Gleidson Daniel Silva
Chore: Migrate NotificationPreferencesView to hooks ( #4327 )
* add none option
* create showErrorAlertWithEMessage function
* migrate NotificationPreferencesView to hooks and improves overall
* change icon to right
* fix navigation options
* remove none
* fix types
* remove memo
* cleaning
* switching to destructuring
* add observe for hideUnreadStatus
* fix desktop options
* remove unused options
Co-authored-by: Reinaldo Neto <>
2022-08-01 13:35:05 -03:00
Gleidson Daniel Silva
[FIX] Github Actions folder ( #4400 )
2022-07-29 14:18:11 -03:00
Gleidson Daniel Silva
Chore: Try Github Actions ( #4376 )
2022-07-29 14:10:31 -03:00
Reinaldo Neto
[FIX] iFrame login takes user to blank screen ( #4389 )
2022-07-29 01:18:42 -03:00
Gleidson Daniel Silva
[FIX] Add support to non ascii url characters on ios devices ( #4364 )
* add support to non ascii url caracters on ios
* rename module and add tests
* remove last slice
2022-07-28 10:36:40 -03:00
Gleidson Daniel Silva
[IMPROVE] Add support to Linebreak and Katex on markdown ( #4361 )
* fix enableMessageParser logic
* create LineBreak component
* fix code style
* add KaTeX support
* add Katex and Inline Katex stories
* update snapshots
* add color prop
* update snapshot
* update snapshot
2022-07-20 18:02:18 -03:00
Gleidson Daniel Silva
[FIX] Share Extension shows a server that has no user logged in ( #4336 )
* [FIX] Share Extension shows a server that has no user logged in
* set server after login
2022-07-20 17:49:51 -03:00
Diego Mello
Bump version to 4.30.0 ( #4378 )
2022-07-18 16:56:12 -03:00
Diego Mello
Merge 4.29.0 into single-server
2022-07-18 15:05:16 -03:00
Diego Mello
Merge branch 'single-server' into single-server-4.29
# Conflicts:
# android/app/build.gradle
# android/app/src/main/assets/fonts/custom.ttf
# app.json
# app/AppContainer.tsx
# app/actions/actionsTypes.ts
# app/actions/login.ts
# app/actions/room.ts
# app/containers/ActionSheet/ActionSheet.tsx
# app/containers/ActionSheet/BottomSheetContent.tsx
# app/containers/ActionSheet/Button.ts
# app/containers/ActionSheet/Handle.tsx
# app/containers/ActionSheet/Provider.tsx
# app/containers/ActionSheet/styles.ts
# app/containers/AppVersion.tsx
# app/containers/Avatar/Avatar.tsx
# app/containers/Avatar/index.tsx
# app/containers/Avatar/interfaces.ts
# app/containers/CustomIcon/index.tsx
# app/containers/CustomIcon/mappedIcons.js
# app/containers/CustomIcon/selection.json
# app/containers/DirectoryItem/index.tsx
# app/containers/EmojiPicker/CustomEmoji.tsx
# app/containers/EmojiPicker/EmojiCategory.tsx
# app/containers/EmojiPicker/index.tsx
# app/containers/FormContainer.tsx
# app/containers/HeaderButton/Common.tsx
# app/containers/HeaderButton/HeaderButtonItem.tsx
# app/containers/HeaderButton/HeaderButtonItemBadge.tsx
# app/containers/ImageViewer/index.ts
# app/containers/ImageViewer/types.ts
# app/containers/InAppNotification/NotifierComponent.tsx
# app/containers/InAppNotification/index.tsx
# app/containers/KeyboardView.tsx
# app/containers/List/ListContainer.tsx
# app/containers/List/ListItem.tsx
# app/containers/MessageActions/Header.tsx
# app/containers/MessageActions/index.tsx
# app/containers/MessageBox/CommandsPreview/Item.tsx
# app/containers/MessageBox/Mentions/MentionEmoji.tsx
# app/containers/MessageBox/RecordAudio.tsx
# app/containers/MessageBox/forceJpgExtension.ts
# app/containers/MessageBox/index.tsx
# app/containers/MessageBox/styles.ts
