
983 lines
39 KiB

/* Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#if !defined(__has_feature) || !__has_feature(objc_arc)
#error "This file requires ARC support."
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#import "GTMSessionFetcherLogging.h"
#error GTMSessionFetcher headers should have defaulted this if it wasn't already defined.
// Sensitive credential strings are replaced in logs with _snip_
// Apps that must see the contents of sensitive tokens can set this to 1
// If GTMReadMonitorInputStream is available, it can be used for
// capturing uploaded streams of data
// We locally declare methods of GTMReadMonitorInputStream so we
// do not need to import the header, as some projects may not have it available
@interface GTMReadMonitorInputStream : NSInputStream
+ (instancetype)inputStreamWithStream:(NSInputStream *)input;
@property (assign) id readDelegate;
@property (assign) SEL readSelector;
@class GTMReadMonitorInputStream;
@interface GTMSessionFetcher (GTMHTTPFetcherLoggingUtilities)
+ (NSString *)headersStringForDictionary:(NSDictionary *)dict;
+ (NSString *)snipSubstringOfString:(NSString *)originalStr
betweenStartString:(NSString *)startStr
endString:(NSString *)endStr;
- (void)inputStream:(GTMReadMonitorInputStream *)stream
readIntoBuffer:(void *)buffer
@implementation GTMSessionFetcher (GTMSessionFetcherLogging)
// fetchers come and fetchers go, but statics are forever
static BOOL gIsLoggingEnabled = NO;
static BOOL gIsLoggingToFile = YES;
static NSString *gLoggingDirectoryPath = nil;
static NSString *gLogDirectoryForCurrentRun = nil;
static NSString *gLoggingDateStamp = nil;
static NSString *gLoggingProcessName = nil;
+ (void)setLoggingDirectory:(NSString *)path {
gLoggingDirectoryPath = [path copy];
+ (NSString *)loggingDirectory {
if (!gLoggingDirectoryPath) {
NSArray *paths = nil;
// default to a directory called GTMHTTPDebugLogs into a sandbox-safe
// directory that a developer can find easily, the application home
paths = @[ NSHomeDirectory() ];
// Neither ~/Desktop nor ~/Home is writable on an actual iOS, watchOS, or tvOS device.
// Put it in ~/Documents.
paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES);
// default to a directory called GTMHTTPDebugLogs in the desktop folder
paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDesktopDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES);
NSString *desktopPath = paths.firstObject;
if (desktopPath) {
NSString *const kGTMLogFolderName = @"GTMHTTPDebugLogs";
NSString *logsFolderPath = [desktopPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:kGTMLogFolderName];
NSFileManager *fileMgr = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
BOOL isDir;
BOOL doesFolderExist = [fileMgr fileExistsAtPath:logsFolderPath isDirectory:&isDir];
if (!doesFolderExist) {
// make the directory
doesFolderExist = [fileMgr createDirectoryAtPath:logsFolderPath
if (doesFolderExist) {
// The directory has been created. Exclude it from backups.
NSURL *pathURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:logsFolderPath isDirectory:YES];
[pathURL setResourceValue:@YES forKey:NSURLIsExcludedFromBackupKey error:NULL];
if (doesFolderExist) {
// it's there; store it in the global
gLoggingDirectoryPath = [logsFolderPath copy];
return gLoggingDirectoryPath;
+ (void)setLogDirectoryForCurrentRun:(NSString *)logDirectoryForCurrentRun {
// Set the path for this run's logs.
