import React, { useContext } from 'react';
import { Text } from 'react-native';
import { Paragraph as ParagraphProps } from '';

import Hashtag from '../Hashtag';
import AtMention from '../AtMention';
import styles from '../styles';
import Link from './Link';
import Plain from './Plain';
import Bold from './Bold';
import Strike from './Strike';
import Italic from './Italic';
import Emoji from './Emoji';
import InlineCode from './InlineCode';
import Image from './Image';
import MarkdownContext from './MarkdownContext';
// import { InlineKaTeX, KaTeX } from './Katex';

interface IParagraphProps {
	value: ParagraphProps['value'];
	forceTrim?: boolean;

const Inline = ({ value, forceTrim }: IParagraphProps): React.ReactElement | null => {
	const { useRealName, username, navToRoomInfo, mentions, channels } = useContext(MarkdownContext);
	return (
		<Text style={styles.inline}>
			{, index) => {
				// We are forcing trim when is a `[ ](https:// plain_text`
				// to clean the empty spaces
				if (forceTrim) {
					if (index === 0 && block.type === 'LINK') {
						block.value.label.value =
							// Need to update the to understand that the label can be a Markup | Markup[]
							// @ts-ignore
							block.value?.label?.value?.toString().trimLeft() || block?.value?.label?.[0]?.value?.toString().trimLeft();
					if (index === 1 && block.type !== 'LINK') {
						block.value = block.value?.toString().trimLeft();

				switch (block.type) {
					case 'IMAGE':
						return <Image value={block.value} />;
					case 'PLAIN_TEXT':
						return <Plain value={block.value} />;
					case 'BOLD':
						return <Bold value={block.value} />;
					case 'STRIKE':
						return <Strike value={block.value} />;
					case 'ITALIC':
						return <Italic value={block.value} />;
					case 'LINK':
						return <Link value={block.value} />;
					case 'MENTION_USER':
						return (
					case 'EMOJI':
						return <Emoji block={block} />;
					case 'MENTION_CHANNEL':
						return <Hashtag hashtag={block.value.value} navToRoomInfo={navToRoomInfo} channels={channels} />;
					case 'INLINE_CODE':
						return <InlineCode value={block.value} />;
					case 'INLINE_KATEX':
						// return <InlineKaTeX value={block.value} />;
						return <Text>{block.value}</Text>;
						return null;

export default Inline;