# app/containers/MessageErrorActions.tsx
# app/containers/Passcode/Base/Button.tsx
# app/containers/Passcode/Base/Locked.tsx
# app/containers/Passcode/PasscodeEnter.tsx
# app/containers/RoomHeader/RoomHeader.stories.js
# app/containers/RoomHeader/RoomHeader.tsx
# app/containers/RoomHeader/__snapshots__/RoomHeader.stories.storyshot
# app/containers/RoomHeader/index.tsx
# app/containers/RoomItem/Actions.tsx
# app/containers/RoomItem/LastMessage.tsx
# app/containers/RoomItem/RoomItem.tsx
# app/containers/RoomItem/Title.tsx
# app/containers/RoomItem/Touchable.tsx
# app/containers/RoomItem/UpdatedAt.tsx
# app/containers/RoomItem/Wrapper.tsx
# app/containers/RoomItem/index.tsx
# app/containers/RoomItem/interfaces.ts
# app/containers/RoomItem/styles.ts
# app/containers/SearchHeader.tsx
# app/containers/ServerItem/index.tsx
# app/containers/TextInput/FormTextInput.tsx
# app/containers/TextInput/TextInput.stories.js
# app/containers/Toast.tsx
# app/containers/TwoFactor/index.tsx
# app/containers/UIKit/DatePicker.tsx
# app/containers/UIKit/Image.tsx
# app/containers/UIKit/MultiSelect/Chips.tsx
# app/containers/UIKit/MultiSelect/Input.tsx
# app/containers/UIKit/MultiSelect/Items.tsx
# app/containers/UIKit/MultiSelect/index.tsx
# app/containers/UIKit/MultiSelect/styles.ts
# app/containers/UIKit/Select.tsx
# app/containers/UIKit/index.tsx
# app/containers/UIKit/utils.ts
# app/containers/UnreadBadge/index.tsx
# app/containers/UserItem.tsx
# app/containers/markdown/AtMention.tsx
# app/containers/markdown/Emoji.tsx
# app/containers/markdown/Hashtag.tsx
# app/containers/markdown/Link.tsx
# app/containers/markdown/Preview.tsx
# app/containers/markdown/index.tsx
# app/containers/markdown/new/BigEmoji.tsx
# app/containers/markdown/new/Emoji.tsx
# app/containers/markdown/new/Image.tsx
# app/containers/markdown/new/Inline.tsx
# app/containers/markdown/new/Link.tsx
# app/containers/message/Attachments.tsx
# app/containers/message/Audio.tsx
# app/containers/message/Components/CollapsibleQuote/__snapshots__/CollapsibleQuote.stories.storyshot
# app/containers/message/Discussion.tsx
# app/containers/message/Emoji.tsx
# app/containers/message/Image.tsx
# app/containers/message/Message.tsx
# app/containers/message/Reply.tsx
# app/containers/message/Urls.tsx
# app/containers/message/Video.tsx
# app/containers/message/index.tsx
# app/containers/message/interfaces.ts
# app/containers/message/styles.ts
# app/definitions/IEmoji.ts
# app/definitions/IRoom.ts
# app/definitions/ISubscription.ts
# app/definitions/rest/v1/users.ts
# app/definitions/rest/v1/videoConference.ts
# app/ee/omnichannel/containers/OmnichannelHeader/index.tsx
# app/ee/omnichannel/lib/index.ts
# app/ee/omnichannel/lib/subscriptions/inquiry.ts
# app/ee/omnichannel/sagas/inquiry.js
# app/ee/omnichannel/views/QueueListView.tsx
# app/externalModules.d.ts
# app/i18n/index.ts
# app/i18n/locales/ar.json
# app/i18n/locales/de.json
# app/i18n/locales/en.json
# app/i18n/locales/es-ES.json
# app/i18n/locales/fr.json
# app/i18n/locales/it.json
# app/i18n/locales/ja.json
# app/i18n/locales/nl.json
# app/i18n/locales/pt-BR.json
# app/i18n/locales/ru.json
# app/i18n/locales/tr.json
# app/i18n/locales/zh-CN.json
# app/i18n/locales/zh-TW.json
# app/index.tsx
# app/lib/constants/colors.ts
# app/lib/constants/defaultSettings.ts
# app/lib/constants/links.ts
# app/lib/database/index.ts
# app/lib/database/model/migrations.js
# app/lib/database/schema/app.js
