// Copyright Daniel Wallin 2006. Use, modification and distribution is // subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying // file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) #ifndef BOOST_PARAMETER_PREPROCESSOR_060206_HPP # define BOOST_PARAMETER_PREPROCESSOR_060206_HPP # include <boost/parameter/parameters.hpp> # include <boost/parameter/binding.hpp> # include <boost/parameter/match.hpp> # include <boost/parameter/aux_/parenthesized_type.hpp> # include <boost/parameter/aux_/cast.hpp> # include <boost/parameter/aux_/preprocessor/flatten.hpp> # include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/repeat_from_to.hpp> # include <boost/preprocessor/comparison/equal.hpp> # include <boost/preprocessor/control/if.hpp> # include <boost/preprocessor/control/iif.hpp> # include <boost/preprocessor/control/expr_if.hpp> # include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/enum_params.hpp> # include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/enum_binary_params.hpp> # include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/enum_trailing.hpp> # include <boost/preprocessor/seq/first_n.hpp> # include <boost/preprocessor/seq/for_each_product.hpp> # include <boost/preprocessor/seq/for_each_i.hpp> # include <boost/preprocessor/tuple/elem.hpp> # include <boost/preprocessor/tuple/eat.hpp> # include <boost/preprocessor/seq/fold_left.hpp> # include <boost/preprocessor/seq/push_back.hpp> # include <boost/preprocessor/seq/size.hpp> # include <boost/preprocessor/seq/enum.hpp> # include <boost/preprocessor/seq/push_back.hpp> # include <boost/preprocessor/detail/is_nullary.hpp> # include <boost/mpl/always.hpp> # include <boost/mpl/apply_wrap.hpp> namespace boost { namespace parameter { namespace aux { # if ! defined(BOOST_NO_SFINAE) && ! BOOST_WORKAROUND(__BORLANDC__, BOOST_TESTED_AT(0x592)) // Given Match, which is "void x" where x is an argument matching // criterion, extract a corresponding MPL predicate. template <class Match> struct unwrap_predicate; // Match anything template <> struct unwrap_predicate<void*> { typedef mpl::always<mpl::true_> type; }; #if BOOST_WORKAROUND(__SUNPRO_CC, BOOST_TESTED_AT(0x580)) typedef void* voidstar; // A matching predicate is explicitly specified template <class Predicate> struct unwrap_predicate<voidstar (Predicate)> { typedef Predicate type; }; #else // A matching predicate is explicitly specified template <class Predicate> struct unwrap_predicate<void *(Predicate)> { typedef Predicate type; }; #endif // A type to which the argument is supposed to be convertible is // specified template <class Target> struct unwrap_predicate<void (Target)> { typedef is_convertible<mpl::_, Target> type; }; // Recast the ParameterSpec's nested match metafunction as a free metafunction template < class Parameters , BOOST_PP_ENUM_BINARY_PARAMS( BOOST_PARAMETER_MAX_ARITY, class A, = boost::parameter::void_ BOOST_PP_INTERCEPT ) > struct match : Parameters::template match< BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(BOOST_PARAMETER_MAX_ARITY, A) > {}; # endif # undef false_ template < class Parameters , BOOST_PP_ENUM_BINARY_PARAMS( BOOST_PARAMETER_MAX_ARITY, class A, = boost::parameter::void_ BOOST_PP_INTERCEPT ) > struct argument_pack { typedef typename make_arg_list< typename BOOST_PARAMETER_build_arg_list( BOOST_PARAMETER_MAX_ARITY, make_items, typename Parameters::parameter_spec, A )::type , typename Parameters::deduced_list , tag_keyword_arg , mpl::false_ >::type result; typedef typename mpl::first<result>::type type; }; // Works around VC6 problem where it won't accept rvalues. template <class T> T& as_lvalue(T& value, long) { return value; } template <class T> T const& as_lvalue(T const& value, int) { return value; } # if BOOST_WORKAROUND(__BORLANDC__, BOOST_TESTED_AT(0x564)) template <class Predicate, class T, class Args> struct apply_predicate { BOOST_MPL_ASSERT(( mpl::and_<mpl::false_,T> )); typedef typename mpl::if_< typename mpl::apply2<Predicate,T,Args>::type , char , int >::type type; }; template <class P> struct funptr_predicate { static P p; template <class T, class Args, class P0> static typename apply_predicate<P0,T,Args>::type check_predicate(type<T>, Args*, void**(*)(P0)); template <class T, class Args, class P0> static typename mpl::if_< is_convertible<T,P0> , char , int >::type check_predicate(type<T>, Args*, void*(*)(P0)); template <class T, class Args> struct apply { BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(bool, result = sizeof(check_predicate(boost::type<T>(), (Args*)0, &p)) == 1 ); typedef mpl::bool_<apply<T,Args>::result> type; }; }; template <> struct funptr_predicate<void**> : mpl::always<mpl::true_> {}; # endif }}} // namespace boost::parameter::aux # if BOOST_WORKAROUND(__BORLANDC__, BOOST_TESTED_AT(0x564)) // From Paul Mensonides # define BOOST_PARAMETER_IS_NULLARY(x) \ BOOST_PP_SPLIT(1, BOOST_PARAMETER_IS_NULLARY_C x BOOST_PP_COMMA() 0) \ /**/ # define BOOST_PARAMETER_IS_NULLARY_C() \ ~, 1 BOOST_PP_RPAREN() \ BOOST_PP_TUPLE_EAT(2) BOOST_PP_LPAREN() ~ \ /**/ # else # define BOOST_PARAMETER_IS_NULLARY(x) BOOST_PP_IS_NULLARY(x) # endif # define BOOST_PARAMETER_MEMBER_FUNCTION_CHECK_STATIC_static () # define BOOST_PARAMETER_MEMBER_FUNCTION_IS_STATIC(name) \ BOOST_PARAMETER_IS_NULLARY( \ BOOST_PP_CAT(BOOST_PARAMETER_MEMBER_FUNCTION_CHECK_STATIC_,name) \ ) # if !defined(BOOST_MSVC) # define BOOST_PARAMETER_MEMBER_FUNCTION_STRIP_STATIC_static # define BOOST_PARAMETER_MEMBER_FUNCTION_STRIP_STATIC(name) \ BOOST_PP_CAT(BOOST_PARAMETER_MEMBER_FUNCTION_STRIP_STATIC_, name) # else // Workaround for MSVC preprocessor. // // When stripping static from "static f", msvc will produce // " f". The leading whitespace doesn't go away when pasting // the token with something else, so this thing is a hack to // strip the whitespace. # define BOOST_PARAMETER_MEMBER_FUNCTION_STRIP_STATIC_static ( # define BOOST_PARAMETER_MEMBER_FUNCTION_STRIP_STATIC_AUX(name) \ BOOST_PP_CAT(BOOST_PARAMETER_MEMBER_FUNCTION_STRIP_STATIC_, name)) # define BOOST_PARAMETER_MEMBER_FUNCTION_STRIP_STATIC(name) \ BOOST_PP_SEQ_HEAD( \ BOOST_PARAMETER_MEMBER_FUNCTION_STRIP_STATIC_AUX(name) \ ) # endif # define BOOST_PARAMETER_MEMBER_FUNCTION_STATIC(name) \ BOOST_PP_EXPR_IF( \ BOOST_PARAMETER_MEMBER_FUNCTION_IS_STATIC(name) \ , static \ ) # define BOOST_PARAMETER_MEMBER_FUNCTION_NAME(name) \ BOOST_PP_IF( \ BOOST_PARAMETER_MEMBER_FUNCTION_IS_STATIC(name) \ , BOOST_PARAMETER_MEMBER_FUNCTION_STRIP_STATIC \ , name BOOST_PP_TUPLE_EAT(1) \ )(name) // Calculates [begin, end) arity range. # define BOOST_PARAMETER_ARITY_RANGE_M_optional(state) state # define BOOST_PARAMETER_ARITY_RANGE_M_deduced_optional(state) state # define BOOST_PARAMETER_ARITY_RANGE_M_required(state) BOOST_PP_INC(state) # define BOOST_PARAMETER_ARITY_RANGE_M_deduced_required(state) BOOST_PP_INC(state) # define BOOST_PARAMETER_ARITY_RANGE_M(s, state, x) \ BOOST_PP_CAT( \ BOOST_PARAMETER_ARITY_RANGE_M_ \ , BOOST_PARAMETER_FN_ARG_QUALIFIER(x) \ )(state) /**/ # define BOOST_PARAMETER_ARITY_RANGE(args) \ ( \ BOOST_PP_SEQ_FOLD_LEFT(BOOST_PARAMETER_ARITY_RANGE_M, 0, args) \ , BOOST_PP_INC(BOOST_PP_SEQ_SIZE(args)) \ ) /**/ // Accessor macros for the argument specs tuple. # define BOOST_PARAMETER_FN_ARG_QUALIFIER(x) \ BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(4,0,x) /**/ # define BOOST_PARAMETER_FN_ARG_NAME(x) \ BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(4,1,x) /**/ # define BOOST_PARAMETER_FN_ARG_PRED(x) \ BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(4,2,x) /**/ # define BOOST_PARAMETER_FN_ARG_DEFAULT(x) \ BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(4,3,x) /**/ # define BOOST_PARAMETETER_FUNCTION_EAT_KEYWORD_QUALIFIER_out(x) # define BOOST_PARAMETETER_FUNCTION_EAT_KEYWORD_QUALIFIER_in_out(x) // Returns 1 if x is either "out(k)" or "in_out(k)". # define BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_IS_KEYWORD_QUALIFIER(x) \ BOOST_PP_IS_EMPTY( \ BOOST_PP_CAT(BOOST_PARAMETETER_FUNCTION_EAT_KEYWORD_QUALIFIER_, x) \ ) \ /**/ # define BOOST_PARAMETETER_FUNCTION_GET_KEYWORD_QUALIFIER_out(x) x # define BOOST_PARAMETETER_FUNCTION_GET_KEYWORD_QUALIFIER_in_out(x) x # define BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_KEYWORD_GET(x) \ BOOST_PP_CAT(BOOST_PARAMETETER_FUNCTION_GET_KEYWORD_QUALIFIER_, x) /**/ // Returns the keyword of x, where x is either a keyword qualifier // or a keyword. // // k => k // out(k) => k // in_out(k) => k // # define BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_KEYWORD(x) \ BOOST_PP_IF( \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_IS_KEYWORD_QUALIFIER(x) \ , BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_KEYWORD_GET \ , x BOOST_PP_TUPLE_EAT(1) \ )(x) /**/ # define BOOST_PARAMETER_FN_ARG_KEYWORD(x) \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_KEYWORD( \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FN_ARG_NAME(x) \ ) // Builds forwarding functions. # define BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_FWD_FUNCTION_TEMPLATE_Z(z, n) \ template<BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS_Z(z, n, class ParameterArgumentType)> /**/ # if ! defined(BOOST_NO_SFINAE) && ! BOOST_WORKAROUND(__BORLANDC__, BOOST_TESTED_AT(0x592)) # define BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_FWD_MATCH_Z(z, name, parameters, n) \ , typename boost::parameter::aux::match< \ parameters, BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(n, ParameterArgumentType) \ >::type = parameters() # else # define BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_FWD_MATCH_Z(z, name, parameters, n) # endif /**/ # define BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS_NAME(base) \ BOOST_PP_CAT( \ boost_param_parameters_ \ , BOOST_PP_CAT(__LINE__, BOOST_PARAMETER_MEMBER_FUNCTION_NAME(base)) \ ) // Produce a name for a result type metafunction for the function // named base # define BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_RESULT_NAME(base) \ BOOST_PP_CAT( \ boost_param_result_ \ , BOOST_PP_CAT(__LINE__,BOOST_PARAMETER_MEMBER_FUNCTION_NAME(base)) \ ) // Can't do boost_param_impl_ ## basee because base might start with an underscore // daniel: what? how is that relevant? the reason for using CAT() is to make sure // base is expanded. i'm not sure we need to here, but it's more stable to do it. # define BOOST_PARAMETER_IMPL(base) \ BOOST_PP_CAT(boost_param_impl,BOOST_PARAMETER_MEMBER_FUNCTION_NAME(base)) # define BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_FWD_FUNCTION00(z, n, r, data, elem) \ BOOST_PP_IF( \ n \ , BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_FWD_FUNCTION_TEMPLATE_Z, BOOST_PP_TUPLE_EAT(2) \ )(z,n) \ BOOST_PARAMETER_MEMBER_FUNCTION_STATIC(BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(7,3,data)) \ inline \ BOOST_PP_EXPR_IF(n, typename) \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_RESULT_NAME(BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(7,3,data))< \ BOOST_PP_EXPR_IF(n, typename) \ boost::parameter::aux::argument_pack< \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS_NAME(BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(7,3,data)) \ BOOST_PP_COMMA_IF(n) \ BOOST_PP_IF( \ n, BOOST_PP_SEQ_ENUM, BOOST_PP_TUPLE_EAT(1) \ )(elem) \ >::type \ >::type \ BOOST_PARAMETER_MEMBER_FUNCTION_NAME(BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(7,3,data))( \ BOOST_PP_IF( \ n \ , BOOST_PP_SEQ_FOR_EACH_I_R \ , BOOST_PP_TUPLE_EAT(4) \ )( \ r \ , BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_ARGUMENT \ , ~ \ , elem \ ) \ BOOST_PP_IF(n, BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_FWD_MATCH_Z, BOOST_PP_TUPLE_EAT(4))( \ z \ , BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(7,3,data) \ , BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS_NAME(BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(7,3,data)) \ , n \ ) \ ) BOOST_PP_EXPR_IF(BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(7,4,data), const) \ { \ return BOOST_PARAMETER_IMPL(BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(7,3,data))( \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS_NAME(BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(7,3,data))()( \ BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS_Z(z, n, a) \ ) \ ); \ } /**/ # define BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_FWD_FUNCTION0(r, data, elem) \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_FWD_FUNCTION00( \ BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(7,0,data) \ , BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(7,1,data) \ , r \ , data \ , elem \ ) /**/ # define BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_FWD_FUNCTION_ARITY_0(z, n, data) \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_FWD_FUNCTION00( \ z, n, BOOST_PP_DEDUCE_R() \ , (z, n, BOOST_PP_TUPLE_REM(5) data) \ , ~ \ ) /**/ # define BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_FWD_FUNCTION_ARITY_N(z, n, data) \ BOOST_PP_SEQ_FOR_EACH( \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_FWD_FUNCTION0 \ , (z, n, BOOST_PP_TUPLE_REM(5) data) \ , BOOST_PP_SEQ_FOR_EACH_PRODUCT( \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_FWD_PRODUCT \ , BOOST_PP_SEQ_FIRST_N( \ n, BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(5,3,data) \ ) \ ) \ ) /**/ # define BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_FWD_FUNCTION(z, n, data) \ BOOST_PP_IF( \ n \ , BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_FWD_FUNCTION_ARITY_N \ , BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_FWD_FUNCTION_ARITY_0 \ )(z,n,data) \ /**/ # define BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_FWD_FUNCTIONS0( \ result,name,args,const_,combinations,range \ ) \ BOOST_PP_REPEAT_FROM_TO( \ BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(2,0,range), BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(2,1,range) \ , BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_FWD_FUNCTION \ , (result,name,const_,combinations,BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(2,1,range)) \ ) /**/ # define BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_FWD_FUNCTIONS(result,name,args, const_, combinations) \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_FWD_FUNCTIONS0( \ result, name, args, const_, combinations, BOOST_PARAMETER_ARITY_RANGE(args) \ ) /**/ // Builds boost::parameter::parameters<> specialization # define BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS_QUALIFIER_optional(tag) \ optional<tag # define BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS_QUALIFIER_required(tag) \ required<tag # define BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS_QUALIFIER_deduced_optional(tag) \ optional<boost::parameter::deduced<tag> # define BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS_QUALIFIER_deduced_required(tag) \ required<boost::parameter::deduced<tag> # if !BOOST_WORKAROUND(__BORLANDC__, BOOST_TESTED_AT(0x564)) # define BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS_M(r,tag_namespace,i,elem) \ BOOST_PP_COMMA_IF(i) \ boost::parameter::BOOST_PP_CAT( \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS_QUALIFIER_ \ , BOOST_PARAMETER_FN_ARG_QUALIFIER(elem) \ )( \ tag_namespace::BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_KEYWORD( \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FN_ARG_KEYWORD(elem) \ ) \ ) \ , typename boost::parameter::aux::unwrap_predicate< \ void BOOST_PARAMETER_FN_ARG_PRED(elem) \ >::type \ > # elif BOOST_WORKAROUND(__BORLANDC__, BOOST_TESTED_AT(0x564)) # define BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS_M(r,tag_namespace,i,elem) \ BOOST_PP_COMMA_IF(i) \ boost::parameter::BOOST_PP_CAT( \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS_QUALIFIER_ \ , BOOST_PARAMETER_FN_ARG_QUALIFIER(elem) \ )( \ tag_namespace::BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_KEYWORD( \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FN_ARG_KEYWORD(elem) \ ) \ ) \ , boost::mpl::always<boost::mpl::true_> \ > # endif # define BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS(tag_namespace, base, args) \ template <class BoostParameterDummy> \ struct BOOST_PP_CAT( \ BOOST_PP_CAT(boost_param_params_, __LINE__) \ , BOOST_PARAMETER_MEMBER_FUNCTION_NAME(base) \ ) : boost::parameter::parameters< \ BOOST_PP_SEQ_FOR_EACH_I( \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS_M, tag_namespace, args \ ) \ > \ {}; \ \ typedef BOOST_PP_CAT( \ BOOST_PP_CAT(boost_param_params_, __LINE__) \ , BOOST_PARAMETER_MEMBER_FUNCTION_NAME(base) \ )<int> // Defines result type metafunction # define BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_RESULT_ARG(z, _, i, x) \ BOOST_PP_COMMA_IF(i) class BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(3,1,x) /**/ # define BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_RESULT_(result, name, args) \ template <class Args> \ struct BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_RESULT_NAME(name) \ { \ typedef typename BOOST_PARAMETER_PARENTHESIZED_TYPE(result) type; \ }; // Defines implementation function # define BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_IMPL_HEAD(name) \ template <class Args> \ typename BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_RESULT_NAME(name)< \ Args \ >::type BOOST_PARAMETER_IMPL(name)(Args const& args) # define BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_IMPL_FWD(name) \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_IMPL_HEAD(name); /**/ # define BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_SPLIT_ARG_required(state, arg) \ ( \ BOOST_PP_INC(BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(4, 0, state)) \ , BOOST_PP_SEQ_PUSH_BACK(BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(4, 1, state), arg) \ , BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(4, 2, state) \ , BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(4, 3, state) \ ) # define BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_SPLIT_ARG_deduced_required(state, arg) \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_SPLIT_ARG_required(state, arg) # define BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_SPLIT_ARG_optional(state, arg) \ ( \ BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(4, 0, state) \ , BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(4, 1, state) \ , BOOST_PP_INC(BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(4, 2, state)) \ , BOOST_PP_SEQ_PUSH_BACK(BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(4, 3, state), arg) \ ) # define BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_SPLIT_ARG_deduced_optional(state, arg) \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_SPLIT_ARG_optional(state, arg) # define BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_SPLIT_ARG(s, state, arg) \ BOOST_PP_CAT( \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_SPLIT_ARG_ \ , BOOST_PARAMETER_FN_ARG_QUALIFIER(arg) \ )(state, arg) // Returns (required_count, required, optional_count, optionals) tuple # define BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_SPLIT_ARGS(args) \ BOOST_PP_SEQ_FOLD_LEFT( \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_SPLIT_ARG \ , (0,BOOST_PP_SEQ_NIL, 0,BOOST_PP_SEQ_NIL) \ , args \ ) # define BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_DEFAULT_FUNCTION_ARG_NAME(keyword) \ BOOST_PP_CAT(BOOST_PP_CAT(keyword,_),type) // Helpers