Commit Graph

239 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Diego Mello 6f64babbd6 Merge branch 'single-server' into single-server-4.30
# Conflicts:
#	app/containers/UIKit/HeaderButtons.js
#	app/views/RoomsListView/Header/Header.tsx
#	ios/RocketChatRN.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
#	yarn.lock
2022-09-12 11:23:19 -03:00
Gleidson Daniel Silva 2b08b683d7
Chore: Upgrade React Native to 0.68.2 ()
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>
2022-08-08 18:02:08 -03:00
Gleidson Daniel Silva 2c32be6e51
[FIX] Fix display order render on RoomListView () 2022-08-01 13:42:10 -03:00
Diego Mello 3650a3fe94 Merge branch 'single-server' into single-server-4.29
# Conflicts:
#	android/app/build.gradle
#	android/app/src/main/assets/fonts/custom.ttf
#	app.json
#	app/AppContainer.tsx
#	app/actions/actionsTypes.ts
#	app/actions/login.ts
#	app/actions/room.ts
#	app/containers/ActionSheet/ActionSheet.tsx
#	app/containers/ActionSheet/BottomSheetContent.tsx
#	app/containers/ActionSheet/Button.ts
#	app/containers/ActionSheet/Handle.tsx
#	app/containers/ActionSheet/Provider.tsx
#	app/containers/ActionSheet/styles.ts
#	app/containers/AppVersion.tsx
#	app/containers/Avatar/Avatar.tsx
#	app/containers/Avatar/index.tsx
#	app/containers/Avatar/interfaces.ts
#	app/containers/CustomIcon/index.tsx
#	app/containers/CustomIcon/mappedIcons.js
#	app/containers/CustomIcon/selection.json
#	app/containers/DirectoryItem/index.tsx
#	app/containers/EmojiPicker/CustomEmoji.tsx
#	app/containers/EmojiPicker/EmojiCategory.tsx
#	app/containers/EmojiPicker/index.tsx
#	app/containers/FormContainer.tsx
#	app/containers/HeaderButton/Common.tsx
#	app/containers/HeaderButton/HeaderButtonItem.tsx
#	app/containers/HeaderButton/HeaderButtonItemBadge.tsx
#	app/containers/ImageViewer/index.ts
#	app/containers/ImageViewer/types.ts
#	app/containers/InAppNotification/NotifierComponent.tsx
#	app/containers/InAppNotification/index.tsx
#	app/containers/KeyboardView.tsx
#	app/containers/List/ListContainer.tsx
#	app/containers/List/ListItem.tsx
#	app/containers/MessageActions/Header.tsx
#	app/containers/MessageActions/index.tsx
#	app/containers/MessageBox/CommandsPreview/Item.tsx
#	app/containers/MessageBox/Mentions/MentionEmoji.tsx
#	app/containers/MessageBox/RecordAudio.tsx
#	app/containers/MessageBox/forceJpgExtension.ts
#	app/containers/MessageBox/index.tsx
#	app/containers/MessageBox/styles.ts
#	app/containers/MessageErrorActions.tsx
#	app/containers/Passcode/Base/Button.tsx
#	app/containers/Passcode/Base/Locked.tsx
#	app/containers/Passcode/PasscodeEnter.tsx
#	app/containers/RoomHeader/RoomHeader.stories.js
#	app/containers/RoomHeader/RoomHeader.tsx
#	app/containers/RoomHeader/__snapshots__/RoomHeader.stories.storyshot
#	app/containers/RoomHeader/index.tsx
#	app/containers/RoomItem/Actions.tsx
#	app/containers/RoomItem/LastMessage.tsx
#	app/containers/RoomItem/RoomItem.tsx
#	app/containers/RoomItem/Title.tsx
#	app/containers/RoomItem/Touchable.tsx
#	app/containers/RoomItem/UpdatedAt.tsx
#	app/containers/RoomItem/Wrapper.tsx
#	app/containers/RoomItem/index.tsx
#	app/containers/RoomItem/interfaces.ts
#	app/containers/RoomItem/styles.ts
#	app/containers/SearchHeader.tsx
#	app/containers/ServerItem/index.tsx
#	app/containers/TextInput/FormTextInput.tsx
#	app/containers/TextInput/TextInput.stories.js
#	app/containers/Toast.tsx
#	app/containers/TwoFactor/index.tsx
#	app/containers/UIKit/DatePicker.tsx
#	app/containers/UIKit/Image.tsx
#	app/containers/UIKit/MultiSelect/Chips.tsx
#	app/containers/UIKit/MultiSelect/Input.tsx
#	app/containers/UIKit/MultiSelect/Items.tsx
#	app/containers/UIKit/MultiSelect/index.tsx
#	app/containers/UIKit/MultiSelect/styles.ts
#	app/containers/UIKit/Select.tsx
#	app/containers/UIKit/index.tsx
#	app/containers/UIKit/utils.ts
#	app/containers/UnreadBadge/index.tsx
#	app/containers/UserItem.tsx
#	app/containers/markdown/AtMention.tsx
#	app/containers/markdown/Emoji.tsx
#	app/containers/markdown/Hashtag.tsx
#	app/containers/markdown/Link.tsx
#	app/containers/markdown/Preview.tsx
#	app/containers/markdown/index.tsx
#	app/containers/markdown/new/BigEmoji.tsx
#	app/containers/markdown/new/Emoji.tsx
#	app/containers/markdown/new/Image.tsx
#	app/containers/markdown/new/Inline.tsx
#	app/containers/markdown/new/Link.tsx
#	app/containers/message/Attachments.tsx
#	app/containers/message/Audio.tsx
#	app/containers/message/Components/CollapsibleQuote/__snapshots__/CollapsibleQuote.stories.storyshot
#	app/containers/message/Discussion.tsx
#	app/containers/message/Emoji.tsx
#	app/containers/message/Image.tsx
#	app/containers/message/Message.tsx
#	app/containers/message/Reply.tsx
#	app/containers/message/Urls.tsx
#	app/containers/message/Video.tsx
#	app/containers/message/index.tsx
#	app/containers/message/interfaces.ts
#	app/containers/message/styles.ts
#	app/definitions/IEmoji.ts
#	app/definitions/IRoom.ts
#	app/definitions/ISubscription.ts
#	app/definitions/rest/v1/users.ts
#	app/definitions/rest/v1/videoConference.ts
#	app/ee/omnichannel/containers/OmnichannelHeader/index.tsx
#	app/ee/omnichannel/lib/index.ts
#	app/ee/omnichannel/lib/subscriptions/inquiry.ts
#	app/ee/omnichannel/sagas/inquiry.js
#	app/ee/omnichannel/views/QueueListView.tsx
#	app/externalModules.d.ts
#	app/i18n/index.ts
#	app/i18n/locales/ar.json
#	app/i18n/locales/de.json
#	app/i18n/locales/en.json
#	app/i18n/locales/es-ES.json
#	app/i18n/locales/fr.json
#	app/i18n/locales/it.json
#	app/i18n/locales/ja.json
#	app/i18n/locales/nl.json
#	app/i18n/locales/pt-BR.json
#	app/i18n/locales/ru.json
#	app/i18n/locales/tr.json
#	app/i18n/locales/zh-CN.json
#	app/i18n/locales/zh-TW.json
#	app/index.tsx
#	app/lib/constants/colors.ts
#	app/lib/constants/defaultSettings.ts
#	app/lib/constants/links.ts
#	app/lib/database/index.ts
#	app/lib/database/model/migrations.js
#	app/lib/database/schema/app.js
#	app/lib/encryption/encryption.ts
#	app/lib/encryption/room.ts
#	app/lib/encryption/utils.ts
#	app/lib/hooks/index.ts
#	app/lib/methods/actions.ts
#	app/lib/methods/callJitsi.ts
#	app/lib/methods/enterpriseModules.ts
#	app/lib/methods/getCustomEmojis.ts
#	app/lib/methods/getPermalinks.ts
#	app/lib/methods/getPermissions.ts
#	app/lib/methods/getRoles.ts
#	app/lib/methods/getSettings.ts
#	app/lib/methods/getSlashCommands.ts
#	app/lib/methods/getThreadName.ts
#	app/lib/methods/getUsersPresence.ts
#	app/lib/methods/helpers/mergeSubscriptionsRooms.ts
#	app/lib/methods/helpers/showToast.ts
#	app/lib/methods/index.ts
#	app/lib/methods/loadMessagesForRoom.ts
#	app/lib/methods/loadMissedMessages.ts
#	app/lib/methods/loadNextMessages.ts
#	app/lib/methods/loadSurroundingMessages.ts
#	app/lib/methods/loadThreadMessages.ts
#	app/lib/methods/logout.ts
#	app/lib/methods/readMessages.ts
#	app/lib/methods/search.ts
#	app/lib/methods/sendFileMessage.ts
#	app/lib/methods/sendMessage.ts
#	app/lib/methods/setUser.ts
#	app/lib/methods/shareExtension.ts
#	app/lib/methods/subscribeRooms.ts
#	app/lib/methods/subscriptions/room.ts
#	app/lib/methods/subscriptions/rooms.ts
#	app/lib/navigation/appNavigation.ts
#	app/lib/navigation/shareNavigation.ts
#	app/lib/notifications/push.ts
#	app/lib/services/connect.ts
#	app/lib/services/restApi.ts
#	app/lib/services/sdk.ts
#	app/presentation/ImageViewer/index.js
#	app/presentation/ImageViewer/index.ts
#	app/presentation/ImageViewer/types.js
#	app/presentation/ImageViewer/types.ts
#	app/reducers/login.ts
#	app/reducers/room.test.ts
#	app/sagas/createChannel.js
#	app/sagas/createDiscussion.js
#	app/sagas/deepLinking.js
#	app/sagas/encryption.js
#	app/sagas/init.js
#	app/sagas/inviteLinks.js
#	app/sagas/login.js
#	app/sagas/messages.js
#	app/sagas/room.js
#	app/sagas/selectServer.js
#	app/sagas/state.js
#	app/share.tsx
#	app/stacks/InsideStack.tsx
#	app/stacks/MasterDetailStack/index.tsx
#	app/stacks/MasterDetailStack/types.ts
#	app/stacks/OutsideStack.tsx
#	app/stacks/types.ts
#	app/views/AddExistingChannelView.tsx
#	app/views/AttachmentView.tsx
#	app/views/AuthenticationWebView.tsx
#	app/views/AutoTranslateView/index.tsx
#	app/views/CannedResponseDetail.tsx
#	app/views/CannedResponsesListView/Dropdown/DropdownItem.tsx
#	app/views/CannedResponsesListView/index.tsx
#	app/views/ChangePasscodeView.tsx
#	app/views/CreateChannelView.tsx
#	app/views/CreateDiscussionView/SelectChannel.tsx
#	app/views/CreateDiscussionView/SelectUsers.tsx
#	app/views/CreateDiscussionView/index.tsx
#	app/views/CreateDiscussionView/interfaces.ts
#	app/views/DefaultBrowserView.tsx
#	app/views/DirectoryView/Options.tsx
#	app/views/DirectoryView/index.tsx
#	app/views/DiscussionsView/Item.tsx
#	app/views/DiscussionsView/__snapshots__/Item.stories.storyshot
#	app/views/DiscussionsView/index.tsx
#	app/views/DisplayPrefsView.tsx
#	app/views/E2EEncryptionSecurityView.tsx
#	app/views/E2EEnterYourPasswordView.tsx
#	app/views/E2ESaveYourPasswordView.tsx
#	app/views/ForgotPasswordView.tsx
#	app/views/ForwardLivechatView.tsx
#	app/views/InviteUsersEditView/index.tsx
#	app/views/InviteUsersView/index.tsx
#	app/views/JitsiMeetView.tsx
#	app/views/LanguageView/index.tsx
#	app/views/LegalView.tsx
#	app/views/LivechatEditView.tsx
#	app/views/LoginView.tsx
#	app/views/MarkdownTableView.tsx
#	app/views/MessagesView/index.tsx
#	app/views/ModalBlockView.tsx
#	app/views/NewMessageView.tsx
#	app/views/NewServerView/ServerInput/Item.tsx
#	app/views/NewServerView/ServerInput/index.tsx
#	app/views/NewServerView/index.tsx
#	app/views/NotificationPreferencesView/index.tsx
#	app/views/PickerView.tsx
#	app/views/ProfileView/index.tsx
#	app/views/RegisterView.tsx
#	app/views/RoomActionsView/index.tsx
#	app/views/RoomInfoEditView/index.tsx
#	app/views/RoomInfoView/index.tsx
#	app/views/RoomMembersView/index.tsx
#	app/views/RoomView/JoinCode.tsx
#	app/views/RoomView/LeftButtons.tsx
#	app/views/RoomView/List/List.tsx
#	app/views/RoomView/List/NavBottomFAB.tsx
#	app/views/RoomView/List/index.tsx
#	app/views/RoomView/LoadMore/__snapshots__/LoadMore.stories.storyshot
#	app/views/RoomView/LoadMore/index.tsx
#	app/views/RoomView/ReactionPicker.tsx
#	app/views/RoomView/RightButtons.tsx
#	app/views/RoomView/UploadProgress.tsx
#	app/views/RoomView/index.tsx
#	app/views/RoomsListView/Header/Header.tsx
#	app/views/RoomsListView/Header/index.tsx
#	app/views/RoomsListView/ServerDropdown.tsx
#	app/views/RoomsListView/index.tsx
#	app/views/ScreenLockConfigView.tsx
#	app/views/ScreenLockedView.tsx
#	app/views/SearchMessagesView/index.tsx
#	app/views/SecurityPrivacyView.tsx
#	app/views/SelectListView.tsx
#	app/views/SelectedUsersView.tsx
#	app/views/SendEmailConfirmationView.tsx
#	app/views/SetUsernameView.tsx
#	app/views/SettingsView/index.tsx
#	app/views/ShareListView/Header/Header.ios.tsx
#	app/views/ShareListView/Header/Header.tsx
#	app/views/ShareListView/index.tsx
#	app/views/ShareListView/styles.ts
#	app/views/ShareView/Header.tsx
#	app/views/ShareView/Preview.tsx
#	app/views/ShareView/Thumbs.tsx
#	app/views/ShareView/index.tsx
#	app/views/ShareView/utils.ts
#	app/views/SidebarView/SidebarItem.tsx
#	app/views/SidebarView/index.tsx
#	app/views/StatusView/index.tsx
#	app/views/TeamChannelsView.tsx
#	app/views/ThemeView.tsx
#	app/views/ThreadMessagesView/Dropdown/DropdownItem.tsx
#	app/views/ThreadMessagesView/Dropdown/index.tsx
#	app/views/ThreadMessagesView/Item.tsx
#	app/views/ThreadMessagesView/__snapshots__/Item.stories.storyshot
#	app/views/ThreadMessagesView/index.tsx
#	app/views/UserPreferencesView/index.tsx
#	app/views/WorkspaceView/ServerAvatar.tsx
#	docs/
#	e2e/tests/assorted/03-profile.spec.js
#	e2e/tests/assorted/06-status.spec.js
#	e2e/tests/room/03-roomactions.spec.js
#	e2e/tests/room/08-roominfo.spec.js
#	ios/Gemfile.lock
#	ios/Podfile.lock
#	ios/RocketChatRN.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
#	ios/RocketChatRN/Info.plist
#	ios/ShareRocketChatRN/Info.plist
#	ios/custom.ttf
#	jest.setup.js
#	package.json
#	storybook/stories/HeaderButtons.js
#	storybook/stories/Markdown.tsx
#	storybook/stories/NewMarkdown.js
#	storybook/stories/RoomItem.js
#	storybook/stories/__snapshots__/Avatar.storyshot
#	storybook/stories/__snapshots__/HeaderButtons.storyshot
#	storybook/stories/__snapshots__/List.storyshot
#	storybook/stories/__snapshots__/Markdown.storyshot
#	storybook/stories/__snapshots__/Message.storyshot
#	storybook/stories/__snapshots__/NewMarkdown.storyshot
#	storybook/stories/__snapshots__/RoomItem.storyshot
#	storybook/stories/__snapshots__/ServerItem.storyshot
#	storybook/stories/index.js
#	yarn.lock
2022-07-18 14:48:17 -03:00
Alex Junior 1027b6c9e6
[IMPROVE] Use UI Elements from react-navigation ()
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>
2022-07-06 10:23:02 -03:00
Alex Junior 1e9ae6e157
Chore: Migration to Hooks - FormTextInput ()
* chore: migrate TextInput from class to functional

