import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { Alert, Keyboard, NativeModules, Text, View } from 'react-native'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import { KeyboardAccessoryView } from 'react-native-ui-lib/keyboard'; import ImagePicker, { Image, ImageOrVideo } from 'react-native-image-crop-picker'; import { dequal } from 'dequal'; import DocumentPicker from 'react-native-document-picker'; import { Q } from '@nozbe/watermelondb'; import { TouchableWithoutFeedback } from 'react-native-gesture-handler'; import { generateTriggerId } from '../../lib/methods/actions'; import TextInput from '../../presentation/TextInput'; import { userTyping as userTypingAction } from '../../actions/room'; import RocketChat from '../../lib/rocketchat'; import styles from './styles'; import database from '../../lib/database'; import { emojis } from '../../emojis'; import log, { events, logEvent } from '../../utils/log'; import RecordAudio from './RecordAudio'; import I18n from '../../i18n'; import ReplyPreview from './ReplyPreview'; import debounce from '../../utils/debounce'; import { themes } from '../../constants/colors'; // @ts-ignore // eslint-disable-next-line import/extensions,import/no-unresolved import LeftButtons from './LeftButtons'; // @ts-ignore // eslint-disable-next-line import/extensions,import/no-unresolved import RightButtons from './RightButtons'; import { isAndroid, isTablet } from '../../utils/deviceInfo'; import { canUploadFile } from '../../utils/media'; import EventEmiter from '../../utils/events'; import { KEY_COMMAND, handleCommandShowUpload, handleCommandSubmit, handleCommandTyping } from '../../commands'; import Mentions from './Mentions'; import MessageboxContext from './Context'; import { MENTIONS_COUNT_TO_DISPLAY, MENTIONS_TRACKING_TYPE_CANNED, MENTIONS_TRACKING_TYPE_COMMANDS, MENTIONS_TRACKING_TYPE_EMOJIS, MENTIONS_TRACKING_TYPE_ROOMS, MENTIONS_TRACKING_TYPE_USERS } from './constants'; import CommandsPreview from './CommandsPreview'; import { getUserSelector } from '../../selectors/login'; import Navigation from '../../lib/Navigation'; import { withActionSheet } from '../ActionSheet'; import { sanitizeLikeString } from '../../lib/database/utils'; import { CustomIcon } from '../../lib/Icons'; import { IMessage } from '../../definitions/IMessage'; import { forceJpgExtension } from './forceJpgExtension'; import { IUser } from '../../definitions'; if (isAndroid) { require('./EmojiKeyboard'); } const imagePickerConfig = { cropping: true, avoidEmptySpaceAroundImage: false, freeStyleCropEnabled: true, forceJpg: true }; const libraryPickerConfig = { multiple: true, compressVideoPreset: 'Passthrough', mediaType: 'any', forceJpg: true }; const videoPickerConfig = { mediaType: 'video' }; export interface IMessageBoxProps { rid: string; baseUrl: string; message: IMessage; replying: boolean; editing: boolean; threadsEnabled: boolean; isFocused(): boolean; user: IUser; roomType: string; tmid: string; replyWithMention: boolean; FileUpload_MediaTypeWhiteList: string; FileUpload_MaxFileSize: number; Message_AudioRecorderEnabled: boolean; getCustomEmoji: Function; editCancel: Function; editRequest: Function; onSubmit: Function; typing: Function; theme: string; replyCancel(): void; showSend: boolean; navigation: any; children: JSX.Element; isMasterDetail: boolean; showActionSheet: Function; iOSScrollBehavior: number; sharing: boolean; isActionsEnabled: boolean; usedCannedResponse: string; uploadFilePermission: string[]; serverVersion: string; } interface IMessageBoxState { mentions: any[]; showEmojiKeyboard: boolean; showSend: any; recording: boolean; trackingType: string; commandPreview: []; showCommandPreview: boolean; command: { appId?: any; }; tshow: boolean; mentionLoading: boolean; permissionToUpload: boolean; } class MessageBox extends Component { private text: string; private selection: { start: number; end: number }; private focused: boolean; private