import React from 'react';
import { ScrollView } from 'react-native';

import { longText } from '../../../../.storybook/utils';
import { ThemeContext, TSupportedThemes } from '../../../theme';
import { Message } from '../../../containers/message/Message.stories';
import { MessageTypeLoad, themes } from '../../../lib/constants';
import LoadMoreComponent from '.';

export default {
	title: 'RoomView/LoadMore'

const load = () => new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, 1000));

const LoadMore = ({ ...props }) => <LoadMoreComponent type={MessageTypeLoad.MORE} load={load} runOnRender={false} {...props} />;

export const Basic = () => (
		<LoadMore />
		<LoadMore runOnRender />
		<LoadMore type={MessageTypeLoad.PREVIOUS_CHUNK} />
		<LoadMore type={MessageTypeLoad.NEXT_CHUNK} />

const ThemeStory = ({ theme }: { theme: TSupportedThemes }) => (
	<ThemeContext.Provider value={{ theme, colors: themes[theme] }}>
		<ScrollView style={{ backgroundColor: themes[theme].backgroundColor }}>
			<LoadMore type={MessageTypeLoad.PREVIOUS_CHUNK} />
			<Message msg='Hey!' theme={theme} />
			<Message msg={longText} theme={theme} isHeader={false} />
			<Message msg='Older message' theme={theme} isHeader={false} />
			<LoadMore type={MessageTypeLoad.NEXT_CHUNK} />
			<LoadMore type={MessageTypeLoad.MORE} />
			<Message msg={longText} theme={theme} />
			<Message msg='This is the third message' isHeader={false} theme={theme} />
			<Message msg='This is the second message' isHeader={false} theme={theme} />
			<Message msg='This is the first message' theme={theme} />

export const LightTheme = () => <ThemeStory theme='light' />;

export const DarkTheme = () => <ThemeStory theme='dark' />;

export const BlackTheme = () => <ThemeStory theme='black' />;