var VnObject = require ('./object'); var scopeUid = 0; module.exports = new Class ({ Extends: VnObject ,initialize: function (builder, objects, signalData, parentScope, lot) { this.builder = builder; this.objects = objects; this.signalData = signalData; this.parentScope = parentScope; this.uid = ++scopeUid; this.lot = lot; if (!signalData && parentScope) this.signalData = parentScope.signalData; this.parent (); } ,init: function (extraObjects) { var contextMap = this.builder._contextMap; var objectMap = this.parentScope ? Object.create (this.parentScope.$) : {}; this.$ = objectMap; for (var id in extraObjects) objectMap[id] = extraObjects[id]; for (var id in contextMap) objectMap[id] = this.objects[contextMap[id]]; } ,getMain: function () { return this.builder.getMain (this); } /** * Fetchs a set of elements by it's tag name. * * @param {String} tagName The object tag name * @return {Array[Object]} The list of objects or an empty array */ ,getByTagName: function (tagName) { return this.builder.getByTagName (this, tagName); } /** * Links all scope objects and connects it's events. */ ,link: function () { (this); } /** * Replaces all ocurrences of {{value}} by it's corresponding value in the * scope lot. */ ,interpolate: function (string) { var self = this; function replaceFunc (token) { var key = token.substr (2, token.length - 4); var value = self.getLotValue (key); return value ? value : ''; } return string.replace (/{{[\w_]+}}/g, replaceFunc); } ,getLotValue: function (key) { var value = this.lot.$[key]; if (value === undefined && this.parentScope) return this.parentScope.getLotValue (key); return value; } ,getMethod: function (value, binded) { if (this.signalData) { var method = this.signalData[value]; if (method && binded) method = method.bind (this.signalData); } else var method = window[value]; if (method === undefined) this.builder._showError ('Function \'%s\' not found', value); return method; } ,getHtmlId: function (nodeId) { return 'vn-'+ this.uid +'-'+ nodeId; } ,_destroy: function () { var objects = this.objects; for (var i = objects.length; i--;) if (objects[i] instanceof VnObject) { objects[i].unref (); objects[i].disconnectByInstance (this.builder.signalData); } this.parent (); } });