Error in CFStreamCreatePairWithSocket"]];
+ return;
+ }
+ if (![self registerForStreamCallbacksIncludingReadWrite:YES])
+ {
+ [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Error in CFStreamSetClient"]];
+ return;
+ }
+ if (![self addStreamsToRunLoop])
+ {
+ [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Error in CFStreamScheduleWithRunLoop"]];
+ return;
+ }
+ NSAssert([currentRead isKindOfClass:[GCDAsyncSpecialPacket class]], @"Invalid read packet for startTLS");
+ NSAssert([currentWrite isKindOfClass:[GCDAsyncSpecialPacket class]], @"Invalid write packet for startTLS");
+ GCDAsyncSpecialPacket *tlsPacket = (GCDAsyncSpecialPacket *)currentRead;
+ CFDictionaryRef tlsSettings = (__bridge CFDictionaryRef)tlsPacket->tlsSettings;
+ // Getting an error concerning kCFStreamPropertySSLSettings ?
+ // You need to add the CFNetwork framework to your iOS application.
+ BOOL r1 = CFReadStreamSetProperty(readStream, kCFStreamPropertySSLSettings, tlsSettings);
+ BOOL r2 = CFWriteStreamSetProperty(writeStream, kCFStreamPropertySSLSettings, tlsSettings);
+ // For some reason, starting around the time of iOS 4.3,
+ // the first call to set the kCFStreamPropertySSLSettings will return true,
+ // but the second will return false.
+ //
+ // Order doesn't seem to matter.
+ // So you could call CFReadStreamSetProperty and then CFWriteStreamSetProperty, or you could reverse the order.
+ // Either way, the first call will return true, and the second returns false.
+ //
+ // Interestingly, this doesn't seem to affect anything.
+ // Which is not altogether unusual, as the documentation seems to suggest that (for many settings)
+ // setting it on one side of the stream automatically sets it for the other side of the stream.
+ //
+ // Although there isn't anything in the documentation to suggest that the second attempt would fail.
+ //
+ // Furthermore, this only seems to affect streams that are negotiating a security upgrade.
+ // In other words, the socket gets connected, there is some back-and-forth communication over the unsecure
+ // connection, and then a startTLS is issued.
+ // So this mostly affects newer protocols (XMPP, IMAP) as opposed to older protocols (HTTPS).
+ if (!r1 && !r2) // Yes, the && is correct - workaround for apple bug.
+ {
+ [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Error in CFStreamSetProperty"]];
+ return;
+ }
+ if (![self openStreams])
+ {
+ [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Error in CFStreamOpen"]];
+ return;
+ }
+ LogVerbose(@"Waiting for SSL Handshake to complete...");
+#pragma mark CFStream
++ (void)ignore:(id)_
++ (void)startCFStreamThreadIfNeeded
+ LogTrace();
+ static dispatch_once_t predicate;
+ dispatch_once(&predicate, ^{
+ cfstreamThreadRetainCount = 0;
+ cfstreamThreadSetupQueue = dispatch_queue_create("GCDAsyncSocket-CFStreamThreadSetup", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL);
+ });
+ dispatch_sync(cfstreamThreadSetupQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ if (++cfstreamThreadRetainCount == 1)
+ {
+ cfstreamThread = [[NSThread alloc] initWithTarget:self
+ selector:@selector(cfstreamThread:)
+ object:nil];
+ [cfstreamThread start];
+ }
+ }});
++ (void)stopCFStreamThreadIfNeeded
+ LogTrace();
+ // The creation of the cfstreamThread is relatively expensive.
+ // So we'd like to keep it available for recycling.
+ // However, there's a tradeoff here, because it shouldn't remain alive forever.
+ // So what we're going to do is use a little delay before taking it down.
+ // This way it can be reused properly in situations where multiple sockets are continually in flux.
+ int delayInSeconds = 30;
+ dispatch_time_t when = dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, (int64_t)(delayInSeconds * NSEC_PER_SEC));
+ dispatch_after(when, cfstreamThreadSetupQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ #pragma clang diagnostic push
+ #pragma clang diagnostic warning "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
+ if (cfstreamThreadRetainCount == 0)
+ {
+ LogWarn(@"Logic error concerning cfstreamThread start / stop");
+ return_from_block;
+ }
+ if (--cfstreamThreadRetainCount == 0)
+ {
+ [cfstreamThread cancel]; // set isCancelled flag
+ // wake up the thread
+ [[self class] performSelector:@selector(ignore:)
+ onThread:cfstreamThread
+ withObject:[NSNull null]
+ waitUntilDone:NO];
+ cfstreamThread = nil;
+ }
+ #pragma clang diagnostic pop
+ }});
++ (void)cfstreamThread:(id)unused { @autoreleasepool
+ [[NSThread currentThread] setName:GCDAsyncSocketThreadName];
+ LogInfo(@"CFStreamThread: Started");
+ // We can't run the run loop unless it has an associated input source or a timer.
+ // So we'll just create a timer that will never fire - unless the server runs for decades.
+ [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:[[NSDate distantFuture] timeIntervalSinceNow]
+ target:self
+ selector:@selector(ignore:)
+ userInfo:nil
+ repeats:YES];
+ NSThread *currentThread = [NSThread currentThread];
+ NSRunLoop *currentRunLoop = [NSRunLoop currentRunLoop];
+ BOOL isCancelled = [currentThread isCancelled];
+ while (!isCancelled && [currentRunLoop runMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode beforeDate:[NSDate distantFuture]])
+ {
+ isCancelled = [currentThread isCancelled];
+ }
+ LogInfo(@"CFStreamThread: Stopped");
++ (void)scheduleCFStreams:(GCDAsyncSocket *)asyncSocket
+ LogTrace();
+ NSAssert([NSThread currentThread] == cfstreamThread, @"Invoked on wrong thread");
+ CFRunLoopRef runLoop = CFRunLoopGetCurrent();
+ if (asyncSocket->readStream)
+ CFReadStreamScheduleWithRunLoop(asyncSocket->readStream, runLoop, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);
+ if (asyncSocket->writeStream)
+ CFWriteStreamScheduleWithRunLoop(asyncSocket->writeStream, runLoop, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);
++ (void)unscheduleCFStreams:(GCDAsyncSocket *)asyncSocket
+ LogTrace();
+ NSAssert([NSThread currentThread] == cfstreamThread, @"Invoked on wrong thread");
+ CFRunLoopRef runLoop = CFRunLoopGetCurrent();
+ if (asyncSocket->readStream)
+ CFReadStreamUnscheduleFromRunLoop(asyncSocket->readStream, runLoop, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);
+ if (asyncSocket->writeStream)
+ CFWriteStreamUnscheduleFromRunLoop(asyncSocket->writeStream, runLoop, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);
+static void CFReadStreamCallback (CFReadStreamRef stream, CFStreamEventType type, void *pInfo)
+ GCDAsyncSocket *asyncSocket = (__bridge GCDAsyncSocket *)pInfo;
+ switch(type)
+ {
+ case kCFStreamEventHasBytesAvailable:
+ {
+ dispatch_async(asyncSocket->socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ LogCVerbose(@"CFReadStreamCallback - HasBytesAvailable");
+ if (asyncSocket->readStream != stream)
+ return_from_block;
+ if ((asyncSocket->flags & kStartingReadTLS) && (asyncSocket->flags & kStartingWriteTLS))
+ {
+ // If we set kCFStreamPropertySSLSettings before we opened the streams, this might be a lie.
+ // (A callback related to the tcp stream, but not to the SSL layer).
+ if (CFReadStreamHasBytesAvailable(asyncSocket->readStream))
+ {
+ asyncSocket->flags |= kSecureSocketHasBytesAvailable;
+ [asyncSocket cf_finishSSLHandshake];
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ asyncSocket->flags |= kSecureSocketHasBytesAvailable;
+ [asyncSocket doReadData];
+ }
+ }});
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ NSError *error = (__bridge_transfer NSError *)CFReadStreamCopyError(stream);
+ if (error == nil && type == kCFStreamEventEndEncountered)
+ {
+ error = [asyncSocket connectionClosedError];
+ }
+ dispatch_async(asyncSocket->socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ LogCVerbose(@"CFReadStreamCallback - Other");
+ if (asyncSocket->readStream != stream)
+ return_from_block;
+ if ((asyncSocket->flags & kStartingReadTLS) && (asyncSocket->flags & kStartingWriteTLS))
+ {
+ [asyncSocket cf_abortSSLHandshake:error];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ [asyncSocket closeWithError:error];
+ }
+ }});
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+static void CFWriteStreamCallback (CFWriteStreamRef stream, CFStreamEventType type, void *pInfo)
+ GCDAsyncSocket *asyncSocket = (__bridge GCDAsyncSocket *)pInfo;
+ switch(type)
+ {
+ case kCFStreamEventCanAcceptBytes:
+ {
+ dispatch_async(asyncSocket->socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ LogCVerbose(@"CFWriteStreamCallback - CanAcceptBytes");
+ if (asyncSocket->writeStream != stream)
+ return_from_block;
+ if ((asyncSocket->flags & kStartingReadTLS) && (asyncSocket->flags & kStartingWriteTLS))
+ {
+ // If we set kCFStreamPropertySSLSettings before we opened the streams, this might be a lie.
+ // (A callback related to the tcp stream, but not to the SSL layer).
+ if (CFWriteStreamCanAcceptBytes(asyncSocket->writeStream))
+ {
+ asyncSocket->flags |= kSocketCanAcceptBytes;
+ [asyncSocket cf_finishSSLHandshake];
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ asyncSocket->flags |= kSocketCanAcceptBytes;
+ [asyncSocket doWriteData];
+ }
+ }});
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ NSError *error = (__bridge_transfer NSError *)CFWriteStreamCopyError(stream);
+ if (error == nil && type == kCFStreamEventEndEncountered)
+ {
+ error = [asyncSocket connectionClosedError];
+ }
+ dispatch_async(asyncSocket->socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ LogCVerbose(@"CFWriteStreamCallback - Other");
+ if (asyncSocket->writeStream != stream)
+ return_from_block;
+ if ((asyncSocket->flags & kStartingReadTLS) && (asyncSocket->flags & kStartingWriteTLS))
+ {
+ [asyncSocket cf_abortSSLHandshake:error];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ [asyncSocket closeWithError:error];
+ }
+ }});
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+- (BOOL)createReadAndWriteStream
+ LogTrace();
+ NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
+ if (readStream || writeStream)
+ {
+ // Streams already created
+ return YES;
+ }
+ int socketFD = (socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL) ? socket4FD : (socket6FD != SOCKET_NULL) ? socket6FD : socketUN;
+ if (socketFD == SOCKET_NULL)
+ {
+ // Cannot create streams without a file descriptor
+ return NO;
+ }
+ if (![self isConnected])
+ {
+ // Cannot create streams until file descriptor is connected
+ return NO;
+ }
+ LogVerbose(@"Creating read and write stream...");
+ CFStreamCreatePairWithSocket(NULL, (CFSocketNativeHandle)socketFD, &readStream, &writeStream);
+ // The kCFStreamPropertyShouldCloseNativeSocket property should be false by default (for our case).
+ // But let's not take any chances.
+ if (readStream)
+ CFReadStreamSetProperty(readStream, kCFStreamPropertyShouldCloseNativeSocket, kCFBooleanFalse);
+ if (writeStream)
+ CFWriteStreamSetProperty(writeStream, kCFStreamPropertyShouldCloseNativeSocket, kCFBooleanFalse);
+ if ((readStream == NULL) || (writeStream == NULL))
+ {
+ LogWarn(@"Unable to create read and write stream...");
+ if (readStream)
+ {
+ CFReadStreamClose(readStream);
+ CFRelease(readStream);
+ readStream = NULL;
+ }
+ if (writeStream)
+ {
+ CFWriteStreamClose(writeStream);
+ CFRelease(writeStream);
+ writeStream = NULL;
+ }
+ return NO;
+ }
+ return YES;
+- (BOOL)registerForStreamCallbacksIncludingReadWrite:(BOOL)includeReadWrite
+ LogVerbose(@"%@ %@", THIS_METHOD, (includeReadWrite ? @"YES" : @"NO"));
+ NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
+ NSAssert((readStream != NULL && writeStream != NULL), @"Read/Write stream is null");
+ streamContext.version = 0;
+ streamContext.info = (__bridge void *)(self);
+ streamContext.retain = nil;
+ streamContext.release = nil;
+ streamContext.copyDescription = nil;
+ CFOptionFlags readStreamEvents = kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred | kCFStreamEventEndEncountered;
+ if (includeReadWrite)
+ readStreamEvents |= kCFStreamEventHasBytesAvailable;
+ if (!CFReadStreamSetClient(readStream, readStreamEvents, &CFReadStreamCallback, &streamContext))
+ {
+ return NO;
+ }
+ CFOptionFlags writeStreamEvents = kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred | kCFStreamEventEndEncountered;
+ if (includeReadWrite)
+ writeStreamEvents |= kCFStreamEventCanAcceptBytes;
+ if (!CFWriteStreamSetClient(writeStream, writeStreamEvents, &CFWriteStreamCallback, &streamContext))
+ {
+ return NO;
+ }
+ return YES;
+- (BOOL)addStreamsToRunLoop
+ LogTrace();
+ NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
+ NSAssert((readStream != NULL && writeStream != NULL), @"Read/Write stream is null");
+ if (!(flags & kAddedStreamsToRunLoop))
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"Adding streams to runloop...");
+ [[self class] startCFStreamThreadIfNeeded];
+ dispatch_sync(cfstreamThreadSetupQueue, ^{
+ [[self class] performSelector:@selector(scheduleCFStreams:)
+ onThread:cfstreamThread
+ withObject:self
+ waitUntilDone:YES];
+ });
+ flags |= kAddedStreamsToRunLoop;
+ }
+ return YES;
+- (void)removeStreamsFromRunLoop
+ LogTrace();
+ NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
+ NSAssert((readStream != NULL && writeStream != NULL), @"Read/Write stream is null");
+ if (flags & kAddedStreamsToRunLoop)
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"Removing streams from runloop...");
+ dispatch_sync(cfstreamThreadSetupQueue, ^{
+ [[self class] performSelector:@selector(unscheduleCFStreams:)
+ onThread:cfstreamThread
+ withObject:self
+ waitUntilDone:YES];
+ });
+ [[self class] stopCFStreamThreadIfNeeded];
+ flags &= ~kAddedStreamsToRunLoop;
+ }
+- (BOOL)openStreams
+ LogTrace();
+ NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
+ NSAssert((readStream != NULL && writeStream != NULL), @"Read/Write stream is null");
+ CFStreamStatus readStatus = CFReadStreamGetStatus(readStream);
+ CFStreamStatus writeStatus = CFWriteStreamGetStatus(writeStream);
+ if ((readStatus == kCFStreamStatusNotOpen) || (writeStatus == kCFStreamStatusNotOpen))
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"Opening read and write stream...");
+ BOOL r1 = CFReadStreamOpen(readStream);
+ BOOL r2 = CFWriteStreamOpen(writeStream);
+ if (!r1 || !r2)
+ {
+ LogError(@"Error in CFStreamOpen");
+ return NO;
+ }
+ }
+ return YES;
+#pragma mark Advanced
+ * See header file for big discussion of this method.
+- (BOOL)autoDisconnectOnClosedReadStream
+ // Note: YES means kAllowHalfDuplexConnection is OFF
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ {
+ return ((config & kAllowHalfDuplexConnection) == 0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ __block BOOL result;
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, ^{
+ result = ((self->config & kAllowHalfDuplexConnection) == 0);
+ });
+ return result;
+ }
+ * See header file for big discussion of this method.
+- (void)setAutoDisconnectOnClosedReadStream:(BOOL)flag
+ // Note: YES means kAllowHalfDuplexConnection is OFF
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{
+ if (flag)
+ self->config &= ~kAllowHalfDuplexConnection;
+ else
+ self->config |= kAllowHalfDuplexConnection;
+ };
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_async(socketQueue, block);
+ * See header file for big discussion of this method.
+- (void)markSocketQueueTargetQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)socketNewTargetQueue
+ void *nonNullUnusedPointer = (__bridge void *)self;
+ dispatch_queue_set_specific(socketNewTargetQueue, IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey, nonNullUnusedPointer, NULL);
+ * See header file for big discussion of this method.
+- (void)unmarkSocketQueueTargetQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)socketOldTargetQueue
+ dispatch_queue_set_specific(socketOldTargetQueue, IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey, NULL, NULL);
+ * See header file for big discussion of this method.
+- (void)performBlock:(dispatch_block_t)block
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
+ * Questions? Have you read the header file?
+- (int)socketFD
+ if (!dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ {
+ LogWarn(@"%@ - Method only available from within the context of a performBlock: invocation", THIS_METHOD);
+ return SOCKET_NULL;
+ }
+ if (socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL)
+ return socket4FD;
+ else
+ return socket6FD;
+ * Questions? Have you read the header file?
+- (int)socket4FD
+ if (!dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ {
+ LogWarn(@"%@ - Method only available from within the context of a performBlock: invocation", THIS_METHOD);
+ return SOCKET_NULL;
+ }
+ return socket4FD;
+ * Questions? Have you read the header file?
+- (int)socket6FD
+ if (!dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ {
+ LogWarn(@"%@ - Method only available from within the context of a performBlock: invocation", THIS_METHOD);
+ return SOCKET_NULL;
+ }
+ return socket6FD;
+ * Questions? Have you read the header file?
+- (CFReadStreamRef)readStream
+ if (!dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ {
+ LogWarn(@"%@ - Method only available from within the context of a performBlock: invocation", THIS_METHOD);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (readStream == NULL)
+ [self createReadAndWriteStream];
+ return readStream;
+ * Questions? Have you read the header file?
+- (CFWriteStreamRef)writeStream
+ if (!dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ {
+ LogWarn(@"%@ - Method only available from within the context of a performBlock: invocation", THIS_METHOD);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (writeStream == NULL)
+ [self createReadAndWriteStream];
+ return writeStream;
+- (BOOL)enableBackgroundingOnSocketWithCaveat:(BOOL)caveat
+ if (![self createReadAndWriteStream])
+ {
+ // Error occurred creating streams (perhaps socket isn't open)
+ return NO;
+ }
+ BOOL r1, r2;
+ LogVerbose(@"Enabling backgrouding on socket");
+#pragma clang diagnostic push
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
+ r1 = CFReadStreamSetProperty(readStream, kCFStreamNetworkServiceType, kCFStreamNetworkServiceTypeVoIP);
+ r2 = CFWriteStreamSetProperty(writeStream, kCFStreamNetworkServiceType, kCFStreamNetworkServiceTypeVoIP);
+#pragma clang diagnostic pop
+ if (!r1 || !r2)
+ {
+ return NO;
+ }
+ if (!caveat)
+ {
+ if (![self openStreams])
+ {
+ return NO;
+ }
+ }
+ return YES;
+ * Questions? Have you read the header file?
+- (BOOL)enableBackgroundingOnSocket
+ LogTrace();
+ if (!dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ {
+ LogWarn(@"%@ - Method only available from within the context of a performBlock: invocation", THIS_METHOD);
+ return NO;
+ }
+ return [self enableBackgroundingOnSocketWithCaveat:NO];
+- (BOOL)enableBackgroundingOnSocketWithCaveat // Deprecated in iOS 4.???
+ // This method was created as a workaround for a bug in iOS.
+ // Apple has since fixed this bug.
+ // I'm not entirely sure which version of iOS they fixed it in...
+ LogTrace();
+ if (!dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ {
+ LogWarn(@"%@ - Method only available from within the context of a performBlock: invocation", THIS_METHOD);
+ return NO;
+ }
+ return [self enableBackgroundingOnSocketWithCaveat:YES];
+- (SSLContextRef)sslContext
+ if (!dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ {
+ LogWarn(@"%@ - Method only available from within the context of a performBlock: invocation", THIS_METHOD);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return sslContext;
+#pragma mark Class Utilities
++ (NSMutableArray *)lookupHost:(NSString *)host port:(uint16_t)port error:(NSError **)errPtr
+ LogTrace();
+ NSMutableArray *addresses = nil;
+ NSError *error = nil;
+ if ([host isEqualToString:@"localhost"] || [host isEqualToString:@"loopback"])
+ {
+ // Use LOOPBACK address
+ struct sockaddr_in nativeAddr4;
+ nativeAddr4.sin_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
+ nativeAddr4.sin_family = AF_INET;
+ nativeAddr4.sin_port = htons(port);
+ nativeAddr4.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK);
+ memset(&(nativeAddr4.sin_zero), 0, sizeof(nativeAddr4.sin_zero));
+ struct sockaddr_in6 nativeAddr6;
+ nativeAddr6.sin6_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6);
+ nativeAddr6.sin6_family = AF_INET6;
+ nativeAddr6.sin6_port = htons(port);
+ nativeAddr6.sin6_flowinfo = 0;
+ nativeAddr6.sin6_addr = in6addr_loopback;
+ nativeAddr6.sin6_scope_id = 0;
+ // Wrap the native address structures
+ NSData *address4 = [NSData dataWithBytes:&nativeAddr4 length:sizeof(nativeAddr4)];
+ NSData *address6 = [NSData dataWithBytes:&nativeAddr6 length:sizeof(nativeAddr6)];
+ addresses = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:2];
+ [addresses addObject:address4];
+ [addresses addObject:address6];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ NSString *portStr = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%hu", port];
+ struct addrinfo hints, *res, *res0;
+ memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints));
+ hints.ai_family = PF_UNSPEC;
+ hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
+ hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP;
+ int gai_error = getaddrinfo([host UTF8String], [portStr UTF8String], &hints, &res0);
+ if (gai_error)
+ {
+ error = [self gaiError:gai_error];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ NSUInteger capacity = 0;
+ for (res = res0; res; res = res->ai_next)
+ {
+ if (res->ai_family == AF_INET || res->ai_family == AF_INET6) {
+ capacity++;
+ }
+ }
+ addresses = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:capacity];
+ for (res = res0; res; res = res->ai_next)
+ {
+ if (res->ai_family == AF_INET)
+ {
+ // Found IPv4 address.
+ // Wrap the native address structure, and add to results.
+ NSData *address4 = [NSData dataWithBytes:res->ai_addr length:res->ai_addrlen];
+ [addresses addObject:address4];
+ }
+ else if (res->ai_family == AF_INET6)
+ {
+ // Fixes connection issues with IPv6
+ // https://github.com/robbiehanson/CocoaAsyncSocket/issues/429#issuecomment-222477158
+ // Found IPv6 address.
+ // Wrap the native address structure, and add to results.
+ struct sockaddr_in6 *sockaddr = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)(void *)res->ai_addr;
+ in_port_t *portPtr = &sockaddr->sin6_port;
+ if ((portPtr != NULL) && (*portPtr == 0)) {
+ *portPtr = htons(port);
+ }
+ NSData *address6 = [NSData dataWithBytes:res->ai_addr length:res->ai_addrlen];
+ [addresses addObject:address6];
+ }
+ }
+ freeaddrinfo(res0);
+ if ([addresses count] == 0)
+ {
+ error = [self gaiError:EAI_FAIL];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (errPtr) *errPtr = error;
+ return addresses;
++ (NSString *)hostFromSockaddr4:(const struct sockaddr_in *)pSockaddr4
+ char addrBuf[INET_ADDRSTRLEN];
+ if (inet_ntop(AF_INET, &pSockaddr4->sin_addr, addrBuf, (socklen_t)sizeof(addrBuf)) == NULL)
+ {
+ addrBuf[0] = '\0';
+ }
+ return [NSString stringWithCString:addrBuf encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
++ (NSString *)hostFromSockaddr6:(const struct sockaddr_in6 *)pSockaddr6
+ char addrBuf[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
+ if (inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &pSockaddr6->sin6_addr, addrBuf, (socklen_t)sizeof(addrBuf)) == NULL)
+ {
+ addrBuf[0] = '\0';
+ }
+ return [NSString stringWithCString:addrBuf encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
++ (uint16_t)portFromSockaddr4:(const struct sockaddr_in *)pSockaddr4
+ return ntohs(pSockaddr4->sin_port);
++ (uint16_t)portFromSockaddr6:(const struct sockaddr_in6 *)pSockaddr6
+ return ntohs(pSockaddr6->sin6_port);
++ (NSURL *)urlFromSockaddrUN:(const struct sockaddr_un *)pSockaddr
+ NSString *path = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:pSockaddr->sun_path];
+ return [NSURL fileURLWithPath:path];
++ (NSString *)hostFromAddress:(NSData *)address
+ NSString *host;
+ if ([self getHost:&host port:NULL fromAddress:address])
+ return host;
+ else
+ return nil;
++ (uint16_t)portFromAddress:(NSData *)address
+ uint16_t port;
+ if ([self getHost:NULL port:&port fromAddress:address])
+ return port;
+ else
+ return 0;
++ (BOOL)isIPv4Address:(NSData *)address
+ if ([address length] >= sizeof(struct sockaddr))
+ {
+ const struct sockaddr *sockaddrX = [address bytes];
+ if (sockaddrX->sa_family == AF_INET) {
+ return YES;
+ }
+ }
+ return NO;
++ (BOOL)isIPv6Address:(NSData *)address
+ if ([address length] >= sizeof(struct sockaddr))
+ {
+ const struct sockaddr *sockaddrX = [address bytes];
+ if (sockaddrX->sa_family == AF_INET6) {
+ return YES;
+ }
+ }
+ return NO;
++ (BOOL)getHost:(NSString **)hostPtr port:(uint16_t *)portPtr fromAddress:(NSData *)address
+ return [self getHost:hostPtr port:portPtr family:NULL fromAddress:address];
++ (BOOL)getHost:(NSString **)hostPtr port:(uint16_t *)portPtr family:(sa_family_t *)afPtr fromAddress:(NSData *)address
+ if ([address length] >= sizeof(struct sockaddr))
+ {
+ const struct sockaddr *sockaddrX = [address bytes];
+ if (sockaddrX->sa_family == AF_INET)
+ {
+ if ([address length] >= sizeof(struct sockaddr_in))
+ {
+ struct sockaddr_in sockaddr4;
+ memcpy(&sockaddr4, sockaddrX, sizeof(sockaddr4));
+ if (hostPtr) *hostPtr = [self hostFromSockaddr4:&sockaddr4];
+ if (portPtr) *portPtr = [self portFromSockaddr4:&sockaddr4];
+ if (afPtr) *afPtr = AF_INET;
+ return YES;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (sockaddrX->sa_family == AF_INET6)
+ {
+ if ([address length] >= sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6))
+ {
+ struct sockaddr_in6 sockaddr6;
+ memcpy(&sockaddr6, sockaddrX, sizeof(sockaddr6));
+ if (hostPtr) *hostPtr = [self hostFromSockaddr6:&sockaddr6];
+ if (portPtr) *portPtr = [self portFromSockaddr6:&sockaddr6];
+ if (afPtr) *afPtr = AF_INET6;
+ return YES;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return NO;
++ (NSData *)CRLFData
+ return [NSData dataWithBytes:"\x0D\x0A" length:2];
++ (NSData *)CRData
+ return [NSData dataWithBytes:"\x0D" length:1];
++ (NSData *)LFData
+ return [NSData dataWithBytes:"\x0A" length:1];
++ (NSData *)ZeroData
+ return [NSData dataWithBytes:"" length:1];
diff --git a/ios/Pods/CocoaAsyncSocket/Source/GCD/GCDAsyncUdpSocket.h b/ios/Pods/CocoaAsyncSocket/Source/GCD/GCDAsyncUdpSocket.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c98a44803
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ios/Pods/CocoaAsyncSocket/Source/GCD/GCDAsyncUdpSocket.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1024 @@
+// GCDAsyncUdpSocket
+// This class is in the public domain.
+// Originally created by Robbie Hanson of Deusty LLC.
+// Updated and maintained by Deusty LLC and the Apple development community.
+// https://github.com/robbiehanson/CocoaAsyncSocket
+extern NSString *const GCDAsyncUdpSocketException;
+extern NSString *const GCDAsyncUdpSocketErrorDomain;
+extern NSString *const GCDAsyncUdpSocketQueueName;
+extern NSString *const GCDAsyncUdpSocketThreadName;
+typedef NS_ERROR_ENUM(GCDAsyncUdpSocketErrorDomain, GCDAsyncUdpSocketError) {
+ GCDAsyncUdpSocketNoError = 0, // Never used
+ GCDAsyncUdpSocketBadConfigError, // Invalid configuration
+ GCDAsyncUdpSocketBadParamError, // Invalid parameter was passed
+ GCDAsyncUdpSocketSendTimeoutError, // A send operation timed out
+ GCDAsyncUdpSocketClosedError, // The socket was closed
+ GCDAsyncUdpSocketOtherError, // Description provided in userInfo
+#pragma mark -
+@class GCDAsyncUdpSocket;
+@protocol GCDAsyncUdpSocketDelegate
+ * By design, UDP is a connectionless protocol, and connecting is not needed.
+ * However, you may optionally choose to connect to a particular host for reasons
+ * outlined in the documentation for the various connect methods listed above.
+ *
+ * This method is called if one of the connect methods are invoked, and the connection is successful.
+- (void)udpSocket:(GCDAsyncUdpSocket *)sock didConnectToAddress:(NSData *)address;
+ * By design, UDP is a connectionless protocol, and connecting is not needed.
+ * However, you may optionally choose to connect to a particular host for reasons
+ * outlined in the documentation for the various connect methods listed above.
+ *
+ * This method is called if one of the connect methods are invoked, and the connection fails.
+ * This may happen, for example, if a domain name is given for the host and the domain name is unable to be resolved.
+- (void)udpSocket:(GCDAsyncUdpSocket *)sock didNotConnect:(NSError * _Nullable)error;
+ * Called when the datagram with the given tag has been sent.
+- (void)udpSocket:(GCDAsyncUdpSocket *)sock didSendDataWithTag:(long)tag;
+ * Called if an error occurs while trying to send a datagram.
+ * This could be due to a timeout, or something more serious such as the data being too large to fit in a sigle packet.
+- (void)udpSocket:(GCDAsyncUdpSocket *)sock didNotSendDataWithTag:(long)tag dueToError:(NSError * _Nullable)error;
+ * Called when the socket has received the requested datagram.
+- (void)udpSocket:(GCDAsyncUdpSocket *)sock didReceiveData:(NSData *)data
+ fromAddress:(NSData *)address
+ withFilterContext:(nullable id)filterContext;
+ * Called when the socket is closed.
+- (void)udpSocketDidClose:(GCDAsyncUdpSocket *)sock withError:(NSError * _Nullable)error;
+ * You may optionally set a receive filter for the socket.
+ * A filter can provide several useful features:
+ *
+ * 1. Many times udp packets need to be parsed.
+ * Since the filter can run in its own independent queue, you can parallelize this parsing quite easily.
+ * The end result is a parallel socket io, datagram parsing, and packet processing.
+ *
+ * 2. Many times udp packets are discarded because they are duplicate/unneeded/unsolicited.
+ * The filter can prevent such packets from arriving at the delegate.
+ * And because the filter can run in its own independent queue, this doesn't slow down the delegate.
+ *
+ * - Since the udp protocol does not guarantee delivery, udp packets may be lost.
+ * Many protocols built atop udp thus provide various resend/re-request algorithms.
+ * This sometimes results in duplicate packets arriving.
+ * A filter may allow you to architect the duplicate detection code to run in parallel to normal processing.
+ *
+ * - Since the udp socket may be connectionless, its possible for unsolicited packets to arrive.
+ * Such packets need to be ignored.
+ *
+ * 3. Sometimes traffic shapers are needed to simulate real world environments.
+ * A filter allows you to write custom code to simulate such environments.
+ * The ability to code this yourself is especially helpful when your simulated environment
+ * is more complicated than simple traffic shaping (e.g. simulating a cone port restricted router),
+ * or the system tools to handle this aren't available (e.g. on a mobile device).
+ *
+ * @param data - The packet that was received.
+ * @param address - The address the data was received from.
+ * See utilities section for methods to extract info from address.
+ * @param context - Out parameter you may optionally set, which will then be passed to the delegate method.
+ * For example, filter block can parse the data and then,
+ * pass the parsed data to the delegate.
+ *
+ * @returns - YES if the received packet should be passed onto the delegate.
+ * NO if the received packet should be discarded, and not reported to the delegete.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ *
+ * GCDAsyncUdpSocketReceiveFilterBlock filter = ^BOOL (NSData *data, NSData *address, id *context) {
+ *
+ * MyProtocolMessage *msg = [MyProtocol parseMessage:data];
+ *
+ * *context = response;
+ * return (response != nil);
+ * };
+ * [udpSocket setReceiveFilter:filter withQueue:myParsingQueue];
+ *
+typedef BOOL (^GCDAsyncUdpSocketReceiveFilterBlock)(NSData *data, NSData *address, id __nullable * __nonnull context);
+ * You may optionally set a send filter for the socket.
+ * A filter can provide several interesting possibilities:
+ *
+ * 1. Optional caching of resolved addresses for domain names.
+ * The cache could later be consulted, resulting in fewer system calls to getaddrinfo.
+ *
+ * 2. Reusable modules of code for bandwidth monitoring.
+ *
+ * 3. Sometimes traffic shapers are needed to simulate real world environments.
+ * A filter allows you to write custom code to simulate such environments.
+ * The ability to code this yourself is especially helpful when your simulated environment
+ * is more complicated than simple traffic shaping (e.g. simulating a cone port restricted router),
+ * or the system tools to handle this aren't available (e.g. on a mobile device).
+ *
+ * @param data - The packet that was received.
+ * @param address - The address the data was received from.
+ * See utilities section for methods to extract info from address.
+ * @param tag - The tag that was passed in the send method.
+ *
+ * @returns - YES if the packet should actually be sent over the socket.
+ * NO if the packet should be silently dropped (not sent over the socket).
+ *
+ * Regardless of the return value, the delegate will be informed that the packet was successfully sent.
+ *
+typedef BOOL (^GCDAsyncUdpSocketSendFilterBlock)(NSData *data, NSData *address, long tag);
+@interface GCDAsyncUdpSocket : NSObject
+ * GCDAsyncUdpSocket uses the standard delegate paradigm,
+ * but executes all delegate callbacks on a given delegate dispatch queue.
+ * This allows for maximum concurrency, while at the same time providing easy thread safety.
+ *
+ * You MUST set a delegate AND delegate dispatch queue before attempting to
+ * use the socket, or you will get an error.
+ *
+ * The socket queue is optional.
+ * If you pass NULL, GCDAsyncSocket will automatically create its own socket queue.
+ * If you choose to provide a socket queue, the socket queue must not be a concurrent queue,
+ * then please see the discussion for the method markSocketQueueTargetQueue.
+ *
+ * The delegate queue and socket queue can optionally be the same.
+- (instancetype)init;
+- (instancetype)initWithSocketQueue:(nullable dispatch_queue_t)sq;
+- (instancetype)initWithDelegate:(nullable id)aDelegate delegateQueue:(nullable dispatch_queue_t)dq;
+- (instancetype)initWithDelegate:(nullable id)aDelegate delegateQueue:(nullable dispatch_queue_t)dq socketQueue:(nullable dispatch_queue_t)sq NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;
+#pragma mark Configuration
+- (nullable id)delegate;
+- (void)setDelegate:(nullable id)delegate;
+- (void)synchronouslySetDelegate:(nullable id)delegate;
+- (nullable dispatch_queue_t)delegateQueue;
+- (void)setDelegateQueue:(nullable dispatch_queue_t)delegateQueue;
+- (void)synchronouslySetDelegateQueue:(nullable dispatch_queue_t)delegateQueue;
+- (void)getDelegate:(id __nullable * __nullable)delegatePtr delegateQueue:(dispatch_queue_t __nullable * __nullable)delegateQueuePtr;
+- (void)setDelegate:(nullable id)delegate delegateQueue:(nullable dispatch_queue_t)delegateQueue;
+- (void)synchronouslySetDelegate:(nullable id)delegate delegateQueue:(nullable dispatch_queue_t)delegateQueue;
+ * By default, both IPv4 and IPv6 are enabled.
+ *
+ * This means GCDAsyncUdpSocket automatically supports both protocols,
+ * and can send to IPv4 or IPv6 addresses,
+ * as well as receive over IPv4 and IPv6.
+ *
+ * For operations that require DNS resolution, GCDAsyncUdpSocket supports both IPv4 and IPv6.
+ * If a DNS lookup returns only IPv4 results, GCDAsyncUdpSocket will automatically use IPv4.
+ * If a DNS lookup returns only IPv6 results, GCDAsyncUdpSocket will automatically use IPv6.
+ * If a DNS lookup returns both IPv4 and IPv6 results, then the protocol used depends on the configured preference.
+ * If IPv4 is preferred, then IPv4 is used.
+ * If IPv6 is preferred, then IPv6 is used.
+ * If neutral, then the first IP version in the resolved array will be used.
+ *
+ * Starting with Mac OS X 10.7 Lion and iOS 5, the default IP preference is neutral.
+ * On prior systems the default IP preference is IPv4.
+ **/
+- (BOOL)isIPv4Enabled;
+- (void)setIPv4Enabled:(BOOL)flag;
+- (BOOL)isIPv6Enabled;
+- (void)setIPv6Enabled:(BOOL)flag;
+- (BOOL)isIPv4Preferred;
+- (BOOL)isIPv6Preferred;
+- (BOOL)isIPVersionNeutral;
+- (void)setPreferIPv4;
+- (void)setPreferIPv6;
+- (void)setIPVersionNeutral;
+ * Gets/Sets the maximum size of the buffer that will be allocated for receive operations.
+ * The default maximum size is 65535 bytes.
+ *
+ * The theoretical maximum size of any IPv4 UDP packet is UINT16_MAX = 65535.
+ * The theoretical maximum size of any IPv6 UDP packet is UINT32_MAX = 4294967295.
+ *
+ * Since the OS/GCD notifies us of the size of each received UDP packet,
+ * the actual allocated buffer size for each packet is exact.
+ * And in practice the size of UDP packets is generally much smaller than the max.
+ * Indeed most protocols will send and receive packets of only a few bytes,
+ * or will set a limit on the size of packets to prevent fragmentation in the IP layer.
+ *
+ * If you set the buffer size too small, the sockets API in the OS will silently discard
+ * any extra data, and you will not be notified of the error.
+- (uint16_t)maxReceiveIPv4BufferSize;
+- (void)setMaxReceiveIPv4BufferSize:(uint16_t)max;
+- (uint32_t)maxReceiveIPv6BufferSize;
+- (void)setMaxReceiveIPv6BufferSize:(uint32_t)max;
+ * Gets/Sets the maximum size of the buffer that will be allocated for send operations.
+ * The default maximum size is 65535 bytes.
+ *
+ * Given that a typical link MTU is 1500 bytes, a large UDP datagram will have to be
+ * fragmented, and that’s both expensive and risky (if one fragment goes missing, the
+ * entire datagram is lost). You are much better off sending a large number of smaller
+ * UDP datagrams, preferably using a path MTU algorithm to avoid fragmentation.
+ *
+ * You must set it before the sockt is created otherwise it won't work.
+ *
+ **/
+- (uint16_t)maxSendBufferSize;
+- (void)setMaxSendBufferSize:(uint16_t)max;
+ * User data allows you to associate arbitrary information with the socket.
+ * This data is not used internally in any way.
+- (nullable id)userData;
+- (void)setUserData:(nullable id)arbitraryUserData;
+#pragma mark Diagnostics
+ * Returns the local address info for the socket.
+ *
+ * The localAddress method returns a sockaddr structure wrapped in a NSData object.
+ * The localHost method returns the human readable IP address as a string.
+ *
+ * Note: Address info may not be available until after the socket has been binded, connected
+ * or until after data has been sent.
+- (nullable NSData *)localAddress;
+- (nullable NSString *)localHost;
+- (uint16_t)localPort;
+- (nullable NSData *)localAddress_IPv4;
+- (nullable NSString *)localHost_IPv4;
+- (uint16_t)localPort_IPv4;
+- (nullable NSData *)localAddress_IPv6;
+- (nullable NSString *)localHost_IPv6;
+- (uint16_t)localPort_IPv6;
+ * Returns the remote address info for the socket.
+ *
+ * The connectedAddress method returns a sockaddr structure wrapped in a NSData object.
+ * The connectedHost method returns the human readable IP address as a string.
+ *
+ * Note: Since UDP is connectionless by design, connected address info
+ * will not be available unless the socket is explicitly connected to a remote host/port.
+ * If the socket is not connected, these methods will return nil / 0.
+- (nullable NSData *)connectedAddress;
+- (nullable NSString *)connectedHost;
+- (uint16_t)connectedPort;
+ * Returns whether or not this socket has been connected to a single host.
+ * By design, UDP is a connectionless protocol, and connecting is not needed.
+ * If connected, the socket will only be able to send/receive data to/from the connected host.
+- (BOOL)isConnected;
+ * Returns whether or not this socket has been closed.
+ * The only way a socket can be closed is if you explicitly call one of the close methods.
+- (BOOL)isClosed;
+ * Returns whether or not this socket is IPv4.
+ *
+ * By default this will be true, unless:
+ * - IPv4 is disabled (via setIPv4Enabled:)
+ * - The socket is explicitly bound to an IPv6 address
+ * - The socket is connected to an IPv6 address
+- (BOOL)isIPv4;
+ * Returns whether or not this socket is IPv6.
+ *
+ * By default this will be true, unless:
+ * - IPv6 is disabled (via setIPv6Enabled:)
+ * - The socket is explicitly bound to an IPv4 address
+ * _ The socket is connected to an IPv4 address
+ *
+ * This method will also return false on platforms that do not support IPv6.
+ * Note: The iPhone does not currently support IPv6.
+- (BOOL)isIPv6;
+#pragma mark Binding
+ * Binds the UDP socket to the given port.
+ * Binding should be done for server sockets that receive data prior to sending it.
+ * Client sockets can skip binding,
+ * as the OS will automatically assign the socket an available port when it starts sending data.
+ *
+ * You may optionally pass a port number of zero to immediately bind the socket,
+ * yet still allow the OS to automatically assign an available port.
+ *
+ * You cannot bind a socket after its been connected.
+ * You can only bind a socket once.
+ * You can still connect a socket (if desired) after binding.
+ *
+ * On success, returns YES.
+ * Otherwise returns NO, and sets errPtr. If you don't care about the error, you can pass NULL for errPtr.
+- (BOOL)bindToPort:(uint16_t)port error:(NSError **)errPtr;
+ * Binds the UDP socket to the given port and optional interface.
+ * Binding should be done for server sockets that receive data prior to sending it.
+ * Client sockets can skip binding,
+ * as the OS will automatically assign the socket an available port when it starts sending data.
+ *
+ * You may optionally pass a port number of zero to immediately bind the socket,
+ * yet still allow the OS to automatically assign an available port.
+ *
+ * The interface may be a name (e.g. "en1" or "lo0") or the corresponding IP address (e.g. "").
+ * You may also use the special strings "localhost" or "loopback" to specify that
+ * the socket only accept packets from the local machine.
+ *
+ * You cannot bind a socket after its been connected.
+ * You can only bind a socket once.
+ * You can still connect a socket (if desired) after binding.
+ *
+ * On success, returns YES.
+ * Otherwise returns NO, and sets errPtr. If you don't care about the error, you can pass NULL for errPtr.
+- (BOOL)bindToPort:(uint16_t)port interface:(nullable NSString *)interface error:(NSError **)errPtr;
+ * Binds the UDP socket to the given address, specified as a sockaddr structure wrapped in a NSData object.
+ *
+ * If you have an existing struct sockaddr you can convert it to a NSData object like so:
+ * struct sockaddr sa -> NSData *dsa = [NSData dataWithBytes:&remoteAddr length:remoteAddr.sa_len];
+ * struct sockaddr *sa -> NSData *dsa = [NSData dataWithBytes:remoteAddr length:remoteAddr->sa_len];
+ *
+ * Binding should be done for server sockets that receive data prior to sending it.
+ * Client sockets can skip binding,
+ * as the OS will automatically assign the socket an available port when it starts sending data.
+ *
+ * You cannot bind a socket after its been connected.
+ * You can only bind a socket once.
+ * You can still connect a socket (if desired) after binding.
+ *
+ * On success, returns YES.
+ * Otherwise returns NO, and sets errPtr. If you don't care about the error, you can pass NULL for errPtr.
+- (BOOL)bindToAddress:(NSData *)localAddr error:(NSError **)errPtr;
+#pragma mark Connecting
+ * Connects the UDP socket to the given host and port.
+ * By design, UDP is a connectionless protocol, and connecting is not needed.
+ *
+ * Choosing to connect to a specific host/port has the following effect:
+ * - You will only be able to send data to the connected host/port.
+ * - You will only be able to receive data from the connected host/port.
+ * - You will receive ICMP messages that come from the connected host/port, such as "connection refused".
+ *
+ * The actual process of connecting a UDP socket does not result in any communication on the socket.
+ * It simply changes the internal state of the socket.
+ *
+ * You cannot bind a socket after it has been connected.
+ * You can only connect a socket once.
+ *
+ * The host may be a domain name (e.g. "deusty.com") or an IP address string (e.g. "").
+ *
+ * This method is asynchronous as it requires a DNS lookup to resolve the given host name.
+ * If an obvious error is detected, this method immediately returns NO and sets errPtr.
+ * If you don't care about the error, you can pass nil for errPtr.
+ * Otherwise, this method returns YES and begins the asynchronous connection process.
+ * The result of the asynchronous connection process will be reported via the delegate methods.
+ **/
+- (BOOL)connectToHost:(NSString *)host onPort:(uint16_t)port error:(NSError **)errPtr;
+ * Connects the UDP socket to the given address, specified as a sockaddr structure wrapped in a NSData object.
+ *
+ * If you have an existing struct sockaddr you can convert it to a NSData object like so:
+ * struct sockaddr sa -> NSData *dsa = [NSData dataWithBytes:&remoteAddr length:remoteAddr.sa_len];
+ * struct sockaddr *sa -> NSData *dsa = [NSData dataWithBytes:remoteAddr length:remoteAddr->sa_len];
+ *
+ * By design, UDP is a connectionless protocol, and connecting is not needed.
+ *
+ * Choosing to connect to a specific address has the following effect:
+ * - You will only be able to send data to the connected address.
+ * - You will only be able to receive data from the connected address.
+ * - You will receive ICMP messages that come from the connected address, such as "connection refused".
+ *
+ * Connecting a UDP socket does not result in any communication on the socket.
+ * It simply changes the internal state of the socket.
+ *
+ * You cannot bind a socket after its been connected.
+ * You can only connect a socket once.
+ *
+ * On success, returns YES.
+ * Otherwise returns NO, and sets errPtr. If you don't care about the error, you can pass nil for errPtr.
+ *
+ * Note: Unlike the connectToHost:onPort:error: method, this method does not require a DNS lookup.
+ * Thus when this method returns, the connection has either failed or fully completed.
+ * In other words, this method is synchronous, unlike the asynchronous connectToHost::: method.
+ * However, for compatibility and simplification of delegate code, if this method returns YES
+ * then the corresponding delegate method (udpSocket:didConnectToHost:port:) is still invoked.
+- (BOOL)connectToAddress:(NSData *)remoteAddr error:(NSError **)errPtr;
+#pragma mark Multicast
+ * Join multicast group.
+ * Group should be an IP address (eg @"").
+ *
+ * On success, returns YES.
+ * Otherwise returns NO, and sets errPtr. If you don't care about the error, you can pass nil for errPtr.
+- (BOOL)joinMulticastGroup:(NSString *)group error:(NSError **)errPtr;
+ * Join multicast group.
+ * Group should be an IP address (eg @"").
+ * The interface may be a name (e.g. "en1" or "lo0") or the corresponding IP address (e.g. "").
+ *
+ * On success, returns YES.
+ * Otherwise returns NO, and sets errPtr. If you don't care about the error, you can pass nil for errPtr.
+- (BOOL)joinMulticastGroup:(NSString *)group onInterface:(nullable NSString *)interface error:(NSError **)errPtr;
+- (BOOL)leaveMulticastGroup:(NSString *)group error:(NSError **)errPtr;
+- (BOOL)leaveMulticastGroup:(NSString *)group onInterface:(nullable NSString *)interface error:(NSError **)errPtr;
+#pragma mark Reuse Port
+ * By default, only one socket can be bound to a given IP address + port at a time.
+ * To enable multiple processes to simultaneously bind to the same address+port,
+ * you need to enable this functionality in the socket. All processes that wish to
+ * use the address+port simultaneously must all enable reuse port on the socket
+ * bound to that port.
+ **/
+- (BOOL)enableReusePort:(BOOL)flag error:(NSError **)errPtr;
+#pragma mark Broadcast
+ * By default, the underlying socket in the OS will not allow you to send broadcast messages.
+ * In order to send broadcast messages, you need to enable this functionality in the socket.
+ *
+ * A broadcast is a UDP message to addresses like "" or "" that is
+ * delivered to every host on the network.
+ * The reason this is generally disabled by default (by the OS) is to prevent
+ * accidental broadcast messages from flooding the network.
+- (BOOL)enableBroadcast:(BOOL)flag error:(NSError **)errPtr;
+#pragma mark Sending
+ * Asynchronously sends the given data, with the given timeout and tag.
+ *
+ * This method may only be used with a connected socket.
+ * Recall that connecting is optional for a UDP socket.
+ * For connected sockets, data can only be sent to the connected address.
+ * For non-connected sockets, the remote destination is specified for each packet.
+ * For more information about optionally connecting udp sockets, see the documentation for the connect methods above.
+ *
+ * @param data
+ * The data to send.
+ * If data is nil or zero-length, this method does nothing.
+ * If passing NSMutableData, please read the thread-safety notice below.
+ *
+ * @param timeout
+ * The timeout for the send opeartion.
+ * If the timeout value is negative, the send operation will not use a timeout.
+ *
+ * @param tag
+ * The tag is for your convenience.
+ * It is not sent or received over the socket in any manner what-so-ever.
+ * It is reported back as a parameter in the udpSocket:didSendDataWithTag:
+ * or udpSocket:didNotSendDataWithTag:dueToError: methods.
+ * You can use it as an array index, state id, type constant, etc.
+ *
+ *
+ * Thread-Safety Note:
+ * If the given data parameter is mutable (NSMutableData) then you MUST NOT alter the data while
+ * the socket is sending it. In other words, it's not safe to alter the data until after the delegate method
+ * udpSocket:didSendDataWithTag: or udpSocket:didNotSendDataWithTag:dueToError: is invoked signifying
+ * that this particular send operation has completed.
+ * This is due to the fact that GCDAsyncUdpSocket does NOT copy the data.
+ * It simply retains it for performance reasons.
+ * Often times, if NSMutableData is passed, it is because a request/response was built up in memory.
+ * Copying this data adds an unwanted/unneeded overhead.
+ * If you need to write data from an immutable buffer, and you need to alter the buffer before the socket
+ * completes sending the bytes (which is NOT immediately after this method returns, but rather at a later time
+ * when the delegate method notifies you), then you should first copy the bytes, and pass the copy to this method.
+- (void)sendData:(NSData *)data withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout tag:(long)tag;
+ * Asynchronously sends the given data, with the given timeout and tag, to the given host and port.
+ *
+ * This method cannot be used with a connected socket.
+ * Recall that connecting is optional for a UDP socket.
+ * For connected sockets, data can only be sent to the connected address.
+ * For non-connected sockets, the remote destination is specified for each packet.
+ * For more information about optionally connecting udp sockets, see the documentation for the connect methods above.
+ *
+ * @param data
+ * The data to send.
+ * If data is nil or zero-length, this method does nothing.
+ * If passing NSMutableData, please read the thread-safety notice below.
+ *
+ * @param host
+ * The destination to send the udp packet to.
+ * May be specified as a domain name (e.g. "deusty.com") or an IP address string (e.g. "").
+ * You may also use the convenience strings of "loopback" or "localhost".
+ *
+ * @param port
+ * The port of the host to send to.
+ *
+ * @param timeout
+ * The timeout for the send opeartion.
+ * If the timeout value is negative, the send operation will not use a timeout.
+ *
+ * @param tag
+ * The tag is for your convenience.
+ * It is not sent or received over the socket in any manner what-so-ever.
+ * It is reported back as a parameter in the udpSocket:didSendDataWithTag:
+ * or udpSocket:didNotSendDataWithTag:dueToError: methods.
+ * You can use it as an array index, state id, type constant, etc.
+ *
+ *
+ * Thread-Safety Note:
+ * If the given data parameter is mutable (NSMutableData) then you MUST NOT alter the data while
+ * the socket is sending it. In other words, it's not safe to alter the data until after the delegate method
+ * udpSocket:didSendDataWithTag: or udpSocket:didNotSendDataWithTag:dueToError: is invoked signifying
+ * that this particular send operation has completed.
+ * This is due to the fact that GCDAsyncUdpSocket does NOT copy the data.
+ * It simply retains it for performance reasons.
+ * Often times, if NSMutableData is passed, it is because a request/response was built up in memory.
+ * Copying this data adds an unwanted/unneeded overhead.
+ * If you need to write data from an immutable buffer, and you need to alter the buffer before the socket
+ * completes sending the bytes (which is NOT immediately after this method returns, but rather at a later time
+ * when the delegate method notifies you), then you should first copy the bytes, and pass the copy to this method.