gLogDirectoryForCurrentRun = [logDirectoryForCurrentRun copy];
+ (NSString *)logDirectoryForCurrentRun {
// make a directory for this run's logs, like SyncProto_logs_10-16_01-56-58PM
if (gLogDirectoryForCurrentRun) return gLogDirectoryForCurrentRun;
NSString *parentDir = [self loggingDirectory];
NSString *logNamePrefix = [self processNameLogPrefix];
NSString *dateStamp = [self loggingDateStamp];
NSString *dirName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@", logNamePrefix, dateStamp];
NSString *logDirectory = [parentDir stringByAppendingPathComponent:dirName];
if (gIsLoggingToFile) {
NSFileManager *fileMgr = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
// Be sure that the first time this app runs, it's not writing to a preexisting folder
static BOOL gShouldReuseFolder = NO;
if (!gShouldReuseFolder) {
gShouldReuseFolder = YES;
NSString *origLogDir = logDirectory;
for (int ctr = 2; ctr < 20; ++ctr) {
if (![fileMgr fileExistsAtPath:logDirectory]) break;
// append a digit
logDirectory = [origLogDir stringByAppendingFormat:@"_%d", ctr];
if (![fileMgr createDirectoryAtPath:logDirectory
error:NULL]) return nil;
gLogDirectoryForCurrentRun = logDirectory;
return gLogDirectoryForCurrentRun;
+ (void)setLoggingEnabled:(BOOL)isLoggingEnabled {
gIsLoggingEnabled = isLoggingEnabled;
+ (BOOL)isLoggingEnabled {
return gIsLoggingEnabled;
+ (void)setLoggingToFileEnabled:(BOOL)isLoggingToFileEnabled {
gIsLoggingToFile = isLoggingToFileEnabled;
+ (BOOL)isLoggingToFileEnabled {
return gIsLoggingToFile;
+ (void)setLoggingProcessName:(NSString *)processName {
gLoggingProcessName = [processName copy];
+ (NSString *)loggingProcessName {
// get the process name (once per run) replacing spaces with underscores
if (!gLoggingProcessName) {
NSString *procName = [[NSProcessInfo processInfo] processName];
gLoggingProcessName = [procName stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@" " withString:@"_"];
return gLoggingProcessName;
+ (void)setLoggingDateStamp:(NSString *)dateStamp {
gLoggingDateStamp = [dateStamp copy];
+ (NSString *)loggingDateStamp {
// We'll pick one date stamp per run, so a run that starts at a later second
// will get a unique results html file
if (!gLoggingDateStamp) {
// produce a string like 08-21_01-41-23PM
NSDateFormatter *formatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[formatter setFormatterBehavior:NSDateFormatterBehavior10_4];
[formatter setDateFormat:@"M-dd_hh-mm-ssa"];
gLoggingDateStamp = [formatter stringFromDate:[NSDate date]];
return gLoggingDateStamp;
+ (NSString *)processNameLogPrefix {
static NSString *gPrefix = nil;
if (!gPrefix) {
NSString *processName = [self loggingProcessName];
gPrefix = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"%@_log_", processName];
return gPrefix;
+ (NSString *)symlinkNameSuffix {
return @"_log_newest.html";
+ (NSString *)htmlFileName {
return @"aperçu_http_log.html";
+ (void)deleteLogDirectoriesOlderThanDate:(NSDate *)cutoffDate {
NSFileManager *fileMgr = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
NSURL *parentDir = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:[[self class] loggingDirectory]];
NSURL *logDirectoryForCurrentRun =
[NSURL fileURLWithPath:[[self class] logDirectoryForCurrentRun]];
NSError *error;
NSArray *contents = [fileMgr contentsOfDirectoryAtURL:parentDir
includingPropertiesForKeys:@[ NSURLContentModificationDateKey ]
for (NSURL *itemURL in contents) {
if ([itemURL isEqual:logDirectoryForCurrentRun]) continue;
NSDate *modDate;
if ([itemURL getResourceValue:&modDate
error:&error]) {
if ([modDate compare:cutoffDate] == NSOrderedAscending) {
if (![fileMgr removeItemAtURL:itemURL error:&error]) {
NSLog(@"deleteLogDirectoriesOlderThanDate failed to delete %@: %@",
itemURL.path, error);
} else {
NSLog(@"deleteLogDirectoriesOlderThanDate failed to get mod date of %@: %@",
itemURL.path, error);
// formattedStringFromData returns a prettyprinted string for XML or JSON input,
// and a plain string for other input data
- (NSString *)formattedStringFromData:(NSData *)inputData
contentType:(NSString *)contentType
JSON:(NSDictionary **)outJSON {
if (!inputData) return nil;
// if the content type is JSON and we have the parsing class available, use that
if ([contentType hasPrefix:@"application/json"] && inputData.length > 5) {
// convert from JSON string to NSObjects and back to a formatted string
NSMutableDictionary *obj = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:inputData
if (obj) {
if (outJSON) *outJSON = obj;
if ([obj isKindOfClass:[NSMutableDictionary class]]) {
// for security and privacy, omit OAuth 2 response access and refresh tokens
if ([obj valueForKey:@"refresh_token"] != nil) {
[obj setObject:@"_snip_" forKey:@"refresh_token"];
if ([obj valueForKey:@"access_token"] != nil) {
[obj setObject:@"_snip_" forKey:@"access_token"];
NSData *data = [NSJSONSerialization dataWithJSONObject:obj
if (data) {
NSString *jsonStr = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:data
return jsonStr;
