import React from 'react'; import { ScrollView, StyleSheet } from 'react-native'; // import moment from 'moment'; import MessageComponent from '../../app/containers/message/Message'; import StoriesSeparator from './StoriesSeparator'; import messagesStatus from '../../app/constants/messagesStatus'; import MessageSeparator from '../../app/views/RoomView/Separator'; import { themes } from '../../app/constants/colors'; import MessageContext from '../../app/containers/message/Context'; let _theme = 'light'; const styles = StyleSheet.create({ separator: { marginTop: 30, marginBottom: 0 } }); const user = { id: 'y8bd77ptZswPj3EW8', username: 'diego.mello', token: '79q6lH40W4ZRGLOshDiDiVlQaCc4f_lU9HNdHLAzuHz' }; const author = { _id: 'userid', username: 'diego.mello' }; const baseUrl = ''; const date = new Date(2017, 10, 10, 10); const longText = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.'; const getCustomEmoji = (content) => { const customEmoji = { marioparty: { name: content, extension: 'gif' }, react_rocket: { name: content, extension: 'png' }, nyan_rocket: { name: content, extension: 'png' } }[content]; return customEmoji; }; const Message = props => ( <MessageContext.Provider value={{ user, baseUrl, onPress: () => {}, onLongPress: () => {}, reactionInit: () => {}, onErrorPress: () => {}, replyBroadcast: () => {}, onReactionPress: () => {}, onDiscussionPress: () => {}, onReactionLongPress: () => {} }} > <MessageComponent baseUrl={baseUrl} user={user} author={author} ts={date} timeFormat='LT' isHeader getCustomEmoji={getCustomEmoji} theme={_theme} {...props} /> </MessageContext.Provider> ); // eslint-disable-next-line react/prop-types const Separator = ({ title, theme }) => <StoriesSeparator title={title} theme={theme} style={styles.separator} />; // eslint-disable-next-line react/prop-types export default ({ theme }) => { _theme = theme; return ( <ScrollView style={{ backgroundColor: themes[theme].backgroundColor }}> <Separator title='Simple' theme={theme} /> <Message msg='Message' /> <Separator title='Long message' theme={theme} /> <Message msg={longText} /> <Separator title='Grouped messages' theme={theme} /> <Message msg='...' /> <Message msg='Different user' author={{, username: longText }} /> <Message msg='This is the third message' isHeader={false} /> <Message msg='This is the second message' isHeader={false} /> <Message msg='This is the first message' /> <Separator title='Without header' theme={theme} /> <Message msg='Message' isHeader={false} /> <Separator title='With alias' theme={theme} /> <Message msg='Message' alias='Diego Mello' /> <Message msg='Message' author={{, username: longText }} alias='Diego Mello' /> <Separator title='Edited' theme={theme} /> <Message msg='Message' edited /> <Separator title='Block Quote' theme={theme} /> <Message msg='> Testing block quote' /> <Message msg={'> Testing block quote\nTesting block quote'} /> <Separator title='Lists' theme={theme} /> <Message msg={'* Dogs\n * cats\n - cats'} /> <Separator title='Numerated lists' theme={theme} /> <Message msg={'1. Dogs \n 2. Cats'} /> <Separator title='Numerated lists in separated messages' theme={theme} /> <Message msg='1. Dogs' /> <Message msg='2. Cats' isHeader={false} /> <Separator title='Static avatar' theme={theme} /> <Message msg='Message' avatar='' /> <Separator title='Full name' theme={theme} /> <Message msg='Message' author={{, username: 'diego.mello', name: 'Diego Mello' }} useRealName /> <Separator title='Mentions' theme={theme} /> <Message msg=' @diego.mello @all @here #general' mentions={[{ username: '' }, { username: 'diego.mello' }, { username: 'all' }, { username: 'here' }]} channels={[{ name: 'general' }]} /> <Separator title='Emojis' theme={theme} /> <Message msg='👊🤙👏' /> <Separator title='Single Emoji' theme={theme} /> <Message msg='👏' /> <Separator title='Custom Emojis' theme={theme} /> <Message msg=':react_rocket: :nyan_rocket: :marioparty:' /> <Separator title='Single Custom Emojis' theme={theme} /> <Message msg=':react_rocket:' /> <Separator title='Normal Emoji + Custom Emojis' theme={theme} /> <Message msg='🤙:react_rocket:' /> <Separator title='Four emoji' theme={theme} /> <Message