options: any; private imagePickerConfig: any; private libraryPickerConfig: any; private videoPickerConfig: any; private room: any; private thread: any; private unsubscribeFocus: any; private trackingTimeout: any; private tracking: any; private unsubscribeBlur: any; private component: any; private typingTimeout: any; static defaultProps = { message: { id: '' }, sharing: false, iOSScrollBehavior: NativeModules.KeyboardTrackingViewTempManager?.KeyboardTrackingScrollBehaviorFixedOffset, isActionsEnabled: true, getCustomEmoji: () => {} }; constructor(props: IMessageBoxProps) { super(props); this.state = { mentions: [], showEmojiKeyboard: false, showSend: props.showSend, recording: false, trackingType: '', commandPreview: [], showCommandPreview: false, command: {}, tshow: false, mentionLoading: false, permissionToUpload: true }; this.text = ''; this.selection = { start: 0, end: 0 }; this.focused = false; const libPickerLabels = { cropperChooseText: I18n.t('Choose'), cropperCancelText: I18n.t('Cancel'), loadingLabelText: I18n.t('Processing') }; this.imagePickerConfig = { ...imagePickerConfig, ...libPickerLabels }; this.libraryPickerConfig = { ...libraryPickerConfig, ...libPickerLabels }; this.videoPickerConfig = { ...videoPickerConfig, ...libPickerLabels }; } async componentDidMount() { const db =; const { rid, tmid, navigation, sharing, usedCannedResponse, isMasterDetail } = this.props; let msg; try { const threadsCollection = db.get('threads'); const subsCollection = db.get('subscriptions'); try { = await subsCollection.find(rid); } catch (error) { console.log('Messagebox.didMount: Room not found'); } if (tmid) { try { this.thread = await threadsCollection.find(tmid); if (this.thread && !sharing) { msg = this.thread.draftMessage; } } catch (error) { console.log('Messagebox.didMount: Thread not found'); } } else if (!sharing) { msg =; } } catch (e) { log(e); } if (msg) { this.setInput(msg); this.setShowSend(true); } if (isTablet) { EventEmiter.addEventListener(KEY_COMMAND, this.handleCommands); } if (isMasterDetail && usedCannedResponse) { this.onChangeText(usedCannedResponse); } this.setOptions(); this.unsubscribeFocus = navigation.addListener('focus', () => { // didFocus // We should wait pushed views be dismissed this.trackingTimeout = setTimeout(() => { if (this.tracking && this.tracking.resetTracking) { // Reset messageBox keyboard tracking this.tracking.resetTracking(); } }, 500); }); this.unsubscribeBlur = navigation.addListener('blur', () => { this.component?.blur(); }); } UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps: any) { const { isFocused, editing, replying, sharing, usedCannedResponse } = this.props; if (!isFocused?.()) { return; } if (usedCannedResponse !== nextProps.usedCannedResponse) { this.onChangeText(nextProps.usedCannedResponse ?? ''); } if (sharing) { this.setInput(nextProps.message.msg ?? ''); return; } if (editing !== nextProps.editing && nextProps.editing) { this.setInput(nextProps.message.msg); if (this.text) { this.setShowSend(true); } this.focus(); } else if (replying !== nextProps.replying && nextProps.replying) { this.focus(); } else if (!nextProps.message) { this.clearInput(); } if (this.trackingTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.trackingTimeout); this.trackingTimeout = false; } } shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps: IMessageBoxProps, nextState: IMessageBoxState) { const { showEmojiKeyboard, showSend, recording, mentions, commandPreview, tshow, mentionLoading, trackingType, permissionToUpload } = this.state; const { roomType, replying, editing, isFocused, message, theme, usedCannedResponse, uploadFilePermission } = this.props; if (nextProps.theme !== theme) { return true; } if (!isFocused()) { return false; } if (nextProps.roomType !== roomType) { return true; } if (nextProps.replying !== replying) { return true; } if (nextProps.editing !== editing) { return true; } if (nextState.showEmojiKeyboard !