/* eslint-disable import/no-extraneous-dependencies, import/no-unresolved, import/extensions, react/prop-types */ import React from 'react'; import { FlatList } from 'react-native'; import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react-native'; import * as List from '../../app/containers/List'; import SafeAreaView from '../../app/containers/SafeAreaView'; import { longText } from '../utils'; import { ThemeContext } from '../../app/theme'; import { DimensionsContext } from '../../app/dimensions'; import { themes } from '../../app/lib/constants'; const stories = storiesOf('List', module); stories.add('title and subtitle', () => ( )); stories.add('alert', () => ( } alert /> } alert /> )); stories.add('pressable', () => ( alert('Hi there!')} translateTitle={false} /> alert('Hi there!')} disabled translateTitle={false} /> )); stories.add('header', () => ( )); stories.add('icon', () => ( )); stories.add('separator', () => ( )); stories.add('with section and info', () => ( )); stories.add('with icon', () => ( } /> } /> } right={() => } /> )); stories.add('with custom colors', () => ( alert('Press')} backgroundColor='red' underlayColor='green' translateTitle={false} /> )); const ListItemFull = ({ ...props }) => ( alert('Hi')} left={() => } right={() => } {...props} /> ); const ListFull = () => ( ); const ThemeStory = ({ theme }) => ( ); stories.add('with dark theme', () => ); stories.add('with black theme', () => ); const FontStory = ({ fontScale }) => ( ); /** * It's going to test height only. * Font scale on text and icons is applied based on OS setting */ stories.add('with small font', () => ); stories.add('with bigger font', () => ); stories.add('with FlatList', () => ( } ListHeaderComponent={List.Separator} ListFooterComponent={List.Separator} ItemSeparatorComponent={List.Separator} keyExtractor={item => item} /> ));