<!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR --> @RocketChat/ReactNative <!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below --> <!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can --> react-native-image-crop-picker raised an error when uploading to TestFlight. The lib highly recommends CocoaPods for production builds. |
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RSKImageCropper | ||

An image cropper for iOS like in the Contacts app with support for landscape orientation.
RSKImageCropper requires iOS 6.0 or later.
Using CocoaPods
Add the pod
to your Podfile.pod 'RSKImageCropper'
pod install
from Terminal, then open your app's.xcworkspace
file to launch Xcode. -
Import the
header. Typically, this should be written as#import <RSKImageCropper/RSKImageCropper.h>
Using Carthage
Add the
project to your Cartfile.github "ruslanskorb/RSKImageCropper"
carthage update
, then follow the additional steps required to add the iOS and/or Mac frameworks into your project. -
Import the RSKImageCropper framework/module.
- Using Modules:
@import RSKImageCropper
- Without Modules:
#import <RSKImageCropper/RSKImageCropper.h>
- Using Modules:
Basic Usage
Import the class header.
#import <RSKImageCropper/RSKImageCropper.h>
Just create a view controller for image cropping and set the delegate.
- (IBAction)onButtonTouch:(UIButton *)sender
UIImage *image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"image"];
RSKImageCropViewController *imageCropVC = [[RSKImageCropViewController alloc] initWithImage:image];
imageCropVC.delegate = self;
[self.navigationController pushViewController:imageCropVC animated:YES];
provides three delegate methods. To use them, implement the delegate in your view controller.
@interface ViewController () <RSKImageCropViewControllerDelegate>
Then implement the delegate functions.
// Crop image has been canceled.
- (void)imageCropViewControllerDidCancelCrop:(RSKImageCropViewController *)controller
[self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES];
// The original image has been cropped. Additionally provides a rotation angle used to produce image.
- (void)imageCropViewController:(RSKImageCropViewController *)controller
didCropImage:(UIImage *)croppedImage
self.imageView.image = croppedImage;
[self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES];
// The original image will be cropped.
- (void)imageCropViewController:(RSKImageCropViewController *)controller
willCropImage:(UIImage *)originalImage
// Use when `applyMaskToCroppedImage` set to YES.
[SVProgressHUD show];
provides three data source methods. The method imageCropViewControllerCustomMaskRect:
asks the data source a custom rect for the mask. The method imageCropViewControllerCustomMaskPath:
asks the data source a custom path for the mask. The method imageCropViewControllerCustomMovementRect:
asks the data source a custom rect in which the image can be moved. To use them, implement the data source in your view controller.
@interface ViewController () <RSKImageCropViewControllerDataSource>
Then implement the data source functions.
// Returns a custom rect for the mask.
- (CGRect)imageCropViewControllerCustomMaskRect:(RSKImageCropViewController *)controller
CGSize maskSize;
if ([controller isPortraitInterfaceOrientation]) {
maskSize = CGSizeMake(250, 250);
} else {
maskSize = CGSizeMake(220, 220);
CGFloat viewWidth = CGRectGetWidth(controller.view.frame);
CGFloat viewHeight = CGRectGetHeight(controller.view.frame);
CGRect maskRect = CGRectMake((viewWidth - maskSize.width) * 0.5f,
(viewHeight - maskSize.height) * 0.5f,
return maskRect;
// Returns a custom path for the mask.
- (UIBezierPath *)imageCropViewControllerCustomMaskPath:(RSKImageCropViewController *)controller
CGRect rect = controller.maskRect;
CGPoint point1 = CGPointMake(CGRectGetMinX(rect), CGRectGetMaxY(rect));
CGPoint point2 = CGPointMake(CGRectGetMaxX(rect), CGRectGetMaxY(rect));
CGPoint point3 = CGPointMake(CGRectGetMidX(rect), CGRectGetMinY(rect));
UIBezierPath *triangle = [UIBezierPath bezierPath];
[triangle moveToPoint:point1];
[triangle addLineToPoint:point2];
[triangle addLineToPoint:point3];
[triangle closePath];
return triangle;
// Returns a custom rect in which the image can be moved.
- (CGRect)imageCropViewControllerCustomMovementRect:(RSKImageCropViewController *)controller
// If the image is not rotated, then the movement rect coincides with the mask rect,
// otherwise it is calculated individually for each custom mask.
return controller.maskRect;
Coming Soon
- If you would like to request a new feature, feel free to raise as an issue.
Build and run the RSKImageCropperExample
project in Xcode to see RSKImageCropper
in action.
Have fun. Fork and send pull requests. Figure out hooks for customization.
Ruslan Skorb
This project is is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info. Attribution by linking to the project page is appreciated.