+- (void)sendData:(NSData *)data
+ toHost:(NSString *)host
+ port:(uint16_t)port
+ withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout
+ tag:(long)tag;
+ * Asynchronously sends the given data, with the given timeout and tag, to the given address.
+ *
+ * This method cannot be used with a connected socket.
+ * Recall that connecting is optional for a UDP socket.
+ * For connected sockets, data can only be sent to the connected address.
+ * For non-connected sockets, the remote destination is specified for each packet.
+ * For more information about optionally connecting udp sockets, see the documentation for the connect methods above.
+ *
+ * @param data
+ * The data to send.
+ * If data is nil or zero-length, this method does nothing.
+ * If passing NSMutableData, please read the thread-safety notice below.
+ *
+ * @param remoteAddr
+ * The address to send the data to (specified as a sockaddr structure wrapped in a NSData object).
+ *
+ * @param timeout
+ * The timeout for the send opeartion.
+ * If the timeout value is negative, the send operation will not use a timeout.
+ *
+ * @param tag
+ * The tag is for your convenience.
+ * It is not sent or received over the socket in any manner what-so-ever.
+ * It is reported back as a parameter in the udpSocket:didSendDataWithTag:
+ * or udpSocket:didNotSendDataWithTag:dueToError: methods.
+ * You can use it as an array index, state id, type constant, etc.
+ *
+ *
+ * Thread-Safety Note:
+ * If the given data parameter is mutable (NSMutableData) then you MUST NOT alter the data while
+ * the socket is sending it. In other words, it's not safe to alter the data until after the delegate method
+ * udpSocket:didSendDataWithTag: or udpSocket:didNotSendDataWithTag:dueToError: is invoked signifying
+ * that this particular send operation has completed.
+ * This is due to the fact that GCDAsyncUdpSocket does NOT copy the data.
+ * It simply retains it for performance reasons.
+ * Often times, if NSMutableData is passed, it is because a request/response was built up in memory.
+ * Copying this data adds an unwanted/unneeded overhead.
+ * If you need to write data from an immutable buffer, and you need to alter the buffer before the socket
+ * completes sending the bytes (which is NOT immediately after this method returns, but rather at a later time
+ * when the delegate method notifies you), then you should first copy the bytes, and pass the copy to this method.
+- (void)sendData:(NSData *)data toAddress:(NSData *)remoteAddr withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout tag:(long)tag;
+ * You may optionally set a send filter for the socket.
+ * A filter can provide several interesting possibilities:
+ *
+ * 1. Optional caching of resolved addresses for domain names.
+ * The cache could later be consulted, resulting in fewer system calls to getaddrinfo.
+ *
+ * 2. Reusable modules of code for bandwidth monitoring.
+ *
+ * 3. Sometimes traffic shapers are needed to simulate real world environments.
+ * A filter allows you to write custom code to simulate such environments.
+ * The ability to code this yourself is especially helpful when your simulated environment
+ * is more complicated than simple traffic shaping (e.g. simulating a cone port restricted router),
+ * or the system tools to handle this aren't available (e.g. on a mobile device).
+ *
+ * For more information about GCDAsyncUdpSocketSendFilterBlock, see the documentation for its typedef.
+ * To remove a previously set filter, invoke this method and pass a nil filterBlock and NULL filterQueue.
+ *
+ * Note: This method invokes setSendFilter:withQueue:isAsynchronous: (documented below),
+ * passing YES for the isAsynchronous parameter.
+- (void)setSendFilter:(nullable GCDAsyncUdpSocketSendFilterBlock)filterBlock withQueue:(nullable dispatch_queue_t)filterQueue;
+ * The receive filter can be run via dispatch_async or dispatch_sync.
+ * Most typical situations call for asynchronous operation.
+ *
+ * However, there are a few situations in which synchronous operation is preferred.
+ * Such is the case when the filter is extremely minimal and fast.
+ * This is because dispatch_sync is faster than dispatch_async.
+ *
+ * If you choose synchronous operation, be aware of possible deadlock conditions.
+ * Since the socket queue is executing your block via dispatch_sync,
+ * then you cannot perform any tasks which may invoke dispatch_sync on the socket queue.
+ * For example, you can't query properties on the socket.
+- (void)setSendFilter:(nullable GCDAsyncUdpSocketSendFilterBlock)filterBlock
+ withQueue:(nullable dispatch_queue_t)filterQueue
+ isAsynchronous:(BOOL)isAsynchronous;
+#pragma mark Receiving
+ * There are two modes of operation for receiving packets: one-at-a-time & continuous.
+ *
+ * In one-at-a-time mode, you call receiveOnce everytime your delegate is ready to process an incoming udp packet.
+ * Receiving packets one-at-a-time may be better suited for implementing certain state machine code,
+ * where your state machine may not always be ready to process incoming packets.
+ *
+ * In continuous mode, the delegate is invoked immediately everytime incoming udp packets are received.
+ * Receiving packets continuously is better suited to real-time streaming applications.
+ *
+ * You may switch back and forth between one-at-a-time mode and continuous mode.
+ * If the socket is currently in continuous mode, calling this method will switch it to one-at-a-time mode.
+ *
+ * When a packet is received (and not filtered by the optional receive filter),
+ * the delegate method (udpSocket:didReceiveData:fromAddress:withFilterContext:) is invoked.
+ *
+ * If the socket is able to begin receiving packets, this method returns YES.
+ * Otherwise it returns NO, and sets the errPtr with appropriate error information.
+ *
+ * An example error:
+ * You created a udp socket to act as a server, and immediately called receive.
+ * You forgot to first bind the socket to a port number, and received a error with a message like:
+ * "Must bind socket before you can receive data."
+- (BOOL)receiveOnce:(NSError **)errPtr;
+ * There are two modes of operation for receiving packets: one-at-a-time & continuous.
+ *
+ * In one-at-a-time mode, you call receiveOnce everytime your delegate is ready to process an incoming udp packet.
+ * Receiving packets one-at-a-time may be better suited for implementing certain state machine code,
+ * where your state machine may not always be ready to process incoming packets.
+ *
+ * In continuous mode, the delegate is invoked immediately everytime incoming udp packets are received.
+ * Receiving packets continuously is better suited to real-time streaming applications.
+ *
+ * You may switch back and forth between one-at-a-time mode and continuous mode.
+ * If the socket is currently in one-at-a-time mode, calling this method will switch it to continuous mode.
+ *
+ * For every received packet (not filtered by the optional receive filter),
+ * the delegate method (udpSocket:didReceiveData:fromAddress:withFilterContext:) is invoked.
+ *
+ * If the socket is able to begin receiving packets, this method returns YES.
+ * Otherwise it returns NO, and sets the errPtr with appropriate error information.
+ *
+ * An example error:
+ * You created a udp socket to act as a server, and immediately called receive.
+ * You forgot to first bind the socket to a port number, and received a error with a message like:
+ * "Must bind socket before you can receive data."
+- (BOOL)beginReceiving:(NSError **)errPtr;
+ * If the socket is currently receiving (beginReceiving has been called), this method pauses the receiving.
+ * That is, it won't read any more packets from the underlying OS socket until beginReceiving is called again.
+ *
+ * Important Note:
+ * GCDAsyncUdpSocket may be running in parallel with your code.
+ * That is, your delegate is likely running on a separate thread/dispatch_queue.
+ * When you invoke this method, GCDAsyncUdpSocket may have already dispatched delegate methods to be invoked.
+ * Thus, if those delegate methods have already been dispatch_async'd,
+ * your didReceive delegate method may still be invoked after this method has been called.
+ * You should be aware of this, and program defensively.
+- (void)pauseReceiving;
+ * You may optionally set a receive filter for the socket.
+ * This receive filter may be set to run in its own queue (independent of delegate queue).
+ *
+ * A filter can provide several useful features.
+ *
+ * 1. Many times udp packets need to be parsed.
+ * Since the filter can run in its own independent queue, you can parallelize this parsing quite easily.
+ * The end result is a parallel socket io, datagram parsing, and packet processing.
+ *
+ * 2. Many times udp packets are discarded because they are duplicate/unneeded/unsolicited.
+ * The filter can prevent such packets from arriving at the delegate.
+ * And because the filter can run in its own independent queue, this doesn't slow down the delegate.
+ *
+ * - Since the udp protocol does not guarantee delivery, udp packets may be lost.
+ * Many protocols built atop udp thus provide various resend/re-request algorithms.
+ * This sometimes results in duplicate packets arriving.
+ * A filter may allow you to architect the duplicate detection code to run in parallel to normal processing.
+ *
+ * - Since the udp socket may be connectionless, its possible for unsolicited packets to arrive.
+ * Such packets need to be ignored.
+ *
+ * 3. Sometimes traffic shapers are needed to simulate real world environments.
+ * A filter allows you to write custom code to simulate such environments.
+ * The ability to code this yourself is especially helpful when your simulated environment
+ * is more complicated than simple traffic shaping (e.g. simulating a cone port restricted router),
+ * or the system tools to handle this aren't available (e.g. on a mobile device).
+ *
+ * Example:
+ *
+ * GCDAsyncUdpSocketReceiveFilterBlock filter = ^BOOL (NSData *data, NSData *address, id *context) {
+ *
+ * MyProtocolMessage *msg = [MyProtocol parseMessage:data];
+ *
+ * *context = response;
+ * return (response != nil);
+ * };
+ * [udpSocket setReceiveFilter:filter withQueue:myParsingQueue];
+ *
+ * For more information about GCDAsyncUdpSocketReceiveFilterBlock, see the documentation for its typedef.
+ * To remove a previously set filter, invoke this method and pass a nil filterBlock and NULL filterQueue.
+ *
+ * Note: This method invokes setReceiveFilter:withQueue:isAsynchronous: (documented below),
+ * passing YES for the isAsynchronous parameter.
+- (void)setReceiveFilter:(nullable GCDAsyncUdpSocketReceiveFilterBlock)filterBlock withQueue:(nullable dispatch_queue_t)filterQueue;
+ * The receive filter can be run via dispatch_async or dispatch_sync.
+ * Most typical situations call for asynchronous operation.
+ *
+ * However, there are a few situations in which synchronous operation is preferred.
+ * Such is the case when the filter is extremely minimal and fast.
+ * This is because dispatch_sync is faster than dispatch_async.
+ *
+ * If you choose synchronous operation, be aware of possible deadlock conditions.
+ * Since the socket queue is executing your block via dispatch_sync,
+ * then you cannot perform any tasks which may invoke dispatch_sync on the socket queue.
+ * For example, you can't query properties on the socket.
+- (void)setReceiveFilter:(nullable GCDAsyncUdpSocketReceiveFilterBlock)filterBlock
+ withQueue:(nullable dispatch_queue_t)filterQueue
+ isAsynchronous:(BOOL)isAsynchronous;
+#pragma mark Closing
+ * Immediately closes the underlying socket.
+ * Any pending send operations are discarded.
+ *
+ * The GCDAsyncUdpSocket instance may optionally be used again.
+ * (it will setup/configure/use another unnderlying BSD socket).
+- (void)close;
+ * Closes the underlying socket after all pending send operations have been sent.
+ *
+ * The GCDAsyncUdpSocket instance may optionally be used again.
+ * (it will setup/configure/use another unnderlying BSD socket).
+- (void)closeAfterSending;
+#pragma mark Advanced
+ * GCDAsyncSocket maintains thread safety by using an internal serial dispatch_queue.
+ * In most cases, the instance creates this queue itself.
+ * However, to allow for maximum flexibility, the internal queue may be passed in the init method.
+ * This allows for some advanced options such as controlling socket priority via target queues.
+ * However, when one begins to use target queues like this, they open the door to some specific deadlock issues.
+ *
+ * For example, imagine there are 2 queues:
+ * dispatch_queue_t socketQueue;
+ * dispatch_queue_t socketTargetQueue;
+ *
+ * If you do this (pseudo-code):
+ * socketQueue.targetQueue = socketTargetQueue;
+ *
+ * Then all socketQueue operations will actually get run on the given socketTargetQueue.
+ * This is fine and works great in most situations.
+ * But if you run code directly from within the socketTargetQueue that accesses the socket,
+ * you could potentially get deadlock. Imagine the following code:
+ *
+ * - (BOOL)socketHasSomething
+ * {
+ * __block BOOL result = NO;
+ * dispatch_block_t block = ^{
+ * result = [self someInternalMethodToBeRunOnlyOnSocketQueue];
+ * }
+ * if (is_executing_on_queue(socketQueue))
+ * block();
+ * else
+ * dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
+ *
+ * return result;
+ * }
+ *
+ * What happens if you call this method from the socketTargetQueue? The result is deadlock.
+ * This is because the GCD API offers no mechanism to discover a queue's targetQueue.
+ * Thus we have no idea if our socketQueue is configured with a targetQueue.
+ * If we had this information, we could easily avoid deadlock.
+ * But, since these API's are missing or unfeasible, you'll have to explicitly set it.
+ *
+ * IF you pass a socketQueue via the init method,
+ * AND you've configured the passed socketQueue with a targetQueue,
+ * THEN you should pass the end queue in the target hierarchy.
+ *
+ * For example, consider the following queue hierarchy:
+ * socketQueue -> ipQueue -> moduleQueue
+ *
+ * This example demonstrates priority shaping within some server.
+ * All incoming client connections from the same IP address are executed on the same target queue.
+ * And all connections for a particular module are executed on the same target queue.
+ * Thus, the priority of all networking for the entire module can be changed on the fly.
+ * Additionally, networking traffic from a single IP cannot monopolize the module.
+ *
+ * Here's how you would accomplish something like that:
+ * - (dispatch_queue_t)newSocketQueueForConnectionFromAddress:(NSData *)address onSocket:(GCDAsyncSocket *)sock
+ * {
+ * dispatch_queue_t socketQueue = dispatch_queue_create("", NULL);
+ * dispatch_queue_t ipQueue = [self ipQueueForAddress:address];
+ *
+ * dispatch_set_target_queue(socketQueue, ipQueue);
+ * dispatch_set_target_queue(iqQueue, moduleQueue);
+ *
+ * return socketQueue;
+ * }
+ * - (void)socket:(GCDAsyncSocket *)sock didAcceptNewSocket:(GCDAsyncSocket *)newSocket
+ * {
+ * [clientConnections addObject:newSocket];
+ * [newSocket markSocketQueueTargetQueue:moduleQueue];
+ * }
+ *
+ * Note: This workaround is ONLY needed if you intend to execute code directly on the ipQueue or moduleQueue.
+ * This is often NOT the case, as such queues are used solely for execution shaping.
+ **/
+- (void)markSocketQueueTargetQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)socketQueuesPreConfiguredTargetQueue;
+- (void)unmarkSocketQueueTargetQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)socketQueuesPreviouslyConfiguredTargetQueue;
+ * It's not thread-safe to access certain variables from outside the socket's internal queue.
+ *
+ * For example, the socket file descriptor.
+ * File descriptors are simply integers which reference an index in the per-process file table.
+ * However, when one requests a new file descriptor (by opening a file or socket),
+ * the file descriptor returned is guaranteed to be the lowest numbered unused descriptor.
+ * So if we're not careful, the following could be possible:
+ *
+ * - Thread A invokes a method which returns the socket's file descriptor.
+ * - The socket is closed via the socket's internal queue on thread B.
+ * - Thread C opens a file, and subsequently receives the file descriptor that was previously the socket's FD.
+ * - Thread A is now accessing/altering the file instead of the socket.
+ *
+ * In addition to this, other variables are not actually objects,
+ * and thus cannot be retained/released or even autoreleased.
+ * An example is the sslContext, of type SSLContextRef, which is actually a malloc'd struct.
+ *
+ * Although there are internal variables that make it difficult to maintain thread-safety,
+ * it is important to provide access to these variables
+ * to ensure this class can be used in a wide array of environments.
+ * This method helps to accomplish this by invoking the current block on the socket's internal queue.
+ * The methods below can be invoked from within the block to access
+ * those generally thread-unsafe internal variables in a thread-safe manner.
+ * The given block will be invoked synchronously on the socket's internal queue.
+ *
+ * If you save references to any protected variables and use them outside the block, you do so at your own peril.
+- (void)performBlock:(dispatch_block_t)block;
+ * These methods are only available from within the context of a performBlock: invocation.
+ * See the documentation for the performBlock: method above.
+ *
+ * Provides access to the socket's file descriptor(s).
+ * If the socket isn't connected, or explicity bound to a particular interface,
+ * it might actually have multiple internal socket file descriptors - one for IPv4 and one for IPv6.
+- (int)socketFD;
+- (int)socket4FD;
+- (int)socket6FD;
+ * These methods are only available from within the context of a performBlock: invocation.
+ * See the documentation for the performBlock: method above.
+ *
+ * Returns (creating if necessary) a CFReadStream/CFWriteStream for the internal socket.
+ *
+ * Generally GCDAsyncUdpSocket doesn't use CFStream. (It uses the faster GCD API's.)
+ * However, if you need one for any reason,
+ * these methods are a convenient way to get access to a safe instance of one.
+- (nullable CFReadStreamRef)readStream;
+- (nullable CFWriteStreamRef)writeStream;
+ * This method is only available from within the context of a performBlock: invocation.
+ * See the documentation for the performBlock: method above.
+ *
+ * Configures the socket to allow it to operate when the iOS application has been backgrounded.
+ * In other words, this method creates a read & write stream, and invokes:
+ *
+ * CFReadStreamSetProperty(readStream, kCFStreamNetworkServiceType, kCFStreamNetworkServiceTypeVoIP);
+ * CFWriteStreamSetProperty(writeStream, kCFStreamNetworkServiceType, kCFStreamNetworkServiceTypeVoIP);
+ *
+ * Returns YES if successful, NO otherwise.
+ *
+ * Example usage:
+ *
+ * [asyncUdpSocket performBlock:^{
+ * [asyncUdpSocket enableBackgroundingOnSocket];
+ * }];
+ *
+ *
+ * NOTE : Apple doesn't currently support backgrounding UDP sockets. (Only TCP for now).
+//- (BOOL)enableBackgroundingOnSockets;
+#pragma mark Utilities
+ * Extracting host/port/family information from raw address data.
++ (nullable NSString *)hostFromAddress:(NSData *)address;
++ (uint16_t)portFromAddress:(NSData *)address;
++ (int)familyFromAddress:(NSData *)address;
++ (BOOL)isIPv4Address:(NSData *)address;
++ (BOOL)isIPv6Address:(NSData *)address;
++ (BOOL)getHost:(NSString * __nullable * __nullable)hostPtr port:(uint16_t * __nullable)portPtr fromAddress:(NSData *)address;
++ (BOOL)getHost:(NSString * __nullable * __nullable)hostPtr port:(uint16_t * __nullable)portPtr family:(int * __nullable)afPtr fromAddress:(NSData *)address;
diff --git a/ios/Pods/CocoaAsyncSocket/Source/GCD/GCDAsyncUdpSocket.m b/ios/Pods/CocoaAsyncSocket/Source/GCD/GCDAsyncUdpSocket.m
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..e29799136
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ios/Pods/CocoaAsyncSocket/Source/GCD/GCDAsyncUdpSocket.m
@@ -0,0 +1,5517 @@
+// GCDAsyncUdpSocket
+// This class is in the public domain.
+// Originally created by Robbie Hanson of Deusty LLC.
+// Updated and maintained by Deusty LLC and the Apple development community.
+// https://github.com/robbiehanson/CocoaAsyncSocket
+#import "GCDAsyncUdpSocket.h"
+#if ! __has_feature(objc_arc)
+#warning This file must be compiled with ARC. Use -fobjc-arc flag (or convert project to ARC).
+// For more information see: https://github.com/robbiehanson/CocoaAsyncSocket/wiki/ARC
+ #import
+ #import
+#if 0
+// Logging Enabled - See log level below
+// Logging uses the CocoaLumberjack framework (which is also GCD based).
+// https://github.com/robbiehanson/CocoaLumberjack
+// It allows us to do a lot of logging without significantly slowing down the code.
+#import "DDLog.h"
+#define LogAsync NO
+#define LogContext 65535
+#define LogObjc(flg, frmt, ...) LOG_OBJC_MAYBE(LogAsync, logLevel, flg, LogContext, frmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
+#define LogC(flg, frmt, ...) LOG_C_MAYBE(LogAsync, logLevel, flg, LogContext, frmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
+#define LogError(frmt, ...) LogObjc(LOG_FLAG_ERROR, (@"%@: " frmt), THIS_FILE, ##__VA_ARGS__)
+#define LogWarn(frmt, ...) LogObjc(LOG_FLAG_WARN, (@"%@: " frmt), THIS_FILE, ##__VA_ARGS__)
+#define LogInfo(frmt, ...) LogObjc(LOG_FLAG_INFO, (@"%@: " frmt), THIS_FILE, ##__VA_ARGS__)
+#define LogVerbose(frmt, ...) LogObjc(LOG_FLAG_VERBOSE, (@"%@: " frmt), THIS_FILE, ##__VA_ARGS__)
+#define LogCError(frmt, ...) LogC(LOG_FLAG_ERROR, (@"%@: " frmt), THIS_FILE, ##__VA_ARGS__)
+#define LogCWarn(frmt, ...) LogC(LOG_FLAG_WARN, (@"%@: " frmt), THIS_FILE, ##__VA_ARGS__)
+#define LogCInfo(frmt, ...) LogC(LOG_FLAG_INFO, (@"%@: " frmt), THIS_FILE, ##__VA_ARGS__)
+#define LogCVerbose(frmt, ...) LogC(LOG_FLAG_VERBOSE, (@"%@: " frmt), THIS_FILE, ##__VA_ARGS__)
+#define LogTrace() LogObjc(LOG_FLAG_VERBOSE, @"%@: %@", THIS_FILE, THIS_METHOD)
+#define LogCTrace() LogC(LOG_FLAG_VERBOSE, @"%@: %s", THIS_FILE, __FUNCTION__)
+// Log levels : off, error, warn, info, verbose
+static const int logLevel = LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE;
+// Logging Disabled
+#define LogError(frmt, ...) {}
+#define LogWarn(frmt, ...) {}
+#define LogInfo(frmt, ...) {}
+#define LogVerbose(frmt, ...) {}
+#define LogCError(frmt, ...) {}
+#define LogCWarn(frmt, ...) {}
+#define LogCInfo(frmt, ...) {}
+#define LogCVerbose(frmt, ...) {}
+#define LogTrace() {}
+#define LogCTrace(frmt, ...) {}
+ * Seeing a return statements within an inner block
+ * can sometimes be mistaken for a return point of the enclosing method.
+ * This makes inline blocks a bit easier to read.
+#define return_from_block return
+ * A socket file descriptor is really just an integer.
+ * It represents the index of the socket within the kernel.
+ * This makes invalid file descriptor comparisons easier to read.
+#define SOCKET_NULL -1
+ * Just to type less code.
+#define AutoreleasedBlock(block) ^{ @autoreleasepool { block(); }}
+@class GCDAsyncUdpSendPacket;
+NSString *const GCDAsyncUdpSocketException = @"GCDAsyncUdpSocketException";
+NSString *const GCDAsyncUdpSocketErrorDomain = @"GCDAsyncUdpSocketErrorDomain";
+NSString *const GCDAsyncUdpSocketQueueName = @"GCDAsyncUdpSocket";
+NSString *const GCDAsyncUdpSocketThreadName = @"GCDAsyncUdpSocket-CFStream";
+enum GCDAsyncUdpSocketFlags
+ kDidCreateSockets = 1 << 0, // If set, the sockets have been created.
+ kDidBind = 1 << 1, // If set, bind has been called.
+ kConnecting = 1 << 2, // If set, a connection attempt is in progress.
+ kDidConnect = 1 << 3, // If set, socket is connected.
+ kReceiveOnce = 1 << 4, // If set, one-at-a-time receive is enabled
+ kReceiveContinuous = 1 << 5, // If set, continuous receive is enabled
+ kIPv4Deactivated = 1 << 6, // If set, socket4 was closed due to bind or connect on IPv6.
+ kIPv6Deactivated = 1 << 7, // If set, socket6 was closed due to bind or connect on IPv4.
+ kSend4SourceSuspended = 1 << 8, // If set, send4Source is suspended.
+ kSend6SourceSuspended = 1 << 9, // If set, send6Source is suspended.
+ kReceive4SourceSuspended = 1 << 10, // If set, receive4Source is suspended.
+ kReceive6SourceSuspended = 1 << 11, // If set, receive6Source is suspended.
+ kSock4CanAcceptBytes = 1 << 12, // If set, we know socket4 can accept bytes. If unset, it's unknown.
+ kSock6CanAcceptBytes = 1 << 13, // If set, we know socket6 can accept bytes. If unset, it's unknown.
+ kForbidSendReceive = 1 << 14, // If set, no new send or receive operations are allowed to be queued.
+ kCloseAfterSends = 1 << 15, // If set, close as soon as no more sends are queued.
+ kFlipFlop = 1 << 16, // Used to alternate between IPv4 and IPv6 sockets.
+ kAddedStreamListener = 1 << 17, // If set, CFStreams have been added to listener thread
+enum GCDAsyncUdpSocketConfig
+ kIPv4Disabled = 1 << 0, // If set, IPv4 is disabled
+ kIPv6Disabled = 1 << 1, // If set, IPv6 is disabled
+ kPreferIPv4 = 1 << 2, // If set, IPv4 is preferred over IPv6
+ kPreferIPv6 = 1 << 3, // If set, IPv6 is preferred over IPv4
+#pragma mark -
+@interface GCDAsyncUdpSocket ()
+#if __has_feature(objc_arc_weak)
+ __weak id delegate;
+ __unsafe_unretained id delegate;
+ dispatch_queue_t delegateQueue;
+ GCDAsyncUdpSocketReceiveFilterBlock receiveFilterBlock;
+ dispatch_queue_t receiveFilterQueue;
+ BOOL receiveFilterAsync;
+ GCDAsyncUdpSocketSendFilterBlock sendFilterBlock;
+ dispatch_queue_t sendFilterQueue;
+ BOOL sendFilterAsync;
+ uint32_t flags;
+ uint16_t config;
+ uint16_t max4ReceiveSize;
+ uint32_t max6ReceiveSize;
+ uint16_t maxSendSize;
+ int socket4FD;
+ int socket6FD;
+ dispatch_queue_t socketQueue;
+ dispatch_source_t send4Source;
+ dispatch_source_t send6Source;
+ dispatch_source_t receive4Source;
+ dispatch_source_t receive6Source;
+ dispatch_source_t sendTimer;
+ GCDAsyncUdpSendPacket *currentSend;
+ NSMutableArray *sendQueue;
+ unsigned long socket4FDBytesAvailable;
+ unsigned long socket6FDBytesAvailable;
+ uint32_t pendingFilterOperations;
+ NSData *cachedLocalAddress4;
+ NSString *cachedLocalHost4;
+ uint16_t cachedLocalPort4;
+ NSData *cachedLocalAddress6;
+ NSString *cachedLocalHost6;
+ uint16_t cachedLocalPort6;
+ NSData *cachedConnectedAddress;
+ NSString *cachedConnectedHost;
+ uint16_t cachedConnectedPort;
+ int cachedConnectedFamily;
+ void *IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey;
+ CFStreamClientContext streamContext;
+ CFReadStreamRef readStream4;
+ CFReadStreamRef readStream6;
+ CFWriteStreamRef writeStream4;
+ CFWriteStreamRef writeStream6;
+ id userData;
+- (void)resumeSend4Source;
+- (void)resumeSend6Source;
+- (void)resumeReceive4Source;
+- (void)resumeReceive6Source;
+- (void)closeSockets;
+- (void)maybeConnect;
+- (BOOL)connectWithAddress4:(NSData *)address4 error:(NSError **)errPtr;
+- (BOOL)connectWithAddress6:(NSData *)address6 error:(NSError **)errPtr;
+- (void)maybeDequeueSend;
+- (void)doPreSend;
+- (void)doSend;
+- (void)endCurrentSend;
+- (void)setupSendTimerWithTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout;
+- (void)doReceive;
+- (void)doReceiveEOF;
+- (void)closeWithError:(NSError *)error;
+- (BOOL)performMulticastRequest:(int)requestType forGroup:(NSString *)group onInterface:(NSString *)interface error:(NSError **)errPtr;
+- (BOOL)createReadAndWriteStreams:(NSError **)errPtr;
+- (BOOL)registerForStreamCallbacks:(NSError **)errPtr;
+- (BOOL)addStreamsToRunLoop:(NSError **)errPtr;
+- (BOOL)openStreams:(NSError **)errPtr;
+- (void)removeStreamsFromRunLoop;
+- (void)closeReadAndWriteStreams;
++ (NSString *)hostFromSockaddr4:(const struct sockaddr_in *)pSockaddr4;
++ (NSString *)hostFromSockaddr6:(const struct sockaddr_in6 *)pSockaddr6;
++ (uint16_t)portFromSockaddr4:(const struct sockaddr_in *)pSockaddr4;
++ (uint16_t)portFromSockaddr6:(const struct sockaddr_in6 *)pSockaddr6;
+// Forward declaration
++ (void)listenerThread:(id)unused;
+#pragma mark -
+ * The GCDAsyncUdpSendPacket encompasses the instructions for a single send/write.
+@interface GCDAsyncUdpSendPacket : NSObject {
+ NSData *buffer;
+ NSTimeInterval timeout;
+ long tag;
+ BOOL resolveInProgress;
+ BOOL filterInProgress;
+ NSArray *resolvedAddresses;
+ NSError *resolveError;
+ NSData *address;
+ int addressFamily;
+- (instancetype)initWithData:(NSData *)d timeout:(NSTimeInterval)t tag:(long)i NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;
+@implementation GCDAsyncUdpSendPacket
+// Cover the superclass' designated initializer
+- (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE
+ NSAssert(0, @"Use the designated initializer");
+ return nil;
+- (instancetype)initWithData:(NSData *)d timeout:(NSTimeInterval)t tag:(long)i
+ if ((self = [super init]))
+ {
+ buffer = d;
+ timeout = t;
+ tag = i;
+ resolveInProgress = NO;
+ }
+ return self;
+#pragma mark -
+@interface GCDAsyncUdpSpecialPacket : NSObject {
+// uint8_t type;
+ BOOL resolveInProgress;
+ NSArray *addresses;
+ NSError *error;
+- (instancetype)init NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;
+@implementation GCDAsyncUdpSpecialPacket
+- (instancetype)init
+ self = [super init];
+ return self;
+#pragma mark -
+@implementation GCDAsyncUdpSocket
+- (instancetype)init
+ LogTrace();
+ return [self initWithDelegate:nil delegateQueue:NULL socketQueue:NULL];
+- (instancetype)initWithSocketQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)sq
+ LogTrace();
+ return [self initWithDelegate:nil delegateQueue:NULL socketQueue:sq];
+- (instancetype)initWithDelegate:(id)aDelegate delegateQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)dq
+ LogTrace();
+ return [self initWithDelegate:aDelegate delegateQueue:dq socketQueue:NULL];
+- (instancetype)initWithDelegate:(id)aDelegate delegateQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)dq socketQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)sq
+ LogTrace();
+ if ((self = [super init]))
+ {
+ delegate = aDelegate;
+ if (dq)
+ {
+ delegateQueue = dq;
+ dispatch_retain(delegateQueue);
+ #endif
+ }
+ max4ReceiveSize = 65535;
+ max6ReceiveSize = 65535;
+ maxSendSize = 65535;
+ socket4FD = SOCKET_NULL;
+ socket6FD = SOCKET_NULL;
+ if (sq)
+ {
+ NSAssert(sq != dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_LOW, 0),
+ @"The given socketQueue parameter must not be a concurrent queue.");
+ NSAssert(sq != dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_HIGH, 0),
+ @"The given socketQueue parameter must not be a concurrent queue.");
+ NSAssert(sq != dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0),
+ @"The given socketQueue parameter must not be a concurrent queue.");
+ socketQueue = sq;
+ dispatch_retain(socketQueue);
+ #endif
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ socketQueue = dispatch_queue_create([GCDAsyncUdpSocketQueueName UTF8String], NULL);
+ }
+ // The dispatch_queue_set_specific() and dispatch_get_specific() functions take a "void *key" parameter.
+ // From the documentation:
+ //
+ // > Keys are only compared as pointers and are never dereferenced.
+ // > Thus, you can use a pointer to a static variable for a specific subsystem or
+ // > any other value that allows you to identify the value uniquely.
+ //
+ // We're just going to use the memory address of an ivar.
+ // Specifically an ivar that is explicitly named for our purpose to make the code more readable.
+ //
+ // However, it feels tedious (and less readable) to include the "&" all the time:
+ // dispatch_get_specific(&IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey)
+ //
+ // So we're going to make it so it doesn't matter if we use the '&' or not,
+ // by assigning the value of the ivar to the address of the ivar.
+ // Thus: IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey == &IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey;
+ IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey = &IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey;
+ void *nonNullUnusedPointer = (__bridge void *)self;
+ dispatch_queue_set_specific(socketQueue, IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey, nonNullUnusedPointer, NULL);
+ currentSend = nil;
+ sendQueue = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:5];
+ [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
+ selector:@selector(applicationWillEnterForeground:)
+ name:UIApplicationWillEnterForegroundNotification
+ object:nil];
+ #endif
+ }
+ return self;
+- (void)dealloc
+ LogInfo(@"%@ - %@ (start)", THIS_METHOD, self);
+ [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self];
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ {
+ [self closeWithError:nil];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, ^{
+ [self closeWithError:nil];
+ });
+ }
+ delegate = nil;
+ if (delegateQueue) dispatch_release(delegateQueue);
+ #endif
+ delegateQueue = NULL;
+ if (socketQueue) dispatch_release(socketQueue);
+ #endif
+ socketQueue = NULL;
+ LogInfo(@"%@ - %@ (finish)", THIS_METHOD, self);
+#pragma mark Configuration
+- (id)delegate
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ {
+ return delegate;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ __block id result = nil;
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, ^{
+ result = self->delegate;
+ });
+ return result;
+ }
+- (void)setDelegate:(id)newDelegate synchronously:(BOOL)synchronously
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{
+ self->delegate = newDelegate;
+ };
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey)) {
+ block();
+ }
+ else {
+ if (synchronously)
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
+ else
+ dispatch_async(socketQueue, block);
+ }
+- (void)setDelegate:(id)newDelegate
+ [self setDelegate:newDelegate synchronously:NO];
+- (void)synchronouslySetDelegate:(id)newDelegate
+ [self setDelegate:newDelegate synchronously:YES];
+- (dispatch_queue_t)delegateQueue
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ {
+ return delegateQueue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ __block dispatch_queue_t result = NULL;
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, ^{
+ result = self->delegateQueue;
+ });
+ return result;
+ }
+- (void)setDelegateQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)newDelegateQueue synchronously:(BOOL)synchronously
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{
+ if (self->delegateQueue) dispatch_release(self->delegateQueue);
+ if (newDelegateQueue) dispatch_retain(newDelegateQueue);
+ #endif
+ self->delegateQueue = newDelegateQueue;
+ };
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey)) {
+ block();
+ }
+ else {
+ if (synchronously)
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
+ else
+ dispatch_async(socketQueue, block);
+ }
+- (void)setDelegateQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)newDelegateQueue
+ [self setDelegateQueue:newDelegateQueue synchronously:NO];
+- (void)synchronouslySetDelegateQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)newDelegateQueue
+ [self setDelegateQueue:newDelegateQueue synchronously:YES];
+- (void)getDelegate:(id *)delegatePtr delegateQueue:(dispatch_queue_t *)delegateQueuePtr
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ {
+ if (delegatePtr) *delegatePtr = delegate;
+ if (delegateQueuePtr) *delegateQueuePtr = delegateQueue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ __block id dPtr = NULL;
+ __block dispatch_queue_t dqPtr = NULL;
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, ^{
+ dPtr = self->delegate;
+ dqPtr = self->delegateQueue;
+ });
+ if (delegatePtr) *delegatePtr = dPtr;
+ if (delegateQueuePtr) *delegateQueuePtr = dqPtr;
+ }
+- (void)setDelegate:(id)newDelegate delegateQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)newDelegateQueue synchronously:(BOOL)synchronously
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{
+ self->delegate = newDelegate;
+ if (self->delegateQueue) dispatch_release(self->delegateQueue);
+ if (newDelegateQueue) dispatch_retain(newDelegateQueue);
+ #endif
+ self->delegateQueue = newDelegateQueue;
+ };
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey)) {
+ block();
+ }
+ else {
+ if (synchronously)
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
+ else
+ dispatch_async(socketQueue, block);
+ }
+- (void)setDelegate:(id)newDelegate delegateQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)newDelegateQueue
+ [self setDelegate:newDelegate delegateQueue:newDelegateQueue synchronously:NO];
+- (void)synchronouslySetDelegate:(id)newDelegate delegateQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)newDelegateQueue
+ [self setDelegate:newDelegate delegateQueue:newDelegateQueue synchronously:YES];
+- (BOOL)isIPv4Enabled
+ // Note: YES means kIPv4Disabled is OFF
+ __block BOOL result = NO;
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{
+ result = ((self->config & kIPv4Disabled) == 0);
+ };
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
+ return result;
+- (void)setIPv4Enabled:(BOOL)flag
+ // Note: YES means kIPv4Disabled is OFF
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{
+ LogVerbose(@"%@ %@", THIS_METHOD, (flag ? @"YES" : @"NO"));
+ if (flag)
+ self->config &= ~kIPv4Disabled;
+ else
+ self->config |= kIPv4Disabled;
+ };
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_async(socketQueue, block);
+- (BOOL)isIPv6Enabled
+ // Note: YES means kIPv6Disabled is OFF
+ __block BOOL result = NO;
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{
+ result = ((self->config & kIPv6Disabled) == 0);
+ };
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
+ return result;
+- (void)setIPv6Enabled:(BOOL)flag
+ // Note: YES means kIPv6Disabled is OFF
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{
+ LogVerbose(@"%@ %@", THIS_METHOD, (flag ? @"YES" : @"NO"));
+ if (flag)
+ self->config &= ~kIPv6Disabled;
+ else
+ self->config |= kIPv6Disabled;
+ };
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_async(socketQueue, block);
+- (BOOL)isIPv4Preferred
+ __block BOOL result = NO;
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{
+ result = (self->config & kPreferIPv4) ? YES : NO;
+ };
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
+ return result;
+- (BOOL)isIPv6Preferred
+ __block BOOL result = NO;
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{
+ result = (self->config & kPreferIPv6) ? YES : NO;
+ };
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
+ return result;
+- (BOOL)isIPVersionNeutral
+ __block BOOL result = NO;
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{
+ result = (self->config & (kPreferIPv4 | kPreferIPv6)) == 0;
+ };
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
+ return result;
+- (void)setPreferIPv4
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{
+ LogTrace();
+ self->config |= kPreferIPv4;
+ self->config &= ~kPreferIPv6;
+ };
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_async(socketQueue, block);
+- (void)setPreferIPv6
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{
+ LogTrace();
+ self->config &= ~kPreferIPv4;
+ self->config |= kPreferIPv6;
+ };
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_async(socketQueue, block);
+- (void)setIPVersionNeutral
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{
+ LogTrace();
+ self->config &= ~kPreferIPv4;
+ self->config &= ~kPreferIPv6;
+ };
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_async(socketQueue, block);
+- (uint16_t)maxReceiveIPv4BufferSize
+ __block uint16_t result = 0;
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{
+ result = self->max4ReceiveSize;
+ };
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
+ return result;
+- (void)setMaxReceiveIPv4BufferSize:(uint16_t)max
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{
+ LogVerbose(@"%@ %u", THIS_METHOD, (unsigned)max);
+ self->max4ReceiveSize = max;
+ };
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_async(socketQueue, block);
+- (uint32_t)maxReceiveIPv6BufferSize
+ __block uint32_t result = 0;
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{
+ result = self->max6ReceiveSize;
+ };
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
+ return result;
+- (void)setMaxReceiveIPv6BufferSize:(uint32_t)max
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{
+ LogVerbose(@"%@ %u", THIS_METHOD, (unsigned)max);
+ self->max6ReceiveSize = max;
+ };
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_async(socketQueue, block);
+- (void)setMaxSendBufferSize:(uint16_t)max
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{
+ LogVerbose(@"%@ %u", THIS_METHOD, (unsigned)max);
+ self->maxSendSize = max;
+ };
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_async(socketQueue, block);
+- (uint16_t)maxSendBufferSize
+ __block uint16_t result = 0;
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{
+ result = self->maxSendSize;
+ };
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
+ return result;
+- (id)userData
+ __block id result = nil;
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{
+ result = self->userData;
+ };
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
+ return result;
+- (void)setUserData:(id)arbitraryUserData
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{
+ if (self->userData != arbitraryUserData)
+ {
+ self->userData = arbitraryUserData;
+ }
+ };
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_async(socketQueue, block);
+#pragma mark Delegate Helpers
+- (void)notifyDidConnectToAddress:(NSData *)anAddress
+ LogTrace();
+ __strong id theDelegate = delegate;
+ if (delegateQueue && [theDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(udpSocket:didConnectToAddress:)])
+ {
+ NSData *address = [anAddress copy]; // In case param is NSMutableData
+ dispatch_async(delegateQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ [theDelegate udpSocket:self didConnectToAddress:address];
+ }});
+ }
+- (void)notifyDidNotConnect:(NSError *)error
+ LogTrace();
+ __strong id theDelegate = delegate;
+ if (delegateQueue && [theDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(udpSocket:didNotConnect:)])
+ {
+ dispatch_async(delegateQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ [theDelegate udpSocket:self didNotConnect:error];
+ }});
+ }
+- (void)notifyDidSendDataWithTag:(long)tag
+ LogTrace();
+ __strong id theDelegate = delegate;
+ if (delegateQueue && [theDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(udpSocket:didSendDataWithTag:)])
+ {
+ dispatch_async(delegateQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ [theDelegate udpSocket:self didSendDataWithTag:tag];
+ }});
+ }
+- (void)notifyDidNotSendDataWithTag:(long)tag dueToError:(NSError *)error
+ LogTrace();
+ __strong id theDelegate = delegate;
+ if (delegateQueue && [theDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(udpSocket:didNotSendDataWithTag:dueToError:)])
+ {
+ dispatch_async(delegateQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ [theDelegate udpSocket:self didNotSendDataWithTag:tag dueToError:error];
+ }});
+ }
+- (void)notifyDidReceiveData:(NSData *)data fromAddress:(NSData *)address withFilterContext:(id)context
+ LogTrace();
+ SEL selector = @selector(udpSocket:didReceiveData:fromAddress:withFilterContext:);
+ __strong id theDelegate = delegate;
+ if (delegateQueue && [theDelegate respondsToSelector:selector])
+ {
+ dispatch_async(delegateQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ [theDelegate udpSocket:self didReceiveData:data fromAddress:address withFilterContext:context];
+ }});
+ }
+- (void)notifyDidCloseWithError:(NSError *)error
+ LogTrace();
+ __strong id theDelegate = delegate;
+ if (delegateQueue && [theDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(udpSocketDidClose:withError:)])
+ {
+ dispatch_async(delegateQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ [theDelegate udpSocketDidClose:self withError:error];
+ }});
+ }
+#pragma mark Errors
+- (NSError *)badConfigError:(NSString *)errMsg
+ NSDictionary *userInfo = @{NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : errMsg};
+ return [NSError errorWithDomain:GCDAsyncUdpSocketErrorDomain
+ code:GCDAsyncUdpSocketBadConfigError
+ userInfo:userInfo];
+- (NSError *)badParamError:(NSString *)errMsg
+ NSDictionary *userInfo = @{NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : errMsg};
+ return [NSError errorWithDomain:GCDAsyncUdpSocketErrorDomain
+ code:GCDAsyncUdpSocketBadParamError
+ userInfo:userInfo];
+- (NSError *)gaiError:(int)gai_error
+ NSString *errMsg = [NSString stringWithCString:gai_strerror(gai_error) encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
+ NSDictionary *userInfo = @{NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : errMsg};
+ return [NSError errorWithDomain:@"kCFStreamErrorDomainNetDB" code:gai_error userInfo:userInfo];
+- (NSError *)errnoErrorWithReason:(NSString *)reason
+ NSString *errMsg = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:strerror(errno)];
+ NSDictionary *userInfo;
+ if (reason)
+ userInfo = @{NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : errMsg,
+ NSLocalizedFailureReasonErrorKey : reason};
+ else
+ userInfo = @{NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : errMsg};
+ return [NSError errorWithDomain:NSPOSIXErrorDomain code:errno userInfo:userInfo];
+- (NSError *)errnoError
+ return [self errnoErrorWithReason:nil];
+ * Returns a standard send timeout error.
+- (NSError *)sendTimeoutError
+ NSString *errMsg = NSLocalizedStringWithDefaultValue(@"GCDAsyncUdpSocketSendTimeoutError",
+ @"GCDAsyncUdpSocket", [NSBundle mainBundle],
+ @"Send operation timed out", nil);
+ NSDictionary *userInfo = @{NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : errMsg};
+ return [NSError errorWithDomain:GCDAsyncUdpSocketErrorDomain
+ code:GCDAsyncUdpSocketSendTimeoutError
+ userInfo:userInfo];
+- (NSError *)socketClosedError
+ NSString *errMsg = NSLocalizedStringWithDefaultValue(@"GCDAsyncUdpSocketClosedError",
+ @"GCDAsyncUdpSocket", [NSBundle mainBundle],
+ @"Socket closed", nil);
+ NSDictionary *userInfo = @{NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : errMsg};
+ return [NSError errorWithDomain:GCDAsyncUdpSocketErrorDomain code:GCDAsyncUdpSocketClosedError userInfo:userInfo];
+- (NSError *)otherError:(NSString *)errMsg
+ NSDictionary *userInfo = @{NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : errMsg};
+ return [NSError errorWithDomain:GCDAsyncUdpSocketErrorDomain
+ code:GCDAsyncUdpSocketOtherError
+ userInfo:userInfo];
+#pragma mark Utilities
+- (BOOL)preOp:(NSError **)errPtr
+ NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
+ if (delegate == nil) // Must have delegate set
+ {
+ if (errPtr)
+ {
+ NSString *msg = @"Attempting to use socket without a delegate. Set a delegate first.";
+ *errPtr = [self badConfigError:msg];
+ }
+ return NO;
+ }
+ if (delegateQueue == NULL) // Must have delegate queue set
+ {
+ if (errPtr)
+ {
+ NSString *msg = @"Attempting to use socket without a delegate queue. Set a delegate queue first.";
+ *errPtr = [self badConfigError:msg];
+ }
+ return NO;
+ }
+ return YES;
+ * This method executes on a global concurrent queue.
+ * When complete, it executes the given completion block on the socketQueue.
+- (void)asyncResolveHost:(NSString *)aHost
+ port:(uint16_t)port
+ withCompletionBlock:(void (^)(NSArray *addresses, NSError *error))completionBlock
+ LogTrace();
+ // Check parameter(s)
+ if (aHost == nil)
+ {
+ NSString *msg = @"The host param is nil. Should be domain name or IP address string.";
+ NSError *error = [self badParamError:msg];
+ // We should still use dispatch_async since this method is expected to be asynchronous
+ dispatch_async(socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ completionBlock(nil, error);
+ }});
+ return;
+ }
+ // It's possible that the given aHost parameter is actually a NSMutableString.
+ // So we want to copy it now, within this block that will be executed synchronously.
+ // This way the asynchronous lookup block below doesn't have to worry about it changing.
+ NSString *host = [aHost copy];
+ dispatch_queue_t globalConcurrentQueue = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0);
+ dispatch_async(globalConcurrentQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ NSMutableArray *addresses = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:2];
+ NSError *error = nil;
+ if ([host isEqualToString:@"localhost"] || [host isEqualToString:@"loopback"])
+ {
+ // Use LOOPBACK address
+ struct sockaddr_in sockaddr4;
+ memset(&sockaddr4, 0, sizeof(sockaddr4));
+ sockaddr4.sin_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
+ sockaddr4.sin_family = AF_INET;
+ sockaddr4.sin_port = htons(port);
+ sockaddr4.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK);
+ struct sockaddr_in6 sockaddr6;
+ memset(&sockaddr6, 0, sizeof(sockaddr6));
+ sockaddr6.sin6_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6);
+ sockaddr6.sin6_family = AF_INET6;
+ sockaddr6.sin6_port = htons(port);
+ sockaddr6.sin6_addr = in6addr_loopback;
+ // Wrap the native address structures and add to list
+ [addresses addObject:[NSData dataWithBytes:&sockaddr4 length:sizeof(sockaddr4)]];
+ [addresses addObject:[NSData dataWithBytes:&sockaddr6 length:sizeof(sockaddr6)]];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ NSString *portStr = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%hu", port];
+ struct addrinfo hints, *res, *res0;
+ memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints));
+ hints.ai_family = PF_UNSPEC;
+ hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM;
+ hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_UDP;
+ int gai_error = getaddrinfo([host UTF8String], [portStr UTF8String], &hints, &res0);
+ if (gai_error)
+ {
+ error = [self gaiError:gai_error];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for(res = res0; res; res = res->ai_next)
+ {
+ if (res->ai_family == AF_INET)
+ {
+ // Found IPv4 address
+ // Wrap the native address structure and add to list
+ [addresses addObject:[NSData dataWithBytes:res->ai_addr length:res->ai_addrlen]];
+ }
+ else if (res->ai_family == AF_INET6)
+ {
+ // Fixes connection issues with IPv6, it is the same solution for udp socket.
+ // https://github.com/robbiehanson/CocoaAsyncSocket/issues/429#issuecomment-222477158
+ struct sockaddr_in6 *sockaddr = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)(void *)res->ai_addr;
+ in_port_t *portPtr = &sockaddr->sin6_port;
+ if ((portPtr != NULL) && (*portPtr == 0)) {
+ *portPtr = htons(port);
+ }
+ // Found IPv6 address
+ // Wrap the native address structure and add to list
+ [addresses addObject:[NSData dataWithBytes:res->ai_addr length:res->ai_addrlen]];
+ }
+ }
+ freeaddrinfo(res0);
+ if ([addresses count] == 0)
+ {
+ error = [self gaiError:EAI_FAIL];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ dispatch_async(self->socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ completionBlock(addresses, error);
+ }});
+ }});
+ * This method picks an address from the given list of addresses.
+ * The address picked depends upon which protocols are disabled, deactived, & preferred.
+ *
+ * Returns the address family (AF_INET or AF_INET6) of the picked address,
+ * or AF_UNSPEC and the corresponding error is there's a problem.
+- (int)getAddress:(NSData **)addressPtr error:(NSError **)errorPtr fromAddresses:(NSArray *)addresses
+ NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
+ NSAssert([addresses count] > 0, @"Expected at least one address");
+ int resultAF = AF_UNSPEC;
+ NSData *resultAddress = nil;
+ NSError *resultError = nil;
+ // Check for problems
+ BOOL resolvedIPv4Address = NO;
+ BOOL resolvedIPv6Address = NO;
+ for (NSData *address in addresses)
+ {
+ switch ([[self class] familyFromAddress:address])
+ {
+ case AF_INET : resolvedIPv4Address = YES; break;
+ case AF_INET6 : resolvedIPv6Address = YES; break;
+ default : NSAssert(NO, @"Addresses array contains invalid address");
+ }
+ }
+ BOOL isIPv4Disabled = (config & kIPv4Disabled) ? YES : NO;
+ BOOL isIPv6Disabled = (config & kIPv6Disabled) ? YES : NO;
+ if (isIPv4Disabled && !resolvedIPv6Address)
+ {
+ NSString *msg = @"IPv4 has been disabled and DNS lookup found no IPv6 address(es).";
+ resultError = [self otherError:msg];
+ if (addressPtr) *addressPtr = resultAddress;
+ if (errorPtr) *errorPtr = resultError;
+ return resultAF;
+ }
+ if (isIPv6Disabled && !resolvedIPv4Address)
+ {
+ NSString *msg = @"IPv6 has been disabled and DNS lookup found no IPv4 address(es).";
+ resultError = [self otherError:msg];
+ if (addressPtr) *addressPtr = resultAddress;
+ if (errorPtr) *errorPtr = resultError;
+ return resultAF;
+ }
+ BOOL isIPv4Deactivated = (flags & kIPv4Deactivated) ? YES : NO;
+ BOOL isIPv6Deactivated = (flags & kIPv6Deactivated) ? YES : NO;
+ if (isIPv4Deactivated && !resolvedIPv6Address)
+ {
+ NSString *msg = @"IPv4 has been deactivated due to bind/connect, and DNS lookup found no IPv6 address(es).";
+ resultError = [self otherError:msg];
+ if (addressPtr) *addressPtr = resultAddress;
+ if (errorPtr) *errorPtr = resultError;
+ return resultAF;
+ }
+ if (isIPv6Deactivated && !resolvedIPv4Address)
+ {
+ NSString *msg = @"IPv6 has been deactivated due to bind/connect, and DNS lookup found no IPv4 address(es).";
+ resultError = [self otherError:msg];
+ if (addressPtr) *addressPtr = resultAddress;
+ if (errorPtr) *errorPtr = resultError;
+ return resultAF;
+ }
+ // Extract first IPv4 and IPv6 address in list
+ BOOL ipv4WasFirstInList = YES;
+ NSData *address4 = nil;
+ NSData *address6 = nil;
+ for (NSData *address in addresses)
+ {
+ int af = [[self class] familyFromAddress:address];
+ if (af == AF_INET)
+ {
+ if (address4 == nil)
+ {
+ address4 = address;
+ if (address6)
+ break;
+ else
+ ipv4WasFirstInList = YES;
+ }
+ }
+ else // af == AF_INET6
+ {
+ if (address6 == nil)
+ {
+ address6 = address;
+ if (address4)
+ break;
+ else
+ ipv4WasFirstInList = NO;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Determine socket type
+ BOOL preferIPv4 = (config & kPreferIPv4) ? YES : NO;
+ BOOL preferIPv6 = (config & kPreferIPv6) ? YES : NO;
+ BOOL useIPv4 = ((preferIPv4 && address4) || (address6 == nil));
+ BOOL useIPv6 = ((preferIPv6 && address6) || (address4 == nil));
+ NSAssert(!(preferIPv4 && preferIPv6), @"Invalid config state");
+ NSAssert(!(useIPv4 && useIPv6), @"Invalid logic");
+ if (useIPv4 || (!useIPv6 && ipv4WasFirstInList))
+ {
+ resultAF = AF_INET;
+ resultAddress = address4;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ resultAF = AF_INET6;
+ resultAddress = address6;
+ }
+ if (addressPtr) *addressPtr = resultAddress;
+ if (errorPtr) *errorPtr = resultError;
+ return resultAF;
+ * Finds the address(es) of an interface description.
