/* eslint-disable no-bitwise */ import { NativeSyntheticEvent } from 'react-native'; import KeyCommands, { constants, KeyCommand } from 'react-native-keycommands'; import I18n from './i18n'; const KEY_TYPING = '\t'; const KEY_PREFERENCES = 'p'; const KEY_SEARCH = 'f'; const KEY_PREVIOUS_ROOM = '['; const KEY_NEXT_ROOM = ']'; const KEY_NEW_ROOM = __DEV__ ? 'e' : 'n'; const KEY_ROOM_ACTIONS = __DEV__ ? 'b' : 'i'; const KEY_UPLOAD = 'u'; const KEY_REPLY = ';'; const KEY_SERVER_SELECTION = __DEV__ ? 'o' : '`'; const KEY_ADD_SERVER = __DEV__ ? 'l' : 'n'; const KEY_SEND_MESSAGE = '\r'; const KEY_SELECT = '123456789'; const keyCommands = [ { // Focus messageBox input: KEY_TYPING, modifierFlags: 0, discoverabilityTitle: I18n.t('Type_message') }, { // Send message on textInput to current room input: KEY_SEND_MESSAGE, modifierFlags: 0, discoverabilityTitle: I18n.t('Send') }, { // Open Preferences Modal input: KEY_PREFERENCES, modifierFlags: constants.keyModifierCommand, discoverabilityTitle: I18n.t('Preferences') }, { // Focus Room Search input: KEY_SEARCH, modifierFlags: constants.keyModifierCommand | constants.keyModifierAlternate, discoverabilityTitle: I18n.t('Room_search') }, { // Select a room by order using 1-9 input: '1...9', modifierFlags: constants.keyModifierCommand, discoverabilityTitle: I18n.t('Room_selection') }, { // Change room to next on Rooms List input: KEY_NEXT_ROOM, modifierFlags: constants.keyModifierCommand, discoverabilityTitle: I18n.t('Next_room') }, { // Change room to previous on Rooms List input: KEY_PREVIOUS_ROOM, modifierFlags: constants.keyModifierCommand, discoverabilityTitle: I18n.t('Previous_room') }, { // Open New Room Modal input: KEY_NEW_ROOM, modifierFlags: constants.keyModifierCommand, discoverabilityTitle: I18n.t('New_room') }, { // Open Room Actions input: KEY_ROOM_ACTIONS, modifierFlags: constants.keyModifierCommand, discoverabilityTitle: I18n.t('Room_actions') }, { // Upload a file to room input: KEY_UPLOAD, modifierFlags: constants.keyModifierCommand, discoverabilityTitle: I18n.t('Upload_room') }, { // Search Messages on current room input: KEY_SEARCH, modifierFlags: constants.keyModifierCommand, discoverabilityTitle: I18n.t('Search_messages') }, { // Scroll messages on current room input: '↑ ↓', modifierFlags: constants.keyModifierAlternate, discoverabilityTitle: I18n.t('Scroll_messages') }, { // Scroll up messages on current room input: constants.keyInputUpArrow, modifierFlags: constants.keyModifierAlternate }, { // Scroll down messages on current room input: constants.keyInputDownArrow, modifierFlags: constants.keyModifierAlternate }, { // Reply latest message with Quote input: KEY_REPLY, modifierFlags: constants.keyModifierCommand, discoverabilityTitle: I18n.t('Reply_latest') }, { // Open server dropdown input: KEY_SERVER_SELECTION, modifierFlags: constants.keyModifierCommand | constants.keyModifierAlternate, discoverabilityTitle: I18n.t('Server_selection') }, { // Select a server by order using 1-9 input: '1...9', modifierFlags: constants.keyModifierCommand | constants.keyModifierAlternate, discoverabilityTitle: I18n.t('Server_selection_numbers') }, { // Navigate to add new server input: KEY_ADD_SERVER, modifierFlags: constants.keyModifierCommand | constants.keyModifierAlternate, discoverabilityTitle: I18n.t('Add_server') }, // Refers to select rooms on list ...[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9].map(value => ({ input: `${value}`, modifierFlags: constants.keyModifierCommand })), // Refers to select servers on list ...[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9].map(value => ({ input: `${value}`, modifierFlags: constants.keyModifierCommand | constants.keyModifierAlternate })) ]; export const setKeyCommands = (): void => KeyCommands.setKeyCommands(keyCommands); export const deleteKeyCommands = (): void => KeyCommands.deleteKeyCommands(keyCommands); export const KEY_COMMAND = 'KEY_COMMAND'; export interface IKeyCommandEvent extends NativeSyntheticEvent<typeof KeyCommand> { input: number & string; modifierFlags: string | number; } export const commandHandle = (event: IKeyCommandEvent, key: string | string[], flags: string[] = []): boolean => { const { input, modifierFlags } = event; let _flags = 0; if (flags.includes('command') && flags.includes('alternate')) { _flags = constants.keyModifierCommand | constants.keyModifierAlternate; } else if (flags.includes('command')) { _flags = constants.keyModifierCommand; } else if (flags.includes('alternate')) { _flags = constants.keyModifierAlternate; } return key.includes(input) && modifierFlags === _flags; }; export const handleCommandTyping = (event: IKeyCommandEvent): boolean => commandHandle(event, KEY_TYPING); export const handleCommandSubmit = (event: IKeyCommandEvent): boolean => commandHandle(event, KEY_SEND_MESSAGE); export const handleCommandShowUpload = (event: IKeyCommandEvent): boolean => commandHandle(event, KEY_UPLOAD, ['command']); export const handleCommandScroll = (event: IKeyCommandEvent): boolean => commandHandle(event, [constants.keyInputUpArrow, constants.keyInputDownArrow], ['alternate']); export const handleCommandRoomActions = (event: IKeyCommandEvent): boolean => commandHandle(event, KEY_ROOM_ACTIONS, ['command']); export const handleCommandSearchMessages = (event: IKeyCommandEvent): boolean => commandHandle(event, KEY_SEARCH, ['command']); export const handleCommandReplyLatest = (event: IKeyCommandEvent): boolean => commandHandle(event, KEY_REPLY, ['command']); export const handleCommandSelectServer = (event: IKeyCommandEvent): boolean => commandHandle(event, KEY_SELECT, ['command', 'alternate']); export const handleCommandShowPreferences = (event: IKeyCommandEvent): boolean => commandHandle(event, KEY_PREFERENCES, ['command']); export const handleCommandSearching = (event: IKeyCommandEvent): boolean => commandHandle(event, KEY_SEARCH, ['command', 'alternate']); export const handleCommandSelectRoom = (event: IKeyCommandEvent): boolean => commandHandle(event, KEY_SELECT, ['command']); export const handleCommandPreviousRoom = (event: IKeyCommandEvent): boolean => commandHandle(event, KEY_PREVIOUS_ROOM, ['command']); export const handleCommandNextRoom = (event: IKeyCommandEvent): boolean => commandHandle(event, KEY_NEXT_ROOM, ['command']); export const handleCommandShowNewMessage = (event: IKeyCommandEvent): boolean => commandHandle(event, KEY_NEW_ROOM, ['command']); export const handleCommandAddNewServer = (event: IKeyCommandEvent): boolean => commandHandle(event, KEY_ADD_SERVER, ['command', 'alternate']); export const handleCommandOpenServerDropdown = (event: IKeyCommandEvent): boolean => commandHandle(event, KEY_SERVER_SELECTION, ['command', 'alternate']);