Compare commits
54 Commits
Author | SHA1 | Date |
4dfc9c70f3 | |
513e8ee636 | |
aa57237004 | |
58391964cb | |
412f62eb2a | |
4526b7f871 | |
27efa89dac | |
3fbb7b5720 | |
4d5ff8aba1 | |
4336f0db40 | |
4686d4f6f8 | |
58f28fb488 | |
6bb4adaecd | |
197616b94c | |
edd0333be1 | |
8c47187f70 | |
c4a2ce20c6 | |
68f6eb40de | |
59c76d3956 | |
9396b08ead | |
a927746d7f | |
21e4818af7 | |
4de7c83e80 | |
18cc16beb7 | |
3cd1a5f0a6 | |
1abff18e75 | |
26c8931563 | |
192a6b055a | |
7363d9d742 | |
21f64b08e5 | |
38511d2f2d | |
593d12b129 | |
ad3bfa830c | |
af70849b5e | |
91831c8f33 | |
447a2b9344 | |
fbb05fa0d3 | |
41b54d6d87 | |
5387d31a68 | |
a1580811ed | |
3a1b06b86c | |
9525ef25d8 | |
d208373b3a | |
24ad69346a | |
8102bef1d0 | |
b6b5e7294f | |
73557038a2 | |
4174aef4f8 | |
67f41a712c | |
c13e0af110 | |
d10a77ba3d | |
68066d487f | |
0b5dab3ddf | |
23f716c280 |
@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
defaults: &defaults
working_directory: ~/repo
android: circleci/android@2.1.2
macos: &macos
xcode: "13.3.0"
xcode: "14.2.0"
resource_class: large
bash-env: &bash-env
@ -51,14 +54,14 @@ save-gems-cache: &save-gems-cache
update-fastlane-ios: &update-fastlane-ios
name: Update Fastlane
command: |
echo "ruby-2.6.4" > ~/.ruby-version
echo "ruby-2.7.7" > ~/.ruby-version
bundle install
working_directory: ios
update-fastlane-android: &update-fastlane-android
name: Update Fastlane
command: |
echo "ruby-2.6.4" > ~/.ruby-version
echo "ruby-2.7.7" > ~/.ruby-version
bundle install
working_directory: android
@ -118,26 +121,26 @@ commands:
if [[ $CIRCLE_JOB == "android-build-official" ]]; then
echo -e "" >> ./
echo -e "BugsnagAPIKey=$BUGSNAG_KEY_OFFICIAL" >> ./
echo $KEYSTORE_OFFICIAL_BASE64 | base64 --decode > ./app/$KEYSTORE_OFFICIAL
echo -e "APPLICATION_ID=chat.rocket.reactnative" >> ./
echo -e "BugsnagAPIKey=$BUGSNAG_KEY" >> ./
echo $KEYSTORE_BASE64 | base64 --decode > ./app/$KEYSTORE
echo -e "KEYSTORE=$KEYSTORE" >> ./
echo -e "KEY_ALIAS=$KEY_ALIAS" >> ./
working_directory: android
- run:
name: Set Google Services
command: |
if [[ $KEYSTORE ]]; then
echo $GOOGLE_SERVICES_ANDROID | base64 --decode > google-services.json
working_directory: android/app
@ -151,7 +154,7 @@ commands:
if [[ $CIRCLE_JOB == "android-build-experimental" || "android-automatic-build-experimental" ]]; then
./gradlew bundleExperimentalPlayRelease
if [[ ! $KEYSTORE ]]; then
./gradlew assembleExperimentalPlayDebug
working_directory: android
@ -200,8 +203,12 @@ commands:
- run:
name: Set Google Services
command: |
if [[ $KEYSTORE ]]; then
echo $GOOGLE_SERVICES_IOS | base64 --decode > GoogleService-Info.plist
if [[ $CIRCLE_JOB == "ios-build-official" ]]; then
echo $GOOGLE_SERVICES_IOS | base64 --decode > GoogleService-Info.plist
echo $GOOGLE_SERVICES_IOS_EXPERIMENTAL | base64 --decode > GoogleService-Info.plist
working_directory: ios
- run:
@ -223,12 +230,12 @@ commands:
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set IS_OFFICIAL NO" ./NotificationService/Info.plist
if [[ $APP_STORE_CONNECT_API_BASE64 ]]; then
echo $APP_STORE_CONNECT_API_BASE64 | base64 --decode > ./fastlane/app_store_connect_api_key.p8
echo $APP_STORE_CONNECT_API_KEY_BASE64 | base64 --decode > ./fastlane/app_store_connect_api_key.p8
if [[ $CIRCLE_JOB == "ios-build-official" ]]; then
bundle exec fastlane ios build_official
if [[ $KEYSTORE ]]; then
bundle exec fastlane ios build_experimental
bundle exec fastlane ios build_fork
@ -318,11 +325,19 @@ commands:
- run:
name: Fastlane Tesflight Upload
command: |
echo $APP_STORE_CONNECT_API_BASE64 | base64 --decode > ./fastlane/app_store_connect_api_key.p8
echo $APP_STORE_CONNECT_API_KEY_BASE64 | base64 --decode > ./fastlane/app_store_connect_api_key.p8
bundle exec fastlane ios beta official:<< parameters.official >>
working_directory: ios
- save_cache: *save-gems-cache
description: "Create e2e account file"
- run:
command: |
echo $E2E_ACCOUNT | base64 --decode > ./e2e_account.ts
working_directory: e2e
version: 2.1
@ -434,6 +449,94 @@ jobs:
- upload-to-google-play-beta:
official: true
<<: *defaults
name: android/android-machine
resource-class: xlarge
tag: 2022.12.1
<<: *android-env
- checkout
- restore_cache: *restore-npm-cache-linux
- run: *install-npm-modules
- save_cache: *save-npm-cache-linux
- restore_cache: *restore-gradle-cache
- run:
name: Configure Gradle
command: |
echo -e "" > ./
# echo -e "android.enableAapt2=false" >> ./
echo -e "android.useAndroidX=true" >> ./
echo -e "android.enableJetifier=true" >> ./
echo -e "newArchEnabled=false" >> ./
echo -e "FLIPPER_VERSION=0.125.0" >> ./
echo -e "APPLICATION_ID=chat.rocket.reactnative" >> ./
echo -e "BugsnagAPIKey=$BUGSNAG_KEY" >> ./
working_directory: android
- run:
name: Build Android
command: |
echo "RUNNING_E2E_TESTS=true" > ./.env
yarn e2e:android-build
- save_cache: *save-gradle-cache
- store_artifacts:
path: android/app/build/outputs/apk/experimentalPlay/release/app-experimental-play-release.apk
- store_artifacts:
path: android/app/build/outputs/apk/androidTest/experimentalPlay/release/app-experimental-play-release-androidTest.apk
- persist_to_workspace:
root: /home/circleci/repo
- android/app/build/outputs/apk/
<<: *defaults
name: android/android-machine
resource-class: xlarge
tag: 2022.12.1
parallelism: 4
- checkout
- attach_workspace:
at: /home/circleci/repo
- restore_cache: *restore-npm-cache-linux
- run: *install-npm-modules
- save_cache: *save-npm-cache-linux
- run: mkdir ~/junit
- create-e2e-account-file
- android/create-avd:
avd-name: Pixel_API_31_AOSP
install: true
system-image: system-images;android-31;default;x86_64
- run:
name: Setup emulator
command: |
echo "hw.lcd.density = 440" >> ~/.android/avd/Pixel_API_31_AOSP.avd/config.ini
echo "hw.lcd.height = 2280" >> ~/.android/avd/Pixel_API_31_AOSP.avd/config.ini
echo "hw.lcd.width = 1080" >> ~/.android/avd/Pixel_API_31_AOSP.avd/config.ini
- run:
name: Run Detox Tests
command: |
TEST=$(circleci tests glob "e2e/tests/**/*.ts" | circleci tests split --split-by=timings)
yarn e2e:android-test $TEST
- store_artifacts:
path: artifacts
- run:
command: cp junit.xml ~/junit/
when: always
- store_test_results:
path: ~/junit
- store_artifacts:
path: ~/junit
# iOS builds
executor: mac-env
@ -457,11 +560,89 @@ jobs:
- upload-to-testflight:
official: true
executor: mac-env
- checkout
- restore_cache: *restore-gems-cache
- restore_cache: *restore-npm-cache-mac
- run: *install-npm-modules
- run: *update-fastlane-ios
- save_cache: *save-npm-cache-mac
- save_cache: *save-gems-cache
- manage-pods
- run:
name: Configure Detox
command: |
brew tap wix/brew
brew install applesimutils
- run:
name: Build
command: |
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set :bugsnag:apiKey $BUGSNAG_KEY" ./ios/RocketChatRN/Info.plist
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set :bugsnag:apiKey $BUGSNAG_KEY" ./ios/ShareRocketChatRN/Info.plist
yarn detox clean-framework-cache && yarn detox build-framework-cache
echo "RUNNING_E2E_TESTS=true" > ./.env
yarn e2e:ios-build
- persist_to_workspace:
root: /Users/distiller/project
- ios/build/Build/Products/Release-iphonesimulator/Rocket.Chat
executor: mac-env
parallelism: 5
- checkout
- attach_workspace:
at: /Users/distiller/project
- restore_cache: *restore-npm-cache-mac
- run: *install-npm-modules
- save_cache: *save-npm-cache-mac
- run: mkdir ~/junit
- run:
name: Configure Detox
command: |
brew tap wix/brew
brew install applesimutils
yarn detox clean-framework-cache && yarn detox build-framework-cache
- create-e2e-account-file
- run:
name: Run tests
command: |
TEST=$(circleci tests glob "e2e/tests/**/*.ts" | circleci tests split --split-by=timings)
yarn e2e:ios-test $TEST
- store_artifacts:
path: artifacts
- run:
command: cp junit.xml ~/junit/
when: always
- store_test_results:
path: ~/junit
- store_artifacts:
path: ~/junit
- lint-testunit
# E2E tests
- e2e-hold:
type: approval
- e2e-build-ios:
- e2e-hold
- e2e-test-ios:
- e2e-build-ios
- e2e-build-android:
- e2e-hold
- e2e-test-android:
- e2e-build-android
# iOS Experimental
- ios-hold-build-experimental:
type: approval
@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
/** @type {Detox.DetoxConfig} */
module.exports = {
testRunner: {
args: {
$0: 'jest',
config: 'e2e/jest.config.js'
retries: process.env.CI ? 3 : 0
artifacts: {
plugins: {
screenshot: 'failing',
video: 'failing',
uiHierarchy: 'enabled'
apps: {
'ios.debug': {
type: '',
binaryPath: 'ios/build/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/Rocket.Chat',
'xcodebuild -workspace ios/RocketChatRN.xcworkspace -scheme RocketChatRN -configuration Debug -sdk iphonesimulator -derivedDataPath ios/build'
'ios.release': {
type: '',
binaryPath: 'ios/build/Build/Products/Release-iphonesimulator/Rocket.Chat',
'xcodebuild -workspace ios/RocketChatRN.xcworkspace -scheme RocketChatRN -configuration Release -sdk iphonesimulator -derivedDataPath ios/build'
'android.debug': {
type: 'android.apk',
binaryPath: 'android/app/build/outputs/apk/experimentalPlay/debug/app-experimental-play-debug.apk',
'cd android ; ./gradlew assembleExperimentalPlayDebug assembleExperimentalPlayDebugAndroidTest -DtestBuildType=debug ; cd -',
reversePorts: [8081]
'android.release': {
type: 'android.apk',
binaryPath: 'android/app/build/outputs/apk/experimentalPlay/release/app-experimental-play-release.apk',
'cd android ; ./gradlew assembleExperimentalPlayRelease assembleExperimentalPlayReleaseAndroidTest -DtestBuildType=release ; cd -'
devices: {
simulator: {
type: 'ios.simulator',
device: {
type: 'iPhone 14'
attached: {
type: 'android.attached',
device: {
adbName: '.*'
emulator: {
type: 'android.emulator',
device: {
avdName: 'Pixel_API_31_AOSP'
headless: process.env.CI ? true : false
configurations: {
'ios.sim.debug': {
device: 'simulator',
app: 'ios.debug'
'ios.sim.release': {
device: 'simulator',
app: 'ios.release'
'android.att.debug': {
device: 'attached',
app: 'android.debug'
'android.att.release': {
device: 'attached',
app: 'android.release'
'android.emu.debug': {
device: 'emulator',
app: 'android.debug'
'android.emu.release': {
device: 'emulator',
app: 'android.release'
@ -240,19 +240,8 @@ module.exports = {
files: ['e2e/**'],
globals: {
by: true,
detox: true,
device: true,
element: true,
waitFor: true
rules: {
'import/no-extraneous-dependencies': 0,
'no-await-in-loop': 0,
'no-restricted-syntax': 0,
// TODO: remove this rule when update Detox to 20 and test if the namespace Detox is available
'no-undef': 1
'no-await-in-loop': 0
@ -67,5 +67,6 @@ e2e/docker/rc_test_env/docker-compose.yml
@ -1 +1 @@
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
source ''
# You may use or to install and use this version
ruby '2.7.4'
ruby '2.7.7'
gem 'cocoapods', '~> 1.11', '>= 1.11.2'
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ android {
minSdkVersion rootProject.ext.minSdkVersion
targetSdkVersion rootProject.ext.targetSdkVersion
versionCode VERSIONCODE as Integer
versionName "4.35.0"
versionName "4.37.0"
vectorDrawables.useSupportLibrary = true
if (!isFoss) {
manifestPlaceholders = [BugsnagAPIKey: BugsnagAPIKey as String]
@ -250,6 +250,7 @@ android {
release {
minifyEnabled enableProguardInReleaseBuilds
setProguardFiles([getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''])
proguardFile "${rootProject.projectDir}/../node_modules/detox/android/detox/"
signingConfig signingConfigs.release
if (!isFoss) {
firebaseCrashlytics {
@ -268,6 +269,11 @@ android {
// pickFirst '**/x86_64/'
// }
// FIXME: Remove when we update RN
packagingOptions {
pickFirst '**/*.so'
// applicationVariants are e.g. debug, release
flavorDimensions "app", "type"
@ -280,10 +286,6 @@ android {
dimension = "app"
buildConfigField "boolean", "IS_OFFICIAL", "false"
e2e {
dimension = "app"
buildConfigField "boolean", "IS_OFFICIAL", "false"
foss {
dimension = "type"
buildConfigField "boolean", "FDROID_BUILD", "true"
@ -311,16 +313,6 @@ android {
java.srcDirs = ['src/main/java', 'src/play/java']
manifest.srcFile 'src/play/AndroidManifest.xml'
e2ePlayDebug {
java.srcDirs = ['src/main/java', 'src/play/java']
res.srcDirs = ['src/experimental/res']
manifest.srcFile 'src/play/AndroidManifest.xml'
e2ePlayRelease {
java.srcDirs = ['src/main/java', 'src/play/java']
res.srcDirs = ['src/experimental/res']
manifest.srcFile 'src/play/AndroidManifest.xml'
applicationVariants.all { variant ->
@ -385,8 +377,9 @@ dependencies {
implementation "com.github.bumptech.glide:glide:4.9.0"
annotationProcessor "com.github.bumptech.glide:compiler:4.9.0"
implementation "com.tencent:mmkv-static:1.2.10"
androidTestImplementation('com.wix:detox:+') { transitive = true }
androidTestImplementation 'junit:junit:4.12'
implementation 'androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.1.0'
implementation 'com.facebook.soloader:soloader:0.10.4'
if (isNewArchitectureEnabled()) {
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ public class DetoxTest {
// Replace 'MainActivity' with the value of android:name entry in
// <activity> in AndroidManifest.xml
public ActivityTestRule<MainActivity> mActivityRule = new ActivityTestRule<>(MainActivity.class, false, false);
public ActivityTestRule<chat.rocket.reactnative.MainActivity> mActivityRule = new ActivityTestRule<>(chat.rocket.reactnative.MainActivity.class, false, false);
public void runDetoxTests() {
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
package chat.rocket.reactnative;
import android.content.Context;
import com.facebook.react.ReactInstanceManager;
public class MainDebugApplication extends MainApplication {
public void onCreate() {
initializeFlipper(this, getReactNativeHost().getReactInstanceManager());
* Loads Flipper in React Native templates. Call this in the onCreate method with something like
* initializeFlipper(this, getReactNativeHost().getReactInstanceManager());
* @param context
* @param reactInstanceManager
private static void initializeFlipper(Context context, ReactInstanceManager reactInstanceManager) {
ReactNativeFlipper.initializeFlipper(context, reactInstanceManager);
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<network-security-config xmlns:tools="">
<base-config cleartextTrafficPermitted="true">
<certificates src="system" />
<certificates src="user"
tools:ignore="AcceptsUserCertificates" />
@ -11,6 +11,9 @@
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.VIDEO_CAPTURE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.AUDIO_CAPTURE" />
<!-- permissions related to jitsi call -->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH" />
Binary file not shown.
