
170 lines
4.9 KiB

import * as LocalAuthentication from 'expo-local-authentication';
import moment from 'moment';
import RNBootSplash from 'react-native-bootsplash';
import AsyncStorage from '@react-native-community/async-storage';
import { sha256 } from 'js-sha256';
import UserPreferences from '../lib/userPreferences';
import store from '../lib/createStore';
import database from '../lib/database';
import {
} from '../constants/localAuthentication';
import I18n from '../i18n';
import { setLocalAuthenticated } from '../actions/login';
import EventEmitter from './events';
import { isIOS } from './deviceInfo';
export const saveLastLocalAuthenticationSession = async (server, serverRecord) => {
const serversDB = database.servers;
const serversCollection = serversDB.get('servers');
await serversDB.action(async () => {
try {
if (!serverRecord) {
serverRecord = await serversCollection.find(server);
await serverRecord.update(record => {
record.lastLocalAuthenticatedSession = new Date();
} catch (e) {
// Do nothing
export const resetAttempts = () => AsyncStorage.multiRemove([LOCKED_OUT_TIMER_KEY, ATTEMPTS_KEY]);
const openModal = hasBiometry =>
new Promise(resolve => {
submit: () => resolve(),
const openChangePasscodeModal = ({ force }) =>
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
submit: passcode => resolve(passcode),
cancel: () => reject(),
export const changePasscode = async ({ force = false }) => {
const passcode = await openChangePasscodeModal({ force });
await UserPreferences.setStringAsync(PASSCODE_KEY, sha256(passcode));
export const biometryAuth = force =>
disableDeviceFallback: true,
cancelLabel: force ? I18n.t('Dont_activate') : I18n.t('Local_authentication_biometry_fallback'),
promptMessage: I18n.t('Local_authentication_biometry_title')
* It'll help us to get the permission to use FaceID
* and enable/disable the biometry when user put their first passcode
const checkBiometry = async serverRecord => {
const serversDB = database.servers;
const result = await biometryAuth(true);
await serversDB.action(async () => {
try {
await serverRecord.update(record => {
record.biometry = !!result?.success;
} catch {
// Do nothing
export const checkHasPasscode = async ({ force = true, serverRecord }) => {
const storedPasscode = await UserPreferences.getStringAsync(PASSCODE_KEY);
if (!storedPasscode) {
await changePasscode({ force });
await checkBiometry(serverRecord);
return Promise.resolve({ newPasscode: true });
return Promise.resolve();
export const localAuthenticate = async server => {
const serversDB = database.servers;
const serversCollection = serversDB.get('servers');
let serverRecord;
try {
serverRecord = await serversCollection.find(server);
} catch (error) {
return Promise.reject();
// if screen lock is enabled
if (serverRecord?.autoLock) {
// Make sure splash screen has been hidden
await RNBootSplash.hide();
// Check if the app has passcode
const result = await checkHasPasscode({ serverRecord });
// `checkHasPasscode` results newPasscode = true if a passcode has been set
if (!result?.newPasscode) {
// diff to last authenticated session
const diffToLastSession = moment().diff(serverRecord?.lastLocalAuthenticatedSession, 'seconds');
// if last authenticated session is older than configured auto lock time, authentication is required
if (diffToLastSession >= serverRecord?.autoLockTime) {
// set isLocalAuthenticated to false
let hasBiometry = false;
// if biometry is enabled on the app
if (serverRecord.biometry) {
const isEnrolled = await LocalAuthentication.isEnrolledAsync();
hasBiometry = isEnrolled;
// Authenticate
await openModal(hasBiometry);
// set isLocalAuthenticated to true
await resetAttempts();
await saveLastLocalAuthenticationSession(server, serverRecord);
export const supportedBiometryLabel = async () => {
try {
const enrolled = await LocalAuthentication.isEnrolledAsync();
if (!enrolled) {
return null;
const supported = await LocalAuthentication.supportedAuthenticationTypesAsync();
if (supported.includes(LocalAuthentication.AuthenticationType.FACIAL_RECOGNITION)) {
return isIOS ? 'FaceID' : I18n.t('Local_authentication_facial_recognition');
if (supported.includes(LocalAuthentication.AuthenticationType.FINGERPRINT)) {
return isIOS ? 'TouchID' : I18n.t('Local_authentication_fingerprint');
} catch {
// Do nothing
return null;