// verify that this data starts with the bytes indicating XML
NSString *const kXMLLintPath = @"/usr/bin/xmllint";
static BOOL gHasCheckedAvailability = NO;
static BOOL gIsXMLLintAvailable = NO;
if (!gHasCheckedAvailability) {
gIsXMLLintAvailable = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:kXMLLintPath];
gHasCheckedAvailability = YES;
if (gIsXMLLintAvailable
&& inputData.length > 5
&& strncmp(inputData.bytes, "<?xml", 5) == 0) {
// call xmllint to format the data
NSTask *task = [[NSTask alloc] init];
[task setLaunchPath:kXMLLintPath];
// use the dash argument to specify stdin as the source file
[task setArguments:@[ @"--format", @"-" ]];
[task setEnvironment:@{}];
NSPipe *inputPipe = [NSPipe pipe];
NSPipe *outputPipe = [NSPipe pipe];
[task setStandardInput:inputPipe];
[task setStandardOutput:outputPipe];
[task launch];
[[inputPipe fileHandleForWriting] writeData:inputData];
[[inputPipe fileHandleForWriting] closeFile];
// drain the stdout before waiting for the task to exit
NSData *formattedData = [[outputPipe fileHandleForReading] readDataToEndOfFile];
[task waitUntilExit];
int status = [task terminationStatus];
if (status == 0 && formattedData.length > 0) {
// success
inputData = formattedData;
// we can't call external tasks on the iPhone; leave the XML unformatted
NSString *dataStr = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:inputData
return dataStr;
// stringFromStreamData creates a string given the supplied data
// If NSString can create a UTF-8 string from the data, then that is returned.
// Otherwise, this routine tries to find a MIME boundary at the beginning of the data block, and
// uses that to break up the data into parts. Each part will be used to try to make a UTF-8 string.
// For parts that fail, a replacement string showing the part header and <<n bytes>> is supplied
// in place of the binary data.
- (NSString *)stringFromStreamData:(NSData *)data
contentType:(NSString *)contentType {
if (!data) return nil;
// optimistically, see if the whole data block is UTF-8
NSString *streamDataStr = [self formattedStringFromData:data
if (streamDataStr) return streamDataStr;
// Munge a buffer by replacing non-ASCII bytes with underscores, and turn that munged buffer an
// NSString. That gives us a string we can use with NSScanner.
NSMutableData *mutableData = [NSMutableData dataWithData:data];
unsigned char *bytes = (unsigned char *)mutableData.mutableBytes;
for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < mutableData.length; ++idx) {
if (bytes[idx] > 0x7F || bytes[idx] == 0) {
bytes[idx] = '_';
NSString *mungedStr = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:mutableData
if (mungedStr) {
// scan for the boundary string
NSString *boundary = nil;
NSScanner *scanner = [NSScanner scannerWithString:mungedStr];
if ([scanner scanUpToString:@"\r\n" intoString:&boundary]
&& [boundary hasPrefix:@"--"]) {
// we found a boundary string; use it to divide the string into parts
NSArray *mungedParts = [mungedStr componentsSeparatedByString:boundary];
// look at each munged part in the original string, and try to convert those into UTF-8
NSMutableArray *origParts = [NSMutableArray array];
NSUInteger offset = 0;
for (NSString *mungedPart in mungedParts) {
NSUInteger partSize = mungedPart.length;
NSData *origPartData = [data subdataWithRange:NSMakeRange(offset, partSize)];
NSString *origPartStr = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:origPartData
if (origPartStr) {
// we could make this original part into UTF-8; use the string
[origParts addObject:origPartStr];
} else {
// this part can't be made into UTF-8; scan the header, if we can
NSString *header = nil;
NSScanner *headerScanner = [NSScanner scannerWithString:mungedPart];
if (![headerScanner scanUpToString:@"\r\n\r\n" intoString:&header]) {
// we couldn't find a header
header = @"";
// make a part string with the header and <<n bytes>>
NSString *binStr = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"\r%@\r<<%lu bytes>>\r",
header, (long)(partSize - header.length)];
[origParts addObject:binStr];
offset += partSize + boundary.length;
// rejoin the original parts
streamDataStr = [origParts componentsJoinedByString:boundary];
if (!streamDataStr) {
// give up; just make a string showing the uploaded bytes
streamDataStr = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<<%u bytes>>", (unsigned int)data.length];
return streamDataStr;
// logFetchWithError is called following a successful or failed fetch attempt
// This method does all the work for appending to and creating log files
- (void)logFetchWithError:(NSError *)error {
if (![[self class] isLoggingEnabled]) return;
NSString *logDirectory = [[self class] logDirectoryForCurrentRun];
if (!logDirectory) return;
NSString *processName = [[self class] loggingProcessName];
// TODO: add Javascript to display response data formatted in hex
// each response's NSData goes into its own xml or txt file, though all responses for this run of
// the app share a main html file. This counter tracks all fetch responses for this app run.