used as parameters to BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_DEFAULT_ARGUMENTS. # define BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_DEFAULT_FUNCTION_TEMPLATE_ARG(r, _, arg) \ , class BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_DEFAULT_FUNCTION_ARG_NAME( \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FN_ARG_KEYWORD(arg) \ ) # define BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_DEFAULT_FUNCTION_ARG(r, _, arg) \ , BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_DEFAULT_FUNCTION_ARG_NAME( \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FN_ARG_KEYWORD(arg) \ )& BOOST_PARAMETER_FN_ARG_KEYWORD(arg) # define BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_DEFAULT_FUNCTION_PARAMETER(r, _, arg) \ , BOOST_PARAMETER_FN_ARG_KEYWORD(arg) // Produces a name for the dispatch functions. # define BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_DEFAULT_NAME(name) \ BOOST_PP_CAT( \ boost_param_default_ \ , BOOST_PP_CAT(__LINE__, BOOST_PARAMETER_MEMBER_FUNCTION_NAME(name)) \ ) // Helper macro used below to produce lists based on the keyword argument // names. macro is applied to every element. n is the number of // optional arguments that should be included. # define BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_DEFAULT_ARGUMENTS(macro, n, split_args) \ BOOST_PP_SEQ_FOR_EACH( \ macro \ , ~ \ , BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(4,1,split_args) \ ) \ BOOST_PP_SEQ_FOR_EACH( \ macro \ , ~ \ , BOOST_PP_SEQ_FIRST_N( \ BOOST_PP_SUB(BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(4,2,split_args), n) \ , BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(4,3,split_args) \ ) \ ) // Generates a keyword | default expression. # define BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_DEFAULT_EVAL_DEFAULT(arg, tag_namespace) \ boost::parameter::keyword< \ tag_namespace::BOOST_PARAMETER_FN_ARG_KEYWORD(arg) \ >::instance | boost::parameter::aux::use_default_tag() # define BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_DEFAULT_FUNCTION_GET_ARG(arg, tag_ns) \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_CAST( \ args[ \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_DEFAULT_EVAL_DEFAULT( \ arg, tag_ns \ ) \ ] \ , BOOST_PARAMETER_FN_ARG_PRED(arg) \ , Args \ ) # define BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_DEFAULT_FUNCTION_BODY(name, n, split_args, tag_namespace) \ { \ return BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_DEFAULT_NAME(name)( \ (ResultType(*)())0 \ , args \ , 0L \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_DEFAULT_ARGUMENTS( \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_DEFAULT_FUNCTION_PARAMETER \ , n \ , split_args \ ) \ , BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_DEFAULT_FUNCTION_GET_ARG( \ BOOST_PP_SEQ_ELEM( \ BOOST_PP_SUB(BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(4,2,split_args), n) \ , BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(4,3,split_args) \ ) \ , tag_namespace \ ) \ ); \ } # define BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_DEFAULT_EVAL_ACTUAL_DEFAULT(arg) \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_CAST( \ boost::parameter::aux::as_lvalue(BOOST_PARAMETER_FN_ARG_DEFAULT(arg), 0L) \ , BOOST_PARAMETER_FN_ARG_PRED(arg) \ , Args \ ) # define BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_DEFAULT_EVAL_DEFAULT_BODY(name, n, split_args, tag_ns, const_) \ template < \ class ResultType \ , class Args \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_DEFAULT_ARGUMENTS( \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_DEFAULT_FUNCTION_TEMPLATE_ARG \ , BOOST_PP_INC(n) \ , split_args \ ) \ > \ BOOST_PARAMETER_MEMBER_FUNCTION_STATIC(name) \ ResultType BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_DEFAULT_NAME(name)( \ ResultType(*)() \ , Args const& args \ , long \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_DEFAULT_ARGUMENTS( \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_DEFAULT_FUNCTION_ARG \ , BOOST_PP_INC(n) \ , split_args \ ) \ , boost::parameter::aux::use_default_tag \ ) BOOST_PP_EXPR_IF(const_, const) \ { \ return BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_DEFAULT_NAME(name)( \ (ResultType(*)())0 \ , args \ , 0L \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_DEFAULT_ARGUMENTS( \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_DEFAULT_FUNCTION_PARAMETER \ , BOOST_PP_INC(n) \ , split_args \ ) \ , BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_DEFAULT_EVAL_ACTUAL_DEFAULT( \ BOOST_PP_SEQ_ELEM( \ BOOST_PP_SUB(BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(4,2,split_args), BOOST_PP_INC(n)) \ , BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(4,3,split_args) \ ) \ ) \ ); \ } // Produces a forwarding layer in the default evaluation