@ -9,13 +9,16 @@ import com.facebook.react.ReactApplication;
import com.facebook.react.ReactNativeHost;
import com.facebook.react.ReactPackage;
import com.facebook.react.config.ReactFeatureFlags;
import com.facebook.react.ReactInstanceManager;
import com.facebook.soloader.SoLoader;
import com.reactnativecommunity.viewpager.RNCViewPagerPackage;
import com.facebook.react.bridge.JSIModulePackage;
import com.swmansion.reanimated.ReanimatedJSIModulePackage;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.res.Configuration;
import expo.modules.ApplicationLifecycleDispatcher;
import expo.modules.ReactNativeHostWrapper;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
@ -76,6 +79,7 @@ public class MainApplication extends Application implements ReactApplication {
// If you opted-in for the New Architecture, we enable the TurboModule system
ReactFeatureFlags.useTurboModules = BuildConfig.IS_NEW_ARCHITECTURE_ENABLED;
SoLoader.init(this, /* native exopackage */ false);
initializeFlipper(this, getReactNativeHost().getReactInstanceManager());
@ -84,4 +88,35 @@ public class MainApplication extends Application implements ReactApplication {
ApplicationLifecycleDispatcher.onConfigurationChanged(this, newConfig);
* Loads Flipper in React Native templates. Call this in the onCreate method with something like
* initializeFlipper(this, getReactNativeHost().getReactInstanceManager());
* @param context
* @param reactInstanceManager
private static void initializeFlipper(
Context context, ReactInstanceManager reactInstanceManager) {
if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) {
try {
We use reflection here to pick up the class that initializes Flipper,
since Flipper library is not available in release mode
Class<?> aClass = Class.forName("chat.rocket.reactnative.ReactNativeFlipper");
.getMethod("initializeFlipper", Context.class, ReactInstanceManager.class)
.invoke(null, context, reactInstanceManager);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
@ -7,4 +7,8 @@
tools:ignore="AcceptsUserCertificates" />
<domain-config cleartextTrafficPermitted="true">
<domain includeSubdomains="true"></domain>
<domain includeSubdomains="true">localhost</domain>
@ -1,9 +1,5 @@
def safeExtGet(prop, fallback) {
rootProject.ext.has(prop) ? rootProject.ext.get(prop) : fallback
// Top-level build file where you can add configuration options common to all sub-projects/modules.
buildscript {
def taskRequests = getGradle().getStartParameter().getTaskRequests().toString().toLowerCase()
@ -75,5 +71,38 @@ allprojects {
maven { url '' }
maven { url '' }
// TODO: remove once we update RN
exclusiveContent {
// We get React Native's Android binaries exclusively through npm,
// from a local Maven repo inside node_modules/react-native/.
// (The use of exclusiveContent prevents looking elsewhere like Maven Central
// and potentially getting a wrong version.)
filter {
includeGroup "com.facebook.react"
forRepository {
maven {
// NOTE: if you are in a monorepo, you may have "$rootDir/../../../node_modules/react-native/android"
url "$rootDir/../node_modules/react-native/android"
subprojects { subproject ->
afterEvaluate {
if (!"app") && project.hasProperty("android")) {
android {
compileSdkVersion 31
buildToolsVersion "31.0.0"
defaultConfig {
minSdkVersion 23
targetSdkVersion 31
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ android.useAndroidX=true
# Version of flipper SDK to use with React Native
# Use this property to specify which architecture you want to build.
# You can also override it from the CLI using
@ -28,7 +28,9 @@ export const ROOM = createRequestTypes('ROOM', [
export const INQUIRY = createRequestTypes('INQUIRY', [
@ -38,7 +40,14 @@ export const INQUIRY = createRequestTypes('INQUIRY', [
export const APP = createRequestTypes('APP', ['START', 'READY', 'INIT', 'INIT_LOCAL_SETTINGS', 'SET_MASTER_DETAIL']);
export const APP = createRequestTypes('APP', [
export const MESSAGES = createRequestTypes('MESSAGES', ['REPLY_BROADCAST']);
export const CREATE_CHANNEL = createRequestTypes('CREATE_CHANNEL', [...defaultTypes]);
export const CREATE_DISCUSSION = createRequestTypes('CREATE_DISCUSSION', [...defaultTypes]);
@ -12,7 +12,11 @@ interface ISetMasterDetail extends Action {
isMasterDetail: boolean;
export type TActionApp = IAppStart & ISetMasterDetail;
interface ISetNotificationPresenceCap extends Action {
show: boolean;
export type TActionApp = IAppStart & ISetMasterDetail & ISetNotificationPresenceCap;
interface Params {
root: RootEnum;
@ -51,3 +55,10 @@ export function setMasterDetail(isMasterDetail: boolean): ISetMasterDetail {
export function setNotificationPresenceCap(show: boolean): ISetNotificationPresenceCap {
return {
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import { Action } from 'redux';
import { ERoomType } from '../definitions/ERoomType';
import { ERoomType, RoomType } from '../definitions';
import { ROOM } from './actionsTypes';
@ -44,7 +44,24 @@ interface IUserTyping extends Action {
status: boolean;
export type TActionsRoom = TSubscribeRoom & TUnsubscribeRoom & ILeaveRoom & IDeleteRoom & IForwardRoom & IUserTyping;
export interface IRoomHistoryRequest extends Action {
rid: string;
t: RoomType;
loaderId: string;
export interface IRoomHistoryFinished extends Action {
loaderId: string;
export type TActionsRoom = TSubscribeRoom &
TUnsubscribeRoom &
ILeaveRoom &
IDeleteRoom &
IForwardRoom &
IUserTyping &
IRoomHistoryRequest &
export function subscribeRoom(rid: string): TSubscribeRoom {
return {
@ -99,3 +116,19 @@ export function userTyping(rid: string, status = true): IUserTyping {
export function roomHistoryRequest({ rid, t, loaderId }: { rid: string; t: RoomType; loaderId: string }): IRoomHistoryRequest {
return {
export function roomHistoryFinished({ loaderId }: { loaderId: string }): IRoomHistoryFinished {
return {
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
export const mappedIcons = {
'status-disabled': 59837,
'lamp-bulb': 59836,
'phone-in': 59835,
'basketball': 59776,
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -1,34 +1,31 @@
import React from 'react';
import { useWindowDimensions } from 'react-native';
import { FlatList } from 'react-native-gesture-handler';
import { EMOJI_BUTTON_SIZE } from './styles';
import scrollPersistTaps from '../../lib/methods/helpers/scrollPersistTaps';
import { IEmoji } from '../../definitions/IEmoji';
import scrollPersistTaps from '../../lib/methods/helpers/scrollPersistTaps';
import { PressableEmoji } from './PressableEmoji';
import { EMOJI_BUTTON_SIZE } from './styles';
interface IEmojiCategoryProps {
emojis: IEmoji[];
onEmojiSelected: (emoji: IEmoji) => void;
tabLabel?: string; // needed for react-native-scrollable-tab-view only
parentWidth: number;
const EmojiCategory = ({ onEmojiSelected, emojis }: IEmojiCategoryProps): React.ReactElement | null => {
const { width } = useWindowDimensions();
const numColumns = Math.trunc(width / EMOJI_BUTTON_SIZE);
const marginHorizontal = (width % EMOJI_BUTTON_SIZE) / 2;
const renderItem = ({ item }: { item: IEmoji }) => <PressableEmoji emoji={item} onPress={onEmojiSelected} />;
if (!width) {
const EmojiCategory = ({ onEmojiSelected, emojis, parentWidth }: IEmojiCategoryProps): React.ReactElement | null => {
if (!parentWidth) {
return null;
const numColumns = Math.trunc(parentWidth / EMOJI_BUTTON_SIZE);
const marginHorizontal = (parentWidth % EMOJI_BUTTON_SIZE) / 2;
const renderItem = ({ item }: { item: IEmoji }) => <PressableEmoji emoji={item} onPress={onEmojiSelected} />;
return (
// needed to update the numColumns when the width changes
keyExtractor={item => (typeof item === 'string' ? item :}
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import React from 'react';
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { View } from 'react-native';
import ScrollableTabView from 'react-native-scrollable-tab-view';
@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ const EmojiPicker = ({
searchedEmojis = []
}: IEmojiPickerProps): React.ReactElement | null => {
const { colors } = useTheme();
const [parentWidth, setParentWidth] = useState(0);
const { frequentlyUsed, loaded } = useFrequentlyUsedEmoji();
const allCustomEmojis: ICustomEmojis = useAppSelector(
@ -50,7 +52,14 @@ const EmojiPicker = ({
if (!emojis.length) {
return null;
return <EmojiCategory emojis={emojis} onEmojiSelected={(emoji: IEmoji) => handleEmojiSelect(emoji)} tabLabel={label} />;
return (
onEmojiSelected={(emoji: IEmoji) => handleEmojiSelect(emoji)}
if (!loaded) {
@ -58,9 +67,13 @@ const EmojiPicker = ({
return (
<View style={styles.emojiPickerContainer}>
<View style={styles.emojiPickerContainer} onLayout={e => setParentWidth(e.nativeEvent.layout.width)}>
{searching ? (
<EmojiCategory emojis={searchedEmojis} onEmojiSelected={(emoji: IEmoji) => handleEmojiSelect(emoji)} />
onEmojiSelected={(emoji: IEmoji) => handleEmojiSelect(emoji)}
) : (
renderTabBar={() => <TabBar />}
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import React from 'react';
import { StyleSheet } from 'react-native';
import { StyleSheet, View } from 'react-native';
import { STATUS_COLORS } from '../../lib/constants';
import UnreadBadge from '../UnreadBadge';
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
@ -15,6 +16,8 @@ const styles = StyleSheet.create({
export const Badge = ({ ...props }): React.ReactElement => <UnreadBadge {...props} style={styles.badgeContainer} small />;
export const BadgeUnread = ({ ...props }): React.ReactElement => <UnreadBadge {...props} style={styles.badgeContainer} small />;
export default Badge;
export const BadgeWarn = (): React.ReactElement => (
<View style={[styles.badgeContainer, { width: 10, height: 10, backgroundColor: STATUS_COLORS.disabled }]} />
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import React from 'react';
import { View } from 'react-native';
import { Header, HeaderBackground } from '@react-navigation/elements';
import { NavigationContainer } from '@react-navigation/native';
import { SafeAreaProvider } from 'react-native-safe-area-context';
@ -103,9 +104,10 @@ export const Badge = () => (
left={() => (
<HeaderButton.Container left>
<HeaderButton.Item iconName='threads' badge={() => <HeaderButton.Badge tunread={[1]} />} />
<HeaderButton.Item iconName='threads' badge={() => <HeaderButton.Badge tunread={[1]} tunreadUser={[1]} />} />
<HeaderButton.Item iconName='threads' badge={() => <HeaderButton.Badge tunread={[1]} tunreadGroup={[1]} />} />
<HeaderButton.Item iconName='threads' badge={() => <HeaderButton.BadgeUnread tunread={[1]} />} />
<HeaderButton.Item iconName='threads' badge={() => <HeaderButton.BadgeUnread tunread={[1]} tunreadUser={[1]} />} />
<HeaderButton.Item iconName='threads' badge={() => <HeaderButton.BadgeUnread tunread={[1]} tunreadGroup={[1]} />} />
<HeaderButton.Drawer badge={() => <HeaderButton.BadgeWarn />} />
@ -114,20 +116,23 @@ export const Badge = () => (
const ThemeStory = ({ theme }: { theme: TSupportedThemes }) => (
<ThemeContext.Provider value={{ theme, colors: colors[theme] }}>
left={() => (
<HeaderButton.Container left>
<HeaderButton.Item iconName='threads' />
right={() => (
<HeaderButton.Item title='Threads' />
<HeaderButton.Item iconName='threads' badge={() => <HeaderButton.Badge tunread={[1]} />} />
<View style={{ flexDirection: 'column' }}>
left={() => (
<HeaderButton.Container left>
<HeaderButton.Drawer badge={() => <HeaderButton.BadgeWarn />} />
<HeaderButton.Item iconName='threads' />
right={() => (
<HeaderButton.Item title='Threads' />
<HeaderButton.Item iconName='threads' badge={() => <HeaderButton.BadgeUnread tunread={[1]} />} />
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
export { default as Container } from './HeaderButtonContainer';
export { default as Item } from './HeaderButtonItem';
export { default as Badge } from './HeaderButtonItemBadge';
export * from './HeaderButtonItemBadge';
export * from './Common';