// we'll use a local variable since this routine may be reentered while waiting for XML formatting
// to be completed by an external task
static int gResponseCounter = 0;
int responseCounter = ++gResponseCounter;
NSURLResponse *response = [self response];
NSDictionary *responseHeaders = [self responseHeaders];
NSString *responseDataStr = nil;
NSDictionary *responseJSON = nil;
// if there's response data, decide what kind of file to put it in based on the first bytes of the
// file or on the mime type supplied by the server
NSString *responseMIMEType = [response MIMEType];
BOOL isResponseImage = NO;
// file name for an image data file
NSString *responseDataFileName = nil;
int64_t responseDataLength = self.downloadedLength;
if (responseDataLength > 0) {
NSData *downloadedData = self.downloadedData;
if (downloadedData == nil
&& responseDataLength > 0
&& responseDataLength < 20000
&& self.destinationFileURL) {
// There's a download file that's not too big, so get the data to display from the downloaded
// file.
NSURL *destinationURL = self.destinationFileURL;
downloadedData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:destinationURL];
NSString *responseType = [responseHeaders valueForKey:@"Content-Type"];
responseDataStr = [self formattedStringFromData:downloadedData
NSString *responseDataExtn = nil;
NSData *dataToWrite = nil;
if (responseDataStr) {
// we were able to make a UTF-8 string from the response data
if ([responseMIMEType isEqual:@"application/atom+xml"]
|| [responseMIMEType hasSuffix:@"/xml"]) {
responseDataExtn = @"xml";
dataToWrite = [responseDataStr dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
} else if ([responseMIMEType isEqual:@"image/jpeg"]) {
responseDataExtn = @"jpg";
dataToWrite = downloadedData;
isResponseImage = YES;
} else if ([responseMIMEType isEqual:@"image/gif"]) {
responseDataExtn = @"gif";
dataToWrite = downloadedData;
isResponseImage = YES;
} else if ([responseMIMEType isEqual:@"image/png"]) {
responseDataExtn = @"png";
dataToWrite = downloadedData;
isResponseImage = YES;
} else {
// add more non-text types here
// if we have an extension, save the raw data in a file with that extension
if (responseDataExtn && dataToWrite) {
// generate a response file base name like
NSString *responseBaseName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"fetch_%d_response", responseCounter];
responseDataFileName = [responseBaseName stringByAppendingPathExtension:responseDataExtn];
NSString *responseDataFilePath = [logDirectory stringByAppendingPathComponent:responseDataFileName];
NSError *downloadedError = nil;
if (gIsLoggingToFile && ![dataToWrite writeToFile:responseDataFilePath
error:&downloadedError]) {
NSLog(@"%@ logging write error:%@ (%@)", [self class], downloadedError, responseDataFileName);
// we'll have one main html file per run of the app
NSString *htmlName = [[self class] htmlFileName];
NSString *htmlPath =[logDirectory stringByAppendingPathComponent:htmlName];
// if the html file exists (from logging previous fetches) we don't need
// to re-write the header or the scripts
NSFileManager *fileMgr = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
BOOL didFileExist = [fileMgr fileExistsAtPath:htmlPath];
NSMutableString* outputHTML = [NSMutableString string];
// we need a header to say we'll have UTF-8 text
if (!didFileExist) {
[outputHTML appendFormat:@"<html><head><meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" "
"content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\"><title>%@ HTTP fetch log %@</title>",
processName, [[self class] loggingDateStamp]];
// now write the visible html elements
NSString *copyableFileName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"fetch_%d.txt", responseCounter];
NSDate *now = [NSDate date];
// write the date & time, the comment, and the link to the plain-text (copyable) log
[outputHTML appendFormat:@"<b>%@ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ", now];
NSString *comment = [self comment];
if (comment.length > 0) {
[outputHTML appendFormat:@"%@ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ", comment];
[outputHTML appendFormat:@"</b><a href='%@'><i>request/response log</i></a><br>", copyableFileName];
NSTimeInterval elapsed = -self.initialBeginFetchDate.timeIntervalSinceNow;
[outputHTML appendFormat:@"elapsed: %5.3fsec<br>", elapsed];
// write the request URL
NSURLRequest *request = self.request;
NSString *requestMethod = request.HTTPMethod;
NSURL *requestURL = request.URL;
// Save the request URL for next time in case this redirects.
