/* * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <folly/CancellationToken.h> #include <folly/Optional.h> #include <folly/synchronization/detail/Sleeper.h> #include <glog/logging.h> #include <algorithm> #include <new> #include <thread> #include <tuple> namespace folly { namespace detail { CancellationState::~CancellationState() { DCHECK(head_ == nullptr); DCHECK(!isLocked(state_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed))); DCHECK( state_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) < kTokenReferenceCountIncrement); } bool CancellationState::tryAddCallback( CancellationCallback* callback, bool incrementRefCountIfSuccessful) noexcept { // Try to acquire the lock, but abandon trying to acquire the lock if // cancellation has already been requested (we can just immediately invoke // the callback) or if cancellation can never be requested (we can just // skip registration). if (!tryLock([callback](std::uint64_t oldState) noexcept { if (isCancellationRequested(oldState)) { callback->invokeCallback(); return false; } return canBeCancelled(oldState); })) { return false; } // We've acquired the lock and cancellation has not yet been requested. // Push this callback onto the head of the list. if (head_ != nullptr) { head_->prevNext_ = &callback->next_; } callback->next_ = head_; callback->prevNext_ = &head_; head_ = callback; if (incrementRefCountIfSuccessful) { // Combine multiple atomic operations into a single atomic operation. unlockAndIncrementTokenCount(); } else { unlock(); } // Successfully added the callback. return true; } void CancellationState::removeCallback( CancellationCallback* callback) noexcept { DCHECK(callback != nullptr); lock(); if (callback->prevNext_ != nullptr) { // Still registered in the list => not yet executed. // Just remove it from the list. *callback->prevNext_ = callback->next_; if (callback->next_ != nullptr) { callback->next_->prevNext_ = callback->prevNext_; } unlockAndDecrementTokenCount(); return; } unlock(); // Callback has either already executed or is executing concurrently on // another thread. if (signallingThreadId_ == std::this_thread::get_id()) { // Callback executed on this thread or is still currently executing // and is deregistering itself from within the callback. if (callback->destructorHasRunInsideCallback_ != nullptr) { // Currently inside the callback, let the requestCancellation() method // know the object is about to be destructed and that it should // not try to access the object when the callback returns. *callback->destructorHasRunInsideCallback_ = true; } } else { // Callback is currently executing on another thread, block until it // finishes executing. folly::detail::Sleeper sleeper; while (!callback->callbackCompleted_.load(std::memory_order_acquire)) { sleeper.wait(); } } removeTokenReference(); } bool CancellationState::requestCancellation() noexcept { if (!tryLockAndCancelUnlessCancelled()) { // Was already marked as cancelled return true; } // This thread marked as cancelled and acquired the lock signallingThreadId_ = std::this_thread::get_id(); while (head_ != nullptr) { // Dequeue the first item on the queue. CancellationCallback* callback = head_; head_ = callback->next_; const bool anyMore = head_ != nullptr; if (anyMore) { head_->prevNext_ = &head_; } // Mark this item as removed from the list. callback->prevNext_ = nullptr; // Don't hold the lock while executing the callback // as we don't want to block other threads from // deregistering callbacks. unlock(); // TRICKY: Need to store a flag on the stack here that the callback // can use to signal that the destructor was executed inline // during the call. // If the destructor was executed inline then it's not safe to // dereference 'callback' after 'invokeCallback()' returns. // If the destructor runs on some other thread then the other // thread will block waiting for this thread to signal that the // callback has finished executing. bool destructorHasRunInsideCallback = false; callback->destructorHasRunInsideCallback_ = &destructorHasRunInsideCallback; callback->invokeCallback(); if (!destructorHasRunInsideCallback) { callback->destructorHasRunInsideCallback_ = nullptr; callback->callbackCompleted_.store(true, std::memory_order_release); } if (!anyMore) { // This was the last item in the queue when we dequeued it. // No more items should be added to the queue after we have // marked the state as cancelled, only removed from the queue. // Avoid acquring/releasing the lock in this case. return false; } lock(); } unlock(); return false; } void CancellationState::lock() noexcept { folly::detail::Sleeper sleeper; std::uint64_t oldState = state_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed); do { while (isLocked(oldState)) { sleeper.wait(); oldState = state_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed); } } while (!state_.compare_exchange_weak( oldState, oldState | kLockedFlag, std::memory_order_acquire, std::memory_order_relaxed)); } void CancellationState::unlock() noexcept { state_.fetch_sub(kLockedFlag, std::memory_order_release); } void CancellationState::unlockAndIncrementTokenCount() noexcept { state_.fetch_sub( kLockedFlag - kTokenReferenceCountIncrement, std::memory_order_release); } void CancellationState::unlockAndDecrementTokenCount() noexcept { auto oldState = state_.fetch_sub( kLockedFlag + kTokenReferenceCountIncrement, std::memory_order_acq_rel); if (oldState < (kLockedFlag + 2 * kTokenReferenceCountIncrement)) { delete this; } } bool CancellationState::tryLockAndCancelUnlessCancelled() noexcept { folly::detail::Sleeper sleeper; std::uint64_t oldState = state_.load(std::memory_order_acquire); while (true) { if (isCancellationRequested(oldState)) { return false; } else if (isLocked(oldState)) { sleeper.wait(); oldState = state_.load(std::memory_order_acquire); } else if (state_.compare_exchange_weak( oldState, oldState | kLockedFlag | kCancellationRequestedFlag, std::memory_order_acq_rel, std::memory_order_acquire)) { return true; } } } template <typename Predicate> bool CancellationState::tryLock(Predicate predicate) noexcept { folly::detail::Sleeper sleeper; std::uint64_t oldState = state_.load(std::memory_order_acquire); while (true) { if (!predicate(oldState)) { return false; } else if (isLocked(oldState)) { sleeper.wait(); oldState = state_.load(std::memory_order_acquire); } else if (state_.compare_exchange_weak( oldState, oldState | kLockedFlag, std::memory_order_acquire)) { return true; } } } } // namespace detail } // namespace folly