Commit Graph

33 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Diego Mello 3650a3fe94 Merge branch 'single-server' into single-server-4.29
# Conflicts:
#	android/app/build.gradle
#	android/app/src/main/assets/fonts/custom.ttf
#	app.json
#	app/AppContainer.tsx
#	app/actions/actionsTypes.ts
#	app/actions/login.ts
#	app/actions/room.ts
#	app/containers/ActionSheet/ActionSheet.tsx
#	app/containers/ActionSheet/BottomSheetContent.tsx
#	app/containers/ActionSheet/Button.ts
#	app/containers/ActionSheet/Handle.tsx
#	app/containers/ActionSheet/Provider.tsx
#	app/containers/ActionSheet/styles.ts
#	app/containers/AppVersion.tsx
#	app/containers/Avatar/Avatar.tsx
#	app/containers/Avatar/index.tsx
#	app/containers/Avatar/interfaces.ts
#	app/containers/CustomIcon/index.tsx
#	app/containers/CustomIcon/mappedIcons.js
#	app/containers/CustomIcon/selection.json
#	app/containers/DirectoryItem/index.tsx
#	app/containers/EmojiPicker/CustomEmoji.tsx
#	app/containers/EmojiPicker/EmojiCategory.tsx
#	app/containers/EmojiPicker/index.tsx
#	app/containers/FormContainer.tsx
#	app/containers/HeaderButton/Common.tsx
#	app/containers/HeaderButton/HeaderButtonItem.tsx
#	app/containers/HeaderButton/HeaderButtonItemBadge.tsx
#	app/containers/ImageViewer/index.ts
#	app/containers/ImageViewer/types.ts
#	app/containers/InAppNotification/NotifierComponent.tsx
#	app/containers/InAppNotification/index.tsx
#	app/containers/KeyboardView.tsx
#	app/containers/List/ListContainer.tsx
#	app/containers/List/ListItem.tsx
#	app/containers/MessageActions/Header.tsx
#	app/containers/MessageActions/index.tsx
#	app/containers/MessageBox/CommandsPreview/Item.tsx
#	app/containers/MessageBox/Mentions/MentionEmoji.tsx
#	app/containers/MessageBox/RecordAudio.tsx
#	app/containers/MessageBox/forceJpgExtension.ts
#	app/containers/MessageBox/index.tsx
#	app/containers/MessageBox/styles.ts
#	app/containers/MessageErrorActions.tsx
#	app/containers/Passcode/Base/Button.tsx
#	app/containers/Passcode/Base/Locked.tsx
#	app/containers/Passcode/PasscodeEnter.tsx
#	app/containers/RoomHeader/RoomHeader.stories.js
#	app/containers/RoomHeader/RoomHeader.tsx
#	app/containers/RoomHeader/__snapshots__/RoomHeader.stories.storyshot
#	app/containers/RoomHeader/index.tsx
#	app/containers/RoomItem/Actions.tsx
#	app/containers/RoomItem/LastMessage.tsx
#	app/containers/RoomItem/RoomItem.tsx
#	app/containers/RoomItem/Title.tsx
#	app/containers/RoomItem/Touchable.tsx
#	app/containers/RoomItem/UpdatedAt.tsx
#	app/containers/RoomItem/Wrapper.tsx
#	app/containers/RoomItem/index.tsx
#	app/containers/RoomItem/interfaces.ts
#	app/containers/RoomItem/styles.ts
#	app/containers/SearchHeader.tsx
#	app/containers/ServerItem/index.tsx
#	app/containers/TextInput/FormTextInput.tsx
#	app/containers/TextInput/TextInput.stories.js
#	app/containers/Toast.tsx
#	app/containers/TwoFactor/index.tsx
#	app/containers/UIKit/DatePicker.tsx
#	app/containers/UIKit/Image.tsx
#	app/containers/UIKit/MultiSelect/Chips.tsx
#	app/containers/UIKit/MultiSelect/Input.tsx
#	app/containers/UIKit/MultiSelect/Items.tsx
