Commit Graph

163 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Diego Mello 3650a3fe94 Merge branch 'single-server' into single-server-4.29
# Conflicts:
#	android/app/build.gradle
#	android/app/src/main/assets/fonts/custom.ttf
#	app.json
#	app/AppContainer.tsx
#	app/actions/actionsTypes.ts
#	app/actions/login.ts
#	app/actions/room.ts
#	app/containers/ActionSheet/ActionSheet.tsx
#	app/containers/ActionSheet/BottomSheetContent.tsx
#	app/containers/ActionSheet/Button.ts
#	app/containers/ActionSheet/Handle.tsx
#	app/containers/ActionSheet/Provider.tsx
#	app/containers/ActionSheet/styles.ts
#	app/containers/AppVersion.tsx
#	app/containers/Avatar/Avatar.tsx
#	app/containers/Avatar/index.tsx
#	app/containers/Avatar/interfaces.ts
#	app/containers/CustomIcon/index.tsx
#	app/containers/CustomIcon/mappedIcons.js
#	app/containers/CustomIcon/selection.json
#	app/containers/DirectoryItem/index.tsx
#	app/containers/EmojiPicker/CustomEmoji.tsx
#	app/containers/EmojiPicker/EmojiCategory.tsx
#	app/containers/EmojiPicker/index.tsx
#	app/containers/FormContainer.tsx
#	app/containers/HeaderButton/Common.tsx
#	app/containers/HeaderButton/HeaderButtonItem.tsx
#	app/containers/HeaderButton/HeaderButtonItemBadge.tsx
#	app/containers/ImageViewer/index.ts
#	app/containers/ImageViewer/types.ts
#	app/containers/InAppNotification/NotifierComponent.tsx
#	app/containers/InAppNotification/index.tsx
#	app/containers/KeyboardView.tsx
#	app/containers/List/ListContainer.tsx
#	app/containers/List/ListItem.tsx
#	app/containers/MessageActions/Header.tsx
#	app/containers/MessageActions/index.tsx
#	app/containers/MessageBox/CommandsPreview/Item.tsx
#	app/containers/MessageBox/Mentions/MentionEmoji.tsx
#	app/containers/MessageBox/RecordAudio.tsx
#	app/containers/MessageBox/forceJpgExtension.ts
#	app/containers/MessageBox/index.tsx
#	app/containers/MessageBox/styles.ts
#	app/containers/MessageErrorActions.tsx
#	app/containers/Passcode/Base/Button.tsx
#	app/containers/Passcode/Base/Locked.tsx
#	app/containers/Passcode/PasscodeEnter.tsx
#	app/containers/RoomHeader/RoomHeader.stories.js
#	app/containers/RoomHeader/RoomHeader.tsx
#	app/containers/RoomHeader/__snapshots__/RoomHeader.stories.storyshot
#	app/containers/RoomHeader/index.tsx
#	app/containers/RoomItem/Actions.tsx
#	app/containers/RoomItem/LastMessage.tsx
#	app/containers/RoomItem/RoomItem.tsx
#	app/containers/RoomItem/Title.tsx
#	app/containers/RoomItem/Touchable.tsx
#	app/containers/RoomItem/UpdatedAt.tsx
#	app/containers/RoomItem/Wrapper.tsx
#	app/containers/RoomItem/index.tsx
#	app/containers/RoomItem/interfaces.ts
#	app/containers/RoomItem/styles.ts
#	app/containers/SearchHeader.tsx
#	app/containers/ServerItem/index.tsx
#	app/containers/TextInput/FormTextInput.tsx
#	app/containers/TextInput/TextInput.stories.js
#	app/containers/Toast.tsx
#	app/containers/TwoFactor/index.tsx
#	app/containers/UIKit/DatePicker.tsx
#	app/containers/UIKit/Image.tsx
#	app/containers/UIKit/MultiSelect/Chips.tsx
#	app/containers/UIKit/MultiSelect/Input.tsx
#	app/containers/UIKit/MultiSelect/Items.tsx
#	app/containers/UIKit/MultiSelect/index.tsx
#	app/containers/UIKit/MultiSelect/styles.ts
#	app/containers/UIKit/Select.tsx
#	app/containers/UIKit/index.tsx
#	app/containers/UIKit/utils.ts
#	app/containers/UnreadBadge/index.tsx
#	app/containers/UserItem.tsx
#	app/containers/markdown/AtMention.tsx
#	app/containers/markdown/Emoji.tsx
#	app/containers/markdown/Hashtag.tsx
#	app/containers/markdown/Link.tsx
#	app/containers/markdown/Preview.tsx
#	app/containers/markdown/index.tsx
#	app/containers/markdown/new/BigEmoji.tsx
#	app/containers/markdown/new/Emoji.tsx
#	app/containers/markdown/new/Image.tsx
#	app/containers/markdown/new/Inline.tsx
#	app/containers/markdown/new/Link.tsx
#	app/containers/message/Attachments.tsx
#	app/containers/message/Audio.tsx
#	app/containers/message/Components/CollapsibleQuote/__snapshots__/CollapsibleQuote.stories.storyshot
#	app/containers/message/Discussion.tsx
#	app/containers/message/Emoji.tsx
#	app/containers/message/Image.tsx