* removing the theme props

* adding tests for the FormTextInput

* minor tweak

* applying changes requested

* changing the way we import/export the FormTextInput and TextInput

* removing left comments

* minor tweak

* fix import

Co-authored-by: GleidsonDaniel <>
2022-06-27 15:46:59 -03:00
Gleidson Daniel Silva 674f0285f6
Chore: Migrate RoomItem to Hooks ()
* migrate roomItem to ts and fix some types

* remove unnecessary verification

* fix types

* fix SubscriptionType

* review

* remove theme prop driling and change file to tsx

* Fix component not re-rendering

* Remove a few props from attrs

* Remove accessibilityLabel state

* Fix propsAreEqual

* Fix cleanup

* Remove ts-ignore

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>
2022-06-27 15:23:43 -03:00
Alex Junior 614d9afe65
Chore: Evaluate helpers and utils - Typescript () 2022-06-06 11:17:51 -03:00
Alex Junior 6220375f7b
Chore: upgrade react navigation to 6.0.10 version () 2022-06-01 16:46:37 -03:00
Diego Mello a9214e73b5
Merge 4.28.0 into single-server () 2022-05-30 19:01:25 -03:00
Danish Ahmed Mirza 6384d60efc
Chore: Migrate containers/Button to Typescript and Hooks () 2022-05-20 13:37:57 -03:00
Alex Junior 4a84e47cfa
Chore: Evaluate TextInput component ()
* changing from `containers/TextInput` to `containers/TexInput/FormTextInput`

* changing from `presentation/TextInput` to `containers/TexInput/index`

* update storybook

* update status view after merge with develop

* removing `app/containers/__snapshots__/TextInput.stories.storyshot` in favor from `app/containers/TextInput/__snapshots`
2022-05-18 16:17:42 -03:00
Gerzon Z f9394b66e3
Chore: evaluate `RoomsListView` () 2022-05-16 15:14:04 -03:00
Alex Junior d99b31849a
Chore: Evaluate Icon - Typescript ()
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>
2022-05-02 16:21:15 -03:00
Gleidson Daniel Silva 89e0a40d95
Chore: remove lib/rocketchat step 2 ()
* create index file

* remove roomTypeToApiType from rocketchat and fix imports

* move TOKEN_KEY to const file

* move CURRENT_SERVER to const file

* move CERTIFICATE_KEY to const file

* getRoom

* rename getSlashCommands

* getSlashCommands

* readMessages

* getRooms

* loadThreadMessages

* loadNextMessages

* loadSurroundingMessages

* loadMessagesForRoom

* loadMissedMessages

* clearCache

* canOpenRoom

* setUser

* userPreferencesMethods

* getCustomEmojis

* callJtisi

* triggerActions

* getPermissions

* getRoles

* getSettings

* getUsersPresence

* logout

* sendFileMessage

* shareExtension

* sendMessage

* enterpriseModules

* getPermalinks

* search

* change RocketChat.metodo to direct call

* fix types

* Fix login

* Fix createChannel

* migrate service methods to Service.method call

* change call directly to RocketChat because the use of this

* rollback

* rollback

* fix create discussion

* fix import

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>
2022-04-28 17:37:25 -03:00
Diego Mello 8f6100d450
Merge 4.27.0 into single-server () 2022-04-28 15:44:40 -03:00
Gerzon Z 8a75dcf87b
Chore: evaluate `RoomItem` ()
* chore: evaluate `RoomItem`

* update: `RoomItem.storyshot`

* update: interfaces for RoomItem components

* update: UnreadBadge import and RoomItem interfaces

* remove: `avatarSize` from interfaces

* update: `RoomItem.storyshot`
2022-04-20 17:37:54 -04:00
Reinaldo Neto 8012031cd3
[NEW] On-Hold chats for Omnichannel ()
* [NEW] Implementing On-Hold Livechat for Omnichannel

* added onHold to database

* list header title open livechats

* update rooms list view

* remove placeOnHold after clicked

* fix mesasgebox reactive to on hold

* navigate to roomslistview

* minor tweaks

* for grouping too

* fix chat on-hold when the agent is fully

* show on hold system messages
2022-04-20 17:53:11 -03:00
Reinaldo Neto 0a67cb8096
[IMPROVE] Visibility of the “incoming chats” in queue ()
* [IMPROVE] Visibility of the “incoming chats” in queue

* fix the custom icon for rtl

* fix thumb colors

* clean queue empty

* added alert to confirm enable omnichannel

* switch to normal

* fix storyshot because was added a new props to list item

* fix height container

* minor tweak

* minor tweak

* fix title
2022-04-15 00:11:36 -03:00
Gerzon Z b9651493d2
Chore: update `theme` type ()
* chore: update `theme` type

* update: components

* update: storyshots

* add: `theme` type to `DirectoryItem`

* chore: update theme type on `message/index.tsx`

* update: `RoomTypeIcon`'s useTheme
2022-04-12 12:27:05 -04:00
Alex Junior b0d408ebc8
Chore: add eslint-plugin-react-hooks lib ()
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>
2022-04-11 15:01:43 -03:00
Gerzon Z cd0c8abced
Chore: evaluate ServerItem - TypeScript Migration ()
* chore: evaluate ServerItem

* update: IServerInfo interface

* chore: move `ServerItem` to `containers` folder

* update: `ServerItem` import on Storybook

* update: `themes` import
2022-04-07 13:07:16 -04:00
Gleidson Daniel Silva bdf83e546e
Chore: Move constants away from rocketchat folder - Typescript ()
* create keys file and export all consts

* fix import E2E_MESSAGE_TYPE

* fix constants import

* fix constants import

* fix E2E_BANNER_TYPE import

* fix E2E_ROOM_TYPES import




* fix constantDisplayMode import

* fix environment imports

* fix links imports

* fix localAuthentication imports

* fix localPath imports

* fix messagesStatus imports

* fix messageTypeLoad imports

* fix defaultSettings imports

* fix tablet imports

* update with todo for colors

* move to lib folder

* change constant/colors to constant
2022-04-07 11:10:03 -03:00
Gleidson Daniel Silva 7d2ae5ea7c
Chore: Evaluate helpers and methods - Typescript ()
* move userPreferences to methods folder

* create formatAttachmentUrl file

* create compareServerVersion file

* create generateLoadMoreId file
2022-04-07 10:13:19 -03:00
Gleidson Daniel Silva 2eba327396
Chore: Evaluate lib/rocketchat structure and files ()
* create TSubscription type

* move logoutOtherLocations to restApis

* mvoe getUserInfo to restApi

* move constants to lib folder

* change Rocketchat methods to sdk methods

* move toggleFavorite to restApis

* move functions to rocketchat folder

* delete old rocketchat file :)

* fix imports

* fix lint and return types

* Fix subscribe to rooms not getting called

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>
2022-04-04 16:15:29 -03:00
Diego Mello 9d2175485c
Merge 4.26.1 into single-server () 2022-03-29 15:53:27 -03:00
Gerzon Z 38b2b08278
Chore: Evaluate ActivityIndicator - TypeScript ()
* update: `BackgroundContainer` and `ActivityIndicator`

* update: return type for `RCActivityIndicator`

* update: return type for `BackgroundContainer`
2022-03-17 22:37:10 -04:00
Gerzon Z a1e33c4a69
Chore: evaluate Header components - TypeScript ()
* update: Header components
2022-03-17 15:25:31 -04:00
Alex Junior cd00366613
Chore: Update react-native-mmkv-storage to 0.6.12 ()
* chore: updating mmkv library

* feat: updating android ejson to use the getSecureKey new version

* feat: updating IOS files to use the getSecureKey new version

* feat: changing all mmkv methods to use sync calls

* feat: changing mmkv methods from Screen lock

* feat: changing all mmkv methods from login, ssl certificate and change/add server

* feat: changing all mmkv methods from login, ssl certificate and change/add server

* feat: changing all mmkv methods from logout

* feat: changing all mmkv methods from e2e

* fix: small fix at encryption and server drop down

* feat: changing all mmkv methods from set theme

* feat: changing all mmkv methods from openLink

* fix: setting up mmkv to works property on Android

* fix: fix an error to set the theme when open the app

* refactor: change the react-native branch (temporary)

* refactor: removing all `Async` from mmkv functions name

* refactor: removing await from unnecessary functions, removing console.log and update cocoapods

