410 lines
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410 lines
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import { sanitizedRaw } from '@nozbe/watermelondb/RawRecord';
import { InteractionManager } from 'react-native';
import database from '../../database';
import { merge } from '../helpers/mergeSubscriptionsRooms';
import protectedFunction from '../helpers/protectedFunction';
import messagesStatus from '../../../constants/messagesStatus';
import log from '../../../utils/log';
import random from '../../../utils/random';
import { store } from '../../auxStore';
import { handlePayloadUserInteraction } from '../actions';
import buildMessage from '../helpers/buildMessage';
import RocketChat from '../../rocketchat';
import EventEmitter from '../../../utils/events';
import { removedRoom } from '../../../actions/room';
import { setUser } from '../../../actions/login';
import { INAPP_NOTIFICATION_EMITTER } from '../../../containers/InAppNotification';
import { Encryption } from '../../encryption';
import { E2E_MESSAGE_TYPE } from '../../encryption/constants';
const removeListener = listener => listener.stop();
let streamListener;
let subServer;
let queue = {};
let subTimer = null;
const WINDOW_TIME = 500;
const createOrUpdateSubscription = async (subscription, room) => {
try {
const db = database.active;
const subCollection = db.get('subscriptions');
const roomsCollection = db.get('rooms');
if (!subscription) {
try {
const s = await subCollection.find(room._id);
// We have to create a plain obj so we can manipulate it on `merge`
// Can we do it in a better way?
subscription = {
_id: s._id,
f: s.f,
t: s.t,
ts: s.ts,
ls: s.ls,
name: s.name,
fname: s.fname,
rid: s.rid,
open: s.open,
alert: s.alert,
unread: s.unread,
userMentions: s.userMentions,
roomUpdatedAt: s.roomUpdatedAt,
ro: s.ro,
lastOpen: s.lastOpen,
description: s.description,
announcement: s.announcement,
bannerClosed: s.bannerClosed,
topic: s.topic,
blocked: s.blocked,
blocker: s.blocker,
reactWhenReadOnly: s.reactWhenReadOnly,
archived: s.archived,
joinCodeRequired: s.joinCodeRequired,
muted: s.muted,
ignored: s.ignored,
broadcast: s.broadcast,
prid: s.prid,
draftMessage: s.draftMessage,
lastThreadSync: s.lastThreadSync,
jitsiTimeout: s.jitsiTimeout,
autoTranslate: s.autoTranslate,
autoTranslateLanguage: s.autoTranslateLanguage,
lastMessage: s.lastMessage,
roles: s.roles,
usernames: s.usernames,
uids: s.uids,
visitor: s.visitor,
departmentId: s.departmentId,
servedBy: s.servedBy,
livechatData: s.livechatData,
tags: s.tags,
encrypted: s.encrypted,
e2eKeyId: s.e2eKeyId,
E2EKey: s.E2EKey,
avatarETag: s.avatarETag
} catch (error) {
try {
await db.action(async () => {
await roomsCollection.create(
protectedFunction(r => {
r._raw = sanitizedRaw({ id: room._id }, roomsCollection.schema);
Object.assign(r, room);
} catch (e) {
// Do nothing
if (!room && subscription) {
try {
const r = await roomsCollection.find(subscription.rid);
// We have to create a plain obj so we can manipulate it on `merge`
// Can we do it in a better way?
room = {
v: r.v,
ro: r.ro,
tags: r.tags,
servedBy: r.servedBy,
encrypted: r.encrypted,
e2eKeyId: r.e2eKeyId,
broadcast: r.broadcast,
customFields: r.customFields,
departmentId: r.departmentId,
livechatData: r.livechatData,
avatarETag: r.avatarETag
} catch (error) {
// Do nothing
let tmp = merge(subscription, room);
tmp = await Encryption.decryptSubscription(tmp);
let sub;
try {
sub = await subCollection.find(tmp.rid);
} catch (error) {
// Do nothing
// If we're receiving a E2EKey of a room
if (sub && !sub.E2EKey && subscription?.E2EKey) {
// Assing info from database subscription to tmp
// It should be a plain object
tmp = Object.assign(tmp, {
rid: sub.rid,
encrypted: sub.encrypted,
lastMessage: sub.lastMessage,
E2EKey: subscription.E2EKey,
e2eKeyId: sub.e2eKeyId
// Decrypt lastMessage using the received E2EKey
tmp = await Encryption.decryptSubscription(tmp);
// Decrypt all pending messages of this room in parallel
const batch = [];
if (sub) {
try {
const update = sub.prepareUpdate(s => {
Object.assign(s, tmp);
if (subscription.announcement) {
if (subscription.announcement !== sub.announcement) {
s.bannerClosed = false;
} catch (e) {
} else {
try {
const create = subCollection.prepareCreate(s => {
s._raw = sanitizedRaw({ id: tmp.rid }, subCollection.schema);
Object.assign(s, tmp);
if (s.roomUpdatedAt) {
s.roomUpdatedAt = new Date();
} catch (e) {
const { rooms } = store.getState().room;
if (tmp.lastMessage && !rooms.includes(tmp.rid)) {
const lastMessage = buildMessage(tmp.lastMessage);
const messagesCollection = db.get('messages');
let messageRecord;
try {
messageRecord = await messagesCollection.find(lastMessage._id);
} catch (error) {
// Do nothing
if (messageRecord) {
messageRecord.prepareUpdate(() => {
Object.assign(messageRecord, lastMessage);
} else {
