import React from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { FlatList } from 'react-native'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import { Q } from '@nozbe/watermelondb'; import { sanitizedRaw } from '@nozbe/watermelondb/RawRecord'; import { withSafeAreaInsets } from 'react-native-safe-area-context'; import { HeaderBackButton } from '@react-navigation/stack'; import styles from './styles'; import Item from './Item'; import ActivityIndicator from '../../containers/ActivityIndicator'; import I18n from '../../i18n'; import RocketChat from '../../lib/rocketchat'; import database from '../../lib/database'; import { sanitizeLikeString } from '../../lib/database/utils'; import StatusBar from '../../containers/StatusBar'; import buildMessage from '../../lib/methods/helpers/buildMessage'; import log from '../../utils/log'; import debounce from '../../utils/debounce'; import protectedFunction from '../../lib/methods/helpers/protectedFunction'; import { themes } from '../../constants/colors'; import { withTheme } from '../../theme'; import { getUserSelector } from '../../selectors/login'; import SafeAreaView from '../../containers/SafeAreaView'; import * as HeaderButton from '../../containers/HeaderButton'; import * as List from '../../containers/List'; import Dropdown from './Dropdown'; import DropdownItemHeader from './Dropdown/DropdownItemHeader'; import { FILTER } from './filters'; import NoDataFound from './NoDataFound'; import { isIOS } from '../../utils/deviceInfo'; import { getBadgeColor, makeThreadName } from '../../utils/room'; import { getHeaderTitlePosition } from '../../containers/Header'; import SearchHeader from './SearchHeader'; import EventEmitter from '../../utils/events'; import { LISTENER } from '../../containers/Toast'; const API_FETCH_COUNT = 50; class ThreadMessagesView extends React.Component { static propTypes = { user: PropTypes.object, navigation: PropTypes.object, route: PropTypes.object, baseUrl: PropTypes.string, useRealName: PropTypes.bool, theme: PropTypes.string, isMasterDetail: PropTypes.bool, insets: PropTypes.object } constructor(props) { super(props); this.mounted = false; this.rid = props.route.params?.rid; this.t = props.route.params?.t; this.state = { loading: false, end: false, messages: [], displayingThreads: [], subscription: {}, showFilterDropdown: false, currentFilter: FILTER.ALL, isSearching: false, searchText: '' }; this.setHeader(); this.initSubscription(); this.subscribeMessages(); } componentDidMount() { this.mounted = true; this.init(); } componentDidUpdate(prevProps) { const { insets } = this.props; if (insets.left !== prevProps.insets.left || insets.right !== prevProps.insets.right) { this.setHeader(); } } componentWillUnmount() { console.countReset(`${ }.render calls`); if (this.subSubscription && this.subSubscription.unsubscribe) { this.subSubscription.unsubscribe(); } if (this.messagesSubscription && this.messagesSubscription.unsubscribe) { this.messagesSubscription.unsubscribe(); } } getHeader = () => { const { isSearching } = this.state; const { navigation, isMasterDetail, insets, theme } = this.props; if (isSearching) { const headerTitlePosition = getHeaderTitlePosition({ insets, numIconsRight: 1 }); return { headerTitleAlign: 'left', headerLeft: () => ( <HeaderButton.Container left> <HeaderButton.Item iconName='close' onPress={this.onCancelSearchPress} /> </HeaderButton.Container> ), headerTitle: () => <SearchHeader onSearchChangeText={this.onSearchChangeText} />, headerTitleContainerStyle: { left: headerTitlePosition.left, right: headerTitlePosition.right }, headerRight: () => null }; } const options = { headerLeft: () => ( <HeaderBackButton labelVisible={false} onPress={() => navigation.pop()} tintColor={themes[theme].headerTintColor} /> ), headerTitleAlign: 'center', headerTitle: I18n.t('Threads'), headerTitleContainerStyle: { left: null, right: null } }; if (isMasterDetail) { options.headerLeft = () => <HeaderButton.CloseModal navigation={navigation} />; } options.headerRight = () => ( <HeaderButton.Container> <HeaderButton.Item iconName='search' onPress={this.onSearchPress} /> </HeaderButton.Container> ); return options; } setHeader = () => { const { navigation } = this.props; const options = this.getHeader(); navigation.setOptions(options); } initSubscription = async() => { try { const db =; // subscription query const subscription = await db.collections .get('subscriptions') .find(this.rid); const observable = subscription.observe(); this.subSubscription = observable .subscribe((data) => { this.setState({ subscription: data }); }); this.subscribeMessages(subscription); } catch (e) { log(e); } } subscribeMessages = (subscription, searchText) => { try { const db =; if (this.messagesSubscription && this.messagesSubscription.unsubscribe) { this.messagesSubscription.unsubscribe(); } const whereClause = [ Q.where('rid', this.rid), Q.experimentalSortBy('tlm', Q.desc) ]; if (searchText?.trim()) { whereClause.push(Q.where('msg',`%${ sanitizeLikeString(searchText.trim()) }%`))); } this.messagesObservable = db.collections .get('threads') .query(...whereClause) .observeWithColumns(['updated_at']); this.messagesSubscription = this.messagesObservable .subscribe((messages) => { const { currentFilter } = this.state; const displayingThreads = this.getFilteredThreads(messages, subscription, currentFilter); if (this.mounted) { this.setState({ messages, displayingThreads }); } else { this.state.messages = messages; this.state.displayingThreads = displayingThreads; } }); } catch (e) { log(e); } } init = () => { const { subscription } = this.state; if (!subscription) { return this.load(); } try { const lastThreadSync = new Date(); if (subscription.lastThreadSync) { this.sync(subscription.lastThreadSync); } else { this.load(lastThreadSync); } } catch (e) { log(e); } } updateThreads = async({ update, remove, lastThreadSync }) => { const { subscription } = this.state; // if there's no subscription, manage data on this.state.messages // note: sync will never be called without subscription if (!subscription) { this.setState(({ messages }) => ({ messages: [...messages, ...update] })); return; } try { const db =; const threadsCollection = db.get('threads'); const allThreadsRecords = await subscription.threads.fetch(); let threadsToCreate = []; let threadsToUpdate = []; let threadsToDelete = []; if (update && update.length) { update = => buildMessage(m)); // filter threads threadsToCreate = update.filter(i1 => !allThreadsRecords.find(i2 => i1._id ===; threadsToUpdate = allThreadsRecords.filter(i1 => update.find(i2 => === i2._id)); threadsToCreate = => threadsCollection.prepareCreate(protectedFunction((t) => { t._raw = sanitizedRaw({ id: thread._id }, threadsCollection.schema); t.subscription.set(subscription); Object.assign(t, thread); }))); threadsToUpdate = => { const newThread = update.find(t => t._id ===; return thread.prepareUpdate(protectedFunction((t) => { Object.assign(t, newThread); })); }); } if (remove && remove.length) { threadsToDelete = allThreadsRecords.filter(i1 => remove.find(i2 => === i2._id)); threadsToDelete = => t.prepareDestroyPermanently()); } await db.action(async() => { await db.batch( ...threadsToCreate, ...threadsToUpdate, ...threadsToDelete, subscription.prepareUpdate((s) => { s.lastThreadSync = lastThreadSync; }) ); }); } catch (e) { log(e); } } // eslint-disable-next-line react/sort-comp load = debounce(async(lastThreadSync) => { const { loading, end, messages, searchText } = this.state; if (end || loading || !this.mounted) { return; } this.setState({ loading: true }); try { const result = await RocketChat.getThreadsList({ rid: this.rid, count: API_FETCH_COUNT, offset: messages.length, text: searchText }); if (result.success) { this.updateThreads({ update: result.threads, lastThreadSync }); this.setState({ loading: false, end: result.count < API_FETCH_COUNT }); } } catch (e) { log(e); this.setState({ loading: false, end: true }); } }, 300) // eslint-disable-next-line react/sort-comp sync = async(updatedSince) => { this.setState({ loading: true }); try { const result = await RocketChat.getSyncThreadsList({ rid: this.rid, updatedSince: updatedSince.toISOString() }); if (result.success && result.threads) { const { update, remove } = result.threads; this.updateThreads({ update, remove, lastThreadSync: updatedSince }); } this.setState({ loading: false }); } catch (e) { log(e); this.setState({ loading: false }); } } onSearchPress = () => { this.setState({ isSearching: true }, () => this.setHeader()); } onCancelSearchPress = () => { this.setState({ isSearching: false, searchText: '' }, () => { const { subscription } = this.state; this.setHeader(); this.subscribeMessages(subscription); }); } onSearchChangeText = debounce((searchText) => { const { subscription } = this.state; this.setState({ searchText }, () => this.subscribeMessages(subscription, searchText)); }, 300) onThreadPress = debounce((item) => { const { subscription } = this.state; const { navigation, isMasterDetail } = this.props; if (isMasterDetail) { navigation.pop(); } navigation.push('RoomView', { rid:, tmid:, name: makeThreadName(item), t: 'thread', roomUserId: RocketChat.getUidDirectMessage(subscription) }); }, 1000, true) getBadgeColor = (item) => { const { subscription } = this.state; const { theme } = this.props; return getBadgeColor({ subscription, theme, messageId: item?.id }); } // helper to query threads getFilteredThreads = (messages, subscription, currentFilter) => { // const { currentFilter } = this.state; const { user } = this.props; if (currentFilter === FILTER.FOLLOWING) { return messages?.filter(item => item?.replies?.find(u => u ===; } else if (currentFilter === FILTER.UNREAD) { return messages?.filter(item => subscription?.tunread?.includes(item?.id)); } return messages; } // method to update state with filtered threads filterThreads = () => { const { messages, subscription } = this.state; const displayingThreads = this.getFilteredThreads(messages, subscription); this.setState({ displayingThreads }); } showFilterDropdown = () => this.setState({ showFilterDropdown: true }) closeFilterDropdown = () => this.setState({ showFilterDropdown: false }) onFilterSelected = (filter) => { const { messages, subscription } = this.state; const displayingThreads = this.getFilteredThreads(messages, subscription, filter); this.setState({ currentFilter: filter, displayingThreads }); } toggleFollowThread = async(isFollowingThread, tmid) => { try { await RocketChat.toggleFollowMessage(tmid, !isFollowingThread); EventEmitter.emit(LISTENER, { message: isFollowingThread ? I18n.t('Unfollowed_thread') : I18n.t('Following_thread') }); } catch (e) { log(e); } } renderItem = ({ item }) => { const { user, navigation, baseUrl, useRealName } = this.props; const badgeColor = this.getBadgeColor(item); return ( <Item {...{ item, user, navigation, baseUrl, useRealName, badgeColor }} onPress={this.onThreadPress} toggleFollowThread={this.toggleFollowThread} /> ); } renderHeader = () => { const { messages, currentFilter } = this.state; if (!messages.length) { return null; } return ( <> <DropdownItemHeader currentFilter={currentFilter} onPress={this.showFilterDropdown} /> <List.Separator /> </> ); } renderContent = () => { const { loading, messages, displayingThreads, currentFilter } = this.state; const { theme } = this.props; if (!messages?.length || !displayingThreads?.length) { let text; if (currentFilter === FILTER.FOLLOWING) { text = I18n.t('No_threads_following'); } else if (currentFilter === FILTER.UNREAD) { text = I18n.t('No_threads_unread'); } else { text = I18n.t('No_threads'); } return ( <> {this.renderHeader()} <NoDataFound text={text} /> </> ); } return ( <FlatList data={displayingThreads} extraData={this.state} renderItem={this.renderItem} style={[styles.list, { backgroundColor: themes[theme].backgroundColor }]} contentContainerStyle={styles.contentContainer} onEndReached={this.load} onEndReachedThreshold={0.5} maxToRenderPerBatch={5} windowSize={10} initialNumToRender={7} removeClippedSubviews={isIOS} ItemSeparatorComponent={List.Separator} ListHeaderComponent={this.renderHeader} ListFooterComponent={loading ? <ActivityIndicator theme={theme} /> : null} scrollIndicatorInsets={{ right: 1 }} // /> ); } render() { console.count(`${ }.render calls`); const { showFilterDropdown, currentFilter } = this.state; return ( <SafeAreaView testID='thread-messages-view'> <StatusBar /> {this.renderContent()} {showFilterDropdown ? ( <Dropdown currentFilter={currentFilter} onFilterSelected={this.onFilterSelected} onClose={this.closeFilterDropdown} /> ) : null} </SafeAreaView> ); } } const mapStateToProps = state => ({ baseUrl: state.server.server, user: getUserSelector(state), useRealName: state.settings.UI_Use_Real_Name, isMasterDetail: }); export default connect(mapStateToProps)(withTheme(withSafeAreaInsets(ThreadMessagesView)));