import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react'; import { FlatList } from 'react-native'; import { RouteProp } from '@react-navigation/native'; import { StackNavigationOptions, StackNavigationProp } from '@react-navigation/stack'; import { HeaderBackButton } from '@react-navigation/elements'; import database from '../../lib/database'; import I18n from '../../i18n'; import SafeAreaView from '../../containers/SafeAreaView'; import StatusBar from '../../containers/StatusBar'; import ActivityIndicator from '../../containers/ActivityIndicator'; import SearchHeader from '../../containers/SearchHeader'; import BackgroundContainer from '../../containers/BackgroundContainer'; import { useTheme } from '../../theme'; import { goRoom } from '../../lib/methods/helpers/goRoom'; import * as HeaderButton from '../../containers/HeaderButton'; import * as List from '../../containers/List'; import { themes } from '../../lib/constants'; import log from '../../lib/methods/helpers/log'; import CannedResponseItem from './CannedResponseItem'; import Dropdown from './Dropdown'; import DropdownItemHeader from './Dropdown/DropdownItemHeader'; import styles from './styles'; import { ICannedResponse } from '../../definitions/ICannedResponse'; import { ChatsStackParamList } from '../../stacks/types'; import { useDebounce } from '../../lib/methods/helpers'; import { Services } from '../../lib/services'; import { ILivechatDepartment } from '../../definitions/ILivechatDepartment'; import { useAppSelector } from '../../lib/hooks'; import { ISubscription } from '../../definitions'; const COUNT = 25; const fixedScopes = [ { _id: 'all', name: I18n.t('All') }, { _id: 'global', name: I18n.t('Public') }, { _id: 'user', name: I18n.t('Private') } ] as ILivechatDepartment[]; interface ICannedResponsesListViewProps { navigation: StackNavigationProp<ChatsStackParamList, 'CannedResponsesListView'>; route: RouteProp<ChatsStackParamList, 'CannedResponsesListView'>; } const CannedResponsesListView = ({ navigation, route }: ICannedResponsesListViewProps): JSX.Element => { const [room, setRoom] = useState<ISubscription | null>(null); const [cannedResponses, setCannedResponses] = useState<ICannedResponse[]>([]); const [cannedResponsesScopeName, setCannedResponsesScopeName] = useState<ICannedResponse[]>([]); const [departments, setDepartments] = useState<ILivechatDepartment[]>([]); // states used by the filter in Header and Dropdown const [isSearching, setIsSearching] = useState(false); const [currentDepartment, setCurrentDepartment] = useState(fixedScopes[0]); const [showFilterDropdown, setShowFilterDropDown] = useState(false); // states used to do a fetch by onChangeText, onDepartmentSelect and onEndReached const [searchText, setSearchText] = useState(''); const [scope, setScope] = useState(''); const [departmentId, setDepartmentId] = useState(''); const [loading, setLoading] = useState(true); const [offset, setOffset] = useState(0); const { theme } = useTheme(); const isMasterDetail = useAppSelector(state =>; const getRoomFromDb = async () => { const { rid } = route.params; const db =; const subsCollection = db.get('subscriptions'); try { const r = await subsCollection.find(rid); setRoom(r); } catch (error) { console.log('CannedResponsesListView: Room not found'); log(error); } }; const getDepartments = useDebounce(async () => { try { const res = await Services.getDepartments(); if (res.success) { setDepartments([...fixedScopes, ...(res.departments as ILivechatDepartment[])]); } } catch (e) { setDepartments(fixedScopes); log(e); } }, 300); const goToDetail = (item: ICannedResponse) => { if (room) { navigation.navigate('CannedResponseDetail', { cannedResponse: item, room }); } }; const navigateToRoom = (item: ICannedResponse) => { if (room?.rid) { goRoom({ item: room, isMasterDetail, popToRoot: true, usedCannedResponse: item.text }); } }; const getListCannedResponse = async ({ text, department, depId, debounced }: { text: string; department: string; depId: string; debounced: boolean; }) => { try { const res = await Services.getListCannedResponse({ text, offset, count: COUNT, departmentId: depId, scope: department }); if (res.success) { // search with changes on text or scope are debounced // the begin result and pagination aren't debounced setCannedResponses(prevCanned => (debounced ? res.cannedResponses : [...prevCanned, ...res.cannedResponses])); setLoading(false); setOffset(prevOffset => prevOffset + COUNT); } } catch (e) { log(e); } }; useEffect(() => { if (departments.length > 0) { const newCannedResponses = => { let scopeName = ''; if (cr?.departmentId) { scopeName = departments.filter(dep => dep._id === cr.departmentId)[0]?.name || 'Department'; } else { scopeName = departments.filter(dep => dep._id === cr.scope)[0]?.name; } cr.scopeName = scopeName; return cr; }); setCannedResponsesScopeName(newCannedResponses); } }, [departments, cannedResponses]); const searchCallback = useDebounce(async (text = '', department = '', depId = '') => { await getListCannedResponse({ text, department, depId, debounced: true }); }, 1000); useEffect(() => { getRoomFromDb(); getDepartments(); getListCannedResponse({ text: '', department: '', depId: '', debounced: false }); }, []); const newSearch = () => { setCannedResponses([]); setLoading(true); setOffset(0); }; const onChangeText = (text: string) => { newSearch(); setSearchText(text); searchCallback(text, scope, departmentId); }; const onDepartmentSelect = (value: ILivechatDepartment) => { let department = ''; let depId = ''; if (value._id === fixedScopes[0]._id) { department = ''; } else if (value._id === fixedScopes[1]._id) { department = 'global'; } else if (value._id === fixedScopes[2]._id) { department = 'user'; } else { department = 'department'; depId = value._id; } newSearch(); setCurrentDepartment(value); setScope(department); setDepartmentId(depId); setShowFilterDropDown(false); searchCallback(searchText, department, depId); }; const onEndReached = async () => { if (cannedResponses.length < offset || loading) { return; } setLoading(true); await getListCannedResponse({ text: searchText, department: scope, depId: departmentId, debounced: false }); }; const getHeader = (): StackNavigationOptions => { if (isSearching) { return { headerTitleAlign: 'left', headerTitleContainerStyle: { flex: 1, marginHorizontal: 0, marginRight: 15, maxWidth: undefined }, headerRightContainerStyle: { flexGrow: 0 }, headerLeft: () => ( <HeaderButton.Container left> <HeaderButton.Item iconName='close' onPress={() => { onChangeText(''); setIsSearching(false); }} /> </HeaderButton.Container> ), headerTitle: () => <SearchHeader onSearchChangeText={onChangeText} testID='team-channels-view-search-header' />, headerRight: () => null }; } const options: StackNavigationOptions = { headerTitleAlign: undefined, headerTitle: I18n.t('Canned_Responses'), headerTitleContainerStyle: { maxWidth: undefined }, headerRightContainerStyle: { flexGrow: 1 }, headerLeft: () => ( <HeaderBackButton labelVisible={false} onPress={() => navigation.pop()} tintColor={themes[theme].headerTintColor} testID='header-back' /> ), headerRight: () => ( <HeaderButton.Container> <HeaderButton.Item iconName='search' onPress={() => setIsSearching(true)} /> </HeaderButton.Container> ) }; if (isMasterDetail) { options.headerLeft = () => <HeaderButton.CloseModal navigation={navigation} />; } return options; }; const setHeader = () => { const options = getHeader(); navigation.setOptions(options); }; useEffect(() => { setHeader(); }, [isSearching]); const showDropdown = () => { if (isSearching) { setSearchText(''); setIsSearching(false); } setShowFilterDropDown(true); }; const renderFlatListHeader = () => { if (!departments.length) { return null; } return ( <> <DropdownItemHeader department={currentDepartment} onPress={showDropdown} /> <List.Separator /> </> ); }; const renderContent = () => { if (!cannedResponsesScopeName.length && !loading) { return ( <> {renderFlatListHeader()} <BackgroundContainer text={I18n.t('No_canned_responses')} /> </> ); } return ( <FlatList data={cannedResponsesScopeName} extraData={cannedResponsesScopeName} style={[styles.list, { backgroundColor: themes[theme].backgroundColor }]} renderItem={({ item }) => ( <CannedResponseItem theme={theme} scope={item.scopeName} shortcut={item.shortcut} tags={item?.tags} text={item.text} onPressDetail={() => goToDetail(item)} onPressUse={() => navigateToRoom(item)} /> )} keyExtractor={item => item._id || item.shortcut} ListHeaderComponent={renderFlatListHeader} stickyHeaderIndices={[0]} onEndReached={onEndReached} onEndReachedThreshold={0.5} ItemSeparatorComponent={List.Separator} ListFooterComponent={loading ? <ActivityIndicator /> : null} /> ); }; return ( <SafeAreaView> <StatusBar /> {renderContent()} {showFilterDropdown ? ( <Dropdown departments={departments} currentDepartment={currentDepartment} onDepartmentSelected={onDepartmentSelect} onClose={() => setShowFilterDropDown(false)} /> ) : null} </SafeAreaView> ); }; export default CannedResponsesListView;