#	app/containers/UIKit/MultiSelect/index.tsx
#	app/containers/UIKit/MultiSelect/styles.ts
#	app/containers/UIKit/Select.tsx
#	app/containers/UIKit/index.tsx
#	app/containers/UIKit/utils.ts
#	app/containers/UnreadBadge/index.tsx
#	app/containers/UserItem.tsx
#	app/containers/markdown/AtMention.tsx
#	app/containers/markdown/Emoji.tsx
#	app/containers/markdown/Hashtag.tsx
#	app/containers/markdown/Link.tsx
#	app/containers/markdown/Preview.tsx
#	app/containers/markdown/index.tsx
#	app/containers/markdown/new/BigEmoji.tsx
#	app/containers/markdown/new/Emoji.tsx
#	app/containers/markdown/new/Image.tsx
#	app/containers/markdown/new/Inline.tsx
#	app/containers/markdown/new/Link.tsx
#	app/containers/message/Attachments.tsx
#	app/containers/message/Audio.tsx
#	app/containers/message/Components/CollapsibleQuote/__snapshots__/CollapsibleQuote.stories.storyshot
#	app/containers/message/Discussion.tsx
#	app/containers/message/Emoji.tsx
#	app/containers/message/Image.tsx
#	app/containers/message/Message.tsx
#	app/containers/message/Reply.tsx
#	app/containers/message/Urls.tsx
#	app/containers/message/Video.tsx
#	app/containers/message/index.tsx
#	app/containers/message/interfaces.ts
#	app/containers/message/styles.ts
#	app/definitions/IEmoji.ts
#	app/definitions/IRoom.ts
#	app/definitions/ISubscription.ts
#	app/definitions/rest/v1/users.ts
#	app/definitions/rest/v1/videoConference.ts
#	app/ee/omnichannel/containers/OmnichannelHeader/index.tsx
#	app/ee/omnichannel/lib/index.ts
#	app/ee/omnichannel/lib/subscriptions/inquiry.ts
#	app/ee/omnichannel/sagas/inquiry.js
#	app/ee/omnichannel/views/QueueListView.tsx
#	app/externalModules.d.ts
#	app/i18n/index.ts
#	app/i18n/locales/ar.json
#	app/i18n/locales/de.json
#	app/i18n/locales/en.json
#	app/i18n/locales/es-ES.json
#	app/i18n/locales/fr.json
#	app/i18n/locales/it.json
#	app/i18n/locales/ja.json
#	app/i18n/locales/nl.json
#	app/i18n/locales/pt-BR.json
#	app/i18n/locales/ru.json
#	app/i18n/locales/tr.json
#	app/i18n/locales/zh-CN.json
#	app/i18n/locales/zh-TW.json
#	app/index.tsx
#	app/lib/constants/colors.ts
#	app/lib/constants/defaultSettings.ts
#	app/lib/constants/links.ts
#	app/lib/database/index.ts
#	app/lib/database/model/migrations.js
#	app/lib/database/schema/app.js
#	app/lib/encryption/encryption.ts
#	app/lib/encryption/room.ts
#	app/lib/encryption/utils.ts
#	app/lib/hooks/index.ts
#	app/lib/methods/actions.ts
#	app/lib/methods/callJitsi.ts
#	app/lib/methods/enterpriseModules.ts
#	app/lib/methods/getCustomEmojis.ts
#	app/lib/methods/getPermalinks.ts
#	app/lib/methods/getPermissions.ts
#	app/lib/methods/getRoles.ts
#	app/lib/methods/getSettings.ts
#	app/lib/methods/getSlashCommands.ts
#	app/lib/methods/getThreadName.ts
#	app/lib/methods/getUsersPresence.ts
#	app/lib/methods/helpers/mergeSubscriptionsRooms.ts
#	app/lib/methods/helpers/showToast.ts
#	app/lib/methods/index.ts
#	app/lib/methods/loadMessagesForRoom.ts
#	app/lib/methods/loadMissedMessages.ts
#	app/lib/methods/loadNextMessages.ts
#	app/lib/methods/loadSurroundingMessages.ts
#	