import React from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { FlatList, Text, View } from 'react-native'; import { Q } from '@nozbe/watermelondb'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import { dequal } from 'dequal'; import RCTextInput from '../../containers/TextInput'; import ActivityIndicator from '../../containers/ActivityIndicator'; import Markdown from '../../containers/markdown'; import debounce from '../../utils/debounce'; import RocketChat from '../../lib/rocketchat'; import Message from '../../containers/message'; import scrollPersistTaps from '../../utils/scrollPersistTaps'; import I18n from '../../i18n'; import StatusBar from '../../containers/StatusBar'; import log from '../../utils/log'; import { themes } from '../../constants/colors'; import { withTheme } from '../../theme'; import { getUserSelector } from '../../selectors/login'; import SafeAreaView from '../../containers/SafeAreaView'; import * as HeaderButton from '../../containers/HeaderButton'; import database from '../../lib/database'; import { sanitizeLikeString } from '../../lib/database/utils'; import getThreadName from '../../lib/methods/getThreadName'; import getRoomInfo from '../../lib/methods/getRoomInfo'; import styles from './styles'; class SearchMessagesView extends React.Component { static navigationOptions = ({ navigation, route }) => { const options = { title: I18n.t('Search') }; const showCloseModal = route.params?.showCloseModal; if (showCloseModal) { options.headerLeft = () => ; } return options; } static propTypes = { navigation: PropTypes.object, route: PropTypes.object, user: PropTypes.object, baseUrl: PropTypes.string, customEmojis: PropTypes.object, theme: PropTypes.string, useRealName: PropTypes.bool } constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { loading: false, messages: [], searchText: '' }; this.rid = props.route.params?.rid; this.t = props.route.params?.t; this.encrypted = props.route.params?.encrypted; } async componentDidMount() { = await getRoomInfo(this.rid); } shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) { const { loading, searchText, messages } = this.state; const { theme } = this.props; if (nextProps.theme !== theme) { return true; } if (nextState.loading !== loading) { return true; } if (nextState.searchText !== searchText) { return true; } if (!dequal(nextState.messages, messages)) { return true; } return false; } componentWillUnmount() {; } // Handle encrypted rooms search messages searchMessages = async(searchText) => { // If it's a encrypted, room we'll search only on the local stored messages if (this.encrypted) { const db =; const messagesCollection = db.get('messages'); const likeString = sanitizeLikeString(searchText); return messagesCollection .query( // Messages of this room Q.where('rid', this.rid), // Message content is like the search text Q.where('msg',`%${ likeString }%`)) ) .fetch(); } // If it's not a encrypted room, search messages on the server const result = await RocketChat.searchMessages(this.rid, searchText); if (result.success) { return result.messages; } } search = debounce(async(searchText) => { this.setState({ searchText, loading: true, messages: [] }); try { const messages = await this.searchMessages(searchText); this.setState({ messages: messages || [], loading: false }); } catch (e) { this.setState({ loading: false }); log(e); } }, 1000) getCustomEmoji = (name) => { const { customEmojis } = this.props; const emoji = customEmojis[name]; if (emoji) { return emoji; } return null; } showAttachment = (attachment) => { const { navigation } = this.props; navigation.navigate('AttachmentView', { attachment }); } navToRoomInfo = (navParam) => { const { navigation, user } = this.props; if (navParam.rid === { return; } navigation.navigate('RoomInfoView', navParam); } jumpToMessage = async({ item }) => { const { navigation } = this.props; let params = { rid: this.rid, jumpToMessageId: item._id, t: this.t, room: }; if (item.tmid) { navigation.pop(); params = { ...params, tmid: item.tmid, name: await getThreadName(this.rid, item.tmid, item._id), t: 'thread' }; navigation.push('RoomView', params); } else { navigation.navigate('RoomView', params); } } renderEmpty = () => { const { theme } = this.props; return ( {I18n.t('No_results_found')} ); } renderItem = ({ item }) => { const { user, baseUrl, theme, useRealName } = this.props; return ( this.jumpToMessage({ item })} jumpToMessage={() => this.jumpToMessage({ item })} /> ); } renderList = () => { const { messages, loading, searchText } = this.state; const { theme } = this.props; if (!loading && messages.length === 0 && searchText.length) { return this.renderEmpty(); } return ( item._id} onEndReached={this.load} ListFooterComponent={loading ? : null} {...scrollPersistTaps} /> ); } render() { const { theme } = this.props; return ( {this.renderList()} ); } } const mapStateToProps = state => ({ baseUrl: state.server.server, user: getUserSelector(state), useRealName: state.settings.UI_Use_Real_Name, customEmojis: state.customEmojis }); export default connect(mapStateToProps)(withTheme(SearchMessagesView));