msg='🤙:react_rocket:🤙🤙' /> <Separator title='Time format' theme={theme} /> <Message msg='Testing' timeFormat='DD MMMM YYYY' /> <Separator title='Reactions' theme={theme} /> <Message msg='Reactions' reactions={[{ emoji: ':joy:', usernames: [{ value: 'username' }, { value: '' }, { value: 'diego.mello' }] }, { emoji: ':marioparty:', usernames: [{ value: 'username' }, { value: '' }, { value: 'diego.mello' }, { value: 'user1' }, { value: 'user1' }, { value: 'user1' }, { value: 'user1' }, { value: 'user1' }, { value: 'user1' }, { value: 'user1' }, { value: 'user1' }, { value: 'user1' }, { value: 'user1' }] }, { emoji: ':thinking:', usernames: [{ value: 'username' }] }]} onReactionPress={() => {}} /> <Separator title='Multiple reactions' theme={theme} /> <Message msg='Multiple Reactions' reactions={[{ emoji: ':marioparty:', usernames: [{ value: 'username' }] }, { emoji: ':react_rocket:', usernames: [{ value: 'username' }] }, { emoji: ':nyan_rocket:', usernames: [{ value: 'username' }] }, { emoji: ':heart:', usernames: [{ value: 'username' }] }, { emoji: ':dog:', usernames: [{ value: 'username' }] }, { emoji: ':grinning:', usernames: [{ value: 'username' }] }, { emoji: ':grimacing:', usernames: [{ value: 'username' }] }, { emoji: ':grin:', usernames: [{ value: 'username' }] }]} onReactionPress={() => {}} /> <Separator title='Intercalated users' theme={theme} /> <Message msg='Fourth message' author={{, username: '' }} /> <Message msg='Third message' /> <Message msg='Second message' author={{, username: '' }} /> <Message msg='First message' /> <Separator title='Date and Unread separators' theme={theme} /> <Message msg='Fourth message' author={{, username: '' }} /> <MessageSeparator ts={date} unread theme={theme} /> <Message msg='Third message' /> <MessageSeparator unread theme={theme} /> <Message msg='Second message' author={{, username: '' }} isHeader={false} /> <Message msg='Second message' author={{, username: '' }} /> <MessageSeparator ts={date} theme={theme} /> <Message msg='First message' /> <Separator title='With image' theme={theme} /> <Message attachments={[{ title: 'This is a title', description: 'This is a description', image_url: '/file-upload/2ZrxuwcGeTrsoh376/Clipboard%20-%20September%205,%202018%204:10%20PM' }]} /> <Message attachments={[{ title: 'This is a title', description: 'This is a description :nyan_rocket:', image_url: '/file-upload/sxLXBzjwuqxMnebyP/Clipboard%20-%2029%20de%20Agosto%20de%202018%20%C3%A0s%2018:10' }]} /> <Separator title='With video' theme={theme} /> <Message attachments={[{ title: 'This is a title', description: 'This is a description :nyan_rocket:', video_url: '/file-upload/cqnKqb6kdajky5Rxj/WhatsApp%20Video%202018-08-22%20at%2019.09.55.mp4' }]} /> <Message attachments={[{ title: 'This is a title', video_url: '/file-upload/cqnKqb6kdajky5Rxj/WhatsApp%20Video%202018-08-22%20at%2019.09.55.mp4' }]} /> <Separator title='With audio' theme={theme} /> <Message attachments={[{ title: 'This is a title', description: 'This is a description :nyan_rocket:', audio_url: '/file-upload/c4wcNhrbXJLBvAJtN/1535569819516.aac' }]} /> <Message msg='First message' isHeader={false} /> <Message attachments={[{ title: 'This is a title', description: 'This is a description', audio_url: '/file-upload/c4wcNhrbXJLBvAJtN/1535569819516.aac' }]} isHeader={false} /> <Message attachments={[{ title: 'This is a title', audio_url: '/file-upload/c4wcNhrbXJLBvAJtN/1535569819516.aac' }]} isHeader={false} /> <Message attachments={[{ title: 'This is a title', audio_url: '/file-upload/c4wcNhrbXJLBvAJtN/1535569819516.aac' }]} isHeader={false} /> <Separator title='Message with reply' theme={theme} /> <Message msg="I'm fine!" attachments={[{ author_name: 'I\'m a very long long title and I\'ll break', ts: date, timeFormat: 'LT', text: 'How are you?' }]} /> <Message msg="I'm fine!" attachments={[{ author_name: '', ts: date, timeFormat: 'LT', text: 'How are you? :nyan_rocket:' }]} /> <Separator title='Message with read receipt' theme={theme} /> <Message msg="I'm fine!" isReadReceiptEnabled unread /> <Message msg="I'm fine!" isReadReceiptEnabled unread isHeader={false} /> <Message msg="I'm fine!" isReadReceiptEnabled read /> <Message