# app/lib/encryption/encryption.ts
# app/lib/encryption/room.ts
# app/lib/encryption/utils.ts
# app/lib/hooks/index.ts
# app/lib/methods/actions.ts
# app/lib/methods/callJitsi.ts
# app/lib/methods/enterpriseModules.ts
# app/lib/methods/getCustomEmojis.ts
# app/lib/methods/getPermalinks.ts
# app/lib/methods/getPermissions.ts
# app/lib/methods/getRoles.ts
# app/lib/methods/getSettings.ts
# app/lib/methods/getSlashCommands.ts
# app/lib/methods/getThreadName.ts
# app/lib/methods/getUsersPresence.ts
# app/lib/methods/helpers/mergeSubscriptionsRooms.ts
# app/lib/methods/helpers/showToast.ts
# app/lib/methods/index.ts
# app/lib/methods/loadMessagesForRoom.ts
# app/lib/methods/loadMissedMessages.ts
# app/lib/methods/loadNextMessages.ts
# app/lib/methods/loadSurroundingMessages.ts
# app/lib/methods/loadThreadMessages.ts
# app/lib/methods/logout.ts
# app/lib/methods/readMessages.ts
# app/lib/methods/search.ts
# app/lib/methods/sendFileMessage.ts
# app/lib/methods/sendMessage.ts
# app/lib/methods/setUser.ts
# app/lib/methods/shareExtension.ts
# app/lib/methods/subscribeRooms.ts
# app/lib/methods/subscriptions/room.ts
# app/lib/methods/subscriptions/rooms.ts
# app/lib/navigation/appNavigation.ts
# app/lib/navigation/shareNavigation.ts
# app/lib/notifications/push.ts
# app/lib/services/connect.ts
# app/lib/services/restApi.ts
# app/lib/services/sdk.ts
# app/presentation/ImageViewer/index.js
# app/presentation/ImageViewer/index.ts
# app/presentation/ImageViewer/types.js
# app/presentation/ImageViewer/types.ts
# app/reducers/login.ts
# app/reducers/room.test.ts
# app/sagas/createChannel.js
# app/sagas/createDiscussion.js
# app/sagas/deepLinking.js
# app/sagas/encryption.js
# app/sagas/init.js
# app/sagas/inviteLinks.js
# app/sagas/login.js
# app/sagas/messages.js
# app/sagas/room.js
# app/sagas/selectServer.js
# app/sagas/state.js
# app/share.tsx
# app/stacks/InsideStack.tsx
# app/stacks/MasterDetailStack/index.tsx
# app/stacks/MasterDetailStack/types.ts
# app/stacks/OutsideStack.tsx
# app/stacks/types.ts
# app/views/AddExistingChannelView.tsx
# app/views/AttachmentView.tsx
# app/views/AuthenticationWebView.tsx
# app/views/AutoTranslateView/index.tsx
# app/views/CannedResponseDetail.tsx
# app/views/CannedResponsesListView/Dropdown/DropdownItem.tsx
# app/views/CannedResponsesListView/index.tsx
# app/views/ChangePasscodeView.tsx
# app/views/CreateChannelView.tsx
# app/views/CreateDiscussionView/SelectChannel.tsx
# app/views/CreateDiscussionView/SelectUsers.tsx
# app/views/CreateDiscussionView/index.tsx
# app/views/CreateDiscussionView/interfaces.ts
# app/views/DefaultBrowserView.tsx
# app/views/DirectoryView/Options.tsx
# app/views/DirectoryView/index.tsx
# app/views/DiscussionsView/Item.tsx
# app/views/DiscussionsView/__snapshots__/Item.stories.storyshot
# app/views/DiscussionsView/index.tsx
# app/views/DisplayPrefsView.tsx
# app/views/E2EEncryptionSecurityView.tsx
# app/views/E2EEnterYourPasswordView.tsx
# app/views/E2ESaveYourPasswordView.tsx
# app/views/ForgotPasswordView.tsx
# app/views/ForwardLivechatView.tsx
# app/views/InviteUsersEditView/index.tsx
# app/views/InviteUsersView/index.tsx
# app/views/JitsiMeetView.tsx
# app/views/LanguageView/index.tsx
# app/views/LegalView.tsx
# app/views/LivechatEditView.tsx
# app/views/LoginView.tsx
# app/views/MarkdownTableView.tsx
# app/views/MessagesView/index.tsx
# app/views/ModalBlockView.tsx
# app/views/NewMessageView.tsx