messagesCollection.prepareCreate(m => {
m._raw = sanitizedRaw({ id: lastMessage._id }, messagesCollection.schema);
m.subscription.id = lastMessage.rid;
return Object.assign(m, lastMessage);
await db.action(async () => {
await db.batch(...batch);
} catch (e) {
const getSubQueueId = rid => `SUB-${rid}`;
const getRoomQueueId = rid => `ROOM-${rid}`;
const debouncedUpdate = subscription => {
if (!subTimer) {
subTimer = setTimeout(() => {
const batch = queue;
queue = {};
subTimer = null;
Object.keys(batch).forEach(key => {
InteractionManager.runAfterInteractions(() => {
if (batch[key]) {
if (/SUB/.test(key)) {
const sub = batch[key];
const roomQueueId = getRoomQueueId(sub.rid);
const room = batch[roomQueueId];
delete batch[roomQueueId];
createOrUpdateSubscription(sub, room);
} else {
const room = batch[key];
const subQueueId = getSubQueueId(room._id);
const sub = batch[subQueueId];
delete batch[subQueueId];
createOrUpdateSubscription(sub, room);
queue[subscription.rid ? getSubQueueId(subscription.rid) : getRoomQueueId(subscription._id)] = subscription;
export default function subscribeRooms() {
const handleStreamMessageReceived = protectedFunction(async ddpMessage => {
const db = database.active;
// check if the server from variable is the same as the js sdk client
if (this.sdk && this.sdk.client && this.sdk.client.host !== subServer) {
if (ddpMessage.msg === 'added') {
const [type, data] = ddpMessage.fields.args;
const [, ev] = ddpMessage.fields.eventName.split('/');
if (/userData/.test(ev)) {
const [{ diff }] = ddpMessage.fields.args;
if (diff?.statusLivechat) {
store.dispatch(setUser({ statusLivechat: diff.statusLivechat }));
if (['settings.preferences.showMessageInMainThread'] in diff) {
store.dispatch(setUser({ showMessageInMainThread: diff['settings.preferences.showMessageInMainThread'] }));
if (/subscriptions/.test(ev)) {
if (type === 'removed') {
try {
const subCollection = db.get('subscriptions');
const sub = await subCollection.find(data.rid);
const messages = await sub.messages.fetch();
const threads = await sub.threads.fetch();
const threadMessages = await sub.threadMessages.fetch();
const messagesToDelete = messages.map(m => m.prepareDestroyPermanently());
const threadsToDelete = threads.map(m => m.prepareDestroyPermanently());
const threadMessagesToDelete = threadMessages.map(m => m.prepareDestroyPermanently());
await db.action(async () => {
await db.batch(sub.prepareDestroyPermanently(), ...messagesToDelete, ...threadsToDelete, ...threadMessagesToDelete);
const roomState = store.getState().room;
// Delete and remove events come from this stream
// Here we identify which one was triggered
if (data.rid === roomState.rid && roomState.isDeleting) {
} else {
EventEmitter.emit('ROOM_REMOVED', { rid: data.rid });
} catch (e) {
} else {
if (/rooms/.test(ev)) {
if (type === 'updated' || type === 'inserted') {
if (/message/.test(ev)) {
const [args] = ddpMessage.fields.args;
const _id = random(17);
const message = {
rid: args.rid,
msg: args.msg,
blocks: args.blocks,
ts: new Date(),
_updatedAt: new Date(),
status: messagesStatus.SENT,
u: {
username: 'rocket.cat'
try {
const msgCollection = db.get('messages');
await db.action(async () => {
await msgCollection.create(
protectedFunction(m => {
m._raw = sanitizedRaw({ id: message._id }, msgCollection.schema);
m.subscription.id = args.rid;
Object.assign(m, message);
} catch (e) {
if (/notification/.test(ev)) {
const [notification] = ddpMessage.fields.args;
try {
const {
payload: { rid, message, sender }
} = notification;
const room = await RocketChat.getRoom(rid);
notification.title = RocketChat.getRoomTitle(room);
notification.avatar = RocketChat.getRoomAvatar(room);
// If it's from a encrypted room
if (message?.t === E2E_MESSAGE_TYPE) {
// Decrypt this message content
const { msg } = await Encryption.decryptMessage({ ...message, rid });
// If it's a direct the content is the message decrypted
if (room.t === 'd') {
notification.text = msg;
// If it's a private group we should add the sender name
} else {
notification.text = `${RocketChat.getSenderName(sender)}: ${msg}`;
} catch (e) {
EventEmitter.emit(INAPP_NOTIFICATION_EMITTER, notification);
if (/uiInteraction/.test(ev)) {
const { type: eventType, ...args } = type;
handlePayloadUserInteraction(eventType, args);
if (/e2ekeyRequest/.test(ev)) {
const [roomId, keyId] = ddpMessage.fields.args;
try {
await Encryption.provideRoomKeyToUser(keyId, roomId);
} catch (e) {
const stop = () => {
if (streamListener) {
streamListener = false;
queue = {};
if (subTimer) {
subTimer = false;
streamListener = this.sdk.onStreamData('stream-notify-user', handleStreamMessageReceived);
try {
// set the server that started this task
subServer = this.sdk.client.host;
this.sdk.subscribeNotifyUser().catch(e => console.log(e));
return {
stop: () => stop()
} catch (e) {
return Promise.reject();