var Connection = require ('./connection'); /** * Class to handle the Database select results. Also allows * updates, insertions and deletions on tables where the primary key is * selected. * * Note that table and column names must be unique in the selection query, * otherwise updates are not allowed on that table/column. If two tables or * columns have the same name, an alias should be used to make it updatable. */ var Klass = new Class (); module.exports = Klass; var Status = { CLEAN : 1 ,LOADING : 2 ,READY : 3 ,ERROR : 4 }; var Mode = { ON_CHANGE : 1 ,ON_DEMAND : 2 }; var Operation = { INSERT : 1 << 1 ,UPDATE : 1 << 2 ,DELETE : 1 << 3 }; var SortWay = { ASC : 1 ,DESC : 2 }; Klass.extend ({ Status: Status ,Mode: Mode ,Operation: Operation ,SortWay: SortWay }); Klass.implement ({ Extends: Vn.Object ,Tag: 'db-model' ,Properties: { /** * The connection used to execute the statement. */ conn: { type: Connection ,set: function (x) { this._conn = x; this._autoLoad (); } ,get: function () { return this._conn; } }, /** * The result index. */ resultIndex: { type: Number ,set: function (x) { this._resultIndex = x; } ,get: function () { return this._resultIndex; } }, /** * The lot used to execute the statement. */ lot: { type: Vn.LotIface ,set: function (x) { ({_lot: x}, {'change': this._onLotChange}); this._onLotChange (); } ,get: function () { return this._lot; } }, /** * The model select statement. */ stmt: { type: Sql.Stmt ,set: function (x) { this._stmt = x; this._autoLoad (); } ,get: function () { return this._stmt; } }, /** * The model query. */ query: { type: String ,set: function (x) { this.stmt = new Sql.String ({query: x}); } ,get: function () { if (this._stmt) return this._stmt.render (null); else return null; } }, /** * The main table. */ mainTable: { type: String ,set: function (x) { this._mainTable = null; this._requestedMainTable = x; this._refreshMainTable (); } ,get: function () { return this._mainTable; } }, /** * Determines if the model is updatable. */ updatable: { type: Boolean ,set: function (x) { this._updatable = false; this._requestedUpdatable = x; this._refreshUpdatable (); } ,get: function () { return this._updatable; } }, /** * The number of rows in the model. */ numRows: { type: Number ,get: function () { if ( return; return 0; } }, /** * The current status of the model. */ status: { type: Number ,get: function () { return this._status; } }, /** * Checks if the model data is ready. */ ready: { type: Boolean ,get: function () { return this._status == Status.READY; } }, /** * Update mode. */ mode: { enumType: Mode ,value: Mode.ON_CHANGE }, /** * Wether to execute the model query automatically. */ autoLoad: { type: Boolean ,value: true } } ,_conn: null ,_resultIndex: 0 ,_lot: null ,_stmt: null ,_status: Status.CLEAN ,result: null ,data: null ,tables: null ,columns: null ,columnMap: null ,_updatable: false ,_requestedSortIndex: -1 ,_requestedSortName: null ,_sortColumn: -1 ,_sortWay: null ,_requestedIndexes: {} ,_indexes: [] ,_requestedUpdatable: false ,_operations: null ,_operationsMap: null ,_defaults: [] ,_requestedMainTable: null ,initialize: function (props) { this.parent (props); this._cleanData (); this._setStatus (Status.CLEAN); } ,appendChild: function (child) { if (child.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) this.query = child.textContent; } ,_getParams: function () { if (!this._stmt) return null; var ids = this._stmt.findHolders (); if (!ids) return null; var lotParams = this._lot ? this._lot.params : {}; if (lotParams == null) lotParams = {}; var params = {}; for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) params[ids[i]] = lotParams[ids[i]]; return params; } ,_onLotChange: function () { var params = this._getParams (); if (!Vn.Value.equals (params, this._lastParams)) this._autoLoad (); } ,_autoLoad: function () { if (this.autoLoad) this.refresh (); else this.clean (); } ,_isReady: function (params) { if (!this._stmt || !this._conn) return