Htk.ColumnSpin = new Class
	Extends: Htk.Column
	,Tag: 'htk-column-spin'
		 * The text to append to the number.
			type: String
			,value: null
		 * The number of decimal places to display.
		digits: {
			type: Number
			,value: 0
	,initialize: function (props)
		this._cssClass = 'cell-spin';
		this.parent (props);
	,renderHeader: function ()
		var th = this.parent ();
		th.className = 'cell-spin';
		return th;

	,render: function (tr)
		var td = this.parent (tr);
		var valueString = null;
		if (this.value !== null && this.value !== undefined)
			valueString = new Number (this.value).toFixed (this.digits);

		if (this.editable)
			var entry = document.createElement ('input');
			entry.type = 'text';
			entry.addEventListener ('change', this.inputChanged.bind (this, tr, entry));
			td.appendChild (entry);
			if (valueString)
				entry.value = valueString;
		else if (valueString)
			if (this.unit)
				valueString = valueString + this.unit;
			var text = document.createTextNode (valueString);
			td.appendChild (text);

		return td;
	,inputChanged: function (tr, entry)
		this.changed (tr, parseInt (entry.value));