#	app/containers/message/Message.tsx
#	app/containers/message/Reply.tsx
#	app/containers/message/Urls.tsx
#	app/containers/message/Video.tsx
#	app/containers/message/index.tsx
#	app/containers/message/interfaces.ts
#	app/containers/message/styles.ts
#	app/definitions/IEmoji.ts
#	app/definitions/IRoom.ts
#	app/definitions/ISubscription.ts
#	app/definitions/rest/v1/users.ts
#	app/definitions/rest/v1/videoConference.ts
#	app/ee/omnichannel/containers/OmnichannelHeader/index.tsx
#	app/ee/omnichannel/lib/index.ts
#	app/ee/omnichannel/lib/subscriptions/inquiry.ts
#	app/ee/omnichannel/sagas/inquiry.js
#	app/ee/omnichannel/views/QueueListView.tsx
#	app/externalModules.d.ts
#	app/i18n/index.ts
#	app/i18n/locales/ar.json
#	app/i18n/locales/de.json
#	app/i18n/locales/en.json
#	app/i18n/locales/es-ES.json
#	app/i18n/locales/fr.json
#	app/i18n/locales/it.json
#	app/i18n/locales/ja.json
#	app/i18n/locales/nl.json
#	app/i18n/locales/pt-BR.json
#	app/i18n/locales/ru.json
#	app/i18n/locales/tr.json
#	app/i18n/locales/zh-CN.json
#	app/i18n/locales/zh-TW.json
#	app/index.tsx
#	app/lib/constants/colors.ts
#	app/lib/constants/defaultSettings.ts
#	app/lib/constants/links.ts
#	app/lib/database/index.ts
#	app/lib/database/model/migrations.js
#	app/lib/database/schema/app.js
#	app/lib/encryption/encryption.ts
#	app/lib/encryption/room.ts
#	app/lib/encryption/utils.ts
#	app/lib/hooks/index.ts
#	app/lib/methods/actions.ts
#	app/lib/methods/callJitsi.ts
#	app/lib/methods/enterpriseModules.ts
#	app/lib/methods/getCustomEmojis.ts
#	app/lib/methods/getPermalinks.ts
#	app/lib/methods/getPermissions.ts
#	app/lib/methods/getRoles.ts
#	app/lib/methods/getSettings.ts
#	app/lib/methods/getSlashCommands.ts
#	app/lib/methods/getThreadName.ts
#	app/lib/methods/getUsersPresence.ts
#	app/lib/methods/helpers/mergeSubscriptionsRooms.ts
#	app/lib/methods/helpers/showToast.ts
#	app/lib/methods/index.ts
#	app/lib/methods/loadMessagesForRoom.ts
#	app/lib/methods/loadMissedMessages.ts
#	app/lib/methods/loadNextMessages.ts
#	app/lib/methods/loadSurroundingMessages.ts
#	app/lib/methods/loadThreadMessages.ts
#	app/lib/methods/logout.ts
#	app/lib/methods/readMessages.ts
#	app/lib/methods/search.ts
#	app/lib/methods/sendFileMessage.ts
#	app/lib/methods/sendMessage.ts
#	app/lib/methods/setUser.ts
#	app/lib/methods/shareExtension.ts
#	app/lib/methods/subscribeRooms.ts
#	app/lib/methods/subscriptions/room.ts
#	app/lib/methods/subscriptions/rooms.ts
#	app/lib/navigation/appNavigation.ts
#	app/lib/navigation/shareNavigation.ts
#	app/lib/notifications/push.ts
#	app/lib/services/connect.ts
#	app/lib/services/restApi.ts
#	app/lib/services/sdk.ts
#	app/presentation/ImageViewer/index.js
#	app/presentation/ImageViewer/index.ts
#	app/presentation/ImageViewer/types.js
#	app/presentation/ImageViewer/types.ts
#	app/reducers/login.ts
#	app/reducers/room.test.ts
#	app/sagas/createChannel.js
#	app/sagas/createDiscussion.js
#	app/sagas/deepLinking.js
#	app/sagas/encryption.js
#	app/sagas/init.js
#	app/sagas/inviteLinks.js
#	app/sagas/login.js
#	app/sagas/messages.js
#	app/sagas/room.js
#	app/sagas/selectServer.js
#	app/sagas/state.js
#	app/share.tsx
#	app/stacks/InsideStack.tsx
#	app/stacks/MasterDetailStack/index.tsx
#	app/stacks/MasterDetailStack/types.ts
#	app/stacks/OutsideStack.tsx
#	app/stacks/types.ts
#	app/views/AddExistingChannelView.tsx
#	app/views/AttachmentView.tsx
#	app/views/AuthenticationWebView.tsx
#	app/views/AutoTranslateView/index.tsx
#	app/views/CannedResponseDetail.tsx
#	app/views/CannedResponsesListView/Dropdown/DropdownItem.tsx
#	app/views/CannedResponsesListView/index.tsx
#	app/views/ChangePasscodeView.tsx
#	app/views/CreateChannelView.tsx
#	app/views/CreateDiscussionView/SelectChannel.tsx
#	app/views/CreateDiscussionView/SelectUsers.tsx
#	app/views/CreateDiscussionView/index.tsx
#	app/views/CreateDiscussionView/interfaces.ts
#	app/views/DefaultBrowserView.tsx
#	app/views/DirectoryView/Options.tsx
#	app/views/DirectoryView/index.tsx
#	app/views/DiscussionsView/Item.tsx
#	