Diego Mello
[RELEASE] Merge beta into master ( #1282 )
2019-10-07 17:56:30 -03:00
Diego Mello
Update RN to 0.59.8 ( #896 )
* update IOS react native to 0.59.8
* update Android react native to 0.59.8
* fix eslint errors
* Android debug working
* Android build
* Fix lint
* Making jest happy
* Update CircleCI android image
* Fix android build
* Use 32 bits
* Fix iOS build
* Update detox
* Use new Xcode build system
* Use old build system
* Update realm (64 bits support)
2019-05-22 17:15:35 -03:00
Diego Mello
Update dependencies ( #431 )
* Update dependencies
* Lint and test
* Added react-native fork
* rn 57
* Lint and tests updated
* Update xcode on circleci
* Use legacy build system
* Update tests
2018-09-25 16:28:42 -03:00
Diego Mello
[NEW] Message layout ( #426 )
* message container/component
* Separator component
* Reply
* Url
* tests updated
* Minor changes
* Audio component
* Broadcast button
* Minor touches
* Reply preview
* Edited
* Minor bug fixes
* - Update roadmap
- Bump version to 1.2
* Onboarding styles fix
2018-09-11 13:32:52 -03:00
Diego Mello
[NEW] Room Loading( #372 )
<!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
<!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
<!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
2018-07-18 17:34:59 -03:00
Diego Mello
Better image cache component ( #292 )
* react-native-img-cache removed
* Improve list render
* Support <http://link/Text > inside markdown
2018-05-07 17:41:36 -03:00
Diego Mello
Improvements on emoji picker / message box ( #227 )
* Emoji keyboard
* Keyboard emoji working
* animation and flatlist
* fix
* Unread separator animation
* easeInEaseOut animation
2018-02-08 12:08:50 -02:00
Diego Mello
Reactions ( #214 )
* * Tracking emoji
* Fixed users/rooms regex tracking
* Autocomplete emoji
* Toggle reaction
* 'User have reacted' style
* Show who have reacted onLongPress
* Vibration onLongPress
2018-01-30 17:48:26 -02:00