/* * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #pragma once #include <algorithm> #include <atomic> #include <cassert> #include <chrono> #include <thread> #include <utility> #include <folly/Optional.h> #include <folly/Traits.h> #include <folly/detail/AsyncTrace.h> #include <folly/executors/ExecutorWithPriority.h> #include <folly/executors/GlobalExecutor.h> #include <folly/executors/InlineExecutor.h> #include <folly/executors/QueuedImmediateExecutor.h> #include <folly/futures/detail/Core.h> #include <folly/synchronization/Baton.h> #if FOLLY_FUTURE_USING_FIBER #include <folly/fibers/Baton.h> #endif namespace folly { class Timekeeper; namespace futures { namespace detail { #if FOLLY_FUTURE_USING_FIBER typedef folly::fibers::Baton FutureBatonType; #else typedef folly::Baton<> FutureBatonType; #endif } // namespace detail } // namespace futures namespace detail { std::shared_ptr<Timekeeper> getTimekeeperSingleton(); } // namespace detail namespace futures { namespace detail { // InvokeResultWrapper and wrapInvoke enable wrapping a result value in its // nearest Future-type counterpart capable of also carrying an exception. // e.g. // (semi)Future<T> -> (semi)Future<T> (no change) // Try<T> -> Try<T> (no change) // void -> Try<folly::Unit> // T -> Try<T> template <typename T> struct InvokeResultWrapperBase { template <typename F> static T wrapResult(F fn) { return T(fn()); } static T wrapException(exception_wrapper&& e) { return T(std::move(e)); } }; template <typename T> struct InvokeResultWrapper : InvokeResultWrapperBase<Try<T>> {}; template <typename T> struct InvokeResultWrapper<Try<T>> : InvokeResultWrapperBase<Try<T>> {}; template <typename T> struct InvokeResultWrapper<SemiFuture<T>> : InvokeResultWrapperBase<SemiFuture<T>> {}; template <typename T> struct InvokeResultWrapper<Future<T>> : InvokeResultWrapperBase<Future<T>> {}; template <> struct InvokeResultWrapper<void> : InvokeResultWrapperBase<Try<Unit>> { template <typename F> static Try<Unit> wrapResult(F fn) { fn(); return Try<Unit>(unit); } }; template <typename T, typename F> auto wrapInvoke(folly::Try<T>&& t, F&& f) { auto fn = [&]() { return std::forward<F>(f)( t.template get< false, typename futures::detail::valueCallableResult<T, F>::FirstArg>()); }; using FnResult = decltype(fn()); using Wrapper = InvokeResultWrapper<FnResult>; if (t.hasException()) { return Wrapper::wrapException(std::move(t).exception()); } return Wrapper::wrapResult(fn); } // Guarantees that the stored functor is destructed before the stored promise // may be fulfilled. Assumes the stored functor to be noexcept-destructible. template <typename T, typename F> class CoreCallbackState { using DF = std::decay_t<F>; public: CoreCallbackState(Promise<T>&& promise, F&& func) noexcept( noexcept(DF(std::declval<F&&>()))) : func_(std::forward<F>(func)), promise_(std::move(promise)) { assert(before_barrier()); } CoreCallbackState(CoreCallbackState&& that) noexcept( noexcept(DF(std::declval<F&&>()))) { if (that.before_barrier()) { new (&func_) DF(std::forward<F>(that.func_)); promise_ = that.stealPromise(); } } CoreCallbackState& operator=(CoreCallbackState&&) = delete; ~CoreCallbackState() { if (before_barrier()) { stealPromise(); } } template <typename... Args> auto invoke(Args&&... args) noexcept( noexcept(std::declval<F&&>()(std::declval<Args&&>()...))) { assert(before_barrier()); return std::forward<F>(func_)(std::forward<Args>(args)...); } template <typename... Args> auto tryInvoke(Args&&... args) noexcept { return makeTryWith([&] { return invoke(std::forward<Args>(args)...); }); } void setTry(Executor::KeepAlive<>&& keepAlive, Try<T>&& t) { stealPromise().setTry(std::move(keepAlive), std::move(t)); } void setException(Executor::KeepAlive<>&& keepAlive, exception_wrapper&& ew) { setTry(std::move(keepAlive), Try<T>(std::move(ew))); } Promise<T> stealPromise() noexcept { assert(before_barrier()); func_.~DF(); return std::move(promise_); } private: bool before_barrier() const noexcept { return !promise_.isFulfilled(); } union { DF func_; }; Promise<T> promise_{Promise<T>::makeEmpty()}; }; template <typename T, typename F> auto makeCoreCallbackState(Promise<T>&& p, F&& f) noexcept( noexcept(CoreCallbackState<T, F>( std::declval<Promise<T>&&>(), std::declval<F&&>()))) { return CoreCallbackState<T, F>(std::move(p), std::forward<F>(f)); } template <typename T, typename R, typename... Args> auto makeCoreCallbackState(Promise<T>&& p, R (&f)(Args...)) noexcept { return CoreCallbackState<T, R (*)(Args...)>(std::move(p), &f); } template <class T> FutureBase<T>::FutureBase(SemiFuture<T>&& other) noexcept : core_(other.core_) { other.core_ = nullptr; } template <class T> FutureBase<T>::FutureBase(Future<T>&& other) noexcept : core_(other.core_) { other.core_ = nullptr; } template <class T> template <class T2, typename> FutureBase<T>::FutureBase(T2&& val) : core_(Core::make(Try<T>(std::forward<T2>(val)))) {} template <class T> template <typename T2> FutureBase<T>::FutureBase( typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<Unit, T2>::value>::type*) : core_(Core::make(Try<T>(T()))) {} template <class T> void FutureBase<T>::assign(FutureBase<T>&& other) noexcept { detach(); core_ = std::exchange(other.core_, nullptr); } template <class T> FutureBase<T>::~FutureBase() { detach(); } template <class T> T& FutureBase<T>::value() & { return result().value(); } template <class T> T const& FutureBase<T>::value() const& { return result().value(); } template <class T> T&& FutureBase<T>::value() && { return std::move(result().value()); } template <class T> T const&& FutureBase<T>::value() const&& { return std::move(result().value()); } template <class T> Try<T>& FutureBase<T>::result() & { return getCoreTryChecked(); } template <class T> Try<T> const& FutureBase<T>::result() const& { return getCoreTryChecked(); } template <class T> Try<T>&& FutureBase<T>::result() && { return std::move(getCoreTryChecked()); } template <class T> Try<T> const&& FutureBase<T>::result() const&& { return std::move(getCoreTryChecked()); } template <class T> bool FutureBase<T>::isReady() const { return getCore().hasResult(); } template <class T> bool FutureBase<T>::hasValue() const { return result().hasValue(); } template <class T> bool FutureBase<T>::hasException() const { return result().hasException(); } template <class T> void FutureBase<T>::detach() { if (core_) { core_->detachFuture(); core_ = nullptr; } } template <class T> void FutureBase<T>::throwIfInvalid() const { if (!core_) { throw_exception<FutureInvalid>(); } } template <class T> void FutureBase<T>::throwIfContinued() const { if (!core_ || core_->hasCallback()) { throw_exception<FutureAlreadyContinued>(); } } template <class T> Optional<Try<T>> FutureBase<T>::poll() { auto& core = getCore(); return core.hasResult() ? Optional<Try<T>>(std::move(core.getTry())) : Optional<Try<T>>(); } template <class T> void FutureBase<T>::raise(exception_wrapper exception) { getCore().raise(std::move(exception)); } template <class T> void FutureBase<T>::setCallback_( CoreCallback&& func, futures::detail::InlineContinuation allowInline) { throwIfContinued(); getCore().setCallback( std::move(func), RequestContext::saveContext(), allowInline); } template <class T> FutureBase<T>::FutureBase(futures::detail::EmptyConstruct) noexcept : core_(nullptr) {} // MSVC 2017 Update 7 released with a bug that causes issues expanding to an // empty parameter pack when invoking a templated member function. It should // be fixed for MSVC 2017 Update 8. // TODO: Remove. namespace detail_msvc_15_7_workaround { template <typename R, std::size_t S> using IfArgsSizeIs = std::enable_if_t<R::Arg::ArgsSize::value == S, int>; template <typename R, typename State, typename T, IfArgsSizeIs<R, 0> = 0> decltype(auto) invoke(R, State& state, Executor::KeepAlive<>&&, Try<T>&& /* t */) { return state.invoke(); } template <typename R, typename State, typename T, IfArgsSizeIs<R, 2> = 0> decltype(auto) invoke(R, State& state, Executor::KeepAlive<>&& ka, Try<T>&& t) { using Arg1 = typename R::Arg::ArgList::Tail::FirstArg; return state.invoke( std::move(ka), std::move(t).template get<R::Arg::isTry(), Arg1>()); } template <typename R, typename State, typename T, IfArgsSizeIs<R, 0> = 0> decltype(auto) tryInvoke(R, State& state, Executor::KeepAlive<>&&, Try<T>&& /* t */) { return state.tryInvoke(); } template <typename R, typename State, typename T, IfArgsSizeIs<R, 2> = 0> decltype(auto) tryInvoke(R, State& state, Executor::KeepAlive<>&& ka, Try<T>&& t) { using Arg1 = typename R::Arg::ArgList::Tail::FirstArg; return state.tryInvoke( std::move(ka), std::move(t).template get<R::Arg::isTry(), Arg1>()); } } // namespace detail_msvc_15_7_workaround // then // Variant: returns a value // e.g. f.then([](Try<T>&& t){ return t.value(); }); template <class T> template <typename F, typename R> typename std::enable_if<!R::ReturnsFuture::value, typename R::Return>::type FutureBase<T>::thenImplementation( F&& func, R, futures::detail::InlineContinuation allowInline) { static_assert(R::Arg::ArgsSize::value == 2, "Then must take two arguments"); typedef typename R::ReturnsFuture::Inner