Flipper (formerly Sonar) is a platform for debugging mobile apps on iOS and Android. Visualize, inspect, and control your apps from a simple desktop interface. Use Flipper as is or extend it using the plugin API.
 ## Table of Contents - [Mobile development](#mobile-development) - [Extending Flipper](#extending-flipper) - [Contributing to Flipper](#contributing-to-flipper) - [In this repo](#in-this-repo) - [Getting started](#getting-started) - [Requirements](#requirements) - [Building from Source](#building-from-source) - [Desktop](#desktop) - [Running from source](#running-from-source) - [Building standalone application](#building-standalone-application) - [iOS SDK + Sample App](#ios-sdk--sample-app) - [Android SDK + Sample app](#android-sdk--sample-app) - [Documentation](#documentation) - [Contributing](#contributing) - [License](#license) ## Mobile development Flipper aims to be your number one companion for mobile app development on iOS and Android. Therefore, we provide a bunch of useful tools, including a log viewer, interactive layout inspector, and network inspector. ## Extending Flipper Flipper is built as a platform. In addition to using the tools already included, you can create your own plugins to visualize and debug data from your mobile apps. Flipper takes care of sending data back and forth, calling functions, and listening for events on the mobile app. ## Contributing to Flipper Both Flipper's desktop app and native mobile SDKs are open-source and MIT licensed. This enables you to see and understand how we are building plugins, and of course, join the community and help to improve Flipper. We are excited to see what you will build on this platform. # In this repo This repository includes all parts of Flipper. This includes: * Flipper's desktop app built using [Electron](https://electronjs.org) (`/desktop`) * native Flipper SDKs for iOS (`/iOS`) * native Flipper SDKs for Android (`/android`) * Plugins: * Logs (`/desktop/src/device-plugins/logs`) * Layout inspector (`/desktop/plugins/layout`) * Network inspector (`/desktop/plugins/network`) * Shared Preferences/NSUserDefaults inspector (`/desktop/plugins/shared_preferences`) * website and documentation (`/website` / `/docs`) # Getting started Please refer to our [Getting Started guide](https://fbflipper.com/docs/getting-started/index) to set up Flipper. ## Requirements * node >= 8 * yarn >= 1.5 * iOS developer tools (for developing iOS plugins) * Android SDK and adb # Building from Source ## Desktop ### Running from source ``` git clone https://github.com/facebook/flipper.git cd flipper/desktop yarn yarn start ``` NOTE: If you're on Windows, you need to use Yarn 1.5.1 until [this issue](https://github.com/yarnpkg/yarn/issues/6048) is resolved. ### Building standalone application Provide either `--mac`, `--win`, `--linux` or any combination of them to `yarn build` to build a release zip file for the given platform(s). E.g. ``` yarn build --mac --version $buildNumber ``` You can find the resulting artifact in the `dist/` folder. ## iOS SDK + Sample App ``` cd iOS/Sample rm -f Podfile.lock pod install --repo-update open Sample.xcworkspace