 * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

#include <folly/dynamic.h>

#include <numeric>

#include <glog/logging.h>

#include <folly/Format.h>
#include <folly/container/Enumerate.h>
#include <folly/hash/Hash.h>
#include <folly/lang/Assume.h>
#include <folly/lang/Exception.h>

namespace folly {


#define FOLLY_DYNAMIC_DEF_TYPEINFO(T, str)            \
  const char* const dynamic::TypeInfo<T>::name = str; \

FOLLY_DYNAMIC_DEF_TYPEINFO(std::nullptr_t, "null")
FOLLY_DYNAMIC_DEF_TYPEINFO(std::string, "string")
FOLLY_DYNAMIC_DEF_TYPEINFO(dynamic::Array, "array")
FOLLY_DYNAMIC_DEF_TYPEINFO(dynamic::ObjectImpl, "object")


const char* dynamic::typeName() const {
  return typeName(type_);

TypeError::TypeError(const std::string& expected, dynamic::Type actual)
    : std::runtime_error(sformat(
          "TypeError: expected dynamic type `{}', but had type `{}'",
          dynamic::typeName(actual))) {}

    const std::string& expected,
    dynamic::Type actual1,
    dynamic::Type actual2)
    : std::runtime_error(sformat(
          "TypeError: expected dynamic types `{}, but had types `{}' and `{}'",
          dynamic::typeName(actual2))) {}

// This is a higher-order preprocessor macro to aid going from runtime
// types to the compile time type system.
#define FB_DYNAMIC_APPLY(type, apply) \
  do {                                \
    switch ((type)) {                 \
      case NULLT:                     \
        apply(std::nullptr_t);        \
        break;                        \
      case ARRAY:                     \
        apply(Array);                 \
        break;                        \
      case BOOL:                      \
        apply(bool);                  \
        break;                        \
      case DOUBLE:                    \
        apply(double);                \
        break;                        \
      case INT64:                     \
        apply(int64_t);               \
        break;                        \
      case OBJECT:                    \
        apply(ObjectImpl);            \
        break;                        \
      case STRING:                    \
        apply(std::string);           \
        break;                        \
      default:                        \
        CHECK(0);                     \
        abort();                      \
    }                                 \
  } while (0)

bool dynamic::operator<(dynamic const& o) const {
  if (UNLIKELY(type_ == OBJECT || o.type_ == OBJECT)) {
    throw_exception<TypeError>("object", type_);
  if (type_ != o.type_) {
    return type_ < o.type_;

#define FB_X(T) return CompareOp<T>::comp(*getAddress<T>(), *o.getAddress<T>())
#undef FB_X

bool dynamic::operator==(dynamic const& o) const {
  if (type() != o.type()) {
    if (isNumber() && o.isNumber()) {
      auto& integ = isInt() ? *this : o;
      auto& doubl = isInt() ? o : *this;
      return integ.asInt() == doubl.asDouble();
    return false;

#define FB_X(T) return *getAddress<T>() == *o.getAddress<T>();
#undef FB_X

dynamic& dynamic::operator=(dynamic const& o) {
  if (&o != this) {
    if (type_ == o.type_) {
#define FB_X(T) *getAddress<T>() = *o.getAddress<T>()
      FB_DYNAMIC_APPLY(type_, FB_X);
#undef FB_X
    } else {
#define FB_X(T) new (getAddress<T>()) T(*o.getAddress<T>())
      FB_DYNAMIC_APPLY(o.type_, FB_X);
#undef FB_X
      type_ = o.type_;
  return *this;

dynamic& dynamic::operator=(dynamic&& o) noexcept {
  if (&o != this) {
    if (type_ == o.type_) {
#define FB_X(T) *getAddress<T>() = std::move(*o.getAddress<T>())
      FB_DYNAMIC_APPLY(type_, FB_X);
#undef FB_X
    } else {
#define FB_X(T) new (getAddress<T>()) T(std::move(*o.getAddress<T>()))
      FB_DYNAMIC_APPLY(o.type_, FB_X);
#undef FB_X
      type_ = o.type_;
  return *this;