== showEmojiKeyboard) { return true; } if (nextState.trackingType !== trackingType) { return true; } if (nextState.mentionLoading !== mentionLoading) { return true; } if (nextState.showSend !== showSend) { return true; } if (nextState.recording !== recording) { return true; } if (nextState.tshow !== tshow) { return true; } if (nextState.permissionToUpload !== permissionToUpload) { return true; } if (!dequal(nextState.mentions, mentions)) { return true; } if (!dequal(nextState.commandPreview, commandPreview)) { return true; } if (!dequal(nextProps.message?.id, message?.id)) { return true; } if (!dequal(nextProps.uploadFilePermission, uploadFilePermission)) { return true; } if (nextProps.usedCannedResponse !== usedCannedResponse) { return true; } return false; } componentDidUpdate(prevProps: IMessageBoxProps) { const { uploadFilePermission } = this.props; if (!dequal(prevProps.uploadFilePermission, uploadFilePermission)) { this.setOptions(); } } componentWillUnmount() { console.countReset(`${}.render calls`); if (this.onChangeText && this.onChangeText.stop) { this.onChangeText.stop(); } if (this.getUsers && this.getUsers.stop) { this.getUsers.stop(); } if (this.getRooms && this.getRooms.stop) { this.getRooms.stop(); } if (this.getEmojis && this.getEmojis.stop) { this.getEmojis.stop(); } if (this.getSlashCommands && this.getSlashCommands.stop) { this.getSlashCommands.stop(); } if (this.getCannedResponses && this.getCannedResponses.stop) { this.getCannedResponses.stop(); } if (this.unsubscribeFocus) { this.unsubscribeFocus(); } if (this.unsubscribeBlur) { this.unsubscribeBlur(); } if (isTablet) { EventEmiter.removeListener(KEY_COMMAND, this.handleCommands); } } setOptions = async () => { const { uploadFilePermission, rid } = this.props; // Servers older than 4.2 if (!uploadFilePermission) { this.setState({ permissionToUpload: true }); return; } const permissionToUpload = await RocketChat.hasPermission([uploadFilePermission], rid); this.setState({ permissionToUpload: permissionToUpload[0] }); }; onChangeText: any = (text: string): void => { const isTextEmpty = text.length === 0; this.setShowSend(!isTextEmpty); this.debouncedOnChangeText(text); this.setInput(text); }; onSelectionChange = (e: any) => { this.selection = e.nativeEvent.selection; }; // eslint-disable-next-line react/sort-comp debouncedOnChangeText = debounce(async (text: any) => { const { sharing, roomType } = this.props; const isTextEmpty = text.length === 0; if (isTextEmpty) { this.stopTrackingMention(); return; } this.handleTyping(!isTextEmpty); const { start, end } = this.selection; const cursor = Math.max(start, end); const txt = cursor < text.length ? text.substr(0, cursor).split(' ') : text.split(' '); const lastWord = txt[txt.length - 1]; const result = lastWord.substring(1); const commandMention = text.match(/^\//); // match only if message begins with / const channelMention = lastWord.match(/^#/); const userMention = lastWord.match(/^@/); const emojiMention = lastWord.match(/^:/); const cannedMention = lastWord.match(/^!/); if (commandMention && !sharing) { const command = text.substr(1); const commandParameter = text.match(/^\/([a-z0-9._-]+) (.+)/im); if (commandParameter) { const db =; const [, name, params] = commandParameter; const commandsCollection = db.get('slash_commands'); try { const commandRecord = await commandsCollection.find(name); if (commandRecord.providesPreview) { return this.setCommandPreview(commandRecord, name, params); } } catch (e) { // do nothing } } return this.identifyMentionKeyword(command, MENTIONS_TRACKING_TYPE_COMMANDS); } if (channelMention) { return this.identifyMentionKeyword(result, MENTIONS_TRACKING_TYPE_ROOMS); } if (userMention) { return this.identifyMentionKeyword(result, MENTIONS_TRACKING_TYPE_USERS); } if (emojiMention) { return this.identifyMentionKeyword(result, MENTIONS_TRACKING_TYPE_EMOJIS); } if (cannedMention && roomType === 'l') { return this.identifyMentionKeyword(result, MENTIONS_TRACKING_TYPE_CANNED); } return