false; if (!params) return true; for (var key in params) if (params[key] === undefined) return false; return true; } /** * Refresh the model data reexecuting the query on the database. */ ,refresh: function () { var params = this._getParams (); if (this._isReady (params)) { this._lastParams = params; this._setStatus (Status.LOADING); this._conn.execStmt (this._stmt, this._selectDone.bind (this), params); } else this.clean (); } ,clean: function () { this._cleanData (); this._setStatus (Status.CLEAN); } ,_selectDone: function (resultSet) { var result; var dataResult; this._cleanData (); try { for (var i = 0; result = resultSet.fetchResult (); i++) if (i == this._resultIndex) dataResult = result; if (!dataResult || typeof dataResult !== 'object') throw new Error ('The provided statement doesn\'t return a result set'); } catch (e) { this._setStatus (Status.ERROR); throw e; } this.result = dataResult; =; this.tables = dataResult.tables; this.columns = dataResult.columns; this.columnMap = dataResult.columnMap; this._repairColumns (); this._refreshRowIndexes (0); this._refreshMainTable (); for (column in this._requestedIndexes) this._buildIndex (column); var sortColumn = -1; if (this._requestedSortName) sortColumn = this.getColumnIndex (this._requestedSortName); else if (this._requestedSortIndex !== -1 && this.checkColExists (this._requestedSortIndex)) sortColumn = this._requestedSortIndex; if (sortColumn !== -1) this._realSort (sortColumn, this._sortWay); this._setStatus (Status.READY); } ,_refreshRowIndexes: function (start) { for (var i = start; i <; i++)[i].index = i; if (this._operationsMap) { this._operationsMap = {}; for (var i = 0; i < this._operations.length; i++) this._operationsMap[i] = this._operations[i]; } } ,_cleanData: function () { this.result = null; = null; this.tables = null; this.columns = null; this.columnMap = null; this._sortColumn = -1; this._indexes = []; this._resetOperations (); } ,_refreshUpdatable: function () { var oldValue = this._updatable; this._updatable = this._mainTable !== null && this._requestedUpdatable; if (oldValue != this._updatable) this.emit ('updatable-changed'); } ,_refreshMainTable: function () { var newMainTable = null; var tables = this.tables; if (tables) for (var i = 0; i < tables.length; i++) if (tables[i].pks.length > 0) if (!this._requestedMainTable || tables[i].name === this._requestedMainTable) { newMainTable = i; break; } this._mainTable = newMainTable; this._refreshUpdatable (); } /** * Sets the default value for inserted fields. * * @param {String} field The destination field name * @param {String} table The destination table name * @param {Sql.Expr} srcColumn The default value expression */ ,setDefault: function (field, table, expr) { this._defaults.push ({ field: field ,table: table ,expr: expr }); } /** * Sets the default value for inserted fields. * * @param {String} field The destination field name * @param {String} table The destination table name * @param {*} value The default value */ ,setDefaultFromValue: function (field, table, value) { this._defaults.push ({ field: field ,table: table ,value: value }); } /** * Sets the default value for inserted fields from another column in the * model. * * @param {String} field The destination field name * @param {String} table The destination table name * @param {String} srcColumn The source column */ ,setDefaultFromColumn: function (field, table, srcColumn) { this._defaults.push ({ field: field ,table: table ,srcColumn: srcColumn }); } /** * Checks if the column exists. * * @param {integer} column The column index * @return {Boolean} %true if column exists, %false otherwise */ ,checkColExists: function (column) { return this.columns && column >= 0 && column < this.columns.length; } /** * Checks if the row exists. * * @param {integer} rowIndex The row index * @return {Boolean} %true if row exists, %false otherwise */ ,checkRowExists: function (rowIndex) { return && rowIndex >= 0 && rowIndex <; } ,_checkTableUpdatable: function (tableIndex) { var tableUpdatable = tableIndex !