//---------------------------------------------------------------------------// // Copyright (c) 2013 Kyle Lutz <kyle.r.lutz@gmail.com> // // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0 // See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt // // See http://boostorg.github.com/compute for more information. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------// #ifndef BOOST_COMPUTE_PLATFORM_HPP #define BOOST_COMPUTE_PLATFORM_HPP #include <algorithm> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <boost/algorithm/string/split.hpp> #include <boost/algorithm/string/classification.hpp> #include <boost/compute/cl.hpp> #include <boost/compute/device.hpp> #include <boost/compute/detail/get_object_info.hpp> namespace boost { namespace compute { /// \class platform /// \brief A compute platform. /// /// The platform class provides an interface to an OpenCL platform. /// /// To obtain a list of all platforms on the system use the /// system::platforms() method. /// /// \see device, context class platform { public: /// Creates a new platform object for \p id. explicit platform(cl_platform_id id) : m_platform(id) { } /// Creates a new platform as a copy of \p other. platform(const platform &other) : m_platform(other.m_platform) { } /// Copies the platform id from \p other. platform& operator=(const platform &other) { if(this != &other){ m_platform = other.m_platform; } return *this; } /// Destroys the platform object. ~platform() { } /// Returns the ID of the platform. cl_platform_id id() const { return m_platform; } /// Returns the name of the platform. std::string name() const { return get_info<std::string>(CL_PLATFORM_NAME); } /// Returns the name of the vendor for the platform. std::string vendor() const { return get_info<std::string>(CL_PLATFORM_VENDOR); } /// Returns the profile string for the platform. std::string profile() const { return get_info<std::string>(CL_PLATFORM_PROFILE); } /// Returns the version string for the platform. std::string version() const { return get_info<std::string>(CL_PLATFORM_VERSION); } /// Returns a list of extensions supported by the platform. std::vector<std::string> extensions() const { std::string extensions_string = get_info<std::string>(CL_PLATFORM_EXTENSIONS); std::vector<std::string> extensions_vector; boost::split(extensions_vector, extensions_string, boost::is_any_of("\t "), boost::token_compress_on); return extensions_vector; } /// Returns \c true if the platform supports the extension with /// \p name. bool supports_extension(const std::string &name) const { const std::vector<std::string> extensions = this->extensions(); return std::find( extensions.begin(), extensions.end(), name) != extensions.end(); } /// Returns a list of devices on the platform. std::vector<device> devices(cl_device_type type = CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ALL) const { size_t count = device_count(type); if(count == 0){ // no devices for this platform return std::vector<device>(); } std::vector<cl_device_id> device_ids(count); cl_int ret = clGetDeviceIDs(m_platform, type, static_cast<cl_uint>(count), &device_ids[0], 0); if(ret != CL_SUCCESS){ BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(opencl_error(ret)); } std::vector<device> devices; for(cl_uint i = 0; i < count; i++){ devices.push_back(device(device_ids[i])); } return devices; } /// Returns the number of devices on the platform. size_t device_count(cl_device_type type = CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ALL) const { cl_uint count = 0; cl_int ret = clGetDeviceIDs(m_platform, type, 0, 0, &count); if(ret != CL_SUCCESS){ if(ret == CL_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND){ // no devices for this platform return 0; } else { // something else went wrong BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(opencl_error(ret)); } } return count; } /// Returns information about the platform. /// /// \see_opencl_ref{clGetPlatformInfo} template<class T> T get_info(cl_platform_info info) const { return detail::get_object_info<T>(clGetPlatformInfo, m_platform, info); } /// \overload template<int Enum> typename detail::get_object_info_type<platform, Enum>::type get_info() const; /// Returns the address of the \p function_name extension /// function. Returns \c 0 if \p function_name is invalid. void* get_extension_function_address(const char *function_name) const { #ifdef CL_VERSION_1_2 return clGetExtensionFunctionAddressForPlatform(m_platform, function_name); #else return clGetExtensionFunctionAddress(function_name); #endif } /// Requests that the platform unload any compiler resources. void unload_compiler() { #ifdef CL_VERSION_1_2 clUnloadPlatformCompiler(m_platform); #else clUnloadCompiler(); #endif } /// Returns \c true if the platform is the same at \p other. bool operator==(const platform &other) const { return m_platform == other.m_platform; } /// Returns \c true if the platform is different from \p other. bool operator!=(const platform &other) const { return m_platform != other.m_platform; } private: cl_platform_id m_platform; }; /// \internal_ define get_info() specializations for platform BOOST_COMPUTE_DETAIL_DEFINE_GET_INFO_SPECIALIZATIONS(platform, ((std::string, CL_PLATFORM_PROFILE)) ((std::string, CL_PLATFORM_VERSION)) ((std::string, CL_PLATFORM_NAME)) ((std::string, CL_PLATFORM_VENDOR)) ((std::string, CL_PLATFORM_EXTENSIONS)) ) inline boost::compute::platform device::platform() const { return boost::compute::platform(get_info<CL_DEVICE_PLATFORM>()); } } // end compute namespace } // end boost namespace #endif // BOOST_COMPUTE_PLATFORM_HPP