app/lib/methods/loadThreadMessages.ts
#	app/lib/methods/logout.ts
#	app/lib/methods/readMessages.ts
#	app/lib/methods/search.ts
#	app/lib/methods/sendFileMessage.ts
#	app/lib/methods/sendMessage.ts
#	app/lib/methods/setUser.ts
#	app/lib/methods/shareExtension.ts
#	app/lib/methods/subscribeRooms.ts
#	app/lib/methods/subscriptions/room.ts
#	app/lib/methods/subscriptions/rooms.ts
#	app/lib/navigation/appNavigation.ts
#	app/lib/navigation/shareNavigation.ts
#	app/lib/notifications/push.ts
#	app/lib/services/connect.ts
#	app/lib/services/restApi.ts
#	app/lib/services/sdk.ts
#	app/presentation/ImageViewer/index.js
#	app/presentation/ImageViewer/index.ts
#	app/presentation/ImageViewer/types.js
#	app/presentation/ImageViewer/types.ts
#	app/reducers/login.ts
#	app/reducers/room.test.ts
#	app/sagas/createChannel.js
#	app/sagas/createDiscussion.js
#	app/sagas/deepLinking.js
#	app/sagas/encryption.js
#	app/sagas/init.js
#	app/sagas/inviteLinks.js
#	app/sagas/login.js
#	app/sagas/messages.js
#	app/sagas/room.js
#	app/sagas/selectServer.js
#	app/sagas/state.js
#	app/share.tsx
#	app/stacks/InsideStack.tsx
#	app/stacks/MasterDetailStack/index.tsx
#	app/stacks/MasterDetailStack/types.ts
#	app/stacks/OutsideStack.tsx
#	app/stacks/types.ts
#	app/views/AddExistingChannelView.tsx
#	app/views/AttachmentView.tsx
#	app/views/AuthenticationWebView.tsx
#	app/views/AutoTranslateView/index.tsx
#	app/views/CannedResponseDetail.tsx
#	app/views/CannedResponsesListView/Dropdown/DropdownItem.tsx
#	app/views/CannedResponsesListView/index.tsx
#	app/views/ChangePasscodeView.tsx
#	app/views/CreateChannelView.tsx
#	app/views/CreateDiscussionView/SelectChannel.tsx
#	app/views/CreateDiscussionView/SelectUsers.tsx
#	app/views/CreateDiscussionView/index.tsx
#	app/views/CreateDiscussionView/interfaces.ts
#	app/views/DefaultBrowserView.tsx
#	app/views/DirectoryView/Options.tsx
#	app/views/DirectoryView/index.tsx
#	app/views/DiscussionsView/Item.tsx
#	app/views/DiscussionsView/__snapshots__/Item.stories.storyshot
#	app/views/DiscussionsView/index.tsx
#	app/views/DisplayPrefsView.tsx
#	app/views/E2EEncryptionSecurityView.tsx
#	app/views/E2EEnterYourPasswordView.tsx
#	app/views/E2ESaveYourPasswordView.tsx
#	app/views/ForgotPasswordView.tsx
#	app/views/ForwardLivechatView.tsx
#	app/views/InviteUsersEditView/index.tsx
#	app/views/InviteUsersView/index.tsx
#	app/views/JitsiMeetView.tsx
#	app/views/LanguageView/index.tsx
#	app/views/LegalView.tsx
#	app/views/LivechatEditView.tsx
#	app/views/LoginView.tsx
#	app/views/MarkdownTableView.tsx
#	app/views/MessagesView/index.tsx
#	app/views/ModalBlockView.tsx
#	app/views/NewMessageView.tsx
#	app/views/NewServerView/ServerInput/Item.tsx
#	app/views/NewServerView/ServerInput/index.tsx
#	app/views/NewServerView/index.tsx
#	app/views/NotificationPreferencesView/index.tsx
#	app/views/PickerView.tsx
#	app/views/ProfileView/index.tsx
#	app/views/RegisterView.tsx
#	app/views/RoomActionsView/index.tsx
#	app/views/RoomInfoEditView/index.tsx
#	app/views/RoomInfoView/index.tsx
#	app/views/RoomMembersView/index.tsx
#	