* refactor: removing unnecessary undefined from methods

* feat: creating a custom hook for mmkv

* refactor: changing the fetchPasscode to use the useUserPreferences hook

* refactor: changing setTheme from app/index

* refactor: small fix on setTheme

* chore: update mmkv to 0.6.11

* chore: update mmkv to 0.6.11

* chore: minor tweak

* chore: update mmkv to 0.6.12

* chore: mock NativeModules

* chore: fix test mmkv

* chore: removing custom MMKV JSI module, since is no more necessary after 0.6.11 version

* feat: removing some async calls from mmkv after update from develop

* feat: creating a function to get the initialTheme

* feat: removing unnecessary try/catch

* fix: fixing the blink white when open the app

* feat: changing useMMKVStorage to create from mmkv lib

* test: creating a mock for mmkv create function

* chore: fix errors on tablet

* minor tweak
2022-03-09 16:41:26 -03:00
Diego Mello fc9e9a4f2a
Merge 4.25.0 into single-server ()
* Chore: Migrate DefaultBrowserView to Typescript ()

Co-authored-by: AlexAlexandre <>

* Chore: Migrate PickerView to Typescript ()

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* Chore: Migrate AttachmentView to Typescript ()

Co-authored-by: AlexAlexandre <>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* Chore: Migrate MarkdownTableView to Typescript ()

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* Chore: Migrate E2EEncryptionSecurityView to Typescript ()

Co-authored-by: AlexAlexandre <>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* Chore: Migrate E2EEnterYourPasswordView to Typescript ()

Co-authored-by: AlexAlexandre <>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* Chore: Migrate E2EHowItWorksView to Typescript ()

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* Chore: Migrate E2ESaveYourPasswordView to Typescript ()

Co-authored-by: AlexAlexandre <>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* Chore: Migrate ForgotPasswordView to Typescript ()

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* Chore: Migrate ForwardLivechatView to Typescript ()

Co-authored-by: AlexAlexandre <>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* Chore: Migrate JitsiMeetView to Typescript ()

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [FIX] Push notifications user preference not syncing correctly ()

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [FIX] Display prefs showing wrong header icon on tablet ()

* Merge 4.22.0 into master ()

* Tests: Make Detox work on Android ()

* Chore: Migrate NewMessageView to Typescript ()

* Chore: Migrate ScreenLockConfigView to Typescript ()

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* Chore: Migrate ScreenLockedView to Typescript ()

* Chore: Migrate SecurityPrivacyView to Typescript ()

* Chore: Migrate SelectListView to Typescript ()

* Chore: Migrate SelectServerView to Typescript ()

Co-authored-by: AlexAlexandre <>

* Chore: Migrate SetUsernameView to Typescript ()

* Chore: Migrate ThemeView to Typescript ()

Co-authored-by: AlexAlexandre <>

* Chore: Migrate StatusView to Typescript ()

Co-authored-by: AlexAlexandre <>

* Chore: Migrate ShareListView to Typescript ()

Co-authored-by: Gerzon Z <>

* Chore: Migrate TeamChannelsView to Typescript ()

Co-authored-by: Gerzon Z <>

* Language update from LingoHub 🤖 ()

Project Name: Rocket.Chat.ReactNative
Project Link:
User: Robot LingoHub

Easy language translations with LingoHub 🚀

Co-authored-by: Robot LingoHub <>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* Chore: Migrate react-navigation to TypeScript ()

Co-authored-by: AlexAlexandre <>

* Bump version to 4.23.0 ()

* [FIX] Certificate stops working after app update on iOS ()

* [IMPROVE] Connection stability ()

* [NEW] Permission for uploading files ()

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [FIX] Files screen stopped listing content on server 4.2 ()

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* Chore: Migrate ModalBlockView to Typescript ()

* Chore: Migrate ModalBlockView to Typescript

* minor tweaks

* update the navigator

Co-authored-by: AlexAlexandre <>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* Chore: Migrate SelectedUsersView to Typescript ()

Co-authored-by: AlexAlexandre <>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [IMPROVE] Remove Omnichannel visitor's navigation history ()

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* Merge 4.23.0 into master ()

* [FIX] Download video/quicktime in iOS ()

* Chore: Migrate Redux to Typescript PoC ()

* Chore: Migrate Model's folder to Typescript ()

* Chore: Migrate lib user preferences to Typescript ()

* Chore: Update React Native Device Info to 8.4.8 ()

* [FIX] Roles rendering on dark theme ()

* fix: Add height verification to fix modal dimension ()

* chore: Change the lib `@types/url-parse` to devDependencies ()

* [FIX] teams.removeMembers mobile usage ()

* Chore: Migrate DisplayPrefsView to Typescript ()

* Chore: Migrate Utils Folder to Typescript ()

Co-authored-by: AlexAlexandre <>

* Chore: Migrate ThreadMessagesView to Typescript ()

Co-authored-by: AlexAlexandre <>

* [FIX] RoomInfoView displaying different info depending on the origin ()

Co-authored-by: GleidsonDaniel <>

* [FIX] Message parser switch not updating field properly ()

* [FIX] Lint not ignoring Markdown props ()

* Bump version to 4.24.0 ()

* Chore: Migrate notification/push to Typescript ()

* chore: migrate connect to ts and add tests

* chore: add more tests

* Chore: Update react-native-device-info patch-package and pods ()

* [FIX] App crashes when entering server after applying certificate (Android) ()

* chore: migrate redux module encryption to typescript

* chore: migrate customEmoji to typescript and add tests

* chore: create IPreferences interface

* chore: migrate redux module sortPreferences to typescript

* chore: fix IPreference interface and organize import

* chore: migrate to typescript

* chore: migrate usersTyping to typescript

* Add DiscussionDetails and Item for DiscussionsView; update ThreadDetails, BackgroundContainer and DiscussionsView

* chore: migrate settings to typescript

* chore: add interface to IStateAplication

* chore: migrate redux module room to typescript

* update definitions

* chore: fix error on error interface

* [FIX] Joining and leaving messages in teams ()

Co-authored-by: Gleidson Daniel Silva <>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* minor tweak

* [FIX] TypeScript's errors raised by HOCs ()

Co-authored-by: AlexAlexandre <>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* chore: migrate redux module roles to typescript

* wip: add IRoles to IAplicationState interface

* add storybooks, update snapshots and DiscussionsView

* Minor tweaks

* Fix lint

* Remove unused import

* chore: migrate redux module inviteUsers to typescript

* chore: migrate messages action to typescript

* chore: fix any interface and change null to empty string

* chore: implements IAplicationState on type

* chore: remove mapDispatchToProps and continue ts migration

* chore: fix types and apply IAplicationState to types

* Migrate redux server action/reducer to ts

* add tests

* [FIX] App crashes when opening a notification while app is closed ()

* [FIX] makeThreadName asserting undefined as non-null ()

* [FIX] Threads' pagination not working ()

* update tests

* chore: update settings value types

* Send missing params to selectServerRequest

* [IMPROVE] Convert HEIC images to JPG and remove compression ()

* update interface

* update action definition

* Move onDiscussionpress logic on message, update SearchHeader and DiscussionDetails component,  add useLayoutEffect at DiscussionsView

* Update interfaces and minor tweaks to DiscussionsView screen and components

* Fix navigation logic and update interfaces

* Minor tweaks

* Undo change on project.pbxproj

* Update project.pbxproj

* Update project.pbxproj

* Remove style.ts

* Minor tweak

* update snapshots

* Merge 4.24.0 into master ()

* Chore: Change console.log to console.error when logging error

* chore: add as string to fix type

* Fix lint

* fix types

* test

* Remove console.log

* test

* [FIX] StoryShots not working for async rendered components ()

* remove console.log

* Add missing DiscussionsView snapshot

* fix build and useless done and async generator

* update snapshot

* Chore: fix build and useless done and async generator ()

* fix build and useless done and async generator

* update snapshot

* Chore: Migrate Database to Typescript ()

Co-authored-by: Gleidson Daniel Silva <>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* Chore: Migrate redux module permissions to typescript ()

* Chore: Migrate redux module share to typescript ()

* chore: migrate redux module share to typescript

* chore: fix types

* chore: update types

* chore: migrate redux module share to typescript

* remove double import

* chore: fix import

* Chore: Migrate redux module createChannel to typescript ()

* chore: migrate createChannel to ts and add tests

* chore: fix naming

* chore: add more types and remove mapDispatchToProps from components

* remove todo

* update tests

* chore: migrate interface to reducer and fix errors on return

* chore: insert IApplicationState to mapStateToProps state type

* Remove spread

* fix type

* fix import and state type

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* Chore: Migrate redux module app to typescript ()

* chore: migrate activeUsers reducer and action to TS

* chore: init types folder and set redux and BaseScreen interface

* chore: remove mapDispatchToProps to use dispatch prop and clear some types

* chore: type selectedUsers action and reducer and improvement in the code of other files

* chore: move IUser to base types

* chore: move state props to ISelectedUsersViewProps

* chore: create mocketStore

* chore: remove applyAppStateMiddleware

* test: create activeUser and selectedUser tests

* test: add more selectedUsers tests

* chore: fix action type

* chore: move types to definition folder and fix imports

* chore: remove unused const

* chore: migrate redux tests to reducer folder and add eslint jest plugin

* chore: exprot initial state and then import on tests

* chore: move interfaces to reducer and import on screen

* chore: set eslint-plugin-jest version to 24.7.0

* chore: fix IUser import

* chore: update interfaces and types names

* chore: update definitions

* chore: update IBaseScreen definitions

* chore: init reducer/app migration to ts

* chore: add tests and migrate RootEnum

* wip: migrate fixed consts to RootEnum

* chore: remove redux action inferences

* fix types

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* Chore: Migrate redux module createDiscussion to typescript  ()

* chore: migrate createDiscussion to ts and add tests

* chore: add TActionCreateDiscussion to TApplicationActions

* fix types

* update types

* fix types

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [FIX] ios-testflight-experimental unable to find cache ()

* Chore: Remove Non-null assertion operator in ThreadMessagesView ()

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* Chore: Migrate CannedResponsesListView to Typescript ()

* Chore: Migrate CannedResponsesListView to TS

* Moved IcannedResponse to definitions and fixed the index

* Chore: Migrate CannedResponseDetail to TS

* minor tweaks

* refactor: update new types and interfaces for use ISubscription

* fix lint error and canned responses's dropdown

Co-authored-by: AlexAlexandre <>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* Chore: Migrate LivechatEditView to Typescript ()

* Chore: Migrate LivechatEditView to Typescript

* refactor: minor tweak

* refactor: fix the interfaces for input

* refactor: fix lint erros

* minor tweak with new navigation types

* function

* iroom tweak

* livechateditview tweak

* TextInput tweak

* refactor: update new types and interfaces for use ISubscription

* refactor to default useState type

* change the component name in SearchBox

* changed state type

Co-authored-by: AlexAlexandre <>
Co-authored-by: Gerzon Z <>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* Regression: Message press navigating to empty RoomView ()

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* Regression: Prevent duplicated .jpg on file upload ()

* [FIX] Regression: Prevent duplicated .jpg on file upload

* refactor to all files typed as image/jpeg

* isolate regexp to function

* refactor forceJpgExtension

* clean

* minor tweak

* [FIX] Regression: Prevent duplicated .jpg on file upload

* refactor to all files typed as image/jpeg

* isolate regexp to function

* refactor forceJpgExtension

* clean

* minor tweak

* refactored comment

* Chore: Migrate lib/utils to TypeScript ()

* Migrate utils to TypeScript

* Add @types/semver

* Refactor compareServerVersion(currentVersion, oldVersion, func) to compareServerVersion(current, func, oldVersion)

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* Chore: Migrate readMessages to TS ()

* Migrate readMessages to TS

* Update IRocketChat interface

* [FIX] Unnecessary login dispatch on adding new server ()

* [FIX] Disable tap gesture on call messages ()

* [IMPROVE] Keep biometry option from last session ()

Co-authored-by: GleidsonDaniel <>
Co-authored-by: Reinaldo Neto <>

* Fix reactotron multiple connections ()

* Chore: Fix rocketchat interface ()

* Chore: Migrate logout to Typescript ()

* [NEW] Stream to get individual presence updates ()

Co-authored-by: Gerzon Z <>

* [FIX] Inject Redux store to prevent/remove require cycles ()

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* Chore: Migrate lib/rocketchat.js to TS - structure PoC ()

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>
Co-authored-by: Gleidson Daniel Silva <>

