import React from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { Switch } from 'react-native'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import I18n from '../i18n'; import { withTheme } from '../theme'; import { themes, SWITCH_TRACK_COLOR } from '../constants/colors'; import StatusBar from '../containers/StatusBar'; import * as List from '../containers/List'; import database from '../lib/database'; import { supportedBiometryLabel, changePasscode, checkHasPasscode } from '../utils/localAuthentication'; import { DEFAULT_AUTO_LOCK } from '../constants/localAuthentication'; import SafeAreaView from '../containers/SafeAreaView'; import { events, logEvent } from '../utils/log'; const DEFAULT_BIOMETRY = false; class ScreenLockConfigView extends React.Component { static navigationOptions = () => ({ title: I18n.t('Screen_lock') }); static propTypes = { theme: PropTypes.string, server: PropTypes.string, Force_Screen_Lock: PropTypes.string, Force_Screen_Lock_After: PropTypes.string } constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { autoLock: false, autoLockTime: null, biometry: DEFAULT_BIOMETRY, biometryLabel: null }; this.init(); } componentWillUnmount() { if (this.observable && this.observable.unsubscribe) { this.observable.unsubscribe(); } } defaultAutoLockOptions = [ { title: I18n.t('Local_authentication_auto_lock_60'), value: 60 }, { title: I18n.t('Local_authentication_auto_lock_300'), value: 300 }, { title: I18n.t('Local_authentication_auto_lock_900'), value: 900 }, { title: I18n.t('Local_authentication_auto_lock_1800'), value: 1800 }, { title: I18n.t('Local_authentication_auto_lock_3600'), value: 3600 } ]; init = async() => { const { server } = this.props; const serversDB = database.servers; const serversCollection = serversDB.collections.get('servers'); try { this.serverRecord = await serversCollection.find(server); this.setState({ autoLock: this.serverRecord?.autoLock, autoLockTime: this.serverRecord?.autoLockTime === null ? DEFAULT_AUTO_LOCK : this.serverRecord?.autoLockTime, biometry: this.serverRecord.biometry === null ? DEFAULT_BIOMETRY : this.serverRecord.biometry }); } catch (error) { // Do nothing } const biometryLabel = await supportedBiometryLabel(); this.setState({ biometryLabel }); this.observe(); } /* * We should observe biometry value * because it can be changed by PasscodeChange * when the user set his first passcode */ observe = () => { this.observable = this.serverRecord?.observe()?.subscribe(({ biometry }) => { this.setState({ biometry }); }); } save = async() => { logEvent(events.SLC_SAVE_SCREEN_LOCK); const { autoLock, autoLockTime, biometry } = this.state; const serversDB = database.servers; await serversDB.action(async() => { await this.serverRecord?.update((record) => { record.autoLock = autoLock; record.autoLockTime = autoLockTime === null ? DEFAULT_AUTO_LOCK : autoLockTime; record.biometry = biometry === null ? DEFAULT_BIOMETRY : biometry; }); }); } changePasscode = async({ force }) => { logEvent(events.SLC_CHANGE_PASSCODE); await changePasscode({ force }); } toggleAutoLock = () => { logEvent(events.SLC_TOGGLE_AUTOLOCK); this.setState(({ autoLock }) => ({ autoLock: !autoLock, autoLockTime: DEFAULT_AUTO_LOCK }), async() => { const { autoLock } = this.state; if (autoLock) { try { await checkHasPasscode({ force: false, serverRecord: this.serverRecord }); } catch { this.toggleAutoLock(); } }; }); } toggleBiometry = () => { logEvent(events.SLC_TOGGLE_BIOMETRY); this.setState(({ biometry }) => ({ biometry: !biometry }), () =>; } isSelected = (value) => { const { autoLockTime } = this.state; return autoLockTime === value; } changeAutoLockTime = (autoLockTime) => { logEvent(events.SLC_CHANGE_AUTOLOCK_TIME); this.setState({ autoLockTime }, () =>; } renderIcon = () => { const { theme } = this.props; return <List.Icon name='check' color={themes[theme].tintColor} />; } renderItem = ({ item }) => { const { title, value, disabled } = item; return ( <> <List.Item title={title} onPress={() => this.changeAutoLockTime(value)} right={this.isSelected(value) ? this.renderIcon : null} disabled={disabled} translateTitle={false} /> <List.Separator /> </> ); } renderAutoLockSwitch = () => { const { autoLock } = this.state; const { Force_Screen_Lock } = this.props; return ( <Switch value={autoLock} trackColor={SWITCH_TRACK_COLOR} onValueChange={this.toggleAutoLock} disabled={Force_Screen_Lock} /> ); } renderBiometrySwitch = () => { const { biometry } = this.state; return ( <Switch value={biometry} trackColor={SWITCH_TRACK_COLOR} onValueChange={this.toggleBiometry} /> ); } renderAutoLockItems = () => { const { autoLock, autoLockTime } = this.state; const { Force_Screen_Lock_After, Force_Screen_Lock } = this.props; if (!autoLock) { return null; } let items = this.defaultAutoLockOptions; if (Force_Screen_Lock && Force_Screen_Lock_After > 0) { items = [{ title: I18n.t('After_seconds_set_by_admin', { seconds: Force_Screen_Lock_After }), value: Force_Screen_Lock_After, disabled: true }]; // if Force_Screen_Lock is disabled and autoLockTime is a value that isn't on our defaultOptions we'll show it } else if (Force_Screen_Lock_After === autoLockTime && !items.find(item => item.value === autoLockTime)) { items.push({ title: I18n.t('After_seconds_set_by_admin', { seconds: Force_Screen_Lock_After }), value: Force_Screen_Lock_After }); } return ( <List.Section> <List.Separator /> { => this.renderItem({ item }))} </List.Section> ); } renderBiometry = () => { const { autoLock, biometryLabel } = this.state; if (!autoLock || !biometryLabel) { return null; } return ( <List.Section> <List.Separator /> <List.Item title={I18n.t('Local_authentication_unlock_with_label', { label: biometryLabel })} right={() => this.renderBiometrySwitch()} translateTitle={false} /> <List.Separator /> </List.Section> ); } render() { const { autoLock } = this.state; return ( <SafeAreaView> <StatusBar /> <List.Container> <List.Section> <List.Separator /> <List.Item title='Local_authentication_unlock_option' right={() => this.renderAutoLockSwitch()} /> {autoLock ? ( <> <List.Separator /> <List.Item title='Local_authentication_change_passcode' onPress={this.changePasscode} showActionIndicator /> </> ) : null } <List.Separator /> <List.Info info='Local_authentication_info' /> </List.Section> {this.renderBiometry()} {this.renderAutoLockItems()} </List.Container> </SafeAreaView> ); } } const mapStateToProps = state => ({ server: state.server.server, Force_Screen_Lock: state.settings.Force_Screen_Lock, Force_Screen_Lock_After: state.settings.Force_Screen_Lock_After }); export default connect(mapStateToProps)(withTheme(ScreenLockConfigView));