const { device, expect, element, by, waitFor } = require('detox'); const { navigateToRegister, navigateToLogin } = require('../../helpers/app'); const { prepareAndroid } = require('../../helpers/platformFunctions'); describe('Legal screen', () => { describe('From Login', () => { before(async() => { await device.launchApp({ permissions: { notifications: 'YES' }, delete: true }); await prepareAndroid(); await navigateToLogin(); }); it('should have legal button on login', async() => { await waitFor(element('login-view-more'))).toBeVisible().withTimeout(60000); }); it('should navigate to legal from login', async() => { await expect(element('login-view-more'))).toBeVisible(); await element('login-view-more')).tap(); await waitFor(element('legal-view'))).toBeVisible().withTimeout(4000) }); }); describe('From Register', () => { before(async() => { await device.launchApp({ permissions: { notifications: 'YES' }, delete: true }); await navigateToRegister(); }); it('should have legal button on register', async() => { await waitFor(element('register-view-more'))).toBeVisible().withTimeout(60000); }); it('should navigate to legal from register', async() => { await expect(element('register-view-more'))).toBeVisible(); await element('register-view-more')).tap(); await waitFor(element('legal-view'))).toBeVisible().withTimeout(4000); }); it('should have terms of service button', async() => { await expect(element('legal-terms-button'))).toBeVisible(); }); it('should have privacy policy button', async() => { await expect(element('legal-privacy-button'))).toBeVisible(); }); // We can't simulate how webview behaves, so I had to disable :( /* it('should navigate to terms', async() => { await element('legal-terms-button')).tap(); await waitFor(element('terms-view'))).toBeVisible().withTimeout(2000); await expect(element('terms-view'))).toBeVisible(); }); it('should navigate to privacy', async() => { await tapBack(); await element('legal-privacy-button')).tap(); await waitFor(element('privacy-view'))).toBeVisible().withTimeout(2000); await expect(element('privacy-view'))).toBeVisible(); }); */ }); });