* [FIX]  merged using wrong JS SDK branch ()

* [FIX] Remove deprecated database methods and other database operations ()

* Fix PK error on subscriptions/room

* Instead of checking for pending update, wrap the call on a try catch and return null in case of error

* Generate delete operations before create/update to prevent errors

* Apply same logic on encryption

* Fix database operations on getRoles

* Fix a few database issues found on Bugsnag on ThreadMessagesView

* Run prettier :(

* Chore: Add REST API definitions from server ()

* create first definitions

* chore: implements get and post types

* fix lint

* add ts-ignore

* add teams.removeRoom method

* Remove unused endpoints

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* Chore: Move some methods to SDK ()

* [IMPROVE] Add support for ephemeral messages inside threads ()

* Chore: dehydrate small server requests away from rocketchat.js ()

* Bump version to 4.25.0 ()

* [Snyk] Security upgrade url-parse from 1.5.1 to 1.5.6 ()

The following vulnerabilities are fixed with an upgrade:

* Language update from LingoHub 🤖 on 2022-02-14Z ()

* Language update from LingoHub 🤖

Project Name: Rocket.Chat.ReactNative
Project Link:
User: Robot LingoHub

Easy language translations with LingoHub 🚀

* remove draft gl

Co-authored-by: Robot LingoHub <>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* Chore: Migrate methods/getSingleMessage to TS ()

* migrate getSingleMessage to TS

* minor tweak

* Chore: Migrate methods/getRooms to TS ()

* migrate getRooms to TS

* add sdk and set any types

* Moved the new variable around and added ts-ignore to follow the pattern from /services/restApi.ts

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* Chore: Migrate updateMessages to Typescript ()

* Chore: Migrate selector/login to TS ()

* migrate selector/login to TS

* Fix lint errors

* set aliases for returns

* Chore: Migrate helpers/parseUrls to Typescript ()

* Chore: Migrate methods/helpers/parseQuery to Typescript ()

* Chore: Migrate methods/helpers/parseQuery to Typescript

* tweak in example

* Chore: Migrate app/commands to typescript ()

* Chore: Migrate lib/encryption folder to TypeScript ()

* Initial commit

* add types/bytebuffer, add type definitions to params and update interfaces

* add more types and type assertions

* update types

* change bang operator by type assertion and update class variables definitions

* add types for deferred class

* minor tweaks on types definitions

* add ts-ignore

* Update encryption.ts

* update deferred and encryption

* update encryption.ts

* Update room.ts

* update toDecrypt type

* initialize sessionKeyExportedString

* remove return types

* Chore: Migrate redux actions/enterpriseModules to TS ()

* migrate enterpriseModules to TS

* update test file

* Chore: Migrate database/services and database/utils to TS ()

* migrate database services and utils to ts

* Migrate tests

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* Chore: Migrate buildMessage to TS ()

* migrate buildMessage to TS

* Fix lint

* minor tweak

* minor tweaks

* Chore: Migrate getPermissions to Typescript ()

* Migrating...

* Fix IPermission

* Playing with types

* Remove `as const`

* Fix lint

* Fix test

* Apply sdk

* Fix lint and autocomplete

* [FIX] Add search and fix pagination for omnichannels departments ()

* [FIX] Search and pagination for omnichannels departments

* pagination complete

* minor tweak

* renamed a param and workaround for a ux bug

* fix style of flatlist and search as header scrollable

* stick the header

* Merge branch 'fix.forward-department-list' of into fix.forward-department-list

* refactor pagination

* fix value type

* refactor render search

* refactor layout

* make ts happy

* Chore: Migrate Markdown to Typescript ()

* Chore: Migrate Markdown to TS

* Chore: Migrate Markdown to TS

* minor tweak

* added preview where markdown was preview and fixed params within markdown

* removed ts-ignore

* fix lint

* removed numbersofline={0} and default value to numberOfLines=1

* change how to import markdown preview and remove numberOfLines

* using useTheme inside markdownPreview and remove theme from components

* minor tweak on interfaces

* isNewMarkdown return as boolean

* minor tweaks

* minor tweaks

* removed unused component

* fixed markdown stories

* updated snapshot because removed numberOfLines={0} from message/content

* create IEmoji.ts in definitions and refactor all places where getCustomEmoji was called

* onLinkPress typed

* todo: refactor navtoroominfo

* formatText.test.ts

* markdown stories to typescript too

* minor tweak

* IMessage definition

* refactor: update new types and interfaces for use ISubscription

* refactor: update threadItem for use new MarkdownPreview

* refactor: rollback wrong file commited

* formatHyperlink

* fix lint

* updated item story shot

* refactor and refactor some types

* Remove non-null assertion

* Minor change on useRealName

* tweak

Co-authored-by: AlexAlexandre <>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* Chore: Migrate methods/callJitsi to typescript ()

* chore: migrate callJitsi to typescript

* change fixed string to type

* wip

* wip

* back to old times :)

* back to typescript

* Chore: Migrate redux module room to typescript ()

* chore: migrate redux module room to typescript and remove dispatch on dependencies

* chore: add tests to redux module room

* chore: create ERoomType and use on implemention

* chore: update enum name

* fix test id

* Chore: Migrate redux module login to typescript ()

* chore: migrate redux module login to typescript

chore: update redux module login tests

* update workers

* wip

* fix type

* remove partial

* add more status

* migrate the rest of the stuff to typescript

* fix tests and types

* fix types and tests

* Chore: Migrate method getSettings to typescript ()

* chore: migrate getSettings to typescript and and some types

* chore: remove this and add current to code

* chore: add current

* Chore: Migrate getCustomEmojis to TS ()

* update customEmoji interface and getCustomEmoji

* add sdk

* updated emojiCustom rest definition

* minor refactor

* update params object

* [FIX] getRooms request using param with wrong name ()

* Chore: Migrate methods/getRoomInfo to TS ()

* migrate getRoomInfo to TS

* update room type

* update types

* Fix lint error

* Chore: Migrate getSlashCommands to TS ()

* migrate getSlashCommands to TS

* use sdk and update getSlashCommands

* minor tweak

* Remove implicit anys

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* Chore: Migrate getUsersPresence to TS ()

* migrate getUsersPresence to ts

* use sdk and remove this context from getUsersPresence

* Chore: Migrate loadMissedMessages to typescript ()

* chore: migrate loadMissedMessages to typescript

* remove loaderItem

* remove this from functions

* Chore: Migrate methods/getRoles to Typescript ()

* chore: migrate getRoles to ts

* chore: removing unused const

* chore: minor tweak

* Type batch

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* Chore: Migrate methods/loadMessagesForRoom to Typescript ()

* chore: change loadMessagesForRoom to typescript

* minor tweak

* chore: minor tweaks after merge with developer

* chore: minor tweaks after merge with developer

* chore: minor tweak

* chore: minor tweaks

* Fix return

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>
Co-authored-by: Gleidson Daniel Silva <>

* Chore: Migrate methods/sendFileMessage to typescript ()

* chore: start the migration

* chore: update sendFileMessage to ts

* chore: removing an `any` from uploadQueue

* chore: minor tweak

* chore: minor tweak

* chore: minor tweaks after merge with developer

* chore: minor tweak after merge develop into current

* [FIX] Differ to Last Session Authenticated ()

* [FIX] Differ to Last Session Authenticated

* Added timesync

* [FIX] Differ to Last Session Authenticated

* Added timesync

* timesync tweaks

* refactor diffLastLocalSession and saveLastLocalAuthentication

* did a race

* Update comment in app/utils/localAuthentication.ts

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* refactor getServerTimeSync and when use this route

* tweak

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* Chore: Migrate methods/loadNextMessages to typescript ()

* feat: update loadNextMessages to ts

* minor tweak

* chore: minor tweaks after merge with developer

* chore: migrate getFileUrlFromMessage to ts ()

* [IMPROVE] Team system messages feedback () ()

* almost there

* Update stories

Co-authored-by: Reinaldo Neto <>
Co-authored-by: AlexAlexandre <>
Co-authored-by: Matheus Barbosa Silva <>
Co-authored-by: Gerzon Z <>
Co-authored-by: Anant Bhasin <>
Co-authored-by: Gerzon Z <>
Co-authored-by: lingohub[bot] <69908207+lingohub[bot]>
Co-authored-by: Robot LingoHub <>
Co-authored-by: Gleidson Daniel Silva <>
Co-authored-by: Danish Ahmed Mirza <>
Co-authored-by: Reinaldo Neto <>
Co-authored-by: Snyk bot <>
2022-02-28 16:03:42 -03:00
Alex Junior 91de74ed9f
Chore: Migrate views/RoomListView to typescript ()
* chore: migrating RoomListView to ts

* chore: migrating RoomListView to ts

* chore: implementing types for RoomListView

* chore: change ChatsStackParamList for fix RoomListView errors

* chore: minor tweak

* chore: minor tweak

* chore: fix setTimeout type

* chore: applying changes requested

* chore: minor tweak
2022-02-25 15:59:39 -03:00
Gleidson Daniel Silva 6fa35cd748
Chore: Migrate redux module app to typescript ()
* chore: migrate activeUsers reducer and action to TS

* chore: init types folder and set redux and BaseScreen interface

* chore: remove mapDispatchToProps to use dispatch prop and clear some types

* chore: type selectedUsers action and reducer and improvement in the code of other files

* chore: move IUser to base types

* chore: move state props to ISelectedUsersViewProps

* chore: create mocketStore

* chore: remove applyAppStateMiddleware

* test: create activeUser and selectedUser tests

* test: add more selectedUsers tests

* chore: fix action type

* chore: move types to definition folder and fix imports

* chore: remove unused const

* chore: migrate redux tests to reducer folder and add eslint jest plugin

* chore: exprot initial state and then import on tests

* chore: move interfaces to reducer and import on screen

* chore: set eslint-plugin-jest version to 24.7.0

* chore: fix IUser import

* chore: update interfaces and types names

* chore: update definitions

* chore: update IBaseScreen definitions

* chore: init reducer/app migration to ts

* chore: add tests and migrate RootEnum

* wip: migrate fixed consts to RootEnum

* chore: remove redux action inferences

* fix types

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>
2022-02-02 15:27:10 -03:00
Reinaldo Neto f88bdfb97c
Chore: Migrate Database to Typescript ()
Co-authored-by: Gleidson Daniel Silva <>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>
2022-02-01 10:39:09 -03:00
Diego Mello 14f0108325
Merge 4.24.0 into single-server () 2022-01-24 17:12:25 -03:00
Diego Mello ddd0a84530 Send missing params to selectServerRequest 2022-01-20 14:45:40 -03:00
GleidsonDaniel 89b9e17481 chore: migrate redux module room to typescript 2022-01-14 19:06:55 -03:00
Reinaldo Neto f7418791a2
Chore: Migrate DisplayPrefsView to Typescript () 2022-01-11 11:47:23 -03:00
Diego Mello b564eddcfd
Merge 4.22.0 into single-server () 2021-11-25 11:25:11 -03:00
Diego Mello 83b4164a8b
Merge 4.21.0 into single-server () 2021-10-28 14:49:08 -03:00
Reinaldo Neto 1889918875
[FIX] Disable swipe when room is not joined ()
* [FIX] swipe when the user is joined and not when isn't

* Added a new conditional to check if is swipeble or not

* Minor tweaks

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>
2021-10-20 13:34:38 -03:00
Reinaldo Neto 27dd007874
[NEW] Display preferences screen ()
Co-authored-by: Gerzon Z <>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>
Co-authored-by: AlexAlexandre <>
2021-10-06 17:30:10 -03:00
Reinaldo Neto da6af286c6
[IMPROVE] Check permission to create a room ()
* [IMPROVE] Check permission to create new message, channels, teams

* Show or not the button to create at RoomListView

* Check permission for each button inside NewMessageView

* Check permission to create private or public channel

* Minor tweak

* Refactor to create a function tuserHasRolePermission

* Refactor to use only one function at rocketchat to check the user permission

* Minor tweaks

* Reactive create channel

* reactive new message view, and handleHasPermission out of constructor

* handleHasPermission to didMount in roomListView

* remove console.log

* Call the function in componentDidMount

* Changed === to dequal, to check array

Co-authored-by: Gerzon Z <>
Co-authored-by: Gerzon Z <>
Co-authored-by: AlexAlexandre <>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>
2021-10-05 10:59:40 -03:00
Diego Mello 450a38c407
Merge 4.20.0 into single-server ()
* Merge develop into single-server