app/views/DiscussionsView/__snapshots__/Item.stories.storyshot
#	app/views/DiscussionsView/index.tsx
#	app/views/DisplayPrefsView.tsx
#	app/views/E2EEncryptionSecurityView.tsx
#	app/views/E2EEnterYourPasswordView.tsx
#	app/views/E2ESaveYourPasswordView.tsx
#	app/views/ForgotPasswordView.tsx
#	app/views/ForwardLivechatView.tsx
#	app/views/InviteUsersEditView/index.tsx
#	app/views/InviteUsersView/index.tsx
#	app/views/JitsiMeetView.tsx
#	app/views/LanguageView/index.tsx
#	app/views/LegalView.tsx
#	app/views/LivechatEditView.tsx
#	app/views/LoginView.tsx
#	app/views/MarkdownTableView.tsx
#	app/views/MessagesView/index.tsx
#	app/views/ModalBlockView.tsx
#	app/views/NewMessageView.tsx
#	app/views/NewServerView/ServerInput/Item.tsx
#	app/views/NewServerView/ServerInput/index.tsx
#	app/views/NewServerView/index.tsx
#	app/views/NotificationPreferencesView/index.tsx
#	app/views/PickerView.tsx
#	app/views/ProfileView/index.tsx
#	app/views/RegisterView.tsx
#	app/views/RoomActionsView/index.tsx
#	app/views/RoomInfoEditView/index.tsx
#	app/views/RoomInfoView/index.tsx
#	app/views/RoomMembersView/index.tsx
#	app/views/RoomView/JoinCode.tsx
#	app/views/RoomView/LeftButtons.tsx
#	app/views/RoomView/List/List.tsx
#	app/views/RoomView/List/NavBottomFAB.tsx
#	app/views/RoomView/List/index.tsx
#	app/views/RoomView/LoadMore/__snapshots__/LoadMore.stories.storyshot
#	app/views/RoomView/LoadMore/index.tsx
#	app/views/RoomView/ReactionPicker.tsx
#	app/views/RoomView/RightButtons.tsx
#	app/views/RoomView/UploadProgress.tsx
#	app/views/RoomView/index.tsx
#	app/views/RoomsListView/Header/Header.tsx
#	app/views/RoomsListView/Header/index.tsx
#	app/views/RoomsListView/ServerDropdown.tsx
#	app/views/RoomsListView/index.tsx
#	app/views/ScreenLockConfigView.tsx
#	app/views/ScreenLockedView.tsx
#	app/views/SearchMessagesView/index.tsx
#	app/views/SecurityPrivacyView.tsx
#	app/views/SelectListView.tsx
#	app/views/SelectedUsersView.tsx
#	app/views/SendEmailConfirmationView.tsx
#	app/views/SetUsernameView.tsx
#	app/views/SettingsView/index.tsx
#	app/views/ShareListView/Header/Header.ios.tsx
#	app/views/ShareListView/Header/Header.tsx
#	app/views/ShareListView/index.tsx
#	app/views/ShareListView/styles.ts
#	app/views/ShareView/Header.tsx
#	app/views/ShareView/Preview.tsx
#	app/views/ShareView/Thumbs.tsx
#	app/views/ShareView/index.tsx
#	app/views/ShareView/utils.ts
#	app/views/SidebarView/SidebarItem.tsx
#	app/views/SidebarView/index.tsx
#	app/views/StatusView/index.tsx
#	app/views/TeamChannelsView.tsx
#	app/views/ThemeView.tsx
#	app/views/ThreadMessagesView/Dropdown/DropdownItem.tsx
#	app/views/ThreadMessagesView/Dropdown/index.tsx
#	app/views/ThreadMessagesView/Item.tsx
#	app/views/ThreadMessagesView/__snapshots__/Item.stories.storyshot
#	app/views/ThreadMessagesView/index.tsx
#	app/views/UserPreferencesView/index.tsx
#	app/views/WorkspaceView/ServerAvatar.tsx
#	docs/
#	e2e/tests/assorted/03-profile.spec.js
#	e2e/tests/assorted/06-status.spec.js
#	e2e/tests/room/03-roomactions.spec.js
#	e2e/tests/room/08-roominfo.spec.js
#	ios/Gemfile.lock
#	ios/Podfile.lock
#	ios/RocketChatRN.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
#	ios/RocketChatRN/Info.plist
#	ios/ShareRocketChatRN/Info.plist
#	ios/custom.ttf
#	jest.setup.js
#	package.json
#	storybook/stories/HeaderButtons.js
#	storybook/stories/Markdown.tsx
#	storybook/stories/NewMarkdown.js
#	storybook/stories/RoomItem.js
#	storybook/stories/__snapshots__/Avatar.storyshot
#	storybook/stories/__snapshots__/HeaderButtons.storyshot
#	storybook/stories/__snapshots__/List.storyshot
#	storybook/stories/__snapshots__/Markdown.storyshot
#	storybook/stories/__snapshots__/Message.storyshot
#	storybook/stories/__snapshots__/NewMarkdown.storyshot
#	storybook/stories/__snapshots__/RoomItem.storyshot
#	storybook/stories/__snapshots__/ServerItem.storyshot
#	storybook/stories/index.js
#	yarn.lock
2022-07-18 14:48:17 -03:00
Reinaldo Neto 90c1b0a97f
[FIX] HashTag markdown not working on stories (#4357)
* [FIX] Storybook Markdown Hashtag

