Diego Mello
Switch toast lib ( #898 )
* removed toast from ios
* changed showToast to showAlert
* removed from android
* fix lint
* conflict resolved
* fixed lint
* Fix toast position
* Change toast style
* Use followMessage from rest
* Temporary disable some visual toast tests
* Unnecessary lib version change
2019-05-15 16:33:30 -03:00
Diego Mello
Room item layout ( #771 )
2019-03-29 16:36:07 -03:00
Diego Mello
Message button ( #660 )
* Remove touchable opacity when scrolling messages
* Tap on disable messages closes keyboard
* Unify vibration
* Vibrate only on Android
2019-02-27 11:47:15 -03:00
Diego Mello
Update JS SDK version ( #602 )
2019-02-07 13:48:10 -02:00
Diego Mello
Update dependencies ( #587 )
2019-01-29 17:52:56 -02:00
Diego Mello
Use Rest API calls ( #558 )
2018-12-05 18:52:08 -02:00
Diego Mello
Fetch avatar initials from server ( #512 )
2018-10-29 10:53:32 -03:00
Diego Mello
Update navigation library ( #501 )
* v2
* Working on Android 0.57.3
* Drawer working
* Removing v1 navigator
* - Splash screen
- Icons changed
* Deeplink
* Remove EventEmitter from CreateChannelView
* Android search
* Android notifications
* OAuth
* Fix search props
* Lint and tests fixed
* Fix android build
* Improvements on iPhone X* usage
* Fix detox
* Fix android build
* Room.f added to RoomView.shouldComponentUpdate
* Animations on RoomsListView and RoomView
* Fix topbar buttons on Android
2018-10-23 18:39:48 -03:00
Diego Mello
Use inline requires ( #459 )
* Update dependencies
* Lint and test
* Added react-native fork
* rn 57
* Lint and tests updated
* Update xcode on circleci
* Use legacy build system
* Update tests
* Inline requires
* Fix eslint and remove temp gradle
* Unnecessary renders
* Update isNotch and Readme
* Tests updated
2018-09-26 10:56:36 -03:00
Diego Mello
Several fixes for 1.2.1 ( #448 )
* Fix user.roles
* Better onLongPress handle on messages
* Indicator position
* Fix role undefined in system messages
* Add baseUrl in case of file attachments
* Join room fixed
* RoomView params
* Broadcast fixes
* Add server layout changes
* Use native images
* Subscribe to not joined channels
* Fix alerts without i18n
* Tests updated
2018-09-19 11:18:32 -03:00
Diego Mello
[NEW] Message layout ( #426 )
* message container/component
* Separator component
* Reply
* Url
* tests updated
* Minor changes
* Audio component
* Broadcast button
* Minor touches
* Reply preview
* Edited
* Minor bug fixes
* - Update roadmap
- Bump version to 1.2
* Onboarding styles fix
2018-09-11 13:32:52 -03:00
Diego Mello
[NEW] Rooms list layout ( #413 )
* RoomsListView layout
* Rooms list layout
* Sort component
* Header icons
* Default header colors
* Add server dropdown
* Close sort dropdown if server dropdown will open
* UserItem
* Room type icon
* Search working
* Tests updated
* Android layout
* Using realm queries instead of array iterates
* Animation duration
* Fixed render bug
2018-08-31 13:46:33 -03:00
Diego Mello
[NEW] Onboarding ( #407 )
<!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
<!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
Closes #392
<!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->

2018-08-10 14:26:36 -03:00
Diego Mello
RoomsListView re-render ( #304 )
<!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
<!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
<!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
- [x] Removed unnecessary re-renders on RoomsListView
2018-05-24 17:17:00 -03:00
Diego Mello
Deep linking fix and more ( #294 )
* Fix - Any https link was deep linking to RocketChat
* Keyboard dismiss after add new server
* Room info bug fix
* Opacity animation
* Navigation when adding server fixed
* Throttle for unnecessary render on receiving several messages
