/** * Class to display or edit an image. Also it allows to show it's full version. */ module.exports = new Class ({ Extends: Htk.Field ,Tag: 'htk-image' ,Properties: { /** * The directory where the images are allocated. */ directory: { type: String ,set: function (x) { this._directory = x; this._refreshSrc (); } ,get: function () { return this._directory; } }, /** * The subdirectory where the images are allocated. */ subdir: { type: String ,set: function (x) { this._subdir = x; this._refreshSrc (); } ,get: function () { return this._subdir; } }, /** * Whether to show the full image when mouse hover. */ fullDir: { type: String ,set: function (x) { this._fullDir = x; this._refreshClick (); } ,get: function () { return this._fullDir; } }, /** * The REST connection used to upload the image. */ conn: { type: Vn.JsonConnection } } ,_directory: null ,_subdir: null ,_fullDir: null ,_error: false ,_editable: false ,render: function () { var node = this.createRoot ('div'); node.className = 'htk-image'; var img = this.img = this.createElement ('img'); img.addEventListener ('error', this._onImageError.bind (this)); node.appendChild (img); this.setEditable (); this._refreshClick (); this._refreshSrc (); } ,_refreshClick: function () { if (!this.node) return; if (this.clickHandler) { Vn.Node.removeClass (this.node, 'clickable-img'); this.node.removeEventListener ('click', this.clickHandler); this.clickHander = null; } if (this._fullDir) { this.clickHandler = this._onClick.bind (this); this.node.addEventListener ('click', this.clickHandler); Vn.Node.addClass (this.node, 'clickable-img'); } } ,setEditable: function () { if (!this.node) return; if (this.editButton) { this.node.removeChild (this.editButton); this.editButton = null; } if (this._editable) { var button = this.createElement ('button'); button.addEventListener ('click', this._onEditClick.bind (this)); button.title = _('UpdateImage'); this.node.appendChild (button); var icon = new Htk.Icon ({icon: 'add-photo'}); button.appendChild (icon.node); this.editButton = button; } } ,_makeSrc: function (subdir) { var src = Vn.Config['image_dir'] +'/'; if (this._directory) src += this._directory +'/'; if (subdir) src += subdir +'/'; src += this._value; if (this._stamp) src += '?'+ this._stamp; return src; } ,_refreshSrc: function () { if (!this.node) return; if (this._value) { this._error = false; this.img.src = this._makeSrc (this._subdir); } else if (this.img.src != '') this.img.src = ''; } ,_putFieldValue: function () { this._refreshSrc (); } ,_onImageError: function () { this._error = true; } ,_onClick: function (event) { if (event.defaultPrevented || !this._fullDir || !this._value || this._error) return; (new Htk.FullImage ()).show (this._makeSrc (this._fullDir)); event.preventDefault (); } ,_onEditClick: function (event) { event.preventDefault (); var editor = new Htk.ImageEditor ({conn: this.conn}); editor.setData (this.value, this._directory); editor.on ('name-changed', this._onNameChange, this); editor.on ('file-uploaded', this._onFileUpload, this); editor.on ('closed', this._onEditorClose, this); this.popup = new Htk.Popup ({ modal: true, child: editor }); this.popup.show (this.node); } ,_onNameChange: function (editor, value) { this.value = value; } ,_onFileUpload: function (cell, editor) { this._stamp = new Date ().getTime (); this._refreshSrc (cell); this.popup.hide (); } ,_onEditorClose: function (editor) { editor.disconnectByInstance (this); } });