B; Promise<B> p; p.core_->setInterruptHandlerNoLock(this->getCore().getInterruptHandler()); // grab the Future now before we lose our handle on the Promise auto sf = p.getSemiFuture(); sf.setExecutor(folly::Executor::KeepAlive<>{this->getExecutor()}); auto f = Future<B>(sf.core_); sf.core_ = nullptr; /* This is a bit tricky. We can't just close over *this in case this Future gets moved. So we make a new dummy Future. We could figure out something more sophisticated that avoids making a new Future object when it can, as an optimization. But this is correct. core_ can't be moved, it is explicitly disallowed (as is copying). But if there's ever a reason to allow it, this is one place that makes that assumption and would need to be fixed. We use a standard shared pointer for core_ (by copying it in), which means in essence obj holds a shared pointer to itself. But this shouldn't leak because Promise will not outlive the continuation, because Promise will setException() with a broken Promise if it is destructed before completed. We could use a weak pointer but it would have to be converted to a shared pointer when func is executed (because the Future returned by func may possibly persist beyond the callback, if it gets moved), and so it is an optimization to just make it shared from the get-go. Two subtle but important points about this design. futures::detail::Core has no back pointers to Future or Promise, so if Future or Promise get moved (and they will be moved in performant code) we don't have to do anything fancy. And because we store the continuation in the futures::detail::Core, not in the Future, we can execute the continuation even after the Future has gone out of scope. This is an intentional design decision. It is likely we will want to be able to cancel a continuation in some circumstances, but I think it should be explicit not implicit in the destruction of the Future used to create it. */ this->setCallback_( [state = futures::detail::makeCoreCallbackState( std::move(p), std::forward<F>(func))]( Executor::KeepAlive<>&& ka, Try<T>&& t) mutable { if (!R::Arg::isTry() && t.hasException()) { state.setException(std::move(ka), std::move(t.exception())); } else { auto propagateKA = ka.copy(); state.setTry(std::move(propagateKA), makeTryWith([&] { return detail_msvc_15_7_workaround::invoke( R{}, state, std::move(ka), std::move(t)); })); } }, allowInline); return f; } // Pass through a simple future as it needs no deferral adaptation template <class T> Future<T> chainExecutor(Executor::KeepAlive<>, Future<T>&& f) { return std::move(f); } // Correctly chain a SemiFuture for deferral template <class T> Future<T> chainExecutor(Executor::KeepAlive<> e, SemiFuture<T>&& f) { if (!e) { e = folly::getKeepAliveToken(InlineExecutor::instance()); } return std::move(f).via(e); } // Variant: returns a Future // e.g. f.then([](T&& t){ return makeFuture<T>(t); }); template <class T> template <typename F, typename R> typename std::enable_if<R::ReturnsFuture::value, typename R::Return>::type FutureBase<T>::thenImplementation( F&& func, R, futures::detail::InlineContinuation allowInline) { static_assert(R::Arg::ArgsSize::value == 2, "Then must take two arguments"); typedef typename R::ReturnsFuture::Inner B; Promise<B> p; p.core_->setInterruptHandlerNoLock(this->getCore().getInterruptHandler()); // grab the Future now before we lose our handle on the Promise auto sf = p.getSemiFuture(); auto e = getKeepAliveToken(this->getExecutor()); sf.setExecutor(std::move(e)); auto f = Future<B>(sf.core_); sf.core_ = nullptr; this->setCallback_( [state = futures::detail::makeCoreCallbackState( std::move(p), std::forward<F>(func))]( Executor::KeepAlive<>&& ka, Try<T>&& t) mutable { if (!R::Arg::isTry() && t.hasException()) { state.setException(std::move(ka), std::move(t.exception())); } else { // Ensure that if function returned a SemiFuture we correctly chain // potential deferral. auto tf2 = detail_msvc_15_7_workaround::tryInvoke( R{}, state, ka.copy(), std::move(t)); if (tf2.hasException()) { state.setException(std::move(ka), std::move(tf2.exception())); } else { auto statePromise = state.stealPromise(); auto tf3 = chainExecutor(std::move(ka), *std::move(tf2)); std::exchange(statePromise.core_, nullptr) ->setProxy(std::exchange(tf3.core_, nullptr)); } } }, allowInline); return f; } class WaitExecutor final : public folly::Executor { public: void add(Func func) override { auto wQueue = queue_.wlock(); if (wQueue->detached) { return; } bool empty = wQueue->funcs.empty(); wQueue->funcs.push_back(std::move(func)); if (empty) { baton_.post(); } } void drive() { baton_.wait(); #if FOLLY_FUTURE_USING_FIBER fibers::runInMainContext([&]() { #endif baton_.reset(); auto funcs = std::move(queue_.wlock()->funcs); for (auto& func : funcs) { std::exchange(func, nullptr)(); } #if FOLLY_FUTURE_USING_FIBER }); #endif } using Clock = std::chrono::steady_clock; bool driveUntil(Clock::time_point deadline) { if (!baton_.try_wait_until(deadline)) { return false; } #if FOLLY_FUTURE_USING_FIBER return fibers::runInMainContext([&]() { #endif baton_.reset(); auto funcs = std::move(queue_.wlock()->funcs); for (auto& func : funcs) { std::exchange(func, nullptr)(); } return true; #if FOLLY_FUTURE_USING_FIBER }); #endif } void detach() { // Make sure we don't hold the lock while destroying funcs. [&] { auto wQueue = queue_.wlock(); wQueue->detached = true; return std::move(wQueue->funcs); }(); } static KeepAlive<WaitExecutor> create() { return makeKeepAlive<WaitExecutor>(new WaitExecutor()); } private: WaitExecutor() {} bool keepAliveAcquire() override { auto keepAliveCount = keepAliveCount_.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed); DCHECK(keepAliveCount > 0); return true; } void keepAliveRelease() override { auto keepAliveCount = keepAliveCount_.fetch_sub(1, std::memory_order_acq_rel); DCHECK(keepAliveCount > 0); if (keepAliveCount == 1) { delete this; } } struct Queue { std::vector<Func> funcs; bool detached{false}; }; folly::Synchronized<Queue> queue_; FutureBatonType baton_; std::atomic<ssize_t> keepAliveCount_{1}; }; // Vector-like structure to play with window, // which otherwise expects a vector of size `times`, // which would be expensive with large `times` sizes. struct WindowFakeVector { using iterator = std::vector<size_t>::iterator; WindowFakeVector(size_t size) : size_(size) {} size_t operator[](const size_t index) const { return index; } size_t size() const { return size_; } private: size_t size_; }; } // namespace detail } // namespace futures template <class T> SemiFuture<typename std::decay<T>::type> makeSemiFuture(T&& t) { return makeSemiFuture(Try<typename std::decay<T>::type>(std::forward<T>(t))); } // makeSemiFutureWith(SemiFuture<T>()) -> SemiFuture<T> template <class F> typename std::enable_if< isFutureOrSemiFuture<invoke_result_t<F>>::value, SemiFuture<typename invoke_result_t<F>::value_type>>::type makeSemiFutureWith(F&& func) { using InnerType = typename isFutureOrSemiFuture<invoke_result_t<F>>::Inner; try { return std::forward<F>(func)(); } catch (std::exception& e) { return makeSemiFuture<InnerType>( exception_wrapper(std::current_exception(), e)); } catch (...) { return makeSemiFuture<InnerType>( exception_wrapper(std::current_exception())); } } // makeSemiFutureWith(T()) -> SemiFuture<T> // makeSemiFutureWith(void()) -> SemiFuture<Unit> template <class F> typename std::enable_if< !(isFutureOrSemiFuture<invoke_result_t<F>>::value), SemiFuture<lift_unit_t<invoke_result_t<F>>>>::type makeSemiFutureWith(F&& func) { using LiftedResult = lift_unit_t<invoke_result_t<F>>; return makeSemiFuture<LiftedResult>( makeTryWith([&func]() mutable { return std::forward<F>(func)(); })); } template <class T> SemiFuture<T> makeSemiFuture(std::exception_ptr const& e) { return makeSemiFuture(Try<T>(e)); } template <class T> SemiFuture<T> makeSemiFuture(exception_wrapper ew) { return makeSemiFuture(Try<T>(std::move(ew))); } template <class T, class E> typename std:: enable_if<std::is_base_of<std::exception, E>::value, SemiFuture<T>>::type makeSemiFuture(E const& e) { return makeSemiFuture(Try<T>(make_exception_wrapper<E>(e))); } template <class T> SemiFuture<T> makeSemiFuture(Try<T> t) { return SemiFuture<T>(SemiFuture<T>::Core::make(std::move(t))); } // This must be defined after the constructors to avoid a bug in MSVC // https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/3142777/out-of-line-constructor-definition-after-implicit-reference-causes-incorrect-c2244 inline SemiFuture<Unit> makeSemiFuture() { return makeSemiFuture(Unit{}); } template <class T> SemiFuture<T> SemiFuture<T>::makeEmpty() { return SemiFuture<T>(futures::detail::EmptyConstruct{}); } template <class T> futures::detail::DeferredWrapper SemiFuture<T>::stealDeferredExecutor() { return this->getCore().stealDeferredExecutor(); } template <class T> void SemiFuture<T>::releaseDeferredExecutor(Core* core) { if (!core || core->hasCallback()) { return; } if (auto executor = core->stealDeferredExecutor()) { executor.get()->detach(); } } template <class T> SemiFuture<T>::~SemiFuture() { releaseDeferredExecutor(this->core_); } template <class T> SemiFuture<T>::SemiFuture(SemiFuture<T>&& other) noexcept : futures::detail::FutureBase<T>(std::move(other)) {} template <class T> SemiFuture<T>::SemiFuture(Future<T>&& other) noexcept : futures::detail::FutureBase<T>(std::move(other)) { // SemiFuture should not have an executor on construction if (this->core_) { this->setExecutor(futures::detail::KeepAliveOrDeferred{}); } } template <class T> SemiFuture<T>& SemiFuture<T>::operator=(SemiFuture<T>&& other) noexcept { releaseDeferredExecutor(this->core_); this->assign(std::move(other)); return *this; } template <class T> SemiFuture<T>& SemiFuture<T>::operator=(Future<T>&& other) noexcept { releaseDeferredExecutor(this->core_); this->assign(std::move(other)); // SemiFuture should not have an executor on construction if (this->core_) { this->setExecutor(Executor::KeepAlive<>{}); } return *this; } template <class T> Future<T> SemiFuture<T>::via(Executor::KeepAlive<> executor) && { folly::async_tracing::logSemiFutureVia(this->getExecutor(), executor.get()); if (!executor) { throw_exception<FutureNoExecutor>(); } if (auto deferredExecutor = this->getDeferredExecutor()) { deferredExecutor->setExecutor(executor.copy()); } auto newFuture = Future<T>(this->core_); this->core_ = nullptr; newFuture.setExecutor(std::move(executor)); return newFuture; } template <class T> Future<T> SemiFuture<T>::via( Executor::KeepAlive<> executor, int8_t priority) && { return std::move(*this).via( ExecutorWithPriority::create(std::move(executor), priority)); } template <class T> Future<T> SemiFuture<T>::toUnsafeFuture() && { return std::move(*this).via(&InlineExecutor::instance()); } template <class T> template <typename F> SemiFuture<typename futures::detail::tryCallableResult<T, F>::value_type> SemiFuture<T>::defer(F&& func) && { auto deferredExecutorPtr = this->getDeferredExecutor(); futures::detail::KeepAliveOrDeferred deferredExecutor = [&]() { if (deferredExecutorPtr) { return futures::detail::KeepAliveOrDeferred{deferredExecutorPtr->copy()}; } else { auto newDeferredExecutor = futures::detail::KeepAliveOrDeferred( futures::detail::DeferredExecutor::create()); this->setExecutor(newDeferredExecutor.copy()); return newDeferredExecutor; } }(); auto sf = Future<T>(this->core_).thenTryInline(std::forward<F>(func)).semi(); this->core_ = nullptr; // Carry deferred executor through chain as constructor from Future will // nullify it sf.setExecutor(std::move(deferredExecutor)); return sf; } template <class T> template <typename F> SemiFuture< typename futures::detail::tryExecutorCallableResult<T, F>::value_type> SemiFuture<T>::deferExTry(F&& func) && { auto deferredExecutorPtr = this->getDeferredExecutor(); futures::detail::DeferredWrapper deferredExecutor = [&]() mutable { if (deferredExecutorPtr) { return deferredExecutorPtr->copy(); } else { auto newDeferredExecutor = futures::detail::DeferredExecutor::create(); this->setExecutor( futures::detail::KeepAliveOrDeferred{newDeferredExecutor->copy()}); return newDeferredExecutor; } }(); auto sf = Future<T>(this->core_) .thenExTryInline([func = std::forward<F>(func)]( folly::Executor::KeepAlive<>&& keepAlive, folly::Try<T>&& val) mutable { return std::forward<F>(func)( std::move(keepAlive), std::forward<decltype(val)>(val)); }) .semi(); this->core_ = nullptr; // Carry deferred executor through chain as constructor from Future will // nullify it sf.setExecutor( futures::detail::KeepAliveOrDeferred{std::move(deferredExecutor)}); return sf; } template <class T> template <typename F> SemiFuture<typename futures::detail::valueCallableResult<T, F>::value_type> SemiFuture<T>::deferValue(F&& func) && { return std::move(*this).defer( [f = std::forward<F>(func)](folly::Try<T>&& t) mutable { return futures::detail::wrapInvoke(std::move(t), std::forward<F>(f)); }); } template <class T> template <typename F> SemiFuture< typename futures::detail::valueExecutorCallableResult<T, F>::value_type> SemiFuture<T>::deferExValue(F&& func) && { return std::move(*this).deferExTry( [f = std::forward<F>(func)]( folly::Executor::KeepAlive<> ka, folly::Try<T>&& t) mutable { return std::forward<F>(f)( ka, t.template get< false, typename futures::detail::valueExecutorCallableResult<T, F>:: ValueArg>()); }); } template <class T> template <class ExceptionType, class F> SemiFuture<T> SemiFuture<T>::deferError(tag_t<ExceptionType>, F&& func) && { return std::move(*this).defer( [func = std::forward<F>(func)](Try<T>&& t) mutable { if (auto e = t.template tryGetExceptionObject<ExceptionType>()) { return makeSemiFutureWith( [&]() mutable { return std::forward<F>(func)(*e); }); } else { return makeSemiFuture<T>(std::move(t)); } }); } template <class T> template <class F> SemiFuture<T> SemiFuture<T>::deferError(F&& func) && { return std::move(*this).defer( [func = std::forward<F>(func)](Try<T> t) mutable { if (t.hasException()) { return makeSemiFutureWith([&]() mutable { return std::forward<F>(func)(std::move(t.exception())); }); } else { return makeSemiFuture<T>(std::move(t)); } }); } template <class T> SemiFuture<Unit> SemiFuture<T>::unit() && { return std::move(*this).deferValue([](T&&) {}); } template <typename T> SemiFuture<T> SemiFuture<T>::delayed(HighResDuration dur, Timekeeper* tk) && { return collectAllSemiFuture(*this, futures::sleep(dur, tk)) .deferValue([](std::tuple<Try<T>, Try<Unit>> tup) { Try<T>& t = std::get<0>(tup); return makeFuture<T>(std::move(t)); }); } template <class T> Future<T> Future<T>::makeEmpty() { return Future<T>(futures::detail::EmptyConstruct{}); } template <class T> Future<T>::Future(Future<T>&& other) noexcept : futures::detail::FutureBase<T>(std::move(other)) {} template <class T> Future<T>& Future<T>::operator=(Future<T>&& other) noexcept { this->assign(std::move(other)); return *this; } // unwrap template <class T> template <class F> typename std:: enable_if<isFuture<F>::value, Future<typename isFuture<T>::Inner>>::type Future<T>::unwrap() && { return std::move(*this).thenValue( [](Future<typename isFuture<T>::Inner> internal_future) { return internal_future; }); } template <class T> Future<T> Future<T>::via(Executor::KeepAlive<> executor) && { folly::async_tracing::logFutureVia(this->getExecutor(), executor.get()); this->setExecutor(std::move(executor)); auto newFuture = Future<T>(this->core_); this->core_ = nullptr; return newFuture; } template <class T> Future<T> Future<T>::via(Executor::KeepAlive<> executor, int8_t priority) && { return std::move(*this).via( ExecutorWithPriority::create(std::move(executor), priority)); } template <class T> Future<T> Future<T>::via(Executor::KeepAlive<> executor) & { folly::async_tracing::logFutureVia(this->getExecutor(), executor.get()); this->throwIfInvalid(); Promise<T> p; auto sf = p.getSemiFuture(); auto func = [p = std::move(p)](Executor::KeepAlive<>&&, Try<T>&& t) mutable { p.setTry(std::move(t)); }; using R = futures::detail::tryExecutorCallableResult<T, decltype(func)>; this->thenImplementation( std::move(func), R{}, futures::detail::InlineContinuation::forbid); // Construct future from semifuture manually because this may not have // an executor set due to legacy code. This means we can bypass the executor // check in SemiFuture::via auto f = Future<T>(sf.core_); sf.core_ = nullptr; return std::move(f).via(std::move(executor)); } template <class T> Future<T> Future<T>::via(Executor::KeepAlive<> executor, int8_t priority) & { return this->via(ExecutorWithPriority::create(std::move(executor), priority)); } template <typename T> template <typename R, typename Caller, typename... Args> Future<typename isFuture<R>::Inner> Future<T>::then( R (Caller::*func)(Args...), Caller* instance) && { using FirstArg = remove_cvref_t<typename futures::detail::ArgType<Args...>::FirstArg>; return std::move(*this).thenTry([instance, func](Try<T>&& t) { return (instance->*func)(t.template get<isTry<FirstArg>::value, Args>()...); }); } template <class T> template <typename F> Future<typename futures::detail::tryCallableResult<T, F>::value_type> Future<T>::thenTry(F&& func) && { auto lambdaFunc = [f = std::forward<F>(func)]( folly::Executor::KeepAlive<>&&, folly::Try<T>&& t) mutable { return std::forward<F>(f)(std::move(t)); }; using R = futures::detail::tryExecutorCallableResult<T, decltype(lambdaFunc)>; return this->thenImplementation( std::move(lambdaFunc), R{}, futures::detail::InlineContinuation::forbid); } template <class T> template <typename F> Future<typename futures::detail::tryCallableResult<T, F>::value_type> Future<T>::thenTryInline(F&& func) && { auto lambdaFunc = [f = std::forward<F>(func)]( folly::Executor::KeepAlive<>&&, folly::Try<T>&& t) mutable { return std::forward<F>(f)(std::move(t)); }; using R = futures::detail::tryExecutorCallableResult<T, decltype(lambdaFunc)>; return this->thenImplementation( std::move(lambdaFunc), R{}, futures::detail::InlineContinuation::permit); } template <class T> template <typename F> Future<typename futures::detail::tryExecutorCallableResult<T, F>::value_type> Future<T>::thenExTry(F&& func) && { auto lambdaFunc = [f = std::forward<F>(func)]( Executor::KeepAlive<>&& ka, folly::Try<T>&& t) mutable { // Enforce that executor cannot be null DCHECK(ka); return std::forward<F>(f)(std::move(ka), std::move(t)); }; using