<?php use Vn\Lib; use Vn\Web\Security; use Vn\Lib\Type; class Query extends Vn\Web\JsonRequest { const PARAMS = ['sql']; const SECURITY = Security::INVOKER; function __construct($app) { parent::__construct($app); $this->utcTz = new DateTimeZone('UTC'); $dbConf = $app->getConf()['db']; if (isset($dbConf['tz'])) $this->tz = new DateTimeZone($dbConf['tz']); else $this->tz = $this->utcTz; } function run($db) { $results = []; try { $db->multiQuery($_REQUEST['sql']); do { $result = $db->storeResult(); if ($result !== FALSE) { $results[] = $this->transformResult($result); $result->free(); } else $results[] = TRUE; } while ($db->moreResults() && $db->nextResult()); // Checks for warnings if ($db->checkWarnings() &&($result = $db->query('SHOW WARNINGS'))) { $sql = 'SELECT `description`, @warn `code` FROM `message` WHERE `code` = @warn'; while ($row = $result->fetch_object()) { if ($row->Code == 1265 &&($warning = $db->getObject($sql))) trigger_error("{$warning->code}: {$warning->description}", E_USER_WARNING); else trigger_error("{$row->Code}: {$row->Message}", E_USER_WARNING); } } // Checks for errors $db->checkError(); } catch (Vn\Db\Exception $e) { if ($e->getCode() == 1644) { $dbMessage = $e->getMessage(); $sql = 'SELECT `description` FROM `message` WHERE `code` = #'; $message = $db->getValue($sql, [$dbMessage]); if ($message) throw new Lib\UserException($message, $dbMessage); } throw $e; } return $results; } /** * Transforms the database result into a JSON parseable object. **/ function transformResult($result) { $tableMap = []; $columns = $result->fetch_fields(); $resultMap = [ 'data' => [], 'columns' => [], 'tables' => [] ]; for ($i = 0; $i < $result->field_count; $i++) { $column = $columns[$i]; switch ($column->type) { case MYSQLI_TYPE_BIT: $type = Type::BOOLEAN; break; case MYSQLI_TYPE_TINY: case MYSQLI_TYPE_SHORT: case MYSQLI_TYPE_LONG: case MYSQLI_TYPE_LONGLONG: case MYSQLI_TYPE_INT24: case MYSQLI_TYPE_YEAR: $type = Type::INTEGER; break; case MYSQLI_TYPE_FLOAT: case MYSQLI_TYPE_DOUBLE: case MYSQLI_TYPE_DECIMAL: case MYSQLI_TYPE_NEWDECIMAL: $type = Type::DOUBLE; break; case MYSQLI_TYPE_DATE: $type = Type::DATE; break; case MYSQLI_TYPE_DATETIME: case MYSQLI_TYPE_TIMESTAMP: $type = Type::DATE_TIME; break; default; $type = Type::STRING; } if (!isset($tableMap[$column->table])) { $resultMap['tables'][] = [ 'name' => $column->table, 'orgname' => $column->orgtable, 'schema' => $column->db, 'pks' => [] ]; $tableIndex = count($resultMap['tables']) - 1; $tableMap[$column->table] = $tableIndex; } else $tableIndex = $tableMap[$column->table]; if ($column->flags & MYSQLI_PRI_KEY_FLAG) $resultMap['tables'][$tableIndex]['pks'][] = $i; $default = $this->castValue($column->def, $type); $resultMap['columns'][] = [ 'type' => $type, 'flags' => $column->flags, 'def' => $default, 'name' => $column->name, 'orgname' => $column->orgname, 'table' => $tableIndex ]; } $columns = $resultMap['columns']; while ($row = $result->fetch_row()) { for ($j = 0; $j < $result->field_count; $j++) $row[$j] = $this->castValue($row[$j], $columns[$j]['type']); $resultMap['data'][] = $row; } return $resultMap; } /** * Transforms the database value into a JSON parseable value. **/ function castValue($value, $type) { if ($value === '' && $type != Type::STRING) $value = NULL; if ($value !== NULL) switch ($type) { case Type::BOOLEAN: return (bool) $value; case Type::INTEGER: return (int) $value; case Type::DOUBLE: return (float) $value; case Type::DATE: case Type::DATE_TIME: $d = new DateTime($value, $this->tz); $d->setTimeZone($this->utcTz); return $d->format('Y-m-d\TH:i:s.v\Z'); break; } return $value; } }