* Fix storyshot
2022-07-14 15:30:15 -03:00
Diego Mello 785ae0325b
Chore: Update icon set (#4355) 2022-07-13 14:09:15 -03:00
Alex Junior 1027b6c9e6
[IMPROVE] Use UI Elements from react-navigation (#4314)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>
2022-07-06 10:23:02 -03:00
Diego Mello 3072bbd5b3
Revert "Chore: Migration to Hooks - Markdown (#4264)" (#4338)
This reverts commit 4fd0084bc1.
2022-07-04 15:10:14 -03:00
Alex Junior 4fd0084bc1
Chore: Migration to Hooks - Markdown (#4264)
* chore: migrate TextInput from class to functional

* changing from themes[theme] to colors

* removing markdown theme props from other files

* adding a force update and fix a stories

* adding testID and tests for markdown

* fixing some interfaces

* minor tweak

Co-authored-by: GleidsonDaniel <>
2022-06-27 18:27:22 -03:00
Alex Junior 4b25fde8f6
Chore: Upgrade react-native-vector-icons from 8.1.0 to 9.1.0 (#4175)
* chore: upgrade `react-native-vector-icons` from 8.1.0 to 9.1.0

* all this storyshot added this `selectable: false`

* reversing file committed by mistake

* reverting the `cocoapods` version to the develop version.

