#ifndef BOOST_RANGE_ATL_HPP #define BOOST_RANGE_ATL_HPP // Boost.Range ATL Extension // // Copyright Shunsuke Sogame 2005-2006. // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // config // #include <atldef.h> // _ATL_VER #if !defined(BOOST_RANGE_ATL_NO_COLLECTIONS) #if (_ATL_VER < 0x0700) #define BOOST_RANGE_ATL_NO_COLLECTIONS #endif #endif #if !defined(BOOST_RANGE_ATL_HAS_OLD_CSIMPLE_XXX) #if (_ATL_VER < 0x0700) // dubious #define BOOST_RANGE_ATL_HAS_OLD_CSIMPLE_XXX #endif #endif // forward declarations // #include <basetyps.h> // IID namespace ATL { #if !defined(BOOST_RANGE_ATL_NO_COLLECTIONS) // arrays // template< class E, class ETraits > class CAtlArray; template< class E > class CAutoPtrArray; template< class I, const IID *piid > class CInterfaceArray; // lists // template< class E, class ETraits > class CAtlList; template< class E > class CAutoPtrList; template< class E, class Allocator > class CHeapPtrList; template< class I, const IID *piid > class CInterfaceList; // maps // template< class K, class V, class KTraits, class VTraits > class CAtlMap; template< class K, class V, class KTraits, class VTraits > class CRBTree; template< class K, class V, class KTraits, class VTraits > class CRBMap; template< class K, class V, class KTraits, class VTraits > class CRBMultiMap; // strings // #if !defined(BOOST_RANGE_ATL_HAS_OLD_CSIMPLESTRING) template< class BaseType, bool t_bMFCDLL > class CSimpleStringT; #else template< class BaseType > class CSimpleStringT; #endif template< class BaseType, class StringTraits > class CStringT; template< class StringType, int t_nChars > class CFixedStringT; template< class BaseType, const int t_nSize > class CStaticString; #endif // !defined(BOOST_RANGE_ATL_NO_COLLECTIONS) // simples // #if !defined(BOOST_RANGE_ATL_HAS_OLD_CSIMPLE_XXX) template< class T, class TEqual > class CSimpleArray; template< class TKey, class TVal, class TEqual > class CSimpleMap; #else template< class T > class CSimpleArray; template< class T > class CSimpleValArray; template< class TKey, class TVal > class CSimpleMap; #endif // !defined(BOOST_RANGE_ATL_HAS_OLD_CSIMPLE_XXX) // pointers // template< class E > class CAutoPtr; template< class T > class CComPtr; template< class T, const IID *piid > class CComQIPtr; template< class E, class Allocator > class CHeapPtr; template< class T > class CAdapt; } // namespace ATL // indirect_iterator customizations // #include <boost/mpl/identity.hpp> #include <boost/pointee.hpp> namespace boost { template< class E > struct pointee< ATL::CAutoPtr<E> > : mpl::identity<E> { }; template< class T > struct pointee< ATL::CComPtr<T> > : mpl::identity<T> { }; template< class T, const IID *piid > struct pointee< ATL::CComQIPtr<T, piid> > : mpl::identity<T> { }; template< class E, class Allocator > struct pointee< ATL::CHeapPtr<E, Allocator> > : mpl::identity<E> { }; template< class T > struct pointee< ATL::CAdapt<T> > : pointee<T> { }; } // namespace boost // extended customizations // #include <boost/iterator/indirect_iterator.hpp> #include <boost/iterator/zip_iterator.hpp> #include <boost/range/detail/microsoft.hpp> #include <boost/tuple/tuple.hpp> #include <atlbase.h> // CComBSTR namespace boost { namespace range_detail_microsoft { #if !defined(BOOST_RANGE_ATL_NO_COLLECTIONS) // arrays // struct atl_array_functions : array_functions { template< class Iterator, class X > Iterator end(X& x) // redefine { return x.GetData() + x.GetCount(); // no 'GetSize()' } }; template< class E, class ETraits > struct customization< ATL::CAtlArray<E, ETraits> > : atl_array_functions { template< class X > struct meta { typedef E val_t; typedef val_t *mutable_iterator; typedef val_t const *const_iterator; }; }; template< class E > struct customization< ATL::CAutoPtrArray<E> > : atl_array_functions { template< class X > struct meta { // ATL::CAutoPtr/CHeapPtr is no assignable. typedef ATL::CAutoPtr<E> val_t; typedef val_t *miter_t; typedef val_t const *citer_t; typedef indirect_iterator<miter_t> mutable_iterator; typedef indirect_iterator<citer_t> const_iterator; }; }; template< class I, const IID *piid > struct customization< ATL::CInterfaceArray<I, piid> > : atl_array_functions { template< class X > struct meta { typedef ATL::CComQIPtr<I, piid> val_t; typedef val_t *mutable_iterator; typedef val_t const *const_iterator; }; }; template< class E, class ETraits > struct customization< ATL::CAtlList<E, ETraits> > : list_functions { template< class X > struct meta { typedef E val_t; typedef list_iterator<X, val_t> mutable_iterator; typedef list_iterator<X const, val_t const> const_iterator; }; }; struct indirected_list_functions { template< class Iterator, class X > Iterator begin(X& x) { typedef typename Iterator::base_type base_t; // == list_iterator return Iterator(base_t(x, x.GetHeadPosition())); } template< class Iterator, class X > Iterator end(X& x) { typedef typename Iterator::base_type base_t; return Iterator(base_t(x, POSITION(0))); } }; template< class E > struct customization< ATL::CAutoPtrList<E> > : indirected_list_functions { template< class X > struct meta { typedef ATL::CAutoPtr<E> val_t; typedef list_iterator<X, val_t> miter_t; typedef list_iterator<X const, val_t const> citer_t; typedef indirect_iterator<miter_t> mutable_iterator; typedef indirect_iterator<citer_t> const_iterator; }; }; template< class E, class Allocator > struct customization< ATL::CHeapPtrList<E, Allocator> > : indirected_list_functions { template< class X > struct meta { typedef ATL::CHeapPtr<E, Allocator> val_t; typedef list_iterator<X, val_t> miter_t; typedef list_iterator<X const, val_t const> citer_t; typedef indirect_iterator<miter_t> mutable_iterator; typedef indirect_iterator<citer_t> const_iterator; }; }; template< class I, const IID *piid > struct customization< ATL::CInterfaceList<I, piid> > : list_functions { template< class X > struct meta { typedef ATL::CComQIPtr<I, piid> val_t; typedef list_iterator<X, val_t> mutable_iterator; typedef list_iterator<X const, val_t const> const_iterator; }; }; // maps // struct atl_rb_tree_tag { }; template< > struct customization< atl_rb_tree_tag > : indirected_list_functions { template< class X > struct meta { typedef typename X::CPair val_t; typedef list_iterator<X, val_t *, val_t *> miter_t; typedef list_iterator<X const, val_t const *, val_t const *> citer_t; typedef indirect_iterator<miter_t> mutable_iterator; typedef indirect_iterator<citer_t> const_iterator; }; }; template< class K, class V, class KTraits, class VTraits > struct customization< ATL::CAtlMap<K, V, KTraits, VTraits> > : customization< atl_rb_tree_tag > { template< class Iterator, class X > Iterator begin(X& x) // redefine { typedef typename Iterator::base_type base_t; // == list_iterator return Iterator(base_t(x, x.GetStartPosition())); // no 'GetHeadPosition' } }; // strings // struct atl_string_tag { }; template< > struct customization< atl_string_tag > { template< class X > struct meta { typedef typename X::PXSTR mutable_iterator; typedef typename X::PCXSTR const_iterator; }; template< class Iterator, class X > typename mutable_<Iterator, X>::type begin(X& x) { return x.GetBuffer(0); } template< class Iterator, class X > Iterator begin(X const& x) { return x.GetString(); } template< class Iterator, class X > Iterator end(X& x) { return begin<Iterator>(x) + x.GetLength(); } }; template< class BaseType, const int t_nSize > struct customization< ATL::CStaticString<BaseType, t_nSize> > { template< class X > struct meta { typedef BaseType const *mutable_iterator; typedef mutable_iterator const_iterator; }; template< class Iterator, class X > Iterator begin(X const& x) { return x; } template< class Iterator, class X > Iterator end(X const& x) { return begin<Iterator>(x) + X::GetLength(); } }; #endif // !defined(BOOST_RANGE_ATL_NO_COLLECTIONS) template< > struct customization< ATL::CComBSTR > { template< class X > struct meta { typedef OLECHAR *mutable_iterator; typedef OLECHAR const *const_iterator; }; template< class Iterator, class X > Iterator begin(X& x) { return x.operator BSTR(); } template< class Iterator, class X > Iterator end(X& x) { return begin<Iterator>(x) + x.Length(); } }; // simples // #if !defined(BOOST_RANGE_ATL_HAS_OLD_CSIMPLE_XXX) template< class T, class TEqual > struct customization< ATL::CSimpleArray<T, TEqual> > : #else template< class T > struct customization< ATL::CSimpleArray<T> > : #endif array_functions { template< class X > struct meta { typedef T val_t; typedef val_t *mutable_iterator; typedef val_t const *const_iterator; }; }; #if defined(BOOST_RANGE_ATL_HAS_OLD_CSIMPLE_XXX) template< class T > struct customization< ATL::CSimpleValArray<T> > : array_functions { template< class X > struct meta { typedef T val_t; typedef val_t *mutable_iterator; typedef val_t const *const_iterator; }; }; #endif // defined(BOOST_RANGE_ATL_HAS_OLD_CSIMPLE_XXX) #if !defined(BOOST_RANGE_ATL_HAS_OLD_CSIMPLE_XXX) template< class TKey, class TVal, class TEqual > struct customization< ATL::CSimpleMap<TKey, TVal, TEqual> > #else template< class TKey, class TVal > struct customization< ATL::CSimpleMap<TKey, TVal> > #endif { template< class X > struct meta { typedef TKey k_val_t; typedef k_val_t *k_miter_t; typedef k_val_t const *k_citer_t; typedef TVal v_val_t; typedef v_val_t *v_miter_t; typedef v_val_t const *v_citer_t; // Topic: // 'std::pair' can't contain references // because of reference to reference problem. typedef zip_iterator< tuple<k_miter_t, v_miter_t> > mutable_iterator; typedef zip_iterator< tuple<k_citer_t, v_citer_t> > const_iterator; }; template< class Iterator, class X > Iterator begin(X& x) { return Iterator(boost::make_tuple(x.m_aKey, x.m_aVal)); } template< class Iterator, class X > Iterator end(X& x) { return Iterator(boost::make_tuple(x.m_aKey + x.GetSize(), x.m_aVal + x.GetSize())); } }; } } // namespace boost::range_detail_microsoft // range customizations // #if !defined(BOOST_RANGE_ATL_NO_COLLECTIONS) // arrays // BOOST_RANGE_DETAIL_MICROSOFT_CUSTOMIZATION_TEMPLATE( boost::range_detail_microsoft::using_type_as_tag, (ATL, BOOST_PP_NIL), CAtlArray, 2 ) BOOST_RANGE_DETAIL_MICROSOFT_CUSTOMIZATION_TEMPLATE( boost::range_detail_microsoft::using_type_as_tag, (ATL, BOOST_PP_NIL), CAutoPtrArray, 1 ) BOOST_RANGE_DETAIL_MICROSOFT_CUSTOMIZATION_TEMPLATE( boost::range_detail_microsoft::using_type_as_tag, (ATL, BOOST_PP_NIL), CInterfaceArray, (class)(const IID *) ) // lists // BOOST_RANGE_DETAIL_MICROSOFT_CUSTOMIZATION_TEMPLATE( boost::range_detail_microsoft::using_type_as_tag, (ATL, BOOST_PP_NIL), CAtlList, 2 ) BOOST_RANGE_DETAIL_MICROSOFT_CUSTOMIZATION_TEMPLATE( boost::range_detail_microsoft::using_type_as_tag, (ATL, BOOST_PP_NIL), CAutoPtrList, 1 ) BOOST_RANGE_DETAIL_MICROSOFT_CUSTOMIZATION_TEMPLATE( boost::range_detail_microsoft::using_type_as_tag, (ATL, BOOST_PP_NIL), CHeapPtrList, 2 ) BOOST_RANGE_DETAIL_MICROSOFT_CUSTOMIZATION_TEMPLATE( boost::range_detail_microsoft::using_type_as_tag, (ATL, BOOST_PP_NIL), CInterfaceList, (class)(const IID *) ) //maps // BOOST_RANGE_DETAIL_MICROSOFT_CUSTOMIZATION_TEMPLATE( boost::range_detail_microsoft::using_type_as_tag, (ATL, BOOST_PP_NIL), CAtlMap, 4 ) BOOST_RANGE_DETAIL_MICROSOFT_CUSTOMIZATION_TEMPLATE( boost::range_detail_microsoft::atl_rb_tree_tag, (ATL, BOOST_PP_NIL), CRBTree, 4 ) BOOST_RANGE_DETAIL_MICROSOFT_CUSTOMIZATION_TEMPLATE( boost::range_detail_microsoft::atl_rb_tree_tag, (ATL, BOOST_PP_NIL), CRBMap, 4 ) BOOST_RANGE_DETAIL_MICROSOFT_CUSTOMIZATION_TEMPLATE( boost::range_detail_microsoft::atl_rb_tree_tag, (ATL, BOOST_PP_NIL), CRBMultiMap, 4 ) // strings // #if !defined(BOOST_RANGE_ATL_HAS_OLD_CSIMPLESTRING) BOOST_RANGE_DETAIL_MICROSOFT_CUSTOMIZATION_TEMPLATE( boost::range_detail_microsoft::atl_string_tag, (ATL, BOOST_PP_NIL), CSimpleStringT, (class)(bool) ) #else BOOST_RANGE_DETAIL_MICROSOFT_CUSTOMIZATION_TEMPLATE( boost::range_detail_microsoft::atl_string_tag, (ATL, BOOST_PP_NIL), CSimpleStringT, 1 ) #endif BOOST_RANGE_DETAIL_MICROSOFT_CUSTOMIZATION_TEMPLATE( boost::range_detail_microsoft::atl_string_tag, (ATL, BOOST_PP_NIL), CStringT, 2 ) BOOST_RANGE_DETAIL_MICROSOFT_CUSTOMIZATION_TEMPLATE( boost::range_detail_microsoft::atl_string_tag, (ATL, BOOST_PP_NIL), CFixedStringT, (class)(int) ) BOOST_RANGE_DETAIL_MICROSOFT_CUSTOMIZATION_TEMPLATE( boost::range_detail_microsoft::using_type_as_tag, (ATL, BOOST_PP_NIL), CStaticString, (class)(const int) ) #endif // !defined(BOOST_RANGE_ATL_NO_COLLECTIONS) BOOST_RANGE_DETAIL_MICROSOFT_CUSTOMIZATION_TYPE( boost::range_detail_microsoft::using_type_as_tag, (ATL, BOOST_PP_NIL), CComBSTR ) // simples // #if !defined(BOOST_RANGE_ATL_HAS_OLD_CSIMPLE_XXX) BOOST_RANGE_DETAIL_MICROSOFT_CUSTOMIZATION_TEMPLATE( boost::range_detail_microsoft::using_type_as_tag, (ATL, BOOST_PP_NIL), CSimpleArray, 2 ) BOOST_RANGE_DETAIL_MICROSOFT_CUSTOMIZATION_TEMPLATE( boost::range_detail_microsoft::using_type_as_tag, (ATL, BOOST_PP_NIL), CSimpleMap, 3 ) #else BOOST_RANGE_DETAIL_MICROSOFT_CUSTOMIZATION_TEMPLATE( boost::range_detail_microsoft::using_type_as_tag, (ATL, BOOST_PP_NIL), CSimpleArray, 1 ) BOOST_RANGE_DETAIL_MICROSOFT_CUSTOMIZATION_TEMPLATE( boost::range_detail_microsoft::using_type_as_tag, (ATL, BOOST_PP_NIL), CSimpleMap, 2 ) BOOST_RANGE_DETAIL_MICROSOFT_CUSTOMIZATION_TEMPLATE( boost::range_detail_microsoft::using_type_as_tag, (ATL, BOOST_PP_NIL), CSimpleValArray, 1 ) #endif // !defined(BOOST_RANGE_ATL_HAS_OLD_CSIMPLE_XXX) #endif