// Copyright Oliver Kowalke 2009. // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) #ifndef BOOST_CONTEXT_DETAIL_FCONTEXT_H #define BOOST_CONTEXT_DETAIL_FCONTEXT_H #include <boost/config.hpp> #include <boost/cstdint.hpp> #include <boost/context/detail/config.hpp> #ifdef BOOST_HAS_ABI_HEADERS # include BOOST_ABI_PREFIX #endif namespace boost { namespace context { namespace detail { typedef void* fcontext_t; struct transfer_t { fcontext_t fctx; void * data; }; extern "C" BOOST_CONTEXT_DECL transfer_t BOOST_CONTEXT_CALLDECL jump_fcontext( fcontext_t const to, void * vp); extern "C" BOOST_CONTEXT_DECL fcontext_t BOOST_CONTEXT_CALLDECL make_fcontext( void * sp, std::size_t size, void (* fn)( transfer_t) ); // based on an idea of Giovanni Derreta extern "C" BOOST_CONTEXT_DECL transfer_t BOOST_CONTEXT_CALLDECL ontop_fcontext( fcontext_t const to, void * vp, transfer_t (* fn)( transfer_t) ); }}} #ifdef BOOST_HAS_ABI_HEADERS # include BOOST_ABI_SUFFIX #endif #endif // BOOST_CONTEXT_DETAIL_FCONTEXT_H