+ * An inteface description may be an interface name (en0, en1, lo0) or corresponding IP (
+- (void)convertIntefaceDescription:(NSString *)interfaceDescription
+ port:(uint16_t)port
+ intoAddress4:(NSData **)interfaceAddr4Ptr
+ address6:(NSData **)interfaceAddr6Ptr
+ NSData *addr4 = nil;
+ NSData *addr6 = nil;
+ if (interfaceDescription == nil)
+ {
+ // ANY address
+ struct sockaddr_in sockaddr4;
+ memset(&sockaddr4, 0, sizeof(sockaddr4));
+ sockaddr4.sin_len = sizeof(sockaddr4);
+ sockaddr4.sin_family = AF_INET;
+ sockaddr4.sin_port = htons(port);
+ sockaddr4.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
+ struct sockaddr_in6 sockaddr6;
+ memset(&sockaddr6, 0, sizeof(sockaddr6));
+ sockaddr6.sin6_len = sizeof(sockaddr6);
+ sockaddr6.sin6_family = AF_INET6;
+ sockaddr6.sin6_port = htons(port);
+ sockaddr6.sin6_addr = in6addr_any;
+ addr4 = [NSData dataWithBytes:&sockaddr4 length:sizeof(sockaddr4)];
+ addr6 = [NSData dataWithBytes:&sockaddr6 length:sizeof(sockaddr6)];
+ }
+ else if ([interfaceDescription isEqualToString:@"localhost"] ||
+ [interfaceDescription isEqualToString:@"loopback"])
+ {
+ // LOOPBACK address
+ struct sockaddr_in sockaddr4;
+ memset(&sockaddr4, 0, sizeof(sockaddr4));
+ sockaddr4.sin_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
+ sockaddr4.sin_family = AF_INET;
+ sockaddr4.sin_port = htons(port);
+ sockaddr4.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK);
+ struct sockaddr_in6 sockaddr6;
+ memset(&sockaddr6, 0, sizeof(sockaddr6));
+ sockaddr6.sin6_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6);
+ sockaddr6.sin6_family = AF_INET6;
+ sockaddr6.sin6_port = htons(port);
+ sockaddr6.sin6_addr = in6addr_loopback;
+ addr4 = [NSData dataWithBytes:&sockaddr4 length:sizeof(sockaddr4)];
+ addr6 = [NSData dataWithBytes:&sockaddr6 length:sizeof(sockaddr6)];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const char *iface = [interfaceDescription UTF8String];
+ struct ifaddrs *addrs;
+ const struct ifaddrs *cursor;
+ if ((getifaddrs(&addrs) == 0))
+ {
+ cursor = addrs;
+ while (cursor != NULL)
+ {
+ if ((addr4 == nil) && (cursor->ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_INET))
+ {
+ // IPv4
+ struct sockaddr_in *addr = (struct sockaddr_in *)(void *)cursor->ifa_addr;
+ if (strcmp(cursor->ifa_name, iface) == 0)
+ {
+ // Name match
+ struct sockaddr_in nativeAddr4 = *addr;
+ nativeAddr4.sin_port = htons(port);
+ addr4 = [NSData dataWithBytes:&nativeAddr4 length:sizeof(nativeAddr4)];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const char *conversion;
+ conversion = inet_ntop(AF_INET, &addr->sin_addr, ip, sizeof(ip));
+ if ((conversion != NULL) && (strcmp(ip, iface) == 0))
+ {
+ // IP match
+ struct sockaddr_in nativeAddr4 = *addr;
+ nativeAddr4.sin_port = htons(port);
+ addr4 = [NSData dataWithBytes:&nativeAddr4 length:sizeof(nativeAddr4)];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if ((addr6 == nil) && (cursor->ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_INET6))
+ {
+ // IPv6
+ const struct sockaddr_in6 *addr = (const struct sockaddr_in6 *)(const void *)cursor->ifa_addr;
+ if (strcmp(cursor->ifa_name, iface) == 0)
+ {
+ // Name match
+ struct sockaddr_in6 nativeAddr6 = *addr;
+ nativeAddr6.sin6_port = htons(port);
+ addr6 = [NSData dataWithBytes:&nativeAddr6 length:sizeof(nativeAddr6)];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ char ip[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
+ const char *conversion;
+ conversion = inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &addr->sin6_addr, ip, sizeof(ip));
+ if ((conversion != NULL) && (strcmp(ip, iface) == 0))
+ {
+ // IP match
+ struct sockaddr_in6 nativeAddr6 = *addr;
+ nativeAddr6.sin6_port = htons(port);
+ addr6 = [NSData dataWithBytes:&nativeAddr6 length:sizeof(nativeAddr6)];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ cursor = cursor->ifa_next;
+ }
+ freeifaddrs(addrs);
+ }
+ }
+ if (interfaceAddr4Ptr) *interfaceAddr4Ptr = addr4;
+ if (interfaceAddr6Ptr) *interfaceAddr6Ptr = addr6;
+ * Converts a numeric hostname into its corresponding address.
+ * The hostname is expected to be an IPv4 or IPv6 address represented as a human-readable string. (e.g.
+- (void)convertNumericHost:(NSString *)numericHost
+ port:(uint16_t)port
+ intoAddress4:(NSData **)addr4Ptr
+ address6:(NSData **)addr6Ptr
+ NSData *addr4 = nil;
+ NSData *addr6 = nil;
+ if (numericHost)
+ {
+ NSString *portStr = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%hu", port];
+ struct addrinfo hints, *res, *res0;
+ memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints));
+ hints.ai_family = PF_UNSPEC;
+ hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM;
+ hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_UDP;
+ hints.ai_flags = AI_NUMERICHOST; // No name resolution should be attempted
+ if (getaddrinfo([numericHost UTF8String], [portStr UTF8String], &hints, &res0) == 0)
+ {
+ for (res = res0; res; res = res->ai_next)
+ {
+ if ((addr4 == nil) && (res->ai_family == AF_INET))
+ {
+ // Found IPv4 address
+ // Wrap the native address structure
+ addr4 = [NSData dataWithBytes:res->ai_addr length:res->ai_addrlen];
+ }
+ else if ((addr6 == nil) && (res->ai_family == AF_INET6))
+ {
+ // Found IPv6 address
+ // Wrap the native address structure
+ addr6 = [NSData dataWithBytes:res->ai_addr length:res->ai_addrlen];
+ }
+ }
+ freeaddrinfo(res0);
+ }
+ }
+ if (addr4Ptr) *addr4Ptr = addr4;
+ if (addr6Ptr) *addr6Ptr = addr6;
+- (BOOL)isConnectedToAddress4:(NSData *)someAddr4
+ NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
+ NSAssert(flags & kDidConnect, @"Not connected");
+ NSAssert(cachedConnectedAddress, @"Expected cached connected address");
+ if (cachedConnectedFamily != AF_INET)
+ {
+ return NO;
+ }
+ const struct sockaddr_in *sSockaddr4 = (const struct sockaddr_in *)[someAddr4 bytes];
+ const struct sockaddr_in *cSockaddr4 = (const struct sockaddr_in *)[cachedConnectedAddress bytes];
+ if (memcmp(&sSockaddr4->sin_addr, &cSockaddr4->sin_addr, sizeof(struct in_addr)) != 0)
+ {
+ return NO;
+ }
+ if (memcmp(&sSockaddr4->sin_port, &cSockaddr4->sin_port, sizeof(in_port_t)) != 0)
+ {
+ return NO;
+ }
+ return YES;
+- (BOOL)isConnectedToAddress6:(NSData *)someAddr6
+ NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
+ NSAssert(flags & kDidConnect, @"Not connected");
+ NSAssert(cachedConnectedAddress, @"Expected cached connected address");
+ if (cachedConnectedFamily != AF_INET6)
+ {
+ return NO;
+ }
+ const struct sockaddr_in6 *sSockaddr6 = (const struct sockaddr_in6 *)[someAddr6 bytes];
+ const struct sockaddr_in6 *cSockaddr6 = (const struct sockaddr_in6 *)[cachedConnectedAddress bytes];
+ if (memcmp(&sSockaddr6->sin6_addr, &cSockaddr6->sin6_addr, sizeof(struct in6_addr)) != 0)
+ {
+ return NO;
+ }
+ if (memcmp(&sSockaddr6->sin6_port, &cSockaddr6->sin6_port, sizeof(in_port_t)) != 0)
+ {
+ return NO;
+ }
+ return YES;
+- (unsigned int)indexOfInterfaceAddr4:(NSData *)interfaceAddr4
+ if (interfaceAddr4 == nil)
+ return 0;
+ if ([interfaceAddr4 length] != sizeof(struct sockaddr_in))
+ return 0;
+ int result = 0;
+ const struct sockaddr_in *ifaceAddr = (const struct sockaddr_in *)[interfaceAddr4 bytes];
+ struct ifaddrs *addrs;
+ const struct ifaddrs *cursor;
+ if ((getifaddrs(&addrs) == 0))
+ {
+ cursor = addrs;
+ while (cursor != NULL)
+ {
+ if (cursor->ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_INET)
+ {
+ // IPv4
+ const struct sockaddr_in *addr = (const struct sockaddr_in *)(const void *)cursor->ifa_addr;
+ if (memcmp(&addr->sin_addr, &ifaceAddr->sin_addr, sizeof(struct in_addr)) == 0)
+ {
+ result = if_nametoindex(cursor->ifa_name);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ cursor = cursor->ifa_next;
+ }
+ freeifaddrs(addrs);
+ }
+ return result;
+- (unsigned int)indexOfInterfaceAddr6:(NSData *)interfaceAddr6
+ if (interfaceAddr6 == nil)
+ return 0;
+ if ([interfaceAddr6 length] != sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6))
+ return 0;
+ int result = 0;
+ const struct sockaddr_in6 *ifaceAddr = (const struct sockaddr_in6 *)[interfaceAddr6 bytes];
+ struct ifaddrs *addrs;
+ const struct ifaddrs *cursor;
+ if ((getifaddrs(&addrs) == 0))
+ {
+ cursor = addrs;
+ while (cursor != NULL)
+ {
+ if (cursor->ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_INET6)
+ {
+ // IPv6
+ const struct sockaddr_in6 *addr = (const struct sockaddr_in6 *)(const void *)cursor->ifa_addr;
+ if (memcmp(&addr->sin6_addr, &ifaceAddr->sin6_addr, sizeof(struct in6_addr)) == 0)
+ {
+ result = if_nametoindex(cursor->ifa_name);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ cursor = cursor->ifa_next;
+ }
+ freeifaddrs(addrs);
+ }
+ return result;
+- (void)setupSendAndReceiveSourcesForSocket4
+ LogTrace();
+ NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
+ send4Source = dispatch_source_create(DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_WRITE, socket4FD, 0, socketQueue);
+ receive4Source = dispatch_source_create(DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_READ, socket4FD, 0, socketQueue);
+ // Setup event handlers
+ dispatch_source_set_event_handler(send4Source, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ LogVerbose(@"send4EventBlock");
+ LogVerbose(@"dispatch_source_get_data(send4Source) = %lu", dispatch_source_get_data(send4Source));
+ self->flags |= kSock4CanAcceptBytes;
+ // If we're ready to send data, do so immediately.
+ // Otherwise pause the send source or it will continue to fire over and over again.
+ if (self->currentSend == nil)
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"Nothing to send");
+ [self suspendSend4Source];
+ }
+ else if (self->currentSend->resolveInProgress)
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"currentSend - waiting for address resolve");
+ [self suspendSend4Source];
+ }
+ else if (self->currentSend->filterInProgress)
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"currentSend - waiting on sendFilter");
+ [self suspendSend4Source];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ [self doSend];
+ }
+ }});
+ dispatch_source_set_event_handler(receive4Source, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ LogVerbose(@"receive4EventBlock");
+ self->socket4FDBytesAvailable = dispatch_source_get_data(self->receive4Source);
+ LogVerbose(@"socket4FDBytesAvailable: %lu", socket4FDBytesAvailable);
+ if (self->socket4FDBytesAvailable > 0)
+ [self doReceive];
+ else
+ [self doReceiveEOF];
+ }});
+ // Setup cancel handlers
+ __block int socketFDRefCount = 2;
+ int theSocketFD = socket4FD;
+ dispatch_source_t theSendSource = send4Source;
+ dispatch_source_t theReceiveSource = receive4Source;
+ #endif
+ dispatch_source_set_cancel_handler(send4Source, ^{
+ LogVerbose(@"send4CancelBlock");
+ LogVerbose(@"dispatch_release(send4Source)");
+ dispatch_release(theSendSource);
+ #endif
+ if (--socketFDRefCount == 0)
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"close(socket4FD)");
+ close(theSocketFD);
+ }
+ });
+ dispatch_source_set_cancel_handler(receive4Source, ^{
+ LogVerbose(@"receive4CancelBlock");
+ LogVerbose(@"dispatch_release(receive4Source)");
+ dispatch_release(theReceiveSource);
+ #endif
+ if (--socketFDRefCount == 0)
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"close(socket4FD)");
+ close(theSocketFD);
+ }
+ });
+ // We will not be able to receive until the socket is bound to a port,
+ // either explicitly via bind, or implicitly by connect or by sending data.
+ //
+ // But we should be able to send immediately.
+ socket4FDBytesAvailable = 0;
+ flags |= kSock4CanAcceptBytes;
+ flags |= kSend4SourceSuspended;
+ flags |= kReceive4SourceSuspended;
+- (void)setupSendAndReceiveSourcesForSocket6
+ LogTrace();
+ NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
+ send6Source = dispatch_source_create(DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_WRITE, socket6FD, 0, socketQueue);
+ receive6Source = dispatch_source_create(DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_READ, socket6FD, 0, socketQueue);
+ // Setup event handlers
+ dispatch_source_set_event_handler(send6Source, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ LogVerbose(@"send6EventBlock");
+ LogVerbose(@"dispatch_source_get_data(send6Source) = %lu", dispatch_source_get_data(send6Source));
+ self->flags |= kSock6CanAcceptBytes;
+ // If we're ready to send data, do so immediately.
+ // Otherwise pause the send source or it will continue to fire over and over again.
+ if (self->currentSend == nil)
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"Nothing to send");
+ [self suspendSend6Source];
+ }
+ else if (self->currentSend->resolveInProgress)
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"currentSend - waiting for address resolve");
+ [self suspendSend6Source];
+ }
+ else if (self->currentSend->filterInProgress)
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"currentSend - waiting on sendFilter");
+ [self suspendSend6Source];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ [self doSend];
+ }
+ }});
+ dispatch_source_set_event_handler(receive6Source, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ LogVerbose(@"receive6EventBlock");
+ self->socket6FDBytesAvailable = dispatch_source_get_data(self->receive6Source);
+ LogVerbose(@"socket6FDBytesAvailable: %lu", socket6FDBytesAvailable);
+ if (self->socket6FDBytesAvailable > 0)
+ [self doReceive];
+ else
+ [self doReceiveEOF];
+ }});
+ // Setup cancel handlers
+ __block int socketFDRefCount = 2;
+ int theSocketFD = socket6FD;
+ dispatch_source_t theSendSource = send6Source;
+ dispatch_source_t theReceiveSource = receive6Source;
+ #endif
+ dispatch_source_set_cancel_handler(send6Source, ^{
+ LogVerbose(@"send6CancelBlock");
+ LogVerbose(@"dispatch_release(send6Source)");
+ dispatch_release(theSendSource);
+ #endif
+ if (--socketFDRefCount == 0)
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"close(socket6FD)");
+ close(theSocketFD);
+ }
+ });
+ dispatch_source_set_cancel_handler(receive6Source, ^{
+ LogVerbose(@"receive6CancelBlock");
+ LogVerbose(@"dispatch_release(receive6Source)");
+ dispatch_release(theReceiveSource);
+ #endif
+ if (--socketFDRefCount == 0)
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"close(socket6FD)");
+ close(theSocketFD);
+ }
+ });
+ // We will not be able to receive until the socket is bound to a port,
+ // either explicitly via bind, or implicitly by connect or by sending data.
+ //
+ // But we should be able to send immediately.
+ socket6FDBytesAvailable = 0;
+ flags |= kSock6CanAcceptBytes;
+ flags |= kSend6SourceSuspended;
+ flags |= kReceive6SourceSuspended;
+- (BOOL)createSocket4:(BOOL)useIPv4 socket6:(BOOL)useIPv6 error:(NSError * __autoreleasing *)errPtr
+ LogTrace();
+ NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
+ NSAssert(((flags & kDidCreateSockets) == 0), @"Sockets have already been created");
+ // CreateSocket Block
+ // This block will be invoked below.
+ int(^createSocket)(int) = ^int (int domain) {
+ int socketFD = socket(domain, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
+ if (socketFD == SOCKET_NULL)
+ {
+ if (errPtr)
+ *errPtr = [self errnoErrorWithReason:@"Error in socket() function"];
+ return SOCKET_NULL;
+ }
+ int status;
+ // Set socket options
+ status = fcntl(socketFD, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);
+ if (status == -1)
+ {
+ if (errPtr)
+ *errPtr = [self errnoErrorWithReason:@"Error enabling non-blocking IO on socket (fcntl)"];
+ close(socketFD);
+ return SOCKET_NULL;
+ }
+ int reuseaddr = 1;
+ status = setsockopt(socketFD, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &reuseaddr, sizeof(reuseaddr));
+ if (status == -1)
+ {
+ if (errPtr)
+ *errPtr = [self errnoErrorWithReason:@"Error enabling address reuse (setsockopt)"];
+ close(socketFD);
+ return SOCKET_NULL;
+ }
+ int nosigpipe = 1;
+ status = setsockopt(socketFD, SOL_SOCKET, SO_NOSIGPIPE, &nosigpipe, sizeof(nosigpipe));
+ if (status == -1)
+ {
+ if (errPtr)
+ *errPtr = [self errnoErrorWithReason:@"Error disabling sigpipe (setsockopt)"];
+ close(socketFD);
+ return SOCKET_NULL;
+ }
+ /**
+ * The theoretical maximum size of any IPv4 UDP packet is UINT16_MAX = 65535.
+ * The theoretical maximum size of any IPv6 UDP packet is UINT32_MAX = 4294967295.
+ *
+ * The default maximum size of the UDP buffer in iOS is 9216 bytes.
+ *
+ * This is the reason of #222(GCD does not necessarily return the size of an entire UDP packet) and
+ * #535(GCDAsyncUDPSocket can not send data when data is greater than 9K)
+ *
+ *
+ * Enlarge the maximum size of UDP packet.
+ * I can not ensure the protocol type now so that the max size is set to 65535 :)
+ **/
+ status = setsockopt(socketFD, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, (const char*)&self->maxSendSize, sizeof(int));
+ if (status == -1)
+ {
+ if (errPtr)
+ *errPtr = [self errnoErrorWithReason:@"Error setting send buffer size (setsockopt)"];
+ close(socketFD);
+ return SOCKET_NULL;
+ }
+ status = setsockopt(socketFD, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, (const char*)&self->maxSendSize, sizeof(int));
+ if (status == -1)
+ {
+ if (errPtr)
+ *errPtr = [self errnoErrorWithReason:@"Error setting receive buffer size (setsockopt)"];
+ close(socketFD);
+ return SOCKET_NULL;
+ }
+ return socketFD;
+ };
+ // Create sockets depending upon given configuration.
+ if (useIPv4)
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"Creating IPv4 socket");
+ socket4FD = createSocket(AF_INET);
+ if (socket4FD == SOCKET_NULL)
+ {
+ // errPtr set in local createSocket() block
+ return NO;
+ }
+ }
+ if (useIPv6)
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"Creating IPv6 socket");
+ socket6FD = createSocket(AF_INET6);
+ if (socket6FD == SOCKET_NULL)
+ {
+ // errPtr set in local createSocket() block
+ if (socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL)
+ {
+ close(socket4FD);
+ socket4FD = SOCKET_NULL;
+ }
+ return NO;
+ }
+ }
+ // Setup send and receive sources
+ if (useIPv4)
+ [self setupSendAndReceiveSourcesForSocket4];
+ if (useIPv6)
+ [self setupSendAndReceiveSourcesForSocket6];
+ flags |= kDidCreateSockets;
+ return YES;
+- (BOOL)createSockets:(NSError **)errPtr
+ LogTrace();
+ BOOL useIPv4 = [self isIPv4Enabled];
+ BOOL useIPv6 = [self isIPv6Enabled];
+ return [self createSocket4:useIPv4 socket6:useIPv6 error:errPtr];
+- (void)suspendSend4Source
+ if (send4Source && !(flags & kSend4SourceSuspended))
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"dispatch_suspend(send4Source)");
+ dispatch_suspend(send4Source);
+ flags |= kSend4SourceSuspended;
+ }
+- (void)suspendSend6Source
+ if (send6Source && !(flags & kSend6SourceSuspended))
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"dispatch_suspend(send6Source)");
+ dispatch_suspend(send6Source);
+ flags |= kSend6SourceSuspended;
+ }
+- (void)resumeSend4Source
+ if (send4Source && (flags & kSend4SourceSuspended))
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"dispatch_resume(send4Source)");
+ dispatch_resume(send4Source);
+ flags &= ~kSend4SourceSuspended;
+ }
+- (void)resumeSend6Source
+ if (send6Source && (flags & kSend6SourceSuspended))
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"dispatch_resume(send6Source)");
+ dispatch_resume(send6Source);
+ flags &= ~kSend6SourceSuspended;
+ }
+- (void)suspendReceive4Source
+ if (receive4Source && !(flags & kReceive4SourceSuspended))
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"dispatch_suspend(receive4Source)");
+ dispatch_suspend(receive4Source);
+ flags |= kReceive4SourceSuspended;
+ }
+- (void)suspendReceive6Source
+ if (receive6Source && !(flags & kReceive6SourceSuspended))
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"dispatch_suspend(receive6Source)");
+ dispatch_suspend(receive6Source);
+ flags |= kReceive6SourceSuspended;
+ }
+- (void)resumeReceive4Source
+ if (receive4Source && (flags & kReceive4SourceSuspended))
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"dispatch_resume(receive4Source)");
+ dispatch_resume(receive4Source);
+ flags &= ~kReceive4SourceSuspended;
+ }
+- (void)resumeReceive6Source
+ if (receive6Source && (flags & kReceive6SourceSuspended))
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"dispatch_resume(receive6Source)");
+ dispatch_resume(receive6Source);
+ flags &= ~kReceive6SourceSuspended;
+ }
+- (void)closeSocket4
+ if (socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL)
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"dispatch_source_cancel(send4Source)");
+ dispatch_source_cancel(send4Source);
+ LogVerbose(@"dispatch_source_cancel(receive4Source)");
+ dispatch_source_cancel(receive4Source);
+ // For some crazy reason (in my opinion), cancelling a dispatch source doesn't
+ // invoke the cancel handler if the dispatch source is paused.
+ // So we have to unpause the source if needed.
+ // This allows the cancel handler to be run, which in turn releases the source and closes the socket.
+ [self resumeSend4Source];
+ [self resumeReceive4Source];
+ // The sockets will be closed by the cancel handlers of the corresponding source
+ send4Source = NULL;
+ receive4Source = NULL;
+ socket4FD = SOCKET_NULL;
+ // Clear socket states
+ socket4FDBytesAvailable = 0;
+ flags &= ~kSock4CanAcceptBytes;
+ // Clear cached info
+ cachedLocalAddress4 = nil;
+ cachedLocalHost4 = nil;
+ cachedLocalPort4 = 0;
+ }
+- (void)closeSocket6
+ if (socket6FD != SOCKET_NULL)
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"dispatch_source_cancel(send6Source)");
+ dispatch_source_cancel(send6Source);
+ LogVerbose(@"dispatch_source_cancel(receive6Source)");
+ dispatch_source_cancel(receive6Source);
+ // For some crazy reason (in my opinion), cancelling a dispatch source doesn't
+ // invoke the cancel handler if the dispatch source is paused.
+ // So we have to unpause the source if needed.
+ // This allows the cancel handler to be run, which in turn releases the source and closes the socket.
+ [self resumeSend6Source];
+ [self resumeReceive6Source];
+ send6Source = NULL;
+ receive6Source = NULL;
+ // The sockets will be closed by the cancel handlers of the corresponding source
+ socket6FD = SOCKET_NULL;
+ // Clear socket states
+ socket6FDBytesAvailable = 0;
+ flags &= ~kSock6CanAcceptBytes;
+ // Clear cached info
+ cachedLocalAddress6 = nil;
+ cachedLocalHost6 = nil;
+ cachedLocalPort6 = 0;
+ }
+- (void)closeSockets
+ [self closeSocket4];
+ [self closeSocket6];
+ flags &= ~kDidCreateSockets;
+#pragma mark Diagnostics
+- (BOOL)getLocalAddress:(NSData **)dataPtr
+ host:(NSString **)hostPtr
+ port:(uint16_t *)portPtr
+ forSocket:(int)socketFD
+ withFamily:(int)socketFamily
+ NSData *data = nil;
+ NSString *host = nil;
+ uint16_t port = 0;
+ if (socketFamily == AF_INET)
+ {
+ struct sockaddr_in sockaddr4;
+ socklen_t sockaddr4len = sizeof(sockaddr4);
+ if (getsockname(socketFD, (struct sockaddr *)&sockaddr4, &sockaddr4len) == 0)
+ {
+ data = [NSData dataWithBytes:&sockaddr4 length:sockaddr4len];
+ host = [[self class] hostFromSockaddr4:&sockaddr4];
+ port = [[self class] portFromSockaddr4:&sockaddr4];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LogWarn(@"Error in getsockname: %@", [self errnoError]);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (socketFamily == AF_INET6)
+ {
+ struct sockaddr_in6 sockaddr6;
+ socklen_t sockaddr6len = sizeof(sockaddr6);
+ if (getsockname(socketFD, (struct sockaddr *)&sockaddr6, &sockaddr6len) == 0)
+ {
+ data = [NSData dataWithBytes:&sockaddr6 length:sockaddr6len];
+ host = [[self class] hostFromSockaddr6:&sockaddr6];
+ port = [[self class] portFromSockaddr6:&sockaddr6];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LogWarn(@"Error in getsockname: %@", [self errnoError]);
+ }
+ }
+ if (dataPtr) *dataPtr = data;
+ if (hostPtr) *hostPtr = host;
+ if (portPtr) *portPtr = port;
+ return (data != nil);
+- (void)maybeUpdateCachedLocalAddress4Info
+ NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
+ if ( cachedLocalAddress4 || ((flags & kDidBind) == 0) || (socket4FD == SOCKET_NULL) )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ NSData *address = nil;
+ NSString *host = nil;
+ uint16_t port = 0;
+ if ([self getLocalAddress:&address host:&host port:&port forSocket:socket4FD withFamily:AF_INET])
+ {
+ cachedLocalAddress4 = address;
+ cachedLocalHost4 = host;
+ cachedLocalPort4 = port;
+ }
+- (void)maybeUpdateCachedLocalAddress6Info
+ NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
+ if ( cachedLocalAddress6 || ((flags & kDidBind) == 0) || (socket6FD == SOCKET_NULL) )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ NSData *address = nil;
+ NSString *host = nil;
+ uint16_t port = 0;
+ if ([self getLocalAddress:&address host:&host port:&port forSocket:socket6FD withFamily:AF_INET6])
+ {
+ cachedLocalAddress6 = address;
+ cachedLocalHost6 = host;
+ cachedLocalPort6 = port;
+ }
+- (NSData *)localAddress
+ __block NSData *result = nil;
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{
+ if (self->socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL)
+ {
+ [self maybeUpdateCachedLocalAddress4Info];
+ result = self->cachedLocalAddress4;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ [self maybeUpdateCachedLocalAddress6Info];
+ result = self->cachedLocalAddress6;
+ }
+ };
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, AutoreleasedBlock(block));
+ return result;
+- (NSString *)localHost
+ __block NSString *result = nil;
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{
+ if (self->socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL)
+ {
+ [self maybeUpdateCachedLocalAddress4Info];
+ result = self->cachedLocalHost4;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ [self maybeUpdateCachedLocalAddress6Info];
+ result = self->cachedLocalHost6;
+ }
+ };
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, AutoreleasedBlock(block));
+ return result;
+- (uint16_t)localPort
+ __block uint16_t result = 0;
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{
+ if (self->socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL)
+ {
+ [self maybeUpdateCachedLocalAddress4Info];
+ result = self->cachedLocalPort4;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ [self maybeUpdateCachedLocalAddress6Info];
+ result = self->cachedLocalPort6;
+ }
+ };
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, AutoreleasedBlock(block));
+ return result;
+- (NSData *)localAddress_IPv4
+ __block NSData *result = nil;
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{
+ [self maybeUpdateCachedLocalAddress4Info];
+ result = self->cachedLocalAddress4;
+ };
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, AutoreleasedBlock(block));
+ return result;
+- (NSString *)localHost_IPv4
+ __block NSString *result = nil;
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{
+ [self maybeUpdateCachedLocalAddress4Info];
+ result = self->cachedLocalHost4;
+ };
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, AutoreleasedBlock(block));
+ return result;
+- (uint16_t)localPort_IPv4
+ __block uint16_t result = 0;
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{
+ [self maybeUpdateCachedLocalAddress4Info];
+ result = self->cachedLocalPort4;
+ };
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, AutoreleasedBlock(block));
+ return result;
+- (NSData *)localAddress_IPv6
+ __block NSData *result = nil;
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{
+ [self maybeUpdateCachedLocalAddress6Info];
+ result = self->cachedLocalAddress6;
+ };
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, AutoreleasedBlock(block));
+ return result;
+- (NSString *)localHost_IPv6
+ __block NSString *result = nil;
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{
+ [self maybeUpdateCachedLocalAddress6Info];
+ result = self->cachedLocalHost6;
+ };
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, AutoreleasedBlock(block));
+ return result;
+- (uint16_t)localPort_IPv6
+ __block uint16_t result = 0;
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{
+ [self maybeUpdateCachedLocalAddress6Info];
+ result = self->cachedLocalPort6;
+ };
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, AutoreleasedBlock(block));
+ return result;
+- (void)maybeUpdateCachedConnectedAddressInfo
+ NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
+ if (cachedConnectedAddress || (flags & kDidConnect) == 0)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ NSData *data = nil;
+ NSString *host = nil;
+ uint16_t port = 0;
+ int family = AF_UNSPEC;
+ if (socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL)
+ {
+ struct sockaddr_in sockaddr4;
+ socklen_t sockaddr4len = sizeof(sockaddr4);
+ if (getpeername(socket4FD, (struct sockaddr *)&sockaddr4, &sockaddr4len) == 0)
+ {
+ data = [NSData dataWithBytes:&sockaddr4 length:sockaddr4len];
+ host = [[self class] hostFromSockaddr4:&sockaddr4];
+ port = [[self class] portFromSockaddr4:&sockaddr4];
+ family = AF_INET;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LogWarn(@"Error in getpeername: %@", [self errnoError]);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (socket6FD != SOCKET_NULL)
+ {
+ struct sockaddr_in6 sockaddr6;
+ socklen_t sockaddr6len = sizeof(sockaddr6);
+ if (getpeername(socket6FD, (struct sockaddr *)&sockaddr6, &sockaddr6len) == 0)
+ {
+ data = [NSData dataWithBytes:&sockaddr6 length:sockaddr6len];
+ host = [[self class] hostFromSockaddr6:&sockaddr6];
+ port = [[self class] portFromSockaddr6:&sockaddr6];
+ family = AF_INET6;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LogWarn(@"Error in getpeername: %@", [self errnoError]);
+ }
+ }
+ cachedConnectedAddress = data;
+ cachedConnectedHost = host;
+ cachedConnectedPort = port;
+ cachedConnectedFamily = family;
+- (NSData *)connectedAddress
+ __block NSData *result = nil;
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{
+ [self maybeUpdateCachedConnectedAddressInfo];
+ result = self->cachedConnectedAddress;
+ };
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, AutoreleasedBlock(block));
+ return result;
+- (NSString *)connectedHost
+ __block NSString *result = nil;
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{
+ [self maybeUpdateCachedConnectedAddressInfo];
+ result = self->cachedConnectedHost;
+ };
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, AutoreleasedBlock(block));
+ return result;
+- (uint16_t)connectedPort
+ __block uint16_t result = 0;
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{
+ [self maybeUpdateCachedConnectedAddressInfo];
+ result = self->cachedConnectedPort;
+ };
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, AutoreleasedBlock(block));
+ return result;
+- (BOOL)isConnected
+ __block BOOL result = NO;
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{
+ result = (self->flags & kDidConnect) ? YES : NO;
+ };
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
+ return result;
+- (BOOL)isClosed
+ __block BOOL result = YES;
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{
+ result = (self->flags & kDidCreateSockets) ? NO : YES;
+ };
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
+ return result;
+- (BOOL)isIPv4
+ __block BOOL result = NO;
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{
+ if (self->flags & kDidCreateSockets)
+ {
+ result = (self->socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ result = [self isIPv4Enabled];
+ }
+ };
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
+ return result;
+- (BOOL)isIPv6
+ __block BOOL result = NO;
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{
+ if (self->flags & kDidCreateSockets)
+ {
+ result = (self->socket6FD != SOCKET_NULL);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ result = [self isIPv6Enabled];
+ }
+ };
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
+ return result;
+#pragma mark Binding
+ * This method runs through the various checks required prior to a bind attempt.
+ * It is shared between the various bind methods.
+- (BOOL)preBind:(NSError **)errPtr
+ if (![self preOp:errPtr])
+ {
+ return NO;
+ }
+ if (flags & kDidBind)
+ {
+ if (errPtr)
+ {
+ NSString *msg = @"Cannot bind a socket more than once.";
+ *errPtr = [self badConfigError:msg];
+ }
+ return NO;
+ }
+ if ((flags & kConnecting) || (flags & kDidConnect))
+ {
+ if (errPtr)
+ {
+ NSString *msg = @"Cannot bind after connecting. If needed, bind first, then connect.";
+ *errPtr = [self badConfigError:msg];
+ }
+ return NO;
+ }
+ BOOL isIPv4Disabled = (config & kIPv4Disabled) ? YES : NO;
+ BOOL isIPv6Disabled = (config & kIPv6Disabled) ? YES : NO;
+ if (isIPv4Disabled && isIPv6Disabled) // Must have IPv4 or IPv6 enabled
+ {
+ if (errPtr)
+ {
+ NSString *msg = @"Both IPv4 and IPv6 have been disabled. Must enable at least one protocol first.";
+ *errPtr = [self badConfigError:msg];
+ }
+ return NO;
+ }
+ return YES;
+- (BOOL)bindToPort:(uint16_t)port error:(NSError **)errPtr
+ return [self bindToPort:port interface:nil error:errPtr];
+- (BOOL)bindToPort:(uint16_t)port interface:(NSString *)interface error:(NSError **)errPtr
+ __block BOOL result = NO;
+ __block NSError *err = nil;
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ // Run through sanity checks
+ if (![self preBind:&err])
+ {
+ return_from_block;
+ }
+ // Check the given interface
+ NSData *interface4 = nil;
+ NSData *interface6 = nil;
+ [self convertIntefaceDescription:interface port:port intoAddress4:&interface4 address6:&interface6];
+ if ((interface4 == nil) && (interface6 == nil))
+ {
+ NSString *msg = @"Unknown interface. Specify valid interface by name (e.g. \"en1\") or IP address.";
+ err = [self badParamError:msg];
+ return_from_block;
+ }
+ BOOL isIPv4Disabled = (self->config & kIPv4Disabled) ? YES : NO;
+ BOOL isIPv6Disabled = (self->config & kIPv6Disabled) ? YES : NO;
+ if (isIPv4Disabled && (interface6 == nil))
+ {
+ NSString *msg = @"IPv4 has been disabled and specified interface doesn't support IPv6.";
+ err = [self badParamError:msg];
+ return_from_block;
+ }
+ if (isIPv6Disabled && (interface4 == nil))
+ {
+ NSString *msg = @"IPv6 has been disabled and specified interface doesn't support IPv4.";
+ err = [self badParamError:msg];
+ return_from_block;
+ }
+ // Determine protocol(s)
+ BOOL useIPv4 = !isIPv4Disabled && (interface4 != nil);
+ BOOL useIPv6 = !isIPv6Disabled && (interface6 != nil);
+ // Create the socket(s) if needed
+ if ((self->flags & kDidCreateSockets) == 0)
+ {
+ if (![self createSocket4:useIPv4 socket6:useIPv6 error:&err])
+ {
+ return_from_block;
+ }
+ }
+ // Bind the socket(s)
+ LogVerbose(@"Binding socket to port(%hu) interface(%@)", port, interface);
+ if (useIPv4)
+ {
+ int status = bind(self->socket4FD, (const struct sockaddr *)[interface4 bytes], (socklen_t)[interface4 length]);
+ if (status == -1)
+ {
+ [self closeSockets];
+ NSString *reason = @"Error in bind() function";
+ err = [self errnoErrorWithReason:reason];
+ return_from_block;
+ }
+ }
+ if (useIPv6)
+ {
+ int status = bind(self->socket6FD, (const struct sockaddr *)[interface6 bytes], (socklen_t)[interface6 length]);
+ if (status == -1)
+ {
+ [self closeSockets];
+ NSString *reason = @"Error in bind() function";
+ err = [self errnoErrorWithReason:reason];
+ return_from_block;
+ }
+ }
+ // Update flags
+ self->flags |= kDidBind;
+ if (!useIPv4) self->flags |= kIPv4Deactivated;
+ if (!useIPv6) self->flags |= kIPv6Deactivated;
+ result = YES;
+ }};
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
+ if (err)
+ LogError(@"Error binding to port/interface: %@", err);
+ if (errPtr)
+ *errPtr = err;
+ return result;
+- (BOOL)bindToAddress:(NSData *)localAddr error:(NSError **)errPtr
+ __block BOOL result = NO;
+ __block NSError *err = nil;
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ // Run through sanity checks
+ if (![self preBind:&err])
+ {
+ return_from_block;
+ }
+ // Check the given address
+ int addressFamily = [[self class] familyFromAddress:localAddr];
+ if (addressFamily == AF_UNSPEC)
+ {
+ NSString *msg = @"A valid IPv4 or IPv6 address was not given";
+ err = [self badParamError:msg];
+ return_from_block;
+ }
+ NSData *localAddr4 = (addressFamily == AF_INET) ? localAddr : nil;
+ NSData *localAddr6 = (addressFamily == AF_INET6) ? localAddr : nil;
+ BOOL isIPv4Disabled = (self->config & kIPv4Disabled) ? YES : NO;
+ BOOL isIPv6Disabled = (self->config & kIPv6Disabled) ? YES : NO;
+ if (isIPv4Disabled && localAddr4)
+ {
+ NSString *msg = @"IPv4 has been disabled and an IPv4 address was passed.";
+ err = [self badParamError:msg];
+ return_from_block;
+ }
+ if (isIPv6Disabled && localAddr6)
+ {
+ NSString *msg = @"IPv6 has been disabled and an IPv6 address was passed.";
+ err = [self badParamError:msg];
+ return_from_block;
+ }
+ // Determine protocol(s)
+ BOOL useIPv4 = !isIPv4Disabled && (localAddr4 != nil);
+ BOOL useIPv6 = !isIPv6Disabled && (localAddr6 != nil);
+ // Create the socket(s) if needed
+ if ((self->flags & kDidCreateSockets) == 0)
+ {
+ if (![self createSocket4:useIPv4 socket6:useIPv6 error:&err])
+ {
+ return_from_block;
+ }
+ }
+ // Bind the socket(s)
+ if (useIPv4)
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"Binding socket to address(%@:%hu)",
+ [[self class] hostFromAddress:localAddr4],
+ [[self class] portFromAddress:localAddr4]);
+ int status = bind(self->socket4FD, (const struct sockaddr *)[localAddr4 bytes], (socklen_t)[localAddr4 length]);
+ if (status == -1)
+ {
+ [self closeSockets];
+ NSString *reason = @"Error in bind() function";
+ err = [self errnoErrorWithReason:reason];
+ return_from_block;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"Binding socket to address(%@:%hu)",
+ [[self class] hostFromAddress:localAddr6],
+ [[self class] portFromAddress:localAddr6]);
+ int status = bind(self->socket6FD, (const struct sockaddr *)[localAddr6 bytes], (socklen_t)[localAddr6 length]);
+ if (status == -1)
+ {
+ [self closeSockets];
+ NSString *reason = @"Error in bind() function";
+ err = [self errnoErrorWithReason:reason];
+ return_from_block;
+ }
+ }
+ // Update flags
+ self->flags |= kDidBind;
+ if (!useIPv4) self->flags |= kIPv4Deactivated;
+ if (!useIPv6) self->flags |= kIPv6Deactivated;
+ result = YES;
+ }};
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
+ if (err)
+ LogError(@"Error binding to address: %@", err);
+ if (errPtr)
+ *errPtr = err;
+ return result;
+#pragma mark Connecting
+ * This method runs through the various checks required prior to a connect attempt.
+ * It is shared between the various connect methods.
+- (BOOL)preConnect:(NSError **)errPtr
+ if (![self preOp:errPtr])
+ {
+ return NO;
+ }
+ if ((flags & kConnecting) || (flags & kDidConnect))
+ {
+ if (errPtr)
+ {
+ NSString *msg = @"Cannot connect a socket more than once.";
+ *errPtr = [self badConfigError:msg];
+ }
+ return NO;
+ }
+ BOOL isIPv4Disabled = (config & kIPv4Disabled) ? YES : NO;
+ BOOL isIPv6Disabled = (config & kIPv6Disabled) ? YES : NO;
+ if (isIPv4Disabled && isIPv6Disabled) // Must have IPv4 or IPv6 enabled
+ {
+ if (errPtr)
+ {
+ NSString *msg = @"Both IPv4 and IPv6 have been disabled. Must enable at least one protocol first.";
+ *errPtr = [self badConfigError:msg];
+ }
+ return NO;
+ }
+ return YES;
+- (BOOL)connectToHost:(NSString *)host onPort:(uint16_t)port error:(NSError **)errPtr
+ __block BOOL result = NO;
+ __block NSError *err = nil;
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ // Run through sanity checks.
+ if (![self preConnect:&err])
+ {
+ return_from_block;
+ }
+ // Check parameter(s)
+ if (host == nil)
+ {
+ NSString *msg = @"The host param is nil. Should be domain name or IP address string.";
+ err = [self badParamError:msg];
+ return_from_block;
+ }
+ // Create the socket(s) if needed
+ if ((self->flags & kDidCreateSockets) == 0)
+ {
+ if (![self createSockets:&err])
+ {
+ return_from_block;
+ }
+ }
+ // Create special connect packet
+ GCDAsyncUdpSpecialPacket *packet = [[GCDAsyncUdpSpecialPacket alloc] init];
+ packet->resolveInProgress = YES;
+ // Start asynchronous DNS resolve for host:port on background queue
+ LogVerbose(@"Dispatching DNS resolve for connect...");
+ [self asyncResolveHost:host port:port withCompletionBlock:^(NSArray *addresses, NSError *error) {
+ // The asyncResolveHost:port:: method asynchronously dispatches a task onto the global concurrent queue,
+ // and immediately returns. Once the async resolve task completes,
+ // this block is executed on our socketQueue.
+ packet->resolveInProgress = NO;
+ packet->addresses = addresses;
+ packet->error = error;
+ [self maybeConnect];
+ }];
+ // Updates flags, add connect packet to send queue, and pump send queue
+ self->flags |= kConnecting;
+ [self->sendQueue addObject:packet];
+ [self maybeDequeueSend];
+ result = YES;
+ }};
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
+ if (err)
+ LogError(@"Error connecting to host/port: %@", err);
+ if (errPtr)
+ *errPtr = err;
+ return result;
+- (BOOL)connectToAddress:(NSData *)remoteAddr error:(NSError **)errPtr
+ __block BOOL result = NO;
+ __block NSError *err = nil;
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ // Run through sanity checks.
+ if (![self preConnect:&err])
+ {
+ return_from_block;
+ }
+ // Check parameter(s)
+ if (remoteAddr == nil)
+ {
+ NSString *msg = @"The address param is nil. Should be a valid address.";
+ err = [self badParamError:msg];
+ return_from_block;
+ }
+ // Create the socket(s) if needed
+ if ((self->flags & kDidCreateSockets) == 0)
+ {
+ if (![self createSockets:&err])
+ {
+ return_from_block;
+ }
+ }
+ // The remoteAddr parameter could be of type NSMutableData.
+ // So we copy it to be safe.
+ NSData *address = [remoteAddr copy];
+ NSArray *addresses = [NSArray arrayWithObject:address];
+ GCDAsyncUdpSpecialPacket *packet = [[GCDAsyncUdpSpecialPacket alloc] init];
+ packet->addresses = addresses;
+ // Updates flags, add connect packet to send queue, and pump send queue
+ self->flags |= kConnecting;
+ [self->sendQueue addObject:packet];
+ [self maybeDequeueSend];
+ result = YES;
+ }};
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
+ if (err)
+ LogError(@"Error connecting to address: %@", err);
+ if (errPtr)
+ *errPtr = err;
+ return result;
+- (void)maybeConnect
+ LogTrace();
+ NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
+ BOOL sendQueueReady = [currentSend isKindOfClass:[GCDAsyncUdpSpecialPacket class]];
+ if (sendQueueReady)
+ {
+ GCDAsyncUdpSpecialPacket *connectPacket = (GCDAsyncUdpSpecialPacket *)currentSend;
+ if (connectPacket->resolveInProgress)
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"Waiting for DNS resolve...");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (connectPacket->error)
+ {
+ [self notifyDidNotConnect:connectPacket->error];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ NSData *address = nil;
+ NSError *error = nil;
+ int addressFamily = [self getAddress:&address error:&error fromAddresses:connectPacket->addresses];
+ // Perform connect
+ BOOL result = NO;
+ switch (addressFamily)
+ {
+ case AF_INET : result = [self connectWithAddress4:address error:&error]; break;
+ case AF_INET6 : result = [self connectWithAddress6:address error:&error]; break;
+ }
+ if (result)
+ {
+ flags |= kDidBind;
+ flags |= kDidConnect;
+ cachedConnectedAddress = address;
+ cachedConnectedHost = [[self class] hostFromAddress:address];
+ cachedConnectedPort = [[self class] portFromAddress:address];
+ cachedConnectedFamily = addressFamily;
+ [self notifyDidConnectToAddress:address];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ [self notifyDidNotConnect:error];
+ }
+ }
+ flags &= ~kConnecting;
+ [self endCurrentSend];
+ [self maybeDequeueSend];
+ }
+ }
+- (BOOL)connectWithAddress4:(NSData *)address4 error:(NSError **)errPtr
+ LogTrace();
+ NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
+ int status = connect(socket4FD, (const struct sockaddr *)[address4 bytes], (socklen_t)[address4 length]);
+ if (status != 0)
+ {
+ if (errPtr)
+ *errPtr = [self errnoErrorWithReason:@"Error in connect() function"];
+ return NO;
+ }
+ [self closeSocket6];
+ flags |= kIPv6Deactivated;
+ return YES;
+- (BOOL)connectWithAddress6:(NSData *)address6 error:(NSError **)errPtr
+ LogTrace();
+ NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
+ int status = connect(socket6FD, (const struct sockaddr *)[address6 bytes], (socklen_t)[address6 length]);
+ if (status != 0)
+ {
+ if (errPtr)
+ *errPtr = [self errnoErrorWithReason:@"Error in connect() function"];
+ return NO;
+ }
+ [self closeSocket4];
+ flags |= kIPv4Deactivated;
+ return YES;
+#pragma mark Multicast
+- (BOOL)preJoin:(NSError **)errPtr
+ if (![self preOp:errPtr])
+ {
+ return NO;
+ }
+ if (!(flags & kDidBind))
+ {
+ if (errPtr)
+ {
+ NSString *msg = @"Must bind a socket before joining a multicast group.";
+ *errPtr = [self badConfigError:msg];
+ }
+ return NO;
+ }
+ if ((flags & kConnecting) || (flags & kDidConnect))
+ {
+ if (errPtr)
+ {
+ NSString *msg = @"Cannot join a multicast group if connected.";
+ *errPtr = [self badConfigError:msg];
+ }
+ return NO;
+ }
+ return YES;
+- (BOOL)joinMulticastGroup:(NSString *)group error:(NSError **)errPtr
+ return [self joinMulticastGroup:group onInterface:nil error:errPtr];
+- (BOOL)joinMulticastGroup:(NSString *)group onInterface:(NSString *)interface error:(NSError **)errPtr
+ return [self performMulticastRequest:IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP forGroup:group onInterface:interface error:errPtr];
+- (BOOL)leaveMulticastGroup:(NSString *)group error:(NSError **)errPtr
+ return [self leaveMulticastGroup:group onInterface:nil error:errPtr];
+- (BOOL)leaveMulticastGroup:(NSString *)group onInterface:(NSString *)interface error:(NSError **)errPtr
+ return [self performMulticastRequest:IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP forGroup:group onInterface:interface error:errPtr];
+- (BOOL)performMulticastRequest:(int)requestType
+ forGroup:(NSString *)group
+ onInterface:(NSString *)interface
+ error:(NSError **)errPtr
+ __block BOOL result = NO;
+ __block NSError *err = nil;
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ // Run through sanity checks
+ if (![self preJoin:&err])
+ {
+ return_from_block;
+ }
+ // Convert group to address
+ NSData *groupAddr4 = nil;
+ NSData *groupAddr6 = nil;
+ [self convertNumericHost:group port:0 intoAddress4:&groupAddr4 address6:&groupAddr6];
+ if ((groupAddr4 == nil) && (groupAddr6 == nil))
+ {
+ NSString *msg = @"Unknown group. Specify valid group IP address.";
+ err = [self badParamError:msg];
+ return_from_block;
+ }
+ // Convert interface to address
+ NSData *interfaceAddr4 = nil;
+ NSData *interfaceAddr6 = nil;
+ [self convertIntefaceDescription:interface port:0 intoAddress4:&interfaceAddr4 address6:&interfaceAddr6];
+ if ((interfaceAddr4 == nil) && (interfaceAddr6 == nil))
+ {
+ NSString *msg = @"Unknown interface. Specify valid interface by name (e.g. \"en1\") or IP address.";
+ err = [self badParamError:msg];
+ return_from_block;
+ }
+ // Perform join
+ if ((self->socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL) && groupAddr4 && interfaceAddr4)
+ {
+ const struct sockaddr_in *nativeGroup = (const struct sockaddr_in *)[groupAddr4 bytes];
+ const struct sockaddr_in *nativeIface = (const struct sockaddr_in *)[interfaceAddr4 bytes];
+ struct ip_mreq imreq;
+ imreq.imr_multiaddr = nativeGroup->sin_addr;
+ imreq.imr_interface = nativeIface->sin_addr;
+ int status = setsockopt(self->socket4FD, IPPROTO_IP, requestType, (const void *)&imreq, sizeof(imreq));
+ if (status != 0)
+ {
+ err = [self errnoErrorWithReason:@"Error in setsockopt() function"];
+ return_from_block;
+ }
+ // Using IPv4 only
+ [self closeSocket6];
+ result = YES;
+ }
+ else if ((self->socket6FD != SOCKET_NULL) && groupAddr6 && interfaceAddr6)
+ {
+ const struct sockaddr_in6 *nativeGroup = (const struct sockaddr_in6 *)[groupAddr6 bytes];
+ struct ipv6_mreq imreq;
+ imreq.ipv6mr_multiaddr = nativeGroup->sin6_addr;
+ imreq.ipv6mr_interface = [self indexOfInterfaceAddr6:interfaceAddr6];
+ int status = setsockopt(self->socket6FD, IPPROTO_IPV6, requestType, (const void *)&imreq, sizeof(imreq));
+ if (status != 0)
+ {
+ err = [self errnoErrorWithReason:@"Error in setsockopt() function"];
+ return_from_block;
+ }
+ // Using IPv6 only
+ [self closeSocket4];
+ result = YES;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ NSString *msg = @"Socket, group, and interface do not have matching IP versions";
+ err = [self badParamError:msg];
+ return_from_block;
+ }
+ }};
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
+ if (errPtr)
+ *errPtr = err;
+ return result;
+#pragma mark Reuse port
+- (BOOL)enableReusePort:(BOOL)flag error:(NSError **)errPtr
+ __block BOOL result = NO;
+ __block NSError *err = nil;
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ if (![self preOp:&err])
+ {
+ return_from_block;
+ }
+ if ((self->flags & kDidCreateSockets) == 0)
+ {
+ if (![self createSockets:&err])
+ {
+ return_from_block;
+ }
+ }
+ int value = flag ? 1 : 0;
+ if (self->socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL)
+ {
+ int error = setsockopt(self->socket4FD, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEPORT, (const void *)&value, sizeof(value));
+ if (error)
+ {
+ err = [self errnoErrorWithReason:@"Error in setsockopt() function"];
+ return_from_block;
+ }
+ result = YES;
+ }
+ if (self->socket6FD != SOCKET_NULL)
+ {
+ int error = setsockopt(self->socket6FD, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEPORT, (const void *)&value, sizeof(value));
+ if (error)
+ {
+ err = [self errnoErrorWithReason:@"Error in setsockopt() function"];
+ return_from_block;
+ }
+ result = YES;
+ }
+ }};
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
+ if (errPtr)
+ *errPtr = err;
+ return result;
+#pragma mark Broadcast
+- (BOOL)enableBroadcast:(BOOL)flag error:(NSError **)errPtr
+ __block BOOL result = NO;
+ __block NSError *err = nil;
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ if (![self preOp:&err])
+ {
+ return_from_block;
+ }
+ if ((self->flags & kDidCreateSockets) == 0)
+ {
+ if (![self createSockets:&err])
+ {
+ return_from_block;
+ }
+ }
+ if (self->socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL)
+ {
+ int value = flag ? 1 : 0;
+ int error = setsockopt(self->socket4FD, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, (const void *)&value, sizeof(value));
+ if (error)
+ {
+ err = [self errnoErrorWithReason:@"Error in setsockopt() function"];
+ return_from_block;
+ }
+ result = YES;
+ }
+ // IPv6 does not implement broadcast, the ability to send a packet to all hosts on the attached link.