# app/views/NewServerView/ServerInput/Item.tsx
# app/views/NewServerView/ServerInput/index.tsx
# app/views/NewServerView/index.tsx
# app/views/NotificationPreferencesView/index.tsx
# app/views/PickerView.tsx
# app/views/ProfileView/index.tsx
# app/views/RegisterView.tsx
# app/views/RoomActionsView/index.tsx
# app/views/RoomInfoEditView/index.tsx
# app/views/RoomInfoView/index.tsx
# app/views/RoomMembersView/index.tsx
# app/views/RoomView/JoinCode.tsx
# app/views/RoomView/LeftButtons.tsx
# app/views/RoomView/List/List.tsx
# app/views/RoomView/List/NavBottomFAB.tsx
# app/views/RoomView/List/index.tsx
# app/views/RoomView/LoadMore/__snapshots__/LoadMore.stories.storyshot
# app/views/RoomView/LoadMore/index.tsx
# app/views/RoomView/ReactionPicker.tsx
# app/views/RoomView/RightButtons.tsx
# app/views/RoomView/UploadProgress.tsx
# app/views/RoomView/index.tsx
# app/views/RoomsListView/Header/Header.tsx
# app/views/RoomsListView/Header/index.tsx
# app/views/RoomsListView/ServerDropdown.tsx
# app/views/RoomsListView/index.tsx
# app/views/ScreenLockConfigView.tsx
# app/views/ScreenLockedView.tsx
# app/views/SearchMessagesView/index.tsx
# app/views/SecurityPrivacyView.tsx
# app/views/SelectListView.tsx
# app/views/SelectedUsersView.tsx
# app/views/SendEmailConfirmationView.tsx
# app/views/SetUsernameView.tsx
# app/views/SettingsView/index.tsx
# app/views/ShareListView/Header/Header.ios.tsx
# app/views/ShareListView/Header/Header.tsx
# app/views/ShareListView/index.tsx
# app/views/ShareListView/styles.ts
# app/views/ShareView/Header.tsx
# app/views/ShareView/Preview.tsx
# app/views/ShareView/Thumbs.tsx
# app/views/ShareView/index.tsx
# app/views/ShareView/utils.ts
# app/views/SidebarView/SidebarItem.tsx
# app/views/SidebarView/index.tsx
# app/views/StatusView/index.tsx
# app/views/TeamChannelsView.tsx
# app/views/ThemeView.tsx
# app/views/ThreadMessagesView/Dropdown/DropdownItem.tsx
# app/views/ThreadMessagesView/Dropdown/index.tsx
# app/views/ThreadMessagesView/Item.tsx
# app/views/ThreadMessagesView/__snapshots__/Item.stories.storyshot
# app/views/ThreadMessagesView/index.tsx
# app/views/UserPreferencesView/index.tsx
# app/views/WorkspaceView/ServerAvatar.tsx
# docs/
# e2e/tests/assorted/03-profile.spec.js
# e2e/tests/assorted/06-status.spec.js
# e2e/tests/room/03-roomactions.spec.js
# e2e/tests/room/08-roominfo.spec.js
# ios/Gemfile.lock
# ios/Podfile.lock
# ios/RocketChatRN.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
# ios/RocketChatRN/Info.plist
# ios/ShareRocketChatRN/Info.plist
# ios/custom.ttf
# jest.setup.js
# package.json
# storybook/stories/HeaderButtons.js
# storybook/stories/Markdown.tsx
# storybook/stories/NewMarkdown.js
# storybook/stories/RoomItem.js
# storybook/stories/__snapshots__/Avatar.storyshot
# storybook/stories/__snapshots__/HeaderButtons.storyshot
# storybook/stories/__snapshots__/List.storyshot
# storybook/stories/__snapshots__/Markdown.storyshot
# storybook/stories/__snapshots__/Message.storyshot
# storybook/stories/__snapshots__/NewMarkdown.storyshot
# storybook/stories/__snapshots__/RoomItem.storyshot
# storybook/stories/__snapshots__/ServerItem.storyshot
# storybook/stories/index.js
# yarn.lock
2022-07-18 14:48:17 -03:00
Reinaldo Neto
[FIX] Rename done to save on Status View ( #4363 )
2022-07-15 17:44:24 -03:00
Reinaldo Neto
[FIX] User status update with hooks ( #4362 )
* [FIX] User status update with hooks
* add log
* fix dispatch