@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ class MessageBox extends Component<IMessageBoxProps, IMessageBoxState> {
if (usedCannedResponse !== nextProps.usedCannedResponse) {
this.onChangeText(nextProps.usedCannedResponse ?? '');
if (sharing) {
if (sharing && !replying) {
this.setInput(nextProps.message.msg ?? '');
@ -857,14 +857,21 @@ class MessageBox extends Component<IMessageBoxProps, IMessageBoxState> {
openShareView = (attachments: any) => {
const { message, replyCancel, replyWithMention } = this.props;
const { message, replyCancel, replyWithMention, replying } = this.props;
// Start a thread with an attachment
let value: TThreadModel | IMessage = this.thread;
if (replyWithMention) {
value = message;
Navigation.navigate('ShareView', { room:, thread: value, attachments });
Navigation.navigate('ShareView', {
thread: value,
replyingMessage: message,
closeReply: replyCancel
createDiscussion = () => {
@ -1042,16 +1049,7 @@ class MessageBox extends Component<IMessageBoxProps, IMessageBoxState> {
// Legacy reply or quote (quote is a reply without mention)
} else {
const { user, roomType } = this.props;
const permalink = await this.getPermalink(replyingMessage);
let msg = `[ ](${permalink}) `;
// if original message wasn't sent by current user and neither from a direct room
if (user.username !== replyingMessage?.u?.username && roomType !== 'd' && replyWithMention) {
msg += `@${replyingMessage?.u?.username} `;
msg = `${msg} ${message}`;
const msg = await this.formatReplyMessage(replyingMessage, message);
@ -1063,6 +1061,20 @@ class MessageBox extends Component<IMessageBoxProps, IMessageBoxState> {
formatReplyMessage = async (replyingMessage: IMessage, message = '') => {
const { user, roomType, replyWithMention, serverVersion } = this.props;
const permalink = await this.getPermalink(replyingMessage);
let msg = `[ ](${permalink}) `;
// if original message wasn't sent by current user and neither from a direct room
if (user.username !== replyingMessage?.u?.username && roomType !== 'd' && replyWithMention) {
msg += `@${replyingMessage?.u?.username} `;
const connectionString = compareServerVersion(serverVersion, 'lowerThan', '5.0.0') ? ' ' : '\n';
return `${msg}${connectionString}${message}`;
updateMentions = (keyword: any, type: string) => {
@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ const RoomHeaderContainer = React.memo(
const connecting = useSelector((state: IApplicationState) => state.meteor.connecting || state.server.loading);
const usersTyping = useSelector((state: IApplicationState) => state.usersTyping, shallowEqual);
const connected = useSelector((state: IApplicationState) => state.meteor.connected);
const presenceDisabled = useSelector((state: IApplicationState) => state.settings.Presence_broadcast_disabled);
const activeUser = useSelector(
(state: IApplicationState) => (roomUserId ? state.activeUsers?.[roomUserId] : undefined),
@ -61,9 +62,13 @@ const RoomHeaderContainer = React.memo(
if (connected) {
if ((type === 'd' || (tmid && roomUserId)) && activeUser) {
const { status: statusActiveUser, statusText: statusTextActiveUser } = activeUser;
status = statusActiveUser;
statusText = statusTextActiveUser;
if (presenceDisabled) {
status = 'disabled';
} else {
const { status: statusActiveUser, statusText: statusTextActiveUser } = activeUser;
status = statusActiveUser;
statusText = statusTextActiveUser;
} else if (type === 'l' && visitor?.status) {
const { status: statusVisitor } = visitor;
status = statusVisitor;
@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ export const UserStatus = () => (
<RoomItem status='busy' />
<RoomItem status='offline' />
<RoomItem status='loading' />
<RoomItem status='disabled' />
<RoomItem status='wrong' />
@ -2,13 +2,13 @@ import React, { useEffect, useReducer, useRef } from 'react';
import { Subscription } from 'rxjs';
import I18n from '../../i18n';
import { useAppSelector } from '../../lib/hooks';
import { getUserPresence } from '../../lib/methods';
import { isGroupChat } from '../../lib/methods/helpers';
import { formatDate } from '../../lib/methods/helpers/room';
import { IRoomItemContainerProps } from './interfaces';
import RoomItem from './RoomItem';
import { ROW_HEIGHT, ROW_HEIGHT_CONDENSED } from './styles';
import { useUserStatus } from './useUserStatus';
@ -42,11 +42,11 @@ const RoomItemContainer = React.memo(
const isRead = getIsRead(item);
const date = item.roomUpdatedAt && formatDate(item.roomUpdatedAt);
const alert = item.alert || item.tunread?.length;
const connected = useAppSelector(state => state.meteor.connected);
const userStatus = useAppSelector(state => state.activeUsers[id || '']?.status);
const [_, forceUpdate] = useReducer(x => x + 1, 1);
const roomSubscription = useRef<Subscription | null>(null);
const { connected, status } = useUserStatus(item.t, item?.visitor?.status, id);
useEffect(() => {
const init = () => {
if (item?.observe) {
@ -85,8 +85,6 @@ const RoomItemContainer = React.memo(
accessibilityLabel = `, ${I18n.t('last_message')} ${date}`;
const status = item.t === 'l' ? item.visitor?.status || item.v?.status : userStatus;
return (
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
import { TUserStatus } from '../../definitions';
import { useAppSelector } from '../../lib/hooks';
import { RoomTypes } from '../../lib/methods';
export const useUserStatus = (
type: RoomTypes,
liveChatStatus?: TUserStatus,
id?: string
): { connected: boolean; status: TUserStatus } => {
const connected = useAppSelector(state => state.meteor.connected);
const presenceDisabled = useAppSelector(state => state.settings.Presence_broadcast_disabled);
const userStatus = useAppSelector(state => state.activeUsers[id || '']?.status);
let status = 'loading';
if (connected) {
if (type === 'd') {
if (presenceDisabled) {
status = 'disabled';
} else {
status = userStatus || 'loading';
} else if (type === 'l' && liveChatStatus) {
status = liveChatStatus;
return {
status: status as TUserStatus
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import React from 'react';
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { StyleProp, ViewStyle } from 'react-native';
import { SvgUri } from 'react-native-svg';
@ -29,22 +29,12 @@ interface IOmnichannelRoomIconProps {
export const OmnichannelRoomIcon = ({ size, style, sourceType, status }: IOmnichannelRoomIconProps) => {
const [loading, setLoading] = useState(true);
const [svgError, setSvgError] = useState(false);
const baseUrl = useAppSelector(state => state.server?.server);
const connected = useAppSelector(state => state.meteor?.connected);
if (sourceType?.type === OmnichannelSourceType.APP && && sourceType.sidebarIcon && connected) {
return (
color={STATUS_COLORS[status || 'offline']}
return (
const customIcon = (
name={iconMap[sourceType?.type || 'other']}
@ -52,4 +42,23 @@ export const OmnichannelRoomIcon = ({ size, style, sourceType, status }: IOmnich
color={STATUS_COLORS[status || 'offline']}
if (!svgError && sourceType?.type === OmnichannelSourceType.APP && && sourceType.sidebarIcon && connected) {
return (
color={STATUS_COLORS[status || 'offline']}
onError={() => setSvgError(true)}
onLoad={() => setLoading(false)}
{loading ? customIcon : null}
return customIcon;
@ -6,9 +6,15 @@ import { IStatus } from './definition';
import { useAppSelector } from '../../lib/hooks';
const StatusContainer = ({ id, style, size = 32, ...props }: Omit<IStatus, 'status'>): React.ReactElement => {
const status = useAppSelector(state =>
state.meteor.connected ? state.activeUsers[id] && state.activeUsers[id].status : 'loading'
) as TUserStatus;
const status = useAppSelector(state => {
if (state.settings.Presence_broadcast_disabled) {
return 'disabled';
if (state.meteor.connected) {
return state.activeUsers[id] && state.activeUsers[id].status;
return 'loading';
}) as TUserStatus;
return <Status size={size} style={style} status={status} {...props} />;
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ import i18n from '../../../../i18n';
import { getSubscriptionByRoomId } from '../../../../lib/database/services/Subscription';
import { useAppSelector } from '../../../../lib/hooks';
import { getRoomAvatar, getUidDirectMessage } from '../../../../lib/methods/helpers';
import { videoConfStartAndJoin } from '../../../../lib/methods/videoConf';
import { useTheme } from '../../../../theme';
import { useActionSheet } from '../../../ActionSheet';
import AvatarContainer from '../../../Avatar';
@ -16,12 +15,12 @@ import { BUTTON_HIT_SLOP } from '../../../message/utils';
import StatusContainer from '../../../Status';
import useStyle from './styles';
export default function CallAgainActionSheet({ rid }: { rid: string }): React.ReactElement {
export default function StartACallActionSheet({ rid, initCall }: { rid: string; initCall: Function }): React.ReactElement {
const style = useStyle();
const { colors } = useTheme();
const [user, setUser] = useState({ username: '', avatar: '', uid: '', rid: '' });
const [phone, setPhone] = useState(true);
const [camera, setCamera] = useState(false);
const [user, setUser] = useState({ username: '', avatar: '', uid: '' });
const [mic, setMic] = useState(true);
const [cam, setCam] = useState(false);
const username = useAppSelector(state => state.login.user.username);
const { hideActionSheet } = useActionSheet();
@ -31,7 +30,7 @@ export default function CallAgainActionSheet({ rid }: { rid: string }): React.Re
const room = await getSubscriptionByRoomId(rid);
const uid = (await getUidDirectMessage(room)) as string;
const avt = getRoomAvatar(room);
setUser({ uid, username: room?.name || '', avatar: avt, rid: room?.id || '' });
setUser({ uid, username: room?.name || '', avatar: avt });
}, [rid]);
@ -43,25 +42,27 @@ export default function CallAgainActionSheet({ rid }: { rid: string }): React.Re
<Text style={style.actionSheetHeaderTitle}>{i18n.t('Start_a_call')}</Text>
<View style={style.actionSheetHeaderButtons}>
onPress={() => setCamera(!camera)}
style={[style.iconCallContainer, camera && style.enabledBackground, { marginRight: 6 }]}
onPress={() => setCam(!cam)}
style={[style.iconCallContainer, cam && style.enabledBackground, { marginRight: 6 }]}
<CustomIcon name={camera ? 'camera' : 'camera-disabled'} size={16} color={handleColor(camera)} />
<CustomIcon name={cam ? 'camera' : 'camera-disabled'} size={20} color={handleColor(cam)} />
onPress={() => setPhone(!phone)}
style={[style.iconCallContainer, phone && style.enabledBackground]}
onPress={() => setMic(!mic)}
style={[style.iconCallContainer, mic && style.enabledBackground]}
<CustomIcon name={phone ? 'microphone' : 'microphone-disabled'} size={16} color={handleColor(phone)} />
<CustomIcon name={mic ? 'microphone' : 'microphone-disabled'} size={20} color={handleColor(mic)} />
<View style={style.actionSheetUsernameContainer}>
<AvatarContainer text={user.avatar} size={36} />
<StatusContainer size={16} id={user.uid} style={{ marginLeft: 8, marginRight: 6 }} />
<Text style={style.actionSheetUsername}>{user.username}</Text>
<Text style={style.actionSheetUsername} numberOfLines={1}>
<View style={style.actionSheetPhotoContainer}>
<AvatarContainer size={62} text={username} />
@ -70,7 +71,7 @@ export default function CallAgainActionSheet({ rid }: { rid: string }): React.Re
onPress={() => {
setTimeout(() => {
videoConfStartAndJoin(user.rid, camera);
initCall({ cam, mic });
}, 100);
@ -3,17 +3,16 @@ import { Text } from 'react-native';
import Touchable from 'react-native-platform-touchable';
import i18n from '../../../../i18n';
import { useVideoConf } from '../../../../lib/hooks/useVideoConf';
import { videoConfJoin } from '../../../../lib/methods/videoConf';
import useStyle from './styles';
import { VideoConferenceBaseContainer } from './VideoConferenceBaseContainer';
const VideoConferenceDirect = React.memo(({ blockId }: { blockId: string }) => {
const style = useStyle();
const { joinCall } = useVideoConf();
return (
<VideoConferenceBaseContainer variant='incoming'>
