module.exports = new Class
	Extends: Vn.Object

	,initialize: function (moduleInfo, gui)
	{ = moduleInfo;
		this.gui = gui;
		this.conn = gui.conn;
		this.parent (null);

	 * Gets an object from the builder associated to this report.
	 * @param {string} objectId The object identifier
	 * @return {Object} The object, or %null if not found
	,$: function (objectId)
		if (this.builderResult)
			return this.builderResult.getById (objectId);
		return null;

	,open: function (batch)
		this.batch = batch;
		this.createWindow ();
	,print: function ()
		this.window.print ();

	,includeCss: function (path)
		var basePath = location.protocol +'//'+;
		basePath += location.port ? ':'+ location.port : '';
		basePath += location.pathname.substring (0,
			location.pathname.lastIndexOf ('/'));
		var link = this.doc.createElement ('link');
		link.rel = 'stylesheet';
		link.type = 'text/css';
		link.href = basePath +'/'+ path + Vn.getVersion ();
		var head = this.doc.getElementsByTagName ('head')[0];
		head.appendChild (link);

	,createWindow: function ()
		var reportWindow = (
			'js/hedera/report.html', '_blank',
			'height=650, width=950, resizable=yes, fullscreen=no,'+
			'titlebar=no, menubar=no, toolbar=no, location=no, scrollbars=yes'
		if (!reportWindow)
			Htk.Toast.showError (
				_('Please unlock popups and try again'));
			return false;
		reportWindow.addEventListener ('load', 
			this._onWindowLoad.bind (this));		
		this.window = reportWindow;
		return true;
	,_onWindowLoad: function ()
		this.doc = this.window.document

		this.includeCss ('reports/'+ +'/style.css');
		var printButton = this.doc.getElementById ('print');
		printButton.addEventListener ('click', this.print.bind (this));
		Vn.Node.setText (printButton, _('Print'));
		this.onWindowCreate ();
	,onWindowCreate: function ()
		var builder = new Vn.Builder ();
		builder.signalData = this;
		builder.add ('batch', this.batch);
		builder.add ('conn', this.conn);
		builder.loadXml ('reports/'+ +'/ui.xml');

		var res = this.builderResult = builder.load (); ();

		this.doc.body.appendChild (res.$('report'));