R = futures::detail::tryExecutorCallableResult<T, decltype(lambdaFunc)>; return this->thenImplementation( std::move(lambdaFunc), R{}, futures::detail::InlineContinuation::forbid); } template <class T> template <typename F> Future<typename futures::detail::tryExecutorCallableResult<T, F>::value_type> Future<T>::thenExTryInline(F&& func) && { auto lambdaFunc = [f = std::forward<F>(func)]( Executor::KeepAlive<>&& ka, folly::Try<T>&& t) mutable { // Enforce that executor cannot be null DCHECK(ka); return std::forward<F>(f)(std::move(ka), std::move(t)); }; using R = futures::detail::tryExecutorCallableResult<T, decltype(lambdaFunc)>; return this->thenImplementation( std::move(lambdaFunc), R{}, futures::detail::InlineContinuation::permit); } template <class T> template <typename F> Future<typename futures::detail::valueCallableResult<T, F>::value_type> Future<T>::thenValue(F&& func) && { auto lambdaFunc = [f = std::forward<F>(func)]( Executor::KeepAlive<>&&, folly::Try<T>&& t) mutable { return futures::detail::wrapInvoke(std::move(t), std::forward<F>(f)); }; using R = futures::detail::tryExecutorCallableResult<T, decltype(lambdaFunc)>; return this->thenImplementation( std::move(lambdaFunc), R{}, futures::detail::InlineContinuation::forbid); } template <class T> template <typename F> Future<typename futures::detail::valueCallableResult<T, F>::value_type> Future<T>::thenValueInline(F&& func) && { auto lambdaFunc = [f = std::forward<F>(func)]( Executor::KeepAlive<>&&, folly::Try<T>&& t) mutable { return futures::detail::wrapInvoke(std::move(t), std::forward<F>(f)); }; using R = futures::detail::tryExecutorCallableResult<T, decltype(lambdaFunc)>; return this->thenImplementation( std::move(lambdaFunc), R{}, futures::detail::InlineContinuation::permit); } template <class T> template <typename F> Future<typename futures::detail::valueExecutorCallableResult<T, F>::value_type> Future<T>::thenExValue(F&& func) && { auto lambdaFunc = [f = std::forward<F>(func)]( Executor::KeepAlive<>&& ka, folly::Try<T>&& t) mutable { // Enforce that executor cannot be null DCHECK(ka); return std::forward<F>(f)( std::move(ka), t.template get< false, typename futures::detail::valueExecutorCallableResult<T, F>:: ValueArg>()); }; using R = futures::detail::tryExecutorCallableResult<T, decltype(lambdaFunc)>; return this->thenImplementation( std::move(lambdaFunc), R{}, futures::detail::InlineContinuation::forbid); } template <class T> template <typename F> Future<typename futures::detail::valueExecutorCallableResult<T, F>::value_type> Future<T>::thenExValueInline(F&& func) && { auto lambdaFunc = [f = std::forward<F>(func)]( Executor::KeepAlive<>&& ka, folly::Try<T>&& t) mutable { // Enforce that executor cannot be null DCHECK(ka); return std::forward<F>(f)( std::move(ka), t.template get< false, typename futures::detail::valueExecutorCallableResult<T, F>:: ValueArg>()); }; using R = futures::detail::tryExecutorCallableResult<T, decltype(lambdaFunc)>; return this->thenImplementation( std::move(lambdaFunc), R{}, futures::detail::InlineContinuation::permit); } template <class T> template <class ExceptionType, class F> typename std::enable_if< isFutureOrSemiFuture<invoke_result_t<F, ExceptionType>>::value, Future<T>>::type Future<T>::thenError(tag_t<ExceptionType>, F&& func) && { Promise<T> p; p.core_->setInterruptHandlerNoLock(this->getCore().getInterruptHandler()); auto sf = p.getSemiFuture(); auto* ePtr = this->getExecutor(); auto e = folly::getKeepAliveToken(ePtr ? *ePtr : InlineExecutor::instance()); this->setCallback_([state = futures::detail::makeCoreCallbackState( std::move(p), std::forward<F>(func))]( Executor::KeepAlive<>&& ka, Try<T>&& t) mutable { if (auto ex = t.template tryGetExceptionObject< std::remove_reference_t<ExceptionType>>()) { auto tf2 = state.tryInvoke(std::move(*ex)); if (tf2.hasException()) { state.setException(std::move(ka), std::move(tf2.exception())); } else { tf2->setCallback_( [p = state.stealPromise()]( Executor::KeepAlive<>&& innerKA, Try<T>&& t3) mutable { p.setTry(std::move(innerKA), std::move(t3)); }); } } else { state.setTry(std::move(ka), std::move(t)); } }); return std::move(sf).via(std::move(e)); } template <class T> template <class ExceptionType, class F> typename std::enable_if< !isFutureOrSemiFuture<invoke_result_t<F, ExceptionType>>::value, Future<T>>::type Future<T>::thenError(tag_t<ExceptionType>, F&& func) && { Promise<T> p; p.core_->setInterruptHandlerNoLock(this->getCore().getInterruptHandler()); auto sf = p.getSemiFuture(); auto* ePtr = this->getExecutor(); auto e = folly::getKeepAliveToken(ePtr ? *ePtr : InlineExecutor::instance()); this->setCallback_([state = futures::detail::makeCoreCallbackState( std::move(p), std::forward<F>(func))]( Executor::KeepAlive<>&& ka, Try<T>&& t) mutable { if (auto ex = t.template tryGetExceptionObject< std::remove_reference_t<ExceptionType>>()) { state.setTry(std::move(ka), makeTryWith([&] { return state.invoke(std::move(*ex)); })); } else { state.setTry(std::move(ka), std::move(t)); } }); return std::move(sf).via(std::move(e)); } template <class T> template <class F> typename std::enable_if< isFutureOrSemiFuture<invoke_result_t<F, exception_wrapper>>::value, Future<T>>::type Future<T>::thenError(F&& func) && { auto* ePtr = this->getExecutor(); auto e = folly::getKeepAliveToken(ePtr ? *ePtr : InlineExecutor::instance()); Promise<T> p; p.core_->setInterruptHandlerNoLock(this->getCore().getInterruptHandler()); auto sf = p.getSemiFuture(); this->setCallback_([state = futures::detail::makeCoreCallbackState( std::move(p), std::forward<F>(func))]( Executor::KeepAlive<>&& ka, Try<T> t) mutable { if (t.hasException()) { auto tf2 = state.tryInvoke(std::move(t.exception())); if (tf2.hasException()) { state.setException(std::move(ka), std::move(tf2.exception())); } else { tf2->setCallback_( [p = state.stealPromise()]( Executor::KeepAlive<>&& innerKA, Try<T>&& t3) mutable { p.setTry(std::move(innerKA), std::move(t3)); }); } } else { state.setTry(std::move(ka), std::move(t)); } }); return std::move(sf).via(std::move(e)); } template <class T> template <class F> typename std::enable_if< !isFutureOrSemiFuture<invoke_result_t<F, exception_wrapper>>::value, Future<T>>::type Future<T>::thenError(F&& func) && { auto* ePtr = this->getExecutor(); auto e = folly::getKeepAliveToken(ePtr ? *ePtr : InlineExecutor::instance()); Promise<T> p; p.core_->setInterruptHandlerNoLock(this->getCore().getInterruptHandler()); auto sf = p.getSemiFuture(); this->setCallback_([state = futures::detail::makeCoreCallbackState( std::move(p), std::forward<F>(func))]( Executor::KeepAlive<>&& ka, Try<T>&& t) mutable { if (t.hasException()) { state.setTry(std::move(ka), makeTryWith([&] { return state.invoke(std::move(t.exception())); })); } else { state.setTry(std::move(ka), std::move(t)); } }); return std::move(sf).via(std::move(e)); } template <class T> Future<Unit> Future<T>::then() && { return std::move(*this).thenValue([](T&&) {}); } template <class T> template <class F> Future<T> Future<T>::ensure(F&& func) && { return std::move(*this).thenTry( [funcw = std::forward<F>(func)](Try<T>&& t) mutable { std::forward<F>(funcw)(); return makeFuture(std::move(t)); }); } template <class T> template <class F> Future<T> Future<T>::onTimeout(HighResDuration dur, F&& func, Timekeeper* tk) && { return std::move(*this).within(dur, tk).thenError( tag_t<FutureTimeout>{}, [funcw = std::forward<F>(func)](auto const&) mutable { return std::forward<F>(funcw)(); }); } template <class Func> auto via(Executor::KeepAlive<> x, Func&& func) -> Future< typename isFutureOrSemiFuture<decltype(std::declval<Func>()())>::Inner> { return via(std::move(x)) .thenValue([f = std::forward<Func>(func)](auto&&) mutable { return std::forward<Func>(f)(); }); } // makeFuture template <class T> Future<typename std::decay<T>::type> makeFuture(T&& t) { return makeFuture(Try<typename std::decay<T>::type>(std::forward<T>(t))); } inline Future<Unit> makeFuture() { return makeFuture(Unit{}); } // makeFutureWith(Future<T>()) -> Future<T> template <class F> typename std:: enable_if<isFuture<invoke_result_t<F>>::value, invoke_result_t<F>>::type makeFutureWith(F&& func) { using InnerType = typename isFuture<invoke_result_t<F>>::Inner; try { return std::forward<F>(func)(); } catch (std::exception& e) { return makeFuture<InnerType>( exception_wrapper(std::current_exception(), e)); } catch (...) { return makeFuture<InnerType>(exception_wrapper(std::current_exception())); } } // makeFutureWith(T()) -> Future<T> // makeFutureWith(void()) -> Future<Unit> template <class F> typename std::enable_if< !