<Touchable style={style.callToActionButton} onPress={() => joinCall(blockId)}>
<Touchable style={style.callToActionButton} onPress={() => videoConfJoin(blockId)}>
<Text style={style.callToActionButtonText}>{i18n.t('Join')}</Text>
<Text style={style.callBack}>{i18n.t('Waiting_for_answer')}</Text>
@ -6,9 +6,7 @@ import { IUser } from '../../../../definitions';
import { VideoConferenceType } from '../../../../definitions/IVideoConference';
import i18n from '../../../../i18n';
import { useAppSelector } from '../../../../lib/hooks';
import { useSnaps } from '../../../../lib/hooks/useSnaps';
import { useActionSheet } from '../../../ActionSheet';
import CallAgainActionSheet from './CallAgainActionSheet';
import { useVideoConf } from '../../../../lib/hooks/useVideoConf';
import { CallParticipants, TCallUsers } from './CallParticipants';
import useStyle from './styles';
import { VideoConferenceBaseContainer } from './VideoConferenceBaseContainer';
@ -26,8 +24,7 @@ export default function VideoConferenceEnded({
}): React.ReactElement {
const style = useStyle();
const username = useAppSelector(state => state.login.user.username);
const { showActionSheet } = useActionSheet();
const snaps = useSnaps([1250]);
const { showInitCallActionSheet } = useVideoConf(rid);
const onlyAuthorOnCall = users.length === 1 && users.some(user => user.username === createdBy.username);
@ -35,15 +32,7 @@ export default function VideoConferenceEnded({
<VideoConferenceBaseContainer variant='ended'>
{type === 'direct' ? (
onPress={() =>
children: <CallAgainActionSheet rid={rid} />,
<Touchable style={style.callToActionCallBack} onPress={showInitCallActionSheet}>
<Text style={style.callToActionCallBackText}>
{createdBy.username === username ? i18n.t('Call_back') : i18n.t('Call_again')}
@ -3,18 +3,17 @@ import { Text } from 'react-native';
import Touchable from 'react-native-platform-touchable';
import i18n from '../../../../i18n';
import { useVideoConf } from '../../../../lib/hooks/useVideoConf';
import { videoConfJoin } from '../../../../lib/methods/videoConf';
import { CallParticipants, TCallUsers } from './CallParticipants';
import useStyle from './styles';
import { VideoConferenceBaseContainer } from './VideoConferenceBaseContainer';
export default function VideoConferenceOutgoing({ users, blockId }: { users: TCallUsers; blockId: string }): React.ReactElement {
const style = useStyle();
const { joinCall } = useVideoConf();
return (
<VideoConferenceBaseContainer variant='outgoing'>
<Touchable style={style.callToActionButton} onPress={() => joinCall(blockId)}>
<Touchable style={style.callToActionButton} onPress={() => videoConfJoin(blockId)}>
<Text style={style.callToActionButtonText}>{i18n.t('Join')}</Text>
<CallParticipants users={users} />
@ -100,7 +100,8 @@ export default function useStyle() {
actionSheetUsername: {
fontSize: 16,
color: colors.passcodePrimary
color: colors.passcodePrimary,
flexShrink: 1
enabledBackground: {
backgroundColor: colors.conferenceCallEnabledIconBackground
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
import { BlockContext } from '';
import React, { useContext, useState } from 'react';
import { useVideoConf } from '../../lib/hooks/useVideoConf';
import { videoConfJoin } from '../../lib/methods/videoConf';
import { IText } from './interfaces';
export const textParser = ([{ text }]: IText[]) => text;
@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ export const useBlockContext = ({ blockId, actionId, appId, initialValue }: IUse
const { action, appId: appIdFromContext, viewId, state, language, errors, values = {} } = useContext(KitContext);
const { value = initialValue } = values[actionId] || {};
const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false);
const { joinCall } = useVideoConf();
const error = errors && actionId && errors[actionId];
@ -58,7 +57,7 @@ export const useBlockContext = ({ blockId, actionId, appId, initialValue }: IUse
try {
if (appId === 'videoconf-core' && blockId) {
return joinCall(blockId);
return videoConfJoin(blockId);
await action({
@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
import React from 'react';
import { View, StyleSheet, Text, ViewStyle } from 'react-native';
import sharedStyles from '../views/Styles';
import { useTheme } from '../theme';
import openLink from '../lib/methods/helpers/openLink';
import { useAppSelector } from '../lib/hooks';
import I18n from '../i18n';
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
bottomContainer: {
flexDirection: 'column',
alignItems: 'center',
marginBottom: 32,
marginHorizontal: 30
bottomContainerText: {
fontSize: 13,
textAlign: 'center'
bottomContainerTextBold: {
fontSize: 13,
textAlign: 'center'
const UGCRules = ({ styleContainer }: { styleContainer?: ViewStyle }) => {
const { colors, theme } = useTheme();
const { server } = useAppSelector(state => ({
server: state.server.server
const openContract = (route: string) => {
if (!server) {
openLink(`${server}/${route}`, theme);
return (
<View style={[styles.bottomContainer, styleContainer]}>
<Text style={[styles.bottomContainerText, { color: colors.auxiliaryText }]}>
style={[styles.bottomContainerTextBold, { color: colors.actionTintColor }]}
onPress={() => openContract('terms-of-service')}
</Text>{' '}
style={[styles.bottomContainerTextBold, { color: colors.actionTintColor }]}
onPress={() => openContract('privacy-policy')}
{' '}
export default UGCRules;
@ -18,13 +18,29 @@ import MarkdownContext from './MarkdownContext';
interface IParagraphProps {
value: ParagraphProps['value'];
forceTrim?: boolean;
const Inline = ({ value }: IParagraphProps): React.ReactElement | null => {
const Inline = ({ value, forceTrim }: IParagraphProps): React.ReactElement | null => {
const { useRealName, username, navToRoomInfo, mentions, channels } = useContext(MarkdownContext);
return (
<Text style={styles.inline}>
{ => {
{, index) => {
// We are forcing trim when is a `[ ](https:// plain_text`
// to clean the empty spaces
if (forceTrim) {
if (index === 0 && block.type === 'LINK') {
block.value.label.value =
// Need to update the to understand that the label can be a Markup | Markup[]
// @ts-ignore
block.value?.label?.value?.toString().trimLeft() || block?.value?.label?.[0]?.value?.toString().trimLeft();
if (index === 1 && block.type !== 'LINK') {
block.value = block.value?.toString().trimLeft();
switch (block.type) {
case 'IMAGE':
return <Image value={block.value} />;
@ -381,27 +381,6 @@ export const BlockQuote = () => (
const rocketChatLink = [
type: 'PARAGRAPH',
value: [
type: 'LINK',
value: {
src: {
type: 'PLAIN_TEXT',
value: ''
label: {
type: 'PLAIN_TEXT',
value: ''
const markdownLink = [
type: 'PARAGRAPH',
@ -487,7 +466,6 @@ const markdownLinkWithEmphasis = [
export const Links = () => (
<View style={styles.container}>
<NewMarkdown tokens={rocketChatLink} />
<NewMarkdown tokens={markdownLink} />
<NewMarkdown tokens={markdownLinkWithEmphasis} />
@ -806,3 +784,128 @@ export const InlineKatex = () => (
<NewMarkdown tokens={inlineKatex} />
const messageQuote = {
# Hello head 1
[ ](
headAndLink: [
{ type: 'HEADING', level: 1, value: [{ type: 'PLAIN_TEXT', value: 'Hello head 1' }] },
{ type: 'LINE_BREAK' },
type: 'PARAGRAPH',
value: [
type: 'LINK',
value: { src: { type: 'PLAIN_TEXT', value: '' }, label: { type: 'PLAIN_TEXT', value: ' ' } }
# Head 1 as the first line then line break and after paragraph
bla bla bla bla bla bla
bla bla bla bla bla bla
[ ](
headTextAndLink: [
type: 'HEADING',
level: 1,
value: [{ type: 'PLAIN_TEXT', value: 'Head 1 as the first line then line break and after paragraph' }]
{ type: 'LINE_BREAK' },
{ type: 'PARAGRAPH', value: [{ type: 'PLAIN_TEXT', value: 'bla bla bla bla bla bla ' }] },
{ type: 'PARAGRAPH', value: [{ type: 'PLAIN_TEXT', value: 'bla bla bla bla bla bla ' }] },
type: 'PARAGRAPH',
value: [
type: 'LINK',
value: { src: { type: 'PLAIN_TEXT', value: '' }, label: { type: 'PLAIN_TEXT', value: ' ' } }
[ ](permalink from message)\n# Head 1 after a forced line break
asdas asd asd asd
headTextAndQuote: [
type: 'PARAGRAPH',
value: [
type: 'LINK',
value: {
src: { type: 'PLAIN_TEXT', value: '' },
label: { type: 'PLAIN_TEXT', value: ' ' }
{ type: 'PLAIN_TEXT', value: ' ' }
{ type: 'HEADING', level: 1, value: [{ type: 'PLAIN_TEXT', value: 'Head 1 after a forced line break' }] },
{ type: 'LINE_BREAK' },
{ type: 'PARAGRAPH', value: [{ type: 'PLAIN_TEXT', value: 'Description' }] }
[ ]( *There is a link before this bold separated by single space*
linkAndBoldText: [
type: 'PARAGRAPH',
value: [
type: 'LINK',
value: { src: { type: 'PLAIN_TEXT', value: '' }, label: { type: 'PLAIN_TEXT', value: ' ' } }
{ type: 'PLAIN_TEXT', value: ' ' },
{ type: 'BOLD', value: [{ type: 'PLAIN_TEXT', value: 'There is a link before this bold separated by single space' }] }
simpleQuote: [
type: 'PARAGRAPH',
value: [
type: 'LINK',
value: {
src: {
type: 'PLAIN_TEXT',
value: ''
// format of label for servers greater or equal than 6.0
label: [
type: 'PLAIN_TEXT',
value: ' '
type: 'PARAGRAPH',
value: [
type: 'PLAIN_TEXT',
value: 'Quoting a message wrote before'
export const MessageQuote = () => (
<View style={styles.container}>
<NewMarkdown tokens={messageQuote.headAndLink} />
<NewMarkdown tokens={messageQuote.headTextAndLink} />
<NewMarkdown tokens={messageQuote.headTextAndQuote} />
<NewMarkdown tokens={messageQuote.linkAndBoldText} />
<NewMarkdown tokens={messageQuote.simpleQuote} />
@ -12,10 +12,28 @@ interface IParagraphProps {
const Paragraph = ({ value }: IParagraphProps) => {
let forceTrim = false;
const { theme } = useTheme();
if (
value?.[0]?.type === 'LINK' &&
// Need to update the to understand that the label can be a Markup | Markup[]
// @ts-ignore
(value?.[0]?.value?.label?.value?.toString().trim() === '' || value?.[0]?.value?.label?.[0]?.value?.toString().trim() === '')
) {
// We are returning null when we receive a message like this: `[ ](\nplain_text`
// to avoid render a line empty above the the message
if (value.length === 1) {
return null;
if (value.length === 2 && value?.[1]?.type === 'PLAIN_TEXT' && value?.[1]?.value?.toString().trim() === '') {
return null;
forceTrim = true;
return (
<Text style={[styles.text, { color: themes[theme].bodyText }]}>
<Inline value={value} />
<Inline value={value} forceTrim={forceTrim} />
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ interface IPlainProps {
value: PlainProps['value'];
const Plain = ({ value }: IPlainProps) => (
const Plain = ({ value }: IPlainProps): React.ReactElement => (
<Text accessibilityLabel={value} style={styles.plainText}>
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import { Tasks as TasksProps } from '';
import Inline from './Inline';
import styles from '../styles';
import { themes } from '../../../lib/constants';
import { useTheme } from '../../../theme';
interface ITasksProps {
@ -12,13 +11,15 @@ interface ITasksProps {
const TaskList = ({ value = [] }: ITasksProps) => {
const { theme } = useTheme();
const { colors } = useTheme();
return (
{ => (
<View style={styles.row}>
<Text style={[styles.text, { color: themes[theme].bodyText }]}>{item.status ? '- [x] ' : '- [ ] '}</Text>
<Inline value={item.value} />
<Text style={[styles.text, { color: colors.bodyText }]}>{item.status ? '- [x] ' : '- [ ] '}</Text>
<Text style={[styles.inline, { color: colors.bodyText }]}>
<Inline value={item.value} />
@ -10,12 +10,12 @@ import { themes } from '../../lib/constants';
import { IMessageCallButton } from './interfaces';
import { useTheme } from '../../theme';
const CallButton = React.memo(({ callJitsi }: IMessageCallButton) => {
const CallButton = React.memo(({ handleEnterCall }: IMessageCallButton) => {
const { theme } = useTheme();
return (
<View style={styles.buttonContainer}>
style={[styles.button, { backgroundColor: themes[theme].tintColor }]}
@ -1,14 +1,20 @@
import React from 'react';
import { themes } from '../../../../lib/constants';
import { CustomIcon } from '../../../CustomIcon';
import styles from '../../styles';