== null && this.tables[tableIndex].pks.length > 0; if (!tableUpdatable) console.warn ("Db.Model: Table %s is not updatable", this.tables[tableIndex].name); return tableUpdatable; } /** * Get the index of the column from its name. * * @param {string} columnName The column name * @return {number} The column index or -1 if column not exists */ ,getColumnIndex: function (columnName) { var index; if (this.columnMap && (index = this.columnMap[columnName]) !== undefined) return index; return -1; } /** * Gets a value from the model. * * @param {number} rowIndex The row index * @param {String} columnName The column name * @return {*} The value */ ,get: function (rowIndex, columnName) { var index = this.getColumnIndex (columnName); if (index != -1) return this.getByIndex (rowIndex, index); return undefined; } /** * Updates a value on the model. * * @param {number} rowIndex The row index * @param {String} columnName The column name * @param {*} value The new value */ ,set: function (rowIndex, columnName, value) { var index = this.getColumnIndex (columnName); if (index != -1) this.setByIndex (rowIndex, index, value); else console.warn ('Db.Model: Column %s doesn\'t exist', columnName); } /** * Gets a value using the column index. * * @param {number} rowIndex The row index * @param {number} column The column index * @return {*} The value */ ,getByIndex: function (rowIndex, column) { if (this.checkRowExists (rowIndex) && this.checkColExists (column)) return[rowIndex][column]; return undefined; } /** * Gets a row as an object using the column index. * * @param {number} rowIndex The row index * @return {Object} The row as an object */ ,getObject: function (rowIndex) { if (!this.checkRowExists (rowIndex)) return null; return this.result.getObject (rowIndex); } /** * Updates a value on the model using the column index. * * @param {number} rowIndex The row index * @param {number} col The column index * @param {*} value The new value */ ,setByIndex: function (rowIndex, col, value) { if (!this.checkRowExists (rowIndex) && !this.checkColExists (col)) return; var tableIndex = this.columns[col].table; if (!this._checkTableUpdatable (tableIndex)) return; var row =[rowIndex]; var op = this._createOperation (rowIndex); op.type |= Operation.UPDATE; if (!op.oldValues) op.oldValues = []; if (!op.tables) op.tables = {}; var tableOp = op.tables[tableIndex]; if (!tableOp) { tableOp = Operation.UPDATE; var pks = this.tables[tableIndex].pks; for (var i = 0; i < pks.length; i++) if (!row[pks[i]] && !op.oldValues[pks[i]]) { tableOp = Operation.INSERT; break; } op.tables[tableIndex] = tableOp; } if (tableOp & Operation.UPDATE && op.oldValues[col] === undefined) op.oldValues[col] = row[col]; this.emit ('row-updated-before', rowIndex); row[col] = value; this.emit ('row-updated', rowIndex, [col]); if (this.mode == Mode.ON_CHANGE && !(op.type & Operation.INSERT)) this.performOperations (); } /** * Deletes a row from the model. * * @param {number} rowIndex The row index */ ,deleteRow: function (rowIndex) { if (!this.checkRowExists (rowIndex) || !this._checkTableUpdatable (this._mainTable)) return; var op = this._createOperation (rowIndex); op.type |= Operation.DELETE; if (!this._requestedMainTable) { this.emit ('row-deleted-before', rowIndex); (rowIndex, 1); this.emit ('row-deleted', rowIndex); this._refreshRowIndexes (rowIndex); } else { this.emit ('row-updated-before', rowIndex); if (!op.oldValues) op.oldValues = []; var updatedCols = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.columns.length; i++) if (this.columns[i].table == this._mainTable) { if (op.oldValues[i] === undefined) op.oldValues[i] = op.row[i]; op.row[i] = null; updatedCols.push (i); } this.emit ('row-updated', rowIndex, updatedCols); } if (this.mode === Mode.ON_CHANGE) this.performOperations (); } /** * Inserts a new row on the model. * * @return The index of the inserted row */ ,insertRow: function () { if (!this._checkTableUpdatable (this._mainTable)) return -1; var cols = this.columns; var newRow = new Array (cols.length); for (var i = 0; i < cols.length; i++) if (cols[i].table === this._mainTable) newRow[i] = cols[i].def; else newRow[i] = null; var rowIndex = (newRow) - 1; newRow.index = rowIndex; var op = this._createOperation (rowIndex); op.type |= Operation.INSERT; this.emit ('row-inserted', rowIndex); return rowIndex; } /** * Performs all model changes on the database. */ ,performOperations: function () { var ops = this._operations; if (ops.length === 0) { this.emit ('operations-done'); return; } var stmts = new Sql.MultiStmt (); var query = new Sql.String ({query: 'START TRANSACTION'}); stmts.addStmt (query); for (var i = 0; i < ops.length; i++) { query = null; var op = ops[i]; if (op.type & Operation.DELETE) { if (op.type & Operation.INSERT) continue; var where = this._createWhere (this._mainTable, op, true); if (where) { query = new Sql.Delete ({where: where}); query.addTarget (this._createTarget (this._mainTable)); } } else if (op.type & (Operation.INSERT | Operation.UPDATE)) { query = new Sql.MultiStmt (); for (var tableIndex in op.tables) { var stmt = this._createDmlQuery (op, parseInt (tableIndex)); query.addStmt (stmt); } } if (query) { stmts.addStmt (query); } else { console.warn ('Db.Model: %s', _('ErrorSavingChanges')); return; } } var query = new Sql.String ({query: 'COMMIT'}); stmts.addStmt (query); this._conn.execStmt (stmts, this._onOperationsDone.bind (this, ops)); this._resetOperations (); } ,_createDmlQuery: function (op, tableIndex) { var where = this._createWhere (tableIndex, op, false); if (!where) return null; var multiStmt = new Sql.MultiStmt (); var target = this._createTarget (tableIndex); var select = new Sql.Select ({where: where}); select.addTarget (target); var row = op.row; var cols = this.columns; if (op.tables[tableIndex] & Operation.INSERT) { var dmlQuery = new Sql.Insert (); var table = this.tables[tableIndex]; for (var i = 0; i < this._defaults.length; i++) { var def = this._defaults[i]; if (def.table === { if (def.value) dmlQuery.addSet (def.field, def.value); else if (def.expr) dmlQuery.addExpr (def.field, def.expr); else if (def.srcColumn) { var columnIndex = this.getColumnIndex (def.srcColumn); dmlQuery.addSet (def.field, row[columnIndex]); } } } for (var i = 0; i < cols.length; i++) if (cols[i].table === tableIndex) { if (row[i] !== null) dmlQuery.addSet (cols[i].orgname, row[i]); select.addField (cols[i].orgname); } } else { var updateWhere = this._createWhere (tableIndex, op, true); if (!updateWhere) return null; var dmlQuery = new Sql.Update ({where: updateWhere}); for (var i = 0; i < cols.length; i++) if (cols[i].table === tableIndex && op.oldValues[i] !== undefined) { var fieldName = cols[i].orgname; dmlQuery.addSet (fieldName, row[i]); select.addField (fieldName); } } dmlQuery.addTarget (target); multiStmt.addStmt (dmlQuery); multiStmt.addStmt (select); return multiStmt; } ,_onOperationsDone: function (ops, resultSet) { var error = resultSet.getError (); if (error) { this._operations = this._operations.concat (ops); for (var i = 0; i < ops.length; i++) this._operationsMap[ops[i].row.index] = ops[i]; throw error; } resultSet.fetchResult (); var isOperation = false; for (var i = 0; i < ops.length; i++) { var op = ops[i]; var row = op.row; if (!(op.type & Operation.DELETE && op.type & Operation.INSERT)) isOperation = true; if (op.type & Operation.DELETE) { resultSet.fetchResult (); } else if (op.type & (Operation.INSERT | Operation.UPDATE)) { this.emit ('row-updated-before', row.index); var updatedCols = []; var cols = this.columns; for (var tableIndex in op.tables) { var j = 0; tableIndex = parseInt (tableIndex); resultSet.fetchResult (); var newValues = resultSet.fetchRow (); if (op.tables[tableIndex] & Operation.INSERT) { for (var i = 0; i < cols.length; i++) if (cols[i].table === tableIndex) { row[i] = newValues[j++]; updatedCols.push (i); } } else { for (var i = 0; i < cols.length; i++) if (cols[i].table === tableIndex && op.oldValues[i] !