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// Boost.Units - A C++ library for zero-overhead dimensional analysis and
// unit/quantity manipulation and conversion
// Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Matthias Christian Schabel
// Copyright (C) 2008 Steven Watanabe
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
// accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
/// \file
/// \brief Compile time operators and typeof helper classes.
/// \details
/// These operators declare the compile-time operators needed to support dimensional
/// analysis algebra. They require the use of Boost.Typeof, emulation or native.
/// Typeof helper classes define result type for heterogeneous operators on value types.
/// These must be defined through specialization for powers and roots.
#include <boost/static_assert.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/is_same.hpp>
#include <boost/units/config.hpp>
namespace boost {
namespace units {
// to avoid need for default constructor and eliminate divide by zero errors.
namespace typeof_ {
template<class T> T make();
} // namespace typeof_
template<typename X> struct unary_plus_typeof_helper
BOOST_TYPEOF_NESTED_TYPEDEF_TPL(nested, (+typeof_::make<X>()))
typedef typename nested::type type;
template<typename X> struct unary_minus_typeof_helper
BOOST_TYPEOF_NESTED_TYPEDEF_TPL(nested, (-typeof_::make<X>()))
typedef typename nested::type type;
template<typename X,typename Y> struct add_typeof_helper
BOOST_TYPEOF_NESTED_TYPEDEF_TPL(nested, (typeof_::make<X>()+typeof_::make<Y>()))
typedef typename nested::type type;
template<typename X,typename Y> struct subtract_typeof_helper
BOOST_TYPEOF_NESTED_TYPEDEF_TPL(nested, (typeof_::make<X>()-typeof_::make<Y>()))
typedef typename nested::type type;
template<typename X,typename Y> struct multiply_typeof_helper
BOOST_TYPEOF_NESTED_TYPEDEF_TPL(nested, (typeof_::make<X>()*typeof_::make<Y>()))
typedef typename nested::type type;
template<typename X,typename Y> struct divide_typeof_helper
BOOST_TYPEOF_NESTED_TYPEDEF_TPL(nested, (typeof_::make<X>()/typeof_::make<Y>()))
typedef typename nested::type type;
template<typename X> struct unary_plus_typeof_helper { typedef __typeof__((+typeof_::make<X>())) type; };
template<typename X> struct unary_minus_typeof_helper { typedef __typeof__((-typeof_::make<X>())) type; };
template<typename X,typename Y> struct add_typeof_helper { typedef __typeof__((typeof_::make<X>()+typeof_::make<Y>())) type; };
template<typename X,typename Y> struct subtract_typeof_helper { typedef __typeof__((typeof_::make<X>()-typeof_::make<Y>())) type; };
template<typename X,typename Y> struct multiply_typeof_helper { typedef __typeof__((typeof_::make<X>()*typeof_::make<Y>())) type; };
template<typename X,typename Y> struct divide_typeof_helper { typedef __typeof__((typeof_::make<X>()/typeof_::make<Y>())) type; };
template<typename X> struct unary_plus_typeof_helper { typedef typeof((+typeof_::make<X>())) type; };
template<typename X> struct unary_minus_typeof_helper { typedef typeof((-typeof_::make<X>())) type; };
template<typename X,typename Y> struct add_typeof_helper { typedef typeof((typeof_::make<X>()+typeof_::make<Y>())) type; };
template<typename X,typename Y> struct subtract_typeof_helper { typedef typeof((typeof_::make<X>()-typeof_::make<Y>())) type; };
template<typename X,typename Y> struct multiply_typeof_helper { typedef typeof((typeof_::make<X>()*typeof_::make<Y>())) type; };
template<typename X,typename Y> struct divide_typeof_helper { typedef typeof((typeof_::make<X>()/typeof_::make<Y>())) type; };
template<typename X> struct unary_plus_typeof_helper { typedef X type; };
template<typename X> struct unary_minus_typeof_helper { typedef X type; };
template<typename X,typename Y> struct add_typeof_helper { BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((is_same<X,Y>::value == true)); typedef X type; };
template<typename X,typename Y> struct subtract_typeof_helper { BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((is_same<X,Y>::value == true)); typedef X type; };
template<typename X,typename Y> struct multiply_typeof_helper { BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((is_same<X,Y>::value == true)); typedef X type; };
template<typename X,typename Y> struct divide_typeof_helper { BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((is_same<X,Y>::value == true)); typedef X type; };
template<typename X,typename Y> struct power_typeof_helper;
template<typename X,typename Y> struct root_typeof_helper;
/// A helper used by @c pow to raise
/// a runtime object to a compile time
/// known exponent. This template is intended to
/// be specialized. All specializations must
/// conform to the interface shown here.
/// @c Exponent will be either the exponent
/// passed to @c pow or @c static_rational<N>
/// for and integer argument, N.
template<typename BaseType, typename Exponent>
struct power_typeof_helper
/// specifies the result type
typedef detail::unspecified type;
/// Carries out the runtime calculation.
static type value(const BaseType& base);
/// A helper used by @c root to take a root
/// of a runtime object using a compile time
/// known index. This template is intended to
/// be specialized. All specializations must
/// conform to the interface shown here.
/// @c Index will be either the type
/// passed to @c pow or @c static_rational<N>
/// for and integer argument, N.
template<typename Radicand, typename Index>
struct root_typeof_helper
/// specifies the result type
typedef detail::unspecified type;
/// Carries out the runtime calculation.
static type value(const Radicand& base);
} // namespace units
} // namespace boost