/* boost random/traits.hpp header file * * Copyright John Maddock 2015 * Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See * accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at * http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) * * See http://www.boost.org for most recent version including documentation. * * These traits classes serve two purposes: they are designed to mostly * work out of the box for multiprecision types (ie number types that are * C++ class types and not integers or floats from type-traits point of view), * they are also a potential point of specialization for user-defined * number types. * * $Id$ */ #ifndef BOOST_RANDOM_TRAITS_HPP #define BOOST_RANDOM_TRAITS_HPP #include <boost/type_traits/is_signed.hpp> #include <boost/type_traits/is_integral.hpp> #include <boost/type_traits/make_unsigned.hpp> #include <boost/mpl/bool.hpp> #include <limits> namespace boost { namespace random { namespace traits { // \cond show_private template <class T, bool intrinsic> struct make_unsigned_imp { typedef typename boost::make_unsigned<T>::type type; }; template <class T> struct make_unsigned_imp<T, false> { BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(std::numeric_limits<T>::is_specialized); BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(std::numeric_limits<T>::is_signed == false); BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer == true); typedef T type; }; // \endcond /** \brief Converts the argument type T to an unsigned type. * * This trait has a single member `type` which is the unsigned type corresponding to T. * Note that * if T is signed, then member `type` *should define a type with one more bit precision than T*. For built-in * types this trait defaults to `boost::make_unsigned<T>::type`. For user defined types it simply asserts that * the argument type T is an unsigned integer (using std::numeric_limits). * User defined specializations may be provided for other cases. */ template <class T> struct make_unsigned // \cond show_private : public make_unsigned_imp < T, boost::is_integral<T>::value > // \endcond {}; // \cond show_private template <class T, bool intrinsic> struct make_unsigned_or_unbounded_imp { typedef typename boost::make_unsigned<T>::type type; }; template <class T> struct make_unsigned_or_unbounded_imp<T, false> { BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(std::numeric_limits<T>::is_specialized); BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((std::numeric_limits<T>::is_signed == false) || (std::numeric_limits<T>::is_bounded == false)); BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer == true); typedef T type; }; // \endcond /** \brief Converts the argument type T to either an unsigned type or an unbounded integer type. * * This trait has a single member `type` which is either the unsigned type corresponding to T or an unbounded * integer type. This trait is used to generate types suitable for the calculation of a range: as a result * if T is signed, then member `type` *should define a type with one more bit precision than T*. For built-in * types this trait defaults to `boost::make_unsigned<T>::type`. For user defined types it simply asserts that * the argument type T is either an unbounded integer, or an unsigned one (using std::numeric_limits). * User defined specializations may be provided for other cases. */ template <class T> struct make_unsigned_or_unbounded // \cond show_private : public make_unsigned_or_unbounded_imp < T, boost::is_integral<T>::value > // \endcond {}; /** \brief Traits class that indicates whether type T is an integer */ template <class T> struct is_integral : public mpl::bool_<boost::is_integral<T>::value || (std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer)> {}; /** \brief Traits class that indicates whether type T is a signed integer */ template <class T> struct is_signed : public mpl::bool_ < boost::is_signed<T>::value || (std::numeric_limits<T>::is_specialized && std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer && std::numeric_limits<T>::is_signed)> {}; } } } #endif