NSString *redirectedFromURLString = [self.redirectedFromURL absoluteString];
self.redirectedFromURL = [requestURL copy];
if (redirectedFromURLString) {
[outputHTML appendFormat:@"<FONT COLOR='#990066'><i>redirected from %@</i></FONT><br>",
[outputHTML appendFormat:@"<b>request:</b> %@ <code>%@</code><br>\n", requestMethod, requestURL];
// write the request headers
NSDictionary *requestHeaders = request.allHTTPHeaderFields;
NSUInteger numberOfRequestHeaders = requestHeaders.count;
if (numberOfRequestHeaders > 0) {
// Indicate if the request is authorized; warn if the request is authorized but non-SSL
NSString *auth = [requestHeaders objectForKey:@"Authorization"];
NSString *headerDetails = @"";
if (auth) {
BOOL isInsecure = [[requestURL scheme] isEqual:@"http"];
if (isInsecure) {
// 26A0 = ⚠
headerDetails =
@"&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>authorized, non-SSL</i><FONT COLOR='#FF00FF'> &#x26A0;</FONT> ";
} else {
headerDetails = @"&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>authorized</i>";
NSString *cookiesHdr = [requestHeaders objectForKey:@"Cookie"];
if (cookiesHdr) {
headerDetails = [headerDetails stringByAppendingString:@"&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>cookies</i>"];
NSString *matchHdr = [requestHeaders objectForKey:@"If-Match"];
if (matchHdr) {
headerDetails = [headerDetails stringByAppendingString:@"&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>if-match</i>"];
matchHdr = [requestHeaders objectForKey:@"If-None-Match"];
if (matchHdr) {
headerDetails = [headerDetails stringByAppendingString:@"&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>if-none-match</i>"];
[outputHTML appendFormat:@"&nbsp;&nbsp; headers: %d %@<br>",
(int)numberOfRequestHeaders, headerDetails];
} else {
[outputHTML appendFormat:@"&nbsp;&nbsp; headers: none<br>"];
// write the request post data
NSData *bodyData = nil;
NSData *loggedStreamData = self.loggedStreamData;
if (loggedStreamData) {
bodyData = loggedStreamData;
} else {
bodyData = self.bodyData;
if (bodyData == nil) {
bodyData = self.request.HTTPBody;
uint64_t bodyDataLength = bodyData.length;
if (bodyData.length == 0) {
// If the data is in a body upload file URL, read that in if it's not huge.