this.stopTrackingMention(); }, 100); onKeyboardResigned = () => { this.closeEmoji(); }; onPressMention = (item: any) => { if (!this.component) { return; } const { trackingType } = this.state; const msg = this.text; const { start, end } = this.selection; const cursor = Math.max(start, end); const regexp = /([a-z0-9._-]+)$/im; let result = msg.substr(0, cursor).replace(regexp, ''); // Remove the ! after select the canned response if (trackingType === MENTIONS_TRACKING_TYPE_CANNED) { const lastIndexOfExclamation = msg.lastIndexOf('!', cursor); result = msg.substr(0, lastIndexOfExclamation).replace(regexp, ''); } const mentionName = trackingType === MENTIONS_TRACKING_TYPE_EMOJIS ? `${ || item}:` : item.username || || item.command || item.text; const text = `${result}${mentionName} ${msg.slice(cursor)}`; if (trackingType === MENTIONS_TRACKING_TYPE_COMMANDS && item.providesPreview) { this.setState({ showCommandPreview: true }); } const newCursor = cursor + mentionName.length; this.setInput(text, { start: newCursor, end: newCursor }); this.focus(); requestAnimationFrame(() => this.stopTrackingMention()); }; onPressCommandPreview = (item: any) => { const { command } = this.state; const { rid, tmid, message: { id: messageTmid }, replyCancel } = this.props; const { text } = this; const name = text.substr(0, text.indexOf(' ')).slice(1); const params = text.substr(text.indexOf(' ') + 1) || 'params'; this.setState({ commandPreview: [], showCommandPreview: false, command: {} }); this.stopTrackingMention(); this.clearInput(); this.handleTyping(false); try { const { appId } = command; const triggerId = generateTriggerId(appId); RocketChat.executeCommandPreview(name, params, rid, item, triggerId, tmid || messageTmid); replyCancel(); } catch (e) { log(e); } }; onEmojiSelected = (keyboardId: any, params: any) => { const { text } = this; const { emoji } = params; let newText = ''; // if messagebox has an active cursor const { start, end } = this.selection; const cursor = Math.max(start, end); newText = `${text.substr(0, cursor)}${emoji}${text.substr(cursor)}`; const newCursor = cursor + emoji.length; this.setInput(newText, { start: newCursor, end: newCursor }); this.setShowSend(true); }; getPermalink = async (message: any) => { try { return await RocketChat.getPermalinkMessage(message); } catch (error) { return null; } }; getFixedMentions = (keyword: any) => { let result: any = []; if ('all'.indexOf(keyword) !== -1) { result = [{ rid: -1, username: 'all' }]; } if ('here'.indexOf(keyword) !== -1) { result = [{ rid: -2, username: 'here' }, ...result]; } return result; }; getUsers = debounce(async (keyword: any) => { let res = await{ text: keyword, filterRooms: false, filterUsers: true }); res = [...this.getFixedMentions(keyword), ...res]; this.setState({ mentions: res, mentionLoading: false }); }, 300); getRooms = debounce(async (keyword = '') => { const res = await{ text: keyword, filterRooms: true, filterUsers: false }); this.setState({ mentions: res, mentionLoading: false }); }, 300); getEmojis = debounce(async (keyword: any) => { const db =; const customEmojisCollection = db.get('custom_emojis'); const likeString = sanitizeLikeString(keyword); const whereClause = []; if (likeString) { whereClause.push(Q.where('name',`${likeString}%`))); } let customEmojis = await customEmojisCollection.query(...whereClause).fetch(); customEmojis = customEmojis.slice(0, MENTIONS_COUNT_TO_DISPLAY); const filteredEmojis = emojis.filter(emoji => emoji.indexOf(keyword) !