== undefined) { row[i] = newValues[j++]; updatedCols.push (i); } } } this.emit ('row-updated', row.index, updatedCols); } } resultSet.fetchResult (); // if (isOperation) this.emit ('operations-done'); } /** * Undoes all unsaved changes made to the model. */ ,reverseOperations: function () { for (var i = 0; i < this._operations.length; i++) { var op = this._operations[i]; var row = op.row; if (op.type & Operation.DELETE && !(op.type & Operation.INSERT)) { (row.index, 0, row); this.emit ('row-inserted', row.index); } else if (op.type & Operation.UPDATE) { this.emit ('row-updated-before', row.index); var updatedCols = []; var cols = this.columns; for (var i = 0; i < cols.length; i++) if (op.oldValues[i] !== undefined) { row[i] = op.oldValues[i]; updatedCols.push (i); } this.emit ('row-updated', row.index, updatedCols); } } this._resetOperations (); this._refreshRowIndexes (0); } ,_resetOperations: function () { this._operations = []; this._operationsMap = {}; } /* * Function used to sort the model ascending. */ ,sortFunctionAsc: function (column, a, b) { if (a[column] < b[column]) return -1; else if (a[column] > b[column]) return 1; return 0; } /* * Function used to sort the model descending. */ ,sortFunctionDesc: function (column, a, b) { if (a[column] > b[column]) return -1; else if (a[column] < b[column]) return 1; return 0; } /** * Orders the model by the specified column name. * * @param {integer} column The column name * @param {SortWay} way The sort way */ ,sortByName: function (columnName, way) { this._requestedSortIndex = -1; this._requestedSortName = columnName; var index = this.getColumnIndex (columnName); if (index != -1) this._sort (index, way); } /** * Orders the model by the specified column. * * @param {integer} column The column index * @param {SortWay} way The sort way */ ,sort: function (column, way) { this._requestedSortIndex = column; this._requestedSortName = null; if (!this.checkColExists (column)) return; this._sort (column, way); } ,_sort: function (column, way) { this._setStatus (Status.LOADING); this._realSort (column, way); this._setStatus (Status.READY); } ,_realSort: function (column, way) { if (column !== this._sortColumn) { if (way === SortWay.DESC) var sortFunction = this.sortFunctionDesc; else var sortFunction = this.sortFunctionAsc; (sortFunction.bind (this, column)); } else if (way !== this._sortWay) (); this._sortColumn = column; this._sortWay = way; this._refreshRowIndexes (0); } /** * Builds an internal hash index for the specified column, this speeds * significantly searches on that column, specially when model has a lot of * rows. * * FIXME: Not fully implemented. * * @param {String} column The column name */ ,indexColumn: function (column) { this._requestedIndexes[column] = true; if (this._status === Status.READY) this._buildIndex (column); } ,_buildIndex: function (column) { var columnIndex = this.getColumnIndex (column); if (columnIndex !== -1) { var index = {}; var data =; switch (this.columns[columnIndex].type) { case Connection.Type.TIMESTAMP: case Connection.Type.DATE_TIME: case Connection.Type.DATE: for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) index[data[i][columnIndex].toString ()] = i; break; default: for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) index[data[i][columnIndex]] = i; } this._indexes[columnIndex] = index; } } /** * Searchs a value on the model and returns the row index of the first * ocurrence. * If an index have been built on that column, it will be used, for more * information see the indexColumn() method. * * @param {String} column The column name * @param {Object} value The value to search * @return {integer} The column index */ ,search: function (column, value) { var index = this.getColumnIndex (column); return this.searchByIndex (index, value); } /** * Searchs a value on the model and returns the