NSURL *bodyFileURL = self.bodyFileURL;
if (bodyFileURL) {
NSNumber *fileSizeNum = nil;
NSError *fileSizeError = nil;
if ([bodyFileURL getResourceValue:&fileSizeNum
error:&fileSizeError]) {
bodyDataLength = [fileSizeNum unsignedLongLongValue];
if (bodyDataLength > 0 && bodyDataLength < 50000) {
bodyData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:bodyFileURL
NSString *bodyDataStr = nil;
NSString *postType = [requestHeaders valueForKey:@"Content-Type"];
if (bodyDataLength > 0) {
[outputHTML appendFormat:@"&nbsp;&nbsp; data: %llu bytes, <code>%@</code><br>\n",
bodyDataLength, postType ? postType : @"(no type)"];
NSString *logRequestBody = self.logRequestBody;
if (logRequestBody) {
bodyDataStr = [logRequestBody copy];
self.logRequestBody = nil;
} else {
bodyDataStr = [self stringFromStreamData:bodyData
if (bodyDataStr) {
// remove OAuth 2 client secret and refresh token
bodyDataStr = [[self class] snipSubstringOfString:bodyDataStr
bodyDataStr = [[self class] snipSubstringOfString:bodyDataStr
// remove ClientLogin password
bodyDataStr = [[self class] snipSubstringOfString:bodyDataStr
} else {
// no post data
// write the response status, MIME type, URL
NSInteger status = [self statusCode];
if (response) {
NSString *statusString = @"";
if (status != 0) {
if (status == 200 || status == 201) {
statusString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%ld", (long)status];
// report any JSON-RPC error
if ([responseJSON isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]) {
NSDictionary *jsonError = [responseJSON objectForKey:@"error"];
if ([jsonError isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]) {
NSString *jsonCode = [[jsonError valueForKey:@"code"] description];
NSString *jsonMessage = [jsonError valueForKey:@"message"];
if (jsonCode || jsonMessage) {
// 2691 = ⚑
NSString *const jsonErrFmt =
@"&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>JSON error:</i> <FONT COLOR='#FF00FF'>%@ %@ &nbsp;&#x2691;</FONT>";
statusString = [statusString stringByAppendingFormat:jsonErrFmt,
jsonCode ? jsonCode : @"",
jsonMessage ? jsonMessage : @""];
} else {
// purple for anything other than 200 or 201
NSString *flag = status >= 400 ? @"&nbsp;&#x2691;" : @""; // 2691 = ⚑
NSString *explanation = [NSHTTPURLResponse localizedStringForStatusCode:status];
NSString *const statusFormat = @"<FONT COLOR='#FF00FF'>%ld %@ %@</FONT>";
statusString = [NSString stringWithFormat:statusFormat, (long)status, explanation, flag];
// show the response URL only if it's different from the request URL
NSString *responseURLStr = @"";
NSURL *responseURL = response.URL;
if (responseURL && ![responseURL isEqual:request.URL]) {
NSString *const responseURLFormat =
@"<FONT COLOR='#FF00FF'>response URL:</FONT> <code>%@</code><br>\n";
responseURLStr = [NSString stringWithFormat:responseURLFormat, [responseURL absoluteString]];
[outputHTML appendFormat:@"<b>response:</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;status %@<br>\n%@",
statusString, responseURLStr];
// Write the response headers
NSUInteger numberOfResponseHeaders = responseHeaders.count;
if (numberOfResponseHeaders > 0) {
// Indicate if the server is setting cookies
NSString *cookiesSet = [responseHeaders valueForKey:@"Set-Cookie"];
NSString *cookiesStr =
cookiesSet ? @"&nbsp;&nbsp;<FONT COLOR='#990066'><i>sets cookies</i></FONT>" : @"";
// Indicate if the server is redirecting
NSString *location = [responseHeaders valueForKey:@"Location"];
BOOL isRedirect = status >= 300 && status <= 399 && location != nil;
NSString *redirectsStr =
isRedirect ? @"&nbsp;&nbsp;<FONT COLOR='#990066'><i>redirects</i></FONT>" : @"";
[outputHTML appendFormat:@"&nbsp;&nbsp; headers: %d %@ %@<br>\n",
(int)numberOfResponseHeaders, cookiesStr, redirectsStr];
} else {
[outputHTML appendString:@"&nbsp;&nbsp; headers: none<br>\n"];
// error
if (error) {
[outputHTML appendFormat:@"<b>Error:</b> %@ <br>\n", error.description];
// Write the response data
if (responseDataFileName) {
if (isResponseImage) {
// Make a small inline image that links to the full image file
[outputHTML appendFormat:@"&nbsp;&nbsp; data: %lld bytes, <code>%@</code><br>",
responseDataLength, responseMIMEType];
NSString *const fmt =
@"<a href=\"%@\"><img src='%@' alt='image' style='border:solid thin;max-height:32'></a>\n";