Co-authored-by: GleidsonDaniel <>
2022-07-15 17:18:36 -03:00
Reinaldo Neto
[IMPROVE] Support for tag request close when is obligatory to close Omnichannel's Channel ( #4353 )
* [IMPROVE] Support for tag request close
* clean up
* refactor isObrigatory and value
* fix obligatory
* removed onSubmitEditing
* create closelivechatview
* Refactor Close Omnichannel from ActionSheet to a new Screen
* Fix navigation
* fix screen title
* back to before actionsheetwithinput
* added string in pt-br
* refactor canSubmit
* fix the method closeRoom
* comment of server's version
* some tweaks
* Update app/lib/services/restApi.ts
Co-authored-by: Gleidson Daniel Silva <>
2022-07-15 17:06:27 -03:00
Gleidson Daniel Silva
[IMPROVE] Set native theme when launching the app ( #4365 )
2022-07-15 13:39:07 -03:00
Reinaldo Neto
[FIX] HashTag markdown not working on stories ( #4357 )
* [FIX] Storybook Markdown Hashtag
* Fix storyshot
2022-07-14 15:30:15 -03:00
Reinaldo Neto
Regression: Status of Omnichannel's Icon isn't working in RoomsListView ( #4356 )
* Regression: Status of Omnichannel's Icon isn't working in RoomsListView
* clean
2022-07-14 14:18:45 -03:00
Danish Ahmed Mirza
[IMPROVE] Migrate UIKit/MultiSelect to ActionSheet ( #4255 )
* Migrate UIKit/MultiSelect to ActionSheet
* Fix no options initially on CreateDiscussion view
* Change backgroundColor and use colors from useTheme
* Define missing types
* onSearch function for the ActionSheet
* Add onClose function to the ActionSheet and use colors from useTheme
* fix theme and bottomSheet
* fix actionSheet
* fix style
Co-authored-by: GleidsonDaniel <>
2022-07-13 16:31:58 -03:00
Diego Mello
Chore: Update icon set ( #4355 )
2022-07-13 14:09:15 -03:00
Gleidson Daniel Silva
[FIX] Room header not updating when room type changes ( #4330 )
2022-07-06 17:08:50 -03:00
Gleidson Daniel Silva
[FIX] User status update ( #4333 )
2022-07-06 17:05:13 -03:00
Diego Mello
[FIX] Markdown not rendering emojis correctly on server version 5.0.0 ( #4343 )
2022-07-06 17:01:33 -03:00
Gleidson Daniel Silva
[FIX] Add hoistNonReactStatics to withActionSheet hoc ( #4331 )
2022-07-06 16:57:00 -03:00
Diego Mello
[IMPROVE] Make message parser default ( #4339 )
2022-07-06 12:43:50 -03:00
Alex Junior
[IMPROVE] Use UI Elements from react-navigation ( #4314 )
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>
2022-07-06 10:23:02 -03:00
Gleidson Daniel Silva
[FIX]: Add showInput prop to show actionSheetContent without input ( #4335 )
2022-07-05 17:41:42 -03:00
Diego Mello
Revert "[FIX] Form re-rendering on RoomInfoEditView when app receives newer data from stream ( #4220 )" ( #4340 )
This reverts commit d47320733a
2022-07-04 18:05:58 -03:00
Diego Mello
Revert "Chore: Migration to Hooks - Markdown ( #4264 )" ( #4338 )
This reverts commit 4fd0084bc1
2022-07-04 15:10:14 -03:00
Diego Mello
Regression: missing comma on i18n file ( #4320 )
2022-06-27 19:33:44 -03:00
Alex Junior
Chore: Migration to Hooks - Markdown ( #4264 )
* chore: migrate TextInput from class to functional
* changing from themes[theme] to colors
* removing markdown theme props from other files
* adding a force update and fix a stories
* adding testID and tests for markdown
* fixing some interfaces
* minor tweak
Co-authored-by: GleidsonDaniel <>
2022-06-27 18:27:22 -03:00
Reinaldo Neto
[IMPROVE] Migrate away from react-native-prompt-android to action sheet ( #4300 )
* Chore: Migrate away from react-native-prompt-android to action sheet