+ // The same effect can be achieved by sending a packet to the link-local all hosts multicast group.
+ }};
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
+ if (errPtr)
+ *errPtr = err;
+ return result;
+#pragma mark Sending
+- (void)sendData:(NSData *)data withTag:(long)tag
+ [self sendData:data withTimeout:-1.0 tag:tag];
+- (void)sendData:(NSData *)data withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout tag:(long)tag
+ LogTrace();
+ if ([data length] == 0)
+ {
+ LogWarn(@"Ignoring attempt to send nil/empty data.");
+ return;
+ }
+ GCDAsyncUdpSendPacket *packet = [[GCDAsyncUdpSendPacket alloc] initWithData:data timeout:timeout tag:tag];
+ dispatch_async(socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ [self->sendQueue addObject:packet];
+ [self maybeDequeueSend];
+ }});
+- (void)sendData:(NSData *)data
+ toHost:(NSString *)host
+ port:(uint16_t)port
+ withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout
+ tag:(long)tag
+ LogTrace();
+ if ([data length] == 0)
+ {
+ LogWarn(@"Ignoring attempt to send nil/empty data.");
+ return;
+ }
+ GCDAsyncUdpSendPacket *packet = [[GCDAsyncUdpSendPacket alloc] initWithData:data timeout:timeout tag:tag];
+ packet->resolveInProgress = YES;
+ [self asyncResolveHost:host port:port withCompletionBlock:^(NSArray *addresses, NSError *error) {
+ // The asyncResolveHost:port:: method asynchronously dispatches a task onto the global concurrent queue,
+ // and immediately returns. Once the async resolve task completes,
+ // this block is executed on our socketQueue.
+ packet->resolveInProgress = NO;
+ packet->resolvedAddresses = addresses;
+ packet->resolveError = error;
+ if (packet == self->currentSend)
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"currentSend - address resolved");
+ [self doPreSend];
+ }
+ }];
+ dispatch_async(socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ [self->sendQueue addObject:packet];
+ [self maybeDequeueSend];
+ }});
+- (void)sendData:(NSData *)data toAddress:(NSData *)remoteAddr withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout tag:(long)tag
+ LogTrace();
+ if ([data length] == 0)
+ {
+ LogWarn(@"Ignoring attempt to send nil/empty data.");
+ return;
+ }
+ GCDAsyncUdpSendPacket *packet = [[GCDAsyncUdpSendPacket alloc] initWithData:data timeout:timeout tag:tag];
+ packet->addressFamily = [GCDAsyncUdpSocket familyFromAddress:remoteAddr];
+ packet->address = remoteAddr;
+ dispatch_async(socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ [self->sendQueue addObject:packet];
+ [self maybeDequeueSend];
+ }});
+- (void)setSendFilter:(GCDAsyncUdpSocketSendFilterBlock)filterBlock withQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)filterQueue
+ [self setSendFilter:filterBlock withQueue:filterQueue isAsynchronous:YES];
+- (void)setSendFilter:(GCDAsyncUdpSocketSendFilterBlock)filterBlock
+ withQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)filterQueue
+ isAsynchronous:(BOOL)isAsynchronous
+ GCDAsyncUdpSocketSendFilterBlock newFilterBlock = NULL;
+ dispatch_queue_t newFilterQueue = NULL;
+ if (filterBlock)
+ {
+ NSAssert(filterQueue, @"Must provide a dispatch_queue in which to run the filter block.");
+ newFilterBlock = [filterBlock copy];
+ newFilterQueue = filterQueue;
+ dispatch_retain(newFilterQueue);
+ #endif
+ }
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{
+ if (self->sendFilterQueue) dispatch_release(self->sendFilterQueue);
+ #endif
+ self->sendFilterBlock = newFilterBlock;
+ self->sendFilterQueue = newFilterQueue;
+ self->sendFilterAsync = isAsynchronous;
+ };
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_async(socketQueue, block);
+- (void)maybeDequeueSend
+ LogTrace();
+ NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
+ // If we don't have a send operation already in progress
+ if (currentSend == nil)
+ {
+ // Create the sockets if needed
+ if ((flags & kDidCreateSockets) == 0)
+ {
+ NSError *err = nil;
+ if (![self createSockets:&err])
+ {
+ [self closeWithError:err];
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ while ([sendQueue count] > 0)
+ {
+ // Dequeue the next object in the queue
+ currentSend = [sendQueue objectAtIndex:0];
+ [sendQueue removeObjectAtIndex:0];
+ if ([currentSend isKindOfClass:[GCDAsyncUdpSpecialPacket class]])
+ {
+ [self maybeConnect];
+ return; // The maybeConnect method, if it connects, will invoke this method again
+ }
+ else if (currentSend->resolveError)
+ {
+ // Notify delegate
+ [self notifyDidNotSendDataWithTag:currentSend->tag dueToError:currentSend->resolveError];
+ // Clear currentSend
+ currentSend = nil;
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Start preprocessing checks on the send packet
+ [self doPreSend];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((currentSend == nil) && (flags & kCloseAfterSends))
+ {
+ [self closeWithError:nil];
+ }
+ }
+ * This method is called after a sendPacket has been dequeued.
+ * It performs various preprocessing checks on the packet,
+ * and queries the sendFilter (if set) to determine if the packet can be sent.
+ *
+ * If the packet passes all checks, it will be passed on to the doSend method.
+- (void)doPreSend
+ LogTrace();
+ //
+ // 1. Check for problems with send packet
+ //
+ BOOL waitingForResolve = NO;
+ NSError *error = nil;
+ if (flags & kDidConnect)
+ {
+ // Connected socket
+ if (currentSend->resolveInProgress || currentSend->resolvedAddresses || currentSend->resolveError)
+ {
+ NSString *msg = @"Cannot specify destination of packet for connected socket";
+ error = [self badConfigError:msg];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ currentSend->address = cachedConnectedAddress;
+ currentSend->addressFamily = cachedConnectedFamily;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Non-Connected socket
+ if (currentSend->resolveInProgress)
+ {
+ // We're waiting for the packet's destination to be resolved.
+ waitingForResolve = YES;
+ }
+ else if (currentSend->resolveError)
+ {
+ error = currentSend->resolveError;
+ }
+ else if (currentSend->address == nil)
+ {
+ if (currentSend->resolvedAddresses == nil)
+ {
+ NSString *msg = @"You must specify destination of packet for a non-connected socket";
+ error = [self badConfigError:msg];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Pick the proper address to use (out of possibly several resolved addresses)
+ NSData *address = nil;
+ int addressFamily = AF_UNSPEC;
+ addressFamily = [self getAddress:&address error:&error fromAddresses:currentSend->resolvedAddresses];
+ currentSend->address = address;
+ currentSend->addressFamily = addressFamily;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (waitingForResolve)
+ {
+ // We're waiting for the packet's destination to be resolved.
+ LogVerbose(@"currentSend - waiting for address resolve");
+ if (flags & kSock4CanAcceptBytes) {
+ [self suspendSend4Source];
+ }
+ if (flags & kSock6CanAcceptBytes) {
+ [self suspendSend6Source];
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (error)
+ {
+ // Unable to send packet due to some error.
+ // Notify delegate and move on.
+ [self notifyDidNotSendDataWithTag:currentSend->tag dueToError:error];
+ [self endCurrentSend];
+ [self maybeDequeueSend];
+ return;
+ }
+ //
+ // 2. Query sendFilter (if applicable)
+ //
+ if (sendFilterBlock && sendFilterQueue)
+ {
+ // Query sendFilter
+ if (sendFilterAsync)
+ {
+ // Scenario 1 of 3 - Need to asynchronously query sendFilter
+ currentSend->filterInProgress = YES;
+ GCDAsyncUdpSendPacket *sendPacket = currentSend;
+ dispatch_async(sendFilterQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ BOOL allowed = self->sendFilterBlock(sendPacket->buffer, sendPacket->address, sendPacket->tag);
+ dispatch_async(self->socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ sendPacket->filterInProgress = NO;
+ if (sendPacket == self->currentSend)
+ {
+ if (allowed)
+ {
+ [self doSend];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"currentSend - silently dropped by sendFilter");
+ [self notifyDidSendDataWithTag:self->currentSend->tag];
+ [self endCurrentSend];
+ [self maybeDequeueSend];
+ }
+ }
+ }});
+ }});
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Scenario 2 of 3 - Need to synchronously query sendFilter
+ __block BOOL allowed = YES;
+ dispatch_sync(sendFilterQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ allowed = self->sendFilterBlock(self->currentSend->buffer, self->currentSend->address, self->currentSend->tag);
+ }});
+ if (allowed)
+ {
+ [self doSend];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"currentSend - silently dropped by sendFilter");
+ [self notifyDidSendDataWithTag:currentSend->tag];
+ [self endCurrentSend];
+ [self maybeDequeueSend];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else // if (!sendFilterBlock || !sendFilterQueue)
+ {
+ // Scenario 3 of 3 - No sendFilter. Just go straight into sending.
+ [self doSend];
+ }
+ * This method performs the actual sending of data in the currentSend packet.
+ * It should only be called if the
+- (void)doSend
+ LogTrace();
+ NSAssert(currentSend != nil, @"Invalid logic");
+ // Perform the actual send
+ ssize_t result = 0;
+ if (flags & kDidConnect)
+ {
+ // Connected socket
+ const void *buffer = [currentSend->buffer bytes];
+ size_t length = (size_t)[currentSend->buffer length];
+ if (currentSend->addressFamily == AF_INET)
+ {
+ result = send(socket4FD, buffer, length, 0);
+ LogVerbose(@"send(socket4FD) = %d", result);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ result = send(socket6FD, buffer, length, 0);
+ LogVerbose(@"send(socket6FD) = %d", result);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Non-Connected socket
+ const void *buffer = [currentSend->buffer bytes];
+ size_t length = (size_t)[currentSend->buffer length];
+ const void *dst = [currentSend->address bytes];
+ socklen_t dstSize = (socklen_t)[currentSend->address length];
+ if (currentSend->addressFamily == AF_INET)
+ {
+ result = sendto(socket4FD, buffer, length, 0, dst, dstSize);
+ LogVerbose(@"sendto(socket4FD) = %d", result);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ result = sendto(socket6FD, buffer, length, 0, dst, dstSize);
+ LogVerbose(@"sendto(socket6FD) = %d", result);
+ }
+ }
+ // If the socket wasn't bound before, it is now
+ if ((flags & kDidBind) == 0)
+ {
+ flags |= kDidBind;
+ }
+ // Check the results.
+ //
+ // From the send() & sendto() manpage:
+ //
+ // Upon successful completion, the number of bytes which were sent is returned.
+ // Otherwise, -1 is returned and the global variable errno is set to indicate the error.
+ BOOL waitingForSocket = NO;
+ NSError *socketError = nil;
+ if (result == 0)
+ {
+ waitingForSocket = YES;
+ }
+ else if (result < 0)
+ {
+ if (errno == EAGAIN)
+ waitingForSocket = YES;
+ else
+ socketError = [self errnoErrorWithReason:@"Error in send() function."];
+ }
+ if (waitingForSocket)
+ {
+ // Not enough room in the underlying OS socket send buffer.
+ // Wait for a notification of available space.
+ LogVerbose(@"currentSend - waiting for socket");
+ if (!(flags & kSock4CanAcceptBytes)) {
+ [self resumeSend4Source];
+ }
+ if (!(flags & kSock6CanAcceptBytes)) {
+ [self resumeSend6Source];
+ }
+ if ((sendTimer == NULL) && (currentSend->timeout >= 0.0))
+ {
+ // Unable to send packet right away.
+ // Start timer to timeout the send operation.
+ [self setupSendTimerWithTimeout:currentSend->timeout];
+ }
+ }
+ else if (socketError)
+ {
+ [self closeWithError:socketError];
+ }
+ else // done
+ {
+ [self notifyDidSendDataWithTag:currentSend->tag];
+ [self endCurrentSend];
+ [self maybeDequeueSend];
+ }
+ * Releases all resources associated with the currentSend.
+- (void)endCurrentSend
+ if (sendTimer)
+ {
+ dispatch_source_cancel(sendTimer);
+ dispatch_release(sendTimer);
+ #endif
+ sendTimer = NULL;
+ }
+ currentSend = nil;
+ * Performs the operations to timeout the current send operation, and move on.
+- (void)doSendTimeout
+ LogTrace();
+ [self notifyDidNotSendDataWithTag:currentSend->tag dueToError:[self sendTimeoutError]];
+ [self endCurrentSend];
+ [self maybeDequeueSend];
+ * Sets up a timer that fires to timeout the current send operation.
+ * This method should only be called once per send packet.
+- (void)setupSendTimerWithTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout
+ NSAssert(sendTimer == NULL, @"Invalid logic");
+ NSAssert(timeout >= 0.0, @"Invalid logic");
+ LogTrace();
+ sendTimer = dispatch_source_create(DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_TIMER, 0, 0, socketQueue);
+ dispatch_source_set_event_handler(sendTimer, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ [self doSendTimeout];
+ }});
+ dispatch_time_t tt = dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, (int64_t)(timeout * NSEC_PER_SEC));
+ dispatch_source_set_timer(sendTimer, tt, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER, 0);
+ dispatch_resume(sendTimer);
+#pragma mark Receiving
+- (BOOL)receiveOnce:(NSError **)errPtr
+ LogTrace();
+ __block BOOL result = NO;
+ __block NSError *err = nil;
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{
+ if ((self->flags & kReceiveOnce) == 0)
+ {
+ if ((self->flags & kDidCreateSockets) == 0)
+ {
+ NSString *msg = @"Must bind socket before you can receive data. "
+ @"You can do this explicitly via bind, or implicitly via connect or by sending data.";
+ err = [self badConfigError:msg];
+ return_from_block;
+ }
+ self->flags |= kReceiveOnce; // Enable
+ self->flags &= ~kReceiveContinuous; // Disable
+ dispatch_async(self->socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ [self doReceive];
+ }});
+ }
+ result = YES;
+ };
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
+ if (err)
+ LogError(@"Error in beginReceiving: %@", err);
+ if (errPtr)
+ *errPtr = err;
+ return result;
+- (BOOL)beginReceiving:(NSError **)errPtr
+ LogTrace();
+ __block BOOL result = NO;
+ __block NSError *err = nil;
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{
+ if ((self->flags & kReceiveContinuous) == 0)
+ {
+ if ((self->flags & kDidCreateSockets) == 0)
+ {
+ NSString *msg = @"Must bind socket before you can receive data. "
+ @"You can do this explicitly via bind, or implicitly via connect or by sending data.";
+ err = [self badConfigError:msg];
+ return_from_block;
+ }
+ self->flags |= kReceiveContinuous; // Enable
+ self->flags &= ~kReceiveOnce; // Disable
+ dispatch_async(self->socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ [self doReceive];
+ }});
+ }
+ result = YES;
+ };
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
+ if (err)
+ LogError(@"Error in beginReceiving: %@", err);
+ if (errPtr)
+ *errPtr = err;
+ return result;
+- (void)pauseReceiving
+ LogTrace();
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{
+ self->flags &= ~kReceiveOnce; // Disable
+ self->flags &= ~kReceiveContinuous; // Disable
+ if (self->socket4FDBytesAvailable > 0) {
+ [self suspendReceive4Source];
+ }
+ if (self->socket6FDBytesAvailable > 0) {
+ [self suspendReceive6Source];
+ }
+ };
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_async(socketQueue, block);
+- (void)setReceiveFilter:(GCDAsyncUdpSocketReceiveFilterBlock)filterBlock withQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)filterQueue
+ [self setReceiveFilter:filterBlock withQueue:filterQueue isAsynchronous:YES];
+- (void)setReceiveFilter:(GCDAsyncUdpSocketReceiveFilterBlock)filterBlock
+ withQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)filterQueue
+ isAsynchronous:(BOOL)isAsynchronous
+ GCDAsyncUdpSocketReceiveFilterBlock newFilterBlock = NULL;
+ dispatch_queue_t newFilterQueue = NULL;
+ if (filterBlock)
+ {
+ NSAssert(filterQueue, @"Must provide a dispatch_queue in which to run the filter block.");
+ newFilterBlock = [filterBlock copy];
+ newFilterQueue = filterQueue;
+ dispatch_retain(newFilterQueue);
+ #endif
+ }
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{
+ if (self->receiveFilterQueue) dispatch_release(self->receiveFilterQueue);
+ #endif
+ self->receiveFilterBlock = newFilterBlock;
+ self->receiveFilterQueue = newFilterQueue;
+ self->receiveFilterAsync = isAsynchronous;
+ };
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_async(socketQueue, block);
+- (void)doReceive
+ LogTrace();
+ if ((flags & (kReceiveOnce | kReceiveContinuous)) == 0)
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"Receiving is paused...");
+ if (socket4FDBytesAvailable > 0) {
+ [self suspendReceive4Source];
+ }
+ if (socket6FDBytesAvailable > 0) {
+ [self suspendReceive6Source];
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((flags & kReceiveOnce) && (pendingFilterOperations > 0))
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"Receiving is temporarily paused (pending filter operations)...");
+ if (socket4FDBytesAvailable > 0) {
+ [self suspendReceive4Source];
+ }
+ if (socket6FDBytesAvailable > 0) {
+ [self suspendReceive6Source];
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((socket4FDBytesAvailable == 0) && (socket6FDBytesAvailable == 0))
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"No data available to receive...");
+ if (socket4FDBytesAvailable == 0) {
+ [self resumeReceive4Source];
+ }
+ if (socket6FDBytesAvailable == 0) {
+ [self resumeReceive6Source];
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // Figure out if we should receive on socket4 or socket6
+ BOOL doReceive4;
+ if (flags & kDidConnect)
+ {
+ // Connected socket
+ doReceive4 = (socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Non-Connected socket
+ if (socket4FDBytesAvailable > 0)
+ {
+ if (socket6FDBytesAvailable > 0)
+ {
+ // Bytes available on socket4 & socket6
+ doReceive4 = (flags & kFlipFlop) ? YES : NO;
+ flags ^= kFlipFlop; // flags = flags xor kFlipFlop; (toggle flip flop bit)
+ }
+ else {
+ // Bytes available on socket4, but not socket6
+ doReceive4 = YES;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // Bytes available on socket6, but not socket4
+ doReceive4 = NO;
+ }
+ }
+ // Perform socket IO
+ ssize_t result = 0;
+ NSData *data = nil;
+ NSData *addr4 = nil;
+ NSData *addr6 = nil;
+ if (doReceive4)
+ {
+ NSAssert(socket4FDBytesAvailable > 0, @"Invalid logic");
+ LogVerbose(@"Receiving on IPv4");
+ struct sockaddr_in sockaddr4;
+ socklen_t sockaddr4len = sizeof(sockaddr4);
+ // #222: GCD does not necessarily return the size of an entire UDP packet
+ // from dispatch_source_get_data(), so we must use the maximum packet size.
+ size_t bufSize = max4ReceiveSize;
+ void *buf = malloc(bufSize);
+ result = recvfrom(socket4FD, buf, bufSize, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&sockaddr4, &sockaddr4len);
+ LogVerbose(@"recvfrom(socket4FD) = %i", (int)result);
+ if (result > 0)
+ {
+ if ((size_t)result >= socket4FDBytesAvailable)
+ socket4FDBytesAvailable = 0;
+ else
+ socket4FDBytesAvailable -= result;
+ if ((size_t)result != bufSize) {
+ buf = realloc(buf, result);
+ }
+ data = [NSData dataWithBytesNoCopy:buf length:result freeWhenDone:YES];
+ addr4 = [NSData dataWithBytes:&sockaddr4 length:sockaddr4len];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"recvfrom(socket4FD) = %@", [self errnoError]);
+ socket4FDBytesAvailable = 0;
+ free(buf);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ NSAssert(socket6FDBytesAvailable > 0, @"Invalid logic");
+ LogVerbose(@"Receiving on IPv6");
+ struct sockaddr_in6 sockaddr6;
+ socklen_t sockaddr6len = sizeof(sockaddr6);
+ // #222: GCD does not necessarily return the size of an entire UDP packet
+ // from dispatch_source_get_data(), so we must use the maximum packet size.
+ size_t bufSize = max6ReceiveSize;
+ void *buf = malloc(bufSize);
+ result = recvfrom(socket6FD, buf, bufSize, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&sockaddr6, &sockaddr6len);
+ LogVerbose(@"recvfrom(socket6FD) -> %i", (int)result);
+ if (result > 0)
+ {
+ if ((size_t)result >= socket6FDBytesAvailable)
+ socket6FDBytesAvailable = 0;
+ else
+ socket6FDBytesAvailable -= result;
+ if ((size_t)result != bufSize) {
+ buf = realloc(buf, result);
+ }
+ data = [NSData dataWithBytesNoCopy:buf length:result freeWhenDone:YES];
+ addr6 = [NSData dataWithBytes:&sockaddr6 length:sockaddr6len];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"recvfrom(socket6FD) = %@", [self errnoError]);
+ socket6FDBytesAvailable = 0;
+ free(buf);
+ }
+ }
+ BOOL waitingForSocket = NO;
+ BOOL notifiedDelegate = NO;
+ BOOL ignored = NO;
+ NSError *socketError = nil;
+ if (result == 0)
+ {
+ waitingForSocket = YES;
+ }
+ else if (result < 0)
+ {
+ if (errno == EAGAIN)
+ waitingForSocket = YES;
+ else
+ socketError = [self errnoErrorWithReason:@"Error in recvfrom() function"];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (flags & kDidConnect)
+ {
+ if (addr4 && ![self isConnectedToAddress4:addr4])
+ ignored = YES;
+ if (addr6 && ![self isConnectedToAddress6:addr6])
+ ignored = YES;
+ }
+ NSData *addr = (addr4 != nil) ? addr4 : addr6;
+ if (!ignored)
+ {
+ if (receiveFilterBlock && receiveFilterQueue)
+ {
+ // Run data through filter, and if approved, notify delegate
+ __block id filterContext = nil;
+ __block BOOL allowed = NO;
+ if (receiveFilterAsync)
+ {
+ pendingFilterOperations++;
+ dispatch_async(receiveFilterQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ allowed = self->receiveFilterBlock(data, addr, &filterContext);
+ // Transition back to socketQueue to get the current delegate / delegateQueue
+ dispatch_async(self->socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ self->pendingFilterOperations--;
+ if (allowed)
+ {
+ [self notifyDidReceiveData:data fromAddress:addr withFilterContext:filterContext];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"received packet silently dropped by receiveFilter");
+ }
+ if (self->flags & kReceiveOnce)
+ {
+ if (allowed)
+ {
+ // The delegate has been notified,
+ // so our receive once operation has completed.
+ self->flags &= ~kReceiveOnce;
+ }
+ else if (self->pendingFilterOperations == 0)
+ {
+ // All pending filter operations have completed,
+ // and none were allowed through.
+ // Our receive once operation hasn't completed yet.
+ [self doReceive];
+ }
+ }
+ }});
+ }});
+ }
+ else // if (!receiveFilterAsync)
+ {
+ dispatch_sync(receiveFilterQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ allowed = self->receiveFilterBlock(data, addr, &filterContext);
+ }});
+ if (allowed)
+ {
+ [self notifyDidReceiveData:data fromAddress:addr withFilterContext:filterContext];
+ notifiedDelegate = YES;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LogVerbose(@"received packet silently dropped by receiveFilter");
+ ignored = YES;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else // if (!receiveFilterBlock || !receiveFilterQueue)
+ {
+ [self notifyDidReceiveData:data fromAddress:addr withFilterContext:nil];
+ notifiedDelegate = YES;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (waitingForSocket)
+ {
+ // Wait for a notification of available data.
+ if (socket4FDBytesAvailable == 0) {
+ [self resumeReceive4Source];
+ }
+ if (socket6FDBytesAvailable == 0) {
+ [self resumeReceive6Source];
+ }
+ }
+ else if (socketError)
+ {
+ [self closeWithError:socketError];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (flags & kReceiveContinuous)
+ {
+ // Continuous receive mode
+ [self doReceive];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // One-at-a-time receive mode
+ if (notifiedDelegate)
+ {
+ // The delegate has been notified (no set filter).
+ // So our receive once operation has completed.
+ flags &= ~kReceiveOnce;
+ }
+ else if (ignored)
+ {
+ [self doReceive];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Waiting on asynchronous receive filter...
+ }
+ }
+ }
+- (void)doReceiveEOF
+ LogTrace();
+ [self closeWithError:[self socketClosedError]];
+#pragma mark Closing
+- (void)closeWithError:(NSError *)error
+ LogVerbose(@"closeWithError: %@", error);
+ NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
+ if (currentSend) [self endCurrentSend];
+ [sendQueue removeAllObjects];
+ // If a socket has been created, we should notify the delegate.
+ BOOL shouldCallDelegate = (flags & kDidCreateSockets) ? YES : NO;
+ // Close all sockets, send/receive sources, cfstreams, etc
+ [self removeStreamsFromRunLoop];
+ [self closeReadAndWriteStreams];
+ [self closeSockets];
+ // Clear all flags (config remains as is)
+ flags = 0;
+ if (shouldCallDelegate)
+ {
+ [self notifyDidCloseWithError:error];
+ }
+- (void)close
+ LogTrace();
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ [self closeWithError:nil];
+ }};
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
+- (void)closeAfterSending
+ LogTrace();
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ self->flags |= kCloseAfterSends;
+ if (self->currentSend == nil && [self->sendQueue count] == 0)
+ {
+ [self closeWithError:nil];
+ }
+ }};
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_async(socketQueue, block);
+#pragma mark CFStream
+static NSThread *listenerThread;
++ (void)ignore:(id)_
++ (void)startListenerThreadIfNeeded
+ static dispatch_once_t predicate;
+ dispatch_once(&predicate, ^{
+ listenerThread = [[NSThread alloc] initWithTarget:self
+ selector:@selector(listenerThread:)
+ object:nil];
+ [listenerThread start];
+ });
++ (void)listenerThread:(id)unused
+ @autoreleasepool {
+ [[NSThread currentThread] setName:GCDAsyncUdpSocketThreadName];
+ LogInfo(@"ListenerThread: Started");
+ // We can't run the run loop unless it has an associated input source or a timer.
+ // So we'll just create a timer that will never fire - unless the server runs for a decades.
+ [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:[[NSDate distantFuture] timeIntervalSinceNow]
+ target:self
+ selector:@selector(ignore:)
+ userInfo:nil
+ repeats:YES];
+ [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] run];
+ LogInfo(@"ListenerThread: Stopped");
+ }
++ (void)addStreamListener:(GCDAsyncUdpSocket *)asyncUdpSocket
+ LogTrace();
+ NSAssert([NSThread currentThread] == listenerThread, @"Invoked on wrong thread");
+ CFRunLoopRef runLoop = CFRunLoopGetCurrent();
+ if (asyncUdpSocket->readStream4)
+ CFReadStreamScheduleWithRunLoop(asyncUdpSocket->readStream4, runLoop, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);
+ if (asyncUdpSocket->readStream6)
+ CFReadStreamScheduleWithRunLoop(asyncUdpSocket->readStream6, runLoop, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);
+ if (asyncUdpSocket->writeStream4)
+ CFWriteStreamScheduleWithRunLoop(asyncUdpSocket->writeStream4, runLoop, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);
+ if (asyncUdpSocket->writeStream6)
+ CFWriteStreamScheduleWithRunLoop(asyncUdpSocket->writeStream6, runLoop, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);
++ (void)removeStreamListener:(GCDAsyncUdpSocket *)asyncUdpSocket
+ LogTrace();
+ NSAssert([NSThread currentThread] == listenerThread, @"Invoked on wrong thread");
+ CFRunLoopRef runLoop = CFRunLoopGetCurrent();
+ if (asyncUdpSocket->readStream4)
+ CFReadStreamUnscheduleFromRunLoop(asyncUdpSocket->readStream4, runLoop, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);
+ if (asyncUdpSocket->readStream6)
+ CFReadStreamUnscheduleFromRunLoop(asyncUdpSocket->readStream6, runLoop, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);
+ if (asyncUdpSocket->writeStream4)
+ CFWriteStreamUnscheduleFromRunLoop(asyncUdpSocket->writeStream4, runLoop, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);
+ if (asyncUdpSocket->writeStream6)
+ CFWriteStreamUnscheduleFromRunLoop(asyncUdpSocket->writeStream6, runLoop, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);
+static void CFReadStreamCallback(CFReadStreamRef stream, CFStreamEventType type, void *pInfo)
+ @autoreleasepool {
+ GCDAsyncUdpSocket *asyncUdpSocket = (__bridge GCDAsyncUdpSocket *)pInfo;
+ switch(type)
+ {
+ case kCFStreamEventOpenCompleted:
+ {
+ LogCVerbose(@"CFReadStreamCallback - Open");
+ break;
+ }
+ case kCFStreamEventHasBytesAvailable:
+ {
+ LogCVerbose(@"CFReadStreamCallback - HasBytesAvailable");
+ break;
+ }
+ case kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred:
+ case kCFStreamEventEndEncountered:
+ {
+ NSError *error = (__bridge_transfer NSError *)CFReadStreamCopyError(stream);
+ if (error == nil && type == kCFStreamEventEndEncountered)
+ {
+ error = [asyncUdpSocket socketClosedError];
+ }
+ dispatch_async(asyncUdpSocket->socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ LogCVerbose(@"CFReadStreamCallback - %@",
+ (type == kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred) ? @"Error" : @"EndEncountered");
+ if (stream != asyncUdpSocket->readStream4 &&
+ stream != asyncUdpSocket->readStream6 )
+ {
+ LogCVerbose(@"CFReadStreamCallback - Ignored");
+ return_from_block;
+ }
+ [asyncUdpSocket closeWithError:error];
+ }});
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ LogCError(@"CFReadStreamCallback - UnknownType: %i", (int)type);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static void CFWriteStreamCallback(CFWriteStreamRef stream, CFStreamEventType type, void *pInfo)
+ @autoreleasepool {
+ GCDAsyncUdpSocket *asyncUdpSocket = (__bridge GCDAsyncUdpSocket *)pInfo;
+ switch(type)
+ {
+ case kCFStreamEventOpenCompleted:
+ {
+ LogCVerbose(@"CFWriteStreamCallback - Open");
+ break;
+ }
+ case kCFStreamEventCanAcceptBytes:
+ {
+ LogCVerbose(@"CFWriteStreamCallback - CanAcceptBytes");
+ break;
+ }
+ case kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred:
+ case kCFStreamEventEndEncountered:
+ {
+ NSError *error = (__bridge_transfer NSError *)CFWriteStreamCopyError(stream);
+ if (error == nil && type == kCFStreamEventEndEncountered)
+ {
+ error = [asyncUdpSocket socketClosedError];
+ }
+ dispatch_async(asyncUdpSocket->socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ LogCVerbose(@"CFWriteStreamCallback - %@",
+ (type == kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred) ? @"Error" : @"EndEncountered");
+ if (stream != asyncUdpSocket->writeStream4 &&
+ stream != asyncUdpSocket->writeStream6 )
+ {
+ LogCVerbose(@"CFWriteStreamCallback - Ignored");
+ return_from_block;
+ }
+ [asyncUdpSocket closeWithError:error];
+ }});
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ LogCError(@"CFWriteStreamCallback - UnknownType: %i", (int)type);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+- (BOOL)createReadAndWriteStreams:(NSError **)errPtr
+ LogTrace();
+ NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
+ NSError *err = nil;
+ if (readStream4 || writeStream4 || readStream6 || writeStream6)
+ {
+ // Streams already created
+ return YES;
+ }
+ if (socket4FD == SOCKET_NULL && socket6FD == SOCKET_NULL)
+ {
+ err = [self otherError:@"Cannot create streams without a file descriptor"];
+ goto Failed;
+ }
+ // Create streams
+ LogVerbose(@"Creating read and write stream(s)...");
+ if (socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL)
+ {
+ CFStreamCreatePairWithSocket(NULL, (CFSocketNativeHandle)socket4FD, &readStream4, &writeStream4);
+ if (!readStream4 || !writeStream4)
+ {
+ err = [self otherError:@"Error in CFStreamCreatePairWithSocket() [IPv4]"];
+ goto Failed;
+ }
+ }
+ if (socket6FD != SOCKET_NULL)
+ {
+ CFStreamCreatePairWithSocket(NULL, (CFSocketNativeHandle)socket6FD, &readStream6, &writeStream6);
+ if (!readStream6 || !writeStream6)
+ {
+ err = [self otherError:@"Error in CFStreamCreatePairWithSocket() [IPv6]"];
+ goto Failed;
+ }
+ }
+ // Ensure the CFStream's don't close our underlying socket
+ CFReadStreamSetProperty(readStream4, kCFStreamPropertyShouldCloseNativeSocket, kCFBooleanFalse);
+ CFWriteStreamSetProperty(writeStream4, kCFStreamPropertyShouldCloseNativeSocket, kCFBooleanFalse);
+ CFReadStreamSetProperty(readStream6, kCFStreamPropertyShouldCloseNativeSocket, kCFBooleanFalse);
+ CFWriteStreamSetProperty(writeStream6, kCFStreamPropertyShouldCloseNativeSocket, kCFBooleanFalse);
+ return YES;
+ if (readStream4)
+ {
+ CFReadStreamClose(readStream4);
+ CFRelease(readStream4);
+ readStream4 = NULL;
+ }
+ if (writeStream4)
+ {
+ CFWriteStreamClose(writeStream4);
+ CFRelease(writeStream4);
+ writeStream4 = NULL;
+ }
+ if (readStream6)
+ {
+ CFReadStreamClose(readStream6);
+ CFRelease(readStream6);
+ readStream6 = NULL;
+ }
+ if (writeStream6)
+ {
+ CFWriteStreamClose(writeStream6);
+ CFRelease(writeStream6);
+ writeStream6 = NULL;
+ }
+ if (errPtr)
+ *errPtr = err;
+ return NO;
+- (BOOL)registerForStreamCallbacks:(NSError **)errPtr
+ LogTrace();
+ NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
+ NSAssert(readStream4 || writeStream4 || readStream6 || writeStream6, @"Read/Write streams are null");
+ NSError *err = nil;
+ streamContext.version = 0;
+ streamContext.info = (__bridge void *)self;
+ streamContext.retain = nil;
+ streamContext.release = nil;
+ streamContext.copyDescription = nil;
+ CFOptionFlags readStreamEvents = kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred | kCFStreamEventEndEncountered;
+ CFOptionFlags writeStreamEvents = kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred | kCFStreamEventEndEncountered;
+// readStreamEvents |= (kCFStreamEventOpenCompleted | kCFStreamEventHasBytesAvailable);
+// writeStreamEvents |= (kCFStreamEventOpenCompleted | kCFStreamEventCanAcceptBytes);
+ if (socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL)
+ {
+ if (readStream4 == NULL || writeStream4 == NULL)
+ {
+ err = [self otherError:@"Read/Write stream4 is null"];
+ goto Failed;
+ }
+ BOOL r1 = CFReadStreamSetClient(readStream4, readStreamEvents, &CFReadStreamCallback, &streamContext);
+ BOOL r2 = CFWriteStreamSetClient(writeStream4, writeStreamEvents, &CFWriteStreamCallback, &streamContext);
+ if (!r1 || !r2)
+ {
+ err = [self otherError:@"Error in CFStreamSetClient(), [IPv4]"];
+ goto Failed;
+ }
+ }
+ if (socket6FD != SOCKET_NULL)
+ {
+ if (readStream6 == NULL || writeStream6 == NULL)
+ {
+ err = [self otherError:@"Read/Write stream6 is null"];
+ goto Failed;
+ }
+ BOOL r1 = CFReadStreamSetClient(readStream6, readStreamEvents, &CFReadStreamCallback, &streamContext);
+ BOOL r2 = CFWriteStreamSetClient(writeStream6, writeStreamEvents, &CFWriteStreamCallback, &streamContext);
+ if (!r1 || !r2)
+ {
+ err = [self otherError:@"Error in CFStreamSetClient() [IPv6]"];
+ goto Failed;
+ }
+ }
+ return YES;
+ if (readStream4) {
+ CFReadStreamSetClient(readStream4, kCFStreamEventNone, NULL, NULL);
+ }
+ if (writeStream4) {
+ CFWriteStreamSetClient(writeStream4, kCFStreamEventNone, NULL, NULL);
+ }
+ if (readStream6) {
+ CFReadStreamSetClient(readStream6, kCFStreamEventNone, NULL, NULL);
+ }
+ if (writeStream6) {
+ CFWriteStreamSetClient(writeStream6, kCFStreamEventNone, NULL, NULL);
+ }
+ if (errPtr) *errPtr = err;
+ return NO;
+- (BOOL)addStreamsToRunLoop:(NSError **)errPtr
+ LogTrace();
+ NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
+ NSAssert(readStream4 || writeStream4 || readStream6 || writeStream6, @"Read/Write streams are null");
+ if (!(flags & kAddedStreamListener))
+ {
+ [[self class] startListenerThreadIfNeeded];
+ [[self class] performSelector:@selector(addStreamListener:)
+ onThread:listenerThread
+ withObject:self
+ waitUntilDone:YES];
+ flags |= kAddedStreamListener;
+ }
+ return YES;
+- (BOOL)openStreams:(NSError **)errPtr
+ LogTrace();
+ NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
+ NSAssert(readStream4 || writeStream4 || readStream6 || writeStream6, @"Read/Write streams are null");
+ NSError *err = nil;
+ if (socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL)
+ {
+ BOOL r1 = CFReadStreamOpen(readStream4);
+ BOOL r2 = CFWriteStreamOpen(writeStream4);
+ if (!r1 || !r2)
+ {
+ err = [self otherError:@"Error in CFStreamOpen() [IPv4]"];
+ goto Failed;
+ }
+ }
+ if (socket6FD != SOCKET_NULL)
+ {
+ BOOL r1 = CFReadStreamOpen(readStream6);
+ BOOL r2 = CFWriteStreamOpen(writeStream6);
+ if (!r1 || !r2)
+ {
+ err = [self otherError:@"Error in CFStreamOpen() [IPv6]"];
+ goto Failed;
+ }
+ }
+ return YES;
+ if (errPtr) *errPtr = err;
+ return NO;
+- (void)removeStreamsFromRunLoop
+ LogTrace();
+ NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
+ if (flags & kAddedStreamListener)
+ {
+ [[self class] performSelector:@selector(removeStreamListener:)
+ onThread:listenerThread
+ withObject:self
+ waitUntilDone:YES];
+ flags &= ~kAddedStreamListener;
+ }
+- (void)closeReadAndWriteStreams
+ LogTrace();
+ if (readStream4)
+ {
+ CFReadStreamSetClient(readStream4, kCFStreamEventNone, NULL, NULL);
+ CFReadStreamClose(readStream4);
+ CFRelease(readStream4);
+ readStream4 = NULL;
+ }
+ if (writeStream4)
+ {
+ CFWriteStreamSetClient(writeStream4, kCFStreamEventNone, NULL, NULL);
+ CFWriteStreamClose(writeStream4);
+ CFRelease(writeStream4);
+ writeStream4 = NULL;
+ }
+ if (readStream6)
+ {
+ CFReadStreamSetClient(readStream6, kCFStreamEventNone, NULL, NULL);
+ CFReadStreamClose(readStream6);
+ CFRelease(readStream6);
+ readStream6 = NULL;
+ }
+ if (writeStream6)
+ {
+ CFWriteStreamSetClient(writeStream6, kCFStreamEventNone, NULL, NULL);
+ CFWriteStreamClose(writeStream6);
+ CFRelease(writeStream6);
+ writeStream6 = NULL;
+ }
+- (void)applicationWillEnterForeground:(NSNotification *)notification
+ LogTrace();
+ // If the application was backgrounded, then iOS may have shut down our sockets.
+ // So we take a quick look to see if any of them received an EOF.
+ dispatch_block_t block = ^{ @autoreleasepool {
+ [self resumeReceive4Source];
+ [self resumeReceive6Source];
+ }};
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_async(socketQueue, block);
+#pragma mark Advanced
+ * See header file for big discussion of this method.
+ **/
+- (void)markSocketQueueTargetQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)socketNewTargetQueue
+ void *nonNullUnusedPointer = (__bridge void *)self;
+ dispatch_queue_set_specific(socketNewTargetQueue, IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey, nonNullUnusedPointer, NULL);
+ * See header file for big discussion of this method.
+ **/
+- (void)unmarkSocketQueueTargetQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)socketOldTargetQueue
+ dispatch_queue_set_specific(socketOldTargetQueue, IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey, NULL, NULL);
+- (void)performBlock:(dispatch_block_t)block
+ if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ block();
+ else
+ dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
+- (int)socketFD
+ if (! dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ {
+ LogWarn(@"%@: %@ - Method only available from within the context of a performBlock: invocation",
+ return SOCKET_NULL;
+ }
+ if (socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL)
+ return socket4FD;
+ else
+ return socket6FD;
+- (int)socket4FD
+ if (! dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ {
+ LogWarn(@"%@: %@ - Method only available from within the context of a performBlock: invocation",
+ return SOCKET_NULL;
+ }
+ return socket4FD;
+- (int)socket6FD
+ if (! dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ {
+ LogWarn(@"%@: %@ - Method only available from within the context of a performBlock: invocation",
+ return SOCKET_NULL;
+ }
+ return socket6FD;
+- (CFReadStreamRef)readStream
+ if (! dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ {
+ LogWarn(@"%@: %@ - Method only available from within the context of a performBlock: invocation",
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ NSError *err = nil;
+ if (![self createReadAndWriteStreams:&err])
+ {
+ LogError(@"Error creating CFStream(s): %@", err);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ // Todo...
+ if (readStream4)
+ return readStream4;
+ else
+ return readStream6;
+- (CFWriteStreamRef)writeStream
+ if (! dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ {
+ LogWarn(@"%@: %@ - Method only available from within the context of a performBlock: invocation",
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ NSError *err = nil;
+ if (![self createReadAndWriteStreams:&err])
+ {
+ LogError(@"Error creating CFStream(s): %@", err);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (writeStream4)
+ return writeStream4;
+ else
+ return writeStream6;
+- (BOOL)enableBackgroundingOnSockets
+ if (! dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
+ {
+ LogWarn(@"%@: %@ - Method only available from within the context of a performBlock: invocation",
+ return NO;
+ }
+ // Why is this commented out?
+ // See comments below.
+// NSError *err = nil;
+// if (![self createReadAndWriteStreams:&err])
+// {
+// LogError(@"Error creating CFStream(s): %@", err);
+// return NO;
+// }
+// LogVerbose(@"Enabling backgrouding on socket");
+// BOOL r1, r2;
+// if (readStream4 && writeStream4)
+// {
+// r1 = CFReadStreamSetProperty(readStream4, kCFStreamNetworkServiceType, kCFStreamNetworkServiceTypeVoIP);
+// r2 = CFWriteStreamSetProperty(writeStream4, kCFStreamNetworkServiceType, kCFStreamNetworkServiceTypeVoIP);
+// if (!r1 || !r2)
+// {
+// LogError(@"Error setting voip type (IPv4)");
+// return NO;
+// }
+// }
+// if (readStream6 && writeStream6)
+// {
+// r1 = CFReadStreamSetProperty(readStream6, kCFStreamNetworkServiceType, kCFStreamNetworkServiceTypeVoIP);
+// r2 = CFWriteStreamSetProperty(writeStream6, kCFStreamNetworkServiceType, kCFStreamNetworkServiceTypeVoIP);
+// if (!r1 || !r2)
+// {
+// LogError(@"Error setting voip type (IPv6)");
+// return NO;
+// }
+// }
+// return YES;
+ // The above code will actually appear to work.
+ // The methods will return YES, and everything will appear fine.
+ //
+ // One tiny problem: the sockets will still get closed when the app gets backgrounded.
+ //
+ // Apple does not officially support backgrounding UDP sockets.
+ return NO;
+#pragma mark Class Methods
++ (NSString *)hostFromSockaddr4:(const struct sockaddr_in *)pSockaddr4
+ char addrBuf[INET_ADDRSTRLEN];
+ if (inet_ntop(AF_INET, &pSockaddr4->sin_addr, addrBuf, (socklen_t)sizeof(addrBuf)) == NULL)
+ {
+ addrBuf[0] = '\0';
+ }
+ return [NSString stringWithCString:addrBuf encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
++ (NSString *)hostFromSockaddr6:(const struct sockaddr_in6 *)pSockaddr6
+ char addrBuf[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
+ if (inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &pSockaddr6->sin6_addr, addrBuf, (socklen_t)sizeof(addrBuf)) == NULL)
+ {
+ addrBuf[0] = '\0';
+ }
+ return [NSString stringWithCString:addrBuf encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
++ (uint16_t)portFromSockaddr4:(const struct sockaddr_in *)pSockaddr4
+ return ntohs(pSockaddr4->sin_port);
++ (uint16_t)portFromSockaddr6:(const struct sockaddr_in6 *)pSockaddr6
+ return ntohs(pSockaddr6->sin6_port);
++ (NSString *)hostFromAddress:(NSData *)address
+ NSString *host = nil;
+ [self getHost:&host port:NULL family:NULL fromAddress:address];
+ return host;
++ (uint16_t)portFromAddress:(NSData *)address
+ uint16_t port = 0;
+ [self getHost:NULL port:&port family:NULL fromAddress:address];
+ return port;
++ (int)familyFromAddress:(NSData *)address
+ int af = AF_UNSPEC;
+ [self getHost:NULL port:NULL family:&af fromAddress:address];
+ return af;
++ (BOOL)isIPv4Address:(NSData *)address
+ int af = AF_UNSPEC;
+ [self getHost:NULL port:NULL family:&af fromAddress:address];
+ return (af == AF_INET);
++ (BOOL)isIPv6Address:(NSData *)address
+ int af = AF_UNSPEC;
+ [self getHost:NULL port:NULL family:&af fromAddress:address];
+ return (af == AF_INET6);
++ (BOOL)getHost:(NSString **)hostPtr port:(uint16_t *)portPtr fromAddress:(NSData *)address
+ return [self getHost:hostPtr port:portPtr family:NULL fromAddress:address];
++ (BOOL)getHost:(NSString **)hostPtr port:(uint16_t *)portPtr family:(int *)afPtr fromAddress:(NSData *)address
+ if ([address length] >= sizeof(struct sockaddr))
+ {
+ const struct sockaddr *addrX = (const struct sockaddr *)[address bytes];
+ if (addrX->sa_family == AF_INET)
+ {
+ if ([address length] >= sizeof(struct sockaddr_in))
+ {
+ const struct sockaddr_in *addr4 = (const struct sockaddr_in *)(const void *)addrX;
+ if (hostPtr) *hostPtr = [self hostFromSockaddr4:addr4];
+ if (portPtr) *portPtr = [self portFromSockaddr4:addr4];
+ if (afPtr) *afPtr = AF_INET;
+ return YES;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (addrX->sa_family == AF_INET6)
+ {
+ if ([address length] >= sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6))
+ {
+ const struct sockaddr_in6 *addr6 = (const struct sockaddr_in6 *)(const void *)addrX;
+ if (hostPtr) *hostPtr = [self hostFromSockaddr6:addr6];
+ if (portPtr) *portPtr = [self portFromSockaddr6:addr6];
+ if (afPtr) *afPtr = AF_INET6;
+ return YES;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (hostPtr) *hostPtr = nil;
+ if (portPtr) *portPtr = 0;
+ if (afPtr) *afPtr = AF_UNSPEC;
+ return NO;
diff --git a/ios/Pods/CocoaLibEvent/LICENSE b/ios/Pods/CocoaLibEvent/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..05a368e54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ios/Pods/CocoaLibEvent/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (c) 2018 99789999@qq.com <99789999@qq.com>
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/ios/Pods/CocoaLibEvent/README.md b/ios/Pods/CocoaLibEvent/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9dcef3c7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ios/Pods/CocoaLibEvent/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# CocoaLibEvent
+[![CI Status](http://img.shields.io/travis/99789999@qq.com/CocoaLibEvent.svg?style=flat)](https://travis-ci.org/99789999@qq.com/CocoaLibEvent)
+## Example
+To run the example project, clone the repo, and run `pod install` from the Example directory first.
+## Requirements
+## Installation
+CocoaLibEvent is available through [CocoaPods](http://cocoapods.org). To install
+it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
+pod 'CocoaLibEvent'
+## Author
+99789999@qq.com, 99789999@qq.com
+## License
+CocoaLibEvent is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.
diff --git a/ios/Pods/CocoaLibEvent/lib/libevent.a b/ios/Pods/CocoaLibEvent/lib/libevent.a
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ac0b23c4e
Binary files /dev/null and b/ios/Pods/CocoaLibEvent/lib/libevent.a differ
diff --git a/ios/Pods/CocoaLibEvent/lib/libevent_core.a b/ios/Pods/CocoaLibEvent/lib/libevent_core.a
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..37b604976
Binary files /dev/null and b/ios/Pods/CocoaLibEvent/lib/libevent_core.a differ
diff --git a/ios/Pods/CocoaLibEvent/lib/libevent_extra.a b/ios/Pods/CocoaLibEvent/lib/libevent_extra.a
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ae18d856e
Binary files /dev/null and b/ios/Pods/CocoaLibEvent/lib/libevent_extra.a differ
diff --git a/ios/Pods/CocoaLibEvent/lib/libevent_pthreads.a b/ios/Pods/CocoaLibEvent/lib/libevent_pthreads.a
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fcae48d3f
Binary files /dev/null and b/ios/Pods/CocoaLibEvent/lib/libevent_pthreads.a differ
diff --git a/ios/Pods/CocoaLibEvent/src/evdns.h b/ios/Pods/CocoaLibEvent/src/evdns.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8672db036
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ios/Pods/CocoaLibEvent/src/evdns.h
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2007 Niels Provos
+ * Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Niels Provos and Nick Mathewson
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
+ * derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ */
+/** @file evdns.h
+ A dns subsystem for Libevent.
+ The header is deprecated in Libevent 2.0 and later; please
+ use instead. Depending on what functionality you
+ need, you may also want to include more of the other
+ headers.
+ */
+#endif /* EVENT1_EVDNS_H_INCLUDED_ */
diff --git a/ios/Pods/CocoaLibEvent/src/event.h b/ios/Pods/CocoaLibEvent/src/event.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ba5186713
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ios/Pods/CocoaLibEvent/src/event.h
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2007 Niels Provos
+ * Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Niels Provos and Nick Mathewson
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
+ * derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ */
+/** @file event.h
+ A library for writing event-driven network servers.
+ The header is deprecated in Libevent 2.0 and later; please
+ use instead. Depending on what functionality you
+ need, you may also want to include more of the other event2/
+ headers.
+ */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/* For int types. */
+#ifdef _WIN32
+#ifndef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
+#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* EVENT1_EVENT_H_INCLUDED_ */
diff --git a/ios/Pods/CocoaLibEvent/src/event2/buffer.h b/ios/Pods/CocoaLibEvent/src/event2/buffer.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..468588b9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ios/Pods/CocoaLibEvent/src/event2/buffer.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1076 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Niels Provos and Nick Mathewson
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
+ * derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ */
+/** @file event2/buffer.h
+ Functions for buffering data for network sending or receiving.
+ An evbuffer can be used for preparing data before sending it to
+ the network or conversely for reading data from the network.
+ Evbuffers try to avoid memory copies as much as possible. As a
+ result, evbuffers can be used to pass data around without actually
+ incurring the overhead of copying the data.