* Search inputs without autocorrect and autocapitalize
* Search messages fixed
* Messagebox unnecessary render and spotlight fixed
* react-native-keyboard-input updated
2018-05-18 14:55:08 -03:00
Diego Mello
Avatar initials and room type icon ( #298 )
2018-05-18 13:41:47 -03:00
Guilherme Gazzo
Beta ( #265 )
* Fabric iOS
* Fabric configured on iOS and Android
* - react-native-fabric configured
- login tracked
* README updated
* Run scripts from README updated
* README scripts
* get rooms and messages by rest
* user status
* more improves
* more improves
* send pong on timeout
* fix some methods
* more tests
* rest messages
* Room actions (#266 )
* Toggle notifications
* Search messages
* Invite users
* Mute/Unmute users in room
* rocket.cat messages
* Room topic layout fixed
* Starred messages loading onEndReached
* Room actions onEndReached
* Unnecessary login request
* Login loading
* Login services fixed
* User presence layout
* ïmproves on room actions view
* Removed unnecessary data from SelectedUsersView
* load few messages on open room, search message improve
* fix loading messages forever
* Removed state from search
* Custom message time format
* secureTextEntry layout
* Reduce android app size
* Roles subscription fix
* Public routes navigation
* fix reconnect
* - New login/register, login, register
* proguard
* Login flux
* App init/restore
* Android layout fixes
* Multiple meteor connection requests fixed
* Nested attachments
* Nested attachments
* fix check status
* New login layout (#269 )
* Public routes navigation
* New login/register, login, register
* Multiple meteor connection requests fixed
* Nested attachments
* Button component
* TextInput android layout fixed
* Register fixed
* Thinner close modal button
* Requests /me after login only one time
* Static images moved
* fix reconnect
* fix ddp
* fix custom emoji
* New message layout (#273 )
* Grouping messages
* Message layout
* Users typing animation
* Image attachment layout
2018-04-24 17:08:17 -03:00
Guilherme Gazzo
[WIP] Improves ( #245 )
2018-03-02 21:31:44 +00:00
Diego Mello
[NEW] OAuth ( #241 )
* Layout
* tmp
* test iscordova
* Webview redirecting
* Open and Close login actions
* Login services saved on redux
* OAuth Github
* Server regex fix
* OAuth modal style
* - Twitter login
- Remove services from redux
- Open login saga fix
* - Facebook login
- Fixed user agent
- Reactions fix
- Message url unique key fix
* Google login
* Email keyboard removed from messagebox
* - Login buttons refactored
- RoomList header
* Layout improvements
* Meteor login redirect_uri changed
* fix
* Random credentialToken state
2018-02-23 17:29:05 -03:00
Saket Kumar
URL opens in SafariView on iOS ( #232 )
2018-02-14 13:48:21 -02:00
Diego Mello
Emoji picker ( #185 )
* Emoji picker working
* Gif support on Android
2018-01-16 16:48:05 -02:00
Saket Kumar
Adds support for Toast message ( #188 )
2018-01-15 18:43:52 -02:00
Saket Kumar
Open link in customTabs on Android. ( #168 )
* Open link in customTabs on Android.
2017-12-28 15:40:10 -02:00
Martin Schoeler
Improve Rooms List ( #152 )
Use TouchableHighlight and TouchableNativeFeedback instead of TouchableOpacity
2017-12-20 13:57:33 -02:00
Guilherme Gazzo
Add server change saga ( #34 )
* Reduce test lines of code
* removed useless packages
* pkg
* add server saga
* removed taginput
taginput is not ready =/
* ~fix navigation~
* code duplicated
* code duplicated
* Delete tags.js
* Delete TagInput.js
2017-09-01 16:42:50 -03:00
Rodrigo Nascimento
Ci ( #25 )
* Init travis configuration
* Try travis
* Try travis
* Try travis
* Try travis
* Try travis
* Try Travis
* Fiz name and add badges
2017-08-18 11:50:20 -03:00
Rodrigo Nascimento
Improve channel’s layout
2017-08-13 00:19:14 -03:00
Guilherme Gazzo
2017-08-11 15:18:09 -03:00