import { useTheme } from '../../../../theme';
const ReadReceipt = React.memo(({ isReadReceiptEnabled, unread }: { isReadReceiptEnabled?: boolean; unread?: boolean }) => {
const { theme } = useTheme();
if (isReadReceiptEnabled && !unread && unread !== null) {
return <CustomIcon name='check' color={themes[theme].tintColor} size={16} style={styles.rightIcons} />;
const { colors } = useTheme();
if (isReadReceiptEnabled) {
return (
color={!unread && unread !== null ? colors.tintColor : colors.auxiliaryTintColor}
return null;
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ const Content = React.memo(
content = (
md={props.type !== 'e2e' ? : undefined}
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ const MessageAvatar = React.memo(({ isHeader, avatar, author, small, navToRoomIn
style={small ? styles.avatarSmall : styles.avatar}
text={avatar ? '' : author.username}
size={small ? 20 : 36}
borderRadius={small ? 2 : 4}
onPress={author._id === ? undefined : () => navToRoomInfo(navParam)}
@ -247,6 +247,8 @@ const Reply = React.memo(
<View style={styles.attachmentContainer}>
<Title attachment={attachment} timeFormat={timeFormat} theme={theme} />
<Description attachment={attachment} getCustomEmoji={getCustomEmoji} theme={theme} />
<UrlImage image={attachment.thumb_url} />
@ -255,8 +257,6 @@ const Reply = React.memo(
<UrlImage image={attachment.thumb_url} />
<Description attachment={attachment} getCustomEmoji={getCustomEmoji} theme={theme} />
<Fields attachment={attachment} getCustomEmoji={getCustomEmoji} theme={theme} />
{loading ? (
<View style={[styles.backdrop]}>
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ interface IMessageContainerProps {
showAttachment: (file: IAttachment) => void;
onReactionLongPress?: (item: TAnyMessageModel) => void;
navToRoomInfo: (navParam: IRoomInfoParam) => void;
callJitsi?: () => void;
handleEnterCall?: () => void;
blockAction?: (params: { actionId: string; appId: string; value: string; blockId: string; rid: string; mid: string }) => void;
onAnswerButtonPress?: (message: string, tmid?: string, tshow?: boolean) => void;
threadBadgeColor?: string;
@ -69,7 +69,6 @@ class MessageContainer extends React.Component<IMessageContainerProps, IMessageC
static defaultProps = {
getCustomEmoji: () => null,
onLongPress: () => {},
callJitsi: () => {},
blockAction: () => {},
archived: false,
broadcast: false,
@ -338,7 +337,7 @@ class MessageContainer extends React.Component<IMessageContainerProps, IMessageC
@ -407,7 +406,8 @@ class MessageContainer extends React.Component<IMessageContainerProps, IMessageC
{/* @ts-ignore*/}
@ -455,7 +455,7 @@ class MessageContainer extends React.Component<IMessageContainerProps, IMessageC
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ export interface IMessageBroadcast {
export interface IMessageCallButton {
callJitsi?: () => void;
handleEnterCall?: () => void;
export interface IMessageContent {
@ -8,7 +8,15 @@ import { TThreadMessageModel } from './IThreadMessage';
import { TThreadModel } from './IThread';
import { IUrl, IUrlFromServer } from './IUrl';
export type MessageType = 'jitsi_call_started' | 'discussion-created' | 'e2e' | 'load_more' | 'rm' | 'uj' | MessageTypeLoad | MessageTypesValues;
export type MessageType =
| 'jitsi_call_started'
| 'discussion-created'
| 'e2e'
| 'load_more'
| 'rm'
| 'uj'
| MessageTypeLoad
| MessageTypesValues;
export interface IUserMessage {
_id: string;
@ -91,6 +91,7 @@ export interface ISubscription {
livechatData?: any;
tags?: string[];
E2EKey?: string;
E2ESuggestedKey?: string;
encrypted?: boolean;
e2eKeyId?: string;
avatarETag?: string;
@ -145,6 +146,7 @@ export interface IServerSubscription extends IRocketChatRecord {
onHold?: boolean;
encrypted?: boolean;
E2EKey?: string;
E2ESuggestedKey?: string;
unreadAlert?: 'default' | 'all' | 'mentions' | 'nothing';
fname?: unknown;
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ export interface IUpload {
rid?: string;
path: string;
name?: string;
tmid?: string;
description?: string;
size: number;
type?: string;
@ -12,6 +13,7 @@ export interface IUpload {
progress?: number;
error?: boolean;
subscription?: { id: string };
msg?: string;
export type TUploadModel = IUpload & Model;
@ -4,37 +4,34 @@ import type { IRoom } from './IRoom';
import type { IUser } from './IUser';
import type { IMessage } from './IMessage';
export enum VideoConferenceStatus {
export declare enum VideoConferenceStatus {
ENDED = 3,
export type DirectCallInstructions = {
export declare type DirectCallInstructions = {
type: 'direct';
callee: IUser['_id'];
calleeId: IUser['_id'];
callId: string;
export type ConferenceInstructions = {
export declare type ConferenceInstructions = {
type: 'videoconference';
callId: string;
rid: IRoom['_id'];
export type LivechatInstructions = {
export declare type LivechatInstructions = {
type: 'livechat';
callId: string;
export type VideoConferenceType = DirectCallInstructions['type'] | ConferenceInstructions['type'] | LivechatInstructions['type'];
export declare type VideoConferenceType =
| DirectCallInstructions['type']
| ConferenceInstructions['type']
| LivechatInstructions['type'];
export interface IVideoConferenceUser extends Pick<Required<IUser>, '_id' | 'username' | 'name' | 'avatarETag'> {
ts: Date;
export interface IVideoConference extends IRocketChatRecord {
type: VideoConferenceType;
rid: string;
@ -45,51 +42,68 @@ export interface IVideoConference extends IRocketChatRecord {
ended?: IMessage['_id'];
url?: string;
createdBy: Pick<IUser, '_id' | 'username' | 'name'>;
createdBy: Pick<Required<IUser>, '_id' | 'username' | 'name'>;
createdAt: Date;
endedBy?: Pick<IUser, '_id' | 'username' | 'name'>;
endedBy?: Pick<Required<IUser>, '_id' | 'username' | 'name'>;
endedAt?: Date;
providerName: string;
providerData?: Record<string, any>;
ringing?: boolean;
export interface IDirectVideoConference extends IVideoConference {
type: 'direct';
export interface IGroupVideoConference extends IVideoConference {
type: 'videoconference';
anonymousUsers: number;
title: string;
export interface ILivechatVideoConference extends IVideoConference {
type: 'livechat';
export type VideoConference = IDirectVideoConference | IGroupVideoConference | ILivechatVideoConference;
export type VideoConferenceInstructions = DirectCallInstructions | ConferenceInstructions | LivechatInstructions;
export const isDirectVideoConference = (call: VideoConference | undefined | null): call is IDirectVideoConference =>
call?.type === 'direct';
export const isGroupVideoConference = (call: VideoConference | undefined | null): call is IGroupVideoConference =>
call?.type === 'videoconference';
export const isLivechatVideoConference = (call: VideoConference | undefined | null): call is ILivechatVideoConference =>
call?.type === 'livechat';
type GroupVideoConferenceCreateData = Omit<IGroupVideoConference, 'createdBy'> & { createdBy: IUser['_id'] };
type DirectVideoConferenceCreateData = Omit<IDirectVideoConference, 'createdBy'> & { createdBy: IUser['_id'] };
type LivechatVideoConferenceCreateData = Omit<ILivechatVideoConference, 'createdBy'> & { createdBy: IUser['_id'] };
export type VideoConferenceCreateData = AtLeast<
export declare type VideoConference = IDirectVideoConference | IGroupVideoConference | ILivechatVideoConference;
export declare type VideoConferenceInstructions = DirectCallInstructions | ConferenceInstructions | LivechatInstructions;
export declare const isDirectVideoConference: (call: VideoConference | undefined | null) => call is IDirectVideoConference;
export declare const isGroupVideoConference: (call: VideoConference | undefined | null) => call is IGroupVideoConference;
export declare const isLivechatVideoConference: (call: VideoConference | undefined | null) => call is ILivechatVideoConference;
declare type GroupVideoConferenceCreateData = Omit<IGroupVideoConference, 'createdBy'> & {
createdBy: IUser['_id'];
declare type DirectVideoConferenceCreateData = Omit<IDirectVideoConference, 'createdBy'> & {
createdBy: IUser['_id'];
declare type LivechatVideoConferenceCreateData = Omit<ILivechatVideoConference, 'createdBy'> & {
createdBy: IUser['_id'];
export declare type VideoConferenceCreateData = AtLeast<
DirectVideoConferenceCreateData | GroupVideoConferenceCreateData | LivechatVideoConferenceCreateData,
'createdBy' | 'type' | 'rid' | 'providerName' | 'providerData'
export type VideoConferenceCapabilities = {
mic?: boolean;
cam?: boolean;
title?: boolean;
export type VideoConfStartProps = { roomId: string; title?: string; allowRinging?: boolean };
export type VideoConfJoinProps = {
callId: string;
state?: {
mic?: boolean;
cam?: boolean;
export type VideoConfCancelProps = {
callId: string;
export type VideoConfListProps = {
roomId: string;
count?: number;
offset?: number;
export type VideoConfInfoProps = { callId: string };
@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
export const STATUSES = ['offline', 'online', 'away', 'busy'] as const;
export const STATUSES = ['offline', 'online', 'away', 'busy', 'disabled'] as const;
export type TUserStatus = typeof STATUSES[number];
@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ export * from './ISearch';
export * from './TUserStatus';
export * from './IProfile';
export * from './IReaction';
export * from './ERoomType';
export interface IBaseScreen<T extends Record<string, object | undefined>, S extends string> {
navigation: StackNavigationProp<T, S>;
@ -12,6 +12,12 @@ export type E2eEndpoints = {
'e2e.updateGroupKey': {
POST: (params: { uid: string; rid: string; key: string }) => {};
'e2e.acceptSuggestedGroupKey': {
POST: (params: { rid: string }) => {};
'e2e.rejectSuggestedGroupKey': {
POST: (params: { rid: string }) => {};
'e2e.setRoomKeyID': {
POST: (params: { rid: string; keyID: string }) => {};
@ -1,27 +1,45 @@
import { VideoConference } from '../../IVideoConference';
import {
} from '../../IVideoConference';
import { PaginatedResult } from '../helpers/PaginatedResult';
export type VideoConferenceEndpoints = {
'video-conference/jitsi.update-timeout': {
POST: (params: { roomId: string }) => void;
'video-conference.join': {
POST: (params: { callId: string; state: { cam: boolean } }) => { url: string; providerName: string };
'video-conference.start': {
POST: (params: { roomId: string }) => { url: string };
POST: (params: VideoConfStartProps) => { data: VideoConferenceInstructions & { providerName: string } };
'video-conference.join': {
POST: (params: VideoConfJoinProps) => { url: string; providerName: string };
'video-conference.cancel': {
POST: (params: { callId: string }) => void;
POST: (params: VideoConfCancelProps) => void;
'': {
GET: (params: { callId: string }) => VideoConference & {
capabilities: {
mic?: boolean;
cam?: boolean;
title?: boolean;
GET: (params: VideoConfInfoProps) => VideoConference & { capabilities: VideoConferenceCapabilities };
'video-conference.list': {
GET: (params: VideoConfListProps) => PaginatedResult<{ data: VideoConference[] }>;
'video-conference.capabilities': {
GET: () => { providerName: string; capabilities: VideoConferenceCapabilities };
'video-conference.providers': {
GET: () => { data: { key: string; label: string }[] };
'video-conference/jitsi.update-timeout': {
POST: (params: { roomId: string }) => void;
@ -12,3 +12,6 @@ declare module 'react-native-restart';
declare module 'react-native-jitsi-meet';
declare module 'rn-root-view';
declare module 'react-native-math-view';
declare module '@env' {
export const RUNNING_E2E_TESTS: string;
@ -876,5 +876,20 @@
"Call": "Call",
"Reply_in_direct_message": "Reply in Direct Message",
"room_archived": "archived room",
"room_unarchived": "unarchived room"
"room_unarchived": "unarchived room",
"no-videoconf-provider-app-header": "Conference call not available",
"no-videoconf-provider-app-body": "Conference call apps can be installed in the Rocket.Chat marketplace by a workspace admin.",
"admin-no-videoconf-provider-app-header": "Conference call not enabled",