row index of the first * ocurrence. * * @param {integer} col The column index * @param {Object} value The value to search * @return {integer} The column index */ ,searchByIndex: function (col, value) { if (!this.checkColExists (col)) return -1; if (value) switch (this.columns[col].type) { case Connection.Type.BOOLEAN: value = !!value; break; case Connection.Type.INTEGER: value = parseInt (value); break; case Connection.Type.DOUBLE: value = parseFloat (value); break; default: value = value.toString (); } // Searchs the value using an internal index. var index = this._indexes[col]; if (index) { if (index[value] !== undefined) return index[value]; return -1; } // Searchs the value using a loop. var data =; switch (this.columns[col].type) { case Connection.Type.TIMESTAMP: case Connection.Type.DATE_TIME: case Connection.Type.DATE: { for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) if (value === data[i][col].toString ()) return i; break; } default: for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) if (value === data[i][col]) return i; } return -1; } ,_setStatus: function (status) { this._status = status; this.emit ('status-changed', status); this.emit ('status-changed-after', status); } ,_createTarget: function (tableIndex) { var table = this.tables[tableIndex]; return new Sql.Table ({ name: table.orgname ,schema: table.schema }); } ,_createWhere: function (tableIndex, op, useOldValues) { var where = new Sql.Operation ({type: Sql.Operation.Type.AND}); var pks = this.tables[tableIndex].pks; if (pks.length === 0) return null; for (var i = 0; i < pks.length; i++) { var col = pks[i]; var column = this.columns[col]; var equalOp = new Sql.Operation ({type: Sql.Operation.Type.EQUAL}); equalOp.exprs.add (new Sql.Field ({name: column.orgname})); where.exprs.add (equalOp); var pkValue = null; if (useOldValues && op.oldValues && op.oldValues[col] !== undefined) pkValue = op.oldValues[col]; else pkValue = op.row[col]; if (pkValue) equalOp.exprs.add (new Sql.Value ({value: pkValue})); else if (column.flags & Connection.Flag.AI && !useOldValues) equalOp.exprs.add (new Sql.Function ({name: 'LAST_INSERT_ID'})); else return null; } return where; } ,_createOperation: function (rowIndex) { var op = this._operationsMap[rowIndex]; if (!op) { op = { type: 0, row:[rowIndex] }; this._operations.push (op); this._operationsMap[rowIndex] = op; } return op; } /** * Overrides information about a table and its columns. If a parameter is * not provided, the original will be preserved. This method should be used * primarily to avoid the mysql bug that causes this information will not * be set correctly. * For more information see the following links: * - * - * * @param {String} table The table alias * @param {String} orgtable The original table name * @param {String} schema The original table schema * @param {Array} pks Array with the names of primary keys * @param {String} ai The autoincrement column name */ ,setInfo: function (table, orgname, schema, pks, ai) { if (!this.tableInfo) this.tableInfo = {}; this.tableInfo[table] = { orgname: orgname, schema: schema, pks: pks, ai: ai }; this._repairColumns (); } ,_repairColumns: function () { // Repairs wrong table info if (this.tableInfo && this.tables) for (var i = 0; i < this.tables.length; i++) { var table = this.tables[i]; var tableInfo = this.tableInfo[]; if (!tableInfo) continue; table.orgname = tableInfo.orgname; table.schema = tableInfo.schema; if (tableInfo.pks) { table.pks = []; for (var j = 0; j < tableInfo.pks.length; j++) { var colIndex = this.getColumnIndex (tableInfo.pks[j]); if (colIndex !== -1) table.pks.push (colIndex); else console.warn ('Db.Model: Can\'t repair primary key: `%s`.`%s`' ,tableInfo.orgname ,tableInfo.pks[j] ); } } if ( { var colIndex = this.getColumnIndex (; if (colIndex !== -1) this.columns[colIndex].flags |= Connection.Flag.AI; else console.warn ('Db.Model: Can\'t repair autoincrement column: `%s`.`%s`' ,tableInfo.orgname , ); } } } });