// Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

#pragma once

#include <mutex>

#include <folly/Synchronized.h>
#include <folly/ThreadLocal.h>
#include <folly/synchronization/Baton.h>

#include "rsocket/ConnectionAcceptor.h"
#include "rsocket/RSocketParameters.h"
#include "rsocket/RSocketResponder.h"
#include "rsocket/RSocketServiceHandler.h"
#include "rsocket/internal/ConnectionSet.h"
#include "rsocket/internal/SetupResumeAcceptor.h"

namespace rsocket {

 * API for starting an RSocket server. Returned from RSocket::createServer.
 * This listens for connections using a transport from the provided
 * ConnectionAcceptor.
class RSocketServer {
  explicit RSocketServer(
      std::shared_ptr<RSocketStats> stats = RSocketStats::noop());

  RSocketServer(const RSocketServer&) = delete;
  RSocketServer(RSocketServer&&) = delete;
  RSocketServer& operator=(const RSocketServer&) = delete;
  RSocketServer& operator=(RSocketServer&&) = delete;

   * Start the ConnectionAcceptor and begin handling connections.
   * This method blocks until the server has started. It returns if successful
   * or throws an exception if failure occurs.
   * This method assumes it will be called only once.
  void start(std::shared_ptr<RSocketServiceHandler> serviceHandler);
  void start(OnNewSetupFn onNewSetupFn);

   * Start the ConnectionAcceptor and begin handling connections.
   * This method will block the calling thread as long as the server is running.
   * It will throw an exception if a failure occurs on startup.
   * The provided RSocketServiceHandler will be used to handle all connections
   * to this server. If you wish to use different RSocketServiceHandler for
   * each connection, then refer to acceptConnection()
   * This method assumes it will be called only once.
  void startAndPark(std::shared_ptr<RSocketServiceHandler> serviceHandler);
  void startAndPark(OnNewSetupFn onNewSetupFn);

   * Unblock the server if it has called startAndPark().  Can only be called
   * once.
  void unpark();

   * Accept RSocket connection over the provided DuplexConnection.  The
   * provided RSocketServiceHandler will be used to handle the connection.
  void acceptConnection(
      std::unique_ptr<DuplexConnection> connection,
      folly::EventBase& eventBase,
      std::shared_ptr<RSocketServiceHandler> serviceHandler);

  void shutdownAndWait();

   * Gets the port the ConnectionAcceptor is listening on.  Returns folly::none
   * if this server is not listening on a port.
  folly::Optional<uint16_t> listeningPort() const;

   * Use the same EventBase that is provided to acceptConnection function for
   * internal operations. Don't schedule to another event base.
  void setSingleThreadedResponder();

   * Number of active connections to this server.
  size_t getNumConnections();

  static void onRSocketSetup(
      std::shared_ptr<RSocketServiceHandler> serviceHandler,
      std::shared_ptr<ConnectionSet> connectionSet,
      bool scheduledResponder,
      std::unique_ptr<DuplexConnection> connection,
      rsocket::SetupParameters setupPayload);
  void onRSocketResume(
      std::shared_ptr<RSocketServiceHandler> serviceHandler,
      std::unique_ptr<DuplexConnection> connection,
      rsocket::ResumeParameters setupPayload);

  const std::unique_ptr<ConnectionAcceptor> duplexConnectionAcceptor_;
  bool started{false};

  class SetupResumeAcceptorTag {};
  folly::ThreadLocal<rsocket::SetupResumeAcceptor, SetupResumeAcceptorTag>

  folly::Baton<> waiting_;
  std::atomic<bool> isShutdown_{false};

  std::shared_ptr<ConnectionSet> connectionSet_;
  std::shared_ptr<RSocketStats> stats_;

   * If this field is false, acceptConnection() function will assume that there
   * will be a single thread for each connected client. The execution will not
   * be scheduled to another event base.
  bool useScheduledResponder_{true};
} // namespace rsocket