Sincronizacion ldap

This commit is contained in:
Juan Ferrer Toribio 2017-11-28 16:07:21 +01:00
parent 0b28f71e0d
commit b6bd44c98f
3 changed files with 66 additions and 27 deletions

debian/changelog vendored
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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
hedera-web (1.405.17) stable; urgency=low
hedera-web (1.405.18) stable; urgency=low
* Initial Release.

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@ -2,45 +2,45 @@
class Account
static function trySync ($db, $user, $password = NULL)
static function trySync ($db, $userName, $password = NULL)
$isSync = $db->getValue (
'SELECT sync FROM account.user WHERE name = #',
if ($isSync)
self::sync ($db, $user, $password);
self::sync ($db, $userName, $password);
static function sync ($db, $user, $password = NULL, $force = TRUE)
static function sync ($db, $userName, $password = NULL, $force = TRUE)
$hasAccount = $db->getValue (
FROM account.user u
JOIN account.account a ON =
WHERE = #',
if ($hasAccount)
self::ldapSync ($db, $user, $password);
self::sambaSync ($db, $user, $password);
self::ldapSync ($db, $userName, $password);
self::sambaSync ($db, $userName, $password);
$db->query (
'UPDATE account.user SET sync = TRUE WHERE name = #',
* Synchronizes the user credentials in the LDAP server.
static function ldapSync ($db, $user, $password)
static function ldapSync ($db, $userName, $password)
if (empty ($password))
@ -64,43 +64,79 @@ class Account
if (!$bind)
throw new Exception ("Authentication failed on LDAP server: ". ldapError ($ds));
// Prepares the data
$domain = $db->getValue ('SELECT domain FROM account.mailConfig');
$user = $db->getObject (
'SELECT id, nickname, lang
FROM account.user
WHERE name = #',
$info = [
'cn' => $userName,
'sn' => $userName,
'displayName' => $user->nickname,
'mail' => "$userName@{$domain}",
'userPassword' => sshaEncode ($password),
'preferredLanguage' => $user->lang
// Search the user entry
$res = ldap_search ($ds, $conf->baseDn, "(&(uid=$user)($conf->filter))");
$filter = "uid=$userName";
if (!empty($conf->filter))
$filter = "(&($filter)($conf->filter))";
$res = ldap_search ($ds, $conf->baseDn, $filter);
if (!$res)
throw new Exception ("Can't get the LDAP entry: ". ldapError ($ds));
$dn = "uid=$user,{$conf->baseDn}";
$dn = "uid=$userName,{$conf->baseDn}";
$entry = ldap_first_entry ($ds, $res);
$classes = ldap_get_values ($ds, $entry, 'objectClass');
if (!in_array ('inetOrgPerson', $classes))
ldap_delete ($ds, $dn);
$entry = NULL;
if ($entry)
$info = ['userPassword' => sshaEncode ($password)];
ldap_modify ($ds, $dn, $info);
$updated = ldap_modify ($ds, $dn, $info);
$info = [
'objectClass' => ['account', 'simpleSecurityObject', 'top'],
'uid' => $user,
'userPassword' => sshaEncode ($password)
ldap_add ($ds, $dn, $info);
$info = array_merge ($info, [
'objectClass' => ['inetOrgPerson'],
'uid' => $userName
$updated = ldap_add ($ds, $dn, $info);
if (!$updated)
throw new Exception ("Can't update the LDAP entry: ". ldapError ($ds));
ldap_unbind ($ds);
* Synchronizes the user credentials in the Samba server.
static function sambaSync ($db, $user, $password)
static function sambaSync ($db, $userName, $password)
$conf = $db->getObject (
'SELECT host, sshUser, sshPass, domain, uidBase
'SELECT host, sshUser, sshPass, uidBase
FROM account.sambaConfig'
$domain = $db->getValue ('SELECT domain FROM account.mailConfig');
$samba = new SshConnection ($conf->host
@ -112,12 +148,12 @@ class Account
// Creates the Samba user and initializes it's home directory
$userId = $db->getValue (
'SELECT id FROM account.user WHERE name = #', [$user]);
'SELECT id FROM account.user WHERE name = #', [$userName]);
$samba->exec ("$scriptDir/ %s %s %s"
,$conf->uidBase + $userId
// Syncronizes the Samba password
@ -126,7 +162,7 @@ class Account
$samba->exec ("$scriptDir/ %s %s"

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@ -12,7 +12,10 @@ class Login extends Vn\Web\JsonRequest
catch (Exception $e) {}
catch (Exception $e)
error_log ($e->getMessage());
$token = $this->service->createToken (