import React, { useEffect, useRef } from 'react'; import I18n from '../../i18n'; import { useAppSelector } from '../../lib/hooks'; import { getUserPresence } from '../../lib/methods'; import { isGroupChat } from '../../lib/methods/helpers'; import { formatDate } from '../../lib/methods/helpers/room'; import { IRoomItemContainerProps, ITouchableRef } from './interfaces'; import RoomItem from './RoomItem'; import { ROW_HEIGHT, ROW_HEIGHT_CONDENSED } from './styles'; export { ROW_HEIGHT, ROW_HEIGHT_CONDENSED }; const RoomItemContainer = ({ item, id, onPress, onLongPress, toggleFav, toggleRead, hideChannel, isFocused, showLastMessage, username, useRealName, autoJoin, showAvatar, displayMode, getRoomTitle = () => 'title', getRoomAvatar = () => '', getIsRead = () => false, swipeEnabled = true }: IRoomItemContainerProps): React.ReactElement => { const name = getRoomTitle(item); const testID = `rooms-list-view-item-${name}`; const avatar = getRoomAvatar(item); const isRead = getIsRead(item); const date = item.roomUpdatedAt && formatDate(item.roomUpdatedAt); const alert = item.alert || item.tunread?.length; const connected = useAppSelector(state => state.meteor.connected); const userStatus = useAppSelector(state => state.activeUsers[id || '']?.status); const isDirect = !!(item.t === 'd' && id && !isGroupChat(item)); const touchableRef = useRef(null); // When app reconnects, we need to fetch the rendered user's presence useEffect(() => { if (connected && isDirect) { getUserPresence(id); } }, [connected]); /** * The component can be recycled by FlashList. * When rid changes and there's no user's status, we need to fetch it */ useEffect(() => { if (!userStatus && isDirect) { getUserPresence(id); } // TODO: Remove this when we have a better way to close the swipeable touchableRef?.current?.close(); }, [item.rid]); const handleOnPress = () => onPress(item); const handleOnLongPress = () => onLongPress && onLongPress(item); let accessibilityLabel = ''; if (item.unread === 1) { accessibilityLabel = `, ${item.unread} ${I18n.t('alert')}`; } else if (item.unread > 1) { accessibilityLabel = `, ${item.unread} ${I18n.t('alerts')}`; } if (item.userMentions > 0) { accessibilityLabel = `, ${I18n.t('you_were_mentioned')}`; } if (date) { accessibilityLabel = `, ${I18n.t('last_message')} ${date}`; } const status = item.t === 'l' ? item.visitor?.status || item.v?.status : userStatus; return ( ); }; export default RoomItemContainer;