* updating some snaps after merge with develop

Co-authored-by: Gleidson Daniel Silva <>
2022-06-27 15:15:15 -03:00
Reinaldo Neto bc09527d78
Chore: Migrate LoginServices to Hooks (#4216)
* Chore: Migrate LoginServices to Hooks

* fix lint

* change theme to colors

* back the separator as props

* refactor loginservice to folder

* refactor component login services

* Tests to LoginService's components

* finished loginservices

* Chore: Migrate LoginServices to Hooks

* fix lint

* change theme to colors

* back the separator as props

* refactor loginservice to folder

* refactor component login services

* Tests to LoginService's components

* finished loginservices

* fix location

* refactor TLoginStyle

* fix imports

* refactor lets to ref

Co-authored-by: Gleidson Daniel Silva <>
2022-06-23 09:56:15 -03:00
Gleidson Daniel Silva 5f248ebeb5
[NEW] Delete my account (#4219)
* create new delete account button

Co-Authored-By: Danish Ahmed Mirza <>

* change modal to action sheet

* better naming

* remove ? from translation

* update translations

* change to new figma layout

* fix export

* remove unused state

* add new text input to base input

* clean up

* update bottom sheet and create a mock

* remove unecessary bracket and fix type

* fix header

* migrate buttons to action sheet

* fix imports

* update yarn.lock

* add separator to styles

* add ternary verification

* minor tweaks: keyboard for landscape android tablet, interface IactionSheetProvider and remove navigation options to get ismasterdetail from redux, fix jest setup

* fix colors

* disconnect from sdk when delete the account

* update snapshot

Co-authored-by: Danish Ahmed Mirza <>
Co-authored-by: Reinaldo Neto <>
2022-06-22 09:24:25 -03:00
Reinaldo Neto 28ee43f817
[FIX] Avatar pixel size (#4285)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>
2022-06-21 16:23:55 -03:00
Danish Ahmed Mirza 5899b1f789
[NEW] Go to RoomView if the mentioned #channel is already joined (#4204)
* [NEW] Go to RoomView if the mentioned #channel is already joined

* Update stories and fix lint errors

* Use getSubscriptionByRoomId

* Fix channel name issue

* Use goRoom

* add jest-expo to jest preset

* update snapshot

Co-authored-by: GleidsonDaniel <>
2022-06-10 17:33:48 -03:00
Alex Junior e212a3c946
[IMPROVE] Redesign search box component (#4195)
Co-authored-by: Danish Ahmed Mirza <>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>
2022-06-06 10:53:02 -03:00
Danish Ahmed Mirza 02c1bc50b9
[NEW] Update room item animations (#4024)
* Upgrade react-native-gesture-handler to 2.3.0

* Update room item animations to reanimated v2

* Add Parallax animation on fav and hide buttons and additional swipe gesture to toggleFav

* Fix tests

* Ignore typescript error for setTimeout function

* Update pods

* Fix blank area on swiping all the way right/left

* Fix Action Buttons on devices with notch

* Update snapshot

* Use colors from useTheme

* Destructure props

* Proper types for nativeEvent and event

* Remove toggleFav gesture

* Clean bits

* Fix lint error

* Fix position of Room Action Buttons on MasterDetail

* Remove comment

* Update animations logic

* Add haptic feedback on swipe

* Add haptic feedback on unswipe gesture

* Update react-native-gesture-handler to 2.4.2

* update pods

* Migrating off RNGHEnabledRootView

* Update types to ReturnType<typeof setTimeout>

Co-authored-by: GleidsonDaniel <>
2022-06-06 10:23:49 -03:00
Gleidson Daniel Silva 329e74b720
[FIX] Unify attachment rendering logic (#4260)
* fix verification adding fields logic

* update snapshot

* Change order for both logics

* Cleanup

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>
2022-06-02 16:58:42 -03:00
Alex Junior 6220375f7b
Chore: upgrade react navigation to 6.0.10 version (#4120) 2022-06-01 16:46:37 -03:00
Diego Mello a9214e73b5
Merge 4.28.0 into single-server (#4258) 2022-05-30 19:01:25 -03:00
Alex Junior 1ce7d5cf6a
Regression: right icons overlapping when users name is long (#4224)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>
2022-05-27 14:27:43 -03:00
Reinaldo Neto a82e3e6c1a
[FIX] Navigate to MarkdownTableView using tablets (#4222)
* [FIX] Navigate to MarkdownTableView using tablets