machine. // // data is a tuple: // // (name, split_args) // // Where name is the base name of the function, and split_args is a tuple: // // (required_count, required_args, optional_count, required_args) // // defines the actual function body for BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_DEFAULT_FUNCTION below. # define BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_DEFAULT_FUNCTION0(z, n, data) \ template < \ class ResultType \ , class Args \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_DEFAULT_ARGUMENTS( \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_DEFAULT_FUNCTION_TEMPLATE_ARG \ , n \ , BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(5,1,data) \ ) \ > \ BOOST_PARAMETER_MEMBER_FUNCTION_STATIC(BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(5,0,data)) \ ResultType BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_DEFAULT_NAME(BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(5,0,data))( \ ResultType(*)() \ , Args const& args \ , int \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_DEFAULT_ARGUMENTS( \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_DEFAULT_FUNCTION_ARG \ , n \ , BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(5,1,data) \ ) \ ) BOOST_PP_EXPR_IF(BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(5,2,data), const) \ BOOST_PP_IF( \ n \ , BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_DEFAULT_FUNCTION_BODY \ , ; BOOST_PP_TUPLE_EAT(4) \ )( \ BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(5,0,data) \ , n \ , BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(5,1,data) \ , BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(5,3,data) \ ) # define BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_DEFAULT_FUNCTION(z, n, data) \ BOOST_PP_IF( \ BOOST_PP_AND( \ BOOST_PP_NOT(n) \ , BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(5,4,data) \ ) \ , BOOST_PP_TUPLE_EAT(3) \ , BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_DEFAULT_FUNCTION0 \ )(z, n, data) \ BOOST_PP_IF( \ BOOST_PP_EQUAL(n, BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(4,2,BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(5,1,data))) \ , BOOST_PP_TUPLE_EAT(5) \ , BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_DEFAULT_EVAL_DEFAULT_BODY \ )( \ BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(5,0,data) \ , n \ , BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(5,1,data) \ , BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(5,3,data) \ , BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(5,2,data) \ ) # define BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_DEFAULT_GET_ARG(r, tag_ns, arg) \ , BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_CAST( \ args[ \ boost::parameter::keyword<tag_ns::BOOST_PARAMETER_FN_ARG_KEYWORD(arg)>::instance \ ] \ , BOOST_PARAMETER_FN_ARG_PRED(arg) \ , Args \ ) // Generates the function template that recives a ArgumentPack, and then // goes on to call the layers of overloads generated by // BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_DEFAULT_LAYER. # define BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_INITIAL_DISPATCH_FUNCTION(name, split_args, const_, tag_ns) \ template <class Args> \ typename BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_RESULT_NAME(name)<Args>::type \ BOOST_PARAMETER_MEMBER_FUNCTION_STATIC(name) \ BOOST_PARAMETER_IMPL(name)(Args const& args) BOOST_PP_EXPR_IF(const_, const) \ { \ return BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_DEFAULT_NAME(name)( \ (typename BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_RESULT_NAME(name)<Args>::type(*)())0 \ , args \ , 0L \ \ BOOST_PP_SEQ_FOR_EACH( \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_DEFAULT_GET_ARG \ , tag_ns \ , BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(4,1,split_args) \ ) \ \ ); \ } // Helper for BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_DEFAULT_LAYER below. # define BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_DEFAULT_LAYER_AUX( \ name, split_args, skip_fwd_decl, const_, tag_namespace \ ) \ BOOST_PP_REPEAT_FROM_TO( \ 0 \ , BOOST_PP_INC(BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(4, 2, split_args)) \ , BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_DEFAULT_FUNCTION \ , (name, split_args, const_, tag_namespace, skip_fwd_decl) \ ) \ \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_INITIAL_DISPATCH_FUNCTION(name, split_args, const_, tag_namespace) \ \ template < \ class ResultType \ , class Args \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_DEFAULT_ARGUMENTS( \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_DEFAULT_FUNCTION_TEMPLATE_ARG \ , 0 \ , split_args \ ) \ > \ BOOST_PARAMETER_MEMBER_FUNCTION_STATIC(name) \ ResultType BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_DEFAULT_NAME(name)( \ ResultType(*)() \ , Args const& \ , int \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_DEFAULT_ARGUMENTS( \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_DEFAULT_FUNCTION_ARG \ , 0 \ , split_args \ ) \ ) BOOST_PP_EXPR_IF(const_, const) // Generates a bunch of forwarding functions that each extract // one more argument. # define BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_DEFAULT_LAYER(name, args, skip_fwd_decl, const_, tag_ns) \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_DEFAULT_LAYER_AUX( \ name, BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_SPLIT_ARGS(args), skip_fwd_decl, const_, tag_ns \ ) /**/ // Defines the result metafunction and the parameters specialization. # define BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_HEAD(result, name, tag_namespace, args) \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_RESULT_(result, name, args) \ \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS(tag_namespace, name, args) \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS_NAME(name); \ // Helper for BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION below. # define BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_AUX(result, name, tag_namespace, args) \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_HEAD(result, name, tag_namespace, args) \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_IMPL_HEAD(name); \ \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_FWD_FUNCTIONS( \ result, name, args, 0 \ , BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_FWD_COMBINATIONS(args) \ ) \ \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_DEFAULT_LAYER(name, args, 0, 0, tag_namespace) // Defines a Boost.Parameter enabled function with the new syntax. # define BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION(result, name, tag_namespace, args) \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_AUX( \ result, name, tag_namespace \ , BOOST_PARAMETER_FLATTEN(3, 2, 3, args) \ ) \ /**/ // Defines a Boost.Parameter enabled function. # define BOOST_PARAMETER_BASIC_FUNCTION_AUX(result, name, tag_namespace, args) \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_HEAD(result, name, tag_namespace, args) \ \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_IMPL_FWD(name) \ \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_FWD_FUNCTIONS( \ result, name, args, 0 \ , BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_FWD_COMBINATIONS(args) \ ) \ \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_IMPL_HEAD(name) # define BOOST_PARAMETER_BASIC_FUNCTION(result, name, tag_namespace, args) \ BOOST_PARAMETER_BASIC_FUNCTION_AUX( \ result, name, tag_namespace \ , BOOST_PARAMETER_FLATTEN(2, 2, 3, args) \ ) \ /**/ // Defines a Boost.Parameter enabled member function. # define BOOST_PARAMETER_BASIC_MEMBER_FUNCTION_AUX(result, name, tag_namespace, args, const_) \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_HEAD(result, name, tag_namespace, args) \ \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_FWD_FUNCTIONS( \ result, name, args, const_ \ , BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_FWD_COMBINATIONS(args) \ ) \ \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_IMPL_HEAD(name) BOOST_PP_EXPR_IF(const_, const) \ /**/ # define BOOST_PARAMETER_BASIC_MEMBER_FUNCTION(result, name, tag_namespace, args) \ BOOST_PARAMETER_BASIC_MEMBER_FUNCTION_AUX( \ result, name, tag_namespace \ , BOOST_PARAMETER_FLATTEN(2, 2, 3, args) \ , 0 \ ) /**/ # define BOOST_PARAMETER_BASIC_CONST_MEMBER_FUNCTION(result, name, tag_namespace, args) \ BOOST_PARAMETER_BASIC_MEMBER_FUNCTION_AUX( \ result, name, tag_namespace \ , BOOST_PARAMETER_FLATTEN(2, 2, 3, args) \ , 1 \ ) /**/ # define BOOST_PARAMETER_MEMBER_FUNCTION_AUX(result, name, tag_namespace, const_, args) \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_HEAD(result, name, tag_namespace, args) \ \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_FWD_FUNCTIONS( \ result, name, args, const_ \ , BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_FWD_COMBINATIONS(args) \ ) \ \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_DEFAULT_LAYER(name, args, 1, const_, tag_namespace) // Defines a Boost.Parameter enabled function with the new syntax. # define BOOST_PARAMETER_MEMBER_FUNCTION(result, name, tag_namespace, args) \ BOOST_PARAMETER_MEMBER_FUNCTION_AUX( \ result, name, tag_namespace, 0 \ , BOOST_PARAMETER_FLATTEN(3, 2, 3, args) \ ) \ /**/ # define BOOST_PARAMETER_CONST_MEMBER_FUNCTION(result, name, tag_namespace, args) \ BOOST_PARAMETER_MEMBER_FUNCTION_AUX( \ result, name, tag_namespace, 1 \ , BOOST_PARAMETER_FLATTEN(3, 2, 3, args) \ ) \ /**/ // Defines a Boost.Parameter enabled constructor. # define BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_ARGUMENT(r, _, i, elem) \ BOOST_PP_COMMA_IF(i) elem& BOOST_PP_CAT(a, i) /**/ # define BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_FWD_CONSTRUCTOR00(z, n, r, data, elem) \ BOOST_PP_IF( \ n \ , BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_FWD_FUNCTION_TEMPLATE_Z, BOOST_PP_TUPLE_EAT(2) \ )(z, n) \ BOOST_PP_EXPR_IF(BOOST_PP_EQUAL(n,1), explicit) \ BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(6,2,data)( \ BOOST_PP_IF( \ n \ , BOOST_PP_SEQ_FOR_EACH_I_R \ , BOOST_PP_TUPLE_EAT(4) \ )( \ r \ , BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_ARGUMENT \ , ~ \ , elem \ ) \ BOOST_PP_IF(n, BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_FWD_MATCH_Z, BOOST_PP_TUPLE_EAT(4))( \ z \ , BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(6,3,data) \ , BOOST_PP_CAT(constructor_parameters, __LINE__) \ , n \ ) \ ) \ : BOOST_PARAMETER_PARENTHESIZED_TYPE(BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(6,3,data)) ( \ BOOST_PP_CAT(constructor_parameters, __LINE__)()( \ BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS_Z(z, n, a) \ ) \ ) \ {} /**/ # define BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_FWD_CONSTRUCTOR0(r, data, elem) \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_FWD_CONSTRUCTOR00( \ BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(6,0,data) \ , BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(6,1,data) \ , r \ , data \ , elem \ ) /**/ # define BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_FWD_PRODUCT(r, product) \ (product) /**/ # define BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_FWD_CONSTRUCTOR_ARITY_0(z, n, data) \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_FWD_CONSTRUCTOR00( \ z, n, BOOST_PP_DEDUCE_R() \ , (z, n, BOOST_PP_TUPLE_REM(4) data) \ , ~ \ ) /**/ # define BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_FWD_CONSTRUCTOR_ARITY_N(z, n, data) \ BOOST_PP_SEQ_FOR_EACH( \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_FWD_CONSTRUCTOR0 \ , (z, n, BOOST_PP_TUPLE_REM(4) data) \ , BOOST_PP_SEQ_FOR_EACH_PRODUCT( \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_FWD_PRODUCT \ , BOOST_PP_SEQ_FIRST_N( \ n, BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(4,2,data) \ ) \ ) \ ) /**/ # define BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_FWD_CONSTRUCTOR(z, n, data) \ BOOST_PP_IF( \ n \ , BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_FWD_CONSTRUCTOR_ARITY_N \ , BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_FWD_CONSTRUCTOR_ARITY_0 \ )(z,n,data) \ /**/ # define BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_FWD_CONSTRUCTORS0(class_,base,args,combinations,range) \ BOOST_PP_REPEAT_FROM_TO( \ BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(2,0,range), BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(2,1,range) \ , BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_FWD_CONSTRUCTOR \ , (class_,base,combinations,BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(2,1,range)) \ ) /**/ # define BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_FWD_CONSTRUCTORS(class_,base,args,combinations) \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_FWD_CONSTRUCTORS0( \ class_, base, args, combinations, BOOST_PARAMETER_ARITY_RANGE(args) \ ) /**/ # define BOOST_PARAMETER_CONSTRUCTOR_AUX(class_, base, tag_namespace, args) \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS(tag_namespace, ctor, args) \ BOOST_PP_CAT(constructor_parameters, __LINE__); \ \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_FWD_CONSTRUCTORS( \ class_, base, args \ , BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_FWD_COMBINATIONS(args) \ ) \ /**/ # define BOOST_PARAMETER_CONSTRUCTOR(class_, base, tag_namespace, args) \ BOOST_PARAMETER_CONSTRUCTOR_AUX( \ class_, base, tag_namespace \ , BOOST_PARAMETER_FLATTEN(2, 2, 3, args) \ ) /**/ # ifndef BOOST_NO_FUNCTION_TEMPLATE_ORDERING # define BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_FWD_COMBINATION(r, _, i, elem) \ (BOOST_PP_IF( \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_IS_KEYWORD_QUALIFIER( \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FN_ARG_NAME(elem) \ ) \ , (const ParameterArgumentType ## i)(ParameterArgumentType ## i) \ , (const ParameterArgumentType ## i) \ )) // No partial ordering. This feature doesn't work. # else # define BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_FWD_COMBINATION(r, _, i, elem) \ (BOOST_PP_IF( \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_IS_KEYWORD_QUALIFIER( \ BOOST_PARAMETER_FN_ARG_NAME(elem) \ ) \ , (ParameterArgumentType ## i) \ , (const ParameterArgumentType ## i) \ )) # endif # define BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_FWD_COMBINATIONS(args) \ BOOST_PP_SEQ_FOR_EACH_I(BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_FWD_COMBINATION, ~, args) #endif // BOOST_PARAMETER_PREPROCESSOR_060206_HPP