"admin-no-videoconf-provider-app-body": "Conference call apps are available in the Rocket.Chat marketplace.",
"no-active-video-conf-provider-header": "Conference call not enabled",
"no-active-video-conf-provider-body": "A workspace admin needs to enable the conference call feature first.",
"admin-no-active-video-conf-provider-header": "Conference call not enabled",
"admin-no-active-video-conf-provider-body": "Configure conference calls in order to make it available on this workspace.",
"video-conf-provider-not-configured-header": "Conference call not enabled",
"video-conf-provider-not-configured-body": "A workspace admin needs to enable the conference calls feature first.",
"admin-video-conf-provider-not-configured-header": "Conference call not enabled",
"admin-video-conf-provider-not-configured-body": "Configure conference calls in order to make it available on this workspace.",
"Presence_Cap_Warning_Title": "User status temporarily disabled",
"Presence_Cap_Warning_Description": "Active connections have reached the limit for the workspace, thus the service that handles user status is disabled. It can be re-enabled manually in workspace settings.",
"Learn_more": "Learn more"
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
"error-could-not-change-email": "Não foi possível mudar e-mail",
"error-could-not-change-name": "Não foi possível mudar o nome",
"error-could-not-change-username": "Não foi possível alterar o nome de usuário",
"error-could-not-change-status": "Não foi possível alterar o status",
"error-delete-protected-role": "Não é possível remover um papel protegido",
"error-department-not-found": "Departamento não encontrado",
"error-direct-message-file-upload-not-allowed": "Compartilhamento de arquivos não está permitido em mensagens diretas",
@ -19,6 +20,7 @@
"error-email-domain-blacklisted": "O domínio de e-mail está na lista negra",
"error-email-send-failed": "Erro ao tentar enviar e-mail: {{message}}",
"error-save-image": "Erro ao salvar imagem",
"error-save-video": "Erro ao salvar vídeo",
"error-field-unavailable": "{{field}} já está sendo usado :(",
"error-file-too-large": "Arquivo é muito grande",
"error-not-permission-to-upload-file": "Você não tem permissão para enviar arquivos",
@ -88,6 +90,7 @@
"Add_Reaction": "Reagir",
"Add_Server": "Adicionar servidor",
"Add_users": "Adicionar usuário",
"Admin_Panel": "Painel de admin",
"Agent": "Agente",
"Alert": "Alerta",
"alert": "alerta",
@ -96,6 +99,7 @@
"All_users_in_the_team_can_write_new_messages": "Todos usuários no canal podem enviar mensagens novas",
"A_meaningful_name_for_the_discussion_room": "Um nome significativo para o canal de discussão",
"All": "Todos",
"All_Messages": "Todas as mensagens",
"Allow_Reactions": "Permitir reagir",
"Alphabetical": "Alfabético",
"and_more": "e mais",
@ -163,7 +167,10 @@
"Copied_to_clipboard": "Copiado para a área de transferência!",
"Copy": "Copiar",
"Conversation": "Conversação",
"Certificate_password": "Senha do certificado",
"Clear_cache": "Limpar cache da workspace",
"Clear_cache_loading": "Limpando cache.",
"Whats_the_password_for_your_certificate": "Qual é a senha para o seu certificado?",
"Create_account": "Criar conta",
"Create_Channel": "Criar Canal",
"Create_Direct_Messages": "Criar Mensagens Diretas",
@ -171,6 +178,7 @@
"Created_snippet": "criou um snippet",
"Create_a_new_workspace": "Criar nova área de trabalho",
"Create": "Criar",
"Custom_Status": "Status personalizado",
"Dark": "Escuro",
"Dark_level": "Nível escuro",
"Default": "Padrão",
@ -255,6 +263,7 @@
"Has_left_the_team": "saiu da equipe",
"Hide_System_Messages": "Esconder mensagens do sistema",
"Hide_type_messages": "Esconder mensagens de \"{{type}}\"",
"How_It_Works": "Como funciona",
"Message_HideType_uj": "Utilizador Entrou",
"Message_HideType_ul": "Utilizador Saiu",
"Message_HideType_ru": "Utilizador Removido",
@ -268,11 +277,15 @@
"Message_HideType_subscription_role_removed": "Papel removido",
"Message_HideType_room_archived": "Sala arquivada",
"Message_HideType_room_unarchived": "Sala desarquivada",
"I_Saved_My_E2E_Password": "Salvei minha senha ponta-a-ponta",
"IP": "IP",
"In_app": "No app",
"In_App_And_Desktop": "In-app e área de trabalho",
"In_App_and_Desktop_Alert_info": "Exibe um banner na parte superior da tela quando o aplicativo é aberto e exibe uma notificação na área de trabalho",
"Invisible": "Invisível",
"Invite": "Convidar",
"is_a_valid_RocketChat_instance": "é uma instância Rocket.Chat",
"is_not_a_valid_RocketChat_instance": "não é uma instância Rocket.Chat",
"is_typing": "está digitando",
"Invalid_or_expired_invite_token": "Token de convite inválido ou vencido",
"Invalid_server_version": "O servidor que você está conectando não é suportado mais por esta versão do aplicativo: {{currentVersion}}.\n\nEsta versão do aplicativo requer a versão {{minVersion}} do servidor para funcionar corretamente.",
@ -293,7 +306,9 @@
"leave": "sair",
"Legal": "Legal",
"Light": "Claro",
"License": "Licença",
"Livechat": "Livechat",
"Livechat_edit": "Editar livechat",
"Livechat_transfer_return_to_the_queue": "retornou conversa para a fila",
"Login": "Entrar",
"Login_error": "Suas credenciais foram rejeitadas. Tente novamente por favor!",
@ -302,6 +317,7 @@
"Logout": "Sair",
"Max_number_of_uses": "Número máximo de usos",
"Max_number_of_users_allowed_is_number": "Número máximo de usuários é {{maxUsers}}",
"members": "membros",
"Members": "Membros",
"Mentioned_Messages": "Mensagens mencionadas",
"mentioned": "mencionado",
@ -310,14 +326,18 @@
"Message_actions": "Ações",
"Message_pinned": "Fixou uma mensagem",
"Message_removed": "mensagem removida",
"Message_starred": "Mensagem adicionada aos favoritos",
"Message_unstarred": "Mensagem removida dos favoritos",
"message": "mensagem",
"messages": "mensagens",
"Message": "Mensagem",
"Messages": "Mensagens",
"Message_Reported": "Mensagem reportada",
"Microphone_Permission_Message": "Rocket.Chat precisa de acesso ao seu microfone para enviar mensagens de áudio.",
"Microphone_Permission": "Acesso ao Microfone",
"Mute": "Mudo",
"muted": "mudo",
"My_servers": "Minhas workspaces",
"N_people_reacted": "{{n}} pessoas reagiram",
"N_users": "{{n}} usuários",
"N_channels": "{{n}} canais",
@ -326,6 +346,7 @@
"New_chat_transfer": "Nova transferência de conversa: {{agent}} retornou conversa para a fila",
"New_Message": "Nova Mensagem",
"New_Password": "Nova Senha",
"New_Server": "Nova workspace",
"Next": "Próximo",
"No_files": "Não há arquivos",
"No_limit": "Sem limite",
@ -339,6 +360,8 @@
"No_Message": "Não há mensagens",
"No_messages_yet": "Não há mensagens ainda",
"No_Reactions": "Sem reações",
"No_Read_Receipts": "Não lida",
"Not_logged": "Desconectado",
"Not_RC_Server": "Este não é um servidor Rocket.Chat.\n{{contact}}",
"Nothing": "Nada",
"Nothing_to_save": "Nada para salvar!",
@ -459,6 +482,7 @@
"Search_emoji": "Buscar emoji",
"Search_global_users": "Busca por usuários globais",
"Search_global_users_description": "Caso ativado, busca por usuários de outras empresas ou servidores.",
"Seconds": "{{second}} segundos",
"Security_and_privacy": "Segurança e privacidade",
"Select_Avatar": "Selecionar Avatar",
"Select_Server": "Selecionar Servidor",
@ -473,13 +497,20 @@
"Send_message": "Enviar mensagem",
"Send_me_the_code_again": "Envie-me o código novamente",
"Send_to": "Enviar para...",
"Sending_to": "Envio para",
"Sent_an_attachment": "Enviou um anexo",
"Server": "Servidor",
"Servers": "Workspaces",
"Server_version": "Versão da workspace: {{version}}",
"Set_username_subtitle": "O usuário é utilizado para permitir que você seja mencionado em mensagens",
"Set_custom_status": "Definir status personalizado",
"Set_status": "Definir status",
"Status_saved_successfully": "Status salvo com sucesso!",
"Settings": "Configurações",
"Settings_succesfully_changed": "Configurações salvas com sucesso!",
"Share": "Compartilhar",
"Share_Link": "Share Link",
"Share_this_app": "Compartilhar esse app",
"Show_more": "Mostrar mais..",
"Sign_in_your_server": "Entrar no seu servidor",
"Sign_Up": "Registrar",
@ -496,9 +527,12 @@
"Started_call": "Chamada iniciada por {{userBy}}",
"Submit": "Enviar",
"Table": "Tabela",
"Tags": "Tags",
"Take_a_photo": "Tirar uma foto",
"Take_a_video": "Gravar um vídeo",
"Take_it": "Pegue!",
"tap_to_change_status": "toque para mudar de status",
"Tap_to_view_servers_list": "Toque para visualizar as workspaces",
"Terms_of_Service": " Termos de Serviço ",
"Theme": "Tema",
"The_user_wont_be_able_to_type_in_roomName": "O usuário não poderá digitar em {{roomName}}",
@ -543,10 +577,14 @@
"User_has_been_removed": "removeu {{userRemoved}}",
"User_sent_an_attachment": "{{user}} enviou um anexo",
"User_has_been_unmuted": "permitiu que {{userUnmuted}} fale na sala",
"Defined_user_as_role": "definiu {{user}} como {{role}}",
"Removed_user_as_role": "removeu {{user}} como {{role}}",
"Username_is_empty": "Usuário está vazio",
"Username": "Usuário",
"Username_or_email": "Usuário ou email",
"Uses_server_configuration": "Usar configuração do servidor",
"Validating": "Validando...",
"Registration_Succeeded": "Registrado com sucesso!",
"Verify": "Verificar",
"Verify_email_title": "Registrado com sucesso!",
"Verify_email_desc": "Nós lhe enviamos um e-mail para confirmar o seu registro. Se você não receber um e-mail em breve, por favor retorne e tente novamente.",
@ -575,7 +613,9 @@
"You_were_removed_from_channel": "Você foi removido de {{channel}}",
"you": "você",
"You": "Você",
"Logged_out_by_server": "Você foi desconectado pela workspace. Por favor entre novamente.",
"Token_expired": "Sua sessão expirou. Por favor entre novamente.",
"You_need_to_access_at_least_one_RocketChat_server_to_share_something": "Você precisa acessar pelo menos uma workspace Rocket.Chat para compartilhar.",
"You_need_to_verifiy_your_email_address_to_get_notications": "Você precisa confirmar seu endereço de e-mail para obter notificações",
"Your_certificate": "Seu certificado",
"Your_invite_link_will_expire_after__usesLeft__uses": "Seu link de convite irá vencer depois de {{usesLeft}} usos.",
@ -583,6 +623,8 @@
"Your_invite_link_will_expire_on__date__": "Seu link de convite irá vencer em {{date}}.",
"Your_invite_link_will_never_expire": "Seu link de convite nunca irá vencer.",
"Your_workspace": "Sua workspace",
"Your_password_is": "Sua senha é",
"Version_no": "Versão: {{version}}",
"You_will_not_be_able_to_recover_this_message": "Você não será capaz de recuperar essa mensagem!",
"You_will_unset_a_certificate_for_this_server": "Você cancelará a configuração de um certificado para este servidor",
"Change_Language": "Alterar idioma",
@ -683,6 +725,10 @@
"Teams": "Times",
"No_team_channels_found": "Nenhum canal encontrado",
"Team_not_found": "Time não encontrado",
"Create_Team": "Criar time",
"Team_Name": "Nome do time",
"creating_team": "criando time",
"team-name-already-exists": "Um time com esse nome já existe",
"Add_Channel_to_Team": "Adicionar Canal ao Time",
"Left_The_Team_Successfully": "Saiu do time com sucesso",
"Create_New": "Criar",
@ -829,5 +875,7 @@
"Call": "Ligar",
"Reply_in_direct_message": "Responder por mensagem direta",
"room_archived": "{{username}} arquivou a sala",
"room_unarchived": "{{username}} desarquivou a sala"
"room_unarchived": "{{username}} desarquivou a sala",
"Presence_Cap_Warning_Title": "Status do usuário desabilitado temporariamente",
"Presence_Cap_Warning_Description": "O limite de conexões ativas para a workspace foi atingido, por isso o serviço responsável pela presença dos usuários está temporariamente desabilitado. Ele pode ser reabilitado manualmente nas configurações da workspace."
@ -3,7 +3,8 @@ export const STATUS_COLORS: any = {
busy: '#f5455c',
away: '#ffd21f',
offline: '#cbced1',
loading: '#9ea2a8'
loading: '#9ea2a8',
disabled: '#F38C39'
export const SWITCH_TRACK_COLOR = {
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
// 🚨🚨 48 settings after login. Pay attention not to reach 50 as that's the limit per request.
