Forward declares `boost::hana::fuse`.

@copyright Louis Dionne 2013-2016
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
(See accompanying file LICENSE.md or copy at http://boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)


#include <boost/hana/config.hpp>

    //! Transform a function taking multiple arguments into a function that
    //! can be called with a compile-time `Foldable`.
    //! @ingroup group-Foldable
    //! This function is provided for convenience as a different way of
    //! calling `unpack`. Specifically, `fuse(f)` is a function such that
    //! @code
    //!     fuse(f)(foldable) == unpack(foldable, f)
    //!                       == f(x...)
    //! @endcode
    //! where `x...` are the elements in the foldable. This function is
    //! useful when one wants to create a function that accepts a foldable
    //! which is not known yet.
    //! @note
    //! This function is not tag-dispatched; customize `unpack` instead.
    //! Example
    //! -------
    //! @include example/fuse.cpp
    constexpr auto fuse = [](auto&& f) {
        return [perfect-capture](auto&& xs) -> decltype(auto) {
            return unpack(forwarded(xs), forwarded(f));
    struct fuse_t {
        template <typename F>
        constexpr auto operator()(F&& f) const;

    constexpr fuse_t fuse{};