* fix header provile view with action sheet
* finished change password
* Close livechat and removed closeRoom dispatch
* remove lib react-native-prompt-android
* fix right buttons
* fix profile view in tablets
* fix action and room action for tablets
* remove onSubmitEditing
* fix keyboard for android tablet in landscape
* create base for actionSheet containers
* migrate EnterPasswordSheet to base
* migrate to base component
* fix colors and copy
* remove secure entry
* fix onSubmit
* fix android animation
Co-authored-by: GleidsonDaniel <>
2022-06-27 16:03:24 -03:00
Alex Junior
Chore: Migration to Hooks - FormTextInput ( #4256 )
* chore: migrate TextInput from class to functional
* removing the theme props
* adding tests for the FormTextInput
* minor tweak
* applying changes requested
* changing the way we import/export the FormTextInput and TextInput
* removing left comments
* minor tweak
* fix import
Co-authored-by: GleidsonDaniel <>
2022-06-27 15:46:59 -03:00
Gleidson Daniel Silva
Chore: Migrate RoomItem to Hooks ( #4310 )
* migrate roomItem to ts and fix some types
* remove unnecessary verification
* fix types
* fix SubscriptionType
* review
* remove theme prop driling and change file to tsx
* Fix component not re-rendering
* Remove a few props from attrs
* Remove accessibilityLabel state
* Fix propsAreEqual
* Fix cleanup
* Remove ts-ignore
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>
2022-06-27 15:23:43 -03:00
Alex Junior
Chore: Upgrade react-native-vector-icons from 8.1.0 to 9.1.0 ( #4175 )
* chore: upgrade `react-native-vector-icons` from 8.1.0 to 9.1.0
* all this storyshot added this `selectable: false`
* reversing file committed by mistake
* reverting the `cocoapods` version to the develop version.
* updating some snaps after merge with develop
Co-authored-by: Gleidson Daniel Silva <>
2022-06-27 15:15:15 -03:00
Gleidson Daniel Silva
[NEW] Basic support for Video Conf ( #4307 )
* create livechat video conf feature
* add handler to call url
* remove webview and change to openUrl
* Checking settings
* stash
* add action sheet on click init and ad more handlers
* fix logic and call to create a video conf
* change JitsiMeetView from InsideStack to ChatStack to remove modal animation
* fix error logic
* fix stack
* fix comma
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>
2022-06-27 15:04:20 -03:00
Language update from LingoHub 🤖 on 2022-06-27Z ( #4319 )
Project Name: Rocket.Chat.ReactNative
Project Link:
User: Robot LingoHub
Easy language translations with LingoHub 🚀
Co-authored-by: Robot LingoHub <>
2022-06-27 09:51:55 -03:00
Diego Mello
Chore: Update gems ( #4318 )
2022-06-24 17:50:44 -03:00
Diego Mello
Chore: Resolve jpeg-js 0.4.4 ( #4317 )
2022-06-24 15:13:56 -03:00
Danish Ahmed Mirza
[NEW] ImageViewer animations using new API from `react-native-gesture-handler` and `react-native-reanimated` v2 ( #4221 )
* Update ImageViewer to reanimated and RNGH v2 API
* Move styles outside the component
* Fix issues with pinch gesture
Co-authored-by: Gleidson Daniel Silva <>
2022-06-23 17:19:42 -03:00
Reinaldo Neto
[FIX] Announcement field triggers password suggestion ( #4305 )
Co-authored-by: Gleidson Daniel Silva <>
2022-06-23 17:10:48 -03:00
Gleidson Daniel Silva
[FIX] Change password not working on some cases ( #4312 )
* create iTotp enum
* migrate change user profile to method
* Fix minor i18n issues
* Use saveUserProfileMethod from Services
