require('require-yaml'); const Docker = require('dockerode'); const handlebars = require('handlebars'); const {NodeSSH} = require('node-ssh'); const fs = require('fs-extra'); const shajs = require('sha.js'); const conf = require('./config.yml'); const package = require('./package.json'); let docker; let template; let lastInfoHash; const appName =; const isProduction = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'; const tmpDir = isProduction ? `/tmp/${appName}` : `${__dirname}/tmp`; const hashFile = `${tmpDir}/config.hash`; const confDir = conf.rproxy.confDir; const httpServices = new Map(); async function updateProxy(firstRun) { console.log('Updating reverse proxy configuration.'); // Obtaining Docker settings let info; if (!isProduction) { info = require('./test.json'); } else { info = { services: await docker.listServices(), nodes: await docker.listNodes() }; } const workers = []; const managers = []; for (const node of info.nodes) { const address = node.ManagerStatus ? node.ManagerStatus.Addr.split(':')[0] : node.Status.Addr; const role = node.Spec && node.Spec.Role const nodes = role == 'worker' ? workers : managers; nodes.push({ name: node.Description.Hostname, address }); } const http = []; const tcp = []; const udp = []; for (const service of { const ports = service.Endpoint.Ports; if (!Array.isArray(ports) || !ports.length) continue; let name = service.Spec.Name; const match = name.match(/^(.+)_main$/); if (match) name = match[1]; let httpPortIndex = null; if (httpServices.has(name)) { if (ports.length > 1) { const httpPort = httpServices.get(name) || 80; const index = ports.findIndex( p => p.TargetPort == httpPort && p.Protocol === 'tcp'); if (index !== -1) httpPortIndex = index; } if (httpPortIndex === null) { const index = ports.findIndex(p => p.Protocol === 'tcp'); if (index !== -1) httpPortIndex = index; } } for (let i = 0; i < ports.length; i++) { const port = ports[i]; let backends; if (i === httpPortIndex) backends = http; else if (port.Protocol === 'tcp') backends = tcp; else backends = udp; backends.push({ name, port: port.PublishedPort, targetPort: port.TargetPort }); } } function sortFn(a, b) { return > ? 1 : < ? -1 : 0; } for (const list of [workers, managers, http, tcp, udp]) list.sort(sortFn); const configString = template({ http, tcp, udp, workers, managers, info }); // Cheking settings hash const infoHash = shajs('sha256') .update(configString) .digest('hex'); console.log('Settings hash:', infoHash); if (lastInfoHash == infoHash && !firstRun) { console.log(`Settings haven't changed, aborting.`); return; } // Creating configuration file const tmpConf = `${tmpDir}/config.cfg`; fs.writeFileSync(tmpConf, configString); if (conf.debug) { const delimiter = '#' + '='.repeat(79); console.log(delimiter); console.log(`# ${confDir}`); console.log(delimiter); console.log(configString); console.log(delimiter); } // Updating reverse proxies const files = { local: tmpConf, remote: `${confDir}/haproxy.cfg` }; for (const host of conf.rproxy.hosts) { console.log(`Updating host: ${host}`); if (!isProduction) continue; const sshClient = new NodeSSH(); await sshClient.connect(Object.assign({host}, conf.rproxy.auth)); await sshClient.putFiles([files]); if (firstRun) await sshClient.putDirectory( `${tmpDir}/maps`, `${confDir}/maps`, {recursive: true} ); if (conf.rproxy.reloadCmd) await sshClient.execCommand(conf.rproxy.reloadCmd); await sshClient.dispose(); } // Saving applied config hash lastInfoHash = infoHash; fs.writeFileSync(hashFile, infoHash); console.log('Configuration updated.'); } (async() => { console.log('Initializing.'); let timeoutId; docker = new Docker(conf.docker); template = handlebars.compile(fs.readFileSync('rproxy.handlebars', 'utf8')); try { fs.mkdirSync(tmpDir); } catch (err) { if (err.code != 'EEXIST') throw err; } if (fs.existsSync(hashFile)) { lastInfoHash = fs.readFileSync(hashFile, 'utf8'); console.log('Saved settings hash:', lastInfoHash); } // Fetch backends const hostMap = []; const baseMap = []; const https = []; const zoneMap = []; const zones = new Set(); for (const domain in { const domainConf =[domain]; for (const service in domainConf) addService(service, domainConf[service], domain); } function addService(service, serviceConf, mainDomain) { let rules; if (typeof serviceConf == 'string') { rules = serviceConf; serviceConf = undefined; } serviceConf = Object.assign({}, conf.defaults, serviceConf ); httpServices.set(service, serviceConf.port); if (serviceConf.https) https.push(service); if ( { zoneMap.push([service,]); zones.add(; } rules = rules || serviceConf.rules; if (!rules) rules = service; if (!Array.isArray(rules)) rules = [rules]; for (let rule of rules) { if (typeof rule == 'string') rule = {domain: rule}; let domains = rule.domain; let paths = rule.path; if (!Array.isArray(domains)) domains = [domains]; if (!Array.isArray(paths)) paths = [paths]; for (const domain of domains) { for (const path of paths) { const fullDomain = domain && domain !== '$' ? `${domain}.${mainDomain}` : mainDomain; if (!path) hostMap.push([fullDomain, service]); else baseMap.push([fullDomain + path, service]); }} } } // Fetch ACLs const aclMap = []; const acls = []; for (const acl in conf.acls) { const aclConf = conf.acls[acl]; const ips = []; for (const ip of aclConf.ips) { aclMap.push([ip, acl]); ips.push(parseNet(ip)); } acls.push({ name: acl, ips, zones: aclConf.zones === 'all' ? new Set(zones) : new Set(aclConf.zones) }); } function parseNet(net) { const netSplit = net.split('/'); const mask = parseInt(netSplit[1]); const ip = netSplit[0].split('.') .reduce((ipInt, octet) => (ipInt<<8) + parseInt(octet, 10), 0) >>> 0; return {ip, mask}; } for (const aAcl of acls) { for (const aNet of aAcl.ips) { for (const bAcl of acls) { if (aAcl === bAcl) continue; let match = false; for (const bNet of bAcl.ips) { match = bNet.mask === 0; if (bNet.mask > 0 && bNet.mask <= aNet.mask) { const netMask = (~0) << (32 - bNet.mask); const aSubnet = aNet.ip & netMask; const bSubnet = bNet.ip & netMask; match = aSubnet === bSubnet; } if (match) break; } if (match) { for (const zone of bAcl.zones) aAcl.zones.add(zone); } }}} const accessMap = []; for (const acl of acls) for (const zone of acl.zones) accessMap.push(`${}/${zone}`); // Generate maps const files = { host: hostMap, base: baseMap, zone: zoneMap, acl: aclMap, access: accessMap, https: https }; function strSortFn(a, b) { return a[0] < b[0] ? -1 : a[0] > b[0] ? 1 : 0; } function netSortFn(a, b) { const aMask = parseInt(a[0].split('/')[1], 10); const bMask = parseInt(b[0].split('/')[1], 10); return bMask - aMask; } const mapDir = `${tmpDir}/maps`; if (await fs.pathExists(mapDir)) await fs.remove(mapDir, {recursive: true}); await fs.mkdir(mapDir); for (const file in files) { files[file].sort(file == 'acl' ? netSortFn : strSortFn ); const fd = await`${mapDir}/${file}.map`, 'w+'); for (const map of files[file]) { if (Array.isArray(map)) await fs.write(fd, `${map[0]} ${map[1]}\n`); else await fs.write(fd, `${map}\n`); } await fs.close(fd); } // Initalize await updateProxy(true); console.log('Listening for events.') docker.getEvents({}, (err, stream) => { if (err || !stream) { console.error('Failed to monitor docker host', err); return; } stream.on('data', event => { event = JSON.parse(event); if ( && == -1) return; console.log(`Event: ${event.Type}: ${event.Action}`); if (timeoutId) return; timeoutId = setTimeout(async () => { timeoutId = null; await updateProxy(); }, conf.delay * 1000); }) }); })();