== -1).slice(0, MENTIONS_COUNT_TO_DISPLAY); const mergedEmojis = [...customEmojis, ...filteredEmojis].slice(0, MENTIONS_COUNT_TO_DISPLAY); this.setState({ mentions: mergedEmojis || [], mentionLoading: false }); }, 300); getSlashCommands = debounce(async (keyword: any) => { const db =; const commandsCollection = db.get('slash_commands'); const likeString = sanitizeLikeString(keyword); const commands = await commandsCollection.query(Q.where('id',`${likeString}%`))).fetch(); this.setState({ mentions: commands || [], mentionLoading: false }); }, 300); getCannedResponses = debounce(async (text?: string) => { const res = await RocketChat.getListCannedResponse({ text }); this.setState({ mentions: res?.cannedResponses || [], mentionLoading: false }); }, 500); focus = () => { if (this.component && this.component.focus) { this.component.focus(); } }; handleTyping = (isTyping: boolean) => { const { typing, rid, sharing } = this.props; if (sharing) { return; } if (!isTyping) { if (this.typingTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.typingTimeout); this.typingTimeout = false; } typing(rid, false); return; } if (this.typingTimeout) { return; } this.typingTimeout = setTimeout(() => { typing(rid, true); this.typingTimeout = false; }, 1000); }; setCommandPreview = async (command: any, name: string, params: any) => { const { rid } = this.props; try { const { success, preview } = await RocketChat.getCommandPreview(name, rid, params); if (success) { return this.setState({ commandPreview: preview?.items, showCommandPreview: true, command }); } } catch (e) { log(e); } this.setState({ commandPreview: [], showCommandPreview: true, command: {} }); }; setInput = (text: any, selection?: any) => { this.text = text; if (selection) { return this.component.setTextAndSelection(text, selection); } this.component.setNativeProps({ text }); }; setShowSend = (showSend: any) => { const { showSend: prevShowSend } = this.state; const { showSend: propShowSend } = this.props; if (prevShowSend !== showSend && !propShowSend) { this.setState({ showSend }); } }; clearInput = () => { this.setInput(''); this.setShowSend(false); this.setState({ tshow: false }); }; canUploadFile = (file: any) => { const { permissionToUpload } = this.state; const { FileUpload_MediaTypeWhiteList, FileUpload_MaxFileSize } = this.props; const result = canUploadFile(file, FileUpload_MediaTypeWhiteList, FileUpload_MaxFileSize, permissionToUpload); if (result.success) { return true; } Alert.alert(I18n.t('Error_uploading'), I18n.t(result.error)); return false; }; takePhoto = async () => { logEvent(events.ROOM_BOX_ACTION_PHOTO); try { let image = (await ImagePicker.openCamera(this.imagePickerConfig)) as Image; image = forceJpgExtension(image); if (this.canUploadFile(image)) { this.openShareView([image]); } } catch (e) { logEvent(events.ROOM_BOX_ACTION_PHOTO_F); } }; takeVideo = async () => { logEvent(events.ROOM_BOX_ACTION_VIDEO); try { const video = await ImagePicker.openCamera(this.videoPickerConfig); if (this.canUploadFile(video)) { this.openShareView([video]); } } catch (e) { logEvent(events.ROOM_BOX_ACTION_VIDEO_F); } }; chooseFromLibrary = async () => { logEvent(events.ROOM_BOX_ACTION_LIBRARY); try { let attachments = (await ImagePicker.openPicker(this.libraryPickerConfig)) as ImageOrVideo[]; attachments = => forceJpgExtension(att)); this.openShareView(attachments); } catch (e) { logEvent(events.ROOM_BOX_ACTION_LIBRARY_F); } }; chooseFile = async () => { logEvent(events.ROOM_BOX_ACTION_FILE); try { const res = await DocumentPicker.pick({ type: [DocumentPicker.types.allFiles] }); const file = { filename:, size: res.size, mime: res.type, path: res.uri }; if (this.canUploadFile(file)) { this.openShareView([file]); } } catch (e: any) { if (!DocumentPicker.isCancel(e)) { logEvent(events.ROOM_BOX_ACTION_FILE_F); log(e); } } }; onPressNoMatchCanned = () => { const { isMasterDetail, rid } = this.props; const params = { rid }; if (isMasterDetail) { Navigation.navigate('ModalStackNavigator', { screen: 'CannedResponsesListView', params }); } else { Navigation.navigate('CannedResponsesListView', params); } }; openShareView = (attachments: any) => { const { message, replyCancel, replyWithMention } = this.props; // Start a thread with an attachment let { thread } = this; if (replyWithMention) { thread = message; replyCancel(); } Navigation.navigate('ShareView', { room:, thread, attachments }); }; createDiscussion = () => { logEvent(events.ROOM_BOX_ACTION_DISCUSSION); const { isMasterDetail } = this.props; const params = { channel:, showCloseModal: true }; if (isMasterDetail) { Navigation.navigate('ModalStackNavigator', { screen: 'CreateDiscussionView', params }); } else { Navigation.navigate('NewMessageStackNavigator', { screen: 'CreateDiscussionView', params }); } }; showMessageBoxActions = () => { logEvent(events.ROOM_SHOW_BOX_ACTIONS); const { permissionToUpload } = this.state; const { showActionSheet } = this.props; const options = []; if (permissionToUpload) { options.push( { title: I18n.t('Take_a_photo'), icon: 'camera-photo', onPress: this.takePhoto }, { title: I18n.t('Take_a_video'), icon: 'camera', onPress: this.takeVideo }, { title: I18n.t('Choose_from_library'), icon: 'image', onPress: this.chooseFromLibrary }, { title: I18n.t('Choose_file'), icon: 'attach', onPress: this.chooseFile } ); } options.push({ title: I18n.t('Create_Discussion'), icon: 'discussions', onPress: this.createDiscussion }); showActionSheet({ options }); }; editCancel = () => { const { editCancel } = this.props; editCancel(); this.clearInput(); }; openEmoji = () => { logEvent(events.ROOM_OPEN_EMOJI); this.setState({ showEmojiKeyboard: true }); }; recordingCallback = (recording: any) => { this.setState({ recording }); }; finishAudioMessage = async (fileInfo: any) => { const { rid, tmid, baseUrl: server, user } = this.props; if (fileInfo) { try { if (this.canUploadFile(fileInfo)) { await RocketChat.sendFileMessage(rid, fileInfo, tmid, server, user); } } catch (e) { log(e); } } }; closeEmoji = () => { this.setState({ showEmojiKeyboard: false }); }; submit = async () => { const { tshow } = this.state; const { onSubmit, rid: roomId, tmid, showSend, sharing } = this.props; const message = this.text; // if sharing, only execute onSubmit prop if (sharing) { onSubmit(message); return; } this.clearInput(); this.debouncedOnChangeText.stop(); this.closeEmoji(); this.stopTrackingMention(); this.handleTyping(false); if (message.trim() === '' && !showSend) { return; } const { editing, replying, message: { id: messageTmid }, replyCancel } = this.props; // Slash command if (message[0] === MENTIONS_TRACKING_TYPE_COMMANDS) { const db =; const commandsCollection = db.get('slash_commands'); const command = message.replace(/ .*/, '').slice(1); const likeString = sanitizeLikeString(command); const slashCommand = await commandsCollection.query(Q.where('id',`${likeString}%`))).fetch(); if (slashCommand.length > 0) { logEvent(events.COMMAND_RUN); try { const messageWithoutCommand = message.replace(/([^\s]+)/, '').trim(); const [{ appId }] = slashCommand; const triggerId = generateTriggerId(appId); RocketChat.runSlashCommand(command, roomId, messageWithoutCommand, triggerId, tmid || messageTmid); replyCancel(); } catch (e) { logEvent(events.COMMAND_RUN_F); log(e); } this.clearInput(); return; } } // Edit if (editing) { const { message: editingMessage, editRequest } = this.props; const { id, // @ts-ignore subscription: { id: rid } } = editingMessage; editRequest({ id, msg: message, rid }); // Reply } else if (replying) { const { message: replyingMessage, threadsEnabled, replyWithMention } = this.props; // Thread if (threadsEnabled && replyWithMention) { onSubmit(message,, tshow); // Legacy reply or quote (quote is a reply without mention) } else { const { user, roomType } = this.props; const permalink = await this.getPermalink(replyingMessage); let msg = `[ ](${permalink}) `; // if original message wasn't sent by current user and neither from a direct room if (user.username !== replyingMessage.u.username && roomType !