+ A new evbuffer can be allocated with evbuffer_new(), and can be
+ freed with evbuffer_free(). Most users will be using evbuffers via
+ the bufferevent interface. To access a bufferevent's evbuffers, use
+ bufferevent_get_input() and bufferevent_get_output().
+ There are several guidelines for using evbuffers.
+ - if you already know how much data you are going to add as a result
+ of calling evbuffer_add() multiple times, it makes sense to use
+ evbuffer_expand() first to make sure that enough memory is allocated
+ before hand.
+ - evbuffer_add_buffer() adds the contents of one buffer to the other
+ without incurring any unnecessary memory copies.
+ - evbuffer_add() and evbuffer_add_buffer() do not mix very well:
+ if you use them, you will wind up with fragmented memory in your
+ buffer.
+ - For high-performance code, you may want to avoid copying data into and out
+ of buffers. You can skip the copy step by using
+ evbuffer_reserve_space()/evbuffer_commit_space() when writing into a
+ buffer, and evbuffer_peek() when reading.
+ In Libevent 2.0 and later, evbuffers are represented using a linked
+ list of memory chunks, with pointers to the first and last chunk in
+ the chain.
+ As the contents of an evbuffer can be stored in multiple different
+ memory blocks, it cannot be accessed directly. Instead, evbuffer_pullup()
+ can be used to force a specified number of bytes to be contiguous. This
+ will cause memory reallocation and memory copies if the data is split
+ across multiple blocks. It is more efficient, however, to use
+ evbuffer_peek() if you don't require that the memory to be contiguous.
+ */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+ An evbuffer is an opaque data type for efficiently buffering data to be
+ sent or received on the network.
+ @see event2/event.h for more information
+struct evbuffer
+ Pointer to a position within an evbuffer.
+ Used when repeatedly searching through a buffer. Calling any function
+ that modifies or re-packs the buffer contents may invalidate all
+ evbuffer_ptrs for that buffer. Do not modify or contruct these values
+ except with evbuffer_ptr_set.
+ An evbuffer_ptr can represent any position from the start of a buffer up
+ to a position immediately after the end of a buffer.
+ @see evbuffer_ptr_set()
+ */
+struct evbuffer_ptr {
+ ev_ssize_t pos;
+ /* Do not alter or rely on the values of fields: they are for internal
+ * use */
+ struct {
+ void *chain;
+ size_t pos_in_chain;
+ } internal_;
+/** Describes a single extent of memory inside an evbuffer. Used for
+ direct-access functions.
+ @see evbuffer_reserve_space, evbuffer_commit_space, evbuffer_peek
+ */
+#define evbuffer_iovec iovec
+/* Internal use -- defined only if we are using the native struct iovec */
+struct evbuffer_iovec {
+ /** The start of the extent of memory. */
+ void *iov_base;
+ /** The length of the extent of memory. */
+ size_t iov_len;
+ Allocate storage for a new evbuffer.
+ @return a pointer to a newly allocated evbuffer struct, or NULL if an error
+ occurred
+ */
+struct evbuffer *evbuffer_new(void);
+ Deallocate storage for an evbuffer.
+ @param buf pointer to the evbuffer to be freed
+ */
+void evbuffer_free(struct evbuffer *buf);
+ Enable locking on an evbuffer so that it can safely be used by multiple
+ threads at the same time.
+ NOTE: when locking is enabled, the lock will be held when callbacks are
+ invoked. This could result in deadlock if you aren't careful. Plan
+ accordingly!
+ @param buf An evbuffer to make lockable.
+ @param lock A lock object, or NULL if we should allocate our own.
+ @return 0 on success, -1 on failure.
+ */
+int evbuffer_enable_locking(struct evbuffer *buf, void *lock);
+ Acquire the lock on an evbuffer. Has no effect if locking was not enabled
+ with evbuffer_enable_locking.
+void evbuffer_lock(struct evbuffer *buf);
+ Release the lock on an evbuffer. Has no effect if locking was not enabled
+ with evbuffer_enable_locking.
+void evbuffer_unlock(struct evbuffer *buf);
+/** If this flag is set, then we will not use evbuffer_peek(),
+ * evbuffer_remove(), evbuffer_remove_buffer(), and so on to read bytes
+ * from this buffer: we'll only take bytes out of this buffer by
+ * writing them to the network (as with evbuffer_write_atmost), by
+ * removing them without observing them (as with evbuffer_drain),
+ * or by copying them all out at once (as with evbuffer_add_buffer).
+ *
+ * Using this option allows the implementation to use sendfile-based
+ * operations for evbuffer_add_file(); see that function for more
+ * information.
+ *
+ * This flag is on by default for bufferevents that can take advantage
+ * of it; you should never actually need to set it on a bufferevent's
+ * output buffer.
+ */
+/** Change the flags that are set for an evbuffer by adding more.
+ *
+ * @param buffer the evbuffer that the callback is watching.
+ * @param cb the callback whose status we want to change.
+ * @param flags One or more EVBUFFER_FLAG_* options
+ * @return 0 on success, -1 on failure.
+ */
+int evbuffer_set_flags(struct evbuffer *buf, ev_uint64_t flags);
+/** Change the flags that are set for an evbuffer by removing some.
+ *
+ * @param buffer the evbuffer that the callback is watching.
+ * @param cb the callback whose status we want to change.
+ * @param flags One or more EVBUFFER_FLAG_* options
+ * @return 0 on success, -1 on failure.
+ */
+int evbuffer_clear_flags(struct evbuffer *buf, ev_uint64_t flags);
+ Returns the total number of bytes stored in the evbuffer
+ @param buf pointer to the evbuffer
+ @return the number of bytes stored in the evbuffer
+size_t evbuffer_get_length(const struct evbuffer *buf);
+ Returns the number of contiguous available bytes in the first buffer chain.
+ This is useful when processing data that might be split into multiple
+ chains, or that might all be in the first chain. Calls to
+ evbuffer_pullup() that cause reallocation and copying of data can thus be
+ avoided.
+ @param buf pointer to the evbuffer
+ @return 0 if no data is available, otherwise the number of available bytes
+ in the first buffer chain.
+size_t evbuffer_get_contiguous_space(const struct evbuffer *buf);
+ Expands the available space in an evbuffer.
+ Expands the available space in the evbuffer to at least datlen, so that
+ appending datlen additional bytes will not require any new allocations.
+ @param buf the evbuffer to be expanded
+ @param datlen the new minimum length requirement
+ @return 0 if successful, or -1 if an error occurred
+int evbuffer_expand(struct evbuffer *buf, size_t datlen);
+ Reserves space in the last chain or chains of an evbuffer.
+ Makes space available in the last chain or chains of an evbuffer that can
+ be arbitrarily written to by a user. The space does not become
+ available for reading until it has been committed with
+ evbuffer_commit_space().
+ The space is made available as one or more extents, represented by
+ an initial pointer and a length. You can force the memory to be
+ available as only one extent. Allowing more extents, however, makes the
+ function more efficient.
+ Multiple subsequent calls to this function will make the same space
+ available until evbuffer_commit_space() has been called.
+ It is an error to do anything that moves around the buffer's internal
+ memory structures before committing the space.
+ NOTE: The code currently does not ever use more than two extents.
+ This may change in future versions.
+ @param buf the evbuffer in which to reserve space.
+ @param size how much space to make available, at minimum. The
+ total length of the extents may be greater than the requested
+ length.
+ @param vec an array of one or more evbuffer_iovec structures to
+ hold pointers to the reserved extents of memory.
+ @param n_vec The length of the vec array. Must be at least 1;
+ 2 is more efficient.
+ @return the number of provided extents, or -1 on error.
+ @see evbuffer_commit_space()
+evbuffer_reserve_space(struct evbuffer *buf, ev_ssize_t size,
+ struct evbuffer_iovec *vec, int n_vec);
+ Commits previously reserved space.
+ Commits some of the space previously reserved with
+ evbuffer_reserve_space(). It then becomes available for reading.
+ This function may return an error if the pointer in the extents do
+ not match those returned from evbuffer_reserve_space, or if data
+ has been added to the buffer since the space was reserved.
+ If you want to commit less data than you got reserved space for,
+ modify the iov_len pointer of the appropriate extent to a smaller
+ value. Note that you may have received more space than you
+ requested if it was available!
+ @param buf the evbuffer in which to reserve space.
+ @param vec one or two extents returned by evbuffer_reserve_space.
+ @param n_vecs the number of extents.
+ @return 0 on success, -1 on error
+ @see evbuffer_reserve_space()
+int evbuffer_commit_space(struct evbuffer *buf,
+ struct evbuffer_iovec *vec, int n_vecs);
+ Append data to the end of an evbuffer.
+ @param buf the evbuffer to be appended to
+ @param data pointer to the beginning of the data buffer
+ @param datlen the number of bytes to be copied from the data buffer
+ @return 0 on success, -1 on failure.
+ */
+int evbuffer_add(struct evbuffer *buf, const void *data, size_t datlen);
+ Read data from an evbuffer and drain the bytes read.
+ If more bytes are requested than are available in the evbuffer, we
+ only extract as many bytes as were available.
+ @param buf the evbuffer to be read from
+ @param data the destination buffer to store the result
+ @param datlen the maximum size of the destination buffer
+ @return the number of bytes read, or -1 if we can't drain the buffer.
+ */
+int evbuffer_remove(struct evbuffer *buf, void *data, size_t datlen);
+ Read data from an evbuffer, and leave the buffer unchanged.
+ If more bytes are requested than are available in the evbuffer, we
+ only extract as many bytes as were available.
+ @param buf the evbuffer to be read from
+ @param data_out the destination buffer to store the result
+ @param datlen the maximum size of the destination buffer
+ @return the number of bytes read, or -1 if we can't drain the buffer.
+ */
+ev_ssize_t evbuffer_copyout(struct evbuffer *buf, void *data_out, size_t datlen);
+ Read data from the middle of an evbuffer, and leave the buffer unchanged.
+ If more bytes are requested than are available in the evbuffer, we
+ only extract as many bytes as were available.
+ @param buf the evbuffer to be read from
+ @param pos the position to start reading from
+ @param data_out the destination buffer to store the result
+ @param datlen the maximum size of the destination buffer
+ @return the number of bytes read, or -1 if we can't drain the buffer.
+ */
+ev_ssize_t evbuffer_copyout_from(struct evbuffer *buf, const struct evbuffer_ptr *pos, void *data_out, size_t datlen);
+ Read data from an evbuffer into another evbuffer, draining
+ the bytes from the source buffer. This function avoids copy
+ operations to the extent possible.
+ If more bytes are requested than are available in src, the src
+ buffer is drained completely.
+ @param src the evbuffer to be read from
+ @param dst the destination evbuffer to store the result into
+ @param datlen the maximum numbers of bytes to transfer
+ @return the number of bytes read
+ */
+int evbuffer_remove_buffer(struct evbuffer *src, struct evbuffer *dst,
+ size_t datlen);
+/** Used to tell evbuffer_readln what kind of line-ending to look for.
+ */
+enum evbuffer_eol_style {
+ /** Any sequence of CR and LF characters is acceptable as an
+ * EOL.
+ *
+ * Note that this style can produce ambiguous results: the
+ * sequence "CRLF" will be treated as a single EOL if it is
+ * all in the buffer at once, but if you first read a CR from
+ * the network and later read an LF from the network, it will
+ * be treated as two EOLs.
+ */
+ /** An EOL is an LF, optionally preceded by a CR. This style is
+ * most useful for implementing text-based internet protocols. */
+ /** An EOL is a CR followed by an LF. */
+ /** An EOL is a LF. */
+ /** An EOL is a NUL character (that is, a single byte with value 0) */
+ * Read a single line from an evbuffer.
+ *
+ * Reads a line terminated by an EOL as determined by the evbuffer_eol_style
+ * argument. Returns a newly allocated nul-terminated string; the caller must
+ * free the returned value. The EOL is not included in the returned string.
+ *
+ * @param buffer the evbuffer to read from
+ * @param n_read_out if non-NULL, points to a size_t that is set to the
+ * number of characters in the returned string. This is useful for
+ * strings that can contain NUL characters.
+ * @param eol_style the style of line-ending to use.
+ * @return pointer to a single line, or NULL if an error occurred
+ */
+char *evbuffer_readln(struct evbuffer *buffer, size_t *n_read_out,
+ enum evbuffer_eol_style eol_style);
+ Move all data from one evbuffer into another evbuffer.
+ This is a destructive add. The data from one buffer moves into
+ the other buffer. However, no unnecessary memory copies occur.
+ @param outbuf the output buffer
+ @param inbuf the input buffer
+ @return 0 if successful, or -1 if an error occurred
+ @see evbuffer_remove_buffer()
+ */
+int evbuffer_add_buffer(struct evbuffer *outbuf, struct evbuffer *inbuf);
+ Copy data from one evbuffer into another evbuffer.
+ This is a non-destructive add. The data from one buffer is copied
+ into the other buffer. However, no unnecessary memory copies occur.
+ Note that buffers already containing buffer references can't be added
+ to other buffers.
+ @param outbuf the output buffer
+ @param inbuf the input buffer
+ @return 0 if successful, or -1 if an error occurred
+ */
+int evbuffer_add_buffer_reference(struct evbuffer *outbuf,
+ struct evbuffer *inbuf);
+ A cleanup function for a piece of memory added to an evbuffer by
+ reference.
+ @see evbuffer_add_reference()
+ */
+typedef void (*evbuffer_ref_cleanup_cb)(const void *data,
+ size_t datalen, void *extra);
+ Reference memory into an evbuffer without copying.
+ The memory needs to remain valid until all the added data has been
+ read. This function keeps just a reference to the memory without
+ actually incurring the overhead of a copy.
+ @param outbuf the output buffer
+ @param data the memory to reference
+ @param datlen how memory to reference
+ @param cleanupfn callback to be invoked when the memory is no longer
+ referenced by this evbuffer.
+ @param cleanupfn_arg optional argument to the cleanup callback
+ @return 0 if successful, or -1 if an error occurred
+ */
+int evbuffer_add_reference(struct evbuffer *outbuf,
+ const void *data, size_t datlen,
+ evbuffer_ref_cleanup_cb cleanupfn, void *cleanupfn_arg);
+ Copy data from a file into the evbuffer for writing to a socket.
+ This function avoids unnecessary data copies between userland and
+ kernel. If sendfile is available and the EVBUFFER_FLAG_DRAINS_TO_FD
+ flag is set, it uses those functions. Otherwise, it tries to use
+ mmap (or CreateFileMapping on Windows).
+ The function owns the resulting file descriptor and will close it
+ when finished transferring data.
+ The results of using evbuffer_remove() or evbuffer_pullup() on
+ evbuffers whose data was added using this function are undefined.
+ For more fine-grained control, use evbuffer_add_file_segment.
+ @param outbuf the output buffer
+ @param fd the file descriptor
+ @param offset the offset from which to read data
+ @param length how much data to read, or -1 to read as much as possible.
+ (-1 requires that 'fd' support fstat.)
+ @return 0 if successful, or -1 if an error occurred
+int evbuffer_add_file(struct evbuffer *outbuf, int fd, ev_off_t offset,
+ ev_off_t length);
+ An evbuffer_file_segment holds a reference to a range of a file --
+ possibly the whole file! -- for use in writing from an evbuffer to a
+ socket. It could be implemented with mmap, sendfile, splice, or (if all
+ else fails) by just pulling all the data into RAM. A single
+ evbuffer_file_segment can be added more than once, and to more than one
+ evbuffer.
+ */
+struct evbuffer_file_segment;
+ Flag for creating evbuffer_file_segment: If this flag is set, then when
+ the evbuffer_file_segment is freed and no longer in use by any
+ evbuffer, the underlying fd is closed.
+ */
+#define EVBUF_FS_CLOSE_ON_FREE 0x01
+ Flag for creating evbuffer_file_segment: Disable memory-map based
+ implementations.
+ */
+ Flag for creating evbuffer_file_segment: Disable direct fd-to-fd
+ implementations (including sendfile and splice).
+ You might want to use this option if data needs to be taken from the
+ evbuffer by any means other than writing it to the network: the sendfile
+ backend is fast, but it only works for sending files directly to the
+ network.
+ */
+ Flag for creating evbuffer_file_segment: Do not allocate a lock for this
+ segment. If this option is set, then neither the segment nor any
+ evbuffer it is added to may ever be accessed from more than one thread
+ at a time.
+ */
+ A cleanup function for a evbuffer_file_segment added to an evbuffer
+ for reference.
+ */
+typedef void (*evbuffer_file_segment_cleanup_cb)(
+ struct evbuffer_file_segment const* seg, int flags, void* arg);
+ Create and return a new evbuffer_file_segment for reading data from a
+ file and sending it out via an evbuffer.
+ This function avoids unnecessary data copies between userland and
+ kernel. Where available, it uses sendfile or splice.
+ The file descriptor must not be closed so long as any evbuffer is using
+ this segment.
+ The results of using evbuffer_remove() or evbuffer_pullup() or any other
+ function that reads bytes from an evbuffer on any evbuffer containing
+ the newly returned segment are undefined, unless you pass the
+ EVBUF_FS_DISABLE_SENDFILE flag to this function.
+ @param fd an open file to read from.
+ @param offset an index within the file at which to start reading
+ @param length how much data to read, or -1 to read as much as possible.
+ (-1 requires that 'fd' support fstat.)
+ @param flags any number of the EVBUF_FS_* flags
+ @return a new evbuffer_file_segment, or NULL on failure.
+ **/
+struct evbuffer_file_segment *evbuffer_file_segment_new(
+ int fd, ev_off_t offset, ev_off_t length, unsigned flags);
+ Free an evbuffer_file_segment
+ It is safe to call this function even if the segment has been added to
+ one or more evbuffers. The evbuffer_file_segment will not be freed
+ until no more references to it exist.
+ */
+void evbuffer_file_segment_free(struct evbuffer_file_segment *seg);
+ Add cleanup callback and argument for the callback to an
+ evbuffer_file_segment.
+ The cleanup callback will be invoked when no more references to the
+ evbuffer_file_segment exist.
+ **/
+void evbuffer_file_segment_add_cleanup_cb(struct evbuffer_file_segment *seg,
+ evbuffer_file_segment_cleanup_cb cb, void* arg);
+ Insert some or all of an evbuffer_file_segment at the end of an evbuffer
+ Note that the offset and length parameters of this function have a
+ different meaning from those provided to evbuffer_file_segment_new: When
+ you create the segment, the offset is the offset _within the file_, and
+ the length is the length _of the segment_, whereas when you add a
+ segment to an evbuffer, the offset is _within the segment_ and the
+ length is the length of the _part of the segment you want to use.
+ In other words, if you have a 10 KiB file, and you create an
+ evbuffer_file_segment for it with offset 20 and length 1000, it will
+ refer to bytes 20..1019 inclusive. If you then pass this segment to
+ evbuffer_add_file_segment and specify an offset of 20 and a length of
+ 50, you will be adding bytes 40..99 inclusive.
+ @param buf the evbuffer to append to
+ @param seg the segment to add
+ @param offset the offset within the segment to start from
+ @param length the amount of data to add, or -1 to add it all.
+ @return 0 on success, -1 on failure.
+ */
+int evbuffer_add_file_segment(struct evbuffer *buf,
+ struct evbuffer_file_segment *seg, ev_off_t offset, ev_off_t length);
+ Append a formatted string to the end of an evbuffer.
+ The string is formated as printf.
+ @param buf the evbuffer that will be appended to
+ @param fmt a format string
+ @param ... arguments that will be passed to printf(3)
+ @return The number of bytes added if successful, or -1 if an error occurred.
+ @see evutil_printf(), evbuffer_add_vprintf()
+ */
+int evbuffer_add_printf(struct evbuffer *buf, const char *fmt, ...)
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+ __attribute__((format(printf, 2, 3)))
+ Append a va_list formatted string to the end of an evbuffer.
+ @param buf the evbuffer that will be appended to
+ @param fmt a format string
+ @param ap a varargs va_list argument array that will be passed to vprintf(3)
+ @return The number of bytes added if successful, or -1 if an error occurred.
+ */
+int evbuffer_add_vprintf(struct evbuffer *buf, const char *fmt, va_list ap)
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+ __attribute__((format(printf, 2, 0)))
+ Remove a specified number of bytes data from the beginning of an evbuffer.
+ @param buf the evbuffer to be drained
+ @param len the number of bytes to drain from the beginning of the buffer
+ @return 0 on success, -1 on failure.
+ */
+int evbuffer_drain(struct evbuffer *buf, size_t len);
+ Write the contents of an evbuffer to a file descriptor.
+ The evbuffer will be drained after the bytes have been successfully written.
+ @param buffer the evbuffer to be written and drained
+ @param fd the file descriptor to be written to
+ @return the number of bytes written, or -1 if an error occurred
+ @see evbuffer_read()
+ */
+int evbuffer_write(struct evbuffer *buffer, evutil_socket_t fd);
+ Write some of the contents of an evbuffer to a file descriptor.
+ The evbuffer will be drained after the bytes have been successfully written.
+ @param buffer the evbuffer to be written and drained
+ @param fd the file descriptor to be written to
+ @param howmuch the largest allowable number of bytes to write, or -1
+ to write as many bytes as we can.
+ @return the number of bytes written, or -1 if an error occurred
+ @see evbuffer_read()
+ */
+int evbuffer_write_atmost(struct evbuffer *buffer, evutil_socket_t fd,
+ ev_ssize_t howmuch);
+ Read from a file descriptor and store the result in an evbuffer.
+ @param buffer the evbuffer to store the result
+ @param fd the file descriptor to read from
+ @param howmuch the number of bytes to be read
+ @return the number of bytes read, or -1 if an error occurred
+ @see evbuffer_write()
+ */
+int evbuffer_read(struct evbuffer *buffer, evutil_socket_t fd, int howmuch);
+ Search for a string within an evbuffer.
+ @param buffer the evbuffer to be searched
+ @param what the string to be searched for
+ @param len the length of the search string
+ @param start NULL or a pointer to a valid struct evbuffer_ptr.
+ @return a struct evbuffer_ptr whose 'pos' field has the offset of the
+ first occurrence of the string in the buffer after 'start'. The 'pos'
+ field of the result is -1 if the string was not found.
+ */
+struct evbuffer_ptr evbuffer_search(struct evbuffer *buffer, const char *what, size_t len, const struct evbuffer_ptr *start);
+ Search for a string within part of an evbuffer.
+ @param buffer the evbuffer to be searched
+ @param what the string to be searched for
+ @param len the length of the search string
+ @param start NULL or a pointer to a valid struct evbuffer_ptr that
+ indicates where we should start searching.
+ @param end NULL or a pointer to a valid struct evbuffer_ptr that
+ indicates where we should stop searching.
+ @return a struct evbuffer_ptr whose 'pos' field has the offset of the
+ first occurrence of the string in the buffer after 'start'. The 'pos'
+ field of the result is -1 if the string was not found.
+ */
+struct evbuffer_ptr evbuffer_search_range(struct evbuffer *buffer, const char *what, size_t len, const struct evbuffer_ptr *start, const struct evbuffer_ptr *end);
+ Defines how to adjust an evbuffer_ptr by evbuffer_ptr_set()
+ @see evbuffer_ptr_set() */
+enum evbuffer_ptr_how {
+ /** Sets the pointer to the position; can be called on with an
+ uninitialized evbuffer_ptr. */
+ /** Advances the pointer by adding to the current position. */
+ Sets the search pointer in the buffer to position.
+ There are two ways to use this function: you can call
+ evbuffer_ptr_set(buf, &pos, N, EVBUFFER_PTR_SET)
+ to move 'pos' to a position 'N' bytes after the start of the buffer, or
+ evbuffer_ptr_set(buf, &pos, N, EVBUFFER_PTR_ADD)
+ to move 'pos' forward by 'N' bytes.
+ If evbuffer_ptr is not initialized, this function can only be called
+ An evbuffer_ptr can represent any position from the start of the buffer to
+ a position immediately after the end of the buffer.
+ @param buffer the evbuffer to be search
+ @param ptr a pointer to a struct evbuffer_ptr
+ @param position the position at which to start the next search
+ @param how determines how the pointer should be manipulated.
+ @returns 0 on success or -1 otherwise
+evbuffer_ptr_set(struct evbuffer *buffer, struct evbuffer_ptr *ptr,
+ size_t position, enum evbuffer_ptr_how how);
+ Search for an end-of-line string within an evbuffer.
+ @param buffer the evbuffer to be searched
+ @param start NULL or a pointer to a valid struct evbuffer_ptr to start
+ searching at.
+ @param eol_len_out If non-NULL, the pointed-to value will be set to
+ the length of the end-of-line string.
+ @param eol_style The kind of EOL to look for; see evbuffer_readln() for
+ more information
+ @return a struct evbuffer_ptr whose 'pos' field has the offset of the
+ first occurrence EOL in the buffer after 'start'. The 'pos'
+ field of the result is -1 if the string was not found.
+ */
+struct evbuffer_ptr evbuffer_search_eol(struct evbuffer *buffer,
+ struct evbuffer_ptr *start, size_t *eol_len_out,
+ enum evbuffer_eol_style eol_style);
+/** Function to peek at data inside an evbuffer without removing it or
+ copying it out.
+ Pointers to the data are returned by filling the 'vec_out' array
+ with pointers to one or more extents of data inside the buffer.
+ The total data in the extents that you get back may be more than
+ you requested (if there is more data last extent than you asked
+ for), or less (if you do not provide enough evbuffer_iovecs, or if
+ the buffer does not have as much data as you asked to see).
+ @param buffer the evbuffer to peek into,
+ @param len the number of bytes to try to peek. If len is negative, we
+ will try to fill as much of vec_out as we can. If len is negative
+ and vec_out is not provided, we return the number of evbuffer_iovecs
+ that would be needed to get all the data in the buffer.
+ @param start_at an evbuffer_ptr indicating the point at which we
+ should start looking for data. NULL means, "At the start of the
+ buffer."
+ @param vec_out an array of evbuffer_iovec
+ @param n_vec the length of vec_out. If 0, we only count how many
+ extents would be necessary to point to the requested amount of
+ data.
+ @return The number of extents needed. This may be less than n_vec
+ if we didn't need all the evbuffer_iovecs we were given, or more
+ than n_vec if we would need more to return all the data that was
+ requested.
+ */
+int evbuffer_peek(struct evbuffer *buffer, ev_ssize_t len,
+ struct evbuffer_ptr *start_at,
+ struct evbuffer_iovec *vec_out, int n_vec);
+/** Structure passed to an evbuffer_cb_func evbuffer callback
+ @see evbuffer_cb_func, evbuffer_add_cb()
+ */
+struct evbuffer_cb_info {
+ /** The number of bytes in this evbuffer when callbacks were last
+ * invoked. */
+ size_t orig_size;
+ /** The number of bytes added since callbacks were last invoked. */
+ size_t n_added;
+ /** The number of bytes removed since callbacks were last invoked. */
+ size_t n_deleted;
+/** Type definition for a callback that is invoked whenever data is added or
+ removed from an evbuffer.
+ An evbuffer may have one or more callbacks set at a time. The order
+ in which they are executed is undefined.
+ A callback function may add more callbacks, or remove itself from the
+ list of callbacks, or add or remove data from the buffer. It may not
+ remove another callback from the list.
+ If a callback adds or removes data from the buffer or from another
+ buffer, this can cause a recursive invocation of your callback or
+ other callbacks. If you ask for an infinite loop, you might just get
+ one: watch out!
+ @param buffer the buffer whose size has changed
+ @param info a structure describing how the buffer changed.
+ @param arg a pointer to user data
+typedef void (*evbuffer_cb_func)(struct evbuffer *buffer, const struct evbuffer_cb_info *info, void *arg);
+struct evbuffer_cb_entry;
+/** Add a new callback to an evbuffer.
+ Subsequent calls to evbuffer_add_cb() add new callbacks. To remove this
+ callback, call evbuffer_remove_cb or evbuffer_remove_cb_entry.
+ @param buffer the evbuffer to be monitored
+ @param cb the callback function to invoke when the evbuffer is modified,
+ or NULL to remove all callbacks.
+ @param cbarg an argument to be provided to the callback function
+ @return a handle to the callback on success, or NULL on failure.
+ */
+struct evbuffer_cb_entry *evbuffer_add_cb(struct evbuffer *buffer, evbuffer_cb_func cb, void *cbarg);
+/** Remove a callback from an evbuffer, given a handle returned from
+ evbuffer_add_cb.
+ Calling this function invalidates the handle.
+ @return 0 if a callback was removed, or -1 if no matching callback was
+ found.
+ */
+int evbuffer_remove_cb_entry(struct evbuffer *buffer,
+ struct evbuffer_cb_entry *ent);
+/** Remove a callback from an evbuffer, given the function and argument
+ used to add it.
+ @return 0 if a callback was removed, or -1 if no matching callback was
+ found.
+ */
+int evbuffer_remove_cb(struct evbuffer *buffer, evbuffer_cb_func cb, void *cbarg);
+/** If this flag is not set, then a callback is temporarily disabled, and
+ * should not be invoked.
+ *
+ * @see evbuffer_cb_set_flags(), evbuffer_cb_clear_flags()
+ */
+/** Change the flags that are set for a callback on a buffer by adding more.
+ @param buffer the evbuffer that the callback is watching.
+ @param cb the callback whose status we want to change.
+ @param flags EVBUFFER_CB_ENABLED to re-enable the callback.
+ @return 0 on success, -1 on failure.
+ */
+int evbuffer_cb_set_flags(struct evbuffer *buffer,
+ struct evbuffer_cb_entry *cb, ev_uint32_t flags);
+/** Change the flags that are set for a callback on a buffer by removing some
+ @param buffer the evbuffer that the callback is watching.
+ @param cb the callback whose status we want to change.
+ @param flags EVBUFFER_CB_ENABLED to disable the callback.
+ @return 0 on success, -1 on failure.
+ */
+int evbuffer_cb_clear_flags(struct evbuffer *buffer,
+ struct evbuffer_cb_entry *cb, ev_uint32_t flags);
+#if 0
+/** Postpone calling a given callback until unsuspend is called later.
+ This is different from disabling the callback, since the callback will get
+ invoked later if the buffer size changes between now and when we unsuspend
+ it.
+ @param the buffer that the callback is watching.
+ @param cb the callback we want to suspend.
+ */
+void evbuffer_cb_suspend(struct evbuffer *buffer, struct evbuffer_cb_entry *cb);
+/** Stop postponing a callback that we postponed with evbuffer_cb_suspend.
+ If data was added to or removed from the buffer while the callback was
+ suspended, the callback will get called once now.
+ @param the buffer that the callback is watching.
+ @param cb the callback we want to stop suspending.
+ */
+void evbuffer_cb_unsuspend(struct evbuffer *buffer, struct evbuffer_cb_entry *cb);
+ Makes the data at the beginning of an evbuffer contiguous.
+ @param buf the evbuffer to make contiguous
+ @param size the number of bytes to make contiguous, or -1 to make the
+ entire buffer contiguous.
+ @return a pointer to the contiguous memory array, or NULL if param size
+ requested more data than is present in the buffer.
+unsigned char *evbuffer_pullup(struct evbuffer *buf, ev_ssize_t size);
+ Prepends data to the beginning of the evbuffer
+ @param buf the evbuffer to which to prepend data
+ @param data a pointer to the memory to prepend
+ @param size the number of bytes to prepend
+ @return 0 if successful, or -1 otherwise
+int evbuffer_prepend(struct evbuffer *buf, const void *data, size_t size);
+ Prepends all data from the src evbuffer to the beginning of the dst
+ evbuffer.
+ @param dst the evbuffer to which to prepend data
+ @param src the evbuffer to prepend; it will be emptied as a result
+ @return 0 if successful, or -1 otherwise
+int evbuffer_prepend_buffer(struct evbuffer *dst, struct evbuffer* src);
+ Prevent calls that modify an evbuffer from succeeding. A buffer may
+ frozen at the front, at the back, or at both the front and the back.
+ If the front of a buffer is frozen, operations that drain data from
+ the front of the buffer, or that prepend data to the buffer, will
+ fail until it is unfrozen. If the back a buffer is frozen, operations
+ that append data from the buffer will fail until it is unfrozen.
+ @param buf The buffer to freeze
+ @param at_front If true, we freeze the front of the buffer. If false,
+ we freeze the back.
+ @return 0 on success, -1 on failure.
+int evbuffer_freeze(struct evbuffer *buf, int at_front);
+ Re-enable calls that modify an evbuffer.
+ @param buf The buffer to un-freeze
+ @param at_front If true, we unfreeze the front of the buffer. If false,
+ we unfreeze the back.
+ @return 0 on success, -1 on failure.
+ */
+int evbuffer_unfreeze(struct evbuffer *buf, int at_front);
+struct event_base;
+ Force all the callbacks on an evbuffer to be run, not immediately after
+ the evbuffer is altered, but instead from inside the event loop.
+ This can be used to serialize all the callbacks to a single thread
+ of execution.
+ */
+int evbuffer_defer_callbacks(struct evbuffer *buffer, struct event_base *base);
+ Append data from 1 or more iovec's to an evbuffer
+ Calculates the number of bytes needed for an iovec structure and guarantees
+ all data will fit into a single chain. Can be used in lieu of functionality
+ which calls evbuffer_add() constantly before being used to increase
+ performance.
+ @param buffer the destination buffer
+ @param vec the source iovec
+ @param n_vec the number of iovec structures.
+ @return the number of bytes successfully written to the output buffer.
+size_t evbuffer_add_iovec(struct evbuffer * buffer, struct evbuffer_iovec * vec, int n_vec);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/ios/Pods/CocoaLibEvent/src/event2/buffer_compat.h b/ios/Pods/CocoaLibEvent/src/event2/buffer_compat.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..24f828c21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ios/Pods/CocoaLibEvent/src/event2/buffer_compat.h
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Niels Provos and Nick Mathewson
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
+ * derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ */
+/** @file event2/buffer_compat.h
+ Obsolete and deprecated versions of the functions in buffer.h: provided
+ only for backward compatibility.
+ */
+ Obsolete alias for evbuffer_readln(buffer, NULL, EVBUFFER_EOL_ANY).
+ @deprecated This function is deprecated because its behavior is not correct
+ for almost any protocol, and also because it's wholly subsumed by
+ evbuffer_readln().
+ @param buffer the evbuffer to read from
+ @return pointer to a single line, or NULL if an error occurred
+char *evbuffer_readline(struct evbuffer *buffer);
+/** Type definition for a callback that is invoked whenever data is added or
+ removed from an evbuffer.
+ An evbuffer may have one or more callbacks set at a time. The order
+ in which they are executed is undefined.
+ A callback function may add more callbacks, or remove itself from the
+ list of callbacks, or add or remove data from the buffer. It may not
+ remove another callback from the list.
+ If a callback adds or removes data from the buffer or from another
+ buffer, this can cause a recursive invocation of your callback or
+ other callbacks. If you ask for an infinite loop, you might just get
+ one: watch out!
+ @param buffer the buffer whose size has changed
+ @param old_len the previous length of the buffer
+ @param new_len the current length of the buffer
+ @param arg a pointer to user data
+typedef void (*evbuffer_cb)(struct evbuffer *buffer, size_t old_len, size_t new_len, void *arg);
+ Replace all callbacks on an evbuffer with a single new callback, or
+ remove them.
+ Subsequent calls to evbuffer_setcb() replace callbacks set by previous
+ calls. Setting the callback to NULL removes any previously set callback.
+ @deprecated This function is deprecated because it clears all previous
+ callbacks set on the evbuffer, which can cause confusing behavior if
+ multiple parts of the code all want to add their own callbacks on a
+ buffer. Instead, use evbuffer_add(), evbuffer_del(), and
+ evbuffer_setflags() to manage your own evbuffer callbacks without
+ interfering with callbacks set by others.
+ @param buffer the evbuffer to be monitored
+ @param cb the callback function to invoke when the evbuffer is modified,
+ or NULL to remove all callbacks.
+ @param cbarg an argument to be provided to the callback function
+ */
+void evbuffer_setcb(struct evbuffer *buffer, evbuffer_cb cb, void *cbarg);
+ Find a string within an evbuffer.
+ @param buffer the evbuffer to be searched
+ @param what the string to be searched for
+ @param len the length of the search string
+ @return a pointer to the beginning of the search string, or NULL if the search failed.
+ */
+unsigned char *evbuffer_find(struct evbuffer *buffer, const unsigned char *what, size_t len);
+/** deprecated in favor of calling the functions directly */
+#define EVBUFFER_LENGTH(x) evbuffer_get_length(x)
+/** deprecated in favor of calling the functions directly */
+#define EVBUFFER_DATA(x) evbuffer_pullup((x), -1)
diff --git a/ios/Pods/CocoaLibEvent/src/event2/bufferevent.h b/ios/Pods/CocoaLibEvent/src/event2/bufferevent.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..825918e3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ios/Pods/CocoaLibEvent/src/event2/bufferevent.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1021 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2007 Niels Provos
+ * Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Niels Provos and Nick Mathewson
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
+ * derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ */
+ @file event2/bufferevent.h
+ Functions for buffering data for network sending or receiving. Bufferevents
+ are higher level than evbuffers: each has an underlying evbuffer for reading
+ and one for writing, and callbacks that are invoked under certain
+ circumstances.
+ A bufferevent provides input and output buffers that get filled and
+ drained automatically. The user of a bufferevent no longer deals
+ directly with the I/O, but instead is reading from input and writing
+ to output buffers.
+ Once initialized, the bufferevent structure can be used repeatedly
+ with bufferevent_enable() and bufferevent_disable().
+ When reading is enabled, the bufferevent will try to read from the
+ file descriptor onto its input buffer, and call the read callback.
+ When writing is enabled, the bufferevent will try to write data onto its
+ file descriptor when the output buffer has enough data, and call the write
+ callback when the output buffer is sufficiently drained.
+ Bufferevents come in several flavors, including:
+ - Socket-based bufferevents
+ - A bufferevent that reads and writes data onto a network
+ socket. Created with bufferevent_socket_new().
+ - Paired bufferevents
+ - A pair of bufferevents that send and receive data to one
+ another without touching the network. Created with
+ bufferevent_pair_new().
+ - Filtering bufferevents
+ - A bufferevent that transforms data, and sends or receives it
+ over another underlying bufferevent. Created with
+ bufferevent_filter_new().
+ - SSL-backed bufferevents
+ - A bufferevent that uses the openssl library to send and
+ receive data over an encrypted connection. Created with
+ bufferevent_openssl_socket_new() or
+ bufferevent_openssl_filter_new().
+ */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/* For int types. */
+/** @name Bufferevent event codes
+ These flags are passed as arguments to a bufferevent's event callback.
+ @{
+#define BEV_EVENT_READING 0x01 /**< error encountered while reading */
+#define BEV_EVENT_WRITING 0x02 /**< error encountered while writing */
+#define BEV_EVENT_EOF 0x10 /**< eof file reached */
+#define BEV_EVENT_ERROR 0x20 /**< unrecoverable error encountered */
+#define BEV_EVENT_TIMEOUT 0x40 /**< user-specified timeout reached */
+#define BEV_EVENT_CONNECTED 0x80 /**< connect operation finished. */
+ An opaque type for handling buffered IO
+ @see event2/bufferevent.h
+ */
+struct bufferevent
+struct event_base;
+struct evbuffer;
+struct sockaddr;
+ A read or write callback for a bufferevent.
+ The read callback is triggered when new data arrives in the input
+ buffer and the amount of readable data exceed the low watermark
+ which is 0 by default.
+ The write callback is triggered if the write buffer has been
+ exhausted or fell below its low watermark.
+ @param bev the bufferevent that triggered the callback
+ @param ctx the user-specified context for this bufferevent
+ */
+typedef void (*bufferevent_data_cb)(struct bufferevent *bev, void *ctx);
+ An event/error callback for a bufferevent.
+ The event callback is triggered if either an EOF condition or another
+ unrecoverable error was encountered.
+ For bufferevents with deferred callbacks, this is a bitwise OR of all errors
+ that have happened on the bufferevent since the last callback invocation.
+ @param bev the bufferevent for which the error condition was reached
+ @param what a conjunction of flags: BEV_EVENT_READING or BEV_EVENT_WRITING
+ to indicate if the error was encountered on the read or write path,
+ and one of the following flags: BEV_EVENT_EOF, BEV_EVENT_ERROR,
+ @param ctx the user-specified context for this bufferevent
+typedef void (*bufferevent_event_cb)(struct bufferevent *bev, short what, void *ctx);
+/** Options that can be specified when creating a bufferevent */
+enum bufferevent_options {
+ /** If set, we close the underlying file
+ * descriptor/bufferevent/whatever when this bufferevent is freed. */
+ /** If set, and threading is enabled, operations on this bufferevent
+ * are protected by a lock */
+ /** If set, callbacks are run deferred in the event loop. */
+ /** If set, callbacks are executed without locks being held on the
+ * bufferevent. This option currently requires that
+ * BEV_OPT_DEFER_CALLBACKS also be set; a future version of Libevent
+ * might remove the requirement.*/
+ Create a new socket bufferevent over an existing socket.
+ @param base the event base to associate with the new bufferevent.
+ @param fd the file descriptor from which data is read and written to.
+ This file descriptor is not allowed to be a pipe(2).
+ It is safe to set the fd to -1, so long as you later
+ set it with bufferevent_setfd or bufferevent_socket_connect().
+ @param options Zero or more BEV_OPT_* flags
+ @return a pointer to a newly allocated bufferevent struct, or NULL if an
+ error occurred
+ @see bufferevent_free()
+ */
+struct bufferevent *bufferevent_socket_new(struct event_base *base, evutil_socket_t fd, int options);
+ Launch a connect() attempt with a socket-based bufferevent.
+ When the connect succeeds, the eventcb will be invoked with
+ If the bufferevent does not already have a socket set, we allocate a new
+ socket here and make it nonblocking before we begin.
+ If no address is provided, we assume that the socket is already connecting,
+ and configure the bufferevent so that a BEV_EVENT_CONNECTED event will be
+ yielded when it is done connecting.
+ @param bufev an existing bufferevent allocated with
+ bufferevent_socket_new().
+ @param addr the address we should connect to
+ @param socklen The length of the address
+ @return 0 on success, -1 on failure.
+ */
+int bufferevent_socket_connect(struct bufferevent *, const struct sockaddr *, int);
+struct evdns_base;
+ Resolve the hostname 'hostname' and connect to it as with
+ bufferevent_socket_connect().
+ @param bufev An existing bufferevent allocated with bufferevent_socket_new()
+ @param evdns_base Optionally, an evdns_base to use for resolving hostnames
+ asynchronously. May be set to NULL for a blocking resolve.
+ @param family A preferred address family to resolve addresses to, or
+ AF_UNSPEC for no preference. Only AF_INET, AF_INET6, and AF_UNSPEC are
+ supported.
+ @param hostname The hostname to resolve; see below for notes on recognized
+ formats
+ @param port The port to connect to on the resolved address.
+ @return 0 if successful, -1 on failure.
+ Recognized hostname formats are:
+ www.example.com (hostname)
+ (ipv4address)
+ ::1 (ipv6address)
+ [::1] ([ipv6address])
+ Performance note: If you do not provide an evdns_base, this function
+ may block while it waits for a DNS response. This is probably not
+ what you want.
+ */
+int bufferevent_socket_connect_hostname(struct bufferevent *,
+ struct evdns_base *, int, const char *, int);
+ Return the error code for the last failed DNS lookup attempt made by
+ bufferevent_socket_connect_hostname().
+ @param bev The bufferevent object.
+ @return DNS error code.
+ @see evutil_gai_strerror()
+int bufferevent_socket_get_dns_error(struct bufferevent *bev);
+ Assign a bufferevent to a specific event_base.
+ NOTE that only socket bufferevents support this function.
+ @param base an event_base returned by event_init()
+ @param bufev a bufferevent struct returned by bufferevent_new()
+ or bufferevent_socket_new()
+ @return 0 if successful, or -1 if an error occurred
+ @see bufferevent_new()
+ */
+int bufferevent_base_set(struct event_base *base, struct bufferevent *bufev);
+ Return the event_base used by a bufferevent
+struct event_base *bufferevent_get_base(struct bufferevent *bev);
+ Assign a priority to a bufferevent.
+ Only supported for socket bufferevents.
+ @param bufev a bufferevent struct
+ @param pri the priority to be assigned
+ @return 0 if successful, or -1 if an error occurred
+ */
+int bufferevent_priority_set(struct bufferevent *bufev, int pri);
+ Return the priority of a bufferevent.
+ Only supported for socket bufferevents
+ */
+int bufferevent_get_priority(const struct bufferevent *bufev);
+ Deallocate the storage associated with a bufferevent structure.
+ If there is pending data to write on the bufferevent, it probably won't be
+ flushed before the bufferevent is freed.
+ @param bufev the bufferevent structure to be freed.
+ */
+void bufferevent_free(struct bufferevent *bufev);
+ Changes the callbacks for a bufferevent.
+ @param bufev the bufferevent object for which to change callbacks
+ @param readcb callback to invoke when there is data to be read, or NULL if
+ no callback is desired
+ @param writecb callback to invoke when the file descriptor is ready for
+ writing, or NULL if no callback is desired
+ @param eventcb callback to invoke when there is an event on the file
+ descriptor
+ @param cbarg an argument that will be supplied to each of the callbacks
+ (readcb, writecb, and errorcb)
+ @see bufferevent_new()
+ */
+void bufferevent_setcb(struct bufferevent *bufev,
+ bufferevent_data_cb readcb, bufferevent_data_cb writecb,
+ bufferevent_event_cb eventcb, void *cbarg);
+ Retrieves the callbacks for a bufferevent.
+ @param bufev the bufferevent to examine.
+ @param readcb_ptr if readcb_ptr is nonnull, *readcb_ptr is set to the current
+ read callback for the bufferevent.
+ @param writecb_ptr if writecb_ptr is nonnull, *writecb_ptr is set to the
+ current write callback for the bufferevent.
+ @param eventcb_ptr if eventcb_ptr is nonnull, *eventcb_ptr is set to the
+ current event callback for the bufferevent.
+ @param cbarg_ptr if cbarg_ptr is nonnull, *cbarg_ptr is set to the current
+ callback argument for the bufferevent.
+ @see buffervent_setcb()
+void bufferevent_getcb(struct bufferevent *bufev,
+ bufferevent_data_cb *readcb_ptr,
+ bufferevent_data_cb *writecb_ptr,
+ bufferevent_event_cb *eventcb_ptr,
+ void **cbarg_ptr);
+ Changes the file descriptor on which the bufferevent operates.
+ Not supported for all bufferevent types.
+ @param bufev the bufferevent object for which to change the file descriptor
+ @param fd the file descriptor to operate on
+int bufferevent_setfd(struct bufferevent *bufev, evutil_socket_t fd);
+ Returns the file descriptor associated with a bufferevent, or -1 if
+ no file descriptor is associated with the bufferevent.
+ */
+evutil_socket_t bufferevent_getfd(struct bufferevent *bufev);
+ Returns the underlying bufferevent associated with a bufferevent (if
+ the bufferevent is a wrapper), or NULL if there is no underlying bufferevent.
+ */
+struct bufferevent *bufferevent_get_underlying(struct bufferevent *bufev);
+ Write data to a bufferevent buffer.
+ The bufferevent_write() function can be used to write data to the file
+ descriptor. The data is appended to the output buffer and written to the
+ descriptor automatically as it becomes available for writing.
+ @param bufev the bufferevent to be written to
+ @param data a pointer to the data to be written
+ @param size the length of the data, in bytes
+ @return 0 if successful, or -1 if an error occurred
+ @see bufferevent_write_buffer()
+ */
+int bufferevent_write(struct bufferevent *bufev,
+ const void *data, size_t size);
+ Write data from an evbuffer to a bufferevent buffer. The evbuffer is
+ being drained as a result.
+ @param bufev the bufferevent to be written to
+ @param buf the evbuffer to be written
+ @return 0 if successful, or -1 if an error occurred
+ @see bufferevent_write()
+ */
+int bufferevent_write_buffer(struct bufferevent *bufev, struct evbuffer *buf);
+ Read data from a bufferevent buffer.
+ The bufferevent_read() function is used to read data from the input buffer.
+ @param bufev the bufferevent to be read from
+ @param data pointer to a buffer that will store the data
+ @param size the size of the data buffer, in bytes
+ @return the amount of data read, in bytes.
+ */
+size_t bufferevent_read(struct bufferevent *bufev, void *data, size_t size);
+ Read data from a bufferevent buffer into an evbuffer. This avoids
+ memory copies.
+ @param bufev the bufferevent to be read from
+ @param buf the evbuffer to which to add data
+ @return 0 if successful, or -1 if an error occurred.
+ */
+int bufferevent_read_buffer(struct bufferevent *bufev, struct evbuffer *buf);
+ Returns the input buffer.
+ The user MUST NOT set the callback on this buffer.
+ @param bufev the bufferevent from which to get the evbuffer
+ @return the evbuffer object for the input buffer
+ */
+struct evbuffer *bufferevent_get_input(struct bufferevent *bufev);
+ Returns the output buffer.
+ The user MUST NOT set the callback on this buffer.
+ When filters are being used, the filters need to be manually
+ triggered if the output buffer was manipulated.
+ @param bufev the bufferevent from which to get the evbuffer
+ @return the evbuffer object for the output buffer
+ */
+struct evbuffer *bufferevent_get_output(struct bufferevent *bufev);
+ Enable a bufferevent.
+ @param bufev the bufferevent to be enabled
+ @param event any combination of EV_READ | EV_WRITE.
+ @return 0 if successful, or -1 if an error occurred
+ @see bufferevent_disable()
+ */
+int bufferevent_enable(struct bufferevent *bufev, short event);
+ Disable a bufferevent.
+ @param bufev the bufferevent to be disabled
+ @param event any combination of EV_READ | EV_WRITE.
+ @return 0 if successful, or -1 if an error occurred
+ @see bufferevent_enable()
+ */
+int bufferevent_disable(struct bufferevent *bufev, short event);
+ Return the events that are enabled on a given bufferevent.
+ @param bufev the bufferevent to inspect
+ @return A combination of EV_READ | EV_WRITE
+ */
+short bufferevent_get_enabled(struct bufferevent *bufev);
+ Set the read and write timeout for a bufferevent.
+ A bufferevent's timeout will fire the first time that the indicated
+ amount of time has elapsed since a successful read or write operation,
+ during which the bufferevent was trying to read or write.
+ (In other words, if reading or writing is disabled, or if the
+ bufferevent's read or write operation has been suspended because
+ there's no data to write, or not enough banwidth, or so on, the
+ timeout isn't active. The timeout only becomes active when we we're
+ willing to actually read or write.)
+ Calling bufferevent_enable or setting a timeout for a bufferevent
+ whose timeout is already pending resets its timeout.
+ If the timeout elapses, the corresponding operation (EV_READ or
+ EV_WRITE) becomes disabled until you re-enable it again. The
+ bufferevent's event callback is called with the
+ @param bufev the bufferevent to be modified
+ @param timeout_read the read timeout, or NULL
+ @param timeout_write the write timeout, or NULL
+ */
+int bufferevent_set_timeouts(struct bufferevent *bufev,
+ const struct timeval *timeout_read, const struct timeval *timeout_write);
+ Sets the watermarks for read and write events.
+ On input, a bufferevent does not invoke the user read callback unless
+ there is at least low watermark data in the buffer. If the read buffer
+ is beyond the high watermark, the bufferevent stops reading from the network.
+ On output, the user write callback is invoked whenever the buffered data
+ falls below the low watermark. Filters that write to this bufev will try
+ not to write more bytes to this buffer than the high watermark would allow,
+ except when flushing.
+ @param bufev the bufferevent to be modified
+ @param events EV_READ, EV_WRITE or both
+ @param lowmark the lower watermark to set
+ @param highmark the high watermark to set
+void bufferevent_setwatermark(struct bufferevent *bufev, short events,
+ size_t lowmark, size_t highmark);
+ Retrieves the watermarks for read or write events.
+ Returns non-zero if events contains not only EV_READ or EV_WRITE.
+ Returns zero if events equal EV_READ or EV_WRITE
+ @param bufev the bufferevent to be examined
+ @param events EV_READ or EV_WRITE
+ @param lowmark receives the lower watermark if not NULL
+ @param highmark receives the high watermark if not NULL
+int bufferevent_getwatermark(struct bufferevent *bufev, short events,
+ size_t *lowmark, size_t *highmark);
+ Acquire the lock on a bufferevent. Has no effect if locking was not
+ enabled with BEV_OPT_THREADSAFE.
+ */
+void bufferevent_lock(struct bufferevent *bufev);
+ Release the lock on a bufferevent. Has no effect if locking was not
+ enabled with BEV_OPT_THREADSAFE.
+ */
+void bufferevent_unlock(struct bufferevent *bufev);
+ * Public interface to manually increase the reference count of a bufferevent
+ * this is useful in situations where a user may reference the bufferevent
+ * somewhere eles (unknown to libevent)
+ *
+ * @param bufev the bufferevent to increase the refcount on
+ *
+ */
+void bufferevent_incref(struct bufferevent *bufev);
+ * Public interface to manually decrement the reference count of a bufferevent
+ *
+ * Warning: make sure you know what you're doing. This is mainly used in
+ * conjunction with bufferevent_incref(). This will free up all data associated
+ * with a bufferevent if the reference count hits 0.