[outputHTML appendFormat:fmt, responseDataFileName, responseDataFileName];
} else {
// The response data was XML; link to the xml file
NSString *const fmt =
@"&nbsp;&nbsp; data: %lld bytes, <code>%@</code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i><a href=\"%@\">%@</a></i>\n";
[outputHTML appendFormat:fmt, responseDataLength, responseMIMEType,
responseDataFileName, [responseDataFileName pathExtension]];
} else {
// The response data was not an image; just show the length and MIME type
[outputHTML appendFormat:@"&nbsp;&nbsp; data: %lld bytes, <code>%@</code>\n",
responseDataLength, responseMIMEType ? responseMIMEType : @"(no response type)"];
// Make a single string of the request and response, suitable for copying
// to the clipboard and pasting into a bug report
NSMutableString *copyable = [NSMutableString string];
if (comment) {
[copyable appendFormat:@"%@\n\n", comment];
[copyable appendFormat:@"%@ elapsed: %5.3fsec\n", now, elapsed];
if (redirectedFromURLString) {
[copyable appendFormat:@"Redirected from %@\n", redirectedFromURLString];
[copyable appendFormat:@"Request: %@ %@\n", requestMethod, requestURL];
if (requestHeaders.count > 0) {
[copyable appendFormat:@"Request headers:\n%@\n",
[[self class] headersStringForDictionary:requestHeaders]];
if (bodyDataLength > 0) {
[copyable appendFormat:@"Request body: (%llu bytes)\n", bodyDataLength];
if (bodyDataStr) {
[copyable appendFormat:@"%@\n", bodyDataStr];
[copyable appendString:@"\n"];
if (response) {
[copyable appendFormat:@"Response: status %d\n", (int) status];
[copyable appendFormat:@"Response headers:\n%@\n",
[[self class] headersStringForDictionary:responseHeaders]];
[copyable appendFormat:@"Response body: (%lld bytes)\n", responseDataLength];
if (responseDataLength > 0) {
NSString *logResponseBody = self.logResponseBody;
if (logResponseBody) {
// The user has provided the response body text.
responseDataStr = [logResponseBody copy];
self.logResponseBody = nil;
if (responseDataStr != nil) {
[copyable appendFormat:@"%@\n", responseDataStr];
} else {
// Even though it's redundant, we'll put in text to indicate that all the bytes are binary.
if (self.destinationFileURL) {
[copyable appendFormat:@"<<%lld bytes>> to file %@\n",
responseDataLength, self.destinationFileURL.path];
} else {
[copyable appendFormat:@"<<%lld bytes>>\n", responseDataLength];
if (error) {
[copyable appendFormat:@"Error: %@\n", error];
// Save to log property before adding the separator
self.log = copyable;
[copyable appendString:@"-----------------------------------------------------------\n"];
// Write the copyable version to another file (linked to at the top of the html file, above)
// Ideally, something to just copy this to the clipboard like
// <span onCopy='window.event.clipboardData.setData(\"Text\",
// \"copyable stuff\");return false;'>Copy here.</span>"
// would work everywhere, but it only works in Safari as of 8/2010
if (gIsLoggingToFile) {
NSString *parentDir = [[self class] loggingDirectory];
NSString *copyablePath = [logDirectory stringByAppendingPathComponent:copyableFileName];
NSError *copyableError = nil;
if (![copyable writeToFile:copyablePath
error:&copyableError]) {
// Error writing to file
NSLog(@"%@ logging write error:%@ (%@)", [self class], copyableError, copyablePath);
[outputHTML appendString:@"<br><hr><p>"];
// Append the HTML to the main output file
const char* htmlBytes = outputHTML.UTF8String;
NSOutputStream *stream = [NSOutputStream outputStreamToFileAtPath:htmlPath
[stream open];
[stream write:(const uint8_t *) htmlBytes maxLength:strlen(htmlBytes)];
[stream close];
// Make a symlink to the latest html
NSString *const symlinkNameSuffix = [[self class] symlinkNameSuffix];
NSString *symlinkName = [processName stringByAppendingString:symlinkNameSuffix];
NSString *symlinkPath = [parentDir stringByAppendingPathComponent:symlinkName];
[fileMgr removeItemAtPath:symlinkPath error:NULL];
[fileMgr createSymbolicLinkAtPath:symlinkPath
static BOOL gReportedLoggingPath = NO;
if (!gReportedLoggingPath) {
gReportedLoggingPath = YES;
NSLog(@"GTMSessionFetcher logging to \"%@\"", parentDir);
- (NSInputStream *)loggedInputStreamForInputStream:(NSInputStream *)inputStream {
if (!inputStream) return nil;
if (![GTMSessionFetcher isLoggingEnabled]) return inputStream;
[self clearLoggedStreamData]; // Clear any previous data.