* [FIX] Navigate to MarkdownTableView using tablets

* fix lint

* update yarn.lock

Co-authored-by: Alex Junior <>
2022-05-27 14:18:51 -03:00
Reinaldo Neto bc34706f48
Chore: Update Detox to 19.7.0 (#4215)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>
2022-05-26 14:10:24 -03:00
Alex Junior 4fc8e5e9a4
[FIX] Unify RoomItem UpdatedAt and Message time styles (#4205) 2022-05-20 14:56:07 -03:00
Danish Ahmed Mirza 6384d60efc
Chore: Migrate containers/Button to Typescript and Hooks (#4071) 2022-05-20 13:37:57 -03:00
Alex Junior 1e09589eca
Chore: Update @react-native-slider from 3.0.3 to 4.2.2 (#4176) 2022-05-20 00:14:23 -03:00
Alex Junior 4a84e47cfa
Chore: Evaluate TextInput component (#4181)
* changing from `containers/TextInput` to `containers/TexInput/FormTextInput`

* changing from `presentation/TextInput` to `containers/TexInput/index`

* update storybook

* update status view after merge with develop

* removing `app/containers/__snapshots__/TextInput.stories.storyshot` in favor from `app/containers/TextInput/__snapshots`
2022-05-18 16:17:42 -03:00
Alex Junior 5cd4186f64
[IMPROVE] Place time after username on message (#4177) 2022-05-15 15:29:07 -03:00
Alex Junior e0bfdee70c
[IMPROVE] Create edited component for edited messages (#4048) 2022-05-10 14:40:08 -03:00
Diego Mello 9600fb92ad
Merge 4.27.1 into single-server (#4166) 2022-05-05 11:54:49 -03:00
Alex Junior d99b31849a
Chore: Evaluate Icon - Typescript (#3982)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>
2022-05-02 16:21:15 -03:00
Gerzon Z 744ee27e18
Regression: Omnichannel icons (#4136)
* fix: Omnichannel icons

* update: `RoomItem.storyshot`
2022-04-29 13:08:19 -04:00
Diego Mello 8f6100d450
Merge 4.27.0 into single-server (#4138) 2022-04-28 15:44:40 -03:00
Gerzon Z 8a75dcf87b
Chore: evaluate `RoomItem` (#4023)
* chore: evaluate `RoomItem`

* update: `RoomItem.storyshot`

* update: interfaces for RoomItem components

* update: UnreadBadge import and RoomItem interfaces

* remove: `avatarSize` from interfaces

* update: `RoomItem.storyshot`
2022-04-20 17:37:54 -04:00
Gerzon Z aab4e4b12a
[FIX] Avatar's size on display mode change (#4042)
* fix: avatar's size

* update snapshot

* update: snapshots

Co-authored-by: GleidsonDaniel <>
2022-04-20 17:02:18 -04:00
Reinaldo Neto 0a67cb8096
[IMPROVE] Visibility of the “incoming chats” in queue (#4039)
* [IMPROVE] Visibility of the “incoming chats” in queue

* fix the custom icon for rtl

* fix thumb colors

* clean queue empty

* added alert to confirm enable omnichannel

* switch to normal

* fix storyshot because was added a new props to list item

* fix height container

* minor tweak

* minor tweak

* fix title
2022-04-15 00:11:36 -03:00
Reinaldo Neto 064920e61b
Chore: Evaluate UnreadBadge to Typescript (#4018)
* Chore: Evaluate UserItem to Typescript and moved from presentation to container

* minor tweak
2022-04-14 23:51:59 -03:00
Reinaldo Neto b75ac1de8b
[IMPROVE] Support Omnichannel icons (#3959)
* [IMPROVE] Support Channel Icons for Omnichannel

* Prop drilling sourceType

* create a column for source in WatermelonDB

* Add sms icon

* start of fetching

* removed usefetch

* custom icon to RoomHeader, RoomActions, RoomInfo

* minor tweak in interface

* fix margin

* add connected to sourceType

* make ts happy

* minor tweak

* fix storyshot

* refactor omnichannel source interface

* minor tweak roomActionsview

* Added storyshot

* minor tweak

* fix storyshot

* fix display extended without avatar

* fix connected object

* wip android build

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>
Co-authored-by: GleidsonDaniel <>
2022-04-14 23:27:36 -03:00
Gerzon Z b9651493d2
Chore: update `theme` type (#4025)
* chore: update `theme` type