msg="I'm fine!" isReadReceiptEnabled read isHeader={false} /> <Separator title='Message with thread' theme={theme} /> <Message msg='How are you?' tcount={1} tlm={date} /> <Message msg='How are you?' tcount={9999} tlm={date} /> <Message msg="I'm fine!" tmid='1' tmsg='How are you?' isThreadReply /> <Message msg="I'm fine!" tmid='1' tmsg='Thread with emoji :) :joy:' isThreadReply /> <Message msg="I'm fine!" tmid='1' tmsg='Markdown: [link]( ```block code```' isThreadReply /> <Message msg="I'm fine!" tmid='1' tmsg={longText} isThreadReply /> <Message msg={longText} tmid='1' tmsg='How are you?' isThreadReply /> <Message msg={longText} tmid='1' tmsg={longText} isThreadReply /> <Message tmid='1' tmsg='Thread with attachment' attachments={[{ title: 'This is a title', description: 'This is a description :nyan_rocket:', audio_url: '/file-upload/c4wcNhrbXJLBvAJtN/1535569819516.aac' }]} isThreadReply /> <Separator title='Sequential thread messages following thread button' theme={theme} /> <Message msg='How are you?' tcount={1} tlm={date} /> <Message msg="I'm fine!" tmid='1' isThreadSequential /> <Message msg={longText} tmid='1' isThreadSequential /> <Message attachments={[{ title: 'This is a title', description: 'This is a description', audio_url: '/file-upload/c4wcNhrbXJLBvAJtN/1535569819516.aac' }]} tmid='1' isThreadSequential /> <Separator title='Sequential thread messages following thread reply' theme={theme} /> <Message msg="I'm fine!" tmid='1' tmsg='How are you?' isThreadReply /> <Message msg='Cool!' tmid='1' isThreadSequential /> <Message msg={longText} tmid='1' isThreadSequential /> <Message attachments={[{ title: 'This is a title', description: 'This is a description', audio_url: '/file-upload/c4wcNhrbXJLBvAJtN/1535569819516.aac' }]} tmid='1' isThreadSequential /> {/* <Message msg='How are you?' tcount={9999} tlm={moment().subtract(1, 'hour')} /> <Message msg='How are you?' tcount={9999} tlm={moment().subtract(1, 'day')} /> <Message msg='How are you?' tcount={9999} tlm={moment().subtract(5, 'day')} /> <Message msg='How are you?' tcount={9999} tlm={moment().subtract(30, 'day')} /> */} <Separator title='Discussion' theme={theme} /> <Message type='discussion-created' drid='aisduhasidhs' dcount={null} dlm={null} msg='This is a discussion' /> <Message type='discussion-created' drid='aisduhasidhs' dcount={1} dlm={date} msg='This is a discussion' /> <Message type='discussion-created' drid='aisduhasidhs' dcount={10} dlm={date} msg={longText} /> <Message type='discussion-created' drid='aisduhasidhs' dcount={1000} dlm={date} msg='This is a discussion' /> {/* <Message type='discussion-created' drid='aisduhasidhs' dcount={1000} dlm={moment().subtract(1, 'hour')} msg='This is a discussion' /> <Message type='discussion-created' drid='aisduhasidhs' dcount={1000} dlm={moment().subtract(1, 'day')} msg='This is a discussion' /> <Message type='discussion-created' drid='aisduhasidhs' dcount={1000} dlm={moment().subtract(5, 'day')} msg='This is a discussion' /> <Message type='discussion-created' drid='aisduhasidhs' dcount={1000} dlm={moment().subtract(30, 'day')} msg='This is a discussion' /> */} <Separator title='URL' theme={theme} /> <Message urls={[{ url: '', image: '', title: 'Rocket.Chat - Free, Open Source, Enterprise Team Chat', description: 'Rocket.Chat is the leading open source team chat software solution. Free, unlimited and completely customizable with on-premises and SaaS cloud hosting.' }, { url: '', title: 'Google', description: 'Search the world\'s information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you\'re looking for.' }]} /> <Message urls={[{ url: '', title: 'Google', description: 'Search the world\'s information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you\'re looking for.' }]} msg='Message :nyan_rocket:' /> <Message urls={[{ url: '', title: 'Google', description: 'Search the world\'s information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you\'re looking for.' }]} isHeader={false} /> <Separator title='Custom fields' theme={theme} /> <Message msg='Message' attachments={[{ author_name: '', ts: date, timeFormat: 'LT', text: 'Custom fields', fields: [{ title: 'Field 1', value: 'Value 