import React, { useRef, useState, useEffect, forwardRef, useImperativeHandle, useCallback, isValidElement } from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { Keyboard, Text } from 'react-native'; import { useSafeAreaInsets } from 'react-native-safe-area-context'; import { TapGestureHandler, State } from 'react-native-gesture-handler'; import ScrollBottomSheet from 'react-native-scroll-bottom-sheet'; import Animated, { Extrapolate, interpolate, Value, Easing } from 'react-native-reanimated'; import * as Haptics from 'expo-haptics'; import { useBackHandler } from '@react-native-community/hooks'; import { Item } from './Item'; import { Handle } from './Handle'; import { Button } from './Button'; import { themes } from '../../constants/colors'; import styles, { ITEM_HEIGHT } from './styles'; import { isTablet, isIOS } from '../../utils/deviceInfo'; import * as List from '../List'; import I18n from '../../i18n'; import { useOrientation, useDimensions } from '../../dimensions'; const getItemLayout = (data, index) => ({ length: ITEM_HEIGHT, offset: ITEM_HEIGHT * index, index }); const HANDLE_HEIGHT = isIOS ? 40 : 56; const MAX_SNAP_HEIGHT = 16; const CANCEL_HEIGHT = 64; const ANIMATION_DURATION = 250; const ANIMATION_CONFIG = { duration: ANIMATION_DURATION, // easing: Easing.bezier(0.645, 0.045, 0.355, 1.0) }; const ActionSheet = React.memo(forwardRef(({ children, theme }, ref) => { const bottomSheetRef = useRef(); const [data, setData] = useState({}); const [isVisible, setVisible] = useState(false); const { height } = useDimensions(); const { isLandscape } = useOrientation(); const insets = useSafeAreaInsets(); const maxSnap = Math.max( ( height // Items height - (ITEM_HEIGHT * (data?.options?.length || 0)) // Handle height - HANDLE_HEIGHT // Custom header height - (data?.headerHeight || 0) // Insets bottom height (Notch devices) - insets.bottom // Cancel button height - (data?.hasCancel ? CANCEL_HEIGHT : 0) ), MAX_SNAP_HEIGHT ); /* * if the action sheet cover more * than 60% of the whole screen * and it's not at the landscape mode * we'll provide more one snap * that point 50% of the whole screen */ const snaps = (height - maxSnap > height * 0.6) && !isLandscape ? [maxSnap, height * 0.5, height] : [maxSnap, height]; const openedSnapIndex = snaps.length > 2 ? 1 : 0; const closedSnapIndex = snaps.length - 1; const toggleVisible = () => setVisible(!isVisible); const hide = () => { bottomSheetRef.current?.snapTo(closedSnapIndex); }; const show = (options) => { setData(options); toggleVisible(); }; const onBackdropPressed = ({ nativeEvent }) => { if (nativeEvent.oldState === State.ACTIVE) { hide(); } }; useBackHandler(() => { if (isVisible) { hide(); } return isVisible; }); useEffect(() => { if (isVisible) { Keyboard.dismiss(); Haptics.impactAsync(Haptics.ImpactFeedbackStyle.Light); bottomSheetRef.current?.snapTo(openedSnapIndex); } }, [isVisible]); // Hides action sheet when orientation changes useEffect(() => { setVisible(false); }, [isLandscape]); useImperativeHandle(ref, () => ({ showActionSheet: show, hideActionSheet: hide })); const renderHandle = useCallback(() => ( <> <Handle theme={theme} /> {isValidElement(data?.customHeader) ? data.customHeader : null} </> )); const renderFooter = useCallback(() => (data?.hasCancel ? ( <Button onPress={hide} style={[styles.button, { backgroundColor: themes[theme].auxiliaryBackground }]} theme={theme} > <Text style={[styles.text, { color: themes[theme].bodyText }]}> {I18n.t('Cancel')} </Text> </Button> ) : null)); const renderItem = useCallback(({ item }) => <Item item={item} hide={hide} theme={theme} />); const animatedPosition = React.useRef(new Value(0)); const opacity = interpolate(animatedPosition.current, { inputRange: [0, 1], outputRange: [0, 0.7], extrapolate: Extrapolate.CLAMP }); return ( <> {children} {isVisible && ( <> <TapGestureHandler onHandlerStateChange={onBackdropPressed}> <Animated.View testID='action-sheet-backdrop' style={[ styles.backdrop, { backgroundColor: themes[theme].backdropColor, opacity } ]} /> </TapGestureHandler> <ScrollBottomSheet testID='action-sheet' ref={bottomSheetRef} componentType='FlatList' snapPoints={snaps} initialSnapIndex={closedSnapIndex} renderHandle={renderHandle} onSettle={index => (index === closedSnapIndex) && toggleVisible()} animatedPosition={animatedPosition.current} containerStyle={[ styles.container, { backgroundColor: themes[theme].focusedBackground }, (isLandscape || isTablet) && styles.bottomSheet ]} animationConfig={ANIMATION_CONFIG} // FlatList props data={data?.options} renderItem={renderItem} keyExtractor={item => item.title} style={{ backgroundColor: themes[theme].focusedBackground }} contentContainerStyle={styles.content} ItemSeparatorComponent={List.Separator} ListHeaderComponent={List.Separator} ListFooterComponent={renderFooter} getItemLayout={getItemLayout} removeClippedSubviews={isIOS} /> </> )} </> ); })); ActionSheet.propTypes = { children: PropTypes.node, theme: PropTypes.string }; export default ActionSheet;