== 'd' && replyWithMention) { msg += `@${replyingMessage.u.username} `; } msg = `${msg} ${message}`; onSubmit(msg); } replyCancel(); // Normal message } else { // @ts-ignore onSubmit(message, undefined, tshow); } }; updateMentions = (keyword: any, type: string) => { if (type === MENTIONS_TRACKING_TYPE_USERS) { this.getUsers(keyword); } else if (type === MENTIONS_TRACKING_TYPE_EMOJIS) { this.getEmojis(keyword); } else if (type === MENTIONS_TRACKING_TYPE_COMMANDS) { this.getSlashCommands(keyword); } else if (type === MENTIONS_TRACKING_TYPE_CANNED) { this.getCannedResponses(keyword); } else { this.getRooms(keyword); } }; identifyMentionKeyword = (keyword: any, type: string) => { this.setState({ showEmojiKeyboard: false, trackingType: type, mentionLoading: true }); this.updateMentions(keyword, type); }; stopTrackingMention = () => { const { trackingType, showCommandPreview } = this.state; if (!trackingType && !showCommandPreview) { return; } this.setState({ mentions: [], trackingType: '', commandPreview: [], showCommandPreview: false }); }; handleCommands = ({ event }: { event: any }) => { if (handleCommandTyping(event)) { if (this.focused) { Keyboard.dismiss(); } else { this.component.focus(); } this.focused = !this.focused; } else if (handleCommandSubmit(event)) { this.submit(); } else if (handleCommandShowUpload(event)) { this.showMessageBoxActions(); } }; onPressSendToChannel = () => this.setState(({ tshow }) => ({ tshow: !tshow })); renderSendToChannel = () => { const { tshow } = this.state; const { theme, tmid, replyWithMention } = this.props; if (!tmid && !replyWithMention) { return null; } return ( {I18n.t('Messagebox_Send_to_channel')} ); }; renderContent = () => { const { recording, showEmojiKeyboard, showSend, mentions, trackingType, commandPreview, showCommandPreview, mentionLoading, permissionToUpload } = this.state; const { editing, message, replying, replyCancel, user, getCustomEmoji, theme, Message_AudioRecorderEnabled, children, isActionsEnabled, tmid } = this.props; const isAndroidTablet = isTablet && isAndroid ? { multiline: false, onSubmitEditing: this.submit, returnKeyType: 'send' } : {}; const recordAudio = showSend || !Message_AudioRecorderEnabled ? null : ( ); const commandsPreviewAndMentions = !recording ? ( <> ) : null; const replyPreview = !recording ? ( ) : null; const textInputAndButtons = !recording ? ( <> (this.component = component)} style={[styles.textBoxInput, { color: themes[theme].bodyText }]} // @ts-ignore returnKeyType='default' keyboardType='twitter' blurOnSubmit={false} placeholder={I18n.t('New_Message')} placeholderTextColor={themes[theme].auxiliaryText} onChangeText={this.onChangeText} onSelectionChange={this.onSelectionChange} underlineColorAndroid='transparent' defaultValue='' multiline testID={`messagebox-input${tmid ? '-thread' : ''}`} theme={theme} {...isAndroidTablet} /> ) : null; return ( <> {commandsPreviewAndMentions} {replyPreview} {textInputAndButtons} {recordAudio} {this.renderSendToChannel()} {children} ); }; render() { console.count(`${}.render calls`); const { showEmojiKeyboard } = this.state; const { user, baseUrl, theme, iOSScrollBehavior } = this.props; return ( (this.tracking = ref)} renderContent={this.renderContent} kbInputRef={this.component} kbComponent={showEmojiKeyboard ? 'EmojiKeyboard' : null} onKeyboardResigned={this.onKeyboardResigned} onItemSelected={this.onEmojiSelected} trackInteractive requiresSameParentToManageScrollView addBottomView bottomViewColor={themes[theme].messageboxBackground} iOSScrollBehavior={iOSScrollBehavior} /> ); } } const mapStateToProps = (state: any) => ({ isMasterDetail:, baseUrl: state.server.server, threadsEnabled: state.settings.Threads_enabled, user: getUserSelector(state), FileUpload_MediaTypeWhiteList: state.settings.FileUpload_MediaTypeWhiteList, FileUpload_MaxFileSize: state.settings.FileUpload_MaxFileSize, Message_AudioRecorderEnabled: state.settings.Message_AudioRecorderEnabled, uploadFilePermission: state.permissions['mobile-upload-file'] }); const dispatchToProps = { typing: (rid: any, status: any) => userTypingAction(rid, status) }; export default connect(mapStateToProps, dispatchToProps, null, { forwardRef: true })(withActionSheet(MessageBox)) as any;