dynamic const& dynamic::atImpl(dynamic const& idx) const& {
  if (auto* parray = get_nothrow<Array>()) {
    if (!idx.isInt()) {
      throw_exception<TypeError>("int64", idx.type());
    if (idx < 0 || idx >= parray->size()) {
      throw_exception<std::out_of_range>("out of range in dynamic array");
    return (*parray)[size_t(idx.asInt())];
  } else if (auto* pobject = get_nothrow<ObjectImpl>()) {
    auto it = pobject->find(idx);
    if (it == pobject->end()) {
          sformat("couldn't find key {} in dynamic object", idx.asString()));
    return it->second;
  } else {
    throw_exception<TypeError>("object/array", type());

dynamic const& dynamic::at(StringPiece idx) const& {
  auto* pobject = get_nothrow<ObjectImpl>();
  if (!pobject) {
    throw_exception<TypeError>("object", type());
  auto it = pobject->find(idx);
  if (it == pobject->end()) {
        sformat("couldn't find key {} in dynamic object", idx));
  return it->second;

dynamic& dynamic::operator[](StringPiece k) & {
  auto& obj = get<ObjectImpl>();
  auto ret = obj.emplace(k, nullptr);
  return ret.first->second;

dynamic dynamic::getDefault(StringPiece k, const dynamic& v) const& {
  auto& obj = get<ObjectImpl>();
  auto it = obj.find(k);
  return it == obj.end() ? v : it->second;

dynamic dynamic::getDefault(StringPiece k, dynamic&& v) const& {
  auto& obj = get<ObjectImpl>();
  auto it = obj.find(k);
  // Avoid clang bug with ternary
  if (it == obj.end()) {
    return std::move(v);
  } else {
    return it->second;

dynamic dynamic::getDefault(StringPiece k, const dynamic& v) && {
  auto& obj = get<ObjectImpl>();
  auto it = obj.find(k);
  // Avoid clang bug with ternary
  if (it == obj.end()) {
    return v;
  } else {
    return std::move(it->second);

dynamic dynamic::getDefault(StringPiece k, dynamic&& v) && {
  auto& obj = get<ObjectImpl>();
  auto it = obj.find(k);
  return std::move(it == obj.end() ? v : it->second);

const dynamic* dynamic::get_ptrImpl(dynamic const& idx) const& {
  if (auto* parray = get_nothrow<Array>()) {
    if (!idx.isInt()) {
      throw_exception<TypeError>("int64", idx.type());
    if (idx < 0 || idx >= parray->size()) {
      return nullptr;
    return &(*parray)[size_t(idx.asInt())];
  } else if (auto* pobject = get_nothrow<ObjectImpl>()) {
    auto it = pobject->find(idx);
    if (it == pobject->end()) {
      return nullptr;
    return &it->second;
  } else {
    throw_exception<TypeError>("object/array", type());

const dynamic* dynamic::get_ptr(StringPiece idx) const& {
  auto* pobject = get_nothrow<ObjectImpl>();
  if (!pobject) {
    throw_exception<TypeError>("object", type());
  auto it = pobject->find(idx);
  if (it == pobject->end()) {
    return nullptr;
  return &it->second;

std::size_t dynamic::size() const {
  if (auto* ar = get_nothrow<Array>()) {
    return ar->size();
  if (auto* obj = get_nothrow<ObjectImpl>()) {
    return obj->size();
  if (auto* str = get_nothrow<std::string>()) {
    return str->size();
  throw_exception<TypeError>("array/object/string", type());

dynamic::iterator dynamic::erase(const_iterator first, const_iterator last) {
  auto& arr = get<Array>();
  return get<Array>().erase(
      arr.begin() + (first - arr.begin()), arr.begin() + (last - arr.begin()));

std::size_t dynamic::hash() const {
  switch (type()) {
    case NULLT:
      return 0xBAAAAAAD;
    case OBJECT: {
      // Accumulate using addition instead of using hash_range (as in the ARRAY
      // case), as we need a commutative hash operation since unordered_map's
      // iteration order is unspecified.
      auto h = std::hash<std::pair<dynamic const, dynamic>>{};
      return std::accumulate(
          [&](auto acc, auto const& item) { return acc + h(item); });
    case ARRAY:
      return folly::hash::hash_range(begin(), end());
    case INT64:
      return std::hash<int64_t>()(getInt());
    case DOUBLE:
      return std::hash<double>()(getDouble());
    case BOOL:
      return std::hash<bool>()(getBool());
    case STRING:
      // keep consistent with detail::DynamicHasher
      return Hash()(getString());

char const* dynamic::typeName(Type t) {
#define FB_X(T) return TypeInfo<T>::name
#undef FB_X

void dynamic::destroy() noexcept {
  // This short-circuit speeds up some microbenchmarks.
  if (type_ == NULLT) {

