Diego Mello
Merge beta into master (#1461)
2019-12-11 20:01:12 -03:00 |
Diego Mello
Unnecessary re-renders removed (#570)
* shouldComponentUpdate
* Rooms list shouldcomponentupdate
* RoomView shouldComponentUpdate
* Messagebox and Message shouldComponentUpdate
* EmojiPicker shouldComponentUpdate
* RoomActions shouldComponentUpdate
* Room info shouldComponentUpdate
* Update RNN
* Use only one Flatlist if none group filter is selected
* Update fix
* shouldComponentUpdate
* Bug fixes
* ListView changes
* Bug fix
* render list bug fix
* Changes on public channels
* - RoomView saga leak removed
- Join room e2e tests added
* Rest versions
* Method call versions
* Min RocketChat version alert
2018-12-21 08:55:35 -02:00 |
Diego Mello
Update dependencies (#431)
* Update dependencies
* Lint and test
* Added react-native fork
* rn 57
* Lint and tests updated
* Update xcode on circleci
* Use legacy build system
* Update tests
2018-09-25 16:28:42 -03:00 |
Guilherme Gazzo
Detox tests E2E (#283)
2018-05-23 10:39:18 -03:00 |
Diego Mello
Improvements on emoji picker / message box (#227)
* Emoji keyboard
* Keyboard emoji working
* animation and flatlist
* fix
* Unread separator animation
* easeInEaseOut animation
2018-02-08 12:08:50 -02:00 |
Diego Mello
Reactions (#214)
* * Tracking emoji
* Fixed users/rooms regex tracking
* Autocomplete emoji
* Toggle reaction
* 'User have reacted' style
* Show who have reacted onLongPress
* Vibration onLongPress
2018-01-30 17:48:26 -02:00 |