import React from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { Alert, Clipboard } from 'react-native'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import ActionSheet from 'react-native-actionsheet'; import * as moment from 'moment'; import { deleteRequest, editInit, toggleStarRequest, permalinkRequest, permalinkClear, togglePinRequest, setInput, actionsHide } from '../actions/messages'; import { showToast } from '../utils/info'; @connect( state => ({ showActions: state.messages.showActions, actionMessage: state.messages.actionMessage, user: state.login.user, permissions: state.permissions, permalink: state.messages.permalink, Message_AllowDeleting: state.settings.Message_AllowDeleting, Message_AllowDeleting_BlockDeleteInMinutes: state.settings.Message_AllowDeleting_BlockDeleteInMinutes, Message_AllowEditing: state.settings.Message_AllowEditing, Message_AllowEditing_BlockEditInMinutes: state.settings.Message_AllowEditing_BlockEditInMinutes, Message_AllowPinning: state.settings.Message_AllowPinning, Message_AllowStarring: state.settings.Message_AllowStarring }), dispatch => ({ actionsHide: () => dispatch(actionsHide()), deleteRequest: message => dispatch(deleteRequest(message)), editInit: message => dispatch(editInit(message)), toggleStarRequest: message => dispatch(toggleStarRequest(message)), permalinkRequest: message => dispatch(permalinkRequest(message)), permalinkClear: () => dispatch(permalinkClear()), togglePinRequest: message => dispatch(togglePinRequest(message)), setInput: message => dispatch(setInput(message)) }) ) export default class MessageActions extends React.Component { static propTypes = { actionsHide: PropTypes.func.isRequired, showActions: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, room: PropTypes.object, actionMessage: PropTypes.object, user: PropTypes.object, permissions: PropTypes.object.isRequired, deleteRequest: PropTypes.func.isRequired, editInit: PropTypes.func.isRequired, toggleStarRequest: PropTypes.func.isRequired, permalinkRequest: PropTypes.func.isRequired, permalinkClear: PropTypes.func.isRequired, togglePinRequest: PropTypes.func.isRequired, setInput: PropTypes.func.isRequired, permalink: PropTypes.string, Message_AllowDeleting: PropTypes.bool, Message_AllowDeleting_BlockDeleteInMinutes: PropTypes.number, Message_AllowEditing: PropTypes.bool, Message_AllowEditing_BlockEditInMinutes: PropTypes.number, Message_AllowPinning: PropTypes.bool, Message_AllowStarring: PropTypes.bool }; constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { copyPermalink: false, reply: false, quote: false }; this.handleActionPress = this.handleActionPress.bind(this); this.options = ['']; const { roles } =; const roomRoles = Array.from(Object.keys(roles), i => roles[i].value); const userRoles = this.props.user.roles || []; this.mergedRoles = [ Set([...roomRoles, ...userRoles])]; this.setPermissions(this.props.permissions); } async componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { if (nextProps.showActions !== this.props.showActions && nextProps.showActions) { const { actionMessage } = nextProps; // Cancel this.options = ['Cancel']; this.CANCEL_INDEX = 0; // Reply this.options.push('Reply'); this.REPLY_INDEX = this.options.length - 1; // Edit if (this.allowEdit(nextProps)) { this.options.push('Edit'); this.EDIT_INDEX = this.options.length - 1; } // Permalink this.options.push('Copy Permalink'); this.PERMALINK_INDEX = this.options.length - 1; // Copy this.options.push('Copy Message'); this.COPY_INDEX = this.options.length - 1; // Quote this.options.push('Quote'); this.QUOTE_INDEX = this.options.length - 1; // Star if (this.props.Message_AllowStarring) { this.options.push(actionMessage.starred ? 'Unstar' : 'Star'); this.STAR_INDEX = this.options.length - 1; } // Pin if (this.props.Message_AllowPinning) { this.options.push(actionMessage.pinned ? 'Unpin' : 'Pin'); this.PIN_INDEX = this.options.length - 1; } // Delete if (this.allowDelete(nextProps)) { this.options.push('Delete'); this.DELETE_INDEX = this.options.length - 1; } setTimeout(() => {; }); } else if (this.props.permalink !