//  (C) Copyright Edward Diener 2011-2015
//  Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License,
//  Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
//  http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).


#include <boost/vmd/detail/setup.hpp>


#include <boost/vmd/detail/is_number.hpp>


  The succeeding comments in this file are in doxygen format.


/** \file

/** \def BOOST_VMD_IS_NUMBER(sequence)

    \brief Tests whether a sequence is a Boost PP number.

    The macro checks to see if a sequence is a Boost PP number.
    A Boost PP number is a value from 0 to 256.
    sequence = a possible number

    returns = 1 if the sequence is a Boost PP number, 
              0 if it is not.
    If the input is not a VMD data type this macro could lead to
    a preprocessor error. This is because the macro
    uses preprocessor concatenation to determine if the input
    is a number once it is determined that the input does not
    start with parenthesis. If the data being concatenated would
    lead to an invalid preprocessor token the compiler can issue
    a preprocessor error.

#define BOOST_VMD_IS_NUMBER(sequence) \