(isFuture<invoke_result_t<F>>::value), Future<lift_unit_t<invoke_result_t<F>>>>::type makeFutureWith(F&& func) { using LiftedResult = lift_unit_t<invoke_result_t<F>>; return makeFuture<LiftedResult>( makeTryWith([&func]() mutable { return std::forward<F>(func)(); })); } template <class T> Future<T> makeFuture(std::exception_ptr const& e) { return makeFuture(Try<T>(e)); } template <class T> Future<T> makeFuture(exception_wrapper ew) { return makeFuture(Try<T>(std::move(ew))); } template <class T, class E> typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<std::exception, E>::value, Future<T>>:: type makeFuture(E const& e) { return makeFuture(Try<T>(make_exception_wrapper<E>(e))); } template <class T> Future<T> makeFuture(Try<T> t) { return Future<T>(Future<T>::Core::make(std::move(t))); } // via Future<Unit> via(Executor::KeepAlive<> executor) { return makeFuture().via(std::move(executor)); } Future<Unit> via(Executor::KeepAlive<> executor, int8_t priority) { return makeFuture().via(std::move(executor), priority); } namespace futures { namespace detail { template <typename V, typename... Fs, std::size_t... Is> FOLLY_ERASE void foreach_(std::index_sequence<Is...>, V&& v, Fs&&... fs) { using _ = int[]; void(_{0, (void(v(index_constant<Is>{}, static_cast<Fs&&>(fs))), 0)...}); } template <typename V, typename... Fs> FOLLY_ERASE void foreach(V&& v, Fs&&... fs) { using _ = std::index_sequence_for<Fs...>; foreach_(_{}, static_cast<V&&>(v), static_cast<Fs&&>(fs)...); } template <typename T> futures::detail::DeferredExecutor* getDeferredExecutor(SemiFuture<T>& future) { return future.getDeferredExecutor(); } template <typename T> futures::detail::DeferredWrapper stealDeferredExecutor(SemiFuture<T>& future) { return future.stealDeferredExecutor(); } template <typename T> futures::detail::DeferredWrapper stealDeferredExecutor(Future<T>&) { return {}; } template <typename... Ts> void stealDeferredExecutorsVariadic( std::vector<futures::detail::DeferredWrapper>& executors, Ts&... ts) { foreach( [&](auto, auto& future) { if (auto executor = stealDeferredExecutor(future)) { executors.push_back(std::move(executor)); } }, ts...); } template <class InputIterator> void stealDeferredExecutors( std::vector<futures::detail::DeferredWrapper>& executors, InputIterator first, InputIterator last) { for (auto it = first; it != last; ++it) { if (auto executor = stealDeferredExecutor(*it)) { executors.push_back(std::move(executor)); } } } } // namespace detail } // namespace futures // collectAll (variadic) template <typename... Fs> SemiFuture<std::tuple<Try<typename remove_cvref_t<Fs>::value_type>...>> collectAll(Fs&&... fs) { using Result = std::tuple<Try<typename remove_cvref_t<Fs>::value_type>...>; struct Context { ~Context() { p.setValue(std::move(results)); } Promise<Result> p; Result results; }; std::vector<futures::detail::DeferredWrapper> executors; futures::detail::stealDeferredExecutorsVariadic(executors, fs...); auto ctx = std::make_shared<Context>(); futures::detail::foreach( [&](auto i, auto&& f) { f.setCallback_([i, ctx](auto&&, auto&& t) { std::get<i.value>(ctx->results) = std::move(t); }); }, static_cast<Fs&&>(fs)...); auto future = ctx->p.getSemiFuture(); if (!executors.empty()) { auto work = [](Try<typename decltype(future)::value_type>&& t) { return std::move(t).value(); }; future = std::move(future).defer(work); auto deferredExecutor = futures::detail::getDeferredExecutor(future); deferredExecutor->setNestedExecutors(std::move(executors)); } return future; } template <typename... Fs> SemiFuture<std::tuple<Try<typename remove_cvref_t<Fs>::value_type>...>> collectAllSemiFuture(Fs&&... fs) { return collectAll(std::forward<Fs>(fs)...); } template <typename... Fs> Future<std::tuple<Try<typename remove_cvref_t<Fs>::value_type>...>> collectAllUnsafe(Fs&&... fs) { return collectAllSemiFuture(std::forward<Fs>(fs)...).toUnsafeFuture(); } // collectAll (iterator) template <class InputIterator> SemiFuture<std::vector< Try<typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type::value_type>>> collectAll(InputIterator first, InputIterator last) { using F = typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type; using T = typename F::value_type; struct Context { explicit Context(size_t n) : results(n), count(n) {} ~Context() { futures::detail::setTry( p, std::move(ka), Try<std::vector<Try<T>>>(std::move(results))); } Promise<std::vector<Try<T>>> p; Executor::KeepAlive<> ka; std::vector<Try<T>> results; std::atomic<size_t> count; }; std::vector<futures::detail::DeferredWrapper> executors; futures::detail::stealDeferredExecutors(executors, first, last); auto ctx = std::make_shared<Context>(size_t(std::distance(first, last))); for (size_t i = 0; first != last; ++first, ++i) { first->setCallback_( [i, ctx](Executor::KeepAlive<>&& ka, Try<T>&& t) { ctx->results[i] = std::move(t); if (ctx->count.fetch_sub(1, std::memory_order_acq_rel) == 1) { ctx->ka = std::move(ka); } }, futures::detail::InlineContinuation::permit); } auto future = ctx->p.getSemiFuture(); if (!executors.empty()) { future = std::move(future).defer( [](Try<typename decltype(future)::value_type>&& t) { return std::move(t).value(); }); auto deferredExecutor = futures::detail::getDeferredExecutor(future); deferredExecutor->setNestedExecutors(std::move(executors)); } return future; } template <class InputIterator> Future<std::vector< Try<typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type::value_type>>> collectAllUnsafe(InputIterator first, InputIterator last) { return collectAll(first, last).toUnsafeFuture(); } template <class InputIterator> SemiFuture<std::vector< Try<typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type::value_type>>> collectAllSemiFuture(InputIterator first, InputIterator last) { return collectAll(first, last); } // collect (iterator) template <class InputIterator> SemiFuture<std::vector< typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type::value_type>> collect(InputIterator first, InputIterator last) { using F = typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type; using T = typename F::value_type; struct Context { explicit Context(size_t n) : result(n) { finalResult.reserve(n); } ~Context() { if (!threw.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)) { // map Optional<T> -> T std::transform( result.begin(), result.end(), std::back_inserter(finalResult), [](Optional<T>& o) { return std::move(o.value()); }); p.setValue(std::move(finalResult)); } } Promise<std::vector<T>> p; std::vector<Optional<T>> result; std::vector<T> finalResult; std::atomic<bool> threw{false}; }; std::vector<futures::detail::DeferredWrapper> executors; futures::detail::stealDeferredExecutors(executors, first, last); auto ctx = std::make_shared<Context>(std::distance(first, last)); for (size_t i = 0; first != last; ++first, ++i) { first->setCallback_([i, ctx](Executor::KeepAlive<>&&, Try<T>&& t) { if (t.hasException()) { if (!ctx->threw.exchange(true, std::memory_order_relaxed)) { ctx->p.setException(std::move(t.exception())); } } else if (!ctx->threw.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)) { ctx->result[i] = std::move(t.value()); } }); } auto future = ctx->p.getSemiFuture(); if (!executors.empty()) { auto work = [](Try<typename decltype(future)::value_type>&& t) { return std::move(t).value(); }; future = std::move(future).defer(work); const auto& deferredExecutor = futures::detail::getDeferredExecutor(future); deferredExecutor->setNestedExecutors(std::move(executors)); } return future; } template <class InputIterator> Future<std::vector< typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type::value_type>> collectUnsafe(InputIterator first, InputIterator last) { return collect(first, last).toUnsafeFuture(); } template <class InputIterator> SemiFuture<std::vector< typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type::value_type>> collectSemiFuture(InputIterator first, InputIterator last) { return collect(first, last); } // collect (variadic) template <typename... Fs> SemiFuture<std::tuple<typename remove_cvref_t<Fs>::value_type...>> collect( Fs&&... fs) { using Result = std::tuple<typename remove_cvref_t<Fs>::value_type...>; struct Context { ~Context() { if (!threw.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)) { p.setValue(unwrapTryTuple(std::move(results))); } } Promise<Result> p; std::tuple<Try<typename remove_cvref_t<Fs>::value_type>...> results; std::atomic<bool> threw{false}; }; std::vector<futures::detail::DeferredWrapper> executors; futures::detail::stealDeferredExecutorsVariadic(executors, fs...); auto ctx = std::make_shared<Context>(); futures::detail::foreach( [&](auto i, auto&& f) { f.setCallback_([i, ctx](Executor::KeepAlive<>&&, auto&& t) { if (t.hasException()) { if (!ctx->threw.exchange(true, std::memory_order_relaxed)) { ctx->p.setException(std::move(t.exception())); } } else if (!ctx->threw.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)) { std::get<i.value>(ctx->results) = std::move(t); } }); }, static_cast<Fs&&>(fs)...); auto future = ctx->p.getSemiFuture(); if (!executors.empty()) { auto work = [](Try<typename decltype(future)::value_type>&& t) { return std::move(t).value(); }; future = std::move(future).defer(work); const auto& deferredExecutor = futures::detail::getDeferredExecutor(future); deferredExecutor->setNestedExecutors(std::move(executors)); } return future; } template <typename... Fs> SemiFuture<std::tuple<typename remove_cvref_t<Fs>::value_type...>> collectSemiFuture(Fs&&... fs) { return collect(std::forward<Fs>(fs)...); } template <typename... Fs> Future<std::tuple<typename remove_cvref_t<Fs>::value_type...>> collectUnsafe( Fs&&... fs) { return collect(std::forward<Fs>(fs)...).toUnsafeFuture(); } template <class Collection> auto collectSemiFuture(Collection&& c) -> decltype(collectSemiFuture(c.begin(), c.end())) { return collectSemiFuture(c.begin(), c.end()); } // collectAny (iterator) // TODO(T26439406): Make return SemiFuture template <class InputIterator> SemiFuture<std::pair< size_t, Try<typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type::value_type>>> collectAnySemiFuture(InputIterator first, InputIterator last) { return collectAny(first, last); } template <class InputIterator> Future<std::pair< size_t, Try<typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type::value_type>>> collectAnyUnsafe(InputIterator first, InputIterator last) { return collectAny(first, last).toUnsafeFuture(); } template <class InputIterator> SemiFuture<std::pair< size_t, Try<typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type::value_type>>> collectAny(InputIterator first, InputIterator last) { using F = typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type; using T = typename F::value_type; struct Context { Promise<std::pair<size_t, Try<T>>> p; std::atomic<bool> done{false}; }; std::vector<futures::detail::DeferredWrapper> executors; futures::detail::stealDeferredExecutors(executors, first, last); auto ctx = std::make_shared<Context>(); for (size_t i = 0; first != last; ++first, ++i) { first->setCallback_([i, ctx](Executor::KeepAlive<>&&, Try<T>&& t) { if (!ctx->done.exchange(true, std::memory_order_relaxed)) { ctx->p.setValue(std::make_pair(i, std::move(t))); } }); } auto future = ctx->p.getSemiFuture(); if (!executors.empty()) { future = std::move(future).defer( [](Try<typename decltype(future)::value_type>&& t) { return std::move(t).value(); }); const auto& deferredExecutor = futures::detail::getDeferredExecutor(future); deferredExecutor->setNestedExecutors(std::move(executors)); } return future; } // collectAnyWithoutException (iterator) template <class InputIterator> SemiFuture<std::pair< size_t, typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type::value_type>> collectAnyWithoutException(InputIterator first, InputIterator last) { using F = typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type; using T = typename F::value_type; struct Context { Context(size_t n) : nTotal(n) {} Promise<std::pair<size_t, T>> p; std::atomic<bool> done{false}; std::atomic<size_t> nFulfilled{0}; size_t nTotal; }; std::vector<futures::detail::DeferredWrapper> executors; futures::detail::stealDeferredExecutors(executors, first, last); auto ctx = std::make_shared<Context>(size_t(std::distance(first, last))); for (size_t i = 0; first != last; ++first, ++i) { first->setCallback_([i, ctx](Executor::KeepAlive<>&&, Try<T>&& t) { if (!t.hasException() && !ctx->done.exchange(true, std::memory_order_relaxed)) { ctx->p.setValue(std::make_pair(i, std::move(t.value()))); } else if ( ctx->nFulfilled.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed) + 1 == ctx->nTotal) { ctx->p.setException(t.exception()); } }); } auto future = ctx->p.getSemiFuture(); if (!executors.empty()) { future = std::move(future).defer( [](Try<typename decltype(future)::value_type>&& t) { return std::move(t).value(); }); const auto& deferredExecutor = futures::detail::getDeferredExecutor(future); deferredExecutor->setNestedExecutors(std::move(executors)); } return future; } // collectN (iterator) template <class InputIterator> SemiFuture<std::vector<std::pair< size_t, Try<typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type::value_type>>>> collectN(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, size_t n) { using F = typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type; using T = typename F::value_type; using Result = std::vector<std::pair<size_t, Try<T>>>; struct Context { explicit Context(size_t numFutures, size_t min_) : v(numFutures), min(min_) {} std::vector<Optional<Try<T>>> v; size_t min; std::atomic<size_t> completed = {0}; // # input futures completed std::atomic<size_t> stored = {0}; // # output values stored Promise<Result> p; }; assert(n > 0); assert(std::distance(first, last) >= 0); if (size_t(std::distance(first, last)) < n) { return SemiFuture<Result>( exception_wrapper(std::runtime_error("Not enough futures"))); } std::vector<futures::detail::DeferredWrapper> executors; futures::detail::stealDeferredExecutors(executors, first, last); // for each completed Future, increase count and add to vector, until we // have n completed futures at which point we fulfil our Promise with the // vector auto ctx = std::make_shared<Context>(size_t(std::distance(first, last)), n); for (size_t i = 0; first != last; ++first, ++i) { first->setCallback_([i, ctx](Executor::KeepAlive<>&&, Try<T>&& t) { // relaxed because this guards control but does not guard data auto const c = 1 + ctx->completed.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed); if (c > ctx->min) { return; } ctx->v[i] = std::move(t); // release because the stored values in all threads must be visible below // acquire because no stored value is permitted to be fetched early auto const s = 1 + ctx->stored.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_acq_rel); if (s < ctx->min) { return; } Result result; result.reserve(ctx->completed.load()); for (size_t j = 0; j < ctx->v.size(); ++j) { auto& entry = ctx->v[j]; if (entry.hasValue()) { result.emplace_back(j, std::move(entry).value()); } } ctx->p.setTry(Try<Result>(std::move(result))); }); } auto future = ctx->p.getSemiFuture(); if (!executors.empty()) { future = std::move(future).defer( [](Try<typename decltype(future)::value_type>&& t) { return std::move(t).value(); }); const auto& deferredExecutor = futures::detail::getDeferredExecutor(future); deferredExecutor->setNestedExecutors(std::move(executors)); } return future; } // reduce (iterator) template <class It, class T, class F> Future<T> reduce(It first, It last, T&& initial, F&& func) { if (first == last) { return makeFuture(std::forward<T>(initial)); } typedef typename std::iterator_traits<It>::value_type::value_type ItT; typedef typename std:: conditional<is_invocable<F, T&&, Try<ItT>&&>::value, Try<ItT>, ItT>::type Arg; typedef isTry<Arg> IsTry; auto sfunc = std::make_shared<std::decay_t<F>>(std::forward<F>(func)); auto f = std::move(*first).thenTry( [initial = std::forward<T>(initial), sfunc](Try<ItT>&& head) mutable { return (*sfunc)( std::move(initial), head.template get<IsTry::value, Arg&&>()); }); for (++first; first != last; ++first) { f = collectAllSemiFuture(f, *first).toUnsafeFuture().thenValue( [sfunc](std::tuple<Try<T>, Try<ItT>>&& t) { return (*sfunc)( std::move(std::get<0>(t).value()), // Either return a ItT&& or a Try<ItT>&& depending // on the type of the argument of func. std::get<1>(t).template get<IsTry::value, Arg&&>()); }); } return f; } // window (collection) template <class Collection, class F, class ItT, class Result> std::vector<Future<Result>> window(Collection input, F func, size_t n) { // Use global QueuedImmediateExecutor singleton to avoid stack overflow. auto executor = &QueuedImmediateExecutor::instance(); return window(executor, std::move(input), std::move(func), n); } template <class F> auto window(size_t times, F func, size_t n) -> std::vector<invoke_result_t<F, size_t>> { return window(futures::detail::WindowFakeVector(times), std::move(func), n); } template <class Collection, class F, class ItT, class Result> std::vector<Future<Result>> window(Executor::KeepAlive<> executor, Collection input, F func, size_t n) { struct WindowContext { WindowContext( Executor::KeepAlive<> executor_, Collection&& input_, F&& func_) : executor(std::move(executor_)), input(std::move(input_)), promises(input.size()), func(std::move(func_)) {} std::atomic<size_t> i{0}; Executor::KeepAlive<> executor; Collection input; std::vector<Promise<Result>> promises; F func; static void spawn(std::shared_ptr<WindowContext> ctx) { size_t i = ctx->i.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed); if (i < ctx->input.size()) { auto fut = makeSemiFutureWith( [&] { return ctx->func(std::move(ctx->input[i])); }) .via(ctx->executor.get()); fut.setCallback_([ctx = std::move(ctx), i]( Executor::KeepAlive<>&&, Try<Result>&& t) mutable { ctx->promises[i].setTry(std::move(t)); // Chain another future onto this one spawn(std::move(ctx)); }); } } }; auto max = std::min(n, input.size()); auto ctx = std::make_shared<WindowContext>( executor.copy(), std::move(input), std::move(func)); // Start the first n Futures for (size_t i = 0; i < max; ++i) { executor->add([ctx]() mutable { WindowContext::spawn(std::move(ctx)); }); } std::vector<Future<Result>> futures; futures.reserve(ctx->promises.size()); for (auto& promise : ctx->promises) { futures.emplace_back(promise.getSemiFuture().via(executor.copy())); } return futures; } // reduce template <class T> template <class I, class F> Future<I> Future<T>::reduce(I&& initial, F&& func) && { return std::move(*this).thenValue( [minitial = std::forward<I>(initial), mfunc = std::forward<F>(func)](T&& vals) mutable { auto ret = std::move(minitial); for (auto& val : vals) { ret = mfunc(std::move(ret), std::move(val)); } return ret; }); } // unorderedReduce (iterator) template <class It, class T, class F> SemiFuture<T> unorderedReduceSemiFuture(It first, It last, T initial, F func) { using ItF = typename std::iterator_traits<It>::value_type; using ItT = typename ItF::value_type; using Arg = MaybeTryArg<F, T, ItT>; if (first == last) { return makeFuture(std::move(initial)); } typedef isTry<Arg> IsTry; struct Context { Context(T&& memo, F&& fn, size_t n) : lock_(), memo_(makeFuture<T>(std::move(memo))), func_(std::move(fn)), numThens_(0), numFutures_(n), promise_() {} folly::MicroSpinLock lock_; // protects memo_ and numThens_ Future<T> memo_; F func_; size_t numThens_; // how many Futures completed and called .then() size_t numFutures_; // how many Futures in total Promise<T> promise_; }; struct Fulfill { void operator()(Promise<T>&& p, T&& v) const { p.setValue(std::move(v)); } void operator()(Promise<T>&& p, Future<T>&& f) const { f.setCallback_( [p = std::move(p)](Executor::KeepAlive<>&&, Try<T>&& t) mutable { p.setTry(std::move(t)); }); } }; std::vector<futures::detail::DeferredWrapper> executors; futures::detail::stealDeferredExecutors(executors, first, last); auto ctx = std::make_shared<Context>( std::move(initial), std::move(func), std::distance(first, last)); for (size_t i = 0; first != last; ++first, ++i) { first->setCallback_([i, ctx](Executor::KeepAlive<>&&, Try<ItT>&& t) { (void)i; // Futures can be completed in any order, simultaneously. // To make this non-blocking, we create a new Future chain in // the order of completion to reduce the values. // The spinlock just protects chaining a new Future, not actually // executing the reduce, which should be really fast. Promise<T> p; auto f = p.getFuture(); { folly::MSLGuard lock(ctx->lock_); f = std::exchange(ctx->memo_, std::move(f)); if (++ctx->numThens_ == ctx->numFutures_) { // After reducing the value of the last Future, fulfill the Promise ctx->memo_.setCallback_([ctx](Executor::KeepAlive<>&&, Try<T>&& t2) { ctx->promise_.setValue(std::move(t2)); }); } } f.setCallback_([ctx, mp = std::move(p), mt = std::move(t)]( Executor::KeepAlive<>&&, Try<T>&& v) mutable { if (v.hasValue()) { try { Fulfill{}( std::move(mp), ctx->func_( std::move(v.value()), mt.template get<IsTry::value, Arg&&>())); } catch (std::exception& e) { mp.setException(exception_wrapper(std::current_exception(), e)); } catch (...) { mp.setException(exception_wrapper(std::current_exception())); } } else { mp.setTry(std::move(v)); } }); }); } auto future = ctx->promise_.getSemiFuture(); if (!executors.empty()) { future = std::move(future).defer( [](Try<typename decltype(future)::value_type>&& t) { return std::move(t).value(); }); const auto& deferredExecutor = futures::detail::getDeferredExecutor(future); deferredExecutor->setNestedExecutors(std::move(executors)); } return future; } template <class It, class T, class F> Future<T> unorderedReduce(It first, It last, T initial, F func) { return unorderedReduceSemiFuture( first, last, std::move(initial), std::move(func)) .via(&InlineExecutor::instance()); } // within template <class T> Future<T> Future<T>::within(HighResDuration dur, Timekeeper* tk) && { return std::move(*this).within(dur, FutureTimeout(), tk); } template <class T> template <class E> Future<T> Future<T>::within(HighResDuration dur, E e, Timekeeper* tk) && { if (this->isReady()) { return std::move(*this); } auto* ePtr = this->getExecutor(); auto exe = folly::getKeepAliveToken(ePtr ? *ePtr : InlineExecutor::instance()); return std::move(*this).semi().within(dur, e, tk).via(std::move(exe)); } template <class T> template <typename E> SemiFuture<T> SemiFuture<T>::within(HighResDuration dur, E e, Timekeeper* tk) && { if (this->isReady()) { return std::move(*this); } struct Context { explicit Context(E ex) : exception(std::move(ex)) {} E exception; SemiFuture<Unit> thisFuture; SemiFuture<Unit> afterFuture; Promise<T> promise; std::atomic<bool> token{false}; }; std::shared_ptr<Timekeeper> tks; if (LIKELY(!tk)) { tks = folly::detail::getTimekeeperSingleton(); tk = tks.get(); } if (UNLIKELY(!tk)) { return makeSemiFuture<T>(FutureNoTimekeeper()); } auto ctx = std::make_shared<Context>(std::move(e)); ctx->thisFuture = std::move(*this).defer([ctx](Try<T>&& t) { if (!ctx->token.exchange(true, std::memory_order_relaxed)) { ctx->promise.setTry(std::move(t)); ctx->afterFuture.cancel(); } }); // Have time keeper use a weak ptr to hold ctx, // so that ctx can be deallocated as soon as the future job finished. ctx->afterFuture = tk->after(dur).defer([weakCtx = to_weak_ptr(ctx)](Try<Unit>&& t) mutable { if (t.hasException() && t.exception().is_compatible_with<FutureCancellation>()) { // This got cancelled by thisFuture so we can just return. return; } auto lockedCtx = weakCtx.lock(); if (!lockedCtx) { // ctx already released. "this" completed first, cancel "after" return; } // "after" completed first, cancel "this" lockedCtx->thisFuture.raise(FutureTimeout()); if (!lockedCtx->token.exchange(true, std::memory_order_relaxed)) { if (t.hasException()) { lockedCtx->promise.setException(std::move(t.exception())); } else { lockedCtx->promise.setException(std::move(lockedCtx->exception)); } } }); // Properly propagate interrupt values through futures chained after within() ctx->promise.setInterruptHandler( [weakCtx = to_weak_ptr(ctx)](const exception_wrapper& ex) { if (auto lockedCtx = weakCtx.lock()) { lockedCtx->thisFuture.raise(ex); } }); // Construct the future to return, create a fresh DeferredExecutor and // nest the other two inside it, in case they already carry nested executors. auto fut = ctx->promise.getSemiFuture(); auto newDeferredExecutor = futures::detail::KeepAliveOrDeferred( futures::detail::DeferredExecutor::create()); fut.setExecutor(std::move(newDeferredExecutor)); std::vector<folly::futures::detail::DeferredWrapper> nestedExecutors; nestedExecutors.emplace_back(ctx->thisFuture.stealDeferredExecutor()); nestedExecutors.emplace_back(ctx->afterFuture.stealDeferredExecutor()); futures::detail::getDeferredExecutor(fut)->setNestedExecutors( std::move(nestedExecutors)); return fut; } // delayed template <class T> Future<T> Future<T>::delayed(HighResDuration dur, Timekeeper* tk) && { auto e = this->getExecutor(); return collectAllSemiFuture(*this, futures::sleep(dur, tk)) .via(e ? e : &InlineExecutor::instance()) .thenValue([](std::tuple<Try<T>, Try<Unit>>&& tup) { return makeFuture<T>(std::get<0>(std::move(tup))); }); } namespace futures { namespace detail { template <class FutureType, typename T = typename FutureType::value_type> void waitImpl(FutureType& f) { if (std::is_base_of<Future<T>, FutureType>::value) { f = std::move(f).via(&InlineExecutor::instance()); } // short-circuit if there's nothing to do if (f.isReady()) { return; } Promise<T> promise; auto ret = convertFuture(promise.getSemiFuture(), f); FutureBatonType baton; f.setCallback_([&baton, promise = std::move(promise)]( Executor::KeepAlive<>&&, Try<T>&& t) mutable { promise.setTry(std::move(t)); baton.post(); }); f = std::move(ret); baton.wait(); assert(f.isReady()); } template <class T> Future<T> convertFuture(SemiFuture<T>&& sf, const Future<T>& f) { // Carry executor from f, inserting an inline executor if it did not have one auto* exe = f.getExecutor(); auto newFut = std::move(sf).via(exe ? exe : &InlineExecutor::instance()); newFut.core_->setInterruptHandlerNoLock(f.core_->getInterruptHandler()); return newFut; } template <class T> SemiFuture<T> convertFuture(SemiFuture<T>&& sf, const SemiFuture<T>&) { return std::move(sf); } template <class FutureType, typename T = typename FutureType::value_type> void waitImpl(FutureType& f, HighResDuration dur) { if (std::is_base_of<Future<T>, FutureType>::value) { f = std::move(f).via(&InlineExecutor::instance()); } // short-circuit if there's nothing to do if (f.isReady()) { return; } Promise<T> promise; auto ret = convertFuture(promise.getSemiFuture(), f); auto baton = std::make_shared<FutureBatonType>(); f.setCallback_([baton, promise = std::move(promise)]( Executor::KeepAlive<>&&, Try<T>&& t) mutable { promise.setTry(std::move(t)); baton->post(); }); f = std::move(ret); if (baton->try_wait_for(dur)) { assert(f.isReady()); } } template <class T> void waitViaImpl(Future<T>& f, DrivableExecutor* e) { // Set callback so to ensure that the via executor has something on it // so that once the preceding future triggers this callback, drive will // always have a callback to satisfy it if (f.isReady()) { return; } f = std::move(f).via(e).thenTry([](Try<T>&& t) { return std::move(t); }); while (!f.isReady()) { e->drive(); } assert(f.isReady()); f = std::move(f).via(&InlineExecutor::instance()); } template <class T, typename Rep, typename Period> void waitViaImpl( Future<T>& f, TimedDrivableExecutor* e, const std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period>& timeout) { // Set callback so to ensure that the via executor has something on it // so that once the preceding future triggers this callback, drive will // always have a callback to satisfy it if (f.isReady()) { return; } // Chain operations, ensuring that the executor is kept alive for the duration f = std::move(f).via(e).thenValue( [keepAlive = getKeepAliveToken(e)](T&& t) { return std::move(t); }); auto now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); auto deadline = now + timeout; while (!f.isReady() && (now < deadline)) { e->try_drive_until(deadline); now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); } assert(f.isReady() || (now >= deadline)); if (f.isReady()) { f = std::move(f).via(&InlineExecutor::instance()); } } } // namespace detail } // namespace futures template <class T> SemiFuture<T>& SemiFuture<T>::wait() & { if (auto deferredExecutor = this->getDeferredExecutor()) { // Make sure that the last callback in the future chain will be run on the // WaitExecutor. Promise<T> promise; auto ret = promise.getSemiFuture(); setCallback_( [p = std::move(promise)](Executor::KeepAlive<>&&, auto&& r) mutable { p.setTry(std::move(r)); }); auto waitExecutor = futures::detail::WaitExecutor::create(); deferredExecutor->setExecutor(waitExecutor.copy()); while (!ret.isReady()) { waitExecutor->drive(); } waitExecutor->detach(); this->detach(); *this = std::move(ret); } else { futures::detail::waitImpl(*this); } return *this; } template <class T> SemiFuture<T>&& SemiFuture<T>::wait() && { return std::move(wait()); } template <class T> SemiFuture<T>& SemiFuture<T>::wait(HighResDuration dur) & { if (auto deferredExecutor = this->getDeferredExecutor()) { // Make sure that the last callback in the future chain will be run on the // WaitExecutor. Promise<T> promise; auto ret = promise.getSemiFuture(); setCallback_( [p = std::move(promise)](Executor::KeepAlive<>&&, auto&& r) mutable { p.setTry(std::move(r)); }); auto waitExecutor = futures::detail::WaitExecutor::create(); auto deadline = futures::detail::WaitExecutor::Clock::now() + dur; deferredExecutor->setExecutor(waitExecutor.copy()); while (!ret.isReady()) { if (!waitExecutor->driveUntil(deadline)) { break; } } waitExecutor->detach(); this->detach(); *this = std::move(ret); } else { futures::detail::waitImpl(*this, dur); } return *this; } template <class T> bool SemiFuture<T>::wait(HighResDuration dur) && { auto future = std::move(*this); future.wait(dur); return future.isReady(); } template <class T> T SemiFuture<T>::get() && { return std::move(*this).getTry().value(); } template <class T> T SemiFuture<T>::get(HighResDuration dur) && { return std::move(*this).getTry(dur).value(); } template <class T> Try<T> SemiFuture<T>::getTry() && { wait(); auto future = folly::Future<T>(this->core_); this->core_ = nullptr; return std::move(std::move(future).getTry()); } template <class T> Try<T> SemiFuture<T>::getTry(HighResDuration dur) && { wait(dur); auto future = folly::Future<T>(this->core_); this->core_ = nullptr; if (!future.isReady()) { throw_exception<FutureTimeout>(); } return std::move(std::move(future).getTry()); } template <class T> Future<T>& Future<T>::wait() & { futures::detail::waitImpl(*this); return *this; } template <class T> Future<T>&& Future<T>::wait() && { futures::detail::waitImpl(*this); return std::move(*this); } template <class T> Future<T>& Future<T>::wait(HighResDuration dur) & { futures::detail::waitImpl(*this, dur); return *this; } template <class T> Future<T>&& Future<T>::wait(HighResDuration dur) && { futures::detail::waitImpl(*this, dur); return std::move(*this); } template <class T> Future<T>& Future<T>::waitVia(DrivableExecutor* e) & { futures::detail::waitViaImpl(*this, e); return *this; } template <class T> Future<T>&& Future<T>::waitVia(DrivableExecutor* e) && { futures::detail::waitViaImpl(*this, e); return std::move(*this); } template <class T> Future<T>& Future<T>::waitVia(TimedDrivableExecutor* e, HighResDuration dur) & { futures::detail::waitViaImpl(*this, e, dur); return *this; } template <class T> Future<T>&& Future<T>::waitVia( TimedDrivableExecutor* e, HighResDuration dur) && { futures::detail::waitViaImpl(*this, e, dur); return std::move(*this); } template <class T> T Future<T>::get() && { wait(); return copy(std::move(*this)).value(); } template <class T> T Future<T>::get(HighResDuration dur) && { wait(dur); auto future = copy(std::move(*this)); if (!future.isReady()) { throw_exception<FutureTimeout>(); } return std::move(future).value(); } template <class T> Try<T>& Future<T>::getTry() { return result(); } template <class T> T Future<T>::getVia(DrivableExecutor* e) { return std::move(waitVia(e).value()); } template <class T> T Future<T>::getVia(TimedDrivableExecutor* e, HighResDuration dur) { waitVia(e, dur); if (!this->isReady()) { throw_exception<FutureTimeout>(); } return std::move(value()); } template <class T> Try<T>& Future<T>::getTryVia(DrivableExecutor* e) { return waitVia(e).getTry(); } template <class T> Try<T>& Future<T>::getTryVia(TimedDrivableExecutor* e, HighResDuration dur) { waitVia(e, dur); if (!this->isReady()) { throw_exception<FutureTimeout>(); } return result(); } namespace futures { namespace detail { template <class T> struct TryEquals { static bool equals(const Try<T>& t1, const Try<T>& t2) { return t1.value() == t2.value(); } }; } // namespace detail } // namespace futures template <class T> Future<bool> Future<T>::willEqual(Future<T>& f) { return collectAllSemiFuture(*this, f).toUnsafeFuture().thenValue( [](const std::tuple<Try<T>, Try<T>>& t) { if (std::get<0>(t).hasValue() && std::get<1>(t).hasValue()) { return futures::detail::TryEquals<T>::equals( std::get<0>(t), std::get<1>(t)); } else { return false; } }); } template <class T> template <class F> Future<T> Future<T>::filter(F&& predicate) && { return std::move(*this).thenValue([p = std::forward<F>(predicate)](T val) { T const& valConstRef = val; if (!p(valConstRef)) { throw_exception<FuturePredicateDoesNotObtain>(); } return val; }); } template <class F> auto when(bool p, F&& thunk) -> decltype(std::declval<invoke_result_t<F>>().unit()) { return p ? std::forward<F>(thunk)().unit() : makeFuture(); } template <class P, class F> typename std:: enable_if<isSemiFuture<invoke_result_t<F>>::value, SemiFuture<Unit>>::type whileDo(P&& predicate, F&& thunk) { if (predicate()) { auto future = thunk(); return std::move(future).deferExValue( [predicate = std::forward<P>(predicate), thunk = std::forward<F>(thunk)](auto&& ex, auto&&) mutable { return whileDo(std::forward<P>(predicate), std::forward<F>(thunk)) .via(std::move(ex)); }); } return makeSemiFuture(); } template <class P, class F> typename std::enable_if<isFuture<invoke_result_t<F>>::value, Future<Unit>>::type whileDo(P&& predicate, F&& thunk) { if (predicate()) { auto future = thunk(); return std::move(future).thenValue( [predicate = std::forward<P>(predicate), thunk = std::forward<F>(thunk)](auto&&) mutable { return whileDo(std::forward<P>(predicate), std::forward<F>(thunk)); }); } return makeFuture(); } template <class F> auto times(const int n, F&& thunk) { return folly::whileDo( [n, count = std::make_unique<std::atomic<int>>(0)]() mutable { return count->fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed) < n; }, std::forward<F>(thunk)); } namespace futures { template <class It, class F, class ItT, class Tag, class Result> std::vector<Future<Result>> mapValue(It first, It last, F func) { std::vector<Future<Result>> results; results.reserve(std::distance(first, last)); for (auto it = first; it != last; it++) { results.push_back(std::move(*it).thenValue(func)); } return results; } template <class It, class F, class ItT, class Tag, class Result> std::vector<Future<Result>> mapTry(It first, It last, F func, int) { std::vector<Future<Result>> results; results.reserve(std::distance(first, last)); for (auto it = first; it != last; it++) { results.push_back(std::move(*it).thenTry(func)); } return results; } template <class It, class F, class ItT, class Tag, class Result> std::vector<Future<Result>> mapValue(Executor& exec, It first, It last, F func) { std::vector<Future<Result>> results; results.reserve(std::distance(first, last)); for (auto it = first; it != last; it++) { results.push_back(std::move(*it).via(&exec).thenValue(func)); } return results; } template <class It, class F, class ItT, class Tag, class Result> std::vector<Future<Result>> mapTry(Executor& exec, It first, It last, F func, int) { std::vector<Future<Result>> results; results.reserve(std::distance(first, last)); for (auto it = first; it != last; it++) { results.push_back(std::move(*it).via(&exec).thenTry(func)); } return results; } template <typename F, class Ensure> auto ensure(F&& f, Ensure&& ensure) { return makeSemiFuture() .deferValue([f = std::forward<F>(f)](auto) mutable { return f(); }) .defer([ensure = std::forward<Ensure>(ensure)](auto resultTry) mutable { ensure(); return std::move(resultTry).value(); }); } template <class T> void detachOn(folly::Executor::KeepAlive<> exec, folly::SemiFuture<T>&& fut) { std::move(fut).via(exec).detach(); } template <class T> void detachOnGlobalCPUExecutor(folly::SemiFuture<T>&& fut) { detachOn(folly::getGlobalCPUExecutor(), std::move(fut)); } } // namespace futures template <class Clock> SemiFuture<Unit> Timekeeper::at(std::chrono::time_point<Clock> when) { auto now = Clock::now(); if (when <= now) { return makeSemiFuture(); } return after(std::chrono::duration_cast<HighResDuration>(when - now)); } } // namespace folly