app/views/RoomView/JoinCode.tsx
#	app/views/RoomView/LeftButtons.tsx
#	app/views/RoomView/List/List.tsx
#	app/views/RoomView/List/NavBottomFAB.tsx
#	app/views/RoomView/List/index.tsx
#	app/views/RoomView/LoadMore/__snapshots__/LoadMore.stories.storyshot
#	app/views/RoomView/LoadMore/index.tsx
#	app/views/RoomView/ReactionPicker.tsx
#	app/views/RoomView/RightButtons.tsx
#	app/views/RoomView/UploadProgress.tsx
#	app/views/RoomView/index.tsx
#	app/views/RoomsListView/Header/Header.tsx
#	app/views/RoomsListView/Header/index.tsx
#	app/views/RoomsListView/ServerDropdown.tsx
#	app/views/RoomsListView/index.tsx
#	app/views/ScreenLockConfigView.tsx
#	app/views/ScreenLockedView.tsx
#	app/views/SearchMessagesView/index.tsx
#	app/views/SecurityPrivacyView.tsx
#	app/views/SelectListView.tsx
#	app/views/SelectedUsersView.tsx
#	app/views/SendEmailConfirmationView.tsx
#	app/views/SetUsernameView.tsx
#	app/views/SettingsView/index.tsx
#	app/views/ShareListView/Header/Header.ios.tsx
#	app/views/ShareListView/Header/Header.tsx
#	app/views/ShareListView/index.tsx
#	app/views/ShareListView/styles.ts
#	app/views/ShareView/Header.tsx
#	app/views/ShareView/Preview.tsx
#	app/views/ShareView/Thumbs.tsx
#	app/views/ShareView/index.tsx
#	app/views/ShareView/utils.ts
#	app/views/SidebarView/SidebarItem.tsx
#	app/views/SidebarView/index.tsx
#	app/views/StatusView/index.tsx
#	app/views/TeamChannelsView.tsx
#	app/views/ThemeView.tsx
#	app/views/ThreadMessagesView/Dropdown/DropdownItem.tsx
#	app/views/ThreadMessagesView/Dropdown/index.tsx
#	app/views/ThreadMessagesView/Item.tsx
#	app/views/ThreadMessagesView/__snapshots__/Item.stories.storyshot
#	app/views/ThreadMessagesView/index.tsx
#	app/views/UserPreferencesView/index.tsx
#	app/views/WorkspaceView/ServerAvatar.tsx
#	docs/
#	e2e/tests/assorted/03-profile.spec.js
#	e2e/tests/assorted/06-status.spec.js
#	e2e/tests/room/03-roomactions.spec.js
#	e2e/tests/room/08-roominfo.spec.js
#	ios/Gemfile.lock
#	ios/Podfile.lock
#	ios/RocketChatRN.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
#	ios/RocketChatRN/Info.plist
#	ios/ShareRocketChatRN/Info.plist
#	ios/custom.ttf
#	jest.setup.js
#	package.json
#	storybook/stories/HeaderButtons.js
#	storybook/stories/Markdown.tsx
#	storybook/stories/NewMarkdown.js
#	storybook/stories/RoomItem.js
#	storybook/stories/__snapshots__/Avatar.storyshot
#	storybook/stories/__snapshots__/HeaderButtons.storyshot
#	storybook/stories/__snapshots__/List.storyshot
#	storybook/stories/__snapshots__/Markdown.storyshot
#	storybook/stories/__snapshots__/Message.storyshot
#	storybook/stories/__snapshots__/NewMarkdown.storyshot
#	storybook/stories/__snapshots__/RoomItem.storyshot
#	storybook/stories/__snapshots__/ServerItem.storyshot
#	storybook/stories/index.js
#	yarn.lock
2022-07-18 14:48:17 -03:00
Diego Mello b564eddcfd
Merge 4.22.0 into single-server (#3524) 2021-11-25 11:25:11 -03:00
Diego Mello 5c6274de20
Merge 4.19.0 into single-server (#3360) 2021-08-31 17:35:31 -03:00
Diego Mello 91f770cd37
Chore: Update React Native to 0.64.2 (#3245)
* Update non-dev patches