* Apply changes
2021-10-01 15:12:19 -03:00
Reinaldo Neto d2544a79c8
[IMPROVE] Onboarding changes ()
- Change the first screen of the app
- Minor changes on NewServerView and make it the first screen of the app
- Add "Create workspace" to ServerDropdown

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>
2021-09-23 11:17:53 -03:00
Alex Junior 69a67ea998
Chore: Start Typescript migration () 2021-09-13 17:41:05 -03:00
Diego Mello 5c6274de20
Merge 4.19.0 into single-server () 2021-08-31 17:35:31 -03:00
Reinaldo Neto 8b35f5c2b2
[FIX] The unread section is not removed after receiving a new message and swipe to read ()
* Fix unread section from direct messages and thread messages

* Minor tweak

* removed the thread unread, but the thread unread is on branch fix.unread-thread-from-listview

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>
2021-08-27 13:33:29 -03:00
Alex Junior 8ee9a8ab75
[FIX] Conflicts not resolved properly on 4.18.0 () 2021-07-22 18:13:02 -03:00
Diego Mello 38615cc240
Merge 4.18.0 into single-server ()
* [FIX] RoomItem using deprecated animated event signature ()

* [FIX] Server autocomplete text breaking line ()

* [FIX] ServerDropdown flashing bigger server icon ()

* [FIX] ServerDropdown flashing bigger server icon

* Remove unused logo and update image path where needed

* Minor tweak

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [FIX] Rooms list not being updated on some cases ()

* Request subscriptions on RoomsListView.constructor

* Removes opened rooms from last message persisting

* Change server reducer

* Prevent undefined ids causing query error

* [FIX] Share Extension hitting memory limit on iOS ()

* [FIX] Disallow swipe to dismiss on share extension

* Limit query to 20 and clean up props

* Remove rn-extension-share branch pointer

* Test new branch

* Remove branch

* [IMPROVEMENT] Threads layout tweaks ()

* improvement: Thread Details

* fix: re-render Thread Messages Item

* fix: update snapshots

* improve: thread details component

* fix: cast replies length

* improvement: format date of threads

* improvement: thread details styles

* fix: wrap text

* tests: update snapshot

* improvement: use same date format for all dates

* Icon size 24

* Remove date

* Remove prop drill

* Badge position

* Badge container tweak

* Fix inline style

* Move ThreadDetails to containers

* Update stories

* Fix lint

* Remove wrong prop

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [CHORE] Remove some migrations ()

* Remove force rooms refresh

* Remove MMKV migration

* Bump version to 4.14.0 ()

* [FIX] Messagebox tracking lost on pop gesture navigation ()

* Use setTimeout instead of InteractionManager

* Update tracking lib

* [FIX] Back button closing activity when on root stack screen ()

* Make hardware back button to behave as home button on root screens

* Remove unnecessary code

* Remove handleBackPress from OnboardingView

* Fix lint

* [i18n] Add missing German strings ()

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [NEW] Encrypted Discussions  ()

* I18n key fix

* Add encrypted switch

* Remove unused i18n keys

* Add enabled to encryption reducer

* Show encrypted option on CreateDiscussionView only when e2e encryption is properly set

* Add localSearch and use it on search

* Use encrypted from parent channel

* Fix method calls as rest api with 2fa enabled

* Fix logout after reset keys

* Use encryption reducer instead of lib directly to check render

* Check for room type logic to display encryption option on create discussion

* Check toggle-room-e2e-encryption permission on RoomActionsView

* Check for encryption status instead of setting on server

* Fix

* Disable switch instead of hide it

* Fix spotlight for DMs

* Fix server test

* [FIX] Messagebox missing style for text color ()

* Changing auxilaryTintColor

* Changed Placeholder color to BodyText color

* added color prop

* eslint changes

* used array for styles

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [I18N] Update arabic ()

* Update ar.js

* Update ar.js

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [FIX] Workspace input without i18n ()

* [FIX] Translation of strings in Login page

* Strings are added for translation.


* Add pt-BR

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [FIX] Spotlight returning duplicated entries ()

* Update rocketchat.js

* Updated search function

* Minor improvements

* Remove atIndex

* Add remove logic to remove duplicate data from response

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [CHORE] Refactor ServerItem ()

* Updated ServerDropdown and ServerItem

* Added ServerItem stories

* Update ServerDropdown.js

* Updated ServerItem stories

* Updated ServerItem stories and ServerItem component

* Updated SelectServerView, ServerItem and ServerItem stories

* Updated ServerItem stories

* Updated ServerItem stories

* Update tests

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [DOCS] Updated Quick Start docs link in e2e/readme ()

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [I18N] Add Turkish ()

* Turkish language support added

* Update tr.js

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [FIX] Lint on  ()

* [I18N] Add missing german strings () ()

* [I18N] Add missing italian strings ()

* [FIX] Server version becoming null on server change ()

* [FIX] Wrong styling on E2E encryption banner ()

* [FIX] Wrong styling on E2E encryption banner

* [FIX] Wrong styling on E2E encryption banner

* [FIX] Wrong styling on E2E encryption banner

* [FIX] Wrong styling on E2E encryption banner ()

* Updated SortDropdown, ListHeader, ListItem and added stories for List.Item

* Updated SortDropdown

* Removed unused component

* Updated List.Item and stories

* Reverted unnecessary changes and updated ListItem stories

* Fix minor indentation

* Stop breaking Touch's default underlay color

* Fix indentation

* Remove falsy comparison from render

* Fix left icon

* Use List.Item on OmnichannelStatus

* Add missing separator

* Lint

* Fix sort dropdown

* Remove unnecessary styles

* Fix detox

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [FIX] App Store using Experimental's app id ()

* [FIX] Wrong username on push notifications ()

* [FIX] Share extension memory issues on iOS ()

* Remove unnecessary class prop

* Stop rendering servers when there's only one

* Map and alloc only necessary columns from query

* Fetch servers count instead of all servers records

* Fetch only needed servers

* Separators

* Remove renderContent

* Minor fix

* Refactor query

* Smaller avatars in memory

* Fix getItemLayout

* Add topic

* Load less pods

* tests

* Import only used functions from lodash

* Fix pods

* Import only used functions from semver

* Fix media sharing

* Update pods

* Disables preview and thumb on iOS

* Update expo-video-thumbnail

* Unnecessary change

* [FIX] Logout from other locations not prompting confirmation option ()

* Fixed logout toast bug for the iOS

* Removing callToAction and replacing with confirmationText

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* Bump version to 4.14.1 ()

* [IMPROVEMENT] Check for focused rooms on in-app notifications ()

* Update InAppNotification and room reducer

* Update InAppNotification

This reverts commit 60330a1e04cfe8d2e5aa311f367083d831682c49.

* Stop subscribing to threads

* Remove ref

* Fix prop-types

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [FIX] Real name being ignored in SearchMessagesView ()

Co-authored-by: Gerzon Z <>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [CHORE] Remove unnecessary share reducer calls ()

* Remove unnecesary share reducer calls

* Update Avatar

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [FIX] Breadcrumbs exceeding characters limit ()

* [FIX] breadcrumbs exceeding

* fix.breadcrumbs-exceeding-change-events

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [FIX] App compressing videos on iOS ()

* Update index.js

* Update index.js

* [FIX] Real name setting ignored on reply preview ()

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [FIX] Reply component sending unused prop to Description ()

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [CHORE] BackdropOpacity based on themes ()

* Added backdropOpacity based on theme

* Updated ActionSheet, ReactionsModal, ReactionPicker and Sidebar

* Updated MultiSelect

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [FIX] Webview not falling back to default auth challenge when no cert is provided ()

* [FIX] Android - fallback to default auth challenge handling when no cert is provided

* If a certificate auth challenge is requested on Android the webview will hang if no certificate is loaded.
  To prevent this, fallback to default Android behavior and cancel the challenge with request.cancel()

* No client certificate case defaults to super implementation

* Update react-native-webview

* Downgrade to previous dependency version

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>
Co-authored-by: Gerzon Z <>
Co-authored-by: Jan Garaj <>

* [FIX] Support Jitsi_URL_Room_Hash ()

* [FIX] Temp attachment files not being flushed after saved to gallery ()

* Update AttachmentView.js

* Update AttachmentView.js

* Update AttachmentView.js

* Update AttachmentView.js

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [CHORE] Update iOS profiles for Experimental app ()

* [IMPROVE] Deleted thread reply redirects to thread ()

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [FIX] Thread showing typing indicator from main room ()

* [FIX] Remove typing indicator from thread's header

* remove unnecessary props and change usersTyping condition

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [FIX] DM rooms show typing status from last group room ()

* [FIX] DM rooms show typing status from last group room

* Undo changes

* Check if current typing is from focused room before dispatching to redux

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [FIX] Can't copy or edit media's description ()

* [FIX] Image descriptions issues

* shorten the condition string

* fix selectedMessage state

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [FIX] RightButtonsContainer re-render check not returning default value ()

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [CHORE] Remove InteractionManager blocks ()

* [FIX] Remove InteractionManager blocks

* Minor fix

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [FIX] App not sending second argument for EventEmitter.removeListener on some places ()

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [FIX] Temp message ignoring real name ()

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [FIX] System message of e2e encryption is missing ()

* [FIX] System message of e2e encryption missing

* add new encryption string

* add to stories

* Add pt-BR

* Move stories

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [CHORE] Add permissions to Redux ()

* [FIX] Add permissions to Redux store

* add only permissions being used in the app

* add clear permissions reducer

* call RocketChat.hasPermission from reducer

* add server version comparison on getPermissions

* refactor hasPermission function

* refactor hasPermission function

* remove uncomment code

* use Q.experimentalSortBy()

* add coerce function

* Change Rocketchat.hasPermission

* Apply on isReadOnly

* Apply to RoomInfoEditView

* Apply to RoomInfoView and RoomInfoEditView

* canAutoTranslate

* Unnecessary clear permissions

* Revert getUpdatedSince

* Naming fix

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [CHORE] Add hold step for ios and android build experimental ()

* [CHORE] Add hold step for ios-build-experimental and android-build-experimental

* Android hold step

* add ios hold step

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [IMPROVEMENT] Remove lodash.isEqual ()

* Added dequal and react-fast-compare as substitutes to lodash.isEqual

* Update ReplyPreview.js

* Remove react-fast-compare

* Removed deep-equal and upgrade babel-eslint dev dependency

* Fix avatar

* Fix Messagebox

* Fix CreateDiscussionView

* ModalBlockView

* NewMessageView

* ProfileView

* RoomInfoEditView

* ServerDropdown

* Return local search as object instead of observable

* SelectedUsersView

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [I18N] Add missing Russian strings ()

* [i18n] Add missing Russian strings

* Couple fixes

* Fix Direct_message

Translate Direct_message as already has been translated

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [CHORE] Use shortcut syntax for get collections ()

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [FIX] Use List.Separator in all places ()

* [FIX] Use List.Separator in all places

* add List.Separator

* change List.Separator

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [FIX] Limit new message list query size to 50 ()

* Limit query to 50

* Remove observable

* [FIX] Support chats order for older versions of the server ()

* Update mergeSubscriptionsRooms.js

* Update mergeSubscriptionsRooms.js

* Update mergeSubscriptionsRooms.js

* Minor refactor

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [FIX] Reactions modal's backdrop color too light ()

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* Bump version to 4.15.0 ()

* [FIX] Share extension not working correctly on Official app ()

* [FIX] Cannot read property 'some' of undefined on hasPermission ()

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [FIX] Deep linking and other connectivity issues ()

* Navigate from push notification only if necessary

* Use JS SDK branch

* Stop reconnecting if it's already connected

* Fix RoomsListView forever loading after tapping push notification of another server

* Execute fewer operations on app/index

* Remove roomsRequest call from onForeground

* Apply check and reopen

* Stop opening in-app notification when the app is on backgorund

* Connecting tweaks

* Fix deep linking not working if the app is on background

* Force reset yarn cache

* Upgrade JS SDK

* Remove listener on unmount

* Fix resume on Android after back button is pressed

* Fix local authentication resume

* Fix back button android

* Change JS SDK branch

* [FIX] Messagebox's placeholder color is too bright ()

* [IMPROVEMENT] Message attachment colors ()

* Added convertStrToHex function and updated Reply component

* Removed convertStrtToHex function and added attachmentBackground

* Added color2k, removed transparent view and applied transparentize to backgroundColor