* Catch cancel event from TwoFactor modal
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>
2022-06-23 16:59:57 -03:00
Reinaldo Neto
Chore: Migrate LoginServices to Hooks ( #4216 )
* Chore: Migrate LoginServices to Hooks
* fix lint
* change theme to colors
* back the separator as props
* refactor loginservice to folder
* refactor component login services
* Tests to LoginService's components
* finished loginservices
* Chore: Migrate LoginServices to Hooks
* fix lint
* change theme to colors
* back the separator as props
* refactor loginservice to folder
* refactor component login services
* Tests to LoginService's components
* finished loginservices
* fix location
* refactor TLoginStyle
* fix imports
* refactor lets to ref
Co-authored-by: Gleidson Daniel Silva <>
2022-06-23 09:56:15 -03:00
Gleidson Daniel Silva
Chore: Migrate containers/Toast to hooks ( #4309 )
2022-06-22 09:32:57 -03:00
Gleidson Daniel Silva
[NEW] Delete my account ( #4219 )
* create new delete account button
Co-Authored-By: Danish Ahmed Mirza <>
* change modal to action sheet
* better naming
* remove ? from translation
* update translations
* change to new figma layout
* fix export
* remove unused state
* add new text input to base input
* clean up
* update bottom sheet and create a mock
* remove unecessary bracket and fix type
* fix header
* migrate buttons to action sheet
* fix imports
* update yarn.lock
* add separator to styles
* add ternary verification
* minor tweaks: keyboard for landscape android tablet, interface IactionSheetProvider and remove navigation options to get ismasterdetail from redux, fix jest setup
* fix colors
* disconnect from sdk when delete the account
* update snapshot
Co-authored-by: Danish Ahmed Mirza <>
Co-authored-by: Reinaldo Neto <>
2022-06-22 09:24:25 -03:00
Reinaldo Neto
[FIX] Unresponsive status icons on Directory View and Share View ( #4303 )
2022-06-21 16:44:02 -03:00
Reinaldo Neto
[FIX] Remove servers offline from server list ( #4286 )
2022-06-21 16:40:29 -03:00
Danish Ahmed Mirza
[FIX] Rooms are losing the time after search ( #3722 )
Co-authored-by: Reinaldo Neto <>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>
2022-06-21 16:35:51 -03:00
Reinaldo Neto
[FIX] Avatar pixel size ( #4285 )
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>
2022-06-21 16:23:55 -03:00
Gleidson Daniel Silva
[FIX] In some discussions you haven't joined yet, messages are not being loaded. ( #4269 )
* fix discussions not loadings
* Adds one more layer of verification to get the correct room type
2022-06-14 13:12:44 -03:00
Reinaldo Neto
Chore: Hooks - create usePermissions ( #4190 )
* Chore: Hooks - create custom hook usePermissions
* minor tweak
* Change usage of usePermissiosn on LivechatEditView
* Create getPermissionsSelector
* Simplify selector
* Simplify userRoles
* First render with permissions array length of false
* Move roles state closer to each other
* useSubscription (not working, but looking cool)
* at least it's working now
* working
* cleanup
* solve ts return
* Change it to useSubscriptionRoles only and check for diff on the state
* Remove IAppState
* Minor tweak to work properly useSubscriptionRoles
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>
2022-06-13 17:36:54 -03:00
Reinaldo Neto
Chore: Hooks - migrate RoomHeader to hook ( #4200 )
* roomHeader hook
* minor tweak
* Fix ts stuffs
* fix colors
* refactor
2022-06-13 17:16:20 -03:00