#define FB_X(T) detail::Destroy::destroy(getAddress<T>())
#undef FB_X
  type_ = NULLT;
  u_.nul = nullptr;

dynamic dynamic::merge_diff(const dynamic& source, const dynamic& target) {
  if (!source.isObject() || source.type() != target.type()) {
    return target;

  dynamic diff = object;

  // added/modified keys
  for (const auto& pair : target.items()) {
    auto it = source.find(pair.first);
    if (it == source.items().end()) {
      diff[pair.first] = pair.second;
    } else {
      diff[pair.first] = merge_diff(source[pair.first], target[pair.first]);

  // removed keys
  for (const auto& pair : source.items()) {
    auto it = target.find(pair.first);
    if (it == target.items().end()) {
      diff[pair.first] = nullptr;

  return diff;

// clang-format off
dynamic::resolved_json_pointer<dynamic const>
// clang-format on
dynamic::try_get_ptr(json_pointer const& jsonPtr) const& {
  using err_code = json_pointer_resolution_error_code;
  using error = json_pointer_resolution_error<dynamic const>;

  auto const& tokens = jsonPtr.tokens();
  if (tokens.empty()) {
    return json_pointer_resolved_value<dynamic const>{
        nullptr, this, {nullptr, nullptr}, 0};

  dynamic const* curr = this;
  dynamic const* prev = nullptr;

  size_t curr_idx{0};
  StringPiece curr_key{};

  for (auto it : enumerate(tokens)) {
    // hit bottom but pointer not exhausted yet
    if (!curr) {
      return makeUnexpected(
          error{err_code::json_pointer_out_of_bounds, it.index, prev});
    prev = curr;
    // handle lookup in array
    if (auto const* parray = curr->get_nothrow<dynamic::Array>()) {
      if (it->size() > 1 && it->at(0) == '0') {
        return makeUnexpected(
            error{err_code::index_has_leading_zero, it.index, prev});
      // if last element of pointer is '-', this is an append operation
      if (it->size() == 1 && it->at(0) == '-') {
        // was '-' the last token in pointer?
        if (it.index == tokens.size() - 1) {
          return makeUnexpected(
              error{err_code::append_requested, it.index, prev});
        // Cannot resolve past '-' in an array
        curr = nullptr;
      auto const idx = tryTo<size_t>(*it);
      if (!idx.hasValue()) {
        return makeUnexpected(
            error{err_code::index_not_numeric, it.index, prev});
      if (idx.value() < parray->size()) {
        curr = &(*parray)[idx.value()];
        curr_idx = idx.value();
      } else {
        return makeUnexpected(
            error{err_code::index_out_of_bounds, it.index, prev});
    // handle lookup in object
    if (auto const* pobject = curr->get_nothrow<dynamic::ObjectImpl>()) {
      auto const sub_it = pobject->find(*it);
      if (sub_it == pobject->end()) {
        return makeUnexpected(error{err_code::key_not_found, it.index, prev});
      curr = &sub_it->second;
      curr_key = *it;
    return makeUnexpected(
        error{err_code::element_not_object_or_array, it.index, prev});
  return json_pointer_resolved_value<dynamic const>{
      prev, curr, curr_key, curr_idx};

const dynamic* dynamic::get_ptr(json_pointer const& jsonPtr) const& {
  using err_code = json_pointer_resolution_error_code;

  auto ret = try_get_ptr(jsonPtr);
  if (ret.hasValue()) {
    return ret.value().value;

  auto const ctx = ret.error().context;
  auto const objType = ctx ? ctx->type() : Type::NULLT;

  switch (ret.error().error_code) {
    case err_code::key_not_found:
      return nullptr;
    case err_code::index_out_of_bounds:
      return nullptr;
    case err_code::append_requested:
      return nullptr;
    case err_code::index_not_numeric:
      throw std::invalid_argument("array index is not numeric");
    case err_code::index_has_leading_zero:
      throw std::invalid_argument(
          "leading zero not allowed when indexing arrays");
    case err_code::element_not_object_or_array:
      throw_exception<TypeError>("object/array", objType);
    case err_code::json_pointer_out_of_bounds:
      return nullptr;
    case err_code::other:
      return nullptr;


} // namespace folly