* update: components

* update: storyshots

* add: `theme` type to `DirectoryItem`

* chore: update theme type on `message/index.tsx`

* update: `RoomTypeIcon`'s useTheme
2022-04-12 12:27:05 -04:00
Reinaldo Neto ec952b058a
Chore: Upgrade @types/react-native to 0.64.2 (#4026)
* Chore: Upgrade @types/react-native to 0.64.2

* minor tweak in comment

* minor tweak

* Chore: Upgrade @types/react-native to 0.64.2

* minor tweak in comment

* minor tweak

* fix accessibility within bordelessbutton
2022-04-08 11:27:10 -03:00
Gerzon Z cd0c8abced
Chore: evaluate ServerItem - TypeScript Migration (#4015)
* chore: evaluate ServerItem

* update: IServerInfo interface

* chore: move `ServerItem` to `containers` folder

* update: `ServerItem` import on Storybook

* update: `themes` import
2022-04-07 13:07:16 -04:00
Gleidson Daniel Silva bdf83e546e
Chore: Move constants away from rocketchat folder - Typescript (#4022)
* create keys file and export all consts

* fix import E2E_MESSAGE_TYPE

* fix constants import

* fix constants import

* fix E2E_BANNER_TYPE import

* fix E2E_ROOM_TYPES import




* fix constantDisplayMode import

* fix environment imports

* fix links imports

* fix localAuthentication imports

* fix localPath imports

* fix messagesStatus imports

* fix messageTypeLoad imports

* fix defaultSettings imports

* fix tablet imports

* update with todo for colors

* move to lib folder

* change constant/colors to constant
2022-04-07 11:10:03 -03:00
Diego Mello b3c37ede7e Merge 4.26.2 into single-server (#4001) 2022-04-01 11:14:06 -03:00
Gleidson Daniel Silva 5bd060b7b2
Chore: Add `colors` prop to useTheme hook (#3993)
* create react-native-appearance mock

* create base for colors theme

* mend

* export TColors prop

* update snapshot
2022-03-31 20:04:29 -03:00
Gerzon Z 49c92cfa7b
[FIX] `AttachedActions`'s button (#3989)
* fix: `AttachedActions`'s button

* fix: text color

* update: `Message.storyshot`
2022-03-30 17:55:57 -04:00
Diego Mello 9d2175485c
Merge 4.26.1 into single-server (#3981) 2022-03-29 15:53:27 -03:00
Gleidson Daniel Silva f3cf4f1e7f
[FIX] Adds a check to see if the collapsed property exists. (#3973)
* Adds a check to see if the collapsed property exists.

* 👀

* update snapshot

* revert

* revert yarn.lock
2022-03-28 12:08:18 -03:00
Diego Mello 902827422b
Chore: Properly type Status (#3911)
Co-authored-by: Gleidson Daniel Silva <>
2022-03-25 17:05:49 -03:00
Reinaldo Neto 70cb252d1b
Chore: Migrate containers: List to Typescript (#3921)
* Chore: Migrate containers: List to Typescript

* minor tweak

* fix storyshot List - item flatlist

* fix IListContainer

* fix type of childrens

* minor tweak
2022-03-25 15:09:02 -03:00
Gerzon Z d5ac663199
[FIX] Drawer failing to open/close on ProfileView (#3963) 2022-03-25 11:35:25 -03:00
Gerzon Z f9064bf5af
Chore: Evaluate HeaderButton - TypeScript (#3925)
* update: `HeaderButton` components

* update: types

* fix types

* fix lint and update snapshot

Co-authored-by: GleidsonDaniel <>
2022-03-24 15:55:01 -04:00
Gerzon Z 8ea183373e
[FIX] Audio thumb's size (#3945)
* update: Audio component
2022-03-23 10:49:45 -04:00
Gerzon Z 9a17ce91a8
[FIX] "Sent an attachment" text on media preview for threads (#3947)
* update: `Content` component

* update: `Message` snapshots
2022-03-23 10:37:11 -04:00
Alex Junior 6f31a00e90
Chore: Clean Check component - TypeScript (#3919)
* chore: clear Check component

* chore: update tests
2022-03-22 10:53:09 -03:00