* Added stories

* Update Reply stories

* Update Reply stories

* Fix lint

* Update Reply stories

* Fix props

* Move tests to Message stories

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [FIX] App forgetting workspace when server is not finished added ()

* [FIX] App forgetting workspace

* Added e2e tests

* Update login.js

* Update logout.js

* Reverted changes on login and share, updated init

* Update 08-persistantworkspace.spec.js

* Revert unnecessary changes

* Revert line change

* Update share.js

* Tweak tests

* Use wm shorthand

* Remove irrelevant calls to RocketChat.TOKEN_KEY

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [TESTS] Add E2E tests to draft message ()

* [E2E TEST] Draft message

* Fix tests

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [TESTS] Add E2E tests to group DM ()

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [TESTS] Add E2E tests to directory ()

* [E2E TEST] Directory

* Fix tests

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [CHORE] Simplify server version comparison ()

* Simplify server version where needed

* Added lte and gte functions and updated imports

* Updated functions names

* Update util functions

* Update util function and added methods

* Remove lt and coerce from getPermissions and mergeSubscriptionsRooms

* Fix comparison

* Update getPermissions.js

* Remove unused import

* Fix lint

* Fix lint

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [TESTS] Add E2E tests to discussions ()

* [E2E TEST] Discussions

* fix error Cannot find UI elemen

* Fix tests

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [FIX] Attachment not rendering markdown ()

* [FIX] Render markdown in Fields content

* Added stories

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [TESTS] Add e2e tests for mark message as unread ()

* [E2E TEST] Add e2e tests for mark message as unread

* fixed test for draft message

* change test name

* move test to other file

* Remove unnecessary tests

* Rename file

* Update jest tests

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [TESTS] Add E2E tests to delete server ()

* [E2E TEST] Delete server

* fixed test for delete server

* fix tests

* minor changes

* Rename file

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [CHORE] Refactor RoomActionsView permissions ()

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [CHORE] Add status and teams icons ()

Co-authored-by: Gerzon Z <>

* [FIX] SSO not working with 2FA (TOTP) ()

* Update AuthenticationWebView.js

* Updated loginTOTP

* Added validation

* Update rocketchat.js

* Update rocketchat.js

* Update rocketchat.js

* Update rocketchat.js

* Fix resolve

* Remove incognito

* Fix totp being requested on webview

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [IMPROVEMENT] User status icons ()

* Add status and teams

* Update icons, icon size and getUsersPresence

* Minor changes

* Refactor RoomTypeIcon

* Minor tweaks

* Update unit tests

* Minor fixes

* Fix styles

* Small refactor

* Update jest

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [REGRESSION] Auth via deep linking not working ()

* Update rocketchat and add e2e test for deep linking

* Update rocketchat and add e2e test for deep linking

* Update deeplinking e2e

* fix deep linking auth

* Test deep linking auth

* Fix deeplink to rid and add tests

* Small refactor

* Add non existing server test

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [FIX] Create discussion request being sent with null value on encryption param ()

* [CHORE] Use JSON files for i18n ()

* [IMPROVEMENT] Load only i18n files needed ()

* Use json

* Load only i18n files needed

* [REGRESSION] Clear local server cache not loading rooms ()

* Fix clear cache

* Write e2e tests

* Fix lint

* Fix isRTL

* [FIX] Custom OAuth and iframe login attempts being called multiple times ()

* [FIX] App crashing when attachment color is an invalid HEX ()

* [IMPROVEMENT] Add "Message" option to Room Info ()

* [CHORE] Go to room from hashtag

* Layout tweaks

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [FIX] Can't change status ()

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [FIX] Search input not using the whole header space ()

* [FIX] Search input not using the whole space

* Fix on getHeaderTitlePosition

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [FIX] E2EE password hiding automatically ()

* [FIX] E2EE password hiding automatically

* add e2e test

* fixed hiding banner

* move e2e tests to 01-e2eencryption

* remove console.log

* Fix tests

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [TESTS] Move threads tests to its own file ()

* [E2E TEST] Move threads test to another file

* changed descirbe title

* Rearrange files

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [FIX] Regex typo on markdown ()

* [FIX] Fix Regex Typo

* Add story for testing

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [FIX] Make attachment validation compatible with web client ()

* [FIX] Make attachment validation compatible with web client

* Added stories

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [FIX] Non-reply attachments displaying time ()

* Remove time if no message_link

* Fix message stories for replies

* Final stories fix

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [FIX] i18n not being applied on login/register labels ()

* Use I18n translate in login text input label

* Add to register and add missing strings

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* Revert "[FIX] Make attachment validation compatible with web client ()" ()

This reverts commit d6200745c0.

* Bump version to 4.16.0 ()

* [NEW] Basic support to Teams ()

* Database migration

* RoomItem icon

* Team icons

* Teams group

* Small tweak on RoomTypeIcon

* RoomView Header

* Add team's channels to RoomView header

* Starting TeamChannelsView

* Icon size

* o data found

* Update TeamChannelsView, add teams subscriptions and send params to TeamChannelsView

* Use teams.ListRooms endpoint, render rooms list, remove unused functions

* Show team main on TeamChannelsView

* Disable swipe

* Pagination working

* Fix blinking no data found

* Search working

* Refactor to use BackgroundContainer while loading

* Go to room

* Cleanup

* Go to actions

* Events

* Lint

* Add debounce to go room

* Fix for tablet

* i18n

* Small fix

* Minor refactor

* Use local data when it exists

* Show last message

* Force teams migration

* Add stories to BackgroundContainer

* Remove unused component

* Move RoomViewHeader into containers folder

* Refactoring

* Testing RoomHeader

* i18n

* Fix server endpoint version

* Fix events

Co-authored-by: Gerzon Z <>

* [CHORE] Refactor mention tracking logic ()

* [Improvement] Improve mentions

This PR focuses on improving command, emoji, channel and user mentions.

* [Tests] Added e2e tests for mention improvement

* [Improvement] Modify slash command mention logic.
Added slash command with argument preview
Slash command should show only if the message bigins with /

* Return data on search for empty text

* Minor fixes

* Update e2e tests

* Minor fix

* [FIX] allow command mentioning in between text

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [FIX] Status text not being updated on sidebar ()

* Update StatusView.js

* Minor tweak

* Minor tweaks

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [FIX] Unable to search non-latin alphabet names on members list ()

* Add search by name in members list

* Update RoomMembersView search

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* Search stops working after some time ()

* Bump version to 4.17.0 ()

* [CHORE] Add job to upload Experimental to Google Play production ()

* [REGRESSION] SAML stopped working after  ()

* [REGRESSION] Room actions not loading on tablet ()

* Bump version to 4.16.1 ()

* [REGRESSION] Fallback language stopped working ()

* [CHORE] Update Detox to 18.10.0 ()

* Updated detox and 5 tests

* Update e2e cases for Detox v18, update setUserStatus and added SET_STATUS_FAIL

* Downgrade mocha

* Exclude arm64 from building and update tests cases

* Update more tests cases, add registeringUser4

* Update more test files and add room-actions-scrollview testID

* Update package.json

* Remove unused username from test file and update 08-roominfo test file

* Fixing

* Mark as unread

* Fixing flaky tests

* Minor fixes

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [FIX] Message author touchable taking whole space available ()

Co-authored-by: Gerzon Z <>

* [CHORE] Improve stories ()

* [CHORE] Improve stories

* Refactor Avatar and UIKitModal

* fixed undefined 'name'

* Remove commented stories

* Remove Markdown from stories/index, update Markdown test file and remove markdown stories from Message stories

* Remove StoriesSeparator

* Refactor Markdown

* Remove commented lines of code

* Small refactor

* Re-add stories

Co-authored-by: Gerzon Z <>
Co-authored-by: Gerzon Z <>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* Bump version to 4.17.0 ()

* [REGRESSION] Fallback not working when device's language is available ()

* Always add 'en' i18n

* Add tests

* Bump version to 4.16.2 ()

* [FIX] Connecting stream listener not being cleared ()

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [FIX] App making calls to DDP after socket was killed by OS ()

Co-authored-by: Gerzon Z <>

* [NEW] Create Team ()

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* Language update from LingoHub 🤖 ()

Project Name: Rocket.Chat.ReactNative
Project Link:
User: Robot LingoHub

Easy language translations with LingoHub 🚀

Co-authored-by: Robot LingoHub <>

* [NEW] Add/Create/Remove channel on a team ()

* Added Create Team

* Added actionTypes, actions, ENG strings for Teams and updated NewMessageView

* Added createTeam sagas, createTeam reducer, new Team string and update CreateChannelView

* Remove unnecessary actionTypes, reducers and sagas, e2e tests and navigation to team view

* Minor tweaks

* Show TeamChannelsView only if joined the team

* Minor tweak

* Added AddChannelTeamView

* Added permissions, translations strings for teams,  deleteTeamRoom and addTeamRooms, AddExistingChannelView, updated CreateChannelView, TeamChannelsView

* Refactor touch component and update removeRoom and deleteRoom methods

* Minor tweaks

* Minor tweaks for removing channels and addExistingChannelView

* Added missing events and fixed channels list

* Minor tweaks for refactored touch component

* Minor tweaks

* Remove unnecesary changes, update TeamChannelsView, AddExistingChannelView, AddChannelTeamView, createChannel, goRoom and Touchable

* Add screens to ModalStack, events, autoJoin, update createChannel, addRoomsToTeam and Touchable

* Minor tweak

* Update loadMessagesForRoom.js

* Updated schema, tag component, touch, AddChannelTeamView, AddExistingChannelView, ActionSheet Item

* Fix unnecessary changes

* Add i18n, update createChannel, AddExistingChannelTeamView, AddChannelTeamView, RightButton and TeamChannelsView

* Updated styles, added tag story

* Minor tweak

* Minor tweaks

* Auto-join tweak

* Minor tweaks

* Minor tweak on search

* One way to refactor :P

* Next level refactor :)

* Fix create group dm

* Refactor renderItem

* Minor bug fixes

* Fix stories

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [FIX] E2E Tests not working because of ES6 import ()

* Update ITeam.js

* Minor tweak

* [NEW] Leave Teams ()

* Added Create Team

* Added actionTypes, actions, ENG strings for Teams and updated NewMessageView

* Added createTeam sagas, createTeam reducer, new Team string and update CreateChannelView

* Remove unnecessary actionTypes, reducers and sagas, e2e tests and navigation to team view

* Minor tweaks

* Show TeamChannelsView only if joined the team

* Minor tweak

* Added AddChannelTeamView

* Added permissions, translations strings for teams,  deleteTeamRoom and addTeamRooms, AddExistingChannelView, updated CreateChannelView, TeamChannelsView

* Refactor touch component and update removeRoom and deleteRoom methods

* Minor tweaks

* Minor tweaks for removing channels and addExistingChannelView

* Added missing events and fixed channels list

* Minor tweaks for refactored touch component

* Added SelectListView and logic for leaving team

* Minor tweak

* Minor tweak

* Minor tweaks

* Remove unnecesary changes, update TeamChannelsView, AddExistingChannelView, AddChannelTeamView, createChannel, goRoom and Touchable

* Remove unnecesary prop

* Add screens to ModalStack, events, autoJoin, update createChannel, addRoomsToTeam and Touchable

* Minor tweak

* Update loadMessagesForRoom.js

* Updated schema, tag component, touch, AddChannelTeamView, AddExistingChannelView, ActionSheet Item

* Fix unnecessary changes

* Add i18n, update createChannel, AddExistingChannelTeamView, AddChannelTeamView, RightButton and TeamChannelsView

* Updated styles, added tag story

* Minor tweak

* Minor tweaks

* Auto-join tweak

* Minor tweaks

* Minor tweak on search

* Minor refactor to ListItem, add SelectListView to ModalStack, update handleLeaveTeam

* Minor tweaks

* Update SelectListView

* Update handleLeaveTeam, remove unnecessary method, add story

* Minor tweak

* Minor visual tweaks

* Updated SelectListView, RoomActionsView, leaveTeam method and string translations

* Update SelectListVIew

* Minor tweak

* Update SelectListView

* Minor tweak

* Fix for List.Item subtitles being pushed down by title's flex

* Minor tweaks

* Update RoomActionsView

* Use showConfirmationAlert and showErrorAlert

* Lint

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [NEW] Jump to message ()

* Scrolling

* Add loadMore button at the end of loadMessagesForRoom

* Delete dummy item on tap

* Only insert loadMore dummy if there's more data

* load surrounding messages

* fixes and load next

* First dummy and dummy-next

* Save load next messages

* Check if message exists before fetching surroundings

* Refactoring List

* Jumping to message :)