1' }, { title: 'Field 2', value: 'Value 2' }, { title: 'Field 3', value: 'Value 3' }, { title: 'Field 4', value: 'Value 4' }, { title: 'Field 5', value: 'Value 5' }] }]} /> <Separator title='Two short custom fields' theme={theme} /> <Message msg='Message' attachments={[{ author_name: '', ts: date, timeFormat: 'LT', text: 'Custom fields', fields: [{ title: 'Field 1', value: 'Value 1', short: true }, { title: 'Field 2', value: 'Value 2', short: true }] }, { author_name: '', ts: date, timeFormat: 'LT', text: 'Custom fields 2', fields: [{ title: 'Field 1', value: 'Value 1', short: true }, { title: 'Field 2', value: 'Value 2', short: true }] }]} /> <Separator title='Broadcast' theme={theme} /> <Message msg='Broadcasted message' broadcast replyBroadcast={() => alert('broadcast!')} /> <Separator title='Archived' theme={theme} /> <Message msg='This message is inside an archived room' archived /> <Separator title='Error' theme={theme} /> <Message hasError msg='This message has error' status={messagesStatus.ERROR} onErrorPress={() => alert('Error pressed')} /> <Message hasError msg='This message has error too' status={messagesStatus.ERROR} onErrorPress={() => alert('Error pressed')} isHeader={false} /> <Separator title='Temp' theme={theme} /> <Message msg='Temp message' status={messagesStatus.TEMP} isTemp /> <Separator title='Editing' theme={theme} /> <Message msg='Message being edited' editing /> <Separator title='Removed' theme={theme} /> <Message type='rm' isInfo /> <Separator title='Joined' theme={theme} /> <Message type='uj' isInfo /> <Separator title='Room name changed' theme={theme} /> <Message msg='New name' type='r' isInfo /> <Separator title='Message pinned' theme={theme} /> <Message msg='New name' type='message_pinned' isInfo attachments={[{ author_name: '', ts: date, timeFormat: 'LT', text: 'First message' }]} /> <Separator title='Has left the channel' theme={theme} /> <Message type='ul' isInfo /> <Separator title='User removed' theme={theme} /> <Message msg='' type='ru' isInfo /> <Separator title='User added' theme={theme} /> <Message msg='' type='au' isInfo /> <Separator title='User muted' theme={theme} /> <Message msg='' type='user-muted' isInfo /> <Separator title='User unmuted' theme={theme} /> <Message msg='' type='user-unmuted' isInfo /> <Separator title='Role added' theme={theme} /> <Message msg='' role='admin' // eslint-disable-line type='subscription-role-added' isInfo /> <Separator title='Role removed' theme={theme} /> <Message msg='' role='admin' // eslint-disable-line type='subscription-role-removed' isInfo /> <Separator title='Changed description' theme={theme} /> <Message msg='new description' type='room_changed_description' isInfo /> <Separator title='Changed announcement' theme={theme} /> <Message msg='new announcement' type='room_changed_announcement' isInfo /> <Separator title='Changed topic' theme={theme} /> <Message msg='new topic' type='room_changed_topic' isInfo /> <Separator title='Changed type' theme={theme} /> <Message msg='public' type='room_changed_privacy' isInfo /> <Separator title='Custom style' theme={theme} /> <Message msg='Message' style={[styles.normalize, { backgroundColor: '#ddd' }]} /> <Separator title='Markdown emphasis' theme={theme} /> <Message msg='Italic with single _underscore_ or double __underscores__. Bold with single *asterisk* or double **asterisks**. Strikethrough with single ~Strikethrough~ or double ~~Strikethrough~~' /> <Separator title='Markdown headers' theme={theme} /> <Message msg='# H1 ## H2 ### H3 #### H4 ##### H5 ###### H6' /> <Separator title='Markdown links' theme={theme} /> <Message msg='Support <|Google> [I`m an inline-style link](' /> <Separator title='Markdown image' theme={theme} /> <Message msg='' /> <Separator title='Markdown code' theme={theme} /> <Message msg='Inline `code` has `back-ticks around` it. ``` Code block ```' /> <Separator title='Markdown quote' theme={theme} /> <Message msg='> Quote' /> <Separator title='Markdown table' theme={theme} /> <Message msg='First Header | Second Header ------------ | ------------- Content from cell 1 | Content from cell 2 Content in the first column | Content in the second column' /> </ScrollView> ); };