== nextProps.permalink && nextProps.permalink) { // copy permalink if (this.state.copyPermalink) { this.setState({ copyPermalink: false }); await Clipboard.setString(nextProps.permalink); showToast('Permalink copied to clipboard!'); this.props.permalinkClear(); // quote } else if (this.state.quote) { this.setState({ quote: false }); const msg = `[ ](${ nextProps.permalink }) `; this.props.setInput({ msg }); // reply } else if (this.state.reply) { this.setState({ reply: false }); let msg = `[ ](${ nextProps.permalink }) `; // if original message wasn't sent by current user and neither from a direct room if (this.props.user.username !== this.props.actionMessage.u.username && !== 'd') { msg += `@${ this.props.actionMessage.u.username } `; } this.props.setInput({ msg }); } } } componentDidUpdate() { this.setPermissions(this.props.permissions); } setPermissions(permissions) { this.hasEditPermission = permissions['edit-message'] .some(item => this.mergedRoles.indexOf(item) !== -1); this.hasDeletePermission = permissions['delete-message'] .some(item => this.mergedRoles.indexOf(item) !== -1); this.hasForceDeletePermission = permissions['force-delete-message'] .some(item => this.mergedRoles.indexOf(item) !== -1); } isOwn = props => props.actionMessage.u && props.actionMessage.u._id ===; allowEdit = (props) => { const editOwn = this.isOwn(props); const { Message_AllowEditing: isEditAllowed } = this.props; if (!(this.hasEditPermission || (isEditAllowed && editOwn))) { return false; } const blockEditInMinutes = this.props.Message_AllowEditing_BlockEditInMinutes; if (blockEditInMinutes) { let msgTs; if (props.actionMessage.ts != null) { msgTs = moment(props.actionMessage.ts); } let currentTsDiff; if (msgTs != null) { currentTsDiff = moment().diff(msgTs, 'minutes'); } return currentTsDiff < blockEditInMinutes; } return true; } allowDelete = (props) => { const deleteOwn = this.isOwn(props); const { Message_AllowDeleting: isDeleteAllowed } = this.props; if (!(this.hasDeletePermission || (isDeleteAllowed && deleteOwn) || this.hasForceDeletePermission)) { return false; } if (this.hasForceDeletePermission) { return true; } const blockDeleteInMinutes = this.props.Message_AllowDeleting_BlockDeleteInMinutes; if (blockDeleteInMinutes != null && blockDeleteInMinutes !== 0) { let msgTs; if (props.actionMessage.ts != null) { msgTs = moment(props.actionMessage.ts); } let currentTsDiff; if (msgTs != null) { currentTsDiff = moment().diff(msgTs, 'minutes'); } return currentTsDiff < blockDeleteInMinutes; } return true; } handleDelete() { Alert.alert( 'Are you sure?', 'You will not be able to recover this message!', [ { text: 'Cancel', style: 'cancel' }, { text: 'Yes, delete it!', style: 'destructive', onPress: () => this.props.deleteRequest(this.props.actionMessage) } ], { cancelable: false } ); } handleEdit() { const { _id, msg, rid } = this.props.actionMessage; this.props.editInit({ _id, msg, rid }); } handleCopy = async() => { await Clipboard.setString(this.props.actionMessage.msg); showToast('Copied to clipboard!'); } handleStar() { this.props.toggleStarRequest(this.props.actionMessage); } handlePermalink() { this.setState({ copyPermalink: true }); this.props.permalinkRequest(this.props.actionMessage); } handlePin() { this.props.togglePinRequest(this.props.actionMessage); } handleReply() { this.setState({ reply: true }); this.props.permalinkRequest(this.props.actionMessage); } handleQuote() { this.setState({ quote: true }); this.props.permalinkRequest(this.props.actionMessage); } handleActionPress = (actionIndex) => { switch (actionIndex) { case this.REPLY_INDEX: this.handleReply(); break; case this.EDIT_INDEX: this.handleEdit(); break; case this.PERMALINK_INDEX: this.handlePermalink(); break; case this.COPY_INDEX: this.handleCopy(); break; case this.QUOTE_INDEX: this.handleQuote(); break; case this.STAR_INDEX: this.handleStar(); break; case this.PIN_INDEX: this.handlePin(); break; case this.DELETE_INDEX: this.handleDelete(); break; default: break; } this.props.actionsHide(); } render() { return ( this.ActionSheet = o} title='Messages actions' options={this.options} cancelButtonIndex={this.CANCEL_INDEX} destructiveButtonIndex={this.DELETE_INDEX} onPress={this.handleActionPress} /> ); } }