Class monitorClass = NSClassFromString(@"GTMReadMonitorInputStream");
if (!monitorClass) {
NSString const *str = @"<<Uploaded stream log unavailable without GTMReadMonitorInputStream>>";
NSData *stringData = [str dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
[self appendLoggedStreamData:stringData];
return inputStream;
inputStream = [monitorClass inputStreamWithStream:inputStream];
GTMReadMonitorInputStream *readMonitorInputStream = (GTMReadMonitorInputStream *)inputStream;
[readMonitorInputStream setReadDelegate:self];
SEL readSel = @selector(inputStream:readIntoBuffer:length:);
[readMonitorInputStream setReadSelector:readSel];
return inputStream;
- (GTMSessionFetcherBodyStreamProvider)loggedStreamProviderForStreamProvider:
(GTMSessionFetcherBodyStreamProvider)streamProvider {
if (!streamProvider) return nil;
if (![GTMSessionFetcher isLoggingEnabled]) return streamProvider;
[self clearLoggedStreamData]; // Clear any previous data.
Class monitorClass = NSClassFromString(@"GTMReadMonitorInputStream");
if (!monitorClass) {
NSString const *str = @"<<Uploaded stream log unavailable without GTMReadMonitorInputStream>>";
NSData *stringData = [str dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
[self appendLoggedStreamData:stringData];
return streamProvider;
GTMSessionFetcherBodyStreamProvider loggedStreamProvider =
^(GTMSessionFetcherBodyStreamProviderResponse response) {
streamProvider(^(NSInputStream *bodyStream) {
bodyStream = [self loggedInputStreamForInputStream:bodyStream];
return loggedStreamProvider;
@implementation GTMSessionFetcher (GTMSessionFetcherLoggingUtilities)
- (void)inputStream:(GTMReadMonitorInputStream *)stream
readIntoBuffer:(void *)buffer
length:(int64_t)length {
// append the captured data
NSData *data = [NSData dataWithBytesNoCopy:buffer
[self appendLoggedStreamData:data];
#pragma mark Fomatting Utilities
+ (NSString *)snipSubstringOfString:(NSString *)originalStr
betweenStartString:(NSString *)startStr
endString:(NSString *)endStr {
return originalStr;
if (!originalStr) return nil;
// Find the start string, and replace everything between it
// and the end string (or the end of the original string) with "_snip_"
NSRange startRange = [originalStr rangeOfString:startStr];
if (startRange.location == NSNotFound) return originalStr;
// We found the start string
NSUInteger originalLength = originalStr.length;
NSUInteger startOfTarget = NSMaxRange(startRange);
NSRange targetAndRest = NSMakeRange(startOfTarget, originalLength - startOfTarget);
NSRange endRange = [originalStr rangeOfString:endStr
NSRange replaceRange;
if (endRange.location == NSNotFound) {
// Found no end marker so replace to end of string
replaceRange = targetAndRest;
} else {
// Replace up to the endStr
replaceRange = NSMakeRange(startOfTarget, endRange.location - startOfTarget);
NSString *result = [originalStr stringByReplacingCharactersInRange:replaceRange
return result;
+ (NSString *)headersStringForDictionary:(NSDictionary *)dict {
// Format the dictionary in http header style, like
// Accept: application/json
// Cache-Control: no-cache
// Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
// Pad the key names, but not beyond 16 chars, since long custom header
// keys just create too much whitespace
NSArray *keys = [dict.allKeys sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(compare:)];
NSMutableString *str = [NSMutableString string];
for (NSString *key in keys) {
NSString *value = [dict valueForKey:key];
if ([key isEqual:@"Authorization"]) {
// Remove OAuth 1 token
value = [[self class] snipSubstringOfString:value
// Remove OAuth 2 bearer token (draft 16, and older form)
value = [[self class] snipSubstringOfString:value
betweenStartString:@"Bearer "
value = [[self class] snipSubstringOfString:value
betweenStartString:@"OAuth "
// Remove Google ClientLogin
value = [[self class] snipSubstringOfString:value
betweenStartString:@"GoogleLogin auth="
[str appendFormat:@" %@: %@\n", key, value];
return str;