+ *
+ * @param bufev the bufferevent to decrement the refcount on
+ *
+ * @return 1 if the bufferevent was freed, otherwise 0 (still referenced)
+ */
+int bufferevent_decref(struct bufferevent *bufev);
+ Flags that can be passed into filters to let them know how to
+ deal with the incoming data.
+enum bufferevent_flush_mode {
+ /** usually set when processing data */
+ /** want to checkpoint all data sent. */
+ BEV_FLUSH = 1,
+ /** encountered EOF on read or done sending data */
+ Triggers the bufferevent to produce more data if possible.
+ @param bufev the bufferevent object
+ @param iotype either EV_READ or EV_WRITE or both.
+ @param mode either BEV_NORMAL or BEV_FLUSH or BEV_FINISHED
+ @return -1 on failure, 0 if no data was produces, 1 if data was produced
+ */
+int bufferevent_flush(struct bufferevent *bufev,
+ short iotype,
+ enum bufferevent_flush_mode mode);
+ Flags for bufferevent_trigger(_event) that modify when and how to trigger
+ the callback.
+enum bufferevent_trigger_options {
+ /** trigger the callback regardless of the watermarks */
+ /** defer even if the callbacks are not */
+ /* (Note: for internal reasons, these need to be disjoint from
+ * bufferevent_options, except when they mean the same thing. */
+ Triggers bufferevent data callbacks.
+ The function will honor watermarks unless options contain
+ the callbacks are deferred.
+ @param bufev the bufferevent object
+ @param iotype either EV_READ or EV_WRITE or both.
+ @param options
+ */
+void bufferevent_trigger(struct bufferevent *bufev, short iotype,
+ int options);
+ Triggers the bufferevent event callback.
+ If the options contain BEV_OPT_DEFER_CALLBACKS, the callbacks are deferred.
+ @param bufev the bufferevent object
+ @param what the flags to pass onto the event callback
+ @param options
+ */
+void bufferevent_trigger_event(struct bufferevent *bufev, short what,
+ int options);
+ @name Filtering support
+ @{
+ Values that filters can return.
+ */
+enum bufferevent_filter_result {
+ /** everything is okay */
+ BEV_OK = 0,
+ /** the filter needs to read more data before output */
+ /** the filter encountered a critical error, no further data
+ can be processed. */
+/** A callback function to implement a filter for a bufferevent.
+ @param src An evbuffer to drain data from.
+ @param dst An evbuffer to add data to.
+ @param limit A suggested upper bound of bytes to write to dst.
+ The filter may ignore this value, but doing so means that
+ it will overflow the high-water mark associated with dst.
+ -1 means "no limit".
+ @param mode Whether we should write data as may be convenient
+ (BEV_NORMAL), or flush as much data as we can (BEV_FLUSH),
+ or flush as much as we can, possibly including an end-of-stream
+ marker (BEV_FINISH).
+ @param ctx A user-supplied pointer.
+ @return BEV_OK if we wrote some data; BEV_NEED_MORE if we can't
+ produce any more output until we get some input; and BEV_ERROR
+ on an error.
+ */
+typedef enum bufferevent_filter_result (*bufferevent_filter_cb)(
+ struct evbuffer *src, struct evbuffer *dst, ev_ssize_t dst_limit,
+ enum bufferevent_flush_mode mode, void *ctx);
+ Allocate a new filtering bufferevent on top of an existing bufferevent.
+ @param underlying the underlying bufferevent.
+ @param input_filter The filter to apply to data we read from the underlying
+ bufferevent
+ @param output_filter The filer to apply to data we write to the underlying
+ bufferevent
+ @param options A bitfield of bufferevent options.
+ @param free_context A function to use to free the filter context when
+ this bufferevent is freed.
+ @param ctx A context pointer to pass to the filter functions.
+ */
+struct bufferevent *
+bufferevent_filter_new(struct bufferevent *underlying,
+ bufferevent_filter_cb input_filter,
+ bufferevent_filter_cb output_filter,
+ int options,
+ void (*free_context)(void *),
+ void *ctx);
+ Allocate a pair of linked bufferevents. The bufferevents behave as would
+ two bufferevent_sock instances connected to opposite ends of a
+ socketpair(), except that no internal socketpair is allocated.
+ @param base The event base to associate with the socketpair.
+ @param options A set of options for this bufferevent
+ @param pair A pointer to an array to hold the two new bufferevent objects.
+ @return 0 on success, -1 on failure.
+ */
+int bufferevent_pair_new(struct event_base *base, int options,
+ struct bufferevent *pair[2]);
+ Given one bufferevent returned by bufferevent_pair_new(), returns the
+ other one if it still exists. Otherwise returns NULL.
+ */
+struct bufferevent *bufferevent_pair_get_partner(struct bufferevent *bev);
+ Abstract type used to configure rate-limiting on a bufferevent or a group
+ of bufferevents.
+ */
+struct ev_token_bucket_cfg;
+ A group of bufferevents which are configured to respect the same rate
+ limit.
+struct bufferevent_rate_limit_group;
+/** Maximum configurable rate- or burst-limit. */
+ Initialize and return a new object to configure the rate-limiting behavior
+ of bufferevents.
+ @param read_rate The maximum number of bytes to read per tick on
+ average.
+ @param read_burst The maximum number of bytes to read in any single tick.
+ @param write_rate The maximum number of bytes to write per tick on
+ average.
+ @param write_burst The maximum number of bytes to write in any single tick.
+ @param tick_len The length of a single tick. Defaults to one second.
+ Any fractions of a millisecond are ignored.
+ Note that all rate-limits hare are currently best-effort: future versions
+ of Libevent may implement them more tightly.
+ */
+struct ev_token_bucket_cfg *ev_token_bucket_cfg_new(
+ size_t read_rate, size_t read_burst,
+ size_t write_rate, size_t write_burst,
+ const struct timeval *tick_len);
+/** Free all storage held in 'cfg'.
+ Note: 'cfg' is not currently reference-counted; it is not safe to free it
+ until no bufferevent is using it.
+ */
+void ev_token_bucket_cfg_free(struct ev_token_bucket_cfg *cfg);
+ Set the rate-limit of a the bufferevent 'bev' to the one specified in
+ 'cfg'. If 'cfg' is NULL, disable any per-bufferevent rate-limiting on
+ 'bev'.
+ Note that only some bufferevent types currently respect rate-limiting.
+ They are: socket-based bufferevents (normal and IOCP-based), and SSL-based
+ bufferevents.
+ Return 0 on sucess, -1 on failure.
+ */
+int bufferevent_set_rate_limit(struct bufferevent *bev,
+ struct ev_token_bucket_cfg *cfg);
+ Create a new rate-limit group for bufferevents. A rate-limit group
+ constrains the maximum number of bytes sent and received, in toto,
+ by all of its bufferevents.
+ @param base An event_base to run any necessary timeouts for the group.
+ Note that all bufferevents in the group do not necessarily need to share
+ this event_base.
+ @param cfg The rate-limit for this group.
+ Note that all rate-limits hare are currently best-effort: future versions
+ of Libevent may implement them more tightly.
+ Note also that only some bufferevent types currently respect rate-limiting.
+ They are: socket-based bufferevents (normal and IOCP-based), and SSL-based
+ bufferevents.
+ */
+struct bufferevent_rate_limit_group *bufferevent_rate_limit_group_new(
+ struct event_base *base,
+ const struct ev_token_bucket_cfg *cfg);
+ Change the rate-limiting settings for a given rate-limiting group.
+ Return 0 on success, -1 on failure.
+int bufferevent_rate_limit_group_set_cfg(
+ struct bufferevent_rate_limit_group *,
+ const struct ev_token_bucket_cfg *);
+ Change the smallest quantum we're willing to allocate to any single
+ bufferevent in a group for reading or writing at a time.
+ The rationale is that, because of TCP/IP protocol overheads and kernel
+ behavior, if a rate-limiting group is so tight on bandwidth that you're
+ only willing to send 1 byte per tick per bufferevent, you might instead
+ want to batch up the reads and writes so that you send N bytes per
+ 1/N of the bufferevents (chosen at random) each tick, so you still wind
+ up send 1 byte per tick per bufferevent on average, but you don't send
+ so many tiny packets.
+ The default min-share is currently 64 bytes.
+ Returns 0 on success, -1 on faulre.
+ */
+int bufferevent_rate_limit_group_set_min_share(
+ struct bufferevent_rate_limit_group *, size_t);
+ Free a rate-limiting group. The group must have no members when
+ this function is called.
+void bufferevent_rate_limit_group_free(struct bufferevent_rate_limit_group *);
+ Add 'bev' to the list of bufferevents whose aggregate reading and writing
+ is restricted by 'g'. If 'g' is NULL, remove 'bev' from its current group.
+ A bufferevent may belong to no more than one rate-limit group at a time.
+ If 'bev' is already a member of a group, it will be removed from its old
+ group before being added to 'g'.
+ Return 0 on success and -1 on failure.
+ */
+int bufferevent_add_to_rate_limit_group(struct bufferevent *bev,
+ struct bufferevent_rate_limit_group *g);
+/** Remove 'bev' from its current rate-limit group (if any). */
+int bufferevent_remove_from_rate_limit_group(struct bufferevent *bev);
+ Set the size limit for single read operation.
+ Set to 0 for a reasonable default.
+ Return 0 on success and -1 on failure.
+ */
+int bufferevent_set_max_single_read(struct bufferevent *bev, size_t size);
+ Set the size limit for single write operation.
+ Set to 0 for a reasonable default.
+ Return 0 on success and -1 on failure.
+ */
+int bufferevent_set_max_single_write(struct bufferevent *bev, size_t size);
+/** Get the current size limit for single read operation. */
+ev_ssize_t bufferevent_get_max_single_read(struct bufferevent *bev);
+/** Get the current size limit for single write operation. */
+ev_ssize_t bufferevent_get_max_single_write(struct bufferevent *bev);
+ @name Rate limit inspection
+ Return the current read or write bucket size for a bufferevent.
+ If it is not configured with a per-bufferevent ratelimit, return
+ EV_SSIZE_MAX. This function does not inspect the group limit, if any.
+ Note that it can return a negative value if the bufferevent has been
+ made to read or write more than its limit.
+ @{
+ */
+ev_ssize_t bufferevent_get_read_limit(struct bufferevent *bev);
+ev_ssize_t bufferevent_get_write_limit(struct bufferevent *bev);
+ev_ssize_t bufferevent_get_max_to_read(struct bufferevent *bev);
+ev_ssize_t bufferevent_get_max_to_write(struct bufferevent *bev);
+const struct ev_token_bucket_cfg *bufferevent_get_token_bucket_cfg(const struct bufferevent * bev);
+ @name Group Rate limit inspection
+ Return the read or write bucket size for a bufferevent rate limit
+ group. Note that it can return a negative value if bufferevents in
+ the group have been made to read or write more than their limits.
+ @{
+ */
+ev_ssize_t bufferevent_rate_limit_group_get_read_limit(
+ struct bufferevent_rate_limit_group *);
+ev_ssize_t bufferevent_rate_limit_group_get_write_limit(
+ struct bufferevent_rate_limit_group *);
+ @name Rate limit manipulation
+ Subtract a number of bytes from a bufferevent's read or write bucket.
+ The decrement value can be negative, if you want to manually refill
+ the bucket. If the change puts the bucket above or below zero, the
+ bufferevent will resume or suspend reading writing as appropriate.
+ These functions make no change in the buckets for the bufferevent's
+ group, if any.
+ Returns 0 on success, -1 on internal error.
+ @{
+ */
+int bufferevent_decrement_read_limit(struct bufferevent *bev, ev_ssize_t decr);
+int bufferevent_decrement_write_limit(struct bufferevent *bev, ev_ssize_t decr);
+ @name Group rate limit manipulation
+ Subtract a number of bytes from a bufferevent rate-limiting group's
+ read or write bucket. The decrement value can be negative, if you
+ want to manually refill the bucket. If the change puts the bucket
+ above or below zero, the bufferevents in the group will resume or
+ suspend reading writing as appropriate.
+ Returns 0 on success, -1 on internal error.
+ @{
+ */
+int bufferevent_rate_limit_group_decrement_read(
+ struct bufferevent_rate_limit_group *, ev_ssize_t);
+int bufferevent_rate_limit_group_decrement_write(
+ struct bufferevent_rate_limit_group *, ev_ssize_t);
+ * Inspect the total bytes read/written on a group.
+ *
+ * Set the variable pointed to by total_read_out to the total number of bytes
+ * ever read on grp, and the variable pointed to by total_written_out to the
+ * total number of bytes ever written on grp. */
+void bufferevent_rate_limit_group_get_totals(
+ struct bufferevent_rate_limit_group *grp,
+ ev_uint64_t *total_read_out, ev_uint64_t *total_written_out);
+ * Reset the total bytes read/written on a group.
+ *
+ * Reset the number of bytes read or written on grp as given by
+ * bufferevent_rate_limit_group_reset_totals(). */
+ struct bufferevent_rate_limit_group *grp);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/ios/Pods/CocoaLibEvent/src/event2/bufferevent_compat.h b/ios/Pods/CocoaLibEvent/src/event2/bufferevent_compat.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..65482042f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ios/Pods/CocoaLibEvent/src/event2/bufferevent_compat.h
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Niels Provos, Nick Mathewson
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2007 Niels Provos
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
+ * derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ */
+#define evbuffercb bufferevent_data_cb
+#define everrorcb bufferevent_event_cb
+ Create a new bufferevent for an fd.
+ This function is deprecated. Use bufferevent_socket_new and
+ bufferevent_set_callbacks instead.
+ Libevent provides an abstraction on top of the regular event callbacks.
+ This abstraction is called a buffered event. A buffered event provides
+ input and output buffers that get filled and drained automatically. The
+ user of a buffered event no longer deals directly with the I/O, but
+ instead is reading from input and writing to output buffers.
+ Once initialized, the bufferevent structure can be used repeatedly with
+ bufferevent_enable() and bufferevent_disable().
+ When read enabled the bufferevent will try to read from the file descriptor
+ and call the read callback. The write callback is executed whenever the
+ output buffer is drained below the write low watermark, which is 0 by
+ default.
+ If multiple bases are in use, bufferevent_base_set() must be called before
+ enabling the bufferevent for the first time.
+ @deprecated This function is deprecated because it uses the current
+ event base, and as such can be error prone for multithreaded programs.
+ Use bufferevent_socket_new() instead.
+ @param fd the file descriptor from which data is read and written to.
+ This file descriptor is not allowed to be a pipe(2).
+ @param readcb callback to invoke when there is data to be read, or NULL if
+ no callback is desired
+ @param writecb callback to invoke when the file descriptor is ready for
+ writing, or NULL if no callback is desired
+ @param errorcb callback to invoke when there is an error on the file
+ descriptor
+ @param cbarg an argument that will be supplied to each of the callbacks
+ (readcb, writecb, and errorcb)
+ @return a pointer to a newly allocated bufferevent struct, or NULL if an
+ error occurred
+ @see bufferevent_base_set(), bufferevent_free()
+ */
+struct bufferevent *bufferevent_new(evutil_socket_t fd,
+ evbuffercb readcb, evbuffercb writecb, everrorcb errorcb, void *cbarg);
+ Set the read and write timeout for a buffered event.
+ @param bufev the bufferevent to be modified
+ @param timeout_read the read timeout
+ @param timeout_write the write timeout
+ */
+void bufferevent_settimeout(struct bufferevent *bufev,
+ int timeout_read, int timeout_write);
+/** macro for getting access to the input buffer of a bufferevent */
+#define EVBUFFER_INPUT(x) bufferevent_get_input(x)
+/** macro for getting access to the output buffer of a bufferevent */
+#define EVBUFFER_OUTPUT(x) bufferevent_get_output(x)
diff --git a/ios/Pods/CocoaLibEvent/src/event2/bufferevent_ssl.h b/ios/Pods/CocoaLibEvent/src/event2/bufferevent_ssl.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bf39b844a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ios/Pods/CocoaLibEvent/src/event2/bufferevent_ssl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Niels Provos and Nick Mathewson
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
+ * derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ */
+/** @file event2/bufferevent_ssl.h
+ OpenSSL support for bufferevents.
+ */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/* This is what openssl's SSL objects are underneath. */
+struct ssl_st;
+ The state of an SSL object to be used when creating a new
+ SSL bufferevent.
+ */
+enum bufferevent_ssl_state {
+#if defined(EVENT__HAVE_OPENSSL) || defined(EVENT_IN_DOXYGEN_)
+ Create a new SSL bufferevent to send its data over another bufferevent.
+ @param base An event_base to use to detect reading and writing. It
+ must also be the base for the underlying bufferevent.
+ @param underlying A socket to use for this SSL
+ @param ssl A SSL* object from openssl.
+ @param state The current state of the SSL connection
+ @param options One or more bufferevent_options
+ @return A new bufferevent on success, or NULL on failure
+struct bufferevent *
+bufferevent_openssl_filter_new(struct event_base *base,
+ struct bufferevent *underlying,
+ struct ssl_st *ssl,
+ enum bufferevent_ssl_state state,
+ int options);
+ Create a new SSL bufferevent to send its data over an SSL * on a socket.
+ @param base An event_base to use to detect reading and writing
+ @param fd A socket to use for this SSL
+ @param ssl A SSL* object from openssl.
+ @param state The current state of the SSL connection
+ @param options One or more bufferevent_options
+ @return A new bufferevent on success, or NULL on failure.
+struct bufferevent *
+bufferevent_openssl_socket_new(struct event_base *base,
+ evutil_socket_t fd,
+ struct ssl_st *ssl,
+ enum bufferevent_ssl_state state,
+ int options);
+/** Control how to report dirty SSL shutdowns.
+ If the peer (or the network, or an attacker) closes the TCP
+ connection before closing the SSL channel, and the protocol is SSL >= v3,
+ this is a "dirty" shutdown. If allow_dirty_shutdown is 0 (default),
+ this is reported as BEV_EVENT_ERROR.
+ If instead allow_dirty_shutdown=1, a dirty shutdown is reported as
+ (Note that if the protocol is < SSLv3, you will always receive
+ BEV_EVENT_EOF, since SSL 2 and earlier cannot distinguish a secure
+ connection close from a dirty one. This is one reason (among many)
+ not to use SSL 2.)
+int bufferevent_openssl_get_allow_dirty_shutdown(struct bufferevent *bev);
+void bufferevent_openssl_set_allow_dirty_shutdown(struct bufferevent *bev,
+ int allow_dirty_shutdown);
+/** Return the underlying openssl SSL * object for an SSL bufferevent. */
+struct ssl_st *
+bufferevent_openssl_get_ssl(struct bufferevent *bufev);
+/** Tells a bufferevent to begin SSL renegotiation. */
+int bufferevent_ssl_renegotiate(struct bufferevent *bev);
+/** Return the most recent OpenSSL error reported on an SSL bufferevent. */
+unsigned long bufferevent_get_openssl_error(struct bufferevent *bev);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/ios/Pods/CocoaLibEvent/src/event2/bufferevent_struct.h b/ios/Pods/CocoaLibEvent/src/event2/bufferevent_struct.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e84c082c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ios/Pods/CocoaLibEvent/src/event2/bufferevent_struct.h
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2007 Niels Provos
+ * Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Niels Provos and Nick Mathewson
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
+ * derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ */
+/** @file event2/bufferevent_struct.h
+ Data structures for bufferevents. Using these structures may hurt forward
+ compatibility with later versions of Libevent: be careful!
+ @deprecated Use of bufferevent_struct.h is completely deprecated; these
+ structures are only exposed for backward compatibility with programs
+ written before Libevent 2.0 that used them.
+ */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/* For int types. */
+/* For struct event */
+struct event_watermark {
+ size_t low;
+ size_t high;
+ Shared implementation of a bufferevent.
+ This type is exposed only because it was exposed in previous versions,
+ and some people's code may rely on manipulating it. Otherwise, you
+ should really not rely on the layout, size, or contents of this structure:
+ it is fairly volatile, and WILL change in future versions of the code.
+struct bufferevent {
+ /** Event base for which this bufferevent was created. */
+ struct event_base *ev_base;
+ /** Pointer to a table of function pointers to set up how this
+ bufferevent behaves. */
+ const struct bufferevent_ops *be_ops;
+ /** A read event that triggers when a timeout has happened or a socket
+ is ready to read data. Only used by some subtypes of
+ bufferevent. */
+ struct event ev_read;
+ /** A write event that triggers when a timeout has happened or a socket
+ is ready to write data. Only used by some subtypes of
+ bufferevent. */
+ struct event ev_write;
+ /** An input buffer. Only the bufferevent is allowed to add data to
+ this buffer, though the user is allowed to drain it. */
+ struct evbuffer *input;
+ /** An input buffer. Only the bufferevent is allowed to drain data
+ from this buffer, though the user is allowed to add it. */
+ struct evbuffer *output;
+ struct event_watermark wm_read;
+ struct event_watermark wm_write;
+ bufferevent_data_cb readcb;
+ bufferevent_data_cb writecb;
+ /* This should be called 'eventcb', but renaming it would break
+ * backward compatibility */
+ bufferevent_event_cb errorcb;
+ void *cbarg;
+ struct timeval timeout_read;
+ struct timeval timeout_write;
+ /** Events that are currently enabled: currently EV_READ and EV_WRITE
+ are supported. */
+ short enabled;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/ios/Pods/CocoaLibEvent/src/event2/dns.h b/ios/Pods/CocoaLibEvent/src/event2/dns.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..17cd86a2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ios/Pods/CocoaLibEvent/src/event2/dns.h
@@ -0,0 +1,717 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Niels Provos
+ * Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Niels Provos and Nick Mathewson
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
+ * derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ */
+ * The original DNS code is due to Adam Langley with heavy
+ * modifications by Nick Mathewson. Adam put his DNS software in the
+ * public domain. You can find his original copyright below. Please,
+ * aware that the code as part of Libevent is governed by the 3-clause
+ * BSD license above.
+ *
+ * This software is Public Domain. To view a copy of the public domain dedication,
+ * visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ or send a letter to
+ * Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA.
+ *
+ * I ask and expect, but do not require, that all derivative works contain an
+ * attribution similar to:
+ * Parts developed by Adam Langley
+ *
+ * You may wish to replace the word "Parts" with something else depending on
+ * the amount of original code.
+ *
+ * (Derivative works does not include programs which link against, run or include
+ * the source verbatim in their source distributions)
+ */
+/** @file event2/dns.h
+ *
+ * Welcome, gentle reader
+ *
+ * Async DNS lookups are really a whole lot harder than they should be,
+ * mostly stemming from the fact that the libc resolver has never been
+ * very good at them. Before you use this library you should see if libc
+ * can do the job for you with the modern async call getaddrinfo_a
+ * (see http://www.imperialviolet.org/page25.html#e498). Otherwise,
+ * please continue.
+ *
+ * The library keeps track of the state of nameservers and will avoid
+ * them when they go down. Otherwise it will round robin between them.
+ *
+ * Quick start guide:
+ * #include "evdns.h"
+ * void callback(int result, char type, int count, int ttl,
+ * void *addresses, void *arg);
+ * evdns_resolv_conf_parse(DNS_OPTIONS_ALL, "/etc/resolv.conf");
+ * evdns_resolve("www.hostname.com", 0, callback, NULL);
+ *
+ * When the lookup is complete the callback function is called. The
+ * first argument will be one of the DNS_ERR_* defines in evdns.h.
+ * Hopefully it will be DNS_ERR_NONE, in which case type will be
+ * DNS_IPv4_A, count will be the number of IP addresses, ttl is the time
+ * which the data can be cached for (in seconds), addresses will point
+ * to an array of uint32_t's and arg will be whatever you passed to
+ * evdns_resolve.
+ *
+ * Searching:
+ *
+ * In order for this library to be a good replacement for glibc's resolver it
+ * supports searching. This involves setting a list of default domains, in
+ * which names will be queried for. The number of dots in the query name
+ * determines the order in which this list is used.
+ *
+ * Searching appears to be a single lookup from the point of view of the API,
+ * although many DNS queries may be generated from a single call to
+ * evdns_resolve. Searching can also drastically slow down the resolution
+ * of names.
+ *
+ * To disable searching:
+ * 1. Never set it up. If you never call evdns_resolv_conf_parse or
+ * evdns_search_add then no searching will occur.
+ *
+ * 2. If you do call evdns_resolv_conf_parse then don't pass
+ * DNS_OPTION_SEARCH (or DNS_OPTIONS_ALL, which implies it).
+ *
+ * 3. When calling evdns_resolve, pass the DNS_QUERY_NO_SEARCH flag.
+ *
+ * The order of searches depends on the number of dots in the name. If the
+ * number is greater than the ndots setting then the names is first tried
+ * globally. Otherwise each search domain is appended in turn.
+ *
+ * The ndots setting can either be set from a resolv.conf, or by calling
+ * evdns_search_ndots_set.
+ *
+ * For example, with ndots set to 1 (the default) and a search domain list of
+ * ["myhome.net"]:
+ * Query: www
+ * Order: www.myhome.net, www.
+ *
+ * Query: www.abc
+ * Order: www.abc., www.abc.myhome.net
+ *
+ * Internals:
+ *
+ * Requests are kept in two queues. The first is the inflight queue. In
+ * this queue requests have an allocated transaction id and nameserver.
+ * They will soon be transmitted if they haven't already been.
+ *
+ * The second is the waiting queue. The size of the inflight ring is
+ * limited and all other requests wait in waiting queue for space. This
+ * bounds the number of concurrent requests so that we don't flood the
+ * nameserver. Several algorithms require a full walk of the inflight
+ * queue and so bounding its size keeps thing going nicely under huge
+ * (many thousands of requests) loads.
+ *
+ * If a nameserver loses too many requests it is considered down and we
+ * try not to use it. After a while we send a probe to that nameserver
+ * (a lookup for google.com) and, if it replies, we consider it working
+ * again. If the nameserver fails a probe we wait longer to try again
+ * with the next probe.
+ */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/* For integer types. */
+/** Error codes 0-5 are as described in RFC 1035. */
+#define DNS_ERR_NONE 0
+/** The name server was unable to interpret the query */
+#define DNS_ERR_FORMAT 1
+/** The name server was unable to process this query due to a problem with the
+ * name server */
+/** The domain name does not exist */
+/** The name server does not support the requested kind of query */
+#define DNS_ERR_NOTIMPL 4
+/** The name server refuses to reform the specified operation for policy
+ * reasons */
+#define DNS_ERR_REFUSED 5
+/** The reply was truncated or ill-formatted */
+/** An unknown error occurred */
+#define DNS_ERR_UNKNOWN 66
+/** Communication with the server timed out */
+#define DNS_ERR_TIMEOUT 67
+/** The request was canceled because the DNS subsystem was shut down. */
+#define DNS_ERR_SHUTDOWN 68
+/** The request was canceled via a call to evdns_cancel_request */
+#define DNS_ERR_CANCEL 69
+/** There were no answers and no error condition in the DNS packet.
+ * This can happen when you ask for an address that exists, but a record
+ * type that doesn't. */
+#define DNS_ERR_NODATA 70
+#define DNS_IPv4_A 1
+#define DNS_PTR 2
+#define DNS_IPv6_AAAA 3
+#define DNS_OPTION_MISC 4
+#define DNS_OPTIONS_ALL 15
+/* Obsolete name for DNS_QUERY_NO_SEARCH */
+ * The callback that contains the results from a lookup.
+ * - result is one of the DNS_ERR_* values (DNS_ERR_NONE for success)
+ * - type is either DNS_IPv4_A or DNS_PTR or DNS_IPv6_AAAA
+ * - count contains the number of addresses of form type
+ * - ttl is the number of seconds the resolution may be cached for.
+ * - addresses needs to be cast according to type. It will be an array of
+ * 4-byte sequences for ipv4, or an array of 16-byte sequences for ipv6,
+ * or a nul-terminated string for PTR.
+ */
+typedef void (*evdns_callback_type) (int result, char type, int count, int ttl, void *addresses, void *arg);
+struct evdns_base;
+struct event_base;
+/** Flag for evdns_base_new: process resolv.conf. */
+/** Flag for evdns_base_new: Do not prevent the libevent event loop from
+ * exiting when we have no active dns requests. */
+ Initialize the asynchronous DNS library.
+ This function initializes support for non-blocking name resolution by
+ calling evdns_resolv_conf_parse() on UNIX and
+ evdns_config_windows_nameservers() on Windows.
+ @param event_base the event base to associate the dns client with
+ @return evdns_base object if successful, or NULL if an error occurred.
+ @see evdns_base_free()
+ */
+struct evdns_base * evdns_base_new(struct event_base *event_base, int initialize_nameservers);
+ Shut down the asynchronous DNS resolver and terminate all active requests.
+ If the 'fail_requests' option is enabled, all active requests will return
+ an empty result with the error flag set to DNS_ERR_SHUTDOWN. Otherwise,
+ the requests will be silently discarded.
+ @param evdns_base the evdns base to free
+ @param fail_requests if zero, active requests will be aborted; if non-zero,
+ active requests will return DNS_ERR_SHUTDOWN.
+ @see evdns_base_new()
+ */
+void evdns_base_free(struct evdns_base *base, int fail_requests);
+ Remove all hosts entries that have been loaded into the event_base via
+ evdns_base_load_hosts or via event_base_resolv_conf_parse.
+ @param evdns_base the evdns base to remove outdated host addresses from
+ */
+void evdns_base_clear_host_addresses(struct evdns_base *base);
+ Convert a DNS error code to a string.
+ @param err the DNS error code
+ @return a string containing an explanation of the error code
+const char *evdns_err_to_string(int err);
+ Add a nameserver.
+ The address should be an IPv4 address in network byte order.
+ The type of address is chosen so that it matches in_addr.s_addr.
+ @param base the evdns_base to which to add the name server
+ @param address an IP address in network byte order
+ @return 0 if successful, or -1 if an error occurred
+ @see evdns_base_nameserver_ip_add()
+ */
+int evdns_base_nameserver_add(struct evdns_base *base,
+ unsigned long int address);
+ Get the number of configured nameservers.
+ This returns the number of configured nameservers (not necessarily the
+ number of running nameservers). This is useful for double-checking
+ whether our calls to the various nameserver configuration functions
+ have been successful.
+ @param base the evdns_base to which to apply this operation
+ @return the number of configured nameservers
+ @see evdns_base_nameserver_add()
+ */
+int evdns_base_count_nameservers(struct evdns_base *base);
+ Remove all configured nameservers, and suspend all pending resolves.
+ Resolves will not necessarily be re-attempted until evdns_base_resume() is called.
+ @param base the evdns_base to which to apply this operation
+ @return 0 if successful, or -1 if an error occurred
+ @see evdns_base_resume()
+ */
+int evdns_base_clear_nameservers_and_suspend(struct evdns_base *base);
+ Resume normal operation and continue any suspended resolve requests.
+ Re-attempt resolves left in limbo after an earlier call to
+ evdns_base_clear_nameservers_and_suspend().
+ @param base the evdns_base to which to apply this operation
+ @return 0 if successful, or -1 if an error occurred
+ @see evdns_base_clear_nameservers_and_suspend()
+ */
+int evdns_base_resume(struct evdns_base *base);
+ Add a nameserver by string address.
+ This function parses a n IPv4 or IPv6 address from a string and adds it as a
+ nameserver. It supports the following formats:
+ - [IPv6Address]:port
+ - [IPv6Address]
+ - IPv6Address
+ - IPv4Address:port
+ - IPv4Address
+ If no port is specified, it defaults to 53.
+ @param base the evdns_base to which to apply this operation
+ @return 0 if successful, or -1 if an error occurred
+ @see evdns_base_nameserver_add()
+ */
+int evdns_base_nameserver_ip_add(struct evdns_base *base,
+ const char *ip_as_string);
+ Add a nameserver by sockaddr.
+ **/
+evdns_base_nameserver_sockaddr_add(struct evdns_base *base,
+ const struct sockaddr *sa, ev_socklen_t len, unsigned flags);
+struct evdns_request;
+ Lookup an A record for a given name.
+ @param base the evdns_base to which to apply this operation
+ @param name a DNS hostname
+ @param flags either 0, or DNS_QUERY_NO_SEARCH to disable searching for this query.
+ @param callback a callback function to invoke when the request is completed
+ @param ptr an argument to pass to the callback function
+ @return an evdns_request object if successful, or NULL if an error occurred.
+ @see evdns_resolve_ipv6(), evdns_resolve_reverse(), evdns_resolve_reverse_ipv6(), evdns_cancel_request()
+ */
+struct evdns_request *evdns_base_resolve_ipv4(struct evdns_base *base, const char *name, int flags, evdns_callback_type callback, void *ptr);
+ Lookup an AAAA record for a given name.
+ @param base the evdns_base to which to apply this operation
+ @param name a DNS hostname
+ @param flags either 0, or DNS_QUERY_NO_SEARCH to disable searching for this query.
+ @param callback a callback function to invoke when the request is completed
+ @param ptr an argument to pass to the callback function
+ @return an evdns_request object if successful, or NULL if an error occurred.
+ @see evdns_resolve_ipv4(), evdns_resolve_reverse(), evdns_resolve_reverse_ipv6(), evdns_cancel_request()
+ */
+struct evdns_request *evdns_base_resolve_ipv6(struct evdns_base *base, const char *name, int flags, evdns_callback_type callback, void *ptr);
+struct in_addr;
+struct in6_addr;
+ Lookup a PTR record for a given IP address.
+ @param base the evdns_base to which to apply this operation
+ @param in an IPv4 address
+ @param flags either 0, or DNS_QUERY_NO_SEARCH to disable searching for this query.
+ @param callback a callback function to invoke when the request is completed
+ @param ptr an argument to pass to the callback function
+ @return an evdns_request object if successful, or NULL if an error occurred.
+ @see evdns_resolve_reverse_ipv6(), evdns_cancel_request()
+ */
+struct evdns_request *evdns_base_resolve_reverse(struct evdns_base *base, const struct in_addr *in, int flags, evdns_callback_type callback, void *ptr);
+ Lookup a PTR record for a given IPv6 address.
+ @param base the evdns_base to which to apply this operation
+ @param in an IPv6 address
+ @param flags either 0, or DNS_QUERY_NO_SEARCH to disable searching for this query.
+ @param callback a callback function to invoke when the request is completed
+ @param ptr an argument to pass to the callback function
+ @return an evdns_request object if successful, or NULL if an error occurred.
+ @see evdns_resolve_reverse_ipv6(), evdns_cancel_request()
+ */
+struct evdns_request *evdns_base_resolve_reverse_ipv6(struct evdns_base *base, const struct in6_addr *in, int flags, evdns_callback_type callback, void *ptr);
+ Cancels a pending DNS resolution request.
+ @param base the evdns_base that was used to make the request
+ @param req the evdns_request that was returned by calling a resolve function
+ @see evdns_base_resolve_ipv4(), evdns_base_resolve_ipv6, evdns_base_resolve_reverse
+void evdns_cancel_request(struct evdns_base *base, struct evdns_request *req);
+ Set the value of a configuration option.
+ The currently available configuration options are:
+ ndots, timeout, max-timeouts, max-inflight, attempts, randomize-case,
+ bind-to, initial-probe-timeout, getaddrinfo-allow-skew.
+ In versions before Libevent 2.0.3-alpha, the option name needed to end with
+ a colon.
+ @param base the evdns_base to which to apply this operation
+ @param option the name of the configuration option to be modified
+ @param val the value to be set
+ @return 0 if successful, or -1 if an error occurred
+ */
+int evdns_base_set_option(struct evdns_base *base, const char *option, const char *val);
+ Parse a resolv.conf file.
+ The 'flags' parameter determines what information is parsed from the
+ resolv.conf file. See the man page for resolv.conf for the format of this
+ file.
+ The following directives are not parsed from the file: sortlist, rotate,
+ no-check-names, inet6, debug.
+ If this function encounters an error, the possible return values are: 1 =
+ failed to open file, 2 = failed to stat file, 3 = file too large, 4 = out of
+ memory, 5 = short read from file, 6 = no nameservers listed in the file
+ @param base the evdns_base to which to apply this operation
+ @param filename the path to the resolv.conf file
+ @return 0 if successful, or various positive error codes if an error
+ occurred (see above)
+ @see resolv.conf(3), evdns_config_windows_nameservers()
+ */
+int evdns_base_resolv_conf_parse(struct evdns_base *base, int flags, const char *const filename);
+ Load an /etc/hosts-style file from 'hosts_fname' into 'base'.
+ If hosts_fname is NULL, add minimal entries for localhost, and nothing
+ else.
+ Note that only evdns_getaddrinfo uses the /etc/hosts entries.
+ This function does not replace previously loaded hosts entries; to do that,
+ call evdns_base_clear_host_addresses first.
+ Return 0 on success, negative on failure.
+int evdns_base_load_hosts(struct evdns_base *base, const char *hosts_fname);
+ Obtain nameserver information using the Windows API.
+ Attempt to configure a set of nameservers based on platform settings on
+ a win32 host. Preferentially tries to use GetNetworkParams; if that fails,
+ looks in the registry.
+ @return 0 if successful, or -1 if an error occurred
+ @see evdns_resolv_conf_parse()
+ */
+#ifdef _WIN32
+int evdns_base_config_windows_nameservers(struct evdns_base *);
+ Clear the list of search domains.
+ */
+void evdns_base_search_clear(struct evdns_base *base);
+ Add a domain to the list of search domains
+ @param domain the domain to be added to the search list
+ */
+void evdns_base_search_add(struct evdns_base *base, const char *domain);
+ Set the 'ndots' parameter for searches.
+ Sets the number of dots which, when found in a name, causes
+ the first query to be without any search domain.
+ @param ndots the new ndots parameter
+ */
+void evdns_base_search_ndots_set(struct evdns_base *base, const int ndots);
+ A callback that is invoked when a log message is generated
+ @param is_warning indicates if the log message is a 'warning'
+ @param msg the content of the log message
+ */
+typedef void (*evdns_debug_log_fn_type)(int is_warning, const char *msg);
+ Set the callback function to handle DNS log messages. If this
+ callback is not set, evdns log messages are handled with the regular
+ Libevent logging system.
+ @param fn the callback to be invoked when a log message is generated
+ */
+void evdns_set_log_fn(evdns_debug_log_fn_type fn);
+ Set a callback that will be invoked to generate transaction IDs. By
+ default, we pick transaction IDs based on the current clock time, which
+ is bad for security.
+ @param fn the new callback, or NULL to use the default.
+ NOTE: This function has no effect in Libevent 2.0.4-alpha and later,
+ since Libevent now provides its own secure RNG.
+ */
+void evdns_set_transaction_id_fn(ev_uint16_t (*fn)(void));
+ Set a callback used to generate random bytes. By default, we use
+ the same function as passed to evdns_set_transaction_id_fn to generate
+ bytes two at a time. If a function is provided here, it's also used
+ to generate transaction IDs.
+ NOTE: This function has no effect in Libevent 2.0.4-alpha and later,
+ since Libevent now provides its own secure RNG.
+void evdns_set_random_bytes_fn(void (*fn)(char *, size_t));
+ * Functions used to implement a DNS server.
+ */
+struct evdns_server_request;
+struct evdns_server_question;
+ A callback to implement a DNS server. The callback function receives a DNS
+ request. It should then optionally add a number of answers to the reply
+ using the evdns_server_request_add_*_reply functions, before calling either
+ evdns_server_request_respond to send the reply back, or
+ evdns_server_request_drop to decline to answer the request.
+ @param req A newly received request
+ @param user_data A pointer that was passed to
+ evdns_add_server_port_with_base().
+ */
+typedef void (*evdns_request_callback_fn_type)(struct evdns_server_request *, void *);
+#define EVDNS_TYPE_A 1
+#define EVDNS_TYPE_NS 2
+#define EVDNS_TYPE_SOA 6
+#define EVDNS_TYPE_PTR 12
+#define EVDNS_TYPE_MX 15
+#define EVDNS_TYPE_TXT 16
+#define EVDNS_TYPE_AAAA 28
+#define EVDNS_QTYPE_AXFR 252
+#define EVDNS_QTYPE_ALL 255
+/* flags that can be set in answers; as part of the err parameter */
+#define EVDNS_FLAGS_AA 0x400
+#define EVDNS_FLAGS_RD 0x080
+/** Create a new DNS server port.
+ @param base The event base to handle events for the server port.
+ @param socket A UDP socket to accept DNS requests.
+ @param flags Always 0 for now.
+ @param callback A function to invoke whenever we get a DNS request
+ on the socket.
+ @param user_data Data to pass to the callback.
+ @return an evdns_server_port structure for this server port.
+ */
+struct evdns_server_port *evdns_add_server_port_with_base(struct event_base *base, evutil_socket_t socket, int flags, evdns_request_callback_fn_type callback, void *user_data);
+/** Close down a DNS server port, and free associated structures. */
+void evdns_close_server_port(struct evdns_server_port *port);
+/** Sets some flags in a reply we're building.
+ Allows setting of the AA or RD flags
+ */
+void evdns_server_request_set_flags(struct evdns_server_request *req, int flags);
+/* Functions to add an answer to an in-progress DNS reply.
+ */
+int evdns_server_request_add_reply(struct evdns_server_request *req, int section, const char *name, int type, int dns_class, int ttl, int datalen, int is_name, const char *data);
+int evdns_server_request_add_a_reply(struct evdns_server_request *req, const char *name, int n, const void *addrs, int ttl);
+int evdns_server_request_add_aaaa_reply(struct evdns_server_request *req, const char *name, int n, const void *addrs, int ttl);
+int evdns_server_request_add_ptr_reply(struct evdns_server_request *req, struct in_addr *in, const char *inaddr_name, const char *hostname, int ttl);
+int evdns_server_request_add_cname_reply(struct evdns_server_request *req, const char *name, const char *cname, int ttl);
+ Send back a response to a DNS request, and free the request structure.
+int evdns_server_request_respond(struct evdns_server_request *req, int err);
+ Free a DNS request without sending back a reply.
+int evdns_server_request_drop(struct evdns_server_request *req);
+struct sockaddr;
+ Get the address that made a DNS request.
+ */
+int evdns_server_request_get_requesting_addr(struct evdns_server_request *req, struct sockaddr *sa, int addr_len);
+/** Callback for evdns_getaddrinfo. */
+typedef void (*evdns_getaddrinfo_cb)(int result, struct evutil_addrinfo *res, void *arg);
+struct evdns_base;
+struct evdns_getaddrinfo_request;
+/** Make a non-blocking getaddrinfo request using the dns_base in 'dns_base'.
+ *
+ * If we can answer the request immediately (with an error or not!), then we
+ * invoke cb immediately and return NULL. Otherwise we return
+ * an evdns_getaddrinfo_request and invoke cb later.
+ *
+ * When the callback is invoked, we pass as its first argument the error code
+ * that getaddrinfo would return (or 0 for no error). As its second argument,
+ * we pass the evutil_addrinfo structures we found (or NULL on error). We
+ * pass 'arg' as the third argument.
+ *
+ * Limitations:
+ *
+ * - The AI_V4MAPPED and AI_ALL flags are not currently implemented.
+ * - For ai_socktype, we only handle SOCKTYPE_STREAM, SOCKTYPE_UDP, and 0.
+ * - For ai_protocol, we only handle IPPROTO_TCP, IPPROTO_UDP, and 0.
+ */
+struct evdns_getaddrinfo_request *evdns_getaddrinfo(
+ struct evdns_base *dns_base,
+ const char *nodename, const char *servname,
+ const struct evutil_addrinfo *hints_in,
+ evdns_getaddrinfo_cb cb, void *arg);
+/* Cancel an in-progress evdns_getaddrinfo. This MUST NOT be called after the
+ * getaddrinfo's callback has been invoked. The resolves will be canceled,
+ * and the callback will be invoked with the error EVUTIL_EAI_CANCEL. */
+void evdns_getaddrinfo_cancel(struct evdns_getaddrinfo_request *req);
+ Retrieve the address of the 'idx'th configured nameserver.
+ @param base The evdns_base to examine.
+ @param idx The index of the nameserver to get the address of.
+ @param sa A location to receive the server's address.
+ @param len The number of bytes available at sa.
+ @return the number of bytes written into sa on success. On failure, returns
+ -1 if idx is greater than the number of configured nameservers, or a
+ value greater than 'len' if len was not high enough.
+ */
+int evdns_base_get_nameserver_addr(struct evdns_base *base, int idx,
+ struct sockaddr *sa, ev_socklen_t len);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* !EVENT2_DNS_H_INCLUDED_ */
diff --git a/ios/Pods/CocoaLibEvent/src/event2/dns_compat.h b/ios/Pods/CocoaLibEvent/src/event2/dns_compat.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..965fd6544
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ios/Pods/CocoaLibEvent/src/event2/dns_compat.h
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Niels Provos
+ * Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Niels Provos and Nick Mathewson
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
+ * derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ */
+/** @file event2/dns_compat.h
+ Potentially non-threadsafe versions of the functions in dns.h: provided
+ only for backwards compatibility.
+ */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/* For int types. */
+ Initialize the asynchronous DNS library.
+ This function initializes support for non-blocking name resolution by
+ calling evdns_resolv_conf_parse() on UNIX and
+ evdns_config_windows_nameservers() on Windows.
+ @deprecated This function is deprecated because it always uses the current
+ event base, and is easily confused by multiple calls to event_init(), and
+ so is not safe for multithreaded use. Additionally, it allocates a global
+ structure that only one thread can use. The replacement is
+ evdns_base_new().
+ @return 0 if successful, or -1 if an error occurred
+ @see evdns_shutdown()
+ */
+int evdns_init(void);
+struct evdns_base;
+ Return the global evdns_base created by event_init() and used by the other
+ deprecated functions.
+ @deprecated This function is deprecated because use of the global
+ evdns_base is error-prone.
+ */
+struct evdns_base *evdns_get_global_base(void);
+ Shut down the asynchronous DNS resolver and terminate all active requests.
+ If the 'fail_requests' option is enabled, all active requests will return
+ an empty result with the error flag set to DNS_ERR_SHUTDOWN. Otherwise,
+ the requests will be silently discarded.
+ @deprecated This function is deprecated because it does not allow the
+ caller to specify which evdns_base it applies to. The recommended
+ function is evdns_base_shutdown().
+ @param fail_requests if zero, active requests will be aborted; if non-zero,
+ active requests will return DNS_ERR_SHUTDOWN.
+ @see evdns_init()
+ */
+void evdns_shutdown(int fail_requests);
+ Add a nameserver.
+ The address should be an IPv4 address in network byte order.
+ The type of address is chosen so that it matches in_addr.s_addr.
+ @deprecated This function is deprecated because it does not allow the
+ caller to specify which evdns_base it applies to. The recommended
+ function is evdns_base_nameserver_add().
+ @param address an IP address in network byte order
+ @return 0 if successful, or -1 if an error occurred
+ @see evdns_nameserver_ip_add()
+ */
+int evdns_nameserver_add(unsigned long int address);
+ Get the number of configured nameservers.
+ This returns the number of configured nameservers (not necessarily the
+ number of running nameservers). This is useful for double-checking
+ whether our calls to the various nameserver configuration functions
+ have been successful.
+ @deprecated This function is deprecated because it does not allow the
+ caller to specify which evdns_base it applies to. The recommended
+ function is evdns_base_count_nameservers().
+ @return the number of configured nameservers
+ @see evdns_nameserver_add()
+ */
+int evdns_count_nameservers(void);
+ Remove all configured nameservers, and suspend all pending resolves.
+ Resolves will not necessarily be re-attempted until evdns_resume() is called.
+ @deprecated This function is deprecated because it does not allow the
+ caller to specify which evdns_base it applies to. The recommended
+ function is evdns_base_clear_nameservers_and_suspend().
+ @return 0 if successful, or -1 if an error occurred
+ @see evdns_resume()
+ */
+int evdns_clear_nameservers_and_suspend(void);
+ Resume normal operation and continue any suspended resolve requests.
+ Re-attempt resolves left in limbo after an earlier call to
+ evdns_clear_nameservers_and_suspend().
+ @deprecated This function is deprecated because it does not allow the
+ caller to specify which evdns_base it applies to. The recommended
+ function is evdns_base_resume().
+ @return 0 if successful, or -1 if an error occurred
+ @see evdns_clear_nameservers_and_suspend()
+ */
+int evdns_resume(void);
+ Add a nameserver.
+ This wraps the evdns_nameserver_add() function by parsing a string as an IP
+ address and adds it as a nameserver.
+ @deprecated This function is deprecated because it does not allow the
+ caller to specify which evdns_base it applies to. The recommended
+ function is evdns_base_nameserver_ip_add().
+ @return 0 if successful, or -1 if an error occurred
+ @see evdns_nameserver_add()
+ */
+int evdns_nameserver_ip_add(const char *ip_as_string);
+ Lookup an A record for a given name.
+ @deprecated This function is deprecated because it does not allow the
+ caller to specify which evdns_base it applies to. The recommended
+ function is evdns_base_resolve_ipv4().
+ @param name a DNS hostname
+ @param flags either 0, or DNS_QUERY_NO_SEARCH to disable searching for this query.
+ @param callback a callback function to invoke when the request is completed
+ @param ptr an argument to pass to the callback function
+ @return 0 if successful, or -1 if an error occurred
+ @see evdns_resolve_ipv6(), evdns_resolve_reverse(), evdns_resolve_reverse_ipv6()
+ */
+int evdns_resolve_ipv4(const char *name, int flags, evdns_callback_type callback, void *ptr);
+ Lookup an AAAA record for a given name.
+ @param name a DNS hostname
+ @param flags either 0, or DNS_QUERY_NO_SEARCH to disable searching for this query.
+ @param callback a callback function to invoke when the request is completed
+ @param ptr an argument to pass to the callback function
+ @return 0 if successful, or -1 if an error occurred
+ @see evdns_resolve_ipv4(), evdns_resolve_reverse(), evdns_resolve_reverse_ipv6()
+ */
+int evdns_resolve_ipv6(const char *name, int flags, evdns_callback_type callback, void *ptr);
+struct in_addr;
+struct in6_addr;
+ Lookup a PTR record for a given IP address.
+ @deprecated This function is deprecated because it does not allow the
+ caller to specify which evdns_base it applies to. The recommended
+ function is evdns_base_resolve_reverse().
+ @param in an IPv4 address
+ @param flags either 0, or DNS_QUERY_NO_SEARCH to disable searching for this query.
+ @param callback a callback function to invoke when the request is completed
+ @param ptr an argument to pass to the callback function
+ @return 0 if successful, or -1 if an error occurred
+ @see evdns_resolve_reverse_ipv6()
+ */
+int evdns_resolve_reverse(const struct in_addr *in, int flags, evdns_callback_type callback, void *ptr);
+ Lookup a PTR record for a given IPv6 address.
+ @deprecated This function is deprecated because it does not allow the
+ caller to specify which evdns_base it applies to. The recommended
+ function is evdns_base_resolve_reverse_ipv6().
+ @param in an IPv6 address
+ @param flags either 0, or DNS_QUERY_NO_SEARCH to disable searching for this query.
+ @param callback a callback function to invoke when the request is completed
+ @param ptr an argument to pass to the callback function
+ @return 0 if successful, or -1 if an error occurred
+ @see evdns_resolve_reverse_ipv6()
+ */
+int evdns_resolve_reverse_ipv6(const struct in6_addr *in, int flags, evdns_callback_type callback, void *ptr);
+ Set the value of a configuration option.
+ The currently available configuration options are:
+ ndots, timeout, max-timeouts, max-inflight, and attempts
+ @deprecated This function is deprecated because it does not allow the
+ caller to specify which evdns_base it applies to. The recommended
+ function is evdns_base_set_option().
+ @param option the name of the configuration option to be modified
+ @param val the value to be set
+ @param flags Ignored.
+ @return 0 if successful, or -1 if an error occurred
+ */
+int evdns_set_option(const char *option, const char *val, int flags);
+ Parse a resolv.conf file.
+ The 'flags' parameter determines what information is parsed from the
+ resolv.conf file. See the man page for resolv.conf for the format of this
+ file.
+ The following directives are not parsed from the file: sortlist, rotate,
+ no-check-names, inet6, debug.
+ If this function encounters an error, the possible return values are: 1 =
+ failed to open file, 2 = failed to stat file, 3 = file too large, 4 = out of
+ memory, 5 = short read from file, 6 = no nameservers listed in the file
+ @deprecated This function is deprecated because it does not allow the
+ caller to specify which evdns_base it applies to. The recommended
+ function is evdns_base_resolv_conf_parse().
+ @param filename the path to the resolv.conf file
+ @return 0 if successful, or various positive error codes if an error
+ occurred (see above)
+ @see resolv.conf(3), evdns_config_windows_nameservers()
+ */
+int evdns_resolv_conf_parse(int flags, const char *const filename);
+ Clear the list of search domains.
+ @deprecated This function is deprecated because it does not allow the
+ caller to specify which evdns_base it applies to. The recommended
+ function is evdns_base_search_clear().
+ */
+void evdns_search_clear(void);
+ Add a domain to the list of search domains
+ @deprecated This function is deprecated because it does not allow the
+ caller to specify which evdns_base it applies to. The recommended
+ function is evdns_base_search_add().
+ @param domain the domain to be added to the search list
+ */
+void evdns_search_add(const char *domain);
+ Set the 'ndots' parameter for searches.
+ Sets the number of dots which, when found in a name, causes
+ the first query to be without any search domain.
+ @deprecated This function is deprecated because it does not allow the
+ caller to specify which evdns_base it applies to. The recommended
+ function is evdns_base_search_ndots_set().