export const defaultSettings = {
Accounts_AllowEmailChange: {
type: 'valueAsBoolean'
@ -229,5 +230,8 @@ export const defaultSettings = {
Number_of_users_autocomplete_suggestions: {
type: 'valueAsNumber'
Presence_broadcast_disabled: {
type: 'valueAsBoolean'
} as const;
@ -8,5 +8,6 @@ export * from './localAuthentication';
export * from './localPath';
export * from './messagesStatus';
export * from './messageTypeLoad';
export * from './notifications';
export * from './defaultSettings';
export * from './tablet';
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -123,6 +123,8 @@ export default class Subscription extends Model {
@field('e2e_key') E2EKey;
@field('e2e_suggested_key') E2ESuggestedKey;
@field('encrypted') encrypted;
@field('e2e_key_id') e2eKeyId;
@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ export default class Upload extends Model {
@field('name') name;
@field('tmid') tmid;
@field('description') description;
@field('size') size;
@ -239,6 +239,24 @@ export default schemaMigrations({
columns: [{ name: 'hide_mention_status', type: 'boolean', isOptional: true }]
toVersion: 19,
steps: [
table: 'uploads',
columns: [{ name: 'tmid', type: 'string', isOptional: true }]
toVersion: 20,
steps: [
table: 'subscriptions',
columns: [{ name: 'e2e_suggested_key', type: 'string', isOptional: true }]
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import { appSchema, tableSchema } from '@nozbe/watermelondb';
export default appSchema({
version: 18,
version: 20,
tables: [
name: 'subscriptions',
@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ export default appSchema({
{ name: 'livechat_data', type: 'string', isOptional: true },
{ name: 'tags', type: 'string', isOptional: true },
{ name: 'e2e_key', type: 'string', isOptional: true },
{ name: 'e2e_suggested_key', type: 'string', isOptional: true },
{ name: 'encrypted', type: 'boolean', isOptional: true },
{ name: 'e2e_key_id', type: 'string', isOptional: true },
{ name: 'avatar_etag', type: 'string', isOptional: true },
@ -222,6 +223,7 @@ export default appSchema({
{ name: 'path', type: 'string', isOptional: true },
{ name: 'rid', type: 'string', isIndexed: true },
{ name: 'name', type: 'string', isOptional: true },
{ name: 'tmid', type: 'string', isOptional: true },
{ name: 'description', type: 'string', isOptional: true },
{ name: 'size', type: 'number' },
{ name: 'type', type: 'string', isOptional: true },
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ class Encryption {
handshake: Function;
decrypt: Function;
encrypt: Function;
importRoomKey: Function;
@ -97,6 +98,10 @@ class Encryption {
stopRoom = (rid: string) => {
delete this.roomInstances[rid];
// When a new participant join and request a new room encryption key
provideRoomKeyToUser = async (keyId: string, rid: string) => {
// If the client is not ready
@ -220,6 +225,19 @@ class Encryption {
return roomE2E;
evaluateSuggestedKey = async (rid: string, E2ESuggestedKey: string) => {
try {
if (this.privateKey) {
const roomE2E = await this.getRoomInstance(rid);
await roomE2E.importRoomKey(E2ESuggestedKey, this.privateKey);
delete this.roomInstances[rid];
await Services.e2eAcceptSuggestedGroupKey(rid);
} catch (e) {
await Services.e2eRejectSuggestedGroupKey(rid);
// Logic to decrypt all pending messages/threads/threadMessages
// after initialize the encryption client
decryptPendingMessages = async (roomId?: string) => {
@ -74,7 +74,10 @@ export default class EncryptionRoom {
if (E2EKey && Encryption.privateKey) {
// We're establishing a new room encryption client
this.establishing = true;
await this.importRoomKey(E2EKey, Encryption.privateKey);
const { keyID, roomKey, sessionKeyExportedString } = await this.importRoomKey(E2EKey, Encryption.privateKey);
this.keyID = keyID;
this.roomKey = roomKey;
this.sessionKeyExportedString = sessionKeyExportedString;
@ -96,20 +99,33 @@ export default class EncryptionRoom {
// Import roomKey as an AES Decrypt key
importRoomKey = async (E2EKey: string, privateKey: string) => {
const roomE2EKey = E2EKey.slice(12);
importRoomKey = async (
E2EKey: string,
privateKey: string
): Promise<{ sessionKeyExportedString: string | ByteBuffer; roomKey: ArrayBuffer; keyID: string }> => {
try {
const roomE2EKey = E2EKey.slice(12);
const decryptedKey = await SimpleCrypto.RSA.decrypt(roomE2EKey, privateKey);
this.sessionKeyExportedString = toString(decryptedKey);
const decryptedKey = await SimpleCrypto.RSA.decrypt(roomE2EKey, privateKey);
const sessionKeyExportedString = toString(decryptedKey);
this.keyID = Base64.encode(this.sessionKeyExportedString as string).slice(0, 12);
const keyID = Base64.encode(sessionKeyExportedString as string).slice(0, 12);
// Extract K from Web Crypto Secret Key
// K is a base64URL encoded array of bytes
// Web Crypto API uses this as a private key to decrypt/encrypt things
// Reference:
const { k } = EJSON.parse(this.sessionKeyExportedString as string);
this.roomKey = b64ToBuffer(k);
// Extract K from Web Crypto Secret Key
// K is a base64URL encoded array of bytes
// Web Crypto API uses this as a private key to decrypt/encrypt things
// Reference:
const { k } = EJSON.parse(sessionKeyExportedString as string);
const roomKey = b64ToBuffer(k);
return {
} catch (e: any) {
throw new Error(e);
// Create a key to a room
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
import { useCallback } from 'react';
import { TActionSheetOptionsItem, useActionSheet } from '../../containers/ActionSheet';
import i18n from '../../i18n';
import { videoConfJoin } from '../methods/videoConf';
export const useVideoConf = (): { joinCall: (blockId: string) => void } => {
const { showActionSheet } = useActionSheet();
const joinCall = useCallback(blockId => {
const options: TActionSheetOptionsItem[] = [
title: i18n.t('Video_call'),
icon: 'camera',
onPress: () => videoConfJoin(blockId, true)
title: i18n.t('Voice_call'),
icon: 'microphone',
onPress: () => videoConfJoin(blockId, false)
showActionSheet({ options });
}, []);
return { joinCall };
@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { Q } from '@nozbe/watermelondb';
import { useActionSheet } from '../../containers/ActionSheet';
import StartACallActionSheet from '../../containers/UIKit/VideoConferenceBlock/components/StartACallActionSheet';
import { ISubscription, SubscriptionType, TSubscriptionModel } from '../../definitions';
import i18n from '../../i18n';
import { getUserSelector } from '../../selectors/login';
import database from '../database';
import { getSubscriptionByRoomId } from '../database/services/Subscription';
import { callJitsi } from '../methods';
import { compareServerVersion, showErrorAlert } from '../methods/helpers';
import { videoConfStartAndJoin } from '../methods/videoConf';
import { Services } from '../services';
import { useAppSelector } from './useAppSelector';
import { useSnaps } from './useSnaps';
const availabilityErrors = {
NOT_CONFIGURED: 'video-conf-provider-not-configured',
NOT_ACTIVE: 'no-active-video-conf-provider',
NO_APP: 'no-videoconf-provider-app'
} as const;
const handleErrors = (isAdmin: boolean, error: typeof availabilityErrors[keyof typeof availabilityErrors]) => {
if (isAdmin) return showErrorAlert(i18n.t(`admin-${error}-body`), i18n.t(`admin-${error}-header`));
return showErrorAlert(i18n.t(`${error}-body`), i18n.t(`${error}-header`));
export const useVideoConf = (rid: string): { showInitCallActionSheet: () => Promise<void>; showCallOption: boolean } => {
const [showCallOption, setShowCallOption] = useState(false);
const serverVersion = useAppSelector(state => state.server.version);
const jitsiEnabled = useAppSelector(state => state.settings.Jitsi_Enabled);
const jitsiEnableTeams = useAppSelector(state => state.settings.Jitsi_Enable_Teams);
const jitsiEnableChannels = useAppSelector(state => state.settings.Jitsi_Enable_Channels);
const user = useAppSelector(state => getUserSelector(state));
const isServer5OrNewer = compareServerVersion(serverVersion, 'greaterThanOrEqualTo', '5.0.0');
const { showActionSheet } = useActionSheet();
const snaps = useSnaps([1250]);
const handleShowCallOption = (room: TSubscriptionModel) => {
if (isServer5OrNewer) return setShowCallOption(true);
const isJitsiDisabledForTeams = room.teamMain && !jitsiEnableTeams;
const isJitsiDisabledForChannels = !room.teamMain && (room.t === 'p' || room.t === 'c') && !jitsiEnableChannels;
if (room.t === SubscriptionType.DIRECT) return setShowCallOption(!!jitsiEnabled);
if (room.t === SubscriptionType.CHANNEL) return setShowCallOption(!isJitsiDisabledForChannels);
if (room.t === SubscriptionType.GROUP) return setShowCallOption(!isJitsiDisabledForTeams);
return setShowCallOption(false);
const canInitAnCall = async () => {
if (isServer5OrNewer) {
try {
await Services.videoConferenceGetCapabilities();
return true;
} catch (error: any) {
const isAdmin = !!['admin'].find(role => user.roles?.includes(role));
switch (error?.error) {
case availabilityErrors.NOT_CONFIGURED:
return handleErrors(isAdmin, availabilityErrors.NOT_CONFIGURED);
case availabilityErrors.NOT_ACTIVE:
return handleErrors(isAdmin, availabilityErrors.NOT_ACTIVE);
case availabilityErrors.NO_APP:
return handleErrors(isAdmin, availabilityErrors.NO_APP);
return handleErrors(isAdmin, availabilityErrors.NOT_CONFIGURED);
return true;
const initCall = async ({ cam, mic }: { cam: boolean; mic: boolean }) => {
if (isServer5OrNewer) return videoConfStartAndJoin({ rid, cam, mic });
const room = (await getSubscriptionByRoomId(rid)) as ISubscription;
callJitsi({ room, cam });
const showInitCallActionSheet = async () => {
const canInit = await canInitAnCall();
if (canInit) {
children: <StartACallActionSheet rid={rid} initCall={initCall} />,
const initSubscription = () => {
try {
const db =;
const observeSubCollection = db.get('subscriptions').query(Q.where('rid', rid)).observe();
const subObserveQuery = observeSubCollection.subscribe(data => {
if (data[0]) {
} catch (e) {
console.log("observeSubscriptions: Can't find subscription to observe");
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
return { showInitCallActionSheet, showCallOption };
@ -4,12 +4,17 @@ import { sanitizeLikeString } from '../database/utils';
import { store } from '../store/auxStore';
import log from './helpers/log';
const DEFAULT_EXTENSION = 'mp3';
const sanitizeString = (value: string) => sanitizeLikeString(value.substring(value.lastIndexOf('/') + 1));
const parseFilename = (value: string) => {
const extension = value.substring(value.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);
const filename = sanitizeString(value.substring(value.lastIndexOf('/') + 1).split('.')[0]);
return `${filename}.${extension}`;
const getExtension = (value: string) => {
let extension = DEFAULT_EXTENSION;
const filename = value.split('/').pop();
if (filename?.includes('.')) {
extension = value.substring(value.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);
return extension;
const ensureDirAsync = async (dir: string, intermediates = true): Promise<void> => {
@ -27,7 +32,7 @@ export const downloadAudioFile = async (url: string, fileUrl: string, messageId:
const serverUrl = store.getState().server.server;
const serverUrlParsed = sanitizeString(serverUrl);
const folderPath = `${FileSystem.documentDirectory}audios/${serverUrlParsed}`;
const filename = `${messageId}_${parseFilename(fileUrl)}`;
const filename = `${messageId}.${getExtension(fileUrl)}`;
const filePath = `${folderPath}/${filename}`;
await ensureDirAsync(folderPath);
const file = await FileSystem.getInfoAsync(filePath);
@ -47,7 +52,7 @@ export const deleteAllAudioFiles = async (serverUrl: string): Promise<void> => {
try {
const serverUrlParsed = sanitizeString(serverUrl);
const path = `${FileSystem.documentDirectory}audios/${serverUrlParsed}`;
await FileSystem.deleteAsync(path);
await FileSystem.deleteAsync(path, { idempotent: true });
} catch (error) {
@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ export function callJitsiWithoutServer(path: string): void {
Navigation.navigate('JitsiMeetView', { url, onlyAudio: false });
export async function callJitsi(room: ISubscription, onlyAudio = false): Promise<void> {
logEvent(onlyAudio ? events.RA_JITSI_AUDIO : events.RA_JITSI_VIDEO);
export async function callJitsi({ room, cam = false }: { room: ISubscription; cam?: boolean }): Promise<void> {
logEvent(cam ? events.RA_JITSI_AUDIO : events.RA_JITSI_VIDEO);
const url = await jitsiURL({ room });
Navigation.navigate('JitsiMeetView', { url, onlyAudio, rid: room?.rid });
Navigation.navigate('JitsiMeetView', { url, onlyAudio: cam, rid: room?.rid });
@ -1,16 +1,14 @@
import { SubscriptionType, TAnyMessageModel } from '../../../definitions';
import { loadNextMessages, loadMessagesForRoom } from '../../../lib/methods';
import { MessageTypeLoad } from '../../../lib/constants';
import { SubscriptionType, TAnyMessageModel } from '../../definitions';
import { loadNextMessages, loadMessagesForRoom } from '.';
import { MessageTypeLoad } from '../constants';
const getMoreMessages = ({
}: {
rid: string;
t: SubscriptionType;
tmid?: string;
loaderItem: TAnyMessageModel;
}): Promise<void> => {
if ([MessageTypeLoad.MORE, MessageTypeLoad.PREVIOUS_CHUNK].includes(loaderItem.t as MessageTypeLoad)) {
@ -25,7 +23,6 @@ const getMoreMessages = ({
if (loaderItem.t === MessageTypeLoad.NEXT_CHUNK) {
return loadNextMessages({
ts: loaderItem.ts as Date,
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import database from '../database';
import sdk from '../services/sdk';
import protectedFunction from './helpers/protectedFunction';
import { parseSettings, _prepareSettings } from './parseSettings';
import { setPresenceCap } from './getUsersPresence';
const serverInfoKeys = [
@ -157,8 +158,11 @@ export async function getSettings(): Promise<void> {
const data: IData[] = result.settings || [];
const filteredSettings: IPreparedSettings[] = _prepareSettings(data);
const filteredSettingsIds = => s._id);
const parsedSettings = parseSettings(filteredSettings);
// filter server info
const serverInfo = filteredSettings.filter(i1 => serverInfoKeys.includes(i1._id));
@ -9,6 +9,9 @@ import database from '../database';
import { IUser } from '../../definitions';
import sdk from '../services/sdk';
import { compareServerVersion } from './helpers';
import userPreferences from './userPreferences';
import { NOTIFICATION_PRESENCE_CAP } from '../constants';
import { setNotificationPresenceCap } from '../../actions/app';