* Update dev patches

* Update minors

* Update dev minors

* Update few non semver

* Cookies

* datepicker, netinfo, base64 and bootsplash

* Patch cookies

* Update navigation

* Device info

* mocha

* localize

* react-native-picker-select

* vector icons, xregexp, popover

* try save husky

* document picker

* Remove emotion dev

* Downgrade some libs and make sure jest is passing

* Update storybook to stable

* mocha, axios, bootsplash

* Update lint job to node 15

* Update android image to api 29 and xcode to 12.4

* building

* Fix lint

* Get rid of Storybooks errors

* Patch react-native-simple-crypto

* Remove pods from git

* Stash simple crypto

* Stash Flipper

* Remove single crypto patch

* Add manage-pods command

* Update Xcode to 12.5.0

* Fix E2E tests

* Cleanup podfile

* Fix Storybook

* Remove RN patch

* Fix iOS build release

* Fix cocoapods cache on CI

* Try to fix pods using bundle

* Update gems

* Add app_store_connect_api_key env to CI


* Rollback to older usage of app_store_connect_api_key

* tmp

* Run manage-pods on TestFlight

* Use Podfile instead of Podfile.lock for cache

* Increase no_output_timeout from 20 minutes to 40

* Restore node modules on upload-to-testflight

* Add pod install to docs
2021-07-21 12:50:39 -03:00
sadegh f7c463bbba
[FIX] APPLICATION_ID typo (#2729) 2020-12-21 17:56:35 -03:00
Diego Mello 3ddbe6cc8e Merge branch 'develop' into single-server
# Conflicts:
#	android/app/build.gradle
#	android/
#	ios/Pods/Pods.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
#	ios/RocketChatRN.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
2020-12-15 15:38:04 -03:00
Graham Smith 2d6572d709
[IMPROVEMENT] Ease white labelling for Android (#2685)
* improve white labelling for Android

* Move application ID to gradle properties

* Fix CI

* Point foss sufix to main app

* Use npx on android-whitelabel script

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>
2020-12-04 13:17:29 -03:00
Diego Mello e1b774a745 Merge branch 'develop' into update-single-server
# Conflicts:
#	android/app/build.gradle
2020-11-16 11:01:53 -03:00
Diego Mello 59bc3e8a46 Merge branch 'develop' into single-server
# Conflicts:
#	android/app/build.gradle
#	app/sagas/login.js
2020-11-09 18:33:57 -03:00
Diego Mello 5e633e550e Merge branch 'develop' into single-server
# Conflicts:
#	android/app/build.gradle
#	android/app/src/play/google-services.json
#	app/lib/database/index.js
#	app/sagas/init.js
#	app/sagas/login.js
#	ios/Pods/Manifest.lock
#	ios/Pods/Pods.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
#	ios/Pods/Target Support Files/MMKV/MMKV-prefix.pch
#	ios/Pods/Target Support Files/MMKV/MMKV.debug.xcconfig
#	ios/Pods/Target Support Files/MMKV/MMKV.release.xcconfig
#	ios/Pods/Target Support Files/MMKVCore/MMKVCore.debug.xcconfig
#	ios/Pods/Target Support Files/MMKVCore/MMKVCore.release.xcconfig
#	ios/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-RocketChatRN/Pods-RocketChatRN-acknowledgements.markdown
#	ios/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-RocketChatRN/Pods-RocketChatRN-acknowledgements.plist
#	ios/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-RocketChatRN/Pods-RocketChatRN.debug.xcconfig
#	ios/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-RocketChatRN/Pods-RocketChatRN.release.xcconfig
#	ios/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-ShareRocketChatRN/Pods-ShareRocketChatRN-acknowledgements.markdown
#	ios/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-ShareRocketChatRN/Pods-ShareRocketChatRN-acknowledgements.plist
#	ios/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-ShareRocketChatRN/Pods-ShareRocketChatRN.debug.xcconfig
#	ios/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-ShareRocketChatRN/Pods-ShareRocketChatRN.release.xcconfig
#	ios/Pods/Target Support Files/RNConfigReader/RNConfigReader.debug.xcconfig
#	ios/Pods/Target Support Files/RNConfigReader/RNConfigReader.release.xcconfig
#	ios/Pods/Target Support Files/react-native-cookies/react-native-cookies.debug.xcconfig
#	ios/Pods/Target Support Files/react-native-simple-crypto/react-native-simple-crypto.debug.xcconfig
#	ios/RocketChatRN.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
2020-10-05 17:19:36 -03:00
Diego Mello 4e437e3269 Merge branch 'develop' into single-server
# Conflicts:
#	android/app/src/debug/AndroidManifest.xml
#	android/
#	app/views/RoomsListView/Header/Header.js
#	ios/RocketChatRN.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
#	ios/RocketChatRN/RocketChatRN.entitlements
2020-08-10 14:35:47 -03:00
Graham Smith 0a6e0f6f78
[CHORE] Update Flipper to 0.51.0 (#2356)
* Only run Flipper in debug via MainApplication is debug