+ @param ndots the new ndots parameter
+ */
+void evdns_search_ndots_set(const int ndots);
+ As evdns_server_new_with_base.
+ @deprecated This function is deprecated because it does not allow the
+ caller to specify which even_base it uses. The recommended
+ function is evdns_add_server_port_with_base().
+struct evdns_server_port *evdns_add_server_port(evutil_socket_t socket, int flags, evdns_request_callback_fn_type callback, void *user_data);
+#ifdef _WIN32
+int evdns_config_windows_nameservers(void);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/ios/Pods/CocoaLibEvent/src/event2/dns_struct.h b/ios/Pods/CocoaLibEvent/src/event2/dns_struct.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..593a8a70b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ios/Pods/CocoaLibEvent/src/event2/dns_struct.h
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2007 Niels Provos
+ * Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Niels Provos and Nick Mathewson
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
+ * derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ */
+/** @file event2/dns_struct.h
+ Data structures for dns. Using these structures may hurt forward
+ compatibility with later versions of Libevent: be careful!
+ */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/* For int types. */
+ * Structures used to implement a DNS server.
+ */
+struct evdns_server_request {
+ int flags;
+ int nquestions;
+ struct evdns_server_question **questions;
+struct evdns_server_question {
+ int type;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ int dns_question_class;
+ /* You should refer to this field as "dns_question_class". The
+ * name "class" works in C for backward compatibility, and will be
+ * removed in a future version. (1.5 or later). */
+ int class;
+#define dns_question_class class
+ char name[1];
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/ios/Pods/CocoaLibEvent/src/event2/event-config.h b/ios/Pods/CocoaLibEvent/src/event2/event-config.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..58dd9caca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ios/Pods/CocoaLibEvent/src/event2/event-config.h
@@ -0,0 +1,544 @@
+/* event2/event-config.h
+* This file was generated by autoconf when libevent was built, and post-
+* processed by Libevent so that its macros would have a uniform prefix.
+* Do not rely on macros in this file existing in later versions.
+/* config.h. Generated from config.h.in by configure. */
+/* config.h.in. Generated from configure.ac by autoheader. */
+/* Define if libevent should build without support for a debug mode */
+/* Define if libevent should not allow replacing the mm functions */
+/* Define if libevent should not be compiled with thread support */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `accept4' function. */
+/* #undef EVENT__HAVE_ACCEPT4 */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `arc4random' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `arc4random_buf' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `clock_gettime' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the declaration of `CTL_KERN', and to 0 if you
+ don't. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the declaration of `KERN_ARND', and to 0 if you
+ don't. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the declaration of `KERN_RANDOM', and to 0 if you
+ don't. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the declaration of `RANDOM_UUID', and to 0 if you
+ don't. */
+/* Define if /dev/poll is available */
+/* #undef EVENT__HAVE_DEVPOLL */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */
+#define EVENT__HAVE_DLFCN_H 1
+/* Define if your system supports the epoll system calls */
+/* #undef EVENT__HAVE_EPOLL */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `epoll_create1' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `epoll_ctl' function. */
+/* #undef EVENT__HAVE_EPOLL_CTL */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */
+#define EVENT__HAVE_ERRNO_H 1
+/* Define to 1 if you have ERR_remove_thread_stat(). */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `eventfd' function. */
+/* #undef EVENT__HAVE_EVENTFD */
+/* Define if your system supports event ports */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `fcntl' function. */
+#define EVENT__HAVE_FCNTL 1
+/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */
+#define EVENT__HAVE_FCNTL_H 1
+/* Define to 1 if the system has the type `fd_mask'. */
+#define EVENT__HAVE_FD_MASK 1
+/* Do we have getaddrinfo()? */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `getegid' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `geteuid' function. */
+/* Define this if you have any gethostbyname_r() */
+/* Define this if gethostbyname_r takes 3 arguments */
+/* Define this if gethostbyname_r takes 5 arguments */
+/* Define this if gethostbyname_r takes 6 arguments */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `getifaddrs' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `getnameinfo' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `getprotobynumber' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `getservbyname' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `gettimeofday' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `inet_ntop' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `inet_pton' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `issetugid' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `kqueue' function. */
+/* Define if the system has zlib */
+#define EVENT__HAVE_LIBZ 1
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `mach_absolute_time' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `mmap' function. */
+#define EVENT__HAVE_MMAP 1
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `nanosleep' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */
+#define EVENT__HAVE_NETDB_H 1
+/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */
+/* #undef EVENT__HAVE_NETINET_IN6_H */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */
+/* Define if the system has openssl */
+/* #undef EVENT__HAVE_OPENSSL */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `pipe' function. */
+#define EVENT__HAVE_PIPE 1
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `pipe2' function. */
+/* #undef EVENT__HAVE_PIPE2 */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `poll' function. */
+#define EVENT__HAVE_POLL 1
+/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */
+#define EVENT__HAVE_POLL_H 1
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `port_create' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */
+/* #undef EVENT__HAVE_PORT_H */
+/* Define if you have POSIX threads libraries and header files. */
+/* #undef EVENT__HAVE_PTHREAD */
+/* Define if we have pthreads on this system */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `putenv' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if the system has the type `sa_family_t'. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `select' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `sendfile' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `setenv' function. */
+/* Define if F_SETFD is defined in */
+#define EVENT__HAVE_SETFD 1
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `setrlimit' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `sigaction' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `signal' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `splice' function. */
+/* #undef EVENT__HAVE_SPLICE */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `strlcpy' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `strsep' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `strtok_r' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `strtoll' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if the system has the type `struct addrinfo'. */
+/* Define to 1 if the system has the type `struct in6_addr'. */
+/* Define to 1 if `s6_addr16' is a member of `struct in6_addr'. */
+/* Define to 1 if `s6_addr32' is a member of `struct in6_addr'. */
+/* Define to 1 if the system has the type `struct sockaddr_in6'. */
+/* Define to 1 if `sin6_len' is a member of `struct sockaddr_in6'. */
+/* Define to 1 if `sin_len' is a member of `struct sockaddr_in'. */
+/* Define to 1 if the system has the type `struct sockaddr_storage'. */
+/* Define to 1 if `ss_family' is a member of `struct sockaddr_storage'. */
+/* Define to 1 if `__ss_family' is a member of `struct sockaddr_storage'. */
+/* Define to 1 if the system has the type `struct so_linger'. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `sysctl' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */
+/* #undef EVENT__HAVE_SYS_EPOLL_H */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */
+#define EVENT__HAVE_SYS_UIO_H 1
+/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */
+/* Define if TAILQ_FOREACH is defined in */
+/* Define if timeradd is defined in */
+/* Define if timerclear is defined in */
+/* Define if timercmp is defined in */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `timerfd_create' function. */
+/* Define if timerisset is defined in */
+/* Define to 1 if the system has the type `uint16_t'. */
+#define EVENT__HAVE_UINT16_T 1
+/* Define to 1 if the system has the type `uint32_t'. */
+#define EVENT__HAVE_UINT32_T 1
+/* Define to 1 if the system has the type `uint64_t'. */
+#define EVENT__HAVE_UINT64_T 1
+/* Define to 1 if the system has the type `uint8_t'. */
+#define EVENT__HAVE_UINT8_T 1
+/* Define to 1 if the system has the type `uintptr_t'. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `umask' function. */
+#define EVENT__HAVE_UMASK 1
+/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `unsetenv' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `usleep' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `vasprintf' function. */
+/* Define if waitpid() supports WNOWAIT */
+/* Define if kqueue works correctly with pipes */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */
+#define EVENT__HAVE_ZLIB_H 1
+/* Define to the sub-directory where libtool stores uninstalled libraries. */
+#define EVENT__LT_OBJDIR ".libs/"
+/* Numeric representation of the version */
+#define EVENT__NUMERIC_VERSION 0x02010800
+/* Name of package */
+#define EVENT__PACKAGE "libevent"
+/* Define to the address where bug reports for this package should be sent. */
+/* Define to the full name of this package. */
+#define EVENT__PACKAGE_NAME "libevent"
+/* Define to the full name and version of this package. */
+#define EVENT__PACKAGE_STRING "libevent 2.1.8-stable"
+/* Define to the one symbol short name of this package. */
+#define EVENT__PACKAGE_TARNAME "libevent"
+/* Define to the home page for this package. */
+#define EVENT__PACKAGE_URL ""
+/* Define to the version of this package. */
+#define EVENT__PACKAGE_VERSION "2.1.8-stable"
+/* Define to necessary symbol if this constant uses a non-standard name on
+ your system. */
+/* The size of `int', as computed by sizeof. */
+#define EVENT__SIZEOF_INT 4
+/* The size of `long', as computed by sizeof. */
+/* The size of `long long', as computed by sizeof. */
+/* The size of `off_t', as computed by sizeof. */
+#define EVENT__SIZEOF_OFF_T 8
+/* The size of `pthread_t', as computed by sizeof. */
+/* The size of `short', as computed by sizeof. */
+/* The size of `size_t', as computed by sizeof. */
+/* The size of `void *', as computed by sizeof. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the ANSI C header files. */
+/* Define to 1 if you can safely include both and . */
+/* Enable extensions on AIX 3, Interix. */
+# define EVENT___ALL_SOURCE 1
+/* Enable GNU extensions on systems that have them. */
+# define EVENT___GNU_SOURCE 1
+/* Enable threading extensions on Solaris. */
+/* Enable extensions on HP NonStop. */
+/* Enable general extensions on Solaris. */
+#ifndef EVENT____EXTENSIONS__
+# define EVENT____EXTENSIONS__ 1
+/* Version number of package */
+#define EVENT__VERSION "2.1.8-stable"
+/* Enable large inode numbers on Mac OS X 10.5. */
+/* Number of bits in a file offset, on hosts where this is settable. */
+/* #undef EVENT___FILE_OFFSET_BITS */
+/* Define for large files, on AIX-style hosts. */
+/* #undef EVENT___LARGE_FILES */
+/* Define to 1 if on MINIX. */
+/* #undef EVENT___MINIX */
+/* Define to 2 if the system does not provide POSIX.1 features except with
+ this defined. */
+/* #undef EVENT___POSIX_1_SOURCE */
+/* Define to 1 if you need to in order for `stat' and other things to work. */
+/* #undef EVENT___POSIX_SOURCE */
+/* Define to appropriate substitue if compiler doesnt have __func__ */
+/* #undef EVENT____func__ */
+/* Define to empty if `const' does not conform to ANSI C. */
+/* #undef EVENT__const */
+/* Define to `__inline__' or `__inline' if that's what the C compiler
+ calls it, or to nothing if 'inline' is not supported under any name. */
+#ifndef EVENT____cplusplus
+/* #undef EVENT__inline */
+/* Define to `int' if does not define. */
+/* #undef EVENT__pid_t */
+/* Define to `unsigned int' if does not define. */
+/* #undef EVENT__size_t */
+/* Define to unsigned int if you dont have it */
+/* #undef EVENT__socklen_t */
+/* Define to `int' if does not define. */
+/* #undef EVENT__ssize_t */
+#endif /* event2/event-config.h */
diff --git a/ios/Pods/CocoaLibEvent/src/event2/event.h b/ios/Pods/CocoaLibEvent/src/event2/event.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6e0a4f04c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ios/Pods/CocoaLibEvent/src/event2/event.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1675 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2007 Niels Provos
+ * Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Niels Provos and Nick Mathewson
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
+ * derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ */
+ @mainpage
+ @section intro Introduction
+ Libevent is an event notification library for developing scalable network
+ servers. The Libevent API provides a mechanism to execute a callback
+ function when a specific event occurs on a file descriptor or after a
+ timeout has been reached. Furthermore, Libevent also support callbacks due
+ to signals or regular timeouts.
+ Libevent is meant to replace the event loop found in event driven network
+ servers. An application just needs to call event_base_dispatch() and then add or
+ remove events dynamically without having to change the event loop.
+ Currently, Libevent supports /dev/poll, kqueue(2), select(2), poll(2),
+ epoll(4), and evports. The internal event mechanism is completely
+ independent of the exposed event API, and a simple update of Libevent can
+ provide new functionality without having to redesign the applications. As a
+ result, Libevent allows for portable application development and provides
+ the most scalable event notification mechanism available on an operating
+ system. Libevent can also be used for multithreaded programs. Libevent
+ should compile on Linux, *BSD, Mac OS X, Solaris and, Windows.
+ @section usage Standard usage
+ Every program that uses Libevent must include the
+ header, and pass the -levent flag to the linker. (You can instead link
+ -levent_core if you only want the main event and buffered IO-based code,
+ and don't want to link any protocol code.)
+ @section setup Library setup
+ Before you call any other Libevent functions, you need to set up the
+ library. If you're going to use Libevent from multiple threads in a
+ multithreaded application, you need to initialize thread support --
+ typically by using evthread_use_pthreads() or
+ evthread_use_windows_threads(). See for more
+ information.
+ This is also the point where you can replace Libevent's memory
+ management functions with event_set_mem_functions, and enable debug mode
+ with event_enable_debug_mode().
+ @section base Creating an event base
+ Next, you need to create an event_base structure, using event_base_new()
+ or event_base_new_with_config(). The event_base is responsible for
+ keeping track of which events are "pending" (that is to say, being
+ watched to see if they become active) and which events are "active".
+ Every event is associated with a single event_base.
+ @section event Event notification
+ For each file descriptor that you wish to monitor, you must create an
+ event structure with event_new(). (You may also declare an event
+ structure and call event_assign() to initialize the members of the
+ structure.) To enable notification, you add the structure to the list
+ of monitored events by calling event_add(). The event structure must
+ remain allocated as long as it is active, so it should generally be
+ allocated on the heap.
+ @section loop Dispatching events.
+ Finally, you call event_base_dispatch() to loop and dispatch events.
+ You can also use event_base_loop() for more fine-grained control.
+ Currently, only one thread can be dispatching a given event_base at a
+ time. If you want to run events in multiple threads at once, you can
+ either have a single event_base whose events add work to a work queue,
+ or you can create multiple event_base objects.
+ @section bufferevent I/O Buffers
+ Libevent provides a buffered I/O abstraction on top of the regular event
+ callbacks. This abstraction is called a bufferevent. A bufferevent
+ provides input and output buffers that get filled and drained
+ automatically. The user of a buffered event no longer deals directly
+ with the I/O, but instead is reading from input and writing to output
+ buffers.
+ Once initialized via bufferevent_socket_new(), the bufferevent structure
+ can be used repeatedly with bufferevent_enable() and
+ bufferevent_disable(). Instead of reading and writing directly to a
+ socket, you would call bufferevent_read() and bufferevent_write().
+ When read enabled the bufferevent will try to read from the file descriptor
+ and call the read callback. The write callback is executed whenever the
+ output buffer is drained below the write low watermark, which is 0 by
+ default.
+ See for more information.
+ @section timers Timers
+ Libevent can also be used to create timers that invoke a callback after a
+ certain amount of time has expired. The evtimer_new() macro returns
+ an event struct to use as a timer. To activate the timer, call
+ evtimer_add(). Timers can be deactivated by calling evtimer_del().
+ (These macros are thin wrappers around event_new(), event_add(),
+ and event_del(); you can also use those instead.)
+ @section evdns Asynchronous DNS resolution
+ Libevent provides an asynchronous DNS resolver that should be used instead
+ of the standard DNS resolver functions. See the
+ functions for more detail.
+ @section evhttp Event-driven HTTP servers
+ Libevent provides a very simple event-driven HTTP server that can be
+ embedded in your program and used to service HTTP requests.
+ To use this capability, you need to include the header in your
+ program. See that header for more information.
+ @section evrpc A framework for RPC servers and clients
+ Libevent provides a framework for creating RPC servers and clients. It
+ takes care of marshaling and unmarshaling all data structures.
+ @section api API Reference
+ To browse the complete documentation of the libevent API, click on any of
+ the following links.
+ event2/event.h
+ The primary libevent header
+ event2/thread.h
+ Functions for use by multithreaded programs
+ event2/buffer.h and event2/bufferevent.h
+ Buffer management for network reading and writing
+ event2/util.h
+ Utility functions for portable nonblocking network code
+ event2/dns.h
+ Asynchronous DNS resolution
+ event2/http.h
+ An embedded libevent-based HTTP server
+ event2/rpc.h
+ A framework for creating RPC servers and clients
+ */
+/** @file event2/event.h
+ Core functions for waiting for and receiving events, and using event bases.
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/* For int types. */
+ * Structure to hold information and state for a Libevent dispatch loop.
+ *
+ * The event_base lies at the center of Libevent; every application will
+ * have one. It keeps track of all pending and active events, and
+ * notifies your application of the active ones.
+ *
+ * This is an opaque structure; you can allocate one using
+ * event_base_new() or event_base_new_with_config().
+ *
+ * @see event_base_new(), event_base_free(), event_base_loop(),
+ * event_base_new_with_config()
+ */
+struct event_base
+{/*Empty body so that doxygen will generate documentation here.*/}
+ * @struct event
+ *
+ * Structure to represent a single event.
+ *
+ * An event can have some underlying condition it represents: a socket
+ * becoming readable or writeable (or both), or a signal becoming raised.
+ * (An event that represents no underlying condition is still useful: you
+ * can use one to implement a timer, or to communicate between threads.)
+ *
+ * Generally, you can create events with event_new(), then make them
+ * pending with event_add(). As your event_base runs, it will run the
+ * callbacks of an events whose conditions are triggered. When you
+ * longer want the event, free it with event_free().
+ *
+ * In more depth:
+ *
+ * An event may be "pending" (one whose condition we are watching),
+ * "active" (one whose condition has triggered and whose callback is about
+ * to run), neither, or both. Events come into existence via
+ * event_assign() or event_new(), and are then neither active nor pending.
+ *
+ * To make an event pending, pass it to event_add(). When doing so, you
+ * can also set a timeout for the event.
+ *
+ * Events become active during an event_base_loop() call when either their
+ * condition has triggered, or when their timeout has elapsed. You can
+ * also activate an event manually using event_active(). The even_base
+ * loop will run the callbacks of active events; after it has done so, it
+ * marks them as no longer active.
+ *
+ * You can make an event non-pending by passing it to event_del(). This
+ * also makes the event non-active.
+ *
+ * Events can be "persistent" or "non-persistent". A non-persistent event
+ * becomes non-pending as soon as it is triggered: thus, it only runs at
+ * most once per call to event_add(). A persistent event remains pending
+ * even when it becomes active: you'll need to event_del() it manually in
+ * order to make it non-pending. When a persistent event with a timeout
+ * becomes active, its timeout is reset: this means you can use persistent
+ * events to implement periodic timeouts.
+ *
+ * This should be treated as an opaque structure; you should never read or
+ * write any of its fields directly. For backward compatibility with old
+ * code, it is defined in the event2/event_struct.h header; including this
+ * header may make your code incompatible with other versions of Libevent.
+ *
+ * @see event_new(), event_free(), event_assign(), event_get_assignment(),
+ * event_add(), event_del(), event_active(), event_pending(),
+ * event_get_fd(), event_get_base(), event_get_events(),
+ * event_get_callback(), event_get_callback_arg(),
+ * event_priority_set()
+ */
+struct event
+{/*Empty body so that doxygen will generate documentation here.*/}
+ * Configuration for an event_base.
+ *
+ * There are many options that can be used to alter the behavior and
+ * implementation of an event_base. To avoid having to pass them all in a
+ * complex many-argument constructor, we provide an abstract data type
+ * wrhere you set up configation information before passing it to
+ * event_base_new_with_config().
+ *
+ * @see event_config_new(), event_config_free(), event_base_new_with_config(),
+ * event_config_avoid_method(), event_config_require_features(),
+ * event_config_set_flag(), event_config_set_num_cpus_hint()
+ */
+struct event_config
+{/*Empty body so that doxygen will generate documentation here.*/}
+ * Enable some relatively expensive debugging checks in Libevent that
+ * would normally be turned off. Generally, these checks cause code that
+ * would otherwise crash mysteriously to fail earlier with an assertion
+ * failure. Note that this method MUST be called before any events or
+ * event_bases have been created.
+ *
+ * Debug mode can currently catch the following errors:
+ * An event is re-assigned while it is added
+ * Any function is called on a non-assigned event
+ *
+ * Note that debugging mode uses memory to track every event that has been
+ * initialized (via event_assign, event_set, or event_new) but not yet
+ * released (via event_free or event_debug_unassign). If you want to use
+ * debug mode, and you find yourself running out of memory, you will need
+ * to use event_debug_unassign to explicitly stop tracking events that
+ * are no longer considered set-up.
+ *
+ * @see event_debug_unassign()
+ */
+void event_enable_debug_mode(void);
+ * When debugging mode is enabled, informs Libevent that an event should no
+ * longer be considered as assigned. When debugging mode is not enabled, does
+ * nothing.
+ *
+ * This function must only be called on a non-added event.
+ *
+ * @see event_enable_debug_mode()
+ */
+void event_debug_unassign(struct event *);
+ * Create and return a new event_base to use with the rest of Libevent.
+ *
+ * @return a new event_base on success, or NULL on failure.
+ *
+ * @see event_base_free(), event_base_new_with_config()
+ */
+struct event_base *event_base_new(void);
+ Reinitialize the event base after a fork
+ Some event mechanisms do not survive across fork. The event base needs
+ to be reinitialized with the event_reinit() function.
+ @param base the event base that needs to be re-initialized
+ @return 0 if successful, or -1 if some events could not be re-added.
+ @see event_base_new()
+int event_reinit(struct event_base *base);
+ Event dispatching loop
+ This loop will run the event base until either there are no more pending or
+ active, or until something calls event_base_loopbreak() or
+ event_base_loopexit().
+ @param base the event_base structure returned by event_base_new() or
+ event_base_new_with_config()
+ @return 0 if successful, -1 if an error occurred, or 1 if we exited because
+ no events were pending or active.
+ @see event_base_loop()
+ */
+int event_base_dispatch(struct event_base *);
+ Get the kernel event notification mechanism used by Libevent.
+ @param eb the event_base structure returned by event_base_new()
+ @return a string identifying the kernel event mechanism (kqueue, epoll, etc.)
+ */
+const char *event_base_get_method(const struct event_base *);
+ Gets all event notification mechanisms supported by Libevent.
+ This functions returns the event mechanism in order preferred by
+ Libevent. Note that this list will include all backends that
+ Libevent has compiled-in support for, and will not necessarily check
+ your OS to see whether it has the required resources.
+ @return an array with pointers to the names of support methods.
+ The end of the array is indicated by a NULL pointer. If an
+ error is encountered NULL is returned.
+const char **event_get_supported_methods(void);
+/** Query the current monotonic time from a the timer for a struct
+ * event_base.
+ */
+int event_gettime_monotonic(struct event_base *base, struct timeval *tp);
+ @name event type flag
+ Flags to pass to event_base_get_num_events() to specify the kinds of events
+ we want to aggregate counts for
+/** count the number of active events, which have been triggered.*/
+/** count the number of virtual events, which is used to represent an internal
+ * condition, other than a pending event, that keeps the loop from exiting. */
+/** count the number of events which have been added to event base, including
+ * internal events. */
+ Gets the number of events in event_base, as specified in the flags.
+ Since event base has some internal events added to make some of its
+ functionalities work, EVENT_BASE_COUNT_ADDED may return more than the
+ number of events you added using event_add().
+ active event will be counted twice. However, this might not be the case in
+ future libevent versions. The return value is an indication of the work
+ load, but the user shouldn't rely on the exact value as this may change in
+ the future.
+ @param eb the event_base structure returned by event_base_new()
+ @param flags a bitwise combination of the kinds of events to aggregate
+ counts for
+ @return the number of events specified in the flags
+int event_base_get_num_events(struct event_base *, unsigned int);
+ Get the maximum number of events in a given event_base as specified in the
+ flags.
+ @param eb the event_base structure returned by event_base_new()
+ @param flags a bitwise combination of the kinds of events to aggregate
+ counts for
+ @param clear option used to reset the maximum count.
+ @return the number of events specified in the flags
+ */
+int event_base_get_max_events(struct event_base *, unsigned int, int);
+ Allocates a new event configuration object.
+ The event configuration object can be used to change the behavior of
+ an event base.
+ @return an event_config object that can be used to store configuration, or
+ NULL if an error is encountered.
+ @see event_base_new_with_config(), event_config_free(), event_config
+struct event_config *event_config_new(void);
+ Deallocates all memory associated with an event configuration object
+ @param cfg the event configuration object to be freed.
+void event_config_free(struct event_config *cfg);
+ Enters an event method that should be avoided into the configuration.
+ This can be used to avoid event mechanisms that do not support certain
+ file descriptor types, or for debugging to avoid certain event
+ mechanisms. An application can make use of multiple event bases to
+ accommodate incompatible file descriptor types.
+ @param cfg the event configuration object
+ @param method the name of the event method to avoid
+ @return 0 on success, -1 on failure.
+int event_config_avoid_method(struct event_config *cfg, const char *method);
+ A flag used to describe which features an event_base (must) provide.
+ Because of OS limitations, not every Libevent backend supports every
+ possible feature. You can use this type with
+ event_config_require_features() to tell Libevent to only proceed if your
+ event_base implements a given feature, and you can receive this type from
+ event_base_get_features() to see which features are available.
+enum event_method_feature {
+ /** Require an event method that allows edge-triggered events with EV_ET. */
+ EV_FEATURE_ET = 0x01,
+ /** Require an event method where having one event triggered among
+ * many is [approximately] an O(1) operation. This excludes (for
+ * example) select and poll, which are approximately O(N) for N
+ * equal to the total number of possible events. */
+ EV_FEATURE_O1 = 0x02,
+ /** Require an event method that allows file descriptors as well as
+ * sockets. */
+ EV_FEATURE_FDS = 0x04,
+ /** Require an event method that allows you to use EV_CLOSED to detect
+ * connection close without the necessity of reading all the pending data.
+ *
+ * Methods that do support EV_CLOSED may not be able to provide support on
+ * all kernel versions.
+ **/
+ A flag passed to event_config_set_flag().
+ These flags change the behavior of an allocated event_base.
+ @see event_config_set_flag(), event_base_new_with_config(),
+ event_method_feature
+ */
+enum event_base_config_flag {
+ /** Do not allocate a lock for the event base, even if we have
+ locking set up.
+ Setting this option will make it unsafe and nonfunctional to call
+ functions on the base concurrently from multiple threads.
+ */
+ /** Do not check the EVENT_* environment variables when configuring
+ an event_base */
+ /** Windows only: enable the IOCP dispatcher at startup
+ If this flag is set then bufferevent_socket_new() and
+ evconn_listener_new() will use IOCP-backed implementations
+ instead of the usual select-based one on Windows.
+ */
+ /** Instead of checking the current time every time the event loop is
+ ready to run timeout callbacks, check after each timeout callback.
+ */
+ /** If we are using the epoll backend, this flag says that it is
+ safe to use Libevent's internal change-list code to batch up
+ adds and deletes in order to try to do as few syscalls as
+ possible. Setting this flag can make your code run faster, but
+ it may trigger a Linux bug: it is not safe to use this flag
+ if you have any fds cloned by dup() or its variants. Doing so
+ will produce strange and hard-to-diagnose bugs.
+ This flag can also be activated by setting the
+ EVENT_EPOLL_USE_CHANGELIST environment variable.
+ This flag has no effect if you wind up using a backend other than
+ epoll.
+ */
+ /** Ordinarily, Libevent implements its time and timeout code using
+ the fastest monotonic timer that we have. If this flag is set,
+ however, we use less efficient more precise timer, assuming one is
+ present.
+ */
+ Return a bitmask of the features implemented by an event base. This
+ will be a bitwise OR of one or more of the values of
+ event_method_feature
+ @see event_method_feature
+ */
+int event_base_get_features(const struct event_base *base);
+ Enters a required event method feature that the application demands.
+ Note that not every feature or combination of features is supported
+ on every platform. Code that requests features should be prepared
+ to handle the case where event_base_new_with_config() returns NULL, as in:
+ event_config_require_features(cfg, EV_FEATURE_ET);
+ base = event_base_new_with_config(cfg);
+ if (base == NULL) {
+ // We can't get edge-triggered behavior here.
+ event_config_require_features(cfg, 0);
+ base = event_base_new_with_config(cfg);
+ }
+ @param cfg the event configuration object
+ @param feature a bitfield of one or more event_method_feature values.
+ Replaces values from previous calls to this function.
+ @return 0 on success, -1 on failure.
+ @see event_method_feature, event_base_new_with_config()
+int event_config_require_features(struct event_config *cfg, int feature);
+ * Sets one or more flags to configure what parts of the eventual event_base
+ * will be initialized, and how they'll work.
+ *
+ * @see event_base_config_flags, event_base_new_with_config()
+ **/
+int event_config_set_flag(struct event_config *cfg, int flag);
+ * Records a hint for the number of CPUs in the system. This is used for
+ * tuning thread pools, etc, for optimal performance. In Libevent 2.0,
+ * it is only on Windows, and only when IOCP is in use.
+ *
+ * @param cfg the event configuration object
+ * @param cpus the number of cpus
+ * @return 0 on success, -1 on failure.
+ */
+int event_config_set_num_cpus_hint(struct event_config *cfg, int cpus);
+ * Record an interval and/or a number of callbacks after which the event base
+ * should check for new events. By default, the event base will run as many
+ * events are as activated at the higest activated priority before checking
+ * for new events. If you configure it by setting max_interval, it will check
+ * the time after each callback, and not allow more than max_interval to
+ * elapse before checking for new events. If you configure it by setting
+ * max_callbacks to a value >= 0, it will run no more than max_callbacks
+ * callbacks before checking for new events.
+ *
+ * This option can decrease the latency of high-priority events, and
+ * avoid priority inversions where multiple low-priority events keep us from
+ * polling for high-priority events, but at the expense of slightly decreasing
+ * the throughput. Use it with caution!
+ *
+ * @param cfg The event_base configuration object.
+ * @param max_interval An interval after which Libevent should stop running
+ * callbacks and check for more events, or NULL if there should be
+ * no such interval.
+ * @param max_callbacks A number of callbacks after which Libevent should
+ * stop running callbacks and check for more events, or -1 if there
+ * should be no such limit.
+ * @param min_priority A priority below which max_interval and max_callbacks
+ * should not be enforced. If this is set to 0, they are enforced
+ * for events of every priority; if it's set to 1, they're enforced
+ * for events of priority 1 and above, and so on.
+ * @return 0 on success, -1 on failure.
+ **/
+int event_config_set_max_dispatch_interval(struct event_config *cfg,
+ const struct timeval *max_interval, int max_callbacks,
+ int min_priority);
+ Initialize the event API.
+ Use event_base_new_with_config() to initialize a new event base, taking
+ the specified configuration under consideration. The configuration object
+ can currently be used to avoid certain event notification mechanisms.
+ @param cfg the event configuration object
+ @return an initialized event_base that can be used to registering events,
+ or NULL if no event base can be created with the requested event_config.
+ @see event_base_new(), event_base_free(), event_init(), event_assign()
+struct event_base *event_base_new_with_config(const struct event_config *);
+ Deallocate all memory associated with an event_base, and free the base.
+ Note that this function will not close any fds or free any memory passed
+ to event_new as the argument to callback.
+ If there are any pending finalizer callbacks, this function will invoke
+ them.
+ @param eb an event_base to be freed
+ */
+void event_base_free(struct event_base *);
+ As event_free, but do not run finalizers.
+ */
+void event_base_free_nofinalize(struct event_base *);
+/** @name Log severities
+ */
+#define EVENT_LOG_DEBUG 0
+#define EVENT_LOG_MSG 1
+#define EVENT_LOG_WARN 2
+#define EVENT_LOG_ERR 3
+/* Obsolete names: these are deprecated, but older programs might use them.
+ * They violate the reserved-identifier namespace. */
+ A callback function used to intercept Libevent's log messages.
+ @see event_set_log_callback
+ */
+typedef void (*event_log_cb)(int severity, const char *msg);
+ Redirect Libevent's log messages.
+ @param cb a function taking two arguments: an integer severity between
+ EVENT_LOG_DEBUG and EVENT_LOG_ERR, and a string. If cb is NULL,
+ then the default log is used.
+ NOTE: The function you provide *must not* call any other libevent
+ functionality. Doing so can produce undefined behavior.
+ */
+void event_set_log_callback(event_log_cb cb);
+ A function to be called if Libevent encounters a fatal internal error.
+ @see event_set_fatal_callback
+ */
+typedef void (*event_fatal_cb)(int err);
+ Override Libevent's behavior in the event of a fatal internal error.
+ By default, Libevent will call exit(1) if a programming error makes it
+ impossible to continue correct operation. This function allows you to supply
+ another callback instead. Note that if the function is ever invoked,
+ something is wrong with your program, or with Libevent: any subsequent calls
+ to Libevent may result in undefined behavior.
+ Libevent will (almost) always log an EVENT_LOG_ERR message before calling
+ this function; look at the last log message to see why Libevent has died.
+ */
+void event_set_fatal_callback(event_fatal_cb cb);
+#define EVENT_DBG_ALL 0xffffffffu
+#define EVENT_DBG_NONE 0
+ Turn on debugging logs and have them sent to the default log handler.
+ This is a global setting; if you are going to call it, you must call this
+ before any calls that create an event-base. You must call it before any
+ multithreaded use of Libevent.
+ Debug logs are verbose.
+ @param which Controls which debug messages are turned on. This option is
+ unused for now; for forward compatibility, you must pass in the constant
+ "EVENT_DBG_ALL" to turn debugging logs on, or "EVENT_DBG_NONE" to turn
+ debugging logs off.
+ */
+void event_enable_debug_logging(ev_uint32_t which);
+ Associate a different event base with an event.
+ The event to be associated must not be currently active or pending.
+ @param eb the event base
+ @param ev the event
+ @return 0 on success, -1 on failure.
+ */
+int event_base_set(struct event_base *, struct event *);
+/** @name Loop flags
+ These flags control the behavior of event_base_loop().
+ */
+/** Block until we have an active event, then exit once all active events
+ * have had their callbacks run. */
+#define EVLOOP_ONCE 0x01
+/** Do not block: see which events are ready now, run the callbacks
+ * of the highest-priority ones, then exit. */
+#define EVLOOP_NONBLOCK 0x02
+/** Do not exit the loop because we have no pending events. Instead, keep
+ * running until event_base_loopexit() or event_base_loopbreak() makes us
+ * stop.
+ */
+ Wait for events to become active, and run their callbacks.
+ This is a more flexible version of event_base_dispatch().
+ By default, this loop will run the event base until either there are no more
+ pending or active events, or until something calls event_base_loopbreak() or
+ event_base_loopexit(). You can override this behavior with the 'flags'
+ argument.
+ @param eb the event_base structure returned by event_base_new() or
+ event_base_new_with_config()
+ @param flags any combination of EVLOOP_ONCE | EVLOOP_NONBLOCK
+ @return 0 if successful, -1 if an error occurred, or 1 if we exited because
+ no events were pending or active.
+ @see event_base_loopexit(), event_base_dispatch(), EVLOOP_ONCE,
+ */
+int event_base_loop(struct event_base *, int);
+ Exit the event loop after the specified time
+ The next event_base_loop() iteration after the given timer expires will
+ complete normally (handling all queued events) then exit without
+ blocking for events again.
+ Subsequent invocations of event_base_loop() will proceed normally.
+ @param eb the event_base structure returned by event_init()
+ @param tv the amount of time after which the loop should terminate,
+ or NULL to exit after running all currently active events.
+ @return 0 if successful, or -1 if an error occurred
+ @see event_base_loopbreak()
+ */
+int event_base_loopexit(struct event_base *, const struct timeval *);
+ Abort the active event_base_loop() immediately.
+ event_base_loop() will abort the loop after the next event is completed;
+ event_base_loopbreak() is typically invoked from this event's callback.
+ This behavior is analogous to the "break;" statement.
+ Subsequent invocations of event_base_loop() will proceed normally.
+ @param eb the event_base structure returned by event_init()
+ @return 0 if successful, or -1 if an error occurred
+ @see event_base_loopexit()
+ */
+int event_base_loopbreak(struct event_base *);
+ Tell the active event_base_loop() to scan for new events immediately.
+ Calling this function makes the currently active event_base_loop()
+ start the loop over again (scanning for new events) after the current
+ event callback finishes. If the event loop is not running, this
+ function has no effect.
+ event_base_loopbreak() is typically invoked from this event's callback.
+ This behavior is analogous to the "continue;" statement.
+ Subsequent invocations of event loop will proceed normally.
+ @param eb the event_base structure returned by event_init()
+ @return 0 if successful, or -1 if an error occurred
+ @see event_base_loopbreak()
+ */
+int event_base_loopcontinue(struct event_base *);
+ Checks if the event loop was told to exit by event_base_loopexit().
+ This function will return true for an event_base at every point after
+ event_loopexit() is called, until the event loop is next entered.
+ @param eb the event_base structure returned by event_init()
+ @return true if event_base_loopexit() was called on this event base,
+ or 0 otherwise
+ @see event_base_loopexit()
+ @see event_base_got_break()
+ */
+int event_base_got_exit(struct event_base *);
+ Checks if the event loop was told to abort immediately by event_base_loopbreak().
+ This function will return true for an event_base at every point after
+ event_base_loopbreak() is called, until the event loop is next entered.
+ @param eb the event_base structure returned by event_init()
+ @return true if event_base_loopbreak() was called on this event base,
+ or 0 otherwise
+ @see event_base_loopbreak()
+ @see event_base_got_exit()
+ */
+int event_base_got_break(struct event_base *);
+ * @name event flags
+ *
+ * Flags to pass to event_new(), event_assign(), event_pending(), and
+ * anything else with an argument of the form "short events"
+ */
+/** Indicates that a timeout has occurred. It's not necessary to pass
+ * this flag to event_for new()/event_assign() to get a timeout. */
+#define EV_TIMEOUT 0x01
+/** Wait for a socket or FD to become readable */
+#define EV_READ 0x02
+/** Wait for a socket or FD to become writeable */
+#define EV_WRITE 0x04
+/** Wait for a POSIX signal to be raised*/
+#define EV_SIGNAL 0x08
+ * Persistent event: won't get removed automatically when activated.
+ *
+ * When a persistent event with a timeout becomes activated, its timeout
+ * is reset to 0.
+ */
+#define EV_PERSIST 0x10
+/** Select edge-triggered behavior, if supported by the backend. */
+#define EV_ET 0x20
+ * If this option is provided, then event_del() will not block in one thread
+ * while waiting for the event callback to complete in another thread.
+ *
+ * To use this option safely, you may need to use event_finalize() or
+ * event_free_finalize() in order to safely tear down an event in a
+ * multithreaded application. See those functions for more information.
+ *
+ **/
+#define EV_FINALIZE 0x40
+ * Detects connection close events. You can use this to detect when a
+ * connection has been closed, without having to read all the pending data
+ * from a connection.
+ *
+ * Not all backends support EV_CLOSED. To detect or require it, use the
+ * feature flag EV_FEATURE_EARLY_CLOSE.
+ **/
+#define EV_CLOSED 0x80
+ @name evtimer_* macros
+ Aliases for working with one-shot timer events */
+#define evtimer_assign(ev, b, cb, arg) \
+ event_assign((ev), (b), -1, 0, (cb), (arg))
+#define evtimer_new(b, cb, arg) event_new((b), -1, 0, (cb), (arg))
+#define evtimer_add(ev, tv) event_add((ev), (tv))
+#define evtimer_del(ev) event_del(ev)
+#define evtimer_pending(ev, tv) event_pending((ev), EV_TIMEOUT, (tv))
+#define evtimer_initialized(ev) event_initialized(ev)
+ @name evsignal_* macros
+ Aliases for working with signal events
+ */
+#define evsignal_add(ev, tv) event_add((ev), (tv))
+#define evsignal_assign(ev, b, x, cb, arg) \
+ event_assign((ev), (b), (x), EV_SIGNAL|EV_PERSIST, cb, (arg))
+#define evsignal_new(b, x, cb, arg) \
+ event_new((b), (x), EV_SIGNAL|EV_PERSIST, (cb), (arg))
+#define evsignal_del(ev) event_del(ev)
+#define evsignal_pending(ev, tv) event_pending((ev), EV_SIGNAL, (tv))
+#define evsignal_initialized(ev) event_initialized(ev)
+ A callback function for an event.
+ It receives three arguments:
+ @param fd An fd or signal
+ @param events One or more EV_* flags
+ @param arg A user-supplied argument.
+ @see event_new()
+ */
+typedef void (*event_callback_fn)(evutil_socket_t, short, void *);
+ Return a value used to specify that the event itself must be used as the callback argument.
+ The function event_new() takes a callback argument which is passed
+ to the event's callback function. To specify that the argument to be
+ passed to the callback function is the event that event_new() returns,
+ pass in the return value of event_self_cbarg() as the callback argument
+ for event_new().
+ For example:
+ struct event *ev = event_new(base, sock, events, callback, %event_self_cbarg());
+ For consistency with event_new(), it is possible to pass the return value
+ of this function as the callback argument for event_assign() – this
+ achieves the same result as passing the event in directly.
+ @return a value to be passed as the callback argument to event_new() or
+ event_assign().
+ @see event_new(), event_assign()
+ */
+void *event_self_cbarg(void);
+ Allocate and asssign a new event structure, ready to be added.
+ The function event_new() returns a new event that can be used in
+ future calls to event_add() and event_del(). The fd and events
+ arguments determine which conditions will trigger the event; the
+ callback and callback_arg arguments tell Libevent what to do when the
+ event becomes active.
+ If events contains one of EV_READ, EV_WRITE, or EV_READ|EV_WRITE, then
+ fd is a file descriptor or socket that should get monitored for
+ readiness to read, readiness to write, or readiness for either operation
+ (respectively). If events contains EV_SIGNAL, then fd is a signal
+ number to wait for. If events contains none of those flags, then the
+ event can be triggered only by a timeout or by manual activation with
+ event_active(): In this case, fd must be -1.
+ The EV_PERSIST flag can also be passed in the events argument: it makes
+ event_add() persistent until event_del() is called.
+ The EV_ET flag is compatible with EV_READ and EV_WRITE, and supported
+ only by certain backends. It tells Libevent to use edge-triggered
+ events.
+ The EV_TIMEOUT flag has no effect here.
+ It is okay to have multiple events all listening on the same fds; but
+ they must either all be edge-triggered, or all not be edge triggerd.
+ When the event becomes active, the event loop will run the provided
+ callbuck function, with three arguments. The first will be the provided
+ fd value. The second will be a bitfield of the events that triggered:
+ EV_READ, EV_WRITE, or EV_SIGNAL. Here the EV_TIMEOUT flag indicates
+ that a timeout occurred, and EV_ET indicates that an edge-triggered
+ event occurred. The third event will be the callback_arg pointer that
+ you provide.
+ @param base the event base to which the event should be attached.
+ @param fd the file descriptor or signal to be monitored, or -1.
+ @param events desired events to monitor: bitfield of EV_READ, EV_WRITE,
+ @param callback callback function to be invoked when the event occurs
+ @param callback_arg an argument to be passed to the callback function
+ @return a newly allocated struct event that must later be freed with
+ event_free().
+ @see event_free(), event_add(), event_del(), event_assign()
+ */
+struct event *event_new(struct event_base *, evutil_socket_t, short, event_callback_fn, void *);
+ Prepare a new, already-allocated event structure to be added.
+ The function event_assign() prepares the event structure ev to be used
+ in future calls to event_add() and event_del(). Unlike event_new(), it
+ doesn't allocate memory itself: it requires that you have already
+ allocated a struct event, probably on the heap. Doing this will
+ typically make your code depend on the size of the event structure, and
+ thereby create incompatibility with future versions of Libevent.
+ The easiest way to avoid this problem is just to use event_new() and
+ event_free() instead.
+ A slightly harder way to future-proof your code is to use
+ event_get_struct_event_size() to determine the required size of an event
+ at runtime.
+ Note that it is NOT safe to call this function on an event that is
+ active or pending. Doing so WILL corrupt internal data structures in
+ Libevent, and lead to strange, hard-to-diagnose bugs. You _can_ use
+ event_assign to change an existing event, but only if it is not active
+ or pending!
+ The arguments for this function, and the behavior of the events that it
+ makes, are as for event_new().
+ @param ev an event struct to be modified
+ @param base the event base to which ev should be attached.
+ @param fd the file descriptor to be monitored
+ @param events desired events to monitor; can be EV_READ and/or EV_WRITE
+ @param callback callback function to be invoked when the event occurs
+ @param callback_arg an argument to be passed to the callback function
+ @return 0 if success, or -1 on invalid arguments.
+ @see event_new(), event_add(), event_del(), event_base_once(),
+ event_get_struct_event_size()
+ */
+int event_assign(struct event *, struct event_base *, evutil_socket_t, short, event_callback_fn, void *);
+ Deallocate a struct event * returned by event_new().
+ If the event is pending or active, first make it non-pending and
+ non-active.
+ */
+void event_free(struct event *);
+ * Callback type for event_finalize and event_free_finalize().
+ *
+ *
+ **/
+typedef void (*event_finalize_callback_fn)(struct event *, void *);
+ @name Finalization functions
+ These functions are used to safely tear down an event in a multithreaded
+ application. If you construct your events with EV_FINALIZE to avoid
+ deadlocks, you will need a way to remove an event in the certainty that
+ it will definitely not be running its callback when you deallocate it
+ and its callback argument.
+ To do this, call one of event_finalize() or event_free_finalize with
+ 0 for its first argument, the event to tear down as its second argument,
+ and a callback function as its third argument. The callback will be
+ invoked as part of the event loop, with the event's priority.
+ After you call a finalizer function, event_add() and event_active() will
+ no longer work on the event, and event_del() will produce a no-op. You
+ must not try to change the event's fields with event_assign() or
+ event_set() while the finalize callback is in progress. Once the
+ callback has been invoked, you should treat the event structure as
+ containing uninitialized memory.
+ The event_free_finalize() function frees the event after it's finalized;
+ event_finalize() does not.
+ A finalizer callback must not make events pending or active. It must not
+ add events, activate events, or attempt to "resucitate" the event being
+ finalized in any way.
+ @return 0 on succes, -1 on failure.
+ */
+int event_finalize(unsigned, struct event *, event_finalize_callback_fn);
+int event_free_finalize(unsigned, struct event *, event_finalize_callback_fn);
+ Schedule a one-time event
+ The function event_base_once() is similar to event_new(). However, it
+ schedules a callback to be called exactly once, and does not require the
+ caller to prepare an event structure.
+ Note that in Libevent 2.0 and earlier, if the event is never triggered, the
+ internal memory used to hold it will never be freed. In Libevent 2.1,
+ the internal memory will get freed by event_base_free() if the event
+ is never triggered. The 'arg' value, however, will not get freed in either
+ case--you'll need to free that on your own if you want it to go away.
+ @param base an event_base
+ @param fd a file descriptor to monitor, or -1 for no fd.
+ @param events event(s) to monitor; can be any of EV_READ |
+ @param callback callback function to be invoked when the event occurs
+ @param arg an argument to be passed to the callback function
+ @param timeout the maximum amount of time to wait for the event. NULL
+ makes an EV_READ/EV_WRITE event make forever; NULL makes an
+ EV_TIMEOUT event succees immediately.
+ @return 0 if successful, or -1 if an error occurred
+ */
+int event_base_once(struct event_base *, evutil_socket_t, short, event_callback_fn, void *, const struct timeval *);
+ Add an event to the set of pending events.
+ The function event_add() schedules the execution of the event 'ev' when the
+ condition specified by event_assign() or event_new() occurs, or when the time
+ specified in timeout has elapesed. If atimeout is NULL, no timeout
+ occurs and the function will only be
+ called if a matching event occurs. The event in the
+ ev argument must be already initialized by event_assign() or event_new()
+ and may not be used
+ in calls to event_assign() until it is no longer pending.
+ If the event in the ev argument already has a scheduled timeout, calling
+ event_add() replaces the old timeout with the new one if tv is non-NULL.
+ @param ev an event struct initialized via event_assign() or event_new()
+ @param timeout the maximum amount of time to wait for the event, or NULL
+ to wait forever
+ @return 0 if successful, or -1 if an error occurred
+ @see event_del(), event_assign(), event_new()
+ */
+int event_add(struct event *ev, const struct timeval *timeout);
+ Remove a timer from a pending event without removing the event itself.
+ If the event has a scheduled timeout, this function unschedules it but
+ leaves the event otherwise pending.
+ @param ev an event struct initialized via event_assign() or event_new()
+ @return 0 on success, or -1 if an error occurrect.
+int event_remove_timer(struct event *ev);
+ Remove an event from the set of monitored events.
+ The function event_del() will cancel the event in the argument ev. If the
+ event has already executed or has never been added the call will have no
+ effect.
+ @param ev an event struct to be removed from the working set
+ @return 0 if successful, or -1 if an error occurred
+ @see event_add()
+ */
+int event_del(struct event *);
+ As event_del(), but never blocks while the event's callback is running
+ in another thread, even if the event was constructed without the
+ */
+int event_del_noblock(struct event *ev);
+ As event_del(), but always blocks while the event's callback is running
+ in another thread, even if the event was constructed with the
+ */
+int event_del_block(struct event *ev);
+ Make an event active.
+ You can use this function on a pending or a non-pending event to make it
+ active, so that its callback will be run by event_base_dispatch() or
+ event_base_loop().
+ One common use in multithreaded programs is to wake the thread running
+ event_base_loop() from another thread.
+ @param ev an event to make active.
+ @param res a set of flags to pass to the event's callback.
+ @param ncalls an obsolete argument: this is ignored.
+ **/
+void event_active(struct event *ev, int res, short ncalls);
+ Checks if a specific event is pending or scheduled.
+ @param ev an event struct previously passed to event_add()
+ @param events the requested event type; any of EV_TIMEOUT|EV_READ|
+ @param tv if this field is not NULL, and the event has a timeout,
+ this field is set to hold the time at which the timeout will
+ expire.
+ @return true if the event is pending on any of the events in 'what', (that
+ is to say, it has been added), or 0 if the event is not added.
+ */
+int event_pending(const struct event *ev, short events, struct timeval *tv);
+ If called from within the callback for an event, returns that event.
+ The behavior of this function is not defined when called from outside the
+ callback function for an event.
+ */
+struct event *event_base_get_running_event(struct event_base *base);
+ Test if an event structure might be initialized.
+ The event_initialized() function can be used to check if an event has been
+ initialized.
+ Warning: This function is only useful for distinguishing a a zeroed-out
+ piece of memory from an initialized event, it can easily be confused by
+ uninitialized memory. Thus, it should ONLY be used to distinguish an
+ initialized event from zero.
+ @param ev an event structure to be tested
+ @return 1 if the structure might be initialized, or 0 if it has not been
+ initialized
+ */
+int event_initialized(const struct event *ev);
+ Get the signal number assigned to a signal event
+#define event_get_signal(ev) ((int)event_get_fd(ev))
+ Get the socket or signal assigned to an event, or -1 if the event has
+ no socket.
+evutil_socket_t event_get_fd(const struct event *ev);
+ Get the event_base associated with an event.
+struct event_base *event_get_base(const struct event *ev);
+ Return the events (EV_READ, EV_WRITE, etc) assigned to an event.
+short event_get_events(const struct event *ev);
+ Return the callback assigned to an event.
+event_callback_fn event_get_callback(const struct event *ev);
+ Return the callback argument assigned to an event.
+void *event_get_callback_arg(const struct event *ev);
+ Return the priority of an event.
+ @see event_priority_init(), event_get_priority()
+int event_get_priority(const struct event *ev);
+ Extract _all_ of arguments given to construct a given event. The
+ event_base is copied into *base_out, the fd is copied into *fd_out, and so
+ on.
+ If any of the "_out" arguments is NULL, it will be ignored.
+ */
+void event_get_assignment(const struct event *event,
+ struct event_base **base_out, evutil_socket_t *fd_out, short *events_out,
+ event_callback_fn *callback_out, void **arg_out);
+ Return the size of struct event that the Libevent library was compiled
+ with.
+ This will be NO GREATER than sizeof(struct event) if you're running with
+ the same version of Libevent that your application was built with, but
+ otherwise might not.
+ Note that it might be SMALLER than sizeof(struct event) if some future
+ version of Libevent adds extra padding to the end of struct event.
+ We might do this to help ensure ABI-compatibility between different
+ versions of Libevent.
+ */
+size_t event_get_struct_event_size(void);
+ Get the Libevent version.
+ Note that this will give you the version of the library that you're
+ currently linked against, not the version of the headers that you've
+ compiled against.
+ @return a string containing the version number of Libevent
+const char *event_get_version(void);
+ Return a numeric representation of Libevent's version.
+ Note that this will give you the version of the library that you're
+ currently linked against, not the version of the headers you've used to
+ compile.
+ The format uses one byte each for the major, minor, and patchlevel parts of
+ the version number. The low-order byte is unused. For example, version
+ 2.0.1-alpha has a numeric representation of 0x02000100
+ev_uint32_t event_get_version_number(void);
+/** As event_get_version, but gives the version of Libevent's headers. */
+/** As event_get_version_number, but gives the version number of Libevent's
+ * headers. */
+/** Largest number of priorities that Libevent can support. */
+ Set the number of different event priorities
+ By default Libevent schedules all active events with the same priority.
+ However, some time it is desirable to process some events with a higher
+ priority than others. For that reason, Libevent supports strict priority
+ queues. Active events with a lower priority are always processed before
+ events with a higher priority.