* Showing blocking loader while scrolling/fetching message

* Check if message exists on local db before inserting dummy

* Delete dummies automatically when the message sent to updateMessages again

* Minor cleanup

* Fix scroll

* Highlight message

* Jump to bottom

* Load more on scroll

* Adding stories to LoadMore

* Refactoring

* Add loading indicator to LoadMore

* Small refactor

* Add LoadMore to threads

* getMoreMessages

* chat.getThreadMessages -> getThreadMessages

* Start jumping to threads

* Add jumpToMessageId on RoomView

* Nav to correct channel

* Fix PK issue on thread_messages

* Disable jump to thread from another room

* Fix nav to thread params

* Add navToRoom

* Refactor styles

* Test notch

* Fix Android border

* Fix thread message on title

* Fix NavBottomFAB on threads

* Minor cleanup

* Workaround for readThreads being called too often

* Lint

* Update tests

* Jump from search

* Go to threads from search

* Remove getItemLayout and rely on viewable items

* Fix load older

* stash working

* Fix infinite loading

* Lower itemVisiblePercentThreshhold to 10, so very long messages behave as viewable

* Add generateLoadMoreId util

* Minor cleanup

* Jump to message from notification/deep linking

* Add getMessageInfo

* Nav to threads from other rooms

* getThreadName

* Unnecessary logic

* getRoomInfo

* Colocate getMessageInfo closer to RoomView

* Minor cleanup

* Remove search from RoomActionsView

* Minor fix for search on not joined public channels

* Jump to any link

* Fix tablets

* Jump to message from MessagesView and other bug fixes

* Fix issue on Urls

* Adds race condition to cancel jump to message if it's stuck or after 5 seconds

* Jump from message search quote

* lint

* Stop onPress

* Small refactor on load methods

* Minor fixes for loadThreadMessages

* Minor typo

* LoadMore i18n

* Minor cleanup

* [FIX] Method calls not sending date params as EJSON ()

* [FIX] Read receipt not displaying full date ()

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [NEW] Remove member from team ()

* Added Create Team

* Added actionTypes, actions, ENG strings for Teams and updated NewMessageView

* Added createTeam sagas, createTeam reducer, new Team string and update CreateChannelView

* Remove unnecessary actionTypes, reducers and sagas, e2e tests and navigation to team view

* Minor tweaks

* Show TeamChannelsView only if joined the team

* Minor tweak

* Added AddChannelTeamView

* Added permissions, translations strings for teams,  deleteTeamRoom and addTeamRooms, AddExistingChannelView, updated CreateChannelView, TeamChannelsView

* Refactor touch component and update removeRoom and deleteRoom methods

* Minor tweaks

* Minor tweaks for removing channels and addExistingChannelView

* Added missing events and fixed channels list

* Minor tweaks for refactored touch component

* Added SelectListView and logic for leaving team

* Added addTeamMember and removeTeamMember

* Minor tweak

* Minor tweak

* Minor tweaks

* Remove unnecesary changes, update TeamChannelsView, AddExistingChannelView, AddChannelTeamView, createChannel, goRoom and Touchable

* Remove unnecesary prop

* Add screens to ModalStack, events, autoJoin, update createChannel, addRoomsToTeam and Touchable

* Minor tweak

* Update loadMessagesForRoom.js

* Updated schema, tag component, touch, AddChannelTeamView, AddExistingChannelView, ActionSheet Item

* Fix unnecessary changes

* Add i18n, update createChannel, AddExistingChannelTeamView, AddChannelTeamView, RightButton and TeamChannelsView

* Updated styles, added tag story

* Minor tweak

* Minor tweaks

* Auto-join tweak

* Minor tweaks

* Minor tweak on search

* Minor refactor to ListItem, add SelectListView to ModalStack, update handleLeaveTeam

* Minor tweaks

* Update SelectListView

* Update handleLeaveTeam, remove unnecessary method, add story

* Minor tweak

* Minor visual tweaks

* Update SelectListView.js

* Update RoomMembersView

* Updated SelectListView, RoomActionsView, leaveTeam method and string translations

* Update SelectListVIew

* Minor tweak

* Update SelectListView

* Minor tweak

* Minor tweaks

* Fix for List.Item subtitles being pushed down by title's flex

* Minor tweaks

* Update RoomActionsView

* Use showConfirmationAlert and showErrorAlert

* Remove addTeamMember, update removeTeamMember

* Update Alert

* Minor tweaks

* Minor tweaks

* Minor tweak

* Update showActionSheet on RoomMembersView

* Remove team main from query and move code around

* Fetch roles

* Update RoomMembersView and SelectListView

* Updated leaveTeam and handleRemoveFromTeam

* Fix validation

* Remove unnecessary function

* Added confirmationAlert for missing permissions case

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [FIX] Add Existing Channel screen showing discussions and channels without permission ()

* [Fix] the filter to show the existing channel

* [Refactor] the function that filter to isolate it

* Refactor how to wsearch properly

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [FIX] Member search not trimming search text ()

* Fixed logout toast bug for the iOS

* Removing callToAction and replacing with confirmationText

* Handling member search with spaces to the left and right of name/username

* Changing location of string trimmer

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [FIX] Discussions not subscribing properly to messages when opened from inside the room ()

* [FIX] Promise at subscription Room

* E2E - Update previous roomView count after send msg in discussion

* Not needed rn

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [FIX] Team creation not raising error if something unexpected happens ()

* [IMPROVEMENT] Add error to AddExistingChannel

* Fix the alert error when create a channel

* Fix the error alert box when create channel and teams

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [FIX] Check permissions on team channels action sheet ()

* [IMPROVEMENT] Show only the option that user can manage in TeamChannelsView

* Refactor the showActionSheet function

* Added remove team channel permission

* Cleanup

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [FIX] Add channels to team's flow using different navigators ()

* [FIX] the navigation to AddChannelTeamView and next screens

* Fix the order inside the NewMessageStackNavigator

* Delete spaces after arrow function in onPress

* Adjusted InsideStackNavigator to a conditional animation

* Fixed route for iPad

* Small change

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [IMPROVEMENT] Allow discussions to be edited ()

* Refactored the filter to work the edit for channel and discussion

* Removed the filter which type of room can be edit

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* Fix tests

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [NEW] Delete Teams ()

* Added Create Team

* Added actionTypes, actions, ENG strings for Teams and updated NewMessageView

* Added createTeam sagas, createTeam reducer, new Team string and update CreateChannelView

* Remove unnecessary actionTypes, reducers and sagas, e2e tests and navigation to team view

* Minor tweaks

* Show TeamChannelsView only if joined the team

* Minor tweak

* Added AddChannelTeamView

* Added permissions, translations strings for teams,  deleteTeamRoom and addTeamRooms, AddExistingChannelView, updated CreateChannelView, TeamChannelsView

* Refactor touch component and update removeRoom and deleteRoom methods

* Minor tweaks

* Minor tweaks for removing channels and addExistingChannelView

* Added missing events and fixed channels list

* Minor tweaks for refactored touch component

* Added SelectListView and logic for leaving team

* Added addTeamMember and removeTeamMember

* Minor tweak

* Added deleteTeam function

* Minor tweak

* Minor tweaks

* Remove unnecesary changes, update TeamChannelsView, AddExistingChannelView, AddChannelTeamView, createChannel, goRoom and Touchable

* Remove unnecesary prop

* Add screens to ModalStack, events, autoJoin, update createChannel, addRoomsToTeam and Touchable

* Minor tweak

* Update loadMessagesForRoom.js

* Updated schema, tag component, touch, AddChannelTeamView, AddExistingChannelView, ActionSheet Item

* Fix unnecessary changes

* Add i18n, update createChannel, AddExistingChannelTeamView, AddChannelTeamView, RightButton and TeamChannelsView

* Updated styles, added tag story

* Minor tweak

* Minor tweaks

* Auto-join tweak

* Minor tweaks

* Minor tweak on search

* Minor refactor to ListItem, add SelectListView to ModalStack, update handleLeaveTeam

* Minor tweaks

* Update SelectListView

* Update handleLeaveTeam, remove unnecessary method, add story

* Minor tweak

* Minor visual tweaks

* Update SelectListView.js

* Update index.js

* Update RoomMembersView

* Updated SelectListView, RoomActionsView, leaveTeam method and string translations

* Update SelectListVIew

* Minor tweak

* Update SelectListView

* Minor tweak

* Minor tweaks

* Fix for List.Item subtitles being pushed down by title's flex

* Minor tweaks

* Update RoomActionsView

* Use showConfirmationAlert and showErrorAlert

* Remove addTeamMember, update removeTeamMember

* Update Alert

* Minor tweaks

* Minor tweaks

* Minor tweak

* Update showActionSheet on RoomMembersView

* Remove team main from query and move code around

* Fetch roles

* Update RoomMembersView and SelectListView

* Update rocketchat.js

* Updated leaveTeam and handleRemoveFromTeam

* Fix validation

* Remove unnecessary function

* Update RoomActionsView

* Update en.json

* updated deleteTeam function and permissions

* Added showConfirmationAlert

* Added string translations for teams

* Fix permission

* Minor tweaks

* Typo

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [FIX] Android navigation bar color when Loading modal appears ()

* [FIX] Modal appearance

* Undo and only add android:navigationBarColor

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [FIX] Check for old servers for Teams ()

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [NEW] Convert/Move Channel to Team ()

* Added Create Team

* Added actionTypes, actions, ENG strings for Teams and updated NewMessageView

* Added createTeam sagas, createTeam reducer, new Team string and update CreateChannelView

* Remove unnecessary actionTypes, reducers and sagas, e2e tests and navigation to team view

* Minor tweaks

* Show TeamChannelsView only if joined the team

* Minor tweak

* Added AddChannelTeamView

* Added permissions, translations strings for teams,  deleteTeamRoom and addTeamRooms, AddExistingChannelView, updated CreateChannelView, TeamChannelsView

* Refactor touch component and update removeRoom and deleteRoom methods

* Minor tweaks

* Minor tweaks for removing channels and addExistingChannelView

* Added missing events and fixed channels list

* Minor tweaks for refactored touch component

* Added SelectListView and logic for leaving team

* Added addTeamMember and removeTeamMember

* Minor tweak

* Added deleteTeam function

* Minor tweak

* Minor tweaks

* Remove unnecesary changes, update TeamChannelsView, AddExistingChannelView, AddChannelTeamView, createChannel, goRoom and Touchable

* Remove unnecesary prop

* Add screens to ModalStack, events, autoJoin, update createChannel, addRoomsToTeam and Touchable

* Minor tweak

* Update loadMessagesForRoom.js

* Updated schema, tag component, touch, AddChannelTeamView, AddExistingChannelView, ActionSheet Item

* Fix unnecessary changes

* Add i18n, update createChannel, AddExistingChannelTeamView, AddChannelTeamView, RightButton and TeamChannelsView

* Updated styles, added tag story

* Minor tweak

* Minor tweaks

* Auto-join tweak

* Minor tweaks

* Minor tweak on search

* Minor refactor to ListItem, add SelectListView to ModalStack, update handleLeaveTeam

* Minor tweaks

* Update SelectListView

* Update handleLeaveTeam, remove unnecessary method, add story

* Minor tweak

* Minor visual tweaks

* Update SelectListView.js

* Update index.js

* Update RoomMembersView

* Updated SelectListView, RoomActionsView, leaveTeam method and string translations

* Update SelectListVIew

* Minor tweak

* Update SelectListView

* Minor tweak

* Minor tweaks

* Fix for List.Item subtitles being pushed down by title's flex

* Minor tweaks

* Update RoomActionsView

* Use showConfirmationAlert and showErrorAlert

* Remove addTeamMember, update removeTeamMember

* Update Alert

* Minor tweaks

* Minor tweaks

* Minor tweak

* Update showActionSheet on RoomMembersView

* Remove team main from query and move code around

* Fetch roles

* Update RoomMembersView and SelectListView

* Update rocketchat.js

* Updated leaveTeam and handleRemoveFromTeam

* Fix validation

* Remove unnecessary function

* Update RoomActionsView

* Update en.json

* updated deleteTeam function and permissions

* Added showConfirmationAlert

* Added string translations for teams

* Fix permission

* Added moveChannelToTeam and convertToTeam functionality

* Fix SelectListView RadioButton

* Fix moveToTeam

* Added searchBar to SelectListVIew

* Update RoomView , SelectListVIew and string translation for error

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [TEST] E2E Tests for Teams ()