export const _activeUsersSubTimeout: { activeUsersSubTimeout: boolean | ReturnType<typeof setTimeout> | number } = {
activeUsersSubTimeout: false
@ -124,3 +127,16 @@ export function getUserPresence(uid: string) {
export const setPresenceCap = async (enabled: boolean) => {
if (enabled) {
const notificationPresenceCap = await userPreferences.getBool(NOTIFICATION_PRESENCE_CAP);
if (notificationPresenceCap !== false) {
userPreferences.setBool(NOTIFICATION_PRESENCE_CAP, true);
} else {
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
import { Alert, Linking } from 'react-native';
import AsyncStorage from '@react-native-async-storage/async-storage';
// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-unresolved
import { RUNNING_E2E_TESTS } from '@env';
import I18n from '../../../i18n';
import { isFDroidBuild, STORE_REVIEW_LINK } from '../../constants';
@ -86,14 +88,15 @@ class ReviewApp {
positiveEventCount = 0;
pushPositiveEvent = () => {
if (!isFDroidBuild) {
if (this.positiveEventCount >= numberOfPositiveEvent) {
this.positiveEventCount += 1;
if (this.positiveEventCount === numberOfPositiveEvent) {
if (isFDroidBuild || RUNNING_E2E_TESTS === 'true') {
if (this.positiveEventCount >= numberOfPositiveEvent) {
this.positiveEventCount += 1;
if (this.positiveEventCount === numberOfPositiveEvent) {
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ export * from './getSingleMessage';
export * from './getSlashCommands';
export * from './getThreadName';
export * from './getUsersPresence';
export * from './getMoreMessages';
export * from './loadMessagesForRoom';
export * from './loadMissedMessages';
export * from './loadNextMessages';
@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ const COUNT = 50;
interface ILoadNextMessages {
rid: string;
ts: Date;
tmid?: string;
loaderItem: TMessageModel;
@ -32,7 +31,6 @@ export function loadNextMessages(args: ILoadNextMessages): Promise<void> {
const loadMoreItem = {
_id: generateLoadMoreId(lastMessage._id),
rid: lastMessage.rid,
tmid: args.tmid,
ts: moment(lastMessage.ts).add(1, 'millisecond'),
t: MessageTypeLoad.NEXT_CHUNK
@ -19,9 +19,6 @@ export function loadSurroundingMessages({ messageId, rid }: { messageId: string;
let messages: IMessage[] = EJSON.fromJSONValue(data?.messages);
messages = orderBy(messages, 'ts');
const message = messages.find(m => m._id === messageId);
const tmid = message?.tmid;
if (messages?.length) {
if (data?.moreBefore) {
const firstMessage = messages[0];
@ -30,7 +27,6 @@ export function loadSurroundingMessages({ messageId, rid }: { messageId: string;
const loadMoreItem = {
_id: generateLoadMoreId(firstMessage._id),
rid: firstMessage.rid,
ts: moment(firstMessage.ts).subtract(1, 'millisecond').toDate(),
t: MessageTypeLoad.PREVIOUS_CHUNK,
msg: firstMessage.msg
@ -46,7 +42,6 @@ export function loadSurroundingMessages({ messageId, rid }: { messageId: string;
const loadMoreItem = {
_id: generateLoadMoreId(lastMessage._id),
rid: lastMessage.rid,
ts: moment(lastMessage.ts).add(1, 'millisecond').toDate(),
t: MessageTypeLoad.NEXT_CHUNK,
msg: lastMessage.msg
@ -38,7 +38,8 @@ export const localSearchSubscription = async ({ text = '', filterUsers = true, f
t: item.t,
encrypted: item.encrypted,
lastMessage: item.lastMessage,
status: item.status
status: item.status,
teamMain: item.teamMain
})) as ISearchLocal[];
return search;
@ -46,7 +46,8 @@ export function sendFileMessage(
fileInfo: IUpload,
tmid: string | undefined,
server: string,
user: Partial<Pick<IUser, 'id' | 'token'>>
user: Partial<Pick<IUser, 'id' | 'token'>>,
isForceTryAgain?: boolean
): Promise<FetchBlobResponse | void> {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
try {
@ -62,7 +63,7 @@ export function sendFileMessage(
let uploadRecord: TUploadModel;
try {
uploadRecord = await uploadsCollection.find(uploadPath);
if ( {
if ( && !isForceTryAgain) {
return Alert.alert(i18n.t('FileUpload_Error'), i18n.t('Upload_in_progress'));
} catch (error) {
@ -71,6 +72,9 @@ export function sendFileMessage(
uploadRecord = await uploadsCollection.create(u => {
u._raw = sanitizedRaw({ id: uploadPath }, uploadsCollection.schema);
Object.assign(u, fileInfo);
if (tmid) {
u.tmid = tmid;
if (u.subscription) {
|||| = rid;
@ -96,6 +100,13 @@ export function sendFileMessage(
if (fileInfo.msg) {
name: 'msg',
data: fileInfo.msg
if (tmid) {
name: 'tmid',
@ -138,6 +138,23 @@ export default class RoomSubscription {
} else if (ev === 'user-activity') {
const { user } = reduxStore.getState().login;
const { UI_Use_Real_Name } = reduxStore.getState().settings;
const { subscribedRoom } = reduxStore.getState().room;
if (subscribedRoom !== _rid) {
const [name, activities] = ddpMessage.fields.args;
const key = UI_Use_Real_Name ? 'name' : 'username';
if (name !== user[key]) {
if (activities.includes('user-typing')) {
if (!activities.length) {
} else if (ev === 'deleteMessage') {
InteractionManager.runAfterInteractions(async () => {
if (ddpMessage && ddpMessage.fields && ddpMessage.fields.args.length > 0) {
@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ const createOrUpdateSubscription = async (subscription: ISubscription, room: ISe
encrypted: s.encrypted,
e2eKeyId: s.e2eKeyId,
E2EKey: s.E2EKey,
E2ESuggestedKey: s.E2ESuggestedKey,
avatarETag: s.avatarETag,
onHold: s.onHold,
hideMentionStatus: s.hideMentionStatus
@ -165,6 +166,8 @@ const createOrUpdateSubscription = async (subscription: ISubscription, room: ISe
tmp = (await Encryption.decryptSubscription(tmp)) as ISubscription;
// Decrypt all pending messages of this room in parallel
} else if (sub && subscription.E2ESuggestedKey) {
await Encryption.evaluateSuggestedKey(sub.rid, subscription.E2ESuggestedKey);
const batch: Model[] = [];
@ -320,6 +323,8 @@ export default function subscribeRooms() {
await db.batch(sub.prepareDestroyPermanently(), ...messagesToDelete, ...threadsToDelete, ...threadMessagesToDelete);
const roomState = store.getState().room;
// Delete and remove events come from this stream
// Here we identify which one was triggered
@ -16,42 +16,43 @@ class UserPreferences {
getString(key: string): string | null {
try {
return this.mmkv.getString(key) || null;
return this.mmkv.getString(key) ?? null;
} catch {
return null;
setString(key: string, value: string): boolean | undefined {
return this.mmkv.setString(key, value) || undefined;
return this.mmkv.setString(key, value) ?? undefined;
getBool(key: string): boolean | null {
try {
return this.mmkv.getBool(key) || null;
return this.mmkv.getBool(key) ?? null;
} catch {
return null;
setBool(key: string, value: boolean): boolean | undefined {
return this.mmkv.setBool(key, value) || undefined;
return this.mmkv.setBool(key, value) ?? undefined;
getMap(key: string): object | null {
try {
return this.mmkv.getMap(key) || null;
return this.mmkv.getMap(key) ?? null;
} catch {
return null;
setMap(key: string, value: object): boolean | undefined {
return this.mmkv.setMap(key, value) || undefined;
return this.mmkv.setMap(key, value) ?? undefined;
removeItem(key: string): boolean | undefined {
return this.mmkv.removeItem(key) || undefined;
return this.mmkv.removeItem(key) ?? undefined;
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import { PermissionsAndroid } from 'react-native';
import { PermissionsAndroid, Permission } from 'react-native';
import DeviceInfo from 'react-native-device-info';
import i18n from '../../i18n';
import navigation from '../navigation/appNavigation';
@ -7,14 +8,27 @@ import { isAndroid, showErrorAlert } from './helpers';
import log from './helpers/log';
import openLink from './helpers/openLink';
export const videoConfJoin = async (callId: string, cam: boolean) => {
const handleBltPermission = async (): Promise<Permission[]> => {
const systemVersion = await DeviceInfo.getApiLevel();
if (systemVersion <= 28) {
if (systemVersion === 29) {
export const videoConfJoin = async (callId: string, cam?: boolean, mic?: boolean): Promise<void> => {
try {
const result = await Services.videoConferenceJoin(callId, cam);
const result = await Services.videoConferenceJoin(callId, cam, mic);
if (result.success) {
if (isAndroid) {
const bltPermission = await handleBltPermission();
await PermissionsAndroid.requestMultiple([
const { url, providerName } = result;
@ -30,11 +44,11 @@ export const videoConfJoin = async (callId: string, cam: boolean) => {
export const videoConfStartAndJoin = async (rid: string, cam: boolean) => {
export const videoConfStartAndJoin = async ({ rid, cam, mic }: { rid: string; cam?: boolean; mic?: boolean }): Promise<void> => {
try {
const videoConfResponse: any = await Services.videoConferenceStart(rid);
const videoConfResponse = await Services.videoConferenceStart(rid);
if (videoConfResponse.success) {
videoConfJoin(, cam);
videoConfJoin(, cam, mic);
} catch (e) {
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
import BackgroundTimer from 'react-native-background-timer';
import { Services } from '../services';
let interval: number | null = null;
export const initVideoConfTimer = (rid: string): void => {
if (rid) {
Services.updateJitsiTimeout(rid).catch((e: unknown) => console.log(e));
if (interval) {
interval = null;
interval = BackgroundTimer.setInterval(() => {
Services.updateJitsiTimeout(rid).catch((e: unknown) => console.log(e));
}, 10000);
export const endVideoConfTimer = (): void => {
if (interval) {
interval = null;
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import EJSON from 'ejson';
import { store } from '../store/auxStore';
import { deepLinkingOpen } from '../../actions/deepLinking';
import { isFDroidBuild } from '../constants';
import { deviceToken, pushNotificationConfigure, setNotificationsBadgeCount } from './push';
import { deviceToken, pushNotificationConfigure, setNotificationsBadgeCount, removeAllNotifications } from './push';
import { INotification, SubscriptionType } from '../../definitions';
interface IEjson {
@ -49,6 +49,10 @@ export const onNotification = (push: INotification): void => {
export const getDeviceToken = (): string => deviceToken;
export const setBadgeCount = (count?: number): void => setNotificationsBadgeCount(count);
export const removeNotificationsAndBadge = () => {
export const initializePushNotifications = (): Promise<INotification> | undefined => {
if (!isFDroidBuild) {
@ -21,6 +21,10 @@ export const setNotificationsBadgeCount = (count = 0): void => {
export const removeAllNotifications = (): void => {
export const pushNotificationConfigure = (onNotification: (notification: INotification) => void): Promise<any> => {
if (isIOS) {
// init
@ -20,7 +20,16 @@ import { updatePermission } from '../../actions/permissions';
import EventEmitter from '../methods/helpers/events';
import { updateSettings } from '../../actions/settings';
import { defaultSettings, MIN_ROCKETCHAT_VERSION } from '../constants';
import { getSettings, IActiveUsers, unsubscribeRooms, _activeUsers, _setUser, _setUserTimer, onRolesChanged } from '../methods';
import {
} from '../methods';
import { compareServerVersion, isIOS, isSsl } from '../methods/helpers';
interface IServices {
@ -144,6 +153,10 @@ function connect({ server, logoutOnError = false }: { server: string; logoutOnEr
store.dispatch(updateSettings(_id, value));
if (_id === 'Presence_broadcast_disabled') {
} catch (e) {
@ -74,6 +74,14 @@ export const e2eRequestRoomKey = (rid: string, e2eKeyId: string): Promise<{ mess
// RC 0.70.0
sdk.methodCallWrapper('stream-notify-room-users', `${rid}/e2ekeyRequest`, rid, e2eKeyId);
export const e2eAcceptSuggestedGroupKey = (rid: string): Promise<{ success: boolean }> =>
// RC 5.5
||||'e2e.acceptSuggestedGroupKey', { rid });
export const e2eRejectSuggestedGroupKey = (rid: string): Promise<{ success: boolean }> =>
// RC 5.5
||||'e2e.rejectSuggestedGroupKey', { rid });
export const updateJitsiTimeout = (roomId: string) =>
// RC 0.74.0
||||'video-conference/jitsi.update-timeout', { roomId });
@ -804,10 +812,14 @@ export const addUsersToRoom = (rid: string): Promise<boolean> => {
export const emitTyping = (room: IRoom, typing = true) => {
const { login, settings } = reduxStore.getState();
const { login, settings, server } = reduxStore.getState();
const { UI_Use_Real_Name } = settings;
const { version: serverVersion } = server;
const { user } = login;
const name = UI_Use_Real_Name ? : user.username;
if (compareServerVersion(serverVersion, 'greaterThanOrEqualTo', '4.0.0')) {
return sdk.methodCall('stream-notify-room', `${room}/user-activity`, name, typing ? ['user-typing'] : []);
return sdk.methodCall('stream-notify-room', `${room}/typing`, name, typing);
@ -924,8 +936,10 @@ export function getUserInfo(userId: string) {
export const toggleFavorite = (roomId: string, favorite: boolean) =>'rooms.favorite', { roomId, favorite });
export const videoConferenceJoin = (callId: string, cam: boolean) =>
||||'video-conference.join', { callId, state: { cam } });
export const videoConferenceJoin = (callId: string, cam?: boolean, mic?: boolean) =>
||||'video-conference.join', { callId, state: { cam: !!cam, mic: mic === undefined ? true : mic } });
export const videoConferenceGetCapabilities = () => sdk.get('video-conference.capabilities');
export const videoConferenceStart = (roomId: string) =>'video-conference.start', { roomId });
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import { twoFactor } from './twoFactor';
import { isSsl } from '../methods/helpers/url';
import { store as reduxStore } from '../store/auxStore';
import { Serialized, MatchPathPattern, OperationParams, PathFor, ResultFor } from '../../definitions/rest/helpers';
import { random } from '../methods/helpers';
import { compareServerVersion, random } from '../methods/helpers';
class Sdk {
private sdk: typeof Rocketchat;
@ -162,7 +162,22 @@ class Sdk {
subscribeRoom(...args: any[]) {
return this.current.subscribeRoom(...args);
const { server } = reduxStore.getState();
const { version: serverVersion } = server;
const topic = 'stream-notify-room';
let eventUserTyping;
if (compareServerVersion(serverVersion, 'greaterThanOrEqualTo', '4.0.0')) {
eventUserTyping = this.subscribe(topic, `${args[0]}/user-activity`, ...args);
} else {
eventUserTyping = this.subscribe(topic, `${args[0]}/typing`, ...args);
// Taken from
return Promise.all([
this.subscribe('stream-room-messages', args[0], ...args),
this.subscribe(topic, `${args[0]}/deleteMessage`, ...args)
unsubscribe(subscription: any[]) {
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