+ The number of different priorities can be set initially with the
+ event_base_priority_init() function. This function should be called
+ before the first call to event_base_dispatch(). The
+ event_priority_set() function can be used to assign a priority to an
+ event. By default, Libevent assigns the middle priority to all events
+ unless their priority is explicitly set.
+ Note that urgent-priority events can starve less-urgent events: after
+ running all urgent-priority callbacks, Libevent checks for more urgent
+ events again, before running less-urgent events. Less-urgent events
+ will not have their callbacks run until there are no events more urgent
+ than them that want to be active.
+ @param eb the event_base structure returned by event_base_new()
+ @param npriorities the maximum number of priorities
+ @return 0 if successful, or -1 if an error occurred
+ @see event_priority_set()
+ */
+int event_base_priority_init(struct event_base *, int);
+ Get the number of different event priorities.
+ @param eb the event_base structure returned by event_base_new()
+ @return Number of different event priorities
+ @see event_base_priority_init()
+int event_base_get_npriorities(struct event_base *eb);
+ Assign a priority to an event.
+ @param ev an event struct
+ @param priority the new priority to be assigned
+ @return 0 if successful, or -1 if an error occurred
+ @see event_priority_init(), event_get_priority()
+ */
+int event_priority_set(struct event *, int);
+ Prepare an event_base to use a large number of timeouts with the same
+ duration.
+ Libevent's default scheduling algorithm is optimized for having a large
+ number of timeouts with their durations more or less randomly
+ distributed. But if you have a large number of timeouts that all have
+ the same duration (for example, if you have a large number of
+ connections that all have a 10-second timeout), then you can improve
+ Libevent's performance by telling Libevent about it.
+ To do this, call this function with the common duration. It will return a
+ pointer to a different, opaque timeout value. (Don't depend on its actual
+ contents!) When you use this timeout value in event_add(), Libevent will
+ schedule the event more efficiently.
+ (This optimization probably will not be worthwhile until you have thousands
+ or tens of thousands of events with the same timeout.)
+ */
+const struct timeval *event_base_init_common_timeout(struct event_base *base,
+ const struct timeval *duration);
+ Override the functions that Libevent uses for memory management.
+ Usually, Libevent uses the standard libc functions malloc, realloc, and
+ free to allocate memory. Passing replacements for those functions to
+ event_set_mem_functions() overrides this behavior.
+ Note that all memory returned from Libevent will be allocated by the
+ replacement functions rather than by malloc() and realloc(). Thus, if you
+ have replaced those functions, it will not be appropriate to free() memory
+ that you get from Libevent. Instead, you must use the free_fn replacement
+ that you provided.
+ Note also that if you are going to call this function, you should do so
+ before any call to any Libevent function that does allocation.
+ Otherwise, those funtions will allocate their memory using malloc(), but
+ then later free it using your provided free_fn.
+ @param malloc_fn A replacement for malloc.
+ @param realloc_fn A replacement for realloc
+ @param free_fn A replacement for free.
+ **/
+void event_set_mem_functions(
+ void *(*malloc_fn)(size_t sz),
+ void *(*realloc_fn)(void *ptr, size_t sz),
+ void (*free_fn)(void *ptr));
+/** This definition is present if Libevent was built with support for
+ event_set_mem_functions() */
+ Writes a human-readable description of all inserted and/or active
+ events to a provided stdio stream.
+ This is intended for debugging; its format is not guaranteed to be the same
+ between libevent versions.
+ @param base An event_base on which to scan the events.
+ @param output A stdio file to write on.
+ */
+void event_base_dump_events(struct event_base *, FILE *);
+ Activates all pending events for the given fd and event mask.
+ This function activates pending events only. Events which have not been
+ added will not become active.
+ @param base the event_base on which to activate the events.
+ @param fd An fd to active events on.
+ @param events One or more of EV_{READ,WRITE}.
+ */
+void event_base_active_by_fd(struct event_base *base, evutil_socket_t fd, short events);
+ Activates all pending signals with a given signal number
+ This function activates pending events only. Events which have not been
+ added will not become active.
+ @param base the event_base on which to activate the events.
+ @param fd The signal to active events on.
+ */
+void event_base_active_by_signal(struct event_base *base, int sig);
+ * Callback for iterating events in an event base via event_base_foreach_event
+ */
+typedef int (*event_base_foreach_event_cb)(const struct event_base *, const struct event *, void *);
+ Iterate over all added or active events events in an event loop, and invoke
+ a given callback on each one.
+ The callback must not call any function that modifies the event base, that
+ modifies any event in the event base, or that adds or removes any event to
+ the event base. Doing so is unsupported and will lead to undefined
+ behavior -- likely, to crashes.
+ event_base_foreach_event() holds a lock on the event_base() for the whole
+ time it's running: slow callbacks are not advisable.
+ Note that Libevent adds some events of its own to make pieces of its
+ functionality work. You must not assume that the only events you'll
+ encounter will be the ones you added yourself.
+ The callback function must return 0 to continue iteration, or some other
+ integer to stop iterating.
+ @param base An event_base on which to scan the events.
+ @param fn A callback function to receive the events.
+ @param arg An argument passed to the callback function.
+ @return 0 if we iterated over every event, or the value returned by the
+ callback function if the loop exited early.
+int event_base_foreach_event(struct event_base *base, event_base_foreach_event_cb fn, void *arg);
+/** Sets 'tv' to the current time (as returned by gettimeofday()),
+ looking at the cached value in 'base' if possible, and calling
+ gettimeofday() or clock_gettime() as appropriate if there is no
+ cached time.
+ Generally, this value will only be cached while actually
+ processing event callbacks, and may be very inaccuate if your
+ callbacks take a long time to execute.
+ Returns 0 on success, negative on failure.
+ */
+int event_base_gettimeofday_cached(struct event_base *base,
+ struct timeval *tv);
+/** Update cached_tv in the 'base' to the current time
+ *
+ * You can use this function is useful for selectively increasing
+ * the accuracy of the cached time value in 'base' during callbacks
+ * that take a long time to execute.
+ *
+ * This function has no effect if the base is currently not in its
+ * event loop, or if timeval caching is disabled via
+ *
+ * @return 0 on success, -1 on failure
+ */
+int event_base_update_cache_time(struct event_base *base);
+/** Release up all globally-allocated resources allocated by Libevent.
+ This function does not free developer-controlled resources like
+ event_bases, events, bufferevents, listeners, and so on. It only releases
+ resources like global locks that there is no other way to free.
+ It is not actually necessary to call this function before exit: every
+ resource that it frees would be released anyway on exit. It mainly exists
+ so that resource-leak debugging tools don't see Libevent as holding
+ resources at exit.
+ You should only call this function when no other Libevent functions will
+ be invoked -- e.g., when cleanly exiting a program.
+ */
+void libevent_global_shutdown(void);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* EVENT2_EVENT_H_INCLUDED_ */
diff --git a/ios/Pods/CocoaLibEvent/src/event2/event_compat.h b/ios/Pods/CocoaLibEvent/src/event2/event_compat.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5110175a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ios/Pods/CocoaLibEvent/src/event2/event_compat.h
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2007 Niels Provos
+ * Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Niels Provos and Nick Mathewson
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
+ * derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ */
+/** @file event2/event_compat.h
+ Potentially non-threadsafe versions of the functions in event.h: provided
+ only for backwards compatibility.
+ In the oldest versions of Libevent, event_base was not a first-class
+ structure. Instead, there was a single event base that every function
+ manipulated. Later, when separate event bases were added, the old functions
+ that didn't take an event_base argument needed to work by manipulating the
+ "current" event base. This could lead to thread-safety issues, and obscure,
+ hard-to-diagnose bugs.
+ @deprecated All functions in this file are by definition deprecated.
+ */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/* For int types. */
+ Initialize the event API.
+ The event API needs to be initialized with event_init() before it can be
+ used. Sets the global current base that gets used for events that have no
+ base associated with them.
+ @deprecated This function is deprecated because it replaces the "current"
+ event_base, and is totally unsafe for multithreaded use. The replacement
+ is event_base_new().
+ @see event_base_set(), event_base_new()
+ */
+struct event_base *event_init(void);
+ Loop to process events.
+ Like event_base_dispatch(), but uses the "current" base.
+ @deprecated This function is deprecated because it is easily confused by
+ multiple calls to event_init(), and because it is not safe for
+ multithreaded use. The replacement is event_base_dispatch().
+ @see event_base_dispatch(), event_init()
+ */
+int event_dispatch(void);
+ Handle events.
+ This function behaves like event_base_loop(), but uses the "current" base
+ @deprecated This function is deprecated because it uses the event base from
+ the last call to event_init, and is therefore not safe for multithreaded
+ use. The replacement is event_base_loop().
+ @see event_base_loop(), event_init()
+int event_loop(int);
+ Exit the event loop after the specified time.
+ This function behaves like event_base_loopexit(), except that it uses the
+ "current" base.
+ @deprecated This function is deprecated because it uses the event base from
+ the last call to event_init, and is therefore not safe for multithreaded
+ use. The replacement is event_base_loopexit().
+ @see event_init, event_base_loopexit()
+ */
+int event_loopexit(const struct timeval *);
+ Abort the active event_loop() immediately.
+ This function behaves like event_base_loopbreakt(), except that it uses the
+ "current" base.
+ @deprecated This function is deprecated because it uses the event base from
+ the last call to event_init, and is therefore not safe for multithreaded
+ use. The replacement is event_base_loopbreak().
+ @see event_base_loopbreak(), event_init()
+ */
+int event_loopbreak(void);
+ Schedule a one-time event to occur.
+ @deprecated This function is obsolete, and has been replaced by
+ event_base_once(). Its use is deprecated because it relies on the
+ "current" base configured by event_init().
+ @see event_base_once()
+ */
+int event_once(evutil_socket_t , short,
+ void (*)(evutil_socket_t, short, void *), void *, const struct timeval *);
+ Get the kernel event notification mechanism used by Libevent.
+ @deprecated This function is obsolete, and has been replaced by
+ event_base_get_method(). Its use is deprecated because it relies on the
+ "current" base configured by event_init().
+ @see event_base_get_method()
+ */
+const char *event_get_method(void);
+ Set the number of different event priorities.
+ @deprecated This function is deprecated because it is easily confused by
+ multiple calls to event_init(), and because it is not safe for
+ multithreaded use. The replacement is event_base_priority_init().
+ @see event_base_priority_init()
+ */
+int event_priority_init(int);
+ Prepare an event structure to be added.
+ @deprecated event_set() is not recommended for new code, because it requires
+ a subsequent call to event_base_set() to be safe under most circumstances.
+ Use event_assign() or event_new() instead.
+ */
+void event_set(struct event *, evutil_socket_t, short, void (*)(evutil_socket_t, short, void *), void *);
+#define evtimer_set(ev, cb, arg) event_set((ev), -1, 0, (cb), (arg))
+#define evsignal_set(ev, x, cb, arg) \
+ event_set((ev), (x), EV_SIGNAL|EV_PERSIST, (cb), (arg))
+ @name timeout_* macros
+ @deprecated These macros are deprecated because their naming is inconsistent
+ with the rest of Libevent. Use the evtimer_* macros instead.
+ @{
+ */
+#define timeout_add(ev, tv) event_add((ev), (tv))
+#define timeout_set(ev, cb, arg) event_set((ev), -1, 0, (cb), (arg))
+#define timeout_del(ev) event_del(ev)
+#define timeout_pending(ev, tv) event_pending((ev), EV_TIMEOUT, (tv))
+#define timeout_initialized(ev) event_initialized(ev)
+ @name signal_* macros
+ @deprecated These macros are deprecated because their naming is inconsistent
+ with the rest of Libevent. Use the evsignal_* macros instead.
+ @{
+ */
+#define signal_add(ev, tv) event_add((ev), (tv))
+#define signal_set(ev, x, cb, arg) \
+ event_set((ev), (x), EV_SIGNAL|EV_PERSIST, (cb), (arg))
+#define signal_del(ev) event_del(ev)
+#define signal_pending(ev, tv) event_pending((ev), EV_SIGNAL, (tv))
+#define signal_initialized(ev) event_initialized(ev)
+#ifndef EVENT_FD
+/* These macros are obsolete; use event_get_fd and event_get_signal instead. */
+#define EVENT_FD(ev) ((int)event_get_fd(ev))
+#define EVENT_SIGNAL(ev) event_get_signal(ev)
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/ios/Pods/CocoaLibEvent/src/event2/event_struct.h b/ios/Pods/CocoaLibEvent/src/event2/event_struct.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1c8b71b6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ios/Pods/CocoaLibEvent/src/event2/event_struct.h
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2007 Niels Provos
+ * Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Niels Provos and Nick Mathewson
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
+ * derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ */
+/** @file event2/event_struct.h
+ Structures used by event.h. Using these structures directly WILL harm
+ forward compatibility: be careful.
+ No field declared in this file should be used directly in user code. Except
+ for historical reasons, these fields would not be exposed at all.
+ */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/* For int types. */
+/* For evkeyvalq */
+#define EVLIST_TIMEOUT 0x01
+#define EVLIST_INSERTED 0x02
+#define EVLIST_SIGNAL 0x04
+#define EVLIST_ACTIVE 0x08
+#define EVLIST_INTERNAL 0x10
+#define EVLIST_INIT 0x80
+#define EVLIST_ALL 0xff
+/* Fix so that people don't have to run with */
+#ifndef TAILQ_ENTRY
+#define TAILQ_ENTRY(type) \
+struct { \
+ struct type *tqe_next; /* next element */ \
+ struct type **tqe_prev; /* address of previous next element */ \
+#endif /* !TAILQ_ENTRY */
+#ifndef TAILQ_HEAD
+#define TAILQ_HEAD(name, type) \
+struct name { \
+ struct type *tqh_first; \
+ struct type **tqh_last; \
+/* Fix so that people don't have to run with */
+#ifndef LIST_ENTRY
+#define LIST_ENTRY(type) \
+struct { \
+ struct type *le_next; /* next element */ \
+ struct type **le_prev; /* address of previous next element */ \
+#endif /* !LIST_ENTRY */
+#ifndef LIST_HEAD
+#define LIST_HEAD(name, type) \
+struct name { \
+ struct type *lh_first; /* first element */ \
+ }
+#endif /* !LIST_HEAD */
+struct event;
+struct event_callback {
+ TAILQ_ENTRY(event_callback) evcb_active_next;
+ short evcb_flags;
+ ev_uint8_t evcb_pri; /* smaller numbers are higher priority */
+ ev_uint8_t evcb_closure;
+ /* allows us to adopt for different types of events */
+ union {
+ void (*evcb_callback)(evutil_socket_t, short, void *);
+ void (*evcb_selfcb)(struct event_callback *, void *);
+ void (*evcb_evfinalize)(struct event *, void *);
+ void (*evcb_cbfinalize)(struct event_callback *, void *);
+ } evcb_cb_union;
+ void *evcb_arg;
+struct event_base;
+struct event {
+ struct event_callback ev_evcallback;
+ /* for managing timeouts */
+ union {
+ TAILQ_ENTRY(event) ev_next_with_common_timeout;
+ int min_heap_idx;
+ } ev_timeout_pos;
+ evutil_socket_t ev_fd;
+ struct event_base *ev_base;
+ union {
+ /* used for io events */
+ struct {
+ LIST_ENTRY (event) ev_io_next;
+ struct timeval ev_timeout;
+ } ev_io;
+ /* used by signal events */
+ struct {
+ LIST_ENTRY (event) ev_signal_next;
+ short ev_ncalls;
+ /* Allows deletes in callback */
+ short *ev_pncalls;
+ } ev_signal;
+ } ev_;
+ short ev_events;
+ short ev_res; /* result passed to event callback */
+ struct timeval ev_timeout;
+TAILQ_HEAD (event_list, event);
+#undef TAILQ_HEAD
+LIST_HEAD (event_dlist, event);
+#undef LIST_ENTRY
+#undef LIST_HEAD
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/ios/Pods/CocoaLibEvent/src/event2/http.h b/ios/Pods/CocoaLibEvent/src/event2/http.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8fb5642f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ios/Pods/CocoaLibEvent/src/event2/http.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1189 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2007 Niels Provos
+ * Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Niels Provos and Nick Mathewson
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
+ * derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ */
+/* For int types. */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/* In case we haven't included the right headers yet. */
+struct evbuffer;
+struct event_base;
+struct bufferevent;
+struct evhttp_connection;
+/** @file event2/http.h
+ *
+ * Basic support for HTTP serving.
+ *
+ * As Libevent is a library for dealing with event notification and most
+ * interesting applications are networked today, I have often found the
+ * need to write HTTP code. The following prototypes and definitions provide
+ * an application with a minimal interface for making HTTP requests and for
+ * creating a very simple HTTP server.
+ */
+/* Response codes */
+#define HTTP_OK 200 /**< request completed ok */
+#define HTTP_NOCONTENT 204 /**< request does not have content */
+#define HTTP_MOVEPERM 301 /**< the uri moved permanently */
+#define HTTP_MOVETEMP 302 /**< the uri moved temporarily */
+#define HTTP_NOTMODIFIED 304 /**< page was not modified from last */
+#define HTTP_BADREQUEST 400 /**< invalid http request was made */
+#define HTTP_NOTFOUND 404 /**< could not find content for uri */
+#define HTTP_BADMETHOD 405 /**< method not allowed for this uri */
+#define HTTP_ENTITYTOOLARGE 413 /**< */
+#define HTTP_EXPECTATIONFAILED 417 /**< we can't handle this expectation */
+#define HTTP_INTERNAL 500 /**< internal error */
+#define HTTP_NOTIMPLEMENTED 501 /**< not implemented */
+#define HTTP_SERVUNAVAIL 503 /**< the server is not available */
+struct evhttp;
+struct evhttp_request;
+struct evkeyvalq;
+struct evhttp_bound_socket;
+struct evconnlistener;
+struct evdns_base;
+ * Create a new HTTP server.
+ *
+ * @param base (optional) the event base to receive the HTTP events
+ * @return a pointer to a newly initialized evhttp server structure
+ * @see evhttp_free()
+ */
+struct evhttp *evhttp_new(struct event_base *base);
+ * Binds an HTTP server on the specified address and port.
+ *
+ * Can be called multiple times to bind the same http server
+ * to multiple different ports.
+ *
+ * @param http a pointer to an evhttp object
+ * @param address a string containing the IP address to listen(2) on
+ * @param port the port number to listen on
+ * @return 0 on success, -1 on failure.
+ * @see evhttp_accept_socket()
+ */
+int evhttp_bind_socket(struct evhttp *http, const char *address, ev_uint16_t port);
+ * Like evhttp_bind_socket(), but returns a handle for referencing the socket.
+ *
+ * The returned pointer is not valid after \a http is freed.
+ *
+ * @param http a pointer to an evhttp object
+ * @param address a string containing the IP address to listen(2) on
+ * @param port the port number to listen on
+ * @return Handle for the socket on success, NULL on failure.
+ * @see evhttp_bind_socket(), evhttp_del_accept_socket()
+ */
+struct evhttp_bound_socket *evhttp_bind_socket_with_handle(struct evhttp *http, const char *address, ev_uint16_t port);
+ * Makes an HTTP server accept connections on the specified socket.
+ *
+ * This may be useful to create a socket and then fork multiple instances
+ * of an http server, or when a socket has been communicated via file
+ * descriptor passing in situations where an http servers does not have
+ * permissions to bind to a low-numbered port.
+ *
+ * Can be called multiple times to have the http server listen to
+ * multiple different sockets.
+ *
+ * @param http a pointer to an evhttp object
+ * @param fd a socket fd that is ready for accepting connections
+ * @return 0 on success, -1 on failure.
+ * @see evhttp_bind_socket()
+ */
+int evhttp_accept_socket(struct evhttp *http, evutil_socket_t fd);
+ * Like evhttp_accept_socket(), but returns a handle for referencing the socket.
+ *
+ * The returned pointer is not valid after \a http is freed.
+ *
+ * @param http a pointer to an evhttp object
+ * @param fd a socket fd that is ready for accepting connections
+ * @return Handle for the socket on success, NULL on failure.
+ * @see evhttp_accept_socket(), evhttp_del_accept_socket()
+ */
+struct evhttp_bound_socket *evhttp_accept_socket_with_handle(struct evhttp *http, evutil_socket_t fd);
+ * The most low-level evhttp_bind/accept method: takes an evconnlistener, and
+ * returns an evhttp_bound_socket. The listener will be freed when the bound
+ * socket is freed.
+ */
+struct evhttp_bound_socket *evhttp_bind_listener(struct evhttp *http, struct evconnlistener *listener);
+ * Return the listener used to implement a bound socket.
+ */
+struct evconnlistener *evhttp_bound_socket_get_listener(struct evhttp_bound_socket *bound);
+typedef void evhttp_bound_socket_foreach_fn(struct evhttp_bound_socket *, void *);
+ * Applies the function specified in the first argument to all
+ * evhttp_bound_sockets associated with "http". The user must not
+ * attempt to free or remove any connections, sockets or listeners
+ * in the callback "function".
+ *
+ * @param http pointer to an evhttp object
+ * @param function function to apply to every bound socket
+ * @param argument pointer value passed to function for every socket iterated
+ */
+void evhttp_foreach_bound_socket(struct evhttp *http, evhttp_bound_socket_foreach_fn *function, void *argument);
+ * Makes an HTTP server stop accepting connections on the specified socket
+ *
+ * This may be useful when a socket has been sent via file descriptor passing
+ * and is no longer needed by the current process.
+ *
+ * If you created this bound socket with evhttp_bind_socket_with_handle or
+ * evhttp_accept_socket_with_handle, this function closes the fd you provided.
+ * If you created this bound socket with evhttp_bind_listener, this function
+ * frees the listener you provided.
+ *
+ * \a bound_socket is an invalid pointer after this call returns.
+ *
+ * @param http a pointer to an evhttp object
+ * @param bound_socket a handle returned by evhttp_{bind,accept}_socket_with_handle
+ * @see evhttp_bind_socket_with_handle(), evhttp_accept_socket_with_handle()
+ */
+void evhttp_del_accept_socket(struct evhttp *http, struct evhttp_bound_socket *bound_socket);
+ * Get the raw file descriptor referenced by an evhttp_bound_socket.
+ *
+ * @param bound_socket a handle returned by evhttp_{bind,accept}_socket_with_handle
+ * @return the file descriptor used by the bound socket
+ * @see evhttp_bind_socket_with_handle(), evhttp_accept_socket_with_handle()
+ */
+evutil_socket_t evhttp_bound_socket_get_fd(struct evhttp_bound_socket *bound_socket);
+ * Free the previously created HTTP server.
+ *
+ * Works only if no requests are currently being served.
+ *
+ * @param http the evhttp server object to be freed
+ * @see evhttp_start()
+ */
+void evhttp_free(struct evhttp* http);
+/** XXX Document. */
+void evhttp_set_max_headers_size(struct evhttp* http, ev_ssize_t max_headers_size);
+/** XXX Document. */
+void evhttp_set_max_body_size(struct evhttp* http, ev_ssize_t max_body_size);
+ Set the value to use for the Content-Type header when none was provided. If
+ the content type string is NULL, the Content-Type header will not be
+ automatically added.
+ @param http the http server on which to set the default content type
+ @param content_type the value for the Content-Type header
+void evhttp_set_default_content_type(struct evhttp *http,
+ const char *content_type);
+ Sets the what HTTP methods are supported in requests accepted by this
+ server, and passed to user callbacks.
+ If not supported they will generate a "405 Method not allowed" response.
+ By default this includes the following methods: GET, POST, HEAD, PUT, DELETE
+ @param http the http server on which to set the methods
+ @param methods bit mask constructed from evhttp_cmd_type values
+void evhttp_set_allowed_methods(struct evhttp* http, ev_uint16_t methods);
+ Set a callback for a specified URI
+ @param http the http sever on which to set the callback
+ @param path the path for which to invoke the callback
+ @param cb the callback function that gets invoked on requesting path
+ @param cb_arg an additional context argument for the callback
+ @return 0 on success, -1 if the callback existed already, -2 on failure
+int evhttp_set_cb(struct evhttp *http, const char *path,
+ void (*cb)(struct evhttp_request *, void *), void *cb_arg);
+/** Removes the callback for a specified URI */
+int evhttp_del_cb(struct evhttp *, const char *);
+ Set a callback for all requests that are not caught by specific callbacks
+ Invokes the specified callback for all requests that do not match any of
+ the previously specified request paths. This is catchall for requests not
+ specifically configured with evhttp_set_cb().
+ @param http the evhttp server object for which to set the callback
+ @param cb the callback to invoke for any unmatched requests
+ @param arg an context argument for the callback
+void evhttp_set_gencb(struct evhttp *http,
+ void (*cb)(struct evhttp_request *, void *), void *arg);
+ Set a callback used to create new bufferevents for connections
+ to a given evhttp object.
+ You can use this to override the default bufferevent type -- for example,
+ to make this evhttp object use SSL bufferevents rather than unencrypted
+ ones.
+ New bufferevents must be allocated with no fd set on them.
+ @param http the evhttp server object for which to set the callback
+ @param cb the callback to invoke for incoming connections
+ @param arg an context argument for the callback
+ */
+void evhttp_set_bevcb(struct evhttp *http,
+ struct bufferevent *(*cb)(struct event_base *, void *), void *arg);
+ Adds a virtual host to the http server.
+ A virtual host is a newly initialized evhttp object that has request
+ callbacks set on it via evhttp_set_cb() or evhttp_set_gencb(). It
+ most not have any listing sockets associated with it.
+ If the virtual host has not been removed by the time that evhttp_free()
+ is called on the main http server, it will be automatically freed, too.
+ It is possible to have hierarchical vhosts. For example: A vhost
+ with the pattern *.example.com may have other vhosts with patterns
+ foo.example.com and bar.example.com associated with it.
+ @param http the evhttp object to which to add a virtual host
+ @param pattern the glob pattern against which the hostname is matched.
+ The match is case insensitive and follows otherwise regular shell
+ matching.
+ @param vhost the virtual host to add the regular http server.
+ @return 0 on success, -1 on failure
+ @see evhttp_remove_virtual_host()
+int evhttp_add_virtual_host(struct evhttp* http, const char *pattern,
+ struct evhttp* vhost);
+ Removes a virtual host from the http server.
+ @param http the evhttp object from which to remove the virtual host
+ @param vhost the virtual host to remove from the regular http server.
+ @return 0 on success, -1 on failure
+ @see evhttp_add_virtual_host()
+int evhttp_remove_virtual_host(struct evhttp* http, struct evhttp* vhost);
+ Add a server alias to an http object. The http object can be a virtual
+ host or the main server.
+ @param http the evhttp object
+ @param alias the alias to add
+ @see evhttp_add_remove_alias()
+int evhttp_add_server_alias(struct evhttp *http, const char *alias);
+ Remove a server alias from an http object.
+ @param http the evhttp object
+ @param alias the alias to remove
+ @see evhttp_add_server_alias()
+int evhttp_remove_server_alias(struct evhttp *http, const char *alias);
+ * Set the timeout for an HTTP request.
+ *
+ * @param http an evhttp object
+ * @param timeout_in_secs the timeout, in seconds
+ */
+void evhttp_set_timeout(struct evhttp *http, int timeout_in_secs);
+ * Set the timeout for an HTTP request.
+ *
+ * @param http an evhttp object
+ * @param tv the timeout, or NULL
+ */
+void evhttp_set_timeout_tv(struct evhttp *http, const struct timeval* tv);
+/* Read all the clients body, and only after this respond with an error if the
+ * clients body exceed max_body_size */
+ * Set connection flags for HTTP server.
+ *
+ * @see EVHTTP_SERVER_*
+ * @return 0 on success, otherwise non zero (for example if flag doesn't
+ * supported).
+ */
+int evhttp_set_flags(struct evhttp *http, int flags);
+/* Request/Response functionality */
+ * Send an HTML error message to the client.
+ *
+ * @param req a request object
+ * @param error the HTTP error code
+ * @param reason a brief explanation of the error. If this is NULL, we'll
+ * just use the standard meaning of the error code.
+ */
+void evhttp_send_error(struct evhttp_request *req, int error,
+ const char *reason);
+ * Send an HTML reply to the client.
+ *
+ * The body of the reply consists of the data in databuf. After calling
+ * evhttp_send_reply() databuf will be empty, but the buffer is still
+ * owned by the caller and needs to be deallocated by the caller if
+ * necessary.
+ *
+ * @param req a request object
+ * @param code the HTTP response code to send
+ * @param reason a brief message to send with the response code
+ * @param databuf the body of the response
+ */
+void evhttp_send_reply(struct evhttp_request *req, int code,
+ const char *reason, struct evbuffer *databuf);
+/* Low-level response interface, for streaming/chunked replies */
+ Initiate a reply that uses Transfer-Encoding chunked.
+ This allows the caller to stream the reply back to the client and is
+ useful when either not all of the reply data is immediately available
+ or when sending very large replies.
+ The caller needs to supply data chunks with evhttp_send_reply_chunk()
+ and complete the reply by calling evhttp_send_reply_end().
+ @param req a request object
+ @param code the HTTP response code to send
+ @param reason a brief message to send with the response code
+void evhttp_send_reply_start(struct evhttp_request *req, int code,
+ const char *reason);
+ Send another data chunk as part of an ongoing chunked reply.
+ The reply chunk consists of the data in databuf. After calling
+ evhttp_send_reply_chunk() databuf will be empty, but the buffer is
+ still owned by the caller and needs to be deallocated by the caller
+ if necessary.
+ @param req a request object
+ @param databuf the data chunk to send as part of the reply.
+void evhttp_send_reply_chunk(struct evhttp_request *req,
+ struct evbuffer *databuf);
+ Send another data chunk as part of an ongoing chunked reply.
+ The reply chunk consists of the data in databuf. After calling
+ evhttp_send_reply_chunk() databuf will be empty, but the buffer is
+ still owned by the caller and needs to be deallocated by the caller
+ if necessary.
+ @param req a request object
+ @param databuf the data chunk to send as part of the reply.
+ @param cb callback funcion
+ @param call back's argument.
+void evhttp_send_reply_chunk_with_cb(struct evhttp_request *, struct evbuffer *,
+ void (*cb)(struct evhttp_connection *, void *), void *arg);
+ Complete a chunked reply, freeing the request as appropriate.
+ @param req a request object
+void evhttp_send_reply_end(struct evhttp_request *req);
+ * Interfaces for making requests
+ */
+/** The different request types supported by evhttp. These are as specified
+ * in RFC2616, except for PATCH which is specified by RFC5789.
+ *
+ * By default, only some of these methods are accepted and passed to user
+ * callbacks; use evhttp_set_allowed_methods() to change which methods
+ * are allowed.
+ */
+enum evhttp_cmd_type {
+ EVHTTP_REQ_GET = 1 << 0,
+ EVHTTP_REQ_POST = 1 << 1,
+ EVHTTP_REQ_HEAD = 1 << 2,
+ EVHTTP_REQ_PUT = 1 << 3,
+ EVHTTP_REQ_TRACE = 1 << 6,
+/** a request object can represent either a request or a reply */
+enum evhttp_request_kind { EVHTTP_REQUEST, EVHTTP_RESPONSE };
+ * Create and return a connection object that can be used to for making HTTP
+ * requests. The connection object tries to resolve address and establish the
+ * connection when it is given an http request object.
+ *
+ * @param base the event_base to use for handling the connection
+ * @param dnsbase the dns_base to use for resolving host names; if not
+ * specified host name resolution will block.
+ * @param bev a bufferevent to use for connecting to the server; if NULL, a
+ * socket-based bufferevent will be created. This buffrevent will be freed
+ * when the connection closes. It must have no fd set on it.
+ * @param address the address to which to connect
+ * @param port the port to connect to
+ * @return an evhttp_connection object that can be used for making requests
+ */
+struct evhttp_connection *evhttp_connection_base_bufferevent_new(
+ struct event_base *base, struct evdns_base *dnsbase, struct bufferevent* bev, const char *address, ev_uint16_t port);
+ * Return the bufferevent that an evhttp_connection is using.
+ */
+struct bufferevent* evhttp_connection_get_bufferevent(struct evhttp_connection *evcon);
+ * Return the HTTP server associated with this connection, or NULL.
+ */
+struct evhttp *evhttp_connection_get_server(struct evhttp_connection *evcon);
+ * Creates a new request object that needs to be filled in with the request
+ * parameters. The callback is executed when the request completed or an
+ * error occurred.
+ */
+struct evhttp_request *evhttp_request_new(
+ void (*cb)(struct evhttp_request *, void *), void *arg);
+ * Enable delivery of chunks to requestor.
+ * @param cb will be called after every read of data with the same argument
+ * as the completion callback. Will never be called on an empty
+ * response. May drain the input buffer; it will be drained
+ * automatically on return.
+ */
+void evhttp_request_set_chunked_cb(struct evhttp_request *,
+ void (*cb)(struct evhttp_request *, void *));
+ * Register callback for additional parsing of request headers.
+ * @param cb will be called after receiving and parsing the full header.
+ * It allows analyzing the header and possibly closing the connection
+ * by returning a value < 0.
+ */
+void evhttp_request_set_header_cb(struct evhttp_request *,
+ int (*cb)(struct evhttp_request *, void *));
+ * The different error types supported by evhttp
+ *
+ * @see evhttp_request_set_error_cb()
+ */
+enum evhttp_request_error {
+ /**
+ * Timeout reached, also @see evhttp_connection_set_timeout()
+ */
+ /**
+ * EOF reached
+ */
+ /**
+ * Error while reading header, or invalid header
+ */
+ /**
+ * Error encountered while reading or writing
+ */
+ /**
+ * The evhttp_cancel_request() called on this request.
+ */
+ /**
+ * Body is greater then evhttp_connection_set_max_body_size()
+ */
+ * Set a callback for errors
+ * @see evhttp_request_error for error types.
+ *
+ * On error, both the error callback and the regular callback will be called,
+ * error callback is called before the regular callback.
+ **/
+void evhttp_request_set_error_cb(struct evhttp_request *,
+ void (*)(enum evhttp_request_error, void *));
+ * Set a callback to be called on request completion of evhttp_send_* function.
+ *
+ * The callback function will be called on the completion of the request after
+ * the output data has been written and before the evhttp_request object
+ * is destroyed. This can be useful for tracking resources associated with a
+ * request (ex: timing metrics).
+ *
+ * @param req a request object
+ * @param cb callback function that will be called on request completion
+ * @param cb_arg an additional context argument for the callback
+ */
+void evhttp_request_set_on_complete_cb(struct evhttp_request *req,
+ void (*cb)(struct evhttp_request *, void *), void *cb_arg);
+/** Frees the request object and removes associated events. */
+void evhttp_request_free(struct evhttp_request *req);
+ * Create and return a connection object that can be used to for making HTTP
+ * requests. The connection object tries to resolve address and establish the
+ * connection when it is given an http request object.
+ *
+ * @param base the event_base to use for handling the connection
+ * @param dnsbase the dns_base to use for resolving host names; if not
+ * specified host name resolution will block.
+ * @param address the address to which to connect
+ * @param port the port to connect to
+ * @return an evhttp_connection object that can be used for making requests
+ */
+struct evhttp_connection *evhttp_connection_base_new(
+ struct event_base *base, struct evdns_base *dnsbase,
+ const char *address, ev_uint16_t port);
+ * Set family hint for DNS requests.
+ */
+void evhttp_connection_set_family(struct evhttp_connection *evcon,
+ int family);
+/* reuse connection address on retry */
+/* Try to read error, since server may already send and close
+ * connection, but if at that time we have some data to send then we
+ * can send get EPIPE and fail, while we can read that HTTP error. */
+/* Padding for public flags, @see EVHTTP_CON_* in http-internal.h */
+ * Set connection flags.
+ *
+ * @see EVHTTP_CON_*
+ * @return 0 on success, otherwise non zero (for example if flag doesn't
+ * supported).
+ */
+int evhttp_connection_set_flags(struct evhttp_connection *evcon,
+ int flags);
+/** Takes ownership of the request object
+ *
+ * Can be used in a request callback to keep onto the request until
+ * evhttp_request_free() is explicitly called by the user.
+ */
+void evhttp_request_own(struct evhttp_request *req);
+/** Returns 1 if the request is owned by the user */
+int evhttp_request_is_owned(struct evhttp_request *req);
+ * Returns the connection object associated with the request or NULL
+ *
+ * The user needs to either free the request explicitly or call
+ * evhttp_send_reply_end().
+ */
+struct evhttp_connection *evhttp_request_get_connection(struct evhttp_request *req);
+ * Returns the underlying event_base for this connection
+ */
+struct event_base *evhttp_connection_get_base(struct evhttp_connection *req);
+void evhttp_connection_set_max_headers_size(struct evhttp_connection *evcon,
+ ev_ssize_t new_max_headers_size);
+void evhttp_connection_set_max_body_size(struct evhttp_connection* evcon,
+ ev_ssize_t new_max_body_size);
+/** Frees an http connection */
+void evhttp_connection_free(struct evhttp_connection *evcon);
+/** Disowns a given connection object
+ *
+ * Can be used to tell libevent to free the connection object after
+ * the last request has completed or failed.
+ */
+void evhttp_connection_free_on_completion(struct evhttp_connection *evcon);
+/** sets the ip address from which http connections are made */
+void evhttp_connection_set_local_address(struct evhttp_connection *evcon,
+ const char *address);
+/** sets the local port from which http connections are made */
+void evhttp_connection_set_local_port(struct evhttp_connection *evcon,
+ ev_uint16_t port);
+/** Sets the timeout in seconds for events related to this connection */
+void evhttp_connection_set_timeout(struct evhttp_connection *evcon,
+ int timeout_in_secs);
+/** Sets the timeout for events related to this connection. Takes a struct
+ * timeval. */
+void evhttp_connection_set_timeout_tv(struct evhttp_connection *evcon,
+ const struct timeval *tv);
+/** Sets the delay before retrying requests on this connection. This is only
+ * used if evhttp_connection_set_retries is used to make the number of retries
+ * at least one. Each retry after the first is twice as long as the one before
+ * it. */
+void evhttp_connection_set_initial_retry_tv(struct evhttp_connection *evcon,
+ const struct timeval *tv);
+/** Sets the retry limit for this connection - -1 repeats indefinitely */
+void evhttp_connection_set_retries(struct evhttp_connection *evcon,
+ int retry_max);
+/** Set a callback for connection close. */
+void evhttp_connection_set_closecb(struct evhttp_connection *evcon,
+ void (*)(struct evhttp_connection *, void *), void *);
+/** Get the remote address and port associated with this connection. */
+void evhttp_connection_get_peer(struct evhttp_connection *evcon,
+ char **address, ev_uint16_t *port);
+/** Get the remote address associated with this connection.
+ * extracted from getpeername() OR from nameserver.
+ *
+ * @return NULL if getpeername() return non success,
+ * or connection is not connected,
+ * otherwise it return pointer to struct sockaddr_storage */
+const struct sockaddr*
+evhttp_connection_get_addr(struct evhttp_connection *evcon);
+ Make an HTTP request over the specified connection.
+ The connection gets ownership of the request. On failure, the
+ request object is no longer valid as it has been freed.
+ @param evcon the evhttp_connection object over which to send the request
+ @param req the previously created and configured request object
+ @param type the request type EVHTTP_REQ_GET, EVHTTP_REQ_POST, etc.
+ @param uri the URI associated with the request
+ @return 0 on success, -1 on failure
+ @see evhttp_cancel_request()
+int evhttp_make_request(struct evhttp_connection *evcon,
+ struct evhttp_request *req,
+ enum evhttp_cmd_type type, const char *uri);
+ Cancels a pending HTTP request.
+ Cancels an ongoing HTTP request. The callback associated with this request
+ is not executed and the request object is freed. If the request is
+ currently being processed, e.g. it is ongoing, the corresponding
+ evhttp_connection object is going to get reset.
+ A request cannot be canceled if its callback has executed already. A request
+ may be canceled reentrantly from its chunked callback.
+ @param req the evhttp_request to cancel; req becomes invalid after this call.
+void evhttp_cancel_request(struct evhttp_request *req);
+ * A structure to hold a parsed URI or Relative-Ref conforming to RFC3986.
+ */
+struct evhttp_uri;
+/** Returns the request URI */
+const char *evhttp_request_get_uri(const struct evhttp_request *req);
+/** Returns the request URI (parsed) */
+const struct evhttp_uri *evhttp_request_get_evhttp_uri(const struct evhttp_request *req);
+/** Returns the request command */
+enum evhttp_cmd_type evhttp_request_get_command(const struct evhttp_request *req);
+int evhttp_request_get_response_code(const struct evhttp_request *req);
+const char * evhttp_request_get_response_code_line(const struct evhttp_request *req);
+/** Returns the input headers */
+struct evkeyvalq *evhttp_request_get_input_headers(struct evhttp_request *req);
+/** Returns the output headers */
+struct evkeyvalq *evhttp_request_get_output_headers(struct evhttp_request *req);
+/** Returns the input buffer */
+struct evbuffer *evhttp_request_get_input_buffer(struct evhttp_request *req);
+/** Returns the output buffer */
+struct evbuffer *evhttp_request_get_output_buffer(struct evhttp_request *req);
+/** Returns the host associated with the request. If a client sends an absolute
+ URI, the host part of that is preferred. Otherwise, the input headers are
+ searched for a Host: header. NULL is returned if no absolute URI or Host:
+ header is provided. */
+const char *evhttp_request_get_host(struct evhttp_request *req);
+/* Interfaces for dealing with HTTP headers */
+ Finds the value belonging to a header.
+ @param headers the evkeyvalq object in which to find the header
+ @param key the name of the header to find
+ @returns a pointer to the value for the header or NULL if the header
+ could not be found.
+ @see evhttp_add_header(), evhttp_remove_header()
+const char *evhttp_find_header(const struct evkeyvalq *headers,
+ const char *key);
+ Removes a header from a list of existing headers.
+ @param headers the evkeyvalq object from which to remove a header
+ @param key the name of the header to remove
+ @returns 0 if the header was removed, -1 otherwise.
+ @see evhttp_find_header(), evhttp_add_header()
+int evhttp_remove_header(struct evkeyvalq *headers, const char *key);
+ Adds a header to a list of existing headers.
+ @param headers the evkeyvalq object to which to add a header
+ @param key the name of the header
+ @param value the value belonging to the header
+ @returns 0 on success, -1 otherwise.
+ @see evhttp_find_header(), evhttp_clear_headers()
+int evhttp_add_header(struct evkeyvalq *headers, const char *key, const char *value);
+ Removes all headers from the header list.
+ @param headers the evkeyvalq object from which to remove all headers
+void evhttp_clear_headers(struct evkeyvalq *headers);
+/* Miscellaneous utility functions */
+ Helper function to encode a string for inclusion in a URI. All
+ characters are replaced by their hex-escaped (%22) equivalents,
+ except for characters explicitly unreserved by RFC3986 -- that is,
+ ASCII alphanumeric characters, hyphen, dot, underscore, and tilde.
+ The returned string must be freed by the caller.
+ @param str an unencoded string
+ @return a newly allocated URI-encoded string or NULL on failure
+ */
+char *evhttp_encode_uri(const char *str);
+ As evhttp_encode_uri, but if 'size' is nonnegative, treat the string
+ as being 'size' bytes long. This allows you to encode strings that
+ may contain 0-valued bytes.
+ The returned string must be freed by the caller.
+ @param str an unencoded string
+ @param size the length of the string to encode, or -1 if the string
+ is NUL-terminated
+ @param space_to_plus if true, space characters in 'str' are encoded
+ as +, not %20.
+ @return a newly allocate URI-encoded string, or NULL on failure.
+ */
+char *evhttp_uriencode(const char *str, ev_ssize_t size, int space_to_plus);
+ Helper function to sort of decode a URI-encoded string. Unlike
+ evhttp_get_decoded_uri, it decodes all plus characters that appear
+ _after_ the first question mark character, but no plusses that occur
+ before. This is not a good way to decode URIs in whole or in part.
+ The returned string must be freed by the caller
+ @deprecated This function is deprecated; you probably want to use
+ evhttp_get_decoded_uri instead.
+ @param uri an encoded URI
+ @return a newly allocated unencoded URI or NULL on failure
+ */
+char *evhttp_decode_uri(const char *uri);
+ Helper function to decode a URI-escaped string or HTTP parameter.
+ If 'decode_plus' is 1, then we decode the string as an HTTP parameter
+ value, and convert all plus ('+') characters to spaces. If
+ 'decode_plus' is 0, we leave all plus characters unchanged.
+ The returned string must be freed by the caller.
+ @param uri a URI-encode encoded URI
+ @param decode_plus determines whether we convert '+' to space.
+ @param size_out if size_out is not NULL, *size_out is set to the size of the
+ returned string
+ @return a newly allocated unencoded URI or NULL on failure
+ */
+char *evhttp_uridecode(const char *uri, int decode_plus,
+ size_t *size_out);
+ Helper function to parse out arguments in a query.
+ Parsing a URI like
+ http://foo.com/?q=test&s=some+thing
+ will result in two entries in the key value queue.
+ The first entry is: key="q", value="test"
+ The second entry is: key="s", value="some thing"
+ @deprecated This function is deprecated as of Libevent 2.0.9. Use
+ evhttp_uri_parse and evhttp_parse_query_str instead.
+ @param uri the request URI
+ @param headers the head of the evkeyval queue
+ @return 0 on success, -1 on failure
+ */
+int evhttp_parse_query(const char *uri, struct evkeyvalq *headers);
+ Helper function to parse out arguments from the query portion of an
+ Parsing a query string like
+ q=test&s=some+thing
+ will result in two entries in the key value queue.
+ The first entry is: key="q", value="test"
+ The second entry is: key="s", value="some thing"
+ @param query_parse the query portion of the URI
+ @param headers the head of the evkeyval queue
+ @return 0 on success, -1 on failure
+ */
+int evhttp_parse_query_str(const char *uri, struct evkeyvalq *headers);
+ * Escape HTML character entities in a string.
+ *
+ * Replaces <, >, ", ' and & with <, >, ",
+ * ' and & correspondingly.
+ *
+ * The returned string needs to be freed by the caller.
+ *
+ * @param html an unescaped HTML string
+ * @return an escaped HTML string or NULL on error
+ */
+char *evhttp_htmlescape(const char *html);
+ * Return a new empty evhttp_uri with no fields set.
+ */
+struct evhttp_uri *evhttp_uri_new(void);
+ * Changes the flags set on a given URI. See EVHTTP_URI_* for
+ * a list of flags.
+ **/
+void evhttp_uri_set_flags(struct evhttp_uri *uri, unsigned flags);
+/** Return the scheme of an evhttp_uri, or NULL if there is no scheme has
+ * been set and the evhttp_uri contains a Relative-Ref. */
+const char *evhttp_uri_get_scheme(const struct evhttp_uri *uri);
+ * Return the userinfo part of an evhttp_uri, or NULL if it has no userinfo
+ * set.
+ */
+const char *evhttp_uri_get_userinfo(const struct evhttp_uri *uri);
+ * Return the host part of an evhttp_uri, or NULL if it has no host set.
+ * The host may either be a regular hostname (conforming to the RFC 3986
+ * "regname" production), or an IPv4 address, or the empty string, or a
+ * bracketed IPv6 address, or a bracketed 'IP-Future' address.
+ *
+ * Note that having a NULL host means that the URI has no authority
+ * section, but having an empty-string host means that the URI has an
+ * authority section with no host part. For example,
+ * "mailto:user@example.com" has a host of NULL, but "file:///etc/motd"
+ * has a host of "".
+ */
+const char *evhttp_uri_get_host(const struct evhttp_uri *uri);
+/** Return the port part of an evhttp_uri, or -1 if there is no port set. */
+int evhttp_uri_get_port(const struct evhttp_uri *uri);
+/** Return the path part of an evhttp_uri, or NULL if it has no path set */
+const char *evhttp_uri_get_path(const struct evhttp_uri *uri);
+/** Return the query part of an evhttp_uri (excluding the leading "?"), or
+ * NULL if it has no query set */
+const char *evhttp_uri_get_query(const struct evhttp_uri *uri);
+/** Return the fragment part of an evhttp_uri (excluding the leading "#"),
+ * or NULL if it has no fragment set */
+const char *evhttp_uri_get_fragment(const struct evhttp_uri *uri);
+/** Set the scheme of an evhttp_uri, or clear the scheme if scheme==NULL.
+ * Returns 0 on success, -1 if scheme is not well-formed. */
+int evhttp_uri_set_scheme(struct evhttp_uri *uri, const char *scheme);
+/** Set the userinfo of an evhttp_uri, or clear the userinfo if userinfo==NULL.
+ * Returns 0 on success, -1 if userinfo is not well-formed. */
+int evhttp_uri_set_userinfo(struct evhttp_uri *uri, const char *userinfo);
+/** Set the host of an evhttp_uri, or clear the host if host==NULL.
+ * Returns 0 on success, -1 if host is not well-formed. */
+int evhttp_uri_set_host(struct evhttp_uri *uri, const char *host);
+/** Set the port of an evhttp_uri, or clear the port if port==-1.
+ * Returns 0 on success, -1 if port is not well-formed. */
+int evhttp_uri_set_port(struct evhttp_uri *uri, int port);
+/** Set the path of an evhttp_uri, or clear the path if path==NULL.
+ * Returns 0 on success, -1 if path is not well-formed. */
+int evhttp_uri_set_path(struct evhttp_uri *uri, const char *path);
+/** Set the query of an evhttp_uri, or clear the query if query==NULL.
+ * The query should not include a leading "?".
+ * Returns 0 on success, -1 if query is not well-formed. */
+int evhttp_uri_set_query(struct evhttp_uri *uri, const char *query);
+/** Set the fragment of an evhttp_uri, or clear the fragment if fragment==NULL.
+ * The fragment should not include a leading "#".
+ * Returns 0 on success, -1 if fragment is not well-formed. */
+int evhttp_uri_set_fragment(struct evhttp_uri *uri, const char *fragment);
+ * Helper function to parse a URI-Reference as specified by RFC3986.
+ *
+ * This function matches the URI-Reference production from RFC3986,
+ * which includes both URIs like
+ *
+ * scheme://[[userinfo]@]foo.com[:port]]/[path][?query][#fragment]
+ *
+ * and relative-refs like
+ *
+ * [path][?query][#fragment]
+ *
+ * Any optional elements portions not present in the original URI are
+ * left set to NULL in the resulting evhttp_uri. If no port is
+ * specified, the port is set to -1.
+ *
+ * Note that no decoding is performed on percent-escaped characters in
+ * the string; if you want to parse them, use evhttp_uridecode or
+ * evhttp_parse_query_str as appropriate.
+ *
+ * Note also that most URI schemes will have additional constraints that
+ * this function does not know about, and cannot check. For example,
+ * mailto://www.example.com/cgi-bin/fortune.pl is not a reasonable
+ * mailto url, http://www.example.com:99999/ is not a reasonable HTTP
+ * URL, and ftp:username@example.com is not a reasonable FTP URL.
+ * Nevertheless, all of these URLs conform to RFC3986, and this function
+ * accepts all of them as valid.
+ *
+ * @param source_uri the request URI
+ * @param flags Zero or more EVHTTP_URI_* flags to affect the behavior
+ * of the parser.
+ * @return uri container to hold parsed data, or NULL if there is error
+ * @see evhttp_uri_free()
+ */
+struct evhttp_uri *evhttp_uri_parse_with_flags(const char *source_uri,
+ unsigned flags);
+/** Tolerate URIs that do not conform to RFC3986.
+ *
+ * Unfortunately, some HTTP clients generate URIs that, according to RFC3986,
+ * are not conformant URIs. If you need to support these URIs, you can
+ * do so by passing this flag to evhttp_uri_parse_with_flags.
+ *
+ * Currently, these changes are:
+ *
+ * - Nonconformant URIs are allowed to contain otherwise unreasonable
+ * characters in their path, query, and fragment components.
+ *
+ */
+/** Alias for evhttp_uri_parse_with_flags(source_uri, 0) */
+struct evhttp_uri *evhttp_uri_parse(const char *source_uri);
+ * Free all memory allocated for a parsed uri. Only use this for URIs
+ * generated by evhttp_uri_parse.
+ *
+ * @param uri container with parsed data
+ * @see evhttp_uri_parse()
+ */
+void evhttp_uri_free(struct evhttp_uri *uri);
+ * Join together the uri parts from parsed data to form a URI-Reference.
+ *
+ * Note that no escaping of reserved characters is done on the members
+ * of the evhttp_uri, so the generated string might not be a valid URI
+ * unless the members of evhttp_uri are themselves valid.
+ *
+ * @param uri container with parsed data
+ * @param buf destination buffer
+ * @param limit destination buffer size
+ * @return an joined uri as string or NULL on error
+ * @see evhttp_uri_parse()
+ */
+char *evhttp_uri_join(struct evhttp_uri *uri, char *buf, size_t limit);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* EVENT2_HTTP_H_INCLUDED_ */
diff --git a/ios/Pods/CocoaLibEvent/src/event2/http_compat.h b/ios/Pods/CocoaLibEvent/src/event2/http_compat.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..43c2c43e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ios/Pods/CocoaLibEvent/src/event2/http_compat.h
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2007 Niels Provos
+ * Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Niels Provos and Nick Mathewson
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
+ * derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ */
+/** @file event2/http_compat.h
+ Potentially non-threadsafe versions of the functions in http.h: provided
+ only for backwards compatibility.
+ */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {