import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import { dequal } from 'dequal'; import { Observable, Subscription } from 'rxjs'; import { Dispatch } from 'redux'; import { StackNavigationProp } from '@react-navigation/stack'; import * as HeaderButton from '../../containers/HeaderButton'; import database from '../../lib/database'; import { getUserSelector } from '../../selectors/login'; import { events, logEvent } from '../../utils/log'; import { isTeamRoom } from '../../utils/room'; import { IApplicationState, SubscriptionType, TMessageModel, TSubscriptionModel } from '../../definitions'; import { ChatsStackParamList } from '../../stacks/types'; import { withActionSheet } from '../../containers/ActionSheet'; import i18n from '../../i18n'; import { showConfirmationAlert, showErrorAlert } from '../../utils/info'; import { closeRoom } from '../../actions/room'; import RocketChat from '../../lib/rocketchat'; interface IRightButtonsProps { userId?: string; threadsEnabled: boolean; rid: string; t: string; tmid?: string; teamId?: string; isMasterDetail: boolean; toggleFollowThread: Function; joined: boolean; status?: string; dispatch: Dispatch; encrypted?: boolean; showActionSheet: Function; // TODO: Change to proper type transferLivechatGuestPermission: boolean; navigation: StackNavigationProp; } interface IRigthButtonsState { isFollowingThread: boolean; tunread: string[]; tunreadUser: string[]; tunreadGroup: string[]; canReturnQueue: boolean; canForwardGuest: boolean; } class RightButtonsContainer extends Component { private threadSubscription?: Subscription; private subSubscription?: Subscription; constructor(props: IRightButtonsProps) { super(props); this.state = { isFollowingThread: true, tunread: [], tunreadUser: [], tunreadGroup: [], canReturnQueue: false, canForwardGuest: false }; } async componentDidMount() { const { tmid, rid, t } = this.props; const db =; if (tmid) { try { const threadRecord = await db.get('messages').find(tmid); this.observeThread(threadRecord); } catch (e) { console.log("Can't find message to observe."); } } if (rid) { try { const subCollection = db.get('subscriptions'); const subRecord = await subCollection.find(rid); this.observeSubscription(subRecord); } catch (e) { console.log("Can't find subscription to observe."); } } if (t === 'l') { const canReturnQueue = await this.canReturnQueue(); const canForwardGuest = await this.canForwardGuest(); this.setState({ canReturnQueue, canForwardGuest }); } } componentDidUpdate(prevProps: IRightButtonsProps) { const { status } = this.props; if (prevProps.status !== status) { return false; } } shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps: IRightButtonsProps, nextState: IRigthButtonsState) { const { isFollowingThread, tunread, tunreadUser, tunreadGroup } = this.state; const { teamId, status, joined } = this.props; if (nextProps.teamId !== teamId) { return true; } if (nextProps.status !== status) { return true; } if (nextProps.joined !== joined) { return true; } if (nextState.isFollowingThread !== isFollowingThread) { return true; } if (!dequal(nextState.tunread, tunread)) { return true; } if (!dequal(nextState.tunreadUser, tunreadUser)) { return true; } if (!dequal(nextState.tunreadGroup, tunreadGroup)) { return true; } return false; } componentWillUnmount() { if (this.threadSubscription && this.threadSubscription.unsubscribe) { this.threadSubscription.unsubscribe(); } if (this.subSubscription && this.subSubscription.unsubscribe) { this.subSubscription.unsubscribe(); } } observeThread = (threadRecord: TMessageModel) => { const threadObservable: Observable = threadRecord.observe(); this.threadSubscription = threadObservable.subscribe(thread => this.updateThread(thread)); }; updateThread = (thread: TMessageModel) => { const { userId } = this.props; this.setState({ isFollowingThread: (thread.replies && !!thread.replies.find(t => t === userId)) ?? false }); }; observeSubscription = (subRecord: TSubscriptionModel) => { const subObservable = subRecord.observe(); this.subSubscription = subObservable.subscribe(sub => { this.updateSubscription(sub); }); }; updateSubscription = (sub: TSubscriptionModel) => { this.setState({ tunread: sub?.tunread ?? [], tunreadUser: sub?.tunreadUser ?? [], tunreadGroup: sub?.tunreadGroup ?? [] }); }; goTeamChannels = () => { logEvent(events.ROOM_GO_TEAM_CHANNELS); const { navigation, isMasterDetail, teamId } = this.props; if (!teamId) { return; } if (isMasterDetail) { // @ts-ignore TODO: find a way to make this work navigation.navigate('ModalStackNavigator', { screen: 'TeamChannelsView', params: { teamId } }); } else { navigation.navigate('TeamChannelsView', { teamId }); } }; goThreadsView = () => { logEvent(events.ROOM_GO_THREADS); const { rid, t, navigation, isMasterDetail } = this.props; if (!rid) { return; } if (isMasterDetail) { // @ts-ignore TODO: find a way to make this work navigation.navigate('ModalStackNavigator', { screen: 'ThreadMessagesView', params: { rid, t } }); } else { navigation.navigate('ThreadMessagesView', { rid, t: t as SubscriptionType }); } }; canForwardGuest = async () => { const { transferLivechatGuestPermission, rid } = this.props; const permissions = await RocketChat.hasPermission([transferLivechatGuestPermission], rid); return permissions[0]; }; canReturnQueue = async () => { try { const { returnQueue } = await RocketChat.getRoutingConfig(); return returnQueue; } catch { return false; } }; returnLivechat = () => { const { rid } = this.props; showConfirmationAlert({ message: i18n.t('Would_you_like_to_return_the_inquiry'), confirmationText: i18n.t('Yes'), onPress: async () => { try { await RocketChat.returnLivechat(rid); } catch (e: any) { showErrorAlert(e.reason, i18n.t('Oops')); } } }); }; closeLivechat = () => { const { dispatch, rid } = this.props; dispatch(closeRoom(rid)); }; showMoreActions = () => { logEvent(events.ROOM_SHOW_MORE_ACTIONS); const { showActionSheet, rid, navigation } = this.props; const { canReturnQueue, canForwardGuest } = this.state; const options = [ canForwardGuest && { title: i18n.t('Forward_Chat'), icon: 'chat-forward', onPress: () => navigation.navigate('ForwardLivechatView', { rid }) }, canReturnQueue && { title: i18n.t('Return_to_waiting_line'), icon: 'move-to-the-queue', onPress: () => this.returnLivechat() }, { title: i18n.t('Close'), icon: 'chat-close', onPress: () => this.closeLivechat(), danger: true } ]; showActionSheet({ options }); }; goSearchView = () => { logEvent(events.ROOM_GO_SEARCH); const { rid, t, navigation, isMasterDetail, encrypted } = this.props; if (!rid) { return; } if (isMasterDetail) { // @ts-ignore TODO: find a way to make this work navigation.navigate('ModalStackNavigator', { screen: 'SearchMessagesView', params: { rid, showCloseModal: true, encrypted } }); } else { navigation.navigate('SearchMessagesView', { rid, t: t as SubscriptionType, encrypted }); } }; toggleFollowThread = () => { logEvent(events.ROOM_TOGGLE_FOLLOW_THREADS); const { isFollowingThread } = this.state; const { toggleFollowThread } = this.props; if (toggleFollowThread) { toggleFollowThread(isFollowingThread); } }; render() { const { isFollowingThread, tunread, tunreadUser, tunreadGroup } = this.state; const { t, tmid, threadsEnabled, teamId, joined, status } = this.props; const isOmnichannelPreview = joined && status !== 'queued'; if (t === 'l') { if (isOmnichannelPreview) { return ( ); } return null; } if (tmid) { return ( ); } return ( {isTeamRoom({ teamId, joined }) ? ( ) : null} {threadsEnabled ? ( } /> ) : null} ); } } const mapStateToProps = (state: IApplicationState) => ({ userId: getUserSelector(state).id, threadsEnabled: state.settings.Threads_enabled as boolean, isMasterDetail:, transferLivechatGuestPermission: state.permissions['transfer-livechat-guest'] }); export default connect(mapStateToProps)(withActionSheet(RightButtonsContainer));