* Added Create Team

* Added actionTypes, actions, ENG strings for Teams and updated NewMessageView

* Added createTeam sagas, createTeam reducer, new Team string and update CreateChannelView

* Remove unnecessary actionTypes, reducers and sagas, e2e tests and navigation to team view

* Minor tweaks

* Show TeamChannelsView only if joined the team

* Minor tweak

* Added AddChannelTeamView

* Added permissions, translations strings for teams,  deleteTeamRoom and addTeamRooms, AddExistingChannelView, updated CreateChannelView, TeamChannelsView

* Refactor touch component and update removeRoom and deleteRoom methods

* Minor tweaks

* Minor tweaks for removing channels and addExistingChannelView

* Added missing events and fixed channels list

* Minor tweaks for refactored touch component

* Added SelectListView and logic for leaving team

* Added addTeamMember and removeTeamMember

* Minor tweak

* Added deleteTeam function

* Minor tweak

* Minor tweaks

* Remove unnecesary changes, update TeamChannelsView, AddExistingChannelView, AddChannelTeamView, createChannel, goRoom and Touchable

* Remove unnecesary prop

* Add screens to ModalStack, events, autoJoin, update createChannel, addRoomsToTeam and Touchable

* Minor tweak

* Update loadMessagesForRoom.js

* Updated schema, tag component, touch, AddChannelTeamView, AddExistingChannelView, ActionSheet Item

* Fix unnecessary changes

* Add i18n, update createChannel, AddExistingChannelTeamView, AddChannelTeamView, RightButton and TeamChannelsView

* Updated styles, added tag story

* Minor tweak

* Minor tweaks

* Auto-join tweak

* Minor tweaks

* Minor tweak on search

* Minor refactor to ListItem, add SelectListView to ModalStack, update handleLeaveTeam

* Minor tweaks

* Update SelectListView

* Update handleLeaveTeam, remove unnecessary method, add story

* Minor tweak

* Minor visual tweaks

* Update SelectListView.js

* Update index.js

* Update RoomMembersView

* Updated SelectListView, RoomActionsView, leaveTeam method and string translations

* Update SelectListVIew

* Minor tweak

* Update SelectListView

* Minor tweak

* Minor tweaks

* Fix for List.Item subtitles being pushed down by title's flex

* Minor tweaks

* Update RoomActionsView

* Use showConfirmationAlert and showErrorAlert

* Remove addTeamMember, update removeTeamMember

* Update Alert

* Minor tweaks

* Minor tweaks

* Minor tweak

* Update showActionSheet on RoomMembersView

* Remove team main from query and move code around

* Fetch roles

* Update RoomMembersView and SelectListView

* Update rocketchat.js

* Updated leaveTeam and handleRemoveFromTeam

* Fix validation

* Remove unnecessary function

* Update RoomActionsView

* Update en.json

* updated deleteTeam function and permissions

* Added showConfirmationAlert

* Added string translations for teams

* Fix permission

* Added moveChannelToTeam and convertToTeam functionality

* Fix SelectListView RadioButton

* Fix moveToTeam

* Added searchBar to SelectListVIew

* Update RoomView , SelectListVIew and string translation for error

* E2E for Teams

* Fix tests and cleanup

* Minor refactor

* Wrong label

* Move/convert

* Fix convert

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [NEW] Add Teams to Directory ()

* Added Teams to DirectoryView

* Fix icon

* Minor tweaks

* add tests

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [CHORE] Add logEvents for Teams ()

* added events for team channels view and add existing channel view

* add logevents for room actions view and room info edit view

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [FIX] Disable jitsi call for teams ()

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [FIX] Show alert `Not allowed` when click on a private channel that you don't be invited before ()

* [FIX] Showing only channel you joined

* [FIX] How to get the params to mnavigation to other room from TeamChannelList

* Show alert Not allowed when trying access private channel that you don't joined

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [IMPROVEMENT] Load team's rooms from local database on team leave ()

* [IMPROVEMENT] Search team list rooms of user in watermelon db

* Minor nitpick

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [FIX] Option to prevent users from using Invisible status ()

* [FIX] Option to prevent users from using Invisible status

* Added error to pt-BR

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [FIX] Item not animating on tap on team's channels view ()

* [FIX] Directory sending incorrect room type ()

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [FIX] App not showing proper alert on team leave ()

* [IMPROVEMENT] refactoring how to leave team

* Fix the data passed to leaveTeam

* Fixed the lint error in i18n, the path of i18n, merged two ifs in one

* Fixed the Saga's flow when try to leave a room

* Fixed params passed to leaveRoom

* Fix the function name of leaveTeam

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* Language update from LingoHub 🤖 ()

Project Name: Rocket.Chat.ReactNative
Project Link:
User: Robot LingoHub

Easy language translations with LingoHub 🚀

Co-authored-by: Robot LingoHub <>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [NEW] Support Google OAuth from external browser ()

* Deep linking to the app

* Handle deep linking

* Bump version to 4.17.0 ()

* Revert "[IMPROVEMENT] Load team's rooms from local database on team leave ()" ()

This reverts commit fa00ef92ef.

* [FIX] Teams tests ()

* Make team_main not optional and fix tests

* Undo isOptional and fix query

* Comment

* [FIX] Wrong system messages being passed as parameters to room save ()

* [FIX] RoomItem's long press crashing the app if prop is missing ()

* Check onLongPress prop

* Add Touch stories

* [FIX] Crashing on link press ()

* [FIX] Don't show Block Button inside Group DM Actions ()

* [FIX] Don't show Block Button inside Group DM Actions

* Use RocketChat.isGroupChat instead of simple if condition

* Add return

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [TEST] Fixed E2E tests ()

* [FIX] Test E2E i18n

* 01-createroom and 02-room fixed

* 03-roomactions and 04-discussions

* 05-threads and 07-markasunread from room

* Test 07-markasunread

* Set notifications 'YES' and delete true in 03-forgotpassword and 04-createuser

* Fixed the data that 02-team uses and changed the message in 07-markasunread

* Added group.alternate to data.docker and commented the test for the fallback language

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [TEST] E2E for Jump to Message ()

* E2E tests for jump to message

* Fix thread tests

* Remove unnecessary function and uncomment tests

* Minor tweak

* Fix tests and minor tweaks

* Minor tweaks

* Update docker data

* Fix docker

* Fix duplicated testid

* Minor refactor

* Fix jump to old message test

* Fix load on scroll

* Add fab test

* Minor addition

* stash

* almost there

* Final changes

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [IMPROVE] Subscribe to permissions ()

* [CHORE] Subscribe to permissions

* add redux action for update

* Minor tweaks

Co-authored-by: Gerzon Z <>
Co-authored-by: Gerzon Z <>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [IMPROVE] Subscribe to roles ()

* [CHORE] Subscribe to Roles

* subscribe to roles-change

* add subscribe for stream-roles

* fixed subscribe roles

* Add componentDidUpdate to RoomMembersView and propType

* Update componentDidUpdate in RoomMembersView, roles reducer,  getRoles method and actionType

* Minor tweaks

* Remove componentDidUpdate

* Fix add role

* Fix initialState and remove role

* Minor try/catch fix

* Fix lint

* Fix offline first

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>
Co-authored-by: Gerzon Z <>
Co-authored-by: Gerzon Z <>

* [IMPROVE] Subscribe to settings  ()

* Add action and reducer

* Add streamNotifyAll listener

* Minor tweak

* Minor tweak

* Fix update not taking in consideration other type columnns

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* Chore: Add Lint to E2E tests ()

* Added eslint plugin dependencie and fixed the eslint.js

* E2E Tests folder Assorted

* Linted all e2e, just e2e/docker that don't changed

* Update 09-jumptomessage.spec.js

* Removed async from describe function

* Remove outdated detox linter lib

* Add overrides to eslintrc

Co-authored-by: Gerzon Z <>
Co-authored-by: Gerzon Z <>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [FIX] App not showing proper alert on team delete ()

* [FIX] Rule to delete team's channel

* Fixed Saga and flow to delete team and team's channel

* Adjusted the warning alert as the Figma

Co-authored-by: Gerzon Z <>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [IMPROVE] Add Jitsi button to Teams ()

* [IMPROVE] Add Jitsi button to teams

* Added setting to check is Jitsi is Enable for Channel too

* Fix typo

Co-authored-by: Gerzon Z <>
Co-authored-by: Gerzon Z <>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [FIX] Jump to message from in-app notification ()

* [FIX] Jump to message by in-app notification

* Bug fix to scroll proper the last message

* Minor tweak

Co-authored-by: Gerzon Z <>
Co-authored-by: Gerzon Z <>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [FIX] Google OAuth triggering cookies logic ()

* Remove checkCookiesAndLogout

* Add loginEmailPassword to loginOAuthOrSso

* Add isFromWebView field

* Fix migrations

* Minor tweak

* Fix OAuth for other services

* Fix migrations

* Stop persisting loginEmailPassword

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* Language update from LingoHub 🤖 ()

Project Name: Rocket.Chat.ReactNative
Project Link:
User: Robot LingoHub

Easy language translations with LingoHub 🚀

Co-authored-by: Robot LingoHub <>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [IMPROVE] Message body readability on dark themes ()

* [CHORE] Apply auxiliaryText on message body

* change bodyText to uxiliaryText

* Update tests

* Update bodyText color and rollback PR changes

* Update Storyshots.test.js.snap

* Minor tweak

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>
Co-authored-by: Gerzon Z <>
Co-authored-by: Gerzon Z <>

* [FIX] Subscribe to settings making app to hang on login ()

* [FIX] Poor performance in messages list on Android 11 ()

* Bump version to 4.18.0 ()

* [FIX] Create team crashing the app ()

Co-authored-by: Gerzon Z <>
Co-authored-by: Gerzon Z <>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [IMPROVE] Convert Team to Channel ()

* [IMPROVE] Add convert team to a channel

* Action to SelectListView and new words to i18n

* Implemented the post and it's working with selected channels or not

* Fixed the Convert Team Warning at english i18n and changed the function name

* E2E test completed in sequence the convert/move teams

* [IMPROVE] Add convert team to a channel

* Action to SelectListView and new words to i18n

* Implemented the post and it's working with selected channels or not

* Fixed the Convert Team Warning at english i18n and changed the function name

* rebase develop into this branch

* [IMPROVE] Add convert team to a channel

* Action to SelectListView and new words to i18n

* Implemented the post and it's working with selected channels or not

* Fixed the Convert Team Warning at english i18n and changed the function name

* rebase develop into this branch

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [IMPROVE] Set black as default dark theme ()

* Update default darkLevel

* Minor tweak

* [IMPROVE] Make `system default` the default browser ()

* [FIX] use systemdefault: as the default browser, not inApp

* Fix

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* Language update from LingoHub 🤖 ()

Project Name: Rocket.Chat.ReactNative
Project Link:
User: Robot LingoHub

Easy language translations with LingoHub 🚀

Co-authored-by: Robot LingoHub <>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

* [IMPROVE] Remove difference between public/private on "Group by type" ()

* Merge channels and private groups

* Remove i18n

* Regression: Settings pagination not working ()

* Regression: Markdown handlePress not working properly ()

Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <>

Co-authored-by: Gerzon Z <>
Co-authored-by: Gerzon Z <>
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <>
Co-authored-by: phriedrich <>
Co-authored-by: yash-rajpal <>
Co-authored-by: Fazil Boudjelal <>
Co-authored-by: Sumukha Hegde <SUMUKHA214@GMAIL.COM>
Co-authored-by: Hakan YILMAZ <>
Co-authored-by: Vincenzo Esposito <>
Co-authored-by: Arkadyuti Bandyopadhyay <>
Co-authored-by: Anant Bhasin <>
Co-authored-by: Gung Wah <>
Co-authored-by: Billy Newman <>
Co-authored-by: Jan Garaj <>
Co-authored-by: ankar84 <>
Co-authored-by: sadegh <>
Co-authored-by: Noach Magedman <>
Co-authored-by: lingohub[bot] <69908207+lingohub[bot]>
Co-authored-by: Robot LingoHub <>
Co-authored-by: Reinaldo Neto <>
2021-07-19 16:31:49 -03:00
Gerzon Z e040be0b45
[IMPROVE] Remove difference between public/private on "Group by type" ()
* Merge channels and private groups

* Remove i18n
2021-07-13 16:35:21 -03:00