* ReactNativeFlipper package rename + gradle bump

* Update Flipper to latest 0.51 for Android

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>
2020-07-30 09:23:23 -03:00
Diego Mello 9882ace694
Update dependencies (#2301)
* Update RN to 0.63.0-rc.1

* Updating

* Fix keyboard

* Fix native stuff on Messagebox

* Update to RN 0.63.1

* Update pods

* Update patches

* Update minors

* Majors

* Remove base-64 in favour of js-base64

* others

* Pods

* Flipper

* Yarn

* Fix setInput
2020-07-20 13:35:17 -03:00
Diego Mello c62346fb2d Merge branch 'develop' into single-server
# Conflicts:
#	android/app/build.gradle
#	app/views/RoomsListView/Header/Header.ios.js
2020-07-17 10:41:23 -03:00
Diego Mello b456e779a0 Merge branch 'develop' into single-server
# Conflicts:
#	android/app/build.gradle
#	app/index.js
#	app/sagas/init.js
#	app/sagas/login.js
#	app/views/RoomsListView/Header/Header.ios.js
#	ios/RocketChatRN.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
2020-07-06 16:04:58 -03:00
Diego Mello 3eb4545c6b Merge branch 'develop' into single-server
# Conflicts:
#	android/app/build.gradle
#	android/
#	app/sagas/init.js
#	app/sagas/login.js
#	ios/RocketChatRN.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
2020-05-25 17:33:45 -03:00
Diego Mello ce51982bb0
Update all dependencies (#2008)
* Android RN 62

* First steps iOS

* Second step iOS

* iOS compiling

* "New" build system

* Finish iOS

* Flipper

* Update to RN 0.62.1

* expo libs

* Hermes working

* Fix lint

* Fix android build

* Patches

* Dev patches

* Patch WatermelonDB:

* Fix jitsi

* Update several minors

* Update dev minors and lint

* react-native-keyboard-input

* Few updates

* device info

* react-native-fast-image

* Navigation bar color

* react-native-picker-select

* webview

* reactotron-react-native

* Watermelondb

* RN 0.62.2

* Few updates

* Fix selection

* update gems

* remove lib

* finishing

* tests

* Use node 10

* Re-enable app bundle

* iOS build

* Update jitsi ios
2020-05-08 13:37:49 -03:00
Diego Mello 19d726d7c0 Signing config on 2020-03-12 13:18:06 -03:00
Diego Mello 5acc509dfe Set default config on 2020-03-12 11:22:25 -03:00
IlarionHalushka 59a71ffaef [CHORE] Bugsnag logging setup (#1145)
* initial bugsnag setup

* upload sourcemaps to bugsnag during ios-build job

* fix: spacing in config.yml

* add yarn global add react-native

* add separate step: Upload sourcemaps to Bugsnag

* add brew install watchman

* install react-native-cli, remove install watchman

* upload source maps for android build

* add yarn add global react-native react-native-cli for android-build ci job

* add working_directory to android-build

* install npm i -g react-native react-native-cli

* add Install Node step to android-build job

* export path to node to bash_profile

* add step Install React Native CLI to android build job

* use yarn generate-source-maps in ci; exchange firebase log -> bugsnag log

* implement send(toggle) crash reports button

* move BUGSNAG_API_KEY to config file; remove generated source maps files

* unlink bugsnag

* add ios/Pods files connected to Bugsnag; fix ci android build job

* export firebase analytics also from /utils/log

* use `log(e)` instead of `log(error)`

* API Key changes

* pod install

* Fix iOS build

* Simulate error

* lint

* Add navigation

* Use projectRoot

* Revert project root

* - Don't run on forks
- Upload dSYMs

* Remove error sim

* Remove automatic dSYMs upload

* Remove fastlane-plugin-bugsnag
2019-08-23 10:18:47 -03:00
Diego Mello 047a0ddf8d
[FIX] Remove console on production builds (#1124)
* [FIX] Remove console on production builds

* Add react-native-markdown-renderer patch

* Update react-native-notifications

* Increase maxHeapSize
2019-08-13 10:03:46 -03:00
Diego Mello ba232547f1
[CHORE] Update to react-native 0.60.4 (#1095)
* Update to 0.59.10

* stash

* stash

* patch RN

* Try to fix openURL

* Fix compile Share Extension

* Minor fixes

* build ios

* tracking view working and added postinstall

* SafeAreaView vertical never

* tracking view patch

* Android build working

* Android notifications working

* Lint and tests

* Fix android build

* Add tools:replace="android:appComponentFactory"

* Android build

* Update vector icons

* Update webview

* Remove jsc

* Update document picker

* Firebase

* jetify on postinstall

* Patch expo-haptics

* CI

* Migrate packages manually

* Disable ci cache

* Revert "Disable ci cache"

This reverts commit 4740d861021f667f0223d7351a1da6f90cc2e417.

* CI

* audio

* adapter

* notifications

* Try RN directly

* Fix gradle

* Revert patches

* Restore cache

* update redux and lodash

* eslint-config-airbnb@17.1.1 eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y@6.2.3

* ejson@2.2.0 react-native-webview@6.7.0 semver@6.3.0 snyk@1.210.0

* codecov@3.5.0 eslint-plugin-react@7.14.3 eslint-plugin-react-native@3.7.0 react-dom@16.8.6

* Update react-redux and remove decorators

* Update redux-saga and reactotron libs

* Husky

* Storybook libs

* react-native-webview@6.8.0 markdown-it-flowdock@0.3.8 react-native-unimodules@0.5.3

* Removed regenerator-runtime

* react-native-picker-select

* react-navigation-header-buttons

* Remove comments

* react-native-notifications

* Fix rnn android build
2019-08-07 10:51:34 -03:00
Diego Mello 38dabfc9ff
Switch to react-navigation (#687) 2019-03-12 13:23:06 -03:00
Diego Mello 8f5381d770
Update React Native to 0.58.6 (#668) 2019-03-01 11:40:22 -03:00
Diego Mello 8af34a705a Update gradle and targetSdkVersion (#328)
* Changed the way we read RocketChat settings since setting.type won't be returned from server anymore

* Permissions

* Unnecessary action sheet render

* Update gradle

* Switched testServer to use blob

* RoomsListHeader search fixed

* Runs loadMessagesForRoom only if room has at least 20 rows

* - Logout if user's token expired
- Removed update avatar logic
- Profile dialog border on android

* - Animations disabled
- CircleCI set

* Tests updated

* "eventType argument is required" fix
2018-06-20 10:40:33 -03:00
Diego Mello 17ecd5c9af Crashlytics (#258)
* Fabric iOS

* Fabric configured on iOS and Android

* login tracked

* more logs

* fix reaction
2018-04-03 13:24:58 -03:00
Karan Bedi e5a0707759 [WIP] Audio message functionality (#247)
* [NEW] Add module react-native-audio

* [WIP] Audio message basic UI

* [NEW] Record audio message
2018-03-07 00:17:20 +00:00
Guilherme Gazzo 9e3714758f
[WIP] Improves (#245) 2018-03-02 21:31:44 +00:00
Guilherme Gazzo bb5e29fdc7
fix last messages (#239)
* fix last messages
2018-02-19 16:15:31 -05:00
Guilherme Gazzo 3e0ade1fdb
Update 2018-02-16 21:21:45 -02:00
Guilherme Gazzo a4a889bed0
fix performance status users 2018-02-16 20:57:46 -02:00
Diego Mello 9ea5c1b765 Reactions (#214)
* * Tracking emoji
* Fixed users/rooms regex tracking

* Autocomplete emoji

* Toggle reaction

* 'User have reacted' style

* Show who have reacted onLongPress

* Vibration onLongPress
2018-01-30 17:48:26 -02:00
Rodrigo Nascimento 19c8b87775 Initial commit 2017-08-03 15:23:43 -03:00