 * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

#pragma once

#include <array>
#include <atomic>
#include <type_traits>
#include <unordered_set>

#include <folly/Likely.h>
#include <folly/Portability.h>
#include <folly/Synchronized.h>
#include <folly/Utility.h>
#include <folly/detail/StaticSingletonManager.h>
#include <folly/detail/ThreadLocalDetail.h>

namespace folly {

//  SingletonRelaxedCounter
//  A singleton-per-tag relaxed counter. Optimized for increment/decrement
//  runtime performance under contention and inlined fast path code size.
//  The cost of computing the value of the counter is linear in the number of
//  threads which perform increments/decrements, and computing the value of the
//  counter is exclusive with thread exit and dlclose. The result of this
//  computation is not a point-in-time snapshot of increments and decrements
//  summed, but is an approximation which may exclude any subset of increments
//  and decrements that do not happen before the start of the computation.
//  Templated over the integral types. When templated over an unsigned integral
//  type, it is assumed that decrements do not exceed increments, and if within
//  computation of the value of the counter more decrements are observed to
//  exceed increments then the excess decrements are ignored. This avoids the
//  scenario of incrementing and decrementing once each in different threads,
//  and concurrently observing a computed value of the counter of 2^64 - 1.
//  Templated over the tag types. Each unique pair of integral type and tag type
//  is a different counter.
//  Implementation:
//  Uses a thread-local counter when possible to avoid contention, and a global
//  counter as a fallback. The total count at any given time is computed by
//  summing over the global counter plus all of the thread-local counters; since
//  the total sum is not a snapshot of the value at any given point in time, it
//  is a relaxed sum; when the system quiesces (i.e., when no concurrent
//  increments or decrements are happening and no threads are going through
//  thread exit phase), the sum is exact.
template <typename Int, typename Tag>
class SingletonRelaxedCounter {
  static void add(Int value) {
  static void sub(Int value) {

  static Int count() {
    auto const& global = Global::instance();
    auto count = global.fallback.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
    auto const tracking = global.tracking.rlock();
    for (auto const& kvp : tracking->locals) {
      count += kvp.first->load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
    return std::is_unsigned<Int>::value
        ? to_unsigned(std::max(Signed(0), count))
        : count;

  using Signed = std::make_signed_t<Int>;
  using Counter = std::atomic<Signed>;

  struct CounterAndCache {
    Counter counter; // valid during LocalLifetime object lifetime
    Counter* cache; // points to counter when counter is valid

  struct CounterRefAndLocal {
    Counter* counter; // refers either to local counter or to global counter
    bool local; // if true, definitely local; if false, could be global

  struct LocalLifetime;

  struct Global {
    struct Tracking {
      using CounterSet = std::unordered_set<Counter*>;
      std::unordered_map<Counter*, size_t> locals; // for summing
      std::unordered_map<LocalLifetime*, CounterSet> lifetimes;

    Counter fallback; // used instead of local during thread destruction
    folly::Synchronized<Tracking> tracking;

    static Global& instance() {
      return folly::detail::createGlobal<Global, Tag>();

  // manages local().cache, global().tracking, and moving outstanding counts
  // from local().counter to global().counter during thread destruction
  // the counter-set is within Global to reduce per-thread overhead for threads
  // which do not participate in counter mutations, rather than being a member
  // field of LocalLifetime; this comes at the cost of the slow path always
  // acquiring a unique lock on the global mutex
  struct LocalLifetime {
    ~LocalLifetime() {
      auto& global = Global::instance();
      auto const tracking = global.tracking.wlock();
      auto& lifetimes = tracking->lifetimes[this];
      for (auto ctr : lifetimes) {
        auto const it = tracking->locals.find(ctr);
        if (!--it->second) {
          auto const current = ctr->load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
          global.fallback.fetch_add(current, std::memory_order_relaxed);

    void track(CounterAndCache& state) {
      auto& global = Global::instance();
      state.cache = &state.counter;
      auto const tracking = global.tracking.wlock();
      auto const inserted = tracking->lifetimes[this].insert(&state.counter);
      tracking->locals[&state.counter] += inserted.second;

  FOLLY_ALWAYS_INLINE static void mutate(Signed v) {
    auto cl = counter();
    auto& c = *cl.counter;
    if (cl.local) {
      // splitting load/store on the local counter is faster than fetch-and-add
      c.store(c.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) + v, std::memory_order_relaxed);
    } else {
      // but is not allowed on the global counter because mutations may be lost
      c.fetch_add(v, std::memory_order_relaxed);

  FOLLY_EXPORT FOLLY_ALWAYS_INLINE static CounterAndCache& local() {
    // this is a member function local instead of a class member because of
    // https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=66944
    static thread_local CounterAndCache instance;
    return instance;

  FOLLY_EXPORT FOLLY_ALWAYS_INLINE static LocalLifetime& lifetime() {
    static thread_local LocalLifetime lifetime;
    return lifetime;

  FOLLY_NOINLINE static Counter* counterSlow(CounterAndCache& state) {
    if (threadlocal_detail::StaticMetaBase::dying()) {
      return &Global::instance().fallback;
    lifetime().track(state); // idempotent
    auto const cache = state.cache;
    return FOLLY_LIKELY(!!cache) ? cache : &Global::instance().fallback;

  FOLLY_ALWAYS_INLINE static CounterRefAndLocal counter() {
    auto& state = local();
    auto const cache = state.cache; // a copy! null before/after LocalLifetime
    auto const counter = FOLLY_LIKELY(!!cache) ? cache : counterSlow(state);
    // cache is a stale nullptr after the first call to counterSlow(); this is
    // intentional for the side-effect of shrinking the inline fast path
    return CounterRefAndLocal{counter, !!cache};

template <typename Counted>
class SingletonRelaxedCountableAccess;

//  SingletonRelaxedCountable
//  A CRTP base class for making the instances of a type within a process be
//  globally counted. The running counter is a relaxed counter.
//  To avoid adding any new names from the base class to the counted type, the
//  count is exposed via a separate type SingletonRelaxedCountableAccess.
//  This type is a convenience interface around SingletonRelaxedCounter.
template <typename Counted>
class SingletonRelaxedCountable {
  SingletonRelaxedCountable() {
        std::is_base_of<SingletonRelaxedCountable, Counted>::value, "non-crtp");
  ~SingletonRelaxedCountable() {
        std::is_base_of<SingletonRelaxedCountable, Counted>::value, "non-crtp");

  SingletonRelaxedCountable(const SingletonRelaxedCountable&)
      : SingletonRelaxedCountable() {}
      : SingletonRelaxedCountable() {}

  SingletonRelaxedCountable& operator=(const SingletonRelaxedCountable&) =
  SingletonRelaxedCountable& operator=(SingletonRelaxedCountable&&) = default;

  friend class SingletonRelaxedCountableAccess<Counted>;

  struct Tag;
  using Counter = SingletonRelaxedCounter<size_t, Tag>;

//  SingletonRelaxedCountableAccess
//  Provides access to the running count of instances of a type using the CRTP
//  base class SingletonRelaxedCountable.
template <typename Counted>
class SingletonRelaxedCountableAccess {
  static size